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WASHINGTON  :  1962 

For  Hale  by  the  Superintendent  of  Documents.  U.  S.  Government  Printini  Office.  Wailiington  25.  D.  C.     -     Price  $6  (Buclu-«m) 



List  of  Patentees  (includes  Reissues) . 3 

Erratum 1004 

List  of  Design  Patentees 1 005 

List  of  Plant  Patentees 1045 

Classification  of  Patents 1047 

Classification  of  Designs ! 1117 

List  of  Patent,  Design,  Plant  Patent,  and  Reissue  Numbers  Appearing 

in  the  Official  Gazette  for  1961 1121 

List  of  Disclaimers  and  Dedications 112;i 

Decisions  Published  in  the  Official  Gazette  in  1961 1125 

Addenda ' ^  . .  -  1127 


Patents 48,422— No.  2,966,681  to  No.  3,015,102 »  inclusive. 

Reissues S.J 189— No.       24,918  to  No.       25,106    inclusive. 

Designs -. /  2,488— No.     189,516  to  No.     192,003^  inclusive. 

Plant  Patents 108— No.         2,009  to  No.         2,116    inclusive. 

■Indudea  M  Patents  witbdrann. 
•  Includes  1  Design  withdrawn. 


This  list  includes  reissue  patentees 

Arranged  in  accordance  with  the  first  significant  character  or  word  of 


Forcij:n  corpurati-  assijjnees  indexed  under  generic  words 
such  as  Firma,  Al<tien^'esellscllaft,  Societe  Anonyme,  etc..  may 
also  he  found  in  an  Addenda,  bi-ginning  on  page  1127.  ar- 
ranged according  to  the  first  significant  word  of  the  corporate 

the  name  (in  accordance  with  city  and  telephone  directory  practice). 

ACF  Industries.  Inc.  :  See — Continued 
Simpson,  Donald  D.     2, 974,817. 
Smith,  Kus.'^ell  F.     2,9t)9,746. 
Spentvr.  Richard  A.,  Jr..  and  Smith. 
Szczepauik,  John  A.     2,974,810. 
Szczepanik,  John  A.    2,989.771. 
Terleekv,  Boris.     2.969,752. 
Thorsou.  John  R.     2,999.693. 






A.  A.  Gage  Co.  :  Sce~ 

Michie,  Neil  H.     2,971,261. 
AB  A   Ekstroms  Maskinaffar  :  See — 

Jansson.  John.     3.006.190. 
AB  Armaturhautverk  :   See — 

Sandgren.  Axel  R.    3.005,558. 
AB  Byggforbattring  :  See — 

Svensson,  Sven-Erik  V.     2.984,898. 
ABDentatus:   See —  „  „„_  .^r-^ 

Kriksson.  Rolf,  and  Bjorklund.    3.00 <, 450 
AB   Interconsult :   See — 

Carlseu.  Helmuth  W.     3,000.530. 
A/B  Kabi :  See —  ^   ^ 

Melander,  Bengt  O..  and  Hanshoff 
AB.  Kemishka  Patenter  :   See — 

Nordengren,  Rolf  G.  J.     3.003.852. 
A.B.  Mikro-Vorktyg  :  .srr-   - 

Gustavsson,  Carl  (i.    2.990..')99. 
A  I?  Ten  I  a  :   Sri> 

Hansson.  Nils,  and  Wynne.    3.006.311. 
AB  RoBcnblads  Patenter  :  See- 

Nyqulst.  Horje  S.     2.996.423. 
AB  Svenska  Flaktfabriktn  :   Srr-  - 

Allander,  Claes.  Lunden.  and  Nilsson. 
Berg.  Bengt.     2.978.06:). 
A  &  C  Ennnoering  Co.  :  See — 

Ath.'tholt.  George  L.,  Sr.     2,971,765. 
ACF  Indu.stries.  Inc. :  See^ 

Anderson.  Clifford  E.,  and  Eckert.     3.006  601. 
Anderson.  Clifford  E.,  and  Gulick.     2,985,421. 
Anderson.  Clifford  E..  and  Gulick.     2.985,422. 
Anderson.  Clifford  E..  and  Gulick.    3,013.770. 
Armstrong.  James  F.     2,985.160.  „  „„„  „o« 

Armstrong,  James  F..  and  McConnell.     3  006,329 
Atchison.  Robert  A.,  and  Sowter.    3,012,338. 
Beinian.    Barncli.     2.99N.547. 
Brown.  Morris  C.  and  Spragle. 
Carlson,  Harold  A.     2.9<7.100. 
Carlson,  Harold  A.     2.977,101. 
Carlson,  Harold  A.     3.003.488. 

Carlson,    Harold   A.,   Eickmann, 

Carlson,  Harold  A..  Eickmann,  and  Smith. 
Carlson.  Harold  A.,  and  GVrst.    2.991.052.     „  ^„  „,  „ 
Carlson,  Harold  A.,  Highley.  and  Brown.     3.006.618 
Chlvllle,  John  W.     2.991.105. 
(Mar,  .Milton.     2.069.04.". 
Clar,  Milton.     2.978.791. 
Clements.  Clarence  J.,  Jr.     2,986,428. 
Cohen,  Charles  L..  and  Atchison.     3,002,292. 
Cohen.  Charles  L..  and  Luse.    3.006,198. 
Eberhardt.  Howard.     2,995,348. 
Eckert,  Ivouis  F..  Jr.     3.006.599. 
Eisenberg,  Robert  M.    2.995.831. 
Fuchs,  Martin  E..  and  Hertling. 
Gulick.  Ronald  A.    3.006,500. 
Havs.  James  E.     :?.004,709. 
Highley,  Wenford  E.     2,969,964. 
.Tohnson.  Eldon  A.    3.001.773. 
*      Johnson,  Eldon  A.     3,003.753. 
Johnson.  Eldon  A.,  and  Compton 
Jones.  Maldwyn  E.     2.986,381. 
Jones,  Maldwyn  E.     2.ns7..*?03. 

Joy.  Robert  W.    2.989.931.  oa,o^-o 

Kalert    Ralph  E..  Jr..  and  Szwargulskl.     3.013.7<9. 
Longenecker,  Ernst  A.,  and  Thorson.     3,000.542. 
Lvon,  I->1win.  III.    3.011. 1."^!. 
Mason.  Edward -M.    2,991,338. 
Natho,  Paul  J.    2.991, (H2. 
Niemever.  Edward  H.     2.968.075. 

Rapplean.  Eugene  L.     2,995,350.  „„-,„^., 

Rapplean.  Eugene  L.,  Highley,  and  Fuchs.     2.979.047. 
Read,  Iveland  B.     2,986,380. 
Read.  Leland  B.     3,013..'i76. 
Roberts.  Perry  M.     2.974,424. 
Roux   Arthur  I.-.,  and  Zub.     2.977,102. 
Schierhorst.  Albert  E.    3.007.001. 



Udstad,  Sigvald  F.     

Udstad,  Sigvald  F.     2,996,020. 
Wagner,  Robert  B..  and  Hays.    3,012 
White    Donald  K.J.     2.!H19..-)10. 
W^hite,  Hosea  D..  Jr..  and  McGinty. 
White,  Jack  M.    3,006,03.'). 
White,  Jack  .M.      3. 013. 777. 
White,  John  J.     3.009.711.  ^       .    . 

A. E.I. -John   Thompson   Nuclear   Energy   Co.   Ltd. 
Guiver,  Dennis  W..  and  Camac.    3,007.670. 
Pettinger.  IK>nald  S.     2,979.451. 
Roberts,  Henry.     2.977.085. 
A.G.M.  Industries  Ltd.  :   See — 
Goss,  Stuart  J.     2.996.840. 
A.I.F.E.L. — Apparecchiature  Industriali  Frigorlfere  e  Lattlere 
Socifta  ptT  .\y.i.ini  :   See — 

Richelli.    Federico,    and    Wiesner.      2,9(2,238. 
A.K.  Klectrlc  Corp.  :   Sec — 

.Glass.  Irving.     2,981.917. 
AMP  Inc.  :   Srr- 

Balsbaugh,  Jayson  C.     2.907,980. 
I'.roske.  William  F.     ;?.007,40!t. 
Broske.  William  F.,  and  Jaymx 

"  "        2.976,608. 

:{. 0(11.420. 


and   Smith. 






Busier.  Willard  L. 
Cootes,  Ht^rold  E. 
Demler,  Henry  W. 
Deinler,  Henry  W. 

Dreher.  Elmer  H _. ^ 

Evans.  William  R..  and  Stine.    2.992.570. 

Evans.  William  R.,  and  Stoltz.    2,968.202. 

Eyre.  Denzel  L..  and  Gluntz.     3,001,170. 

Folkenroth.  Earl  E..  and  Hardeman.    2,988,940. 

Fornev.  Edgar  W.    3.010.184. 

Forney,  Edgar  W.,  Jr.     3.010.1S3. 

Fox     liarrv    A.     Jr..   Kerr,   and   Zimmerman.     3,01. 

Freedom.  Thomas  C.     2.995,053 

HafTn.  Paul  T.     2.971. 1!'4. 

mhn.  Paul  T.     3.009,197 

Hammell,  Kemper  M.     2.973.499. 

Holtzapple.  Clvde  N.     :i009.503. 

Kllngler.  Martin  L.     2.972,867. 

Klingler,  Martin  L.     2,973.625. 

Mavitv.  William  H     3.008.11H  i  „««„..o« 

Redslob.  Jean  J.,  Van  Kuvk.  and  Zimmerman.    3,009.130. 

Scheller.  Wilfred  R.     2.9S0,88.S.  

Schwalm,  Glendon  H.,  and  Wagner.     3,002,408. 
Sitz.  Gilbert  C.     2.975.395. 
Sweenev.  Joseph  P.     2.995,731. 
Swengel,  Robert  C.    2.980,878. 



Swengel.  Robert  C. 
Swengel.  Rol)ert  C. 
Watts,  William  S. 
Woollev.  Harold  O. 

Yeiser,  Leon  K.     3,000,422. 
A-P-D  Co. :  See —  " 

Carlson.  George  E.    2,97.^>..^)98. 

Tisch,  Richard  E.     2.968..'')01. 

Tisch.  Richard  E.     2.983  533.       ^.    ,  .  „      .       „    « 
APE    Applicazione  Process!  Elettiv>chimicl  S.p..'\.  :  See — 

Maluta,  Aulo.  and  Casale.     2,977.213. 
A.R..\.  Mfg.  Co.  :  See — 

Brandimarte.  Alfred  P.     2.995.906.        ^  ^,  ^  ^  ^  , 
A.R.B.E.D..    Acieries     Reunles    de    Burbach-Eich-Dudelange. 
Societe  .\nonynie:   See- 

Metz.  PaulL.     2.98.S.443.       „„_„,„^ 

Metz.  IViul  L..  and  Nepper.    2.9(8.189. 
A.R  F.  Products  :  See —  „  ^„„  ^„ 

Hupert.  Julius  J.,  and  Przedpelski.    2.993.090. 
A.R.F.  Products,  Inc.:  See—  ^  .^  .  .  j  o     u  •.■ 

Maciszewskl,  Arthur  H.,  Hupert,  Goldstein,  and  Szubskl. 
r>  973  491. 

Macisze'wski.  .\rfhur  H..  Hupert.  Goldstein,  and  Rzubakl. 
2  970  494. 

Xaber  Joseph  S.,  and  Maciszewskl.     3,001,066. 

Pakan.  John  J.    2.978.702. 

Przedpelski.  Andrzej  B.     3.008.095. 

Rlddlford.  Milton  S..  Pakan,  and  Naber.     3.010,065. 

A  R.  &  T.  Electronics,  Inc.  :  See — 
Reld.  John  D.    2,096,580. 


A/S  Ardal  OG  Sunndal  Verk  :   8e'r— 

Jorgens*-n.  Rolf.     3.014.1 1'J. 
ASCO  Automatic  SpecialUes  Corp.  Bee —    , 

Seward.  Edwin  K.,  and  Gainer.     2,982,359. 

Seward,  Kdwjn  K.,  and  (Jainer.     :i,9sy,.iJG. 
A/S  Grorud  Jernvarefabrik  :  See — 

Strandenjfen.  PHnar.     2.999,268. 
"A.V.B.."  Achat,  Ventes.  RepresenUtions,  Societe  Anonyme : 

MarcellB.  Jules  J.     3.002.582. 

A  4  W  Root  Beer  Co.  :   See — 

McDonald.  Frederick  W.     3,003,326. 

Aagaard.  Berntiard  M.  Metho<l  and  apparatus  for  the  grad- 
ing of  coffee  beans.     2.980.255,  4-liy-61.  CI.  209 — 427. 

Aaeaard.  Leif,  to  National  Lead  Co.  Process  for  producing 
titanium   carbide.      ;{,0()4.8y2,    U>-17-fil.   CI.    23— 20H. 

Aaland,  Kria.  R.  W.  Kuenning.  and  K.  K.  Harmon,  to  United 
Seatea  of  America,  Atomic  Knergy  Commiasion.  Method 
and  apparatus  for  pulsing  a  charged  particle  beam.  2,982,- 
917.  &-2-61.  CI.  328—229. 

Aamodt.  Thoralf.  to  liell  Telephone  Laboratories.  Inc.  Meth- 
od of  forming  a  plug  of  high  melting  point  pla.stic  bonded 
to  a  low  melting  point  plastic.  2,'J>»9,7S4.  6-l.'7-01.  CI. 

Aarlabt,  Carl  J.  Convertible  attachment  plugs.  2,989,719, 
6-20-61.  a.  339—31. 

Aaron,  Charles  :  See — 

Rook-strom,  Leonard,  and  Aaron.     2,985,398. 

Aaron,  Charles,  to  Cameron  Machine  Co.  Apparatus  for  con- 
trolling tension  in  a  running  web.  2,9<4,893.  3-14-01. 
CI.  242—75.43. 

Aaron.  Charles,  to  Cameron  Machine  Co.  Apj)aratu8  for 
counteracting  tension  Tariations  localized  toward  either 
side  ..f  a  running  web.     2.974. 8M.  .3-14-61,  CI.  242 — 75.43. 

Aaron.  Charles,  and  L.  Rockstrom,  to  Cameron  Machine  Co. 
Apparatus  for  controlling  the  tension  in  a  running  web. 
2.983.463,  5-9-61.  01.  242 — 7.').43. 

Aasen,  Marvin  D.,  and  J.  D.  Albright,  to  United  States  of 
America,  Navy.  Prop*)rtlonal  automatic  frequency  contrt)l 
circuit.    2.991.42«.  7-1-61.  CI.  331 — 1. 

Laskov,  Helmer.  Alr-fllled  sandals.  2.9S1.010  4-25-61,  n. 
3^; — 11.5 

Abadjleff.  Ivan  V.  Gauge  devlce^for  drills.  2,975,525,  3-21- 
61    CI.  3.1 — 185. 

Ahndjleff,  Ivan  V.,  to  Leland-Gifford  Co.  Making  collets. 
2.978.250.  4-4-61.  CI.  270 — 18. 

Abba.  Charles  G.  :  Set- 

.Munger.    Charles  ('...   Gelfer.   and    Ahpn.     2.p9H?.2^. 

Abbate,  Frank  A.  Device  for  calculating  fire  department  hy- 
draulics.    2.970.758.  2-7-61,  CI.  23.>— 87. 

Abbe,  Carl  H.,  and  G.  A.  Ooetz.  Jr.,  to  Chas.  Pfizer  &  Co.. 
Inc.  Fee<ling  and  pick-off  arrangement  for  tablet-form- 
ing machine.     2.969,753,  1-31-61.  CI.  107 — 1. 

Abbe  Kngiheering  Co.  :  See — 

Beach.  E^lward  j;    3,006,614. 

.\bbenante,  Antbonv.  Tape  cutter  having  means  to  adjust 
ttie  length  of  the  tape  fed  between  cuts.  3,004,457,  10-17- 
<;i,  CI.  S.'{— 24.-> 

Abbenante.  Anthonr.  Machine  for  turning  and  spreading 
over-lock  stitched  garments.  3,004,504,  10-17-61,  CI. 
112— 20.'{ 

Abberley,  John  C,  and  G.  W.  Beech,  to  Slmmonds  Aeroces- 
flories  Ltd.  Cutting  and  abrading  tools.  2,984,270,  5-16- 
61.  CI.  144 — 134. 

.Vbljev  l-:rna  .Machine  Co.  :   Sre — 

Mtkiewlcz.  Stanley"  L.    3,001,680. 
Sanner.  Vervl  H.,  and  Ruple.     2.9TO.203. 

.\bbey,  Harold  G.  Mechanisms  for  individual  carrier  selec- 
tion of  processing  cycle  In  conveyor  systems.  2,975,882, 
.0-21-61.  CI.  198—19. 

.\bbey,  Harold  G.  Electrical  power  connectors  and  braking 
devices  for  free-wheeled  carriers  in  conveyor  systems. 
2,'979.181.  4-11-61.  a.  198 — 19.  , 

.\bhey;.  Harold  G.  Electric  hydraulic  control  system  for  l^np 
frog  conveyors.     2.9R7.201.  6-6-61.  CI    214 — 80 

Abbey.  John  C.  and  R.  A.  Btiseth.  to  Aeroquip  Corp.  Self 
sealing  pipe  coupling.     2.983,526.   5-^61,  CI.  28-1—18. 

Abblnk-Spalnk.  Peter  F.  :  See— 

Asp<U-n.  Harold.  Abhink-Spalnk.  and  Willis.     3.000.107. 

Abbott.  Andrew  D.,  to  California  Research  Corp.  Lubricat- 
ing oil  composition.     2.977,305,  .3-28-61,  Cl.  252 — 32.7. 

Abbott.  Andrew  D..  to  Oallfomla  Research  Corp.  Lubricant 
composition.     2,977,306.  3-28-61.  C\.  252—32.7. 

Abbott.  Andrew  D.,  to  California  Research  Corp.  Labricat 
Ing  oil  composition.     2,977,307,  3-28-61,   ~    ~ 

Abbott.  Andrew  D.,  to  California  Research 
ated-c^rbonated  phenates  In  lubricating 
fV-2(>-61,  CT.  2.52 — 12.7. 

Abbott.  Austin  C.  Jr..  and  M.  G.  Brodlp.  to*^he  Sherwin- 
Williams  Co.  System  of  substrate  finlst>4ne  with  polyester 
coatings.     2.903.807.   7-2.%-61,  Cl.   117—72^ 

Abbott.  Corliss  W.,  and  H.  I.  Freeman,  to  The  Sherwin- 
Williams  Co.  Composition  comprising  polyester,  protective 
colloid  and  clay  and  paper  coated  therewith.  2*975,147. 
3-14-61.  CT.  260—7.5.  i 

Abbott.  r>anlel  R.  :  See — 

Brlnkel.  Edwin  P..  and  Abbott     3.011,519. 
Fenn.  Richard  L..  and  Abbott.     2,977.304. 

Abbott.  Elbert  V.  Portable  time  recording  device.  2,973.999, 
3-7-«l.  CT.  34ft— 82. 

.\bbott.  Frank  R..  to  United  States  of  Arterlca.  Navy.  Har- 
monic wave  beam  stt^rlng  system.  3.002,1  S8.  9-26-61.  Cl. 
34.T — 100 

Cl.  "252—32.7. 
Cqrp.     Orvalkvl- 
8.      2,989.466, 

.\bbott,  George  F.,  Jr.,   to  Bell  Telephone  Laboratories,  Inc. 
Supervisory  .system   for  an  electronic  counter.     2,996,248, 
»-15-61.  Cl.  235 — 153. 
Abbott.  George  !■".,  Jr.,  and  E.  E.  Sumner,  to  Bell  Telephone 
Laboratories.    Inc.       Bistable    trigger    circuit.      2, 98 <, 628, 
6-<;-Gl.   Cl.   307—88.5. 
Abbott,  Harold  W.,  and  L.  D.  Wechsler,  to  General  Electric 
Co. «    Semiconductor    circuits    utilizing    a    storage    diode. 
2,976,429,  3-21-61.  Cl.  307 — 88.5. 
•Vbbott,  Harold  \V.,  and  L.  D.   Wechsler.  to  General  Mectric 
Co.       Semiconductor    circuits.       2,981,881.     4-25-61,     Cl. 
330 — 10. 
.\bbott,  Harold  W.,  and  L.  D.  Wechsler.  to  General  Electric 
Co.      Semiconductor    diode    amplifier.      2,997,059.    822-61, 
Cl.  330—34. 
.Vbbott.  Henry  H..  to  Bell  Telephone  Laboratories,  Inc.    Tele- 
phone conference  circuit.     2,975,237^3-14-Gl.  Cl.  179 — 99. 
.\bbott.  Henry  H.,  to  Bell  Telephone  LjttKjratories,  Inc.     Selec- 
tive signaling  device.     3.012.226.  12-5-61,  Cl.  340 — 164. 
Abbott.   Henry  H..  R.  O.   Rippere,  L.  D.   Schmidt,  and  R.  D. 
Williams,  to  Bell  Telephone  Laboratories,  Inc.     Telephone 
system  switching  control.     2.981,804,  4-25-61,  Cl.  179 — 27. 
Abbott.  Hcnier  G.  :  Hee — 

Meyer,  Lawrence  F.     2,067.057. 
Abbott.  Horace  P.,  to  Lever  Bros.  Co.     Carton  board  adhesion 

tester.    2.979,944,  4-18-61,  Cl.  73 — 150. 
Abbott  Labiiratories  :  See —  > 

Clark,  Robert  K..  Jr.    2.967.129. 
Close,  Warren  J.     3,000.938. 
Frelfelder.  Morris,  and  Stone.     3,014.966. 
Grasty.  William  P.     2,981,405. 
Grasty.  William  P..  and  Dewey.     2,985,045. 
Horrom.  Bruce  W.     2,987,544. 
Horrom.  Bruce  W.     3,012.074. 
NItz.  Robert  J.,  and  Bujan.    3.007,472. 
Oliver,   Thomas  J..  Prokop.  Sinclair.   Warren,  and  Win- 
field.      2.972.569. 
Philip,  Julian  E  .  and  Schenck.    2.000.320. 
Philip.  Julian   E..  and  Schenck.     3,006,813. 
Schmidt,  John  L.     2,995,480.  ;   ' 

Schmidt,  John  L.     2,995,491. 

L.,     Perdue,     Lambert,     and     Miller. 

Schmidt,      John 

Sommers,  Armiger  H. 
Sommers,  Armiger  H. 
Soniiiiers.  .\rnilger  H. 
Stanko,  George  L.     3,006,814 
Weston,  Arthur  W,    2.0.S0  672 
Zaugg,  Harold  E.     2,983,757. 
Zaugg.  Harold  E.     2.999.091. 
Zaugg.     Harold 

2.071. 024. 
Zaucir.  Harold  E.,  and  De  Xet. 
Zaugg,  Harold  E.,  and  Michaels. 

2  092  222 

"  996.507. 

E..     Garven.     Gelszler,     and     Hamlin 

2,971 .955. 

E.,    Weston.    Frelfelder.    and    Michaels. 

Zaugg.    Harold 


Abbott.  Leon  M.  :  See — 

Looml^.  Martin,  and  Abbott     2.994.894. 

Loom  is.  Martin,  and  Abbott.    3,006,008. 
Abbott  Marlon  E.  :  See — 

Morris.  Kenneth  R.    2.990.531. 
Abbott,    Robert    H.;    Jr.,    to    Texaco    Inc. 

and  workover  fluid.     3.000,818,  9-1^-61, 
Abbott,   Roy   w.,   to  General  Electric  Co 

Well    completion 
a.  252—8.35. 
Manufacture  of 

heat  exchange  structures.    2,983,300,  5-9-61,  Cl,  153 — 2. 
Abbott,  Terence  A.  :  See — 

Clachan,  Margaret  L.,  McPherson,  Tatcbell,  and  Abbott. 
Abbott.    Thomas    I.,    J.    H.    Shepler,    and    H.    C.    Yutzy,    to 

Enstman    Kodak    Co.       Pressure    image    transfer    process. 

3.012.885,   12-12-61,  Cl.  06 — 20 
Abbott  William  B.,  and  W.  A.  Milanese.  Jr.,  to  Mergenthaler 

Linotype  Co.     Typographical  <u>mposIng  machines.     2,997,- 

l.'.O.  ^22-61,  Cl.  199—26.         T 
Abbott,  William  P..  and  A.  Hertiberg,  to  W.  J.  Voif  Rubber 

Co.    Flag  football  device.    2,986,396,  5-30-61,  Cl.  273 — 55. 
Abbott     Wilton     R^.    .to     North     American     Aviation.     Inc. 

Random  pulse  synchronizer.     2.992,411,  7-11-61.  Cl.  340 — 

Abbott.  Wilton  R.,  to  North  American  Aviation,  Inc.    Counter 

output  circuit.     2.994.075,  7-2.5-61.  Cl,  340— .^47. 
Abdoo.  .Mfred  H.    Drum-type  print  dryers.     3.002.290,  10-3- 

61.  Cl.  .34—123. 
Abeck.    Wllhelm,    A.    Ossenbrunner.    H.    Klockgether.   and   J. 

Gelger,     to     .\gfa     Aktiengesellschaft.       Magnetic     record 

carriers.      2.001.108.  7-4-61.   CI.   117 — 138.8. 
Abel.  Albert  W.     Stretcher.     2.972,755.  2-28-61.  Cl.  5 — 82. 
Abel,  Donald.     Spherical  computers.     3,002,679.  10-3-61,  Cl. 


Abel,  Finn  R.,  to  Allied  Tractor  Equipment  Co.     Bulldoeer. 

2.973.592.  3-7-61.  Cl.  37—144. 
A»»el.  George  J..  J.  A.  Herr,  and  O.  B.  Held,  to  The  Singer 

Mfg.  Co.     Automatic  sewing  machines.    2.985.122,  5-2.3-61. 

CI.IIJ— 2. 

Abel.  Irving.     Tie  rack.     2.985.311,  5-23-61,  Cl.  211-^86. 
Abel.  Martin  L..  to  Tann  Corp.    Two-step  pulley.    2,995,044, 

8-8-61,  Cl.  74—230.3. 
Abel.  Vernon  T..  to  C.   R.  Daniels.  Inc.     Folding  leg  as.sem- 

hly    for   airplanes   and    other   usage,      2.991.8.30,    7-11-61, 

CT.  287—14. 

Abel,  Walter  L.,  C.  C.  Bell,  and  V.  H.  Meyer,  to  United  Shoe 
Machinery  Corp.  Depth  control  apparatus  for  torpedoes. 
2,982,243.  5-2-Cl.  CI.  114—25. 


Aboil,  Donald  E. :  See— 

Hawkins,  David  M.,  and  Abell.    2,989,674. 
Sinprillo.  Orlando  U.,  and  AbelL     2,989.684. 

Abell.  Dwight  R..  to  BoelnK  Airplane  Co.  Angular  position 
transducer.     3,007,337.  11-7-61,  CI.  73—134. 

Abelow,  Herbert :  See — 

Moore,  Samuel  N.,  Abelow,  and  Moore.     2,977.911. 

Abelson,  Maurice,  to  Crossly  Window  Corp.-  Automatic  vent 
locking  means.     2,967,334.  1-10-61.  CI.  20 — 42. 

Abelson,  Pbllip  H.  Separation  of  Isotopes  by  thermal  diffu- 
sion.    2,968,403,  l-ir-61,  CI.  210—72. 

Abendroth,  Hans-Joachlm,  and  G.  Henrlch,  to  Farbenfabriken 
Bayer  Aktlengesellschaft.  Process  for  the  production  of 
hydrazine  hydrate.     2,993,758,  7-25-<)l.  CI.  23—190. 

Abercrombie,  Boiling  A.  :  -See —  ^  „^^  ,  ^„ 

Taylor,  Joseph  W.,  Abercrombie,  and  Scott.     2,995,146. 

Aberegg,  David  C..  to  Surface  Chemical  Development  Corp. 
Aqueous  suspensions  of  colloidal  graphite  and  their  prepa- 
ration.   2,978,428.  4-4-61,  CI.  260— 29.6. 

Aberegg,  David  C,  to  Surface  Chemical  Development  Corp.. 
Mold  coating.      ^.988.4.->4,  B-l.-i-ei,  CI.   10(5—38.22. 

Aberer,  Frank  E.,  to  J.  C.  Hockery,  trustee  for  H,  J,  and 
P.  L.  Talge.  Wall  type  power-operated  can  opener. 
2,994,953,  8-8-61,  CI.  30 — 4. 

Aberer,  Frank  E.,  and  H.  J.  Talge;  said  Aberer,  assor.  to 
said  Talge.  Reversible  appliance  mounting.  2,976,004, 
3-21-61.  CI.  248—289.  ^     ^       ^  „  ^        .    ..  ,  . 

Aberle.  Hans,  to  Industrlewerk  Schaeffler  O.H.G.  Antl-frlc- 
tion  bearings.     2.987.351.  6-0-61.  CI.   30P— 207. 

Abler.  Robert  A..  F.  L.  Becker,  and  D.  G.  Clifford,  to  Var^ 
Associates.  Dust  free  work  bench  apparatus.  2,999,448, 
9-12-61.  CI.  98— 36.  „     .        ».     ,         o. 

Ablow.  Clarence  M-.  and  G.  Brlgham  to  Boeing  Airplane  Co. 
Analog    programming    system.       2,980,330,    4-18-61,    CI. 

AbmarJohn  S..  L.  J.  Mason,  and  D.  R.  Rice,  to_Battelle 
Memorial  Institute.     Optophone.     3.00»,2u9,    ll-«-01,  CI. 

Aboiins,   Andrew,  to   Strlck  Trailers  of  Philadelphia.  Pa.,  a 
•  division    of    Fruehauf    Trailer    Co.      Horizontal    container 

coupler.     2.972,175.  2-21-61,  CI.  24—221 
Aboiins,  Andrew,  to  Strlck  Trailers  of  Philadelphia.  Pa.,  a 
division  of  Fruehauf  Trailer  Co.    Spacer  pad  for  containers. 
2.975,933,  3-21-61,  CI.  220 — 69.  ^       ^      . 

Aboiins,  Andrew,  to  Strick  Trailers,  a  division  of  Fruehauf 
Trailers  Co.  Folding  king  pin.  2,981,555.  4-25-61.  CI. 
280 — 433.  -  ,^     ..      - 

Aboiins,  Andrew,  to  Strlck  Trailers,  a  division  of  Fruehauf 
Trailer  Co.     Retractable  landing  gear.    2.990.194.  6-27-«l, 
CI.   280—150.5. 
Abour»'zk.  William  :  See — 

Zadoff.  Solomon,  and  Abourezk.    3.008,125. 
Abplanalp.   Robert  H..  and  J.  R.  Focht.  to  Precision  Valve 
Corp.     Combined  valve  stem  and  operating  button  for  pres- 
Ruro  packed  materials.     2,98!i.251.  6-20-61.  CI.  239—468. 
Abplnnalp.   Robert   H..   and  J.   R.   Focht.   to  Precision  Valve 
Corn.    Valve  buttons  for  pressurized  dispensers  and  dies  for 
making  the  same.     3,008.654,  11-14-61,  CI.  239 — 468. 
Abrading  Svstems  Co. :  See — 

Boettcher.  Stephen  A.,  and  Page.     2.968.135. 
Abraham.  Bernard  M..  and  H.  E.  Flotow.  to  United  States  of 
America,  Atomic  Energy  Commission.     Fuel  for  neutronU: 
reactors  and   process  of  making.     2,982,708.   6-2-61,  CI; 

OQ.J 193  2 

Abraham,  David,  and  J.  F.  Bellantonl,  to  Sperrv  Rand  Corp. 
Transistor  triggered  multistabie  circuit.  2,991,375,  7-4- 
61.  CI.  307— 88.5. 
Abraham.  Frank  J.,  J.  R.  Anderson,  and  R.  W.  Teel,  to  Boe- 
ing Airplane  Co.  Acceleration  rate  control  for  gag  tur- 
bines. 2.968.151.  1-17-61.  CI.  60— 39.28.  ,  ^  ^  ,_ 
Abraham.  (Jeorge.     Solid  state  device  and  method  of  making 

same.     Rp.  2^.087.  11-21-61.  CI.  317—234. 
Abraham.  George.     Solid  state  device  and  method  of  making 
same.    2,974.262,  3-7-61.  Cl.  317— 234.  ^^      ^, 

Abraham,    iohn  A.     Diaper   holder.      2.986.789.  .6-0-61.    CI. 

Abraham,  John  J.,  to  The  Foxbpro  Co.     Movement  or  power 
transmission  mechanisms.      3.012.448.   12-12-61.   Cl.-  74 — 
Abraham,  Thomas  E..   to  United   States  of  America,   Navy. 
Aircraft  in-flight  refueling  apparatus.    3,008,674,  11-14-61, 

P]    244 135. 

Abrahams.  William  H.,  Jr..  and  O.  W.  Taylor.    Control  tower 

simulator.    2,991,563.  7-11-61,  Cl.  35—12. 
Abrahamsen,  Johan  E.    Nailing  machine  and  magazines  there- 
for.     2.994.878.  8-1-01.  Cl.   1 — 16 
Abrahamson.   Edmund.     Tubular  electric  resistors  and  rheo- 
stats.    2.971.175.  2-7-fil,  Cl.  3.38 — 270. 
Abrahamson.  Ernest  P.,  II  :  See —  ; 

Grant,  Nicholas  J.,  and  Abrahamson.     3,008.854.'. 
Abramltis.  Walter  W.,  and  E.  A.  Tehle,  Jr..  to  Armour  &  Co. 
of  Delaware.     Method  of  combating  plant-attacking  fungus. 
2.980.578.  4-18-61.  Cl.  167 — 22. 
Abramo,  John  G..  and  R.  H.  Relnhard,  to  Monsanto  Chemical 
Co.    Copolvmers  of  fluorinated  ethers.    2,975,161,  3-14-61, 
a.  260— 8o.5. 
Abrams,  Bernard  W.,  to  Clevite  Corp.    Depth  control  arrange- 
ment for  torpedo.     2.997,972.  8-29-61.  Cl.  114 — 25. 
Abrams.    Bernard    W.,    to    Clevite    Corp.      Exercise    torpedo. 

.S.004.507.  10-17-01,  Cl.  114—20. 
Abrams.    Edward    F.,    and    A.    Silver,    to   The   Garrett   Corp. 
Motion     transmitting     device.       2.981,515.     4-25-61.     Cl. 
Abrams.  Herbert  ('.     Control  cylinder.     3,010,435,  11-28-61, 
Cl.   121—38. 

Abrams.    Ralph,   to   Cambridge   Thermionic  Corp       Pressure 

mounted  lug.     2.972.730,   2-21-61.   Cl.   339— 221 
Abrams,  Ralph,  to  Cambridge  Thermionic  Corp.    Lead  through 

insulator.     3,005,039,  10-17-61,  Cl.  174—152, 
Abrams,  Sidney  H. :  See —  _ 

Berchtold,  Max.  and  Abrams.    3.012.. 08. 
Abresch.  Carel  F..  and  B.  L.  Mercer,  to  General  Motors  Corp. 

Spray  device.     2.973,907.  3-7-61.  CI.  239—261. 
Abs.  Alfred  J.,  and  O.  Suter.  to  Technical  Oil  Tool  Corp.   Ltd. 

Drilling  rate  recorder.     3.009,355.  11-21-^1.  Cl.  73-— 151.5. 
Absalom.    James    G..    to    The    Marquardt   Corp.      Fluid    flow 

regulator.      2,990.847,   7-4-61.    Cl.    137 — 189. 
Abt,  Clifford  F.  :  See — 

Miner,  Richard  Y..  and  Abt.    3.007  63o. 
Miner.    Hichar.l   Y.,  riiffor<i,  and    Kvans.      2.069.184 
Abt.  Clifford  F.,  T.  J.  Carr.  R.  Y.  Miner,  and  A.  Spltalny. 

to  American  Bosch  Arma  Corp.     Target  range  and  bearing 

computer     with     fire     conditions     correction     apparatus. 

2,983,442,  5-9-61,  Cl.  235— 61.5.  „oc--q-     R«_iii 

Abysaih.    Louis   G.      Telephone   bracket.     2.98 «. 080,    tf-0-<ii, 

Cl.   179—146.  .  ..        .,   * 

Abzug,  Malcolm  J.,   to  Sperry  Rand  Corp.     Automatic  pilot 

for  aircraft.     2.979.289.  4-11-61,  Cl.  244—77. 
Acara,  Nancy  A.  :  See —  ^„^.  .,. 

Breck,  Donald.  W.,  and  Acara.     2.991.151. 
Breck,  Donald  W.,  and  Acara.     2,995,423. 
Breck,  Donald  W.,  and  Acara.     3.Ull,h69. 
Accles  &  Pollock  Ltd. :  See^- 

Laban,  William  H.     2.983.168. 
Laban,  William  H.     2.983,169. 
Laban,  William  H.     2,983,171. 
Accumulatoren-Fabrik  Aktienge*ll8chaft :  See— 

Borchers,  Heinz,  Evers,  and  (iumprecht.     2.993.«8;i. 
Borchers,  Heinz,  Evers,  and  GumprecfcL     3,008,853. 
Evers,  Dietrich,  (iumprecht,  and  Uasche.     3.011.00,. 
Gumprecht,  Herbert^  and  Weisseibertg.     3.014,975. 
Hae"bler,  Herbert.     31996,563. 
Peters,  Frelmut.    Re.  24,989. 
■-     ■  2.9n».41.S. 


Peters.  Freimut. 
Peters,  Frelmut. 
Peters,  Frelmut. 
Peters,  Freimut. 

Sodlng.  Fritz.     2,997,516. 
Accurate  Bushing  Co. :  See — 

Gales,  Richard  J.     2.977,163. 

Powers,  Vincent  J.     3,004,808. 
Accurate  Partitions.  Inc.  :  iiTf —  

Kotermanski.  Mitcliell.  and  Rutledge.     2.997,735. 
Accurate  Tools  (Saunders)  Ltd.:  See — 

Saunders.  Albert.     3,000,247. 
Ace  Electronics  Associates,  Inc. :  See — 

Berni,  Louis  W.     2,999,996. 

Lyon.  William  W.     2,971,174. 
Ace  Engineering  Co.  :  See — 

Smith,  Gus  T.     2,977,780. 

Smith,  Gus  T.    2.977,781. 
Ace  Glass  Inc. :  See — 

De  Woody,  Charles  M.,  and  Pearce.     2,979,594. 

Acevedo;    Eusebio 

273 — 67. 
Achells.  Johann  D. : 
Stach,     Kurt, 

Achells,  Johann  D., 
Voemel,   to  C.   F. 

F.      Game   device.      2,987,317,   0-6-61,   Cl. 

See — 

Kroneberg,     and     Kurbjuwelt. 

E.   Ilaack.   R.   Gall.   R.  Ileerdt.  and   W, 

Boehringer  de  Soehne.     1 -phenyl -3-meth- 

oxy  •    hydroxy;    or    benzyloxy-a-sulfanilamido    pyiazole-1.2 

and    derivatives    thereof.      2.988,547,    6-13-61.    Cl.    260— 


Achenbach.  John  C.  :  See — 

Murakami,   Tomomi,   and  Achenbach.     2,99<,5<9. 

Acheson  Industries,  Inc. :  See — -  

Dawe,  Harold  J.,  and  Youse.    2,976,257. 
Achllich,  John  H.,  to  United  States  of  America    Navy.     In. 
strument  lighting  device.    2.980,056,  4-18-61.  Cl.  116--129. 
Achilles.    Gunter.    to   R.    Flrma    Stock   &.   Co..    Splralbohrer-. 
Werkzeug-    und    Maschlnenfabrlk    Aktlengesellschaft.      Ad- 
justment apparatus  for  dre.sslng  tool  support.     2,970.588, 
2-7-01.  Cl.  125— 11. 
Achor,   William  E.,   and  E.   C.   Booth,  to  Thompson  Ramo 
Wooldridge  Inc.     Gathering  apparatus  and  method.    2,974,- 
213.  3-7-61,  Cl.  219—7.5. 
AcHorn,  Frank  P. :  Sec —  „  „„,  „^,  .^ 

McKnight,  Davis.  Achorn,  and  Meline.     3,00o,697.  ^" 

Achorn,  Glenwood   B.,  Jr.,  E.   R.  Bokeseh,   E.  R.  Danper. 
-     -      ■  ■     '      ~  .        .      ,     «     ,,     .,     :^L      .      Kav\> 

Smith,  A.  RawKoii, 
the  cultivatioif  of 
4-25-61.  Cl.    195— 

W.    Lobherz,   J.    L    Schwab,   J.    R.    E. 
and    S.    N.    Metcalfe.      Apparatus    for 
fastidious  microorganisms.     2,981,060. 
Achterberg.  Arthur  C. :  See —  „«.„.„„.» 

Lucker,  Millard  B.,  and  Achterberg.     2,997,292. 

Achtmeyer,  George  B. :  See —  

Potter,  Francis.  M..  and  Achtmeyer.     2.998.937. 

Aciego.    Alfonso.      Torch    lighter.      2,986,208,    5-30-61,    Cl. 

Acker,  Donald  S.,  to  E.  I.  du  Pont  de  Nemours  and  Co.     6.8- 

(mpthvlenedioxv»-2,4-octadienoic  acid  and  its  alkyl  esters. 

2,992,:534,  7-11^1,  Cl.  260—340.7. 

Acker  Drill  Co.,  Inc. :  See —  ' 

Lynch.  Eugene  J.,  and  Davenhall.     3,008,529. 

Acker,  Walter  L.,  and  L.  H.  Curkin  to  I'nlted  Aircraft  Corp. 
Etching  bath  for  titanium  and  its  alloys  and  process  of 
etching.    2,9»1,609.  4-25-01,  Cl,  41—42. 


Ackerman,  Arthur.  Apparatas  for  cleanine  the  ends  of 
abraaive  bands  to  eoable  formation  of  abrasive  belts  there- 
from.    J,l»y5,.>57:i,  8-15-«l.  CI.  51 — 8. 

Aclcerniau,  Arilftir.  .Manufacture  of  abrasive  belts  and  coated 
fabrics  therefor.     a,Ul3.>»70.  12-1»-61,  CI.  31 — 295. 

Ack»rrman.  Kugene  L.  Accessory  pad  for  steering  wheels  of 
automobiles.    3.011.802,  12-5-61,  CI.  281—13. 

Ackerman,  Stanley  C,  to  <ieueral  Electric  Co.  Filamt>nt 
joint  for  electric  lamps  or  similar  devices.  2,U8",ti43. 
6-6-61,  CI.   .113 — 271. 

'Ackerman,  Sumnerj  to  Instrument  Development  Laboratories, 
Inc.     Accelerometer.     2,974,531,  3-14-61,  CI.  73 — 516. 

Ackermann.  Edward  L...  to  Lnlted  .States  of  America.  Army. 
Kemovable  wire  connector.    .2,986.787.  6-6-61,  CI.  24 — 28. 

Ackermann,  Franz  :  See — 

Sit^rist,  .\dolf  E.,  and  Ackermann.     2,995,603. 

Ackermann.  Franz,  and  A.  E.  Siegrist,  to  Ciba  Ltd.  Process 
for  the  <>ptic:il  brightening  of  materials  of  polyacrylonltrile 
or  polyvinyl  chloride.     2,977,319,  3-28-61    CI.  252—301.2. 

Ackermann.  Vranz.  and  A.  E.  .SieRrlst,  to  Ciba  Ltd.  Proc- 
ess for  the  opticafi  briehtening  of  polyacryli>nitrlIe  fibers. 
.•J. 005,779,    10-24-«l.   CI.   2.'>2— .301.2. 

Ackley.  Charles  E..  and  J.  B.  Kane,  to  B.  W.  Hartnett  Co. 
Method  of  printing  waxed-  pellets,  and  printing  ink. 
2,9s2.2.'?4.  5-2-61.  CI.  107 — 54. 

Acklev.  Edward  .M.,  and  E.  J.  I'feifTer.  Extensible  dolly. 
2.9t  1,768.  2-14-61.  CI.  280 — 35. 

Ackley.  Edjrard  M.,  and  E.  .1.  Pfelffer.  Collapsible  container. 
.{.009.625.  11-21-Gl    Cl.  229 — 41. 

Ackley.  John  W..  to  Deere  &  Co.  Nozzle  construction  with 
screen  support.     2,973.905.  3-7-61,  Cl.  239 — 123. 

Ackley.  John  W..  to  Deei'e  &  Co.  Liquid  fertilizer  attach- 
ment.   2,995.251.  8-8-Bl.  Cl.  210—172, 

Ackley,  John  W.,  to  I>eere  A.  Co.  Liquid  fertilizer  attachment. 
3.003,775.  10-iO-«l,  Cl.  280 — 5. 

Ackley.  Richard  H.,  to  <ienpral  Electric  Co.  Gas  turbine  flow 
control  aransemsnt.     2.993.496,  7-2.%-€l,  Cl.  137 — 34.^ 

Acklln,    JoMikMI    C.       Attachment    device    for    converting    a 
biimpor    lift    jack    to    a    hoist.      3.01J.755.    12-^12-61.    Cl. 
•234 — 1. 

Acloqtie.  Paul  H..  to  Compagnie  de  St.  Gobaln.  Apn.aratus 
for  the  optical  determination'  of  stresses.  2,995,060, 
8-*-61.  Cl.  88—14. 

.Acme  i::ill  Hearing  &  .Mfff.  Co.  :  See  ~  ^ 
Cogger.llow.ini.    :'.  010.771. 

Acme  Electric  Corp. :  See — 

-Moyer.  Elyio  E  .  and  Klein.    3.005,142. 

Acme-Flamllton  Mfg.  Corp..  The  :  aee        . 
Kahn.  .Marvin  >r.     2,968,32*: 
•Acme  Iliifbwav  Products  Corp.  :  \8ee — 
Crone.  Alfred  F.     2.979,207.1 

Acme  Industrial  Co. :  See —         V 

Bracken.  Warner  T.     2.968.199.         i 
Statkus.  George  M.     2.974.642. 

Acme  Industries.  Inc.:  See —  I    ,.- 

Smith.  Lewis  R.,  Ambrose,  and  Ha$senplug.     2.977.103. 

Acme  MncMinecy  Co.  :   See — ■ 

.McMillan.>  T.     3.005.44;?. 

Acme  Metal  Molding  Co. :  See — 

Du  Shane.  Itay  N.,  Jr.     3,002,777. 

Acme  Precision  Products.  Inc. :  See — 

Hoffman.  Rob«>rt  K.,  and  Calvert.     2.987.278. 

Acme  Protection  Equipment  Co. :  See — 
(;iidd.n.  Gal-n  H.     2.982.291. 

Acme  Protection  F^iulpment  Corp.  :  See- 
Rodenhouse.  Ix)UlVi  N.     2.993.364.     • 

Acme  Scientific  Co. :  See — 
Riedl.  Max  J.    3.007.230. 

Acme  Steel  Co. :  See — 

Allfree.  David.     2.977,872.        ^ 

Falck*-Pedersen,  KJell  A.     2,9H5,376'. 

Feldkjunp,  John  O..  Burt,  and  Hager.    3,003,296. 

Fullerton.  Thomas  J.     3.0(4.526. 

Schlmkus.  Kuct  E.     2.973,308.  i 

Schimkns.  Ki*t  K.     3.(K>7.M|S.  | 

Scott.  .VndreTf  C     Fawcett.   and  Potter.      3.014,494 

SImlcb.  EmiUMoodv.  and  Wognum.    2.984.285. 

Swingle.  Boy  E.     3,004,746.  1 

Wilson.  Allen  B.     2.969.7.54.  ' 

WiNon.    .\'l.-n    B.      J  !»'.'S.  l.?!'. 

Wilson    Allen  B.     2.9O0.569. 

Winkler.  Alvin  L.     2.983.098. 

Wognum.  ^ames  X..  .Moo<ly.  and  Siiplch.     3.006.401. 

Acme  Visible  Records.  Inc.  ySee — 

R«»rd.  Donald  L..  and  Lovd.    2.975,537. 

Tom.s.  Llovd  M.     3.018.833.  , 

Acme  Wire  Co.,  The  :  See —  I 

Ben-son,  Norman  E.     2.977. .^62.         '    ' 
Benson.  Norman  E.    3.007.080.  ' 

Acomb..  Byr'on  H.,  to  Union  Qarblde  Corp.  Automatic 
changeover  manifold.     2.968.16271-17-61,  Cl.  62—50. 

Acomh,  Byron.  H..  to  Tnlon  Carbide  Corp.  Pinch  valves. 
2.986.100.  .3-30-61,  Cl.  137— .305.22. 

Acomb.    Byron    H..    to    I'nion   Carbide    Corp.      Preheat   Hame 

control.     3.010.468.   11-28-61.  Cl.   13T— 114. 
Acorn  Engineering  Co.  :   See —  , 

Morris.  Earl  L..  and  Curtice.    3.012.250. 
Acosta.  Gabriel  I.,  and  G.  .Vcosta  C.     Thtep  dimensional  greet- 
ing card.     2.9H4.9.20.  ,3-2.V61.  Cl/>40— 124.1. 
Acosta  C.  Gonzalo  :  See—  \ 

Acosta.  Gabriel  I.,  and  Acosta  C.  j  2.984,920., 




Acoustica  Associates,  Inc. :  See —  f 

Damast,  Martin  A.     3,013,256. 
Leonhardt,  Charles  G.    2,994,332. 
Leonhardt.  Charles  G.,  and  Baldwin.     3.007,478. 
Kenny,  Morris.    2.990,482. 
Bod,  Robert  L.    2,989,965. 
Rod,  BobertL.    2,990,543. 
Bod.  Robert  L.,  and  Church.     2.998.535. 
Smith,  Preston  W.,  Jr.,  and  Junger.     2,998,723, 
Acra  Electric  Corp. :  See — 

Browne,  Donald  \V.    2.976.387. 
Acres,  Richard  L.,  to  W.  F.  Curlee.     Method  of  mounting  a 

captive  fastener.     2,987,811.  6-13-61.  Cl.  29 — 437. 
Acrometal  I'roducts,  Inc. :  See — 

Bieber,  Frederick  J.,   and   Stelnback.     2,996,265. 
Harris,  Edward  H.    2,996,321. 
Acrow  (Engineers)  Ltd.:  See — 

Voight,  Douglas  A.     2,996,160. 
Acro-Welder  Mfg.  Co. :  See — 

Stolz.  Desmond,  and  Letsche.     2,996.603. 
Stolz.  Desmoyd,  and  Letsche.    3.011,043. 
Acterman,  Joseph!  S. :  See — 

Freebalm,  DJrwIn  L.,  Jr..  and  .Vcterman.     2.978.913. 
ActlengesellschaftNjSP.  Jacob  Bieter  &  Cle  :  See — 
Graf,  Felix.     2,984,062. 
l^ttion.  Andr6.     3.0O7.210. 
Wilrmli,  Arthur.     3.006.034. 
Actis.  Paul.    Device  for  bonding  soles  to  footwear.    2,985,901, 

5-30-61,  Cl.  12—38. 
Acton.  Daniel  D.,   to  Anchor  Hocking  Glass  Corp.      Method 
and    means   for   foDmlng   and    inserting    gasket    blanks   in 
closures.     2.999,531    9-12-61,  Cl.  154 — 15. 
Acton,  Daniel  D.,   to  Unchor  Hocking  Glass  Corp.     Closure 

cap.    3,006,493,  lO-Sl-61,  Cl.  213 — 44. 
.\cton.   John   B.,    to   Ericsson   Telephones   Ltd.      Stepping  or 

counting  device.      2,996,622,   8-15-61,    Cl.    2.30 — 208. 
Acton  Laboratories  Inc.  :  See — 

Forrest,  John  W.     2,082,824. 
Acton.    Russel    D.      Stroke    controls    for    hydraulic    systems. 

2.970.r.35.  2-7-61.  Cl.  172—316. 
Actuation  Research  Corp.  :  See — 

KaswJin,  Siegfried.     2.974,921. 
Adacusky,  Joseph  W,,  to  Brock  &  Co.,  Inc.     Box  closing  ma- 
chine.   2.991,610,  7-11-61,  Cl.  53—376. 
Ad-A-Day  Co.,  Inc. :  See-^- 

Crosa,  Carroll  N.,  and  Hayhow.     3,013,359.     '     , 
Hayhow.  Cyril  D.     2.992..500.  i^ 

Adair,  Frank  M..  and  G.  E.  Hoenig.  to  Western  Electric  Co., 
Inc.      Combined!    safety    and    material    handling    device. 
2.990,578.  7-4-61,  Q.  18—30. 
Ada  jr.  George  :  See — 

Crine,  George  L.,  Sr..  and  Adair.    2.998.738. 
Adair.  Harrv  E..  %  to  R.  C   .Vdair.  and  ^^  to  R.  H.  Adair.  Jr. 
Sunken  object  marker  and  retriever.     3,007.437,   11-7-61, 
a.  116—124. 
Adair.  Paul  F..  to  Jet  Ignition  Co.,  Inc.     Instrument.    3.004,- 

530.  10-17-61,  Cl.  123 — 119. 
Adair,  Richard  H..  Jr. :  Sre— 

Adair,  Harry  E.    3,007.437. 
Adair.   Robert  V.,  and  O.  F.   Bauer,   ta  The  Gleason  Works. 
Method  and   apparatus  fur  quench   hardening.     3,007,823, 
11-7-61.  Cl.   148 — 131. 
.\dair.  Russell  C. :  See — 

Adair.  Harry  E.    3.007.437. 
Adair.  Samuel  E..  and  E.  A.  Fox.  to  General  Motors  Corp. 

Gear  mechanism.     3.010.336.  11-28-61.  Cl.  74 — 394. 
Adam.      Eugene     C.       Emergency     vehicle     alarm     device. 

2.994.765,  8-1-61,  Cl.  2.^0—2. 
Adam.  Folger :  See — 

Young.  Charles  F.     3.009.5*5. 
Adam.  Frank,  Electric  Co.  :  See — 
Ellegood,  Pruett  W.     2.997,627. 
Hercules,  Lester  A.     2.988  612. 
I^ewis.  Harold  A.     2.992.401. 
Adam.  Grace  J.     Means  for  the  partial  restriction  of  the  arms 
of  children  suffering  from   infantile  eczema  and  the  like. 
3,008,466,  11-14-61,  Cl.  128 — 133. 
Adam,  Karl,  to  Badlsche  Anilin-  &  Soda-Fabrik  Aktiengesell- 
schaft.     Production  of  xylene  diamines.     3,009,957,  11-21- 
61.  Cl.  260—570.9. 
Adamek,  Ediiard  G. :  See — 

Gaver.  Kenneth  M.,  and  Adamek.     3,014,921. 
Adams,  Albert :  See — 

Cnark,  Howard  P.,  and  Adams.     2,968.525. 
Adams.  Albert,  and  W.  B.  Dancy,  to  International  Minerals  ft 
Chemical   Corp.     Benefldation  of  potash   ores.     2.984.348, 
5-16-61.  Cl.  209—12. 

Adams,  .\lbert.  and  W.  B.  Dancy,  to  International  Minerals  & 

Chemical  Corp.      Beneflciation  of  potash  ores.     3.008,655, 

11-14-61,  Cl.  241—20. 
Adams.  Albert  H.  :  See — 

Ginaven.  Marvin  E.,  and  Adams.     2.975,096. 
•Vdnms.   .Mden   R..  to  American'  Viscose  Corp.     Cross-linking 

fibers  with  dlisocyanates  in  dlmethylsulfoxlde.     3.007,763. 

11-7-61.  Cl.   8 — 116.2. 

Adams.  Alfred  B..  and  T.  T.  Sadoskl.  to  W.  B.  Grace  A  Co. 
Coatings  for  masonry  building  units.  2.995,534,  8-8-61, 
Cl.  260—23. 

Adams.  Andrew  O.  :  See — 

Schuessler,  JohA  C,  and  Adams.     2,975,341. 
Adams,  Archie  D.  :  S4re — 

Warner,  Paul  F.i  and  Adams.     3.004.071. 



Adams,  Denjamin  F.,  Jr. :  See — 

Moler.  George  L..  and  Adams.     2,991.537. 

Adams.  CaiupbelT  V..  to  Vulcan  Iron  Works  Inc.  Pile  driv- 
ing liaMHiHT.     3.013,541.  12-19-61,  CI.  123—7.' 

Adams,  Cecil  E.,  to  American  Brake  Shoe  Co.  Power  oper- 
ated brake  operating  apparatus.  2,998,869.  9-5-61.  CI. 
188—152.  .   ./      J     , 

Adams.  Cecil  E.     Fluid  pressure  energy  translating  device. 

3.012T)11.   12-12-61.  CI.   103 — 42.  ^,        ^     , 

.  Adams.  Cecil  S..  to  Adams.  Inc.     Drop-wire  latching  device. 

3,008.285.  11-14-61.  CI.  57 — 81.  .,.   . 

Adams.  Charles  C.  and  W.  K.  Gillett.  Method  of  sterilizing 
surgical  gut  with  liquid  ethylene  oxide.  2.9«i,182, 
3-28-61.  CI.  8—94.11.  ^     ^. 

Adams,  Charles  J.,  to  General  Electric  Co.  Motor-protecting 
relay.     2.976.463.  3-21-61.  CI.  317—41.  ,  ^     , 

Adams.  Charles  J.,  to  (General  Electric  Co.  Electric  control 
unit.     2.99i».222.  9-5-61,  CI.  339—186. 

Adams,  Charles  K. :  See —  „  „„.  „„„ 

Armstrong.  Warren  E.,  Voge.  and  Adams.     2,991.322. 
Vope,  Her^ey  H.    2,991,321. 

Adams,  Clark  E. :  See —  ^         ■    ,        „„«„,,^o 

Eberly,  Paul  E.,  Jr.,  Adams,  and  Klmberlin.     2,996,'442. 

Adams.  Clark  E..  and  C.  N.  Kiraberlln.  Jr.,  to  Esso  Research 
and  Engineering  Co.  Hydrocracking  catalyst  and  process 
for  hydrocracking  shale  oils.  2,980,604,  4-18-61,  CI. 
208—111.  .  ,- 

Adams.  Clark  E.  L.  M.  Addison,  and  W.  M.  .smith,  to  Esso 
Research  and  Engineering  Co.  Process  for  revivifying  con- 
taminated cracking  catalysts.    2,981,676.  4-2o-61.  CI.  208— 

Adams,  Daniel  M..  to  General  Motors  Corp.  Windshield  wiper 
blade.     3.009,185,  11-21-61,  CI.  15—250.33.  .  „.  ,  , 

Adams,  Dennis  A.  W.,  and  A.  K.  Sarkar,  to  Hlckson  &  W  «'lcli 
Ltd.  Pyrazolo  and  Indazolo  triazolyl  stilbene  dlsulfonlc 
acids.    2,989,527,  6-20-61.  O.  260—240.  i 

Adams,  Dolor  N. :  See — 

Bradford,  John  B.,  and  Adams.    2,971,461. 

Adams,  Doyle :  See — 

Odell.  Albert  S.    2.981,313.  ^   '     . 

Adams,  Edmond,  and  W.  M.  Hubbard.  Magnetic  tape  re 
corder  heads.     2.992,474,  7-18-61.  CI.  29— 182..5 

Adams.  Edmond^and  W.  M.  Hubbard,  to  United  States  of 
America,  NavV.  Sintered  magnetic  alloy  and  methods  of 
production.     2.988.806,  6-20-61,  CI.  29— 182..'j.         . 

Adams.  Elmer  L.,  and  R.  C.,Gasmire,  to  Owens-Illinois  Glass 
Co.  Guiding  means  for  plastic  tuWng.  2,998.621,  9-5-61, 
n.  18—5. 

Adams  Engineering  Co. :  See —  ^ 

Brldgpwater.  Thomas  E.     3,000.579.  ^„„^„,« 

Adams.  Ernest  C.  Safety  release  electrical  plug.  2.986,4  19, 
.V-.30-61.  CI.  339 — *5.  ,  ^. 

Adams,  Ernest  C,  Jr.,  to  Miles  lyaboratories.  Inc.     Diagnostic 

composition.    2,982,700.  5-2-61,  CI.  195—103.5  . 
Adams.  C.  Jr..  and  J.  A.  Peterson,  to  Miles  Labora- 
tories,   Inc.      Specific    test    composition   for   occult   blood. 
3.012,976.   12-12-61.  CI.   252 — 408. 

Adams,  Eugene  V.  :  See — 

Pagano,  Joseph  F..  and  Adams.     2,986,497. 
.\danvs.  Francis  v..  to  International  Business  MacMnes  Corp. 
Compacted  word  storage  system.     2,968,792,  1-17-61,  CI. 

Adams     Francis   V..    and   W.   L.    Swanton.    to   International 

Business    Machines   Corp.      Data   storage  system.      2,992,- 

413.  7-11-01.  CI.  340—172.5. 
Adnnis.  Frank  E.     Double  hung  window 

CI.  20 — 52.3. 
Adams.    Fred     to    General     Motors    Corp.      Vehicle 

2.099.567,  9-12-61.  CI.  188 — 181. 
Adams.  Fred  A.     Semi-conductor  control  circuit  for  tuyere 

puncher.     2.970,230.  1-31-61.  01.  307—112. 

Adams,  Freilerlc  H.  :  See — 

Hardv,  William  B..  and  Adams.     3.004.038. 
Lecher.  Hans  Z.,  and  Adams.     2,977,329. 

Adams,  George  F.  ,ind  W.  C 
814.  3-7-61.  CI.  166-228. 

the  benefit  of 
Machine  for 
0-13-61.    CI. 

137 — 495. 


.3,011.224,  12-.5-61. 

Well  screen  assembly.     2,973. 

Air  drill  stem 

Til  table   deep 
.  CI.  2(>2— 26. 
Printed  plastic 



Adams.  George  L.,  to  The   .Salem  Tool  Co. 

2,9<i7,724,  1-10-01,  CI.  285—330. 
Adams.    (Jeorge    L..    to   The'  S.-ilem    Tool    Co. 

mining  auger  machine.     2.979..320.  4-ll-<>l 
Adams.  George  M..  to  Union  Carbide  Corp. 

films.     2,974,057.  3-7-61.  CI.  117—12. 
Adams.    (Jeorge    P..    to    Western    Electric    C 

coiling,  cutting-and  stripping  apparatus.     2,981,129. 

61.  <^1.  81— 9..".1. 
Adams.   George  R..  and   T.  R.  rieary.  to  Sperry  Rand  Corp. 

D<>?ument  sensing  method  Jind  system   utilizing  infra-red 

stimulated  phosphors.    3.012.067.  12-12-61^C1.  209—111.5. 
Adams.  Gerald  J.,   to  A.   Alford.     Omnidirectional  vertically 

polarlned  antenna.     2.973.515.  2-28-61.  CI.  343—770. 
Adams.  Gilbert  T..  to  Dover  Corp.     Door  clutch  mechanism. 

2,974,751,  3-14-61,  CI.  187—52. 
Adams.    Gilb.'ft    T..    to    Dover    Corp.       Power    operator    for 

elevator  doors  and  the  like.  2.998,245,  8-2»-fll.  CI.  268—5:'.. 
Adams.    Harold    E..    to   Nash    Engineering   Co.      Compressor. 

3.006.533.  10-31-61.  CI.  2.30 — 79. 
'  Adams,    Harold    K.      Scribing   or   engraving    instrument    for 

map    making.      2,981.002.    4-25-^1.    CI.    33—32. 
Adams.  Inc.  :   See-- 

Adams.  Cecil  S.     3,008,285. 
Bailey.  F.lton  B.    3.010.273. 

Adams   Irving  and  A.  G.  Wolff,  to  United  States  of  America. 

Army      Method  of  producing  electroluminescent  aluminum 

nitride.     2,997.446,  8-22-61.  CI.  252— 301L4.  rn,^„,«., 

Adams,  Jack  J.,  and  G.  L.  Gunderman,  to  The  ?^^,  Chemical 

Co       Process  for    applying   finishing   overlays    to   panels. 

3,006,799,  10-31-61,  CI.  156—283. 
Adams,  Joe  T. :  ««• — 

Guest,  Howard  R..  and  Adams.    2,972^599. 
Guest.   Howard  R.,  Adams,  and  Klff.     2.970-»°^q« -,„ 
Guest,    Howard    R..   Aiiams.   And    ^|*?f*'Hryv,  "t^P^'i  i^* 
Adams.  John  P.     Ratchet.'  2,987,931.  6-13-01.  CI.  .4—143. 
.Vdams,  John  R. :  See—-        •     .   .  .  _  „oo  n-^ 

Clifford,  Thomas  W..  and  Adams.     2.988,9(4.  ■ 

Adams.  Joseph  B..  J.  C.  Bresee,  L.  M.  Ferris,  and  C.  IX  Scott, 

to   Inited  States  of  America,  Atomic  Energy  Commission. 

Continuous    process    for    preparing    uranium    hexafluoride 

from  uranium  tetrafluoride  and  oxygen.     3,009,4  68.  ll-.<!i- 

01.  CI.  23—14.5. 
Adams,  Julius,  to  W.  Rogers,  as  assignee  for 

creditors    of    Presto    Brick    Machine    C°IS- 

manufacturlng   building    blocks.      2.987,  (9;>, 

Adarn^,  Karl.     Valve..  3.007,487.  11-7-61.  CI 
Adams.  Leo  G. :  See — -  ...  a 

Shannon.   Richard  F.,   Matuszak.  Adams,  and 
2.979.469.  "  \ 

Adams.  Leon  M. :  See —  X 

Wadsworth,  Francis  T..  and  Adams.     2.997.371. 
Adams.  Leon  ^i..  to  Standard  Oil  Co.     Melting  point  appa- 
ratus.   3.008.325.  11-14-61.  CI.  73—17.  »,   „  „, 
Adams    Loyd   W.,   to  Phillips  Petroleum  Co.      Suspension  of 
sulfur  in  aqua   ammonia   and  method  and   apparatus  for 
producing  same.     3,006,755.  10-31-61,  CI.  71—01. 
Adams,   Loyd  W..  to  Phillips  Petroleum  Co.     Production  of 
aqua    ammonia    and    ammonium    phosphate.      .J.uus.aui 

Adams  Loyd  W^.^iind  R.'  K.  Simms,  to  Phillips  Petroleum  Co, 
Recovery  of  ammonia  from  aqua  ammonia.  z,\)ti,ivi, 
•100 Ri    PI    '>3_ 193 

Adams,  MadisoS  B.,  to  Winfrey  Bros.,  Inc.  Hoist  attach- 
ment for  fork  lift  trucks.  3,007,592.  11-7-bl.  CI.  -14— 

Adams-MUlis  Corp. :  See —  ^ 

Getaz.  James  L.    Re.  24.9  41.    , 

Adams. -Milton  R. :  See —  „  ^,.-'    o,. 

KogjTS,  Fran<is  U..  and  Adams.    3.00(.4Sti. 

Adams.    Monte    E.      Cultivating    and    weeding 
3,000,451.  9-19-61,  CI.  172—372. 

Adams.    Monte    E.      Cultivating    and    weeding 
3.000,452,  9-19-61,  CI.  172—372. 

Adams,  Myron  D. :  See—  .  

Vernam    Gilbert   S.,   Adams,   Chojnowski,   Blanton, 

Jansson.     3.006,986.  „  „„„  00.,'    ,,^  ->  «t     r-i 

Adams.  Parks  M.     Surface  grinder.     3.002,32?,  10-3-61,  CI. 

5A— 102. 
Adams,  Phillip  :_Sce —  ^  vi7„.„„     ini.ifin7 

Beinfest,  Sidnev.  Adams.  Halpem.  and  Weiss.    .3.014, »07. 
Beinfest.  Sidnev.  Adams,  and  Marshik.     2.996^41. 
Adams.  Pierrepont.     Magnetic  recording  compositMhi  and  de- 
vice.     2.970.069.    1-31-61,   CI.    117—132  ' 
Adams.  Quandt   -M.,   to  The   B.    F.   (Joodrich   <"<>.      Stab    ized 

carbosylic  monomers.      2.078.501.' 4-1-61,  CI.  260— ..J«.. 
Adams,   Ralph  C.   to  Pfaudler  Permutit,  Inc.     Underdralns. 
3.004.668.  10-17-61.  CI.  210— 29.3  •  K.>H„a 

Adams.     Ralph     H.v.  to     Apasco     Corp.       Hospital     booties. 

Adams^R'ch.aVd"E.'^'Ba?-    2!&.314.  4-18-61.  C!.  229-65. 
Adams,  Richard  F.,  to  Olin  Mathleson  Chemical  Coro^    Fabri- 
cation of  hollow  articles.    2,982,013.  5-2-61.  CI.  29—157.3. 
Adaiifs  Rile  Mfg.  Co.  :  Sec — 

Eads,  Charles  L.    2.989,859. 
Eads.  Charles  . I.     3.011,3.30.  , 

Eads,  Cliarles  L.     3.011,817. 
Adams,    Robert    P..    and    W.    J.    Popowsky,    to    Minneapolis 
Honeywell  Regulator  Co.    Measuring  apparatus.    2,987 ,t>»-. 
6-6-61,  CI.  332—31. 

Adams.  Robert  T.  :  See  — 

Sichak.  William,  and  Adaijis.     2.909.205. 
\dams    Robert  T..  to  International  Telephone  and  Telegraph 
Corn      Combining  svstem  for  diversity  communication  sys- 
tems.,  3-14-<;i,  CI.  250—20. 
Adams,  Robert  t..  and  J.  B.  Harvey,  to  International  Tele- 
phone .n](\  Telegraph^Corp^    Maximum  slope  pulse  detector 


hand    toola 


2,975.307.  3-14-(51.  CI.  328—114. 

A<lams  Robert  T..  and  B.  M.  Mindes.  to  International  Tele- 
phone and  Telegraph  Corp.  Radio  diversity  receiving 
system.     2.979.013,  4-11-61,  C\.  250—20. 

Adams,  Robert  T.t  and  J.  B.  Harvey,  to  International  Tele- 
i.hone  and  Telegraph  Corp.  Apparatus  to  measure  unbal- 
ance In    gyroscopes.      2,995,934,   8-15-61,   C\.   73 — 462. 

Adam's,  Robert  T..  B.  M.  Mindes.  and  Z.  G.  Lyon,  to  Inter- 
national Telephone  and  Telegraph  Corn.  Post-detection 
diversity  combining  system.  3.013.151.  12-12-01.  CI.  250— 
20.  .  '  ' 

Adams,  Rov  D.  System  for  picking  np  readings  of  the  dial 
wli.'els  of  a  mechanical  counter.  2.989.230,  0-20-61,  O. 

Adams,  Roy  M. :  See—  .    .  ,  „  „„„  „„„ 

McElroy,  Albert  D..  and   .\dara8.     2.992.266. 
Pearson,  RIcliar.l   K..   Benz.  and  Adams.     3.014,025. 
.\dams,  Rov  M.,  and  R.  K.  Pearson,  to  Callery  Chemical  Co. 
I'reparation  of  djborane.     2,908,531,  1-17-01,  C\.  23—201. 



Adams,  Rndolpb  A. :  See —  „„„.^ 

Haloskl,  Krank,  and  Adams.    2,9»3.24«. 
Heuer.  6iaples  A.,  and  Adams.    2,991.643. 
Adams,    Sjmp«<>n   J.      Control    system    for    textile   machines. 
2.971  .320,  2-14-61,  CI.  r.7— 81.  „  „  ,    t.      oaio-oo 

Adams.  Thomas  O..  to  E.  W.  Bliss  Co.     Roll  feed.    3,013,. 08, 

l**- 19-»>1    CI    226—1.^6 
Adams, 'Virkil  K.     Photoprint  jlrkr. .   2,994.134.  8-1-Cl.  CI. 

34 — wr..  ^ 

Adams,  Warren  C. :  See —  <_.   _     ^  ^„  „.  ^ 
Adams,  George  F..  and  W.  C.    2,973,814. 
Adams.    Wayne    W.,    ami    B.    M.    Hendricks;    said   Hendricks 
assor      to    T     GarrUon\      Automatic    hay    baler    trailer. 
3.O10..")93.   11-2H-61.  Cl.^14— 519. 
Adama.  William  D. :  See — 

.Null,  Fay  K.,  and  Adams.    2,999.177.  „   ^.     ^ 

Adamsheck.  James  H.,  and  R.  J.  Rowley,  to  Collins  Radio  Co. 

Turret  as.sembly.     3,005.115,  10-17-61,  CI.  307—156. 
Adamxky.  Helen  J. :  See —  ■ 

Adamnkv.  .Mkolay  W.     2.970.643.  1  ^„.^    . 

Adamsky.  .Nikolay  W..  25%  to  H.  J.  Adathsky.  and  2.>%  to 
V.  Adamsky.  Window  shade.  2.970,643.  2-7-61.  CI. 
160 — 21.  I 

Adamiiky.  Valeria  :  See — 

Adnmskv.  Nikolay  W.     2.970.643. 
Adamson,  Colin,  and  J.  L.  Dineley.  to  The  English  Electric 
Co.  Ltd.    Protection  of  electrical  power  circuits.   2,977,510, 
3-28-61,Cl.  317—36.  „.      .      ..  ^. 

Adamson.  Floyd  E.,  and  H.  J.  Blchsel,  to  ^estlnghouse  Elec- 
tric  Corp.     Arc-welding  apparatus.     3,013.144.    12-12-61. 

PI    219 131  " 

Adamson.  Percy,  and  J.  S.  Stewari  to  Babcock  &  Wilcox  Ltd. 

Srud  welflini?  machine  for  aerof«l  section  studs.   3,014.120. 

12-19-61.  n.  219—103.  1 

Adany.  Leon,  to  Sodete  Anonymeldlte  :  Nobel-Bozel.     Prepa- 

*    radon  of  grafted  polymer  compksltlons.     2.984.608,  5-16- 

61,  CI.  204— l.M.  i 

Addamiano.  .4rrigo.  to  General  Elefctric  C©.     Preparation  of 

metal  phosphides.     3.008,,805.  11-^-61,  CI.  23—204. 
Ad<ti.'<.  Ch.irlfs  E.,  to  Itulpitt  and  S.nfs  Ltd.     Locating  devict 
for  articles  in  a  container.     3.001.639.  9-26-61.  Ct.  206— 
46^  A 

Addis.  Wendell  A.,  to  .Millers  Falls  Co.     Power  operated  belt 

sanding  machine.     2.991.o95.   7-11-61.   CI.   51 — 170. 
Addison.  Lesli*'  M.  :   See — 

Adams.  Clark  E..  Addison,  and  Smith.     2.981.676. 
Addresftograph-Multigraph  Corp. :  See- 
Beat  ty.  Paul  J.     2.982.390. 
Bohnert,  Jackson  L.     3.004.194. 
Cheeseman.  Leslie  H..  and  LInganl.    2.999.686 
Colver.  IMwin  C,  and  Brown.    2,999.577. 
Deiitsch.  Kritz  A.    1l.mnriv7, 
Freedson,  Joseph.     2.973.853." 
Maul.  John  A.     2,982.205. 

Oranskv,    Raymond   L..  and   Romlg.     3.006.274. 
Rndd,  Charles  F..  and  Brisbin.     2.969.727. 
Adel.    Alf    F..    to    Admiral    Corp.      Sonic   sender.      2.979.022. 

4-11-61.  ri.  116—1.37. 
Adelaar.  Hans  H.,  and  .T.  L.  Masnre,  to  International  Stand- 
ard  Electric  Corp.     Triggered  thvratron  pulse  distributor 
with  standby  tube.     2,997.«26.  8-22-61.  CI.  315 — 84.5. 
.\delb<>n:.   Edwanl   A.,  and  I>.    W.   Weiss.     Animal  enclosure 

2.9S*<044.    6-1.3-61,   CI.    119— i5jj 
Adell.  Franklin  Z.  >  See—  ' 

Aden.  Robert.    3.0Vf).7.n9. 
Adell.  Marvin  M.  :  See— 

Adell.  Robert.    3.010.759. 
Adell.   Robert,   to  F.   Z.   and    M.    M.  Adell.     Ornamental   nnd 
e<lge  protective  molding  for  antonioldle  doors.      3.010,759, 
11_28-»'1.   n.   296-   .44.  ♦ 

Adelman.  Bamet  R..   to  Phillip*  Petroleiim  Co.     Ignition  of 
solid  rocket  propellents.     2  080.021,  4-18-61.  Cl.  102—70.2. 
Adelman.    Barnet   R..   to   Phillips   Petroleum   Co.      Means  ,to 
J)revent  perforation  of  starter  disk  during  Ignition  delay. 
"2.982.090,  .'i-Z-Ol.  Cl.  60—35.6. 
.\delman.   Barnet   R.    to 'Phillips  Petroloiini   Co       Coatod  nm- 
monlnm     nitrate     propellants.       3.00.';.61>2.     10^21-61.     Cl. 
.\delman.  Bamet  R..  to  Phillips  Petroleum  Co.     Rocket  grain 
and  methwl  for  restricting  same.     3.01O..354.  11-28-61.  Cl. 
SO — 1 . 

to   Inflico   Inc.      Means   for  cnntrolllns: 
of    n    suspension.      2,998,019,    8-29-61. 

Adler.  Abraham  C,  to  Boeing  Airplane  Co.     Tandem  rotor 

helicopter.     2.99f,110.   8-22-61,  Cl.   170—135.24.^ 
Adler.  Charles  R..  and  L.  C.  Bartlctt,  to  Eastman  Kodak  Co. 
Method  and  apparatus  for  manufacturing  colored  sheeting. 
2.972.546.  2-21-61,  Cl.   106 — 196. 
Adler.  Clarence  E..  and  G.  T.  Gray,  to  Toledo  Scale  Corp. 

Printer.    2.996.002.  8-15-61,  Cl.  101—269. 
Adler,  Franklin  P. :  See — 

Shaver.     Raymond    M.,    Miers,    Adler.    and    Jorgensen. 
2  991  733. 
Adler,    ^'red',    to    Standard    Motor    Products,    Inc.      Ignition 
point  set  and  cam  lubricator  assembly.    2,979,577,  4-11-61, 
Cl.  200—30. 
Adler- J  ones  Co. :  See — 

Keidd,  Eldon  L.     3.011.280.  . 

Adler.    Joseph    L.,    Jr.     Garland    construction.       2.984,036, 

5-16-61,  6.  41—10. 
-Vdier.  Norman  K.  :  See — 

Patriquin,  George  P.,  and  Adler.     2.981.090. 
Adler,   Robert,   to  Zenith   Radio  Corp.     Brlllouln   flow  gun. 

2.997,615.  8-22-61.  CI.  313 — S4. 
Adler.    Robert,    to    Zenith    Radio    Corp.      Superregenerative 

remote  control  receiver.    3.001.177.  9-19-61,  Cl.  340—171. 
Adler.  Robert,  and  M.  L.  Anthony,  to  P.  G.  S.  Mero.     Control 

system.    ^,677,414,  3-28-61,  Cl.  178—18.  ^ 

.\dniiral  Cori».  :  Set  -  -  \ 

Adel,  Alf  F.    2.976.022. 
Bleam,  Howard.    3.013.259. 
Bleam.  Howard  A.    2,971.158. 
Carlson,  Reuben  C.     2.978,923. 
Carlson.  Reuben  C.     2,989,629. 

Carrozza.  Rov  J.,  Potockl.  and  Campagna.     3,001,786. 
r.nzskie,  Stanley.     2,9S9,679. 
Holpuch.  Clarence  J.     2,990,723. 
Marks.  Merer.     2.989.677. 
Marks.  Meyer.    2,990,681. 
.Morton.  Evans  T..  and  Weinrirh.     2.998..'>04. 
Scheeler.  Frederick  H..  and  Carrozza.     2,907,948. 


Tim.  !ind  Aden.'  3.008.097. 
2.998.^20,  9-5-^1.  d.  131—10. 

.Xijolm.n.    SamtipJ    L.. 

the    roncentraf ion 

n.  137—92. 
.Vden.  .\rthnr  L. :  See— 

Tetenhaiim.  Sidney  J., 

Ades.  Viola  G.     Cigarette. 
Adex  IVv»'lor>mepr  Corp.  :  Srr  — 

Green.  Sl»>rfrle<l.  and  Novark.    '2.998. 1.'3. 

Adickes.  Cecil  F.  Giiving  television  antennas.  2.970,967. 
.V-28-61.  CT.  189 — 31.5. 

Adinolfi.  Michael,  .\iitomatlc  lock  for  cloth  covered  buttons. 
2.977.6.-3.  4-4-61.  Cl.  24 — 113.  i 

Adklns.  E^iiTPne  M  .  Jr.,  to  Celanese  Corp.  of  America. 
Process  and  apparatus  for  producing  core  yarns.  2,990,- 
673,  7-4-61,  Cl.  57-36.- 

.\<lk<n«.  Mason  B.  Cable  clip  for  positive  nnd  n«'g:itlve  bat- 
tery  terminals.     3.008.114.   1 1-7-61.  Cl.  .33!^— 32. 

Adklns,  Theodore  E.  Refrigerated  display  unit.  2,973.631. 
3-7-61.  C\.  62—246. 

Adlake  <*o..  The  :  See — 

Verhagen.  Christian  M.  nnd  Ebret.     3.001.248. 


Squire.  Herbert  D.    3.001.225. 
Squire.  Herbert  D.     3.001.226. 
Summerer.  William  H.    2.970.481.1 
Swanson.  Edward  W.    2.988,932.   | 
Tr.nn.T.  l»f  Loss  J.      2.1>!tH  47!».  J 

Vlstain,  James  E.,  Jr.     2.983.515.  i 

Visfain.  James  E.,  Jr.    2,989.311.  .  jf 

Vistain.  James  E.,  Jr.     2,989,312.      __  ,  ,         ,    ,,  ,     ' , 

Adolphsou.  Carl,  and  E.  G.  King,  to  I'uget  Sound  Pulp  & 
Timber  Co.  Drilling  muds  and  the  like  Ihcorporatlng  a 
treated  sulfonated  lignln  containing  material,  and  process 
for  producing  same.  3.007.864.  11-7-61.  Cl.  2.-.2— 8.5. 
Adolphson.  Carl,  and  E.  G.  King,  to  Puget  Sound  Pulp  & 
Timber  Co.  Treated  sulfonated  lignln  containing  mate- 
rials, and  process  for  producing  same.  3.007.910,  11-7-61, 
Cl.  260 — 124. 
Adolphson,  Edward  J. :  See — 

Vogel,  Fred  J.,  and  Adolphson.    2,996.604. 
Adolphson,   Gottfrid.     Wrench  socket  set.     2.991.678.  7-11- 
61,  Cl,  81—185. 

Adolphson,  Roy  T. :   See—  ,  _„^„ 

Smith,  William  H..  Frohner.  and  .Xdolphson.  2,9(1.956. 
Smith,  William  H.,  Frohner,  and  Adolphson.  3.000.376. 
Smith.  William  H..  Frohner,  and  .Xflolplivon.  3. ()().». 6<3. 
Smith.  William  H..  Frohner,  and  Adolphson.  3.012.836. 
•\dox  Kamerawerk  G.m.b.H.  :  Ser 

Kopp.  Wllhelm.  and  Ploss.     2.980.000. 
Kopp,    Wilhelm.    Ploss,   and   Hell.      3.006.261. 
Adrema-Werke  G.m.b.H. :  See —  „„      „„. 

Guttol    (Jerhard.  Schiilz.  and  Dit/el      3.001.024 
Adrian,    Janet    G.      Sleeping   bag.      2.972,757.    2-28-61,    Cl. 

.Advance  Engineering  Co. :  See — 

Totten.  Gilbert  vP.     2.975.937. 
.\dvance  Machine  Co.  :   See— r 

Arones.  Daniel  A.     2.978.710. 
Advance  Metal  Products.  Inc. :  See —  . 

Fine.  Louis  L.     3,000.145. 
.\dvance  Metalworklng  Co.  :   See — 

Phillips,  John  L.    2.990.809.- 

Advance  Transform**!"  Co.  :   See — 

Duman,  Abraham  M.     2.985.950. 

Fetnherg,  .Albert  E.,  and  Merger. 

Felnberg,  Albert  E..  and  Zerwes. 

Huberty.  Elmer  J.,  and  Felnberg. 

Nnthanson.  Max.     2,996,644. 
Advanced  .Mrcraft  Development  Corn. :  ^ee — 

Williams,  Paul  E.,  and  Horst.     3,009,670. 

Advanced  Researcb  Associates.  Inc. :  See — 

Walker,  Norman  K..  and  Widmayer.     3.002,3.8. 

Advertising  Metal  Display  Co. :  See — 
Parucolo,  Anthony  N.     2.985,315. 
Advertising  Products.  Inc.  :  See — 
Clark.  Eugene  W.     3.004.358. 
Aeberhardt.   Maurice.  H.   Egll.  A.  Mikula.   and  M.   I'errig,  to 
*    Sandoz  A.G.     Process  for  the  level  dyeing  of  textile  mate- 
rials  composed    of  polyamide  fibers  which   possess   irregu- 
lar affinity  for  dyestuJfs.     3,012,842.  12-12-61.  H.  8— 55. 
Aegerter    August    S.      Operating   means   for  a    slidable   side 

jaw  wrench.    3.000,246.  9-19-61,  Cl.  81—165. 
Aelony,    David,    to    General    Mills.    Inc.       Polyallylatlon    of 

phenor:    2,968.679,  1-17-«1,  Cl.  260—612. 
Aeollali-Skinner  Organ  Co..  Inc. :  See — 
Bottbn.  Ralph  E.    2.970,507. 





See — 


Aero  Chem  Research  Laboratories,  Inc. :  See — 
Fenn,  John  B.    3,005,762. 

^'^'^Benkovsky.  Francis  V.,  SiUamaki,  and  Morris. 
Aero  Metal  Products  Corp. :   «ce — 

Dodegge,  Carl  A.     3.009,493. 
Aero  Research  Instrument  Co..  Inc. ; 

Scadron,  Marvin.    2,994,733. 
Aero  Supply  Mf>:.  Co.,  Inc.  :  Sre — 

Mould,  Ritliiird  J.,  and  Downey. 
Aerodex,  Inc. :  Sec-r- 

Larson.  Carl  R.    2,980,o93. 

Aerofall  Mills  Inc. :  See— 

Weston.  David.    3.010.001. 

Aeroflex  Laboratoriesi  Inc. :  See —      _ 
Kenyon.  Theodore  W.     3,014,3  »0. 

Aerojet-Ciencral  Corp. :   See-  - 
Balrd.  John.     3.002.343. 
Banerian,  Gordon.     2.98G.430. 
Batchelder,  Georpe  W.     2,974.026. 
-     Batchelder,  George  VV.,  and  Zimmerman 
Brooks.  Llo.vd  .\.     2.!>S7.141.  ^    .    ^      , 

Campbell,  William  E.,  Brown,  and  Antonio. 
Chestnut,  John  D.     3,002,454 
Conway,  Carle  C.  III.     3,000.360. 
Corbitr,'  Howard  E.,  Cunningham,  and 
Coxi  Robert  !'•■    2.!>78.:i04. 
Cox,  Robert  B.     3,000,732. 
C/omwell,  Thomas  M.    2.96 <, 140. 
Edmondson,  Robert  B.     2,979,640. 
Frankel,  Milton  B.    2.978,452. 

*  "      2,978,453. 



Aerojet-General  Corp.  :  Sf«r-£S?V^K 
Lawrence.  Ralph  W.  ,3  pW.175. 
Lawrence.  Ralph  W,    3.000  715.  ,0OO7l6 

Lawrence,  Ralph  W.,  and  Zimmerman.    3.000,.  10. 
Linden.  Gustave  B.     2.978,4* ». 


R.,  and  Klager. 
R.,  and  Klager 
R.,  and  Klager. 
.  Hlrsch,  and  Large. 






/Frankel.  Milton  B. 
^Frankel,  Milton  B. 

Frankel,  Milton  B. 

Frankel,  Milton  B. 

Frankel,  Milton  1?. 

•  Frankel. 



2.!>7S  511. 
















and  Klager. 
and  Klager. 

Mace,  Harry  W 
Mace,  Harry  W. 

Mace.  Harry  W.    "-Y-'-.n"  o  o—  am 
Mahon,  Henry  I.,  and  Gill.    2.9«  .,8«4. 
IMaut.  Herman.     -.9 '8,484. 
Roberts,  Ernest  R.     3,000,312. 
Rover, 'ihurber  W.    2,979.904 
Throner,  Guy  C.  Jr 
Vauneiiian,  Clinton 
Vanneman,  Clinton 
Vanneman,  Clinton 
Waldo.  Howard  W 
Zuorow,  Maurice  J  . 
Zwicky,  Fritz.     2,974,620. 
Aerol  Co.,  Inc.  :   ^re— 

Ross,  Milton  E..  and  Moore.    2,9 .  _.lbj. 
.Veromotive  Mfg.  Co.  :  Sri-— 

Becker.  Rodger  F.    2.969.932. 
Beckt'r.  Rodger  F.     3,006.«m4. 
Becker,  Rodger  F.    3,007.bo3. 
Aeroprojects,  Inc. :  See —  rr„,..i„.- 

.lo.n.s,   ./ainos   B..    Stranghn.   and    ln"'''l>- 
Straughn.  John  L.,  and  Tarpley.    3.009,826. 
Tarpiey.  William  B.,  Jr..  Jones,  and  Straughn 
Aeroquip  Corp. :   See — 

Abbey.  John  C.  and  Buseth. 
Eisner.  Edwin  C.     Re.  2o,069. 
KIsiKT.  i:dwin  C.     2.970.358. 
~      2.973.566. 
2  9S4.8N5. 
H.     2.973,024. 
and  Dykstra 

3.01 2.  Sdf,. 



Eisner,  Edwin  C. 
I'.lsner,  Edwin  C. 
Eisner,  Edwin  C. 
Elsiu'r,  Edwin  «,'. 
Eisner.  Edwin  C. 
Merrinian.  Henry 
Revnolds.  James  V 







2.978.497.  - 













Frankel,  Milton  ;:;—"- 

Frankel.  Mjfton  B.,  and  Mager. 
Frankel,  Milton  B..  and  Klager. 
Frankel,  Milton  B..  and  Klager. 
Frankel.  Milton  B.,  and  Klager. 
Frankel.  M-.lton  B..  and  Klager. 
FrnnJ<el.  Milton  B..  and  Klager. 
Frankel,  Milton  B..  and  Klager. ' 
Frankel,  Milton  B..  and  Klager. 
Frankel,  Milton  B..  and  Klager. 
Frankel,  Milton  B.,  and  Klager. 
Frankel,  Milton  B.,  and  Klager. 
Frankel.  Milton  I'..,  and  Linden. 
Geckler.  Richard  D..  and  Ilepner 
Gold.  Marvin  H      2.967.195. 
Gold.   Marvin   H.     3.000.713. 
Gold.  Marvin   H.     3.000.921. 
Gold.  Manin  H.,  and  Frankel 
Gold,  Marvin  H.,  and  Herzog. 
Gold,  Marvin  H..  and  Linden. 
Gold.  Marvin  IT.,  and  Linden. 
Gold,  Marvin  H..  and  Linden. 
(Jo-iirwer.  Calvin  A.     2.!»71.32o. 
Green,  Leon,  Jr.     2.986,001. 
Hanes,  Vanghan  D.     3.002,oo9, 
Harris,  Clvde  W.     2.974.2.S0. 
Herzog,   Levonna.     3.000.933. 
Herzog,   Levonna.     3,000,936. 
Herzog,  Levonna.     3.000,969. 
HIcglns.  Horace  M..  nnd  Gongwer 
Kellogg.  R.     3.001. 305 
Kilner.  Scott  B.     3,000,712. 
Klager.  Karl.     2.97S.4i;7. 
Klager.  Karl.     2.078.475. 
Klacer,  Karl.     2  978..)0.T 
.'i.000.941.     . 

3,000.968.       „^_^  ._^ 
and  Frankel.     2.078.4(4. 

Walpoie,  Floyd  K.     2,977,995. 
Aerotec  Industries.  Inc. :  See— 

Olive-au,  John  V.    2.990.;i96. 
.Oliveau.  John  V.     2,996  781. 

Spencer,  Roliert  D.     2.986,033. 

Splelman,  Jafnes  F.    2.982,492. 
Aerovent  Fan  Co.,  Inc.  :   See— 

Monroe.  Homer  K.     2.9 « 2.475. 
Aerovox  Corp.  :  See — 

Rodriguez.  Antonio  R..  and  W  allace. 

•'■''''ch.fpman''l>T^id  Z.  and  Sellers.   ,2  f84^««4. 
Price.  Duane  W.,  and  Chapman.    2  990  .4. 
I'ric-    Dnnrto  W..  and  Chapman.     3,011.239. 
Wilgus,  Edward  D.    2.983.978. 
\eschliiiTani     John    A.,    and    A.    Stempel.    to    --         ,. 
Kocl  e     1    0.       Cert-iin     l-arylsulfonyl-3-/tetrahydrodtcy«lo- 
,entadien-9-yl)ure:.s.     2.969  ."^gi,  l-24-»n,  CI.  2'.0- -.,o3 
Aeschlimann.  John  A.,  and  A.  Stempel.  to  Hoffmann-La  Rbche 
Inc      Certain  l-aryl8ulfonyl-3-(ci8-2-decalyl)  ureas.    2,974.- 
166.  3-7-61,  CI.  260—553. 
Aetna-Standard  Engipe<'ring  Co     The :  See— 
Strock.  Donald  V.    2,972.267.  ' 

Aetna  Steel  Products  Corp. :  See— 
Bohnsack.  John  A.     2,968,374. 

\f  Fkenstaiii  Bo  T.,  A.  R.  B.  Furendal.  and  B.  H.  F  von 
FleS  to  Aktlebolaget  Bofors.  Rigid  8upi>ortlng  dress- 
ing.    2,969,791,  1-31-61.  CI.  123—90. 

Af   Ekenstam.   Bo   T..   and   F.    R.    Svensson.    to  Kooperatlva 

rForhundet.  Packing  arrangement  f«r  ol.f  cts  ei^  osod  in  a 
iMind  provided  with  compartments.  2.989,212,  «>,i:0-Ol,  CI. 
221 — 25. 

Affelder  Charles  J.  Amplitude  modulation  monitor.  2,984.- 
796.  5-16-61.  CI.  332—39. 

■'''"swift 'iSt-J.;  Affmntl.  Altschnler.  ahd  Gans.     2.968.- 

'.is.i  ■^ 

W.  J.  Harrington,  to 
Rocket    construction. 


Klager.  Karl. 
Klager,  Karl. 
Klager.   Karl 
.   Klager, 

Afrlcano,  Alfred,  G.  D.   Brewer,  and 
United    States    of    America,    war. 
2,976,805,  3-28-61.  CI.  102 — 49. 
Vftandllian    Victor  D..  to  E.  I.  du  Pont  de  Nemours  and  Co. 
Decabor  uie   derivatives   containing   two   hydrocarbyl    rad 
t       cals    and    a    group    V-A    element    and    their    preparation 
3013.041.   12-12-01,  CI.   260—440. 
Vftercood'  George,  Jr.     Method  of  Installing  drawstrings  in 

gafmenis.     2,994,091.  8-1-61.  CI.  2—243. 
\ir.ilide8     Eugene,   and   T.   J.    Scultto.    to   General   Dynamics 
Corp.  •  Bistable   multivibrator  utilizing  Miller   int*;crators 
to    regulate    output    frequency.      2.981.893.    4-2o-61,    Cl. 


Karl   and  Vannonian.     2,967,193. 
Karl,  and  Vanneman.    2,978,476. 
Lawrence.  Ralph  W.     2,978,305. 

577037— P -2 

328— !*06.  .   ^      T     , 

Agar.  William  O..  to  Marconi's  Wireless  Telegraph  Co^I-td. 
Frequency  responsive  circuit  arrangements.  2.969.o04. 
1-24-61,  CI.  324—79. 
Agarwal,  Jagdlsh  C..  to  United  States  St*^lC*p  Three- 
stage  fluldized-reduction  process.  2,996,3.3.  8-1^-61,  C^. 
75—26.  . 

\earwal,  Jagdlsh  C.  and  W.  L.  Davis.  Jr..  to  United  States 
Steel  Corp.  Process  for  quenching  hrtt  iron  powder  ag- 
glomerates.    2.975.086.  3-14-61,  O.  148—134. 






International  Trade  and  Industry  :  Hee— 

Agency   of   Industrial    Science  and   Technology.   Minist>y   of 

and  Kurokawa.     2,974,272. 




Noda,  Katiiuliiko, 
Ager,  Douelas  C  :  Aee — 

McCan>e,  James  K.,  and  Ager.    2,91 
Agfa  .Aktiengesellschaft :  Hee — 

Abeok,  Wilhelui,  Osseubrunper,  Klookgetber.  and 

Baur.  Carl.  Burger,  and  Ilennig.    3,002,440. 

Baur.  Carl,  anil  otz.n.     2.96«.J*2."). 

Baur,  Carl,  and  Otzen.     l',9«i7.459. 

Biedemiann.  Frif«lri<-li.     ::.yHl,l»!7. 

Biwlprnnirin,  Friednch,  and  I'.<'8tenrein»»r.     3.013,481. 

Biedermann,  Frledrich,  and  Wick.     8,002,425. 

Biedermann,   Friedricli.   and   Ziukl.     2,yhl,ltJ8. 

Bieriiieier.  Hanss.  .  a,007.:^^»». 

Brandt,  ilans-.Vdo.     L',y78.<)90. 

I5ur;>lt,  Lothar.  Pelz.  Wahl.  and  Sassmann.     2.981,623. 

Burgardt,  Lothar.  and  Wahk    2,9«8..").^7. 

BurKardt,  Lothar.  and  WahlJ     3,002,8.}7. 

Buruardt,  Lothar,  Wahl,  and  Klockgether.     3,005,711. 

\*y(k,  Walter.     2.98«.;»S8. 

Frost,  Paul.     3.011.383. 

Harz.  Walter,  and  Bruck.     2.978.414. 
/'  Haydn,  Hildf-Kard,  and  von  Konijr.    (2^.971,810. 

Haydn.  Hilde^rard.  and;;.    ^.007.795. 

Hofmann.  W'ilfried.     3.014^^6.  T 

Kadf-n.  Willv.     y.(M».">..3;>2.  r     1 

Kreinp.  Rudolf,  and  Hennig.     3.009,274. 

Landbrecbt,  Franz.     2,974,754. 

Loffler.  Karl,  I'elz,  and  Wahl.     2,994.607. 

Maus,  Fritz.     2.!>04.«10. 

Miller.  Alfr«d,  and  Haydn.    2,999 J 50. 

Pelz.  WUlibald.  BurgJirdt,  and  WaJil.     3.010.827. 

Pimchel.   Walter.     2.'.»!t8..S14. 
I         RIester.  Oskar.     2.968,550. 

KUmpelein.  Fritz.    3,001.1.36.         . 

Schmidt.  Hans  R..  and  Wiesner      2.974,229. 
.Schwartz.  Hans.     2.969.722.  '  ,1 

Von  Rintelen.   Harald,  and  Riester.     3,000,738. 
,      Westendorp.  Hans.     2.968,216. 

Westendorp,  Hans.     L'.i»02  592.  •   i 

Wiewner,  Ma.x.     2,976.989. 

Winkler.  Alfred.     3,008,397.  I '  ( 

Winkl»-r,  Alfred.     3.013.4H2.  1  '  ' 

Agfa  Aktiensesellschaft  fur  Photofabrikatioh  :  See— 

Kolb.  <;ilnt»'r.     2,971,977. 
Aghnldes.  Elle  P.     Composite  wheel.     2,9(67,580,  1-10-01.  CI. 

mo — 22.  • 

Aghnides.  EHe  P.     Tandem  wheel  vehicle  having  tilted  axles. 

2.967.581    1-10-61,  CI.  180— .{0. 
Aghnides.    Elie    P.      Risily    cleanable    ff&id    mi.xing   devices. 

2.;t98.923.  9-5-61,  CI    2.19 — 106. 
Aghnides.    KUe  P.     Aerating  faucet,  r  2,998.925.  9-5-61.   CI. 

239 — 130. 
Aghnides.  Elie  P.     .\erator  with  Improved  air  supplv.     2,998  - 
926.  J>-.>-«l.  CI.  2.39^—430. 


Aghnides.  Elie  P. 

<1.  2.3t^— 431. 
Aghnidps.  Elif  P. 

«:i.  2.39 — 431. 
Aghnides.    Elie   P. 

2.39 131. 

Aghnides.    Klio    P. 

Fluid  mi.Ting  devices. 

•.>-5-61.  n.  239 
Aghnid»«s.   Elio  P 

2.39     4.31. 
'Aghnides.  Elie  P. 


Aghnides,  Elie   P.     Vehicle 

9r>6,  9-5-61.  CI.  301 — 11, 
.Vghnides.   Klie  p.      Vehicle 

9-L'«V-r,i.   ci.    ISO — 75. 
Agle,  A.«J.  fur  Infhistrielle  Elektronik 

Wanlntfer,  Gilbert.     2.987.939. 
Aglns.   iJeorKM.   to  Anierifan   P.oscli 

s.vsteni    correcting    niech.ini^m. 


.\gins.    Jleorcp.    ti> 

pass.     2.968.9.".6 
.\eins,    Gforgf,    to 

and  calculating 


Agins,   George,   to 

2.998.927.  9-5^61. 
Fluid  mixing  devices.     2.998,928.  9-5-01. 
ia98.929.   9-5-61.   CI. 
aphragms.      2,998.930, 
2,998.931.  9-5-61,   CI. 

Water  aerators. 

Water   aerator 
Faucet  aerators. 

Framed  movable  screens  for  use  In  aerator 
2.908.932,  9-5-61.  Cl    239- -1,32 
Elie  P.      Water  aerators.     2,998!933.   9-."»-61.   CI. 

with  expandalble  wheels.     2.998,- 

wlth  tlltable  wheels.     3.001.601. 

.\rni.i   Torp.      Stabilizing 
2.9<iy.953.     1-24-61.     CI. 

.Xmoriran   P.dscn  .Arm.i 
1    21   ♦U.  r\.  74—5.9. 

.American   Itosrh  -Arma 
mechanism.     2.987.927. 

American   Rosfh 

Corp.  Gyro  corn- 
Corn.  Sf.Thllizing 
G-15-61.  CI.   74— 

stabilizintr     2.989.672, 

Armfc   Corp.     GvroBcope 
6-2(^61.  Cl.  318—19. 
Aglns.  George    to  .\merlean  Bosch  Arma  Corp.     Instrument 

stabilization  system.     3,009.361,  11-21-61,  Cl.  74 — 5.47. 
Aglns,    George,    C.    D.    Bock,   and    R.    Y.    Miner,   to   .\mericjin 

Electro  irtfchanlcal    feedback    control 
6-1.3-61.  Cl.  3IVi--^4s. 
Bock,    and   R.    V.   Jliner.   to  American 
Rate  computer  for  gun  control  systems. 
Cl.   2:{.'>— 61.5.  I  , 

Agnello,    Eugene   J.,   B.    M.    Blo<im,    and   G.    D.   Laubach.    to 
Cbas.  Plizer  &  Co.,  Inc.     16a-17a-epoxldo-A*-pregnene-2i-ol- 
3,20-dione  derivatives  and  the  21-esters  thereof.     2,976,283, 
3-21-61,  Cl.  260 — 239.55. 
Agnello.  Eugene  J.,  and  G.  D.  Laubach.  to  Chas.  Pflzer  &  Co., 
Inc.     A-ring    aromatic   A'-steroids   and    their    preparation. 
2.977.284.  3-28-61.  Cl.  167—77. 
Agnello,  Eugene  J,,  and  G.  D.  Laubach,  to  Cbas.  Pfizer  &  Co., 
Inc.  for  preparing  17  beta-pyruvoyi  steroid  com- 
p<jund8.     2,977,377.  3-28-61,  Cl.  260 — 397.45. 
Agnello,  Eagene  J.,  B.  M.  Bloom,  and  G.  D.  Laubach^  to  Chas. 
Pflzer  &  Co.,    Inc.      14a-hydroxy  hydrocortisone,  cortisone 
and  derivatives.     2,984,678.  5-16-61,  Cl.  260 — 397.45. 
Agnello,  Eugene  J.,  and  G.  D.  Laubach,  to  Chas.   Pfizer  & 
Co.,     Inc.       A4,6-3-keto     steroid     compounds.       2,992,216. 
7-11-61.  Cl.  260— 239.55. 
.\gnello.   Richard   W..  and   M.  Dabich,  to  F,   Jos.   Lamb  Co. 
Storing  and  distributing  conveyors.     2.978,120,  4-4-61.  Cl 
214 — 16. 
Agon,  Michel  A. :  Bee — 

Bongrain,  Herve  L,  E,  M,,  and  Agon.     2,980,799, 
Agostinelli,  Armand  J, :  See — 

O'Brien,  William  J.,  and  Agostinelli.     2.989,755,         ■■'. 
OBri.n,  William  J.,  and  .Vgostineill.     2,997,746. 
Agrell,  William  C.  to  Thomas  Industries,  Inc.     Lighting  fix- 
ture.    3,004,144,  10-10-61,  Cl.  240 — 11.2. 
Agron,  Albert,  and  R.  A.  Clifford,  to  Twin  Lock,  Inc.     Elec- 
tHc  terminal  construction.     2,988.726,  0-13-01.  Cl.  339 — 
Agniss.  Meyer  S.  :  See —  ^ 

Sites.  Benjamin  L..  and  Agruss.     3,008.242. 
Agriiss,  .Meyer  S.,  to  Miehlv-Goss-Dexter,   Inc.     Quick  drying 
veliide  and  method  of  drying  same.     3,013,895,  12-19-61, 
n.i.lU— 38.       , 
Agtiebolaget  Akerlund  &  Rauslng:  See — 

Embring,  Paul  G.    2,980.248. 
Aguado.  Mward.     Airway  for  artificial  respiration.     3.000.- 

337.  10-31-61.  Cl.  128 — 29. 
Agulrre.   Everardo  M.     Air  humidifier.     2,970,020.  3-21-61, 

Cl.  261—50. 
Agulrre  Gonzalez.  Jose.     Fluid   tight  rim  assembly.     2,968.- 

332.  1-17-61,  Cl.  152^05. 

Ahjfarn,   J-ohn   F..  and   L.   F.   Kilbam.   Jr..   to  Raytheon   Co. 

Eli-ctrical  cooling  system.     2.985,707.  5-23-61.  Cl.  174 — 15. 

Ahlberg.  Karl   J.    W..   and  K.  E.   Andersson.     Apparatus  for 

producing  turned  over  flange  on  the  end  of  a  pipe.     2.981,- 

306.  4-25-61,  Cl.  153--81. 

Ahlbor.  Valter  A.,  to  Areftco  Aktiebolag.     Cigarette  packing 

machine.    2.997.828,  8-29-61,  Cl.  53—59. 
Ahlhorn.  Edward  L.     Magnetically  adjustable  hair  trimmer. 

2  967,354.  1-10-01,  Cl.  30—30. 
Ahlbom.  John  C. :  See — 

Chapman.  Ronald  W..  Ahlhorn,  and  Dllle.     2.987,38(;. 
.     Dllle.   Roger   M..   Chapman,   and  Ahlhorn.     2,980,.523. 
Dllle.  Roger  M.,  Chapman,  and  -Ahlbom.     2.999.741. 
Ahlburg.  Frank.     Potato  marking  device.     2,982,203,  5-2-61, 

a.  101—37. 
Ahlen.  Karl  G..  to  Svenska  Rotor  Masklner  Aktiebolag.    Heat 

transfer     2,980.403.  4-18-61,  Cl.  257 — 241. 
Ahlen.  Karl  G..  to  Svenska  Rotor  Masklner  Aktiebolag.     Driv- 
ing units  for  vehicles  or  the  like.     2.985.034.  5-23-61,  Cl. 
•Ahlen.    Karl    G..    to    Svenska    Rotor    Maskiner    .Aktiebolag. 
Hydraulic    torque    converter    of    the    closed    circuit    type. 
3.005.359.   10-24-61.  Cl.   74—732. 
Ahl.rt.     Wllh.'lm.    to    Elektro  Thermit    G.m.b.IL       Mold    for 
aluminothermlc  weld4ng  of  rails  and  the  like.     3.007.217, 
11-7-61.  Cl.  22 — 116, 
Ahlgren.    Axel    W..    to    Amerock    Corp.       Strike    for    spring 

catches.     2,993.718.  7-2.5-61,  Cl.  292— .340. 
Ahlm.  Carl   E..  Jr..  and  E.   B.  Brookbank,  Jr..  to  The  Mead 
Corp.     Paper  m.inufacture.    3.001,887,  9-2«>-01.  Cl.  117 — 1. 
Ahli|Uist,  Russell "W..  to  The  American  Hardware  Corp,    Door 

stop.      3,010,142,   11-28-01.   Cl.    16 — 86. 
Ahrens.    Alfred.       Conductor    bar    for    electrical    machines. 
3.011,082.   11-28-61,  Cl.   310 — 64. 

Ahrens.  Loomls  H.  Garment  cabinet.  2.968.520.  1-17-61. 
Cl.  312—246. 

Ahrons,  Richard  W.,  L.  L.  Burn.s.  Jr.,  and  L.  B.  Johnston,  to 
Radio  Corp.  of  .America.  Television  brightness  and  control 
circuit.     3,009,989.  11-21-61.  Cl.  178 — 5.4. 

.Ahsmann,  ^Jerardus  J.  M,,  and  H.  J.  Oskam,  to  North-  Ameri- 
can Philips  Co..  Inc.  Electric  discharge  device  having  a 
low  impedartce  at  acoustic  frequencies.  2,988.664,  6^13-61. 
Cl.   31,f-  226. 

-Aibel.    Fredric  Xi..    to  Gal   Inc.      Knitted   fabric. 

Bosch    .\rina    Corp. 
system.     2.988,68.'). 

Aglns,    <rt»orgp.   C.    D. 
Bosch  .Arm;i  Corp. 
■  3.007.634.    11-7-61. 

Agins.  ppfpr  J.  V.  J..  A.  M,  Domin.'V.  And  R.  E.  Pegg,  to 
Es.wo  Rt-sparcli  and  Enginporinir  Co  Phosphosiilfurized 
lubricating  i>il  additive..    2.969,323,  1-24-61.  Cl.  252 — 32.7, 

Aglns.  Peter  J.  V.  J.,  and  P.  R.  Morris,  to  Esso  Research  and 
Engineering  Co.  Oil  soluble  cppol.vniprs  of  azomethines  with 
unsaturated  organic  comiK>und«'.  2.9^4.654  5  16-61  Cl 
260 — 89.5.  ■  ,  ,  ■ 

-23-61,  Cl.  66—195. 


•Alcher.  John  O..  and  E.  Lemmers.  to  General  Electric  Co. 
Grooved  lamp  vapor  pressure  control.  2,973,447,  2-28-61, 
Cl.  313—109. 

.Aichl  Kogyo  Kabushiki-Kaisha  (Aichl  Engineering  Co.  Ltd)  : 
•SVc-  -  •  ^ 

Taketomi.  Bun.saku.     2.989.015. 

.Mjala,  Sulo  .\.  IVedetermineil  torque  hand  tool. 
2,968.979.   1-24-r.l.  Cl.  81-52.4. 

.Mken.  Laverne  R..  to  Ruger  Equipment,  Inc.  Fluid-actuated 
floor  crane.     2,985.142,  .5-2.3-61,  Cl.  121 — 38. 

•Aiken,  Robert  A.  :  See — 

Giles,  Walter  B..  and  Aiken.     3.003.474. 

-Viken,  William  R.,  to  Kaiser  Industries  Corp.,  Method  of 
.ind  apparatus  for  cnenrizing  high  capacity  loads. 
2.971.125.  2-7-61.  Cl.  31.5 — 200, 



Aiken,    William    R.,    to   Kaiser    Industries   Corn,      Electronic 

control  system.     2,972,703,   2-21-61.   CI.  315—10. 
Aiken,    William    R.,    to    Kaiser   Industries   Corp.      Elertronlc 

control  system.    2,978,601,  4-4-61',  CI.  313—92. 
Aiken,  William  R.,  to  Kaiser  Industries  Corp.    Electronic  de- 
vice.    3,005,124,  10-17-61,  CI.  313—92. 
Aiken,    William   R.,    to   Kaiser   Industries   Corp.      Electronic 

device.     3,005,127,  10-17-61,  CI.  315 — 13. 
Aiken,  William  R..  to  Kaiser  Industries  Corp.     Three  dimen- 
sional radar  indicator.     3,005,196,  10-17-61.  CI.  34;5— 7.9. 
Aikens,    Walter   B.      Scaffold-forming    structure.      2,990,909,- 

7-4-61,  CI.  182—181. 
Aikins,  Warren  A. :  Sec — 

Walker.  Dale  R.,  and  Aikins.    2,979,740. 
Alleo,  Jackson  A.,  to  L.  P.  Frieder.     Rigging  for  protective 
helmet.     2,983,923,  5-16-61,  Cl.  2—3. 
>  Aileo,  Jackson  A.,  to  L.  1'.  frieder.     Soft  helmet  for  carry- 
ing sound  attenuating  earmuffs.     3,005,203.  10-24-61,  Cl. 
Aimers,  Francis  R.,  and  T.  F.  Murphy,  to  Aimers  Mfg.  Co. 
Hig'hway  gutter  sweeper.     2,996,742,  8-22-61.  Cl.  15—87. 
Aimers  Mfg.  Co. :   See — 

Aimers,  Francis  R..  and  Murphy.    2,996,742. 
Aimes,    Francis   M.     Detachable   mounting  for  aeroaol   cans. 

2.991,039,  7-4-61.  Cl.  248—311. 
Almone  Aunibale  Marsan  :  See — - 

Weltering,  I'aul  E.     2.998.938. 
Alnslie,  Thomas   D.,   to  Phillips-Van  Heusen  Corp.     E.xten- 

slble  collar   neckband.      2,996,723.   8-22-61.  Cl.   2—127. 
Ainsworth.    iiruce    S.     Jr.,    to    Celanese   Corp.    of    America. 
Bridged  ring  pliospnite  stabilizers  for  vin^l  resins.     3,000,- 
850,  9-19-61.  Cl.  260 — 45.7. 
Ainsworth,  John  E..  Jr.     Pressure  measuring  device.     2,968,- 

!»47.   1-24-61.  Cl.  73-S-.S9S. 
Ainsworth.  William  F..  R.B.  Wright,  and  B.   Press,  to  Im- 
perial Chemical  Industries  Ltd.     Stabilization  of  polymers. 
2.990.394'.  6-27-61.  Cl.   260—45.8. 
Alple,  John  R.  :  See- — 

Placke.  Everett  H.,  and  Alple.     3,D03,637. 
Alraterra  :  See — 

Lynch.  William  B.    3,010,094. 
Airboats,  inc.  :  See — 

Schurr,  Itudolph  K.,  and  Inman.    2,987.281. 
Airborne  Accessories  Corp. ;  See — 
Evans.  Vernon,  Jr.    2,988.609. 
Air  Control  I'rodncts,  Inc.  :  Sec- - 
Glass.  Frederick  F.    3.010.381. 
W  ;il<lfii.  Carl  K.      2.997.754. 
Air  Controls,  Inc. :  See- 
Friedman,  Arthur  E.     3,003,833. 
Aircraft  Armaments,  Inc.  :  See — 

Barr,  Irwin  R.,  Bond,  Gore,  and  La  Costa.     3.004,475. 
Bradv,  Samuel  S.     2.970..".22. 
Rrvan.  James  D.     2,971.188.  . 

Knapp,  Phillip  M.     3,004,763. 
Rogers,  Milton  J.,  and  Meyer.    3,006,280. 
Sweoney,  Patrick  E.     2.981,154. 
Zouck.  Robert  L.,  and  Barr.     2,981,350. 
Aircraft-Marine  Products  Inc. :  See — 
Sweonev,  Joseph  P.    3:013,10S. 

Woolley,  Harold  O.     2.997,411.  i 

Aircraft  Products  Co. :  See — 

Harcum,  William  M.,  and  Watson.    3,003,513. 
Templin,   Walter  M.     2,983,277. 
Aircraft  Steel  Structures  Ltd.  :   sre — 
Danilewicz.  Ludomir.     2,979.048. 
Aird,  Alanson  D.,  and  W.  F.  Crane,  to  General  Electric  Co. 
■     Electrode    assembly    apparatus.      2,985,947,    5-30-61,    CI. 

Alf-K<|uiP"'«'nt :   See— 
Garnier,  Georges. 
Gamier,  Georges. 



Alrequipt  Mfg.  Co.,  Inc. :  See — 
Gross.  Carl  G.     2.970.,'?95. 
Wiklund,  Cari  H.    2.978,823. 
Wikliind.  Carl  H.     3,013,354. 

Alretool  Mfg.  Co..  The:  See— 

Baker.  Robort  E..  and  Martin.     3,013.60 

Alrev,  lioslie.  to  National  Research  Development  Corp.     Elec- 
trical   measuring    servosystem.       2.999,965,    9-12-61.    Cl. 
Air-Glide.  Inc. :  See- 
Macks,   Elmer  F.     2.983.832. 
Macks,  Elmer  F.     3,004,180. 

Alrguide  Instrument  Co. :   Sir  -  *  ' 

Taylor,  Howard  S.     2.977.794.  ^  ' 

Airline  Electric,  Inc. :  See — 

Greetr,  James  X.,  and  Herbert.    3,002,168. 
Air  Logistics. Corp. :  See —  l 

Bright,  Elvin  M.     2.985.614.         ,  ' 

Clifton.  John  R.    2.987.133. 

Clifton,  John  R.,  Sr.,  and  Nolan.    2,997,121. 

Hassell,  Theodore  F.     2.074,972. 

Nolan.  Auldin  D.    3.005.509. 

Alnnatic  Valve.  Inc. :  See —  ,         w 

Kroffke.  Kenneth  K.    3.011,753. 

Airmlte-Midwest  Inc. :  See —  . 
Ban-o.  John  F.     2.966.855.    , 

Alrpax  Electronics  Inc. :  See — 

Williamson,  Clifford  N.     3,004,220. 

Air  Pillow  &  Cushion.  Inc.  :  Scr    - 
Gosman,  Clarence  B.    3,d01,340. 

Air  Placement  Equipment  Co. :  See — 

Pro,  George  M.     2,973,855. 

Pro,  George  M.     2,976,025. 

Pro,  George  M.     2.983,551. 

Pro,  George  M.     3.001.771. 
Air  Preheater  Corp.,  The:  See — 

Anthony]  Andrew  J.    3,006,609. 

Bellows,  Richard  W.,  and  Schmidt.     3.010,. 03. 

Boring,  Stewart  A.,  Speca,  and  Zierak.     2.985,434. 

Cunningham,  John  A.,  and  Anthony.     2,967,693.  .   , 

Egbert,  John.T.    3.010.704. 

Evans,  Ted  C.     2,977,096. 

Evans,  Ted  C.  and  Lyle.     2.981,521. , 

Flurschulz,  Glenn  E.,  and  Cott.    2,99^,279.  , 

Peterson,  David  G.     2.983,485. 

Rosenberg,  George  E.     2,983,486. 

Woolard,  Thomas  L.    2,988.330.  , 
.Mr  I'roilucts  Inc.  :  Sre-- 

Daley,  Henry  F.,  and  Kaechele.     Re.  25,065. 

Lady,  Edward  R.     2,973,629. 

McKlnley,  Clyde.     3,009,316. 

Scliilling,  Clarence  J.,  and  Claitor.     2.9i»i.S.i4. 

Schilling,  Clarence  J.,  and  McKlnley.    2,968.160. 
-Mr  Reduction  Co.,  Inc.  :   See - 

Banks,  Robert  R.,  and  Van  Xess.    3,012,9«0. 

Blumenthal,  Jack  H.     2,9<»6,532. 

Brown,  Charies.     2,997,494.  * 

Burch,  Robert  J.,  and  Davldowlch.     3,004,925. 

Clemens,  August,  Jr.    2.990.301.  ,  '     . 

Cole,  Gordon  E..   Jr..  and  Herman.     2,981.7o9. 

Frantz,  Russell  K.     2.992,246.  < 

Gibson,  Glenn  J.     2,9!*8,922. 

Greene,  William  J.     3,004,166. 

(ireene,  William  J.,  and  Clarke.    3.008,036. 

Hav,  Wavne  W.    2,989.960. 

Ilutton,  ilarry  T.,  Jr.    3,001,374.  .   ,       ' 

Laslo.  John.    2,979.598.  I 

Lavden,  Lawrence  M.     3,009,619.  '  * 

Lelnls,  Morton  W.     2,985,689. 

Leeds.  Morton  W..  and  Tedeschi.     2,989,56 1.       „ 

Lowell.  Arthur  I..  Bu^lli.  and  Taylor.     3,005,809. 

Matsubayashi,  Kanjl,  Leno,  and  Tanabe.     3,007.228. 

Mnller,  Albert,  llulme.  and  Fisher.     3.001.864. 

Osugi,  Tetsuro,  Tanabe.  and  Morimoto.     2,977.183. 

Osugi.  Tetsuro,  Tanabe,  Ohno,  and  Suda.     2,992,204. 

Purkhiser,  Rawlins  E.     2,977,528. 

Russell,  James  P.,  and  Leeds.    2.997,447. 

Russell,  James  P.,  and  Vitcha.     2.989,568. 

Rutledge,  Thomas  F..  Buselll,  and  McNabney.    2.99 (,49S. 

Sctiildknecht,  Calvin  E.  2,991,277. 
I  Schlldknecht.  Calvin  E.  2.991,278. 
I       Smith,  Donald  L.     2,982,107. 

Spies,  George  R.,  Jr..  and  KoUar.     2,993..>.ll. 

Tanabe,  Kenichi.  Mivazaki,  and  Osugi.     3,011,861. 

Tedeschi.  Robert  J.     2,992.278. 

Tonionari,  Tsukumo,  and  Akaboshi.     2.988,802. 
■•/:  Tomonari,  Tsukumo,  and   Nomura.     2,990,235. 

Tuthlll,  Roger  W.     3,010.012. 

Width.  Robert  B.     2,979,599. 
Airseeo,  Inc. :  See —  „  ^ 

Di  Camillo.  Eugene  J.,  and  Smith.     2,978.062. 
Air-Shields,  Inc.  :  See— 

Grosholz,  James  R.    2,997,242. 
Alrson  Co..  Inc.  :  See — 

Ericson,  Walter  M.    2,993,240. 
Airtech  Ltd.:  See—     v. 

Disney,  Francis  J.     2,973,974. 
Airwav-Amerlcan  Awning  Co..  Inc.  :  See — 

Lehman,  Hobart  P.,  and  Slane.    2,992,442. 
Aisenberg,    Irwin    M.,   to    United    States    of   America.   Army. 
Mold    for    preparati<m    of    artificial    stone    test    cylinders. 
'2.980,797,  0-0-61,  Cl.   2.5—118.  _        ^   ,, 

Aitchlson,  Frederick  J.,  to  Scorill  Mfg.  Co.  Key  holder 
hook.     2,969,668,  1-31-61,  Cl.  20 — 158. 

Altken,  Arthur  C. :  See—  ^  ^  „  ^„„  ..„ 

Robinson,  Harold  .C,  Altken,  and  Stevenson.     2,983,443. 

Aitken,  George  L..  to  Ferranti,  Ltd.  Mechanism  for  mechan- 
ically maintaining  taut  an  electrical  cable  between  two 
relatively  rotat.lble  members.  3,001,034,  9-19-61,  Cl. 

Altken  Robert  L.  Means  for  actuating  safe  load  indicating 
•  devices  for  cranes  or  the  like.  2,988,040.  6-1.'i-61.  Cl. 

Aitken.  Thomas.  M.  W.  Luthgens.  A.  von  Koepnen.  and  P.  O. 
Wendelin.  to  West  Virginia  Pulp  and  Paper  Co.  Higli  yield 
pulp   from   hardwoods.     3,013.934,   12-^19-61.  Cl.    162—83. 

Aitkenhead.  Paul  W.,  to  Electro-Alr  Cleaner  Co..  Inc.  Elec- 
tronic air  cleaner.     2,973,05.-.,  2-28-61,  Cl.  183-7. 

Aitke'ns.  Edward  B.  Menu  card  holder  and  guard.  3,(514,295, 
12-20-61,  Cl.  40—11. 

Ajam,  Mustafa  J.,  to  Standard  Duplicating  Machines  Corp. 
Sheet  feed  for  duplicating  machines.  3,006,636,  10-31-61, 
Cl.  271—51. 

Ajax  Electric  Co. :  See— 

Rosseau,  Leon  B.     2,972,651. 

Ajax  Hardware  Mfg.  Corp.  :  See — 

Fremstad,  Vlles  K.    2,990,210. 
Ajax  Magnethermlc  Corp. :  See — 

Halstead,  Fred  E.    2,973,397. 

Logan.  John  A.     2.969.451. 

Ross,  Nicholas  V..  and  Pieron.    2,988,623. 

Seitz.  James  P.    2.990.542. 



INDEX  OP^  E'ATENTS,  1961 


Okumura,  and 

Aj&x  Magnetbermic  forp.  :  See — Contiaued 

Tama.  Mario.     2.997,512. 

Tama.  Mario,  and  Hoff.     .'5,004.091. 

WllliamBon,  James  W.     3,004,208. 
AJem  Laboratories  :   See — 

Arnold,  Orlin  M..  and  Harbin.     2.9!82.723, 
-  Kvann,  Dew^y  .M     .■{.00T.4.').;.  i 

Harbin.  Raymond  H.     2.983,685.    i 

Umbricht,  Emil.     2.981, SLT). 

Umbrlcht.  Emll.     3.011.769.  J    - 

Umbrucht.  Kmll,  and  Erans.    2^972,995. 

Umbricht,  Emll,  and  Evans.     2,979,062. 
AJlnomoto  Co.,  Inc.  :  See — 

Iwana^a.  Ryoji.  Iwamoto,  and  Ynshlda. 

Kanej^o,  Takeo,  and  Inni.     2,986,578. 

Kato.  Jiro.   Wakn  and  I.xhjwara. 

OgHwa.  Tptsuo,  Tsunrfda,  Aokl,  KiDOshdta, 
Kondo.     2.971. MOO. 

Okawa.  Kenjl.  and  Sato.    2,999.878. 

Okuda.  Toru,  and  Akabori.     2,986,565.  ^ 

•VJiok^,  James  S..  and  H.  L.  U'  Jr..  to  Hiizhe!<  Aircraft 
.    Co.     M.crowave  transition  device.     2,981,904.  4-i>5-61,  CI. 

333—34  : 

Akabori.  Shlro:  See— 

Okuda,  Torn,  and  Akabori.     2,986,565. 
Akabfishl,  .Michijirb  :  See — ■ 

Torronari.  Tsukurno.  and  Akahoslii.     2.98H.802. 
Akamatsn,  Hayao.  T.  ITonamI,  and  T.  Yoshlkawa,  to  Sblbaura 
Kyodo  Kogyo  Kamishlki   Kalsha.     Lubricant  distributing 
valve  device.    2.980,234.  5-30-61   Cl.  184 — 7. 
.\keburNt.  Kenneth  .S..  to  Noll  Mfg.  Co.    Cap  as.'tembly.    2,980,- 

008.  4-18-61,  CI.  98 — 46. 
Aker,  Helen  \V.  :  See —  I 

Wood.  Charle.s  E.    3,006.475. 
.\kerblom.  T.enKt  V.  :  See — 

Eklof.  (Junnarand  Akerblom.     2.J)8l,314. 
.\kerbo<^>ni.  Jack  :  See —  > 

Melnlrk,  Daniel,  and  Akerb9om.     2,983,618. 

Akerman.  Walter  U.  Lightning  rod  demonstrator.  3,013,347, 
12-19-61.  Cl.  3.',— 1!». 

.\k«'rmann.  Paul,  to  EM.B.  FTl^  AG.  Elec- 
tric motor.     2.972.310,  2-21 

.Vkerniann,    I'nnl.    to    E 
nilatinc  puv'P.     ."^.O').' 

.\ker»,  Carol  C .  and  N.  W.  Mitchell,  to  Phillips  Petroleum 
Co.  IMurality  stage  treatment.  2,986,514,  5-3()-«l,  Cl. 
208 — 284. 

.\kers.  Floyd  L..  to  Sub-Aqna  Co.,  Inc.  Vest  pack  for  tankrf 
of  nrrderw-ater  breathing  apparatus.  2,982,105,  5-2-61, 
Cl.  61 — 70. 

.VktTs.    Richard   L..   to   E.    I.   du    Pont  de  Nemours   and   Co. 

Wrndor  with  constant  distance  between  package  and  guide 

roll.     ?..OOHMoS,  11-14-61.  Cl.  242—18. 
.Vkers.    Richard   L..    to    E.    I.    du    Pont   de   Nemours   and   Co. 

Iti»prov)'d    textile    yarn    wlndup    mechanism.       3,009,661, 

ll-21-«;i.  Cl.  242—18. 

.Vkers.  Victor  I.  I)ist>osable  refuse  container.  2.971,688, 
2-14-*'.!,  *n.  220— .{8. 

\kert,  Tarl  A.  Appsirat'us  for  dressing  grinding  wheels  and 
holding    work    pieces    thereto.    .3,006,331,    10-31-61.    Cl. 

.  M.n.    .'\.u. 
10,   2-21-61.   CI.    103—87. 

KM  P..    ElfktRMnotorenbau    A.«. 
).'..4I.-..   KV2J-61.  Cl    lO.V- 87.   , 




Leijon,     Westergren, 

:i!i(l     .Vkesson. 

3.001.455.    • 
and    Senzuwa. 

.\kesson.  Sv««n  :  Srr  ~ 
Th»'larnl»-r.     John. 
Akeyam.i.  Masnmotii :   .sVf — 

Ishioka,  Shozo.  Matsamoto.  and  Akeyama. 
.Vkimoto.  Masao':  srr — 

Xakane.    Takashi.    Kobayashi,    Aklmoto. 

.\kin.    Ri.yal    11.      Transistorized   photomultiplier 
circuit      2.971.4.''..^.  2-14-61,  Cl.  88—23. 

Akins,  Clifford  M.,  to  Marquette  Corp.     Heat  sink  and  diode 

assembly.    2.974,263.  3-.-61,  Cl.  317—234.     ^ 
.Vkioka.  Yoshio  :    See  — 

Knwa.     Jiinnosuke.     .\kioka,     Kantiko,     and     Tat<-mutsn 
2.994.'.'I6  .  ^ 

Akita.  Radao:  See —  I  ^ 

Klnoshitn.  .^^hiikiio.  Tanaka,  and  .Vkita.     2  97.^  .303 
Kinoshita.  Shukuo.  Tannka,  and  .\klta.     3.()02.889. 
Klnoshita.   Shukuo.    Tanaka,   .\kita,   Maruta,   and   Yama- 

inoto.     .I.On.'.fto^.  , 

KInosblta.  .Shukuo,  T'daka,  and  Akita.     3.003,925. 

.Akkerman.  .Antorrle  M.  :  See — 

De  Joneh.  David  K.,  .\kkerman,  Kofman.  lysd  de  Vries. 

i\k)<erman,  Kofman,  and  De  Vries. 
Vitreous    de- 

The    Mevercofil 
11-7-61.  Cl 

I/<-o|lii|)|    J 


:n.  15A— 8. 

ungf*:  .S'e^- 

De  Jongh.  David  K.. 
.Vkkeron,    Ludwie    K.    to 
9  calfomania.     3.007.829. 
.Vkkuiiiulafon-nf.ihrik    I>r 

-Martiruik,  .\..rl»>rt.    3, 001.232 
.\kMn.   Georee   H..   to   Eastman   Kodak  Co.     Five  component 
photographic  objective  of  the  modified  Gauss  type.     2  979- 
988.  4-18-<>l.  Cl.  88 — .')7. 

.\kram.  Wall  .\.     H^dboard  clamp  and  bedframe  combination. 

3.009.170.  11-2F-61,  C\.  5 — 8. 
Akro  .Mils.   Inc.  :  Si^r — 

Kirkman.  Donald  H.    2,983,333"\ 

Von    Fieandt 


Akron  Mfg.  Co.,  Inc. :  See —  ' 

Allenbaugh,  George  G.,  Jr.    2,991,016. 

.\llenbauj:h.  George  G..  Jr.     3.012.733. 

Brazier,  Jack  H.     Re.  25,037. 

Brazier  Jack  H.    2,990.88d.  X 

Akron  Standard  Mold  Co..  The  :  See — 

Delbel,  Mason  J.    2,980,160. 
Aksila.  Elno  A.     Poultry  waterer.     3,003,465,  10-10-61,  Cl. 

119 — 81. 
Aktlebolaget  A.  Ekstroms  Maskinaffar  :  See — 

llult.  Nils  R.  R.,  and  Broman.    2,978,378.. 
Aktlebolaget  Abjorn  Anderson  :  See — 

Asp,  Nils  A.  R.     2,977,002. 
Aktlebolaget  .\ddo  :  See — 

BoKert,  Thure  B.     2.969,174. 

Bogert.  Thure  B.     3,011,701. 

Holmstrom.  Gosta  R..  and  Klingstrom.     2,985,363. 
Aktlebolaget  Akerblomstolen  :  See — 

Eklof,  Gunnar,  and  Akerblom.     2.981,314. 
Aktlebolaget   Astra,    Apotekarnes   Kemiska    Fabrlker :  See — 

Lundgren.  Rudolf  A.  I.    2.980,275. 
Aktlebolaget  Atomemergl :  See — 

Martensson   Karl  M.,  Lfifman.  and  Eriksson.     2.980,532. 

Mogard.  Johan  H.,  and  Svenssoa     2,972,513. 
.\ktiebolaget  Atvidaberg-Facit :  See — 

Crip,  Erik  K.     2.981,468. 
Aktlebolaget  Atvidabergs  Inrednlngar  :  See —    ■ 

Lewin.  Gunnar  E.  W.     3,013,296. 
•Vktlebolaget  Bahco  :  See — 

.\\elsson.  .Sten  .S.     2,969  O.'tJ 

Ce<lerblad,  Knut  A.     3,014.509. 

Engqulst,  Arne.  and  Svanell.     2,979,032. 

Lundin.  r>aT«ld  M.  E.     2.978,081.     ' 

MiJller,  Carl  F.  ^3.014.512. 
Aktlebolaget  Bofors  :  See — 

Af    Ekenstam,     Bo     T.,     Furendal,    and 
2  969  791 

A8Tund,'lvan.  and  Tillander.     2,983,195. 

I51omc|vist,  Ake  H.  P.     .!. 011.10s 

rhristiansson.  Carl  .M.     2.908.756 

Edin,  Gunnar  F.,  and  Tillander.    2,984, l.">6. 

Engbofg.  Nils  11..  and  <.ust.ifsson.     I'.OSli.OPJ. 

Larsson,  Br.rje  I.,  and  Wormbs.    3,011,077. 

Malm.  Karl  O.  B.     2.970,544. 

Nilsson,  Hugo  E.     2,991.419. 

Palsson,  Lennart  P.    2,990,900. 

Salomonsson.  Hans  M.  .\.    3,005,148. 

Thuresson    af    Ekenstam.    Bo.    Pettersson,    and    Henn. 
.Vktlebol.-iger  Bolindpr-Munktell :  See — 

Wasasti»"rna,   Gorta    Larsson.  and  LindMad.      2,971,476. 
.Xktlebolaget  Bostodsforskning  :  See — 

Wredenfors.  Walter.     3.000.093.  ^ 

.Aktlebolaget  Broby  Armaturfabrik  :  See — 

Sjogren.  Tore  A.     2.999,666. 
.Vktlebiilaget  C.  E.  Johansson  :  .s'ee — 

Edenliolm,  Bert  E..  and  Larsson.    2,986.818. 
.Vktlebolai;et  i'elleco:  See — 

Janson.  Bengt  G.     2.988.223. 

Janson.  lU-ngt  G.     3.013,7.3.">. 

Ranh.nuen.  Ernst  G.  R.     2.985,2.36.  \ 

.Xktlebolaget  Electrolux  :  See — 

Bild.'.  Tord  E.  D.    2.993..3.14. 

Caudrr,  Edouard.     2.978.277. 

Cronhage.  Nils  G.     2,972,770. 

Descarrles.  Ritymonil.     2,98fi.7.'ri. 

T>es(arri«'s,  Raymond.     2.0S6.7.'i7. 

Descarrles,  Raymond.     3.003,179. 

Descarrles.  Raymond.     3.012.268. 

I>escarries.  Ravmond.     3. ((1.3. 287. 

FH'sca  rrit's.  Raymond.     3.013.295. 

Ernolf.  Carl  O..  and  .\ndersson-Sason.    2.98fi.76.'». 

Forsberg,  Axel  A.    2,993.3.').') 

I'.aiKlrv.   Edoiiard.     2.9!t7.72S. 

Gaudrv.  Paul  E      2.998.864. 

Grunwald.  Wolfgang.     3,003,549. 

Jamholt.  Per  E.     3.002. 4."i.'). 

Jodell,  Georg  K.,  Llndstrom,  and  Ysberg. 

Kog.'l,  Wilhelm  G.     3.000.196. 

Kogel.  Wilhelm  G.     3.003,337. 

Lindsjo.  An<lers  F.  N..  :ind  Bolvie.     2.087.241. 

I.indstrom.  Ernst  O.    3.002  119. 

I-indstrom.  Ernst  O.     3,014.145. 

Llndstrom.  Ernst  O..  and  Orrevad.     2.999.176. 

Lv.sen.  Rune  E.     3.003.333. 

Nilsson.  Benct  E.     2.977.620. 

•  Ntrom.  Erik.     3  013  204. 

Ostrom.  Erik,  and  Cederlund.     2.984,730. 

Wahlborg.  Karl  J.     2.978,73.3. 

.\ktleholai:et  Ecrroprodukter  :   See 
Fis.lifr.  IIn;.'o.     2.087.337. 

.Vktlebolaget  Forenade  Superfosfatfabrlker :  See^ 

WalV^y.  John  O.    3.006,479. 
.Vktiebolaeet  Galco  :  See — 

Karisson.  KarlG.    2.990.611. 

Aktlebolaset  (Sotaverken  :   See — 
SSmian.  Rolf  M.  J.     2,070  0O9 
Vegeby,  .Anders  U.  I.     2,982,606. 
Wedel.  Per  A.     2.997,0:52. 

Aktlebolaget  Grythyttans  StfllmSbler :  See — 

Sjoblom.  Eric  A.     2,975,929. 
Aktlebolaget  (lummivafverlet :  See — 

Rydln.  Bjorn.    2,988,086. 




Aktiebolaget  Henkel-Helios  :  See — 

Hellsten,  Karl  M.  E.    2.992,186. 
Aktiebolaget  Hoganasnetoder  :  iS'ee — 

Gummeson,  Per  E.    2,969.969. 
Aktiebolaget  Hydrometer  :  sir — 

Brising,  Victor.    3.012,4;{5. 
Aktiebolaget,  Industrlkompaniet. :  See —  , 

Joelson,  Karl-Evert  A.     2,980,079. 

Joelson,  Karl-Evert  A.    2,980,080. 

Joelson,  Karl-Evert  A.    2.982,254. 

Joelson,  Karl-Evert  A.    3.007,454. 
Aktiebolaget  Inventing :  See — 

Nilsson,  Herman  B.    2,991,997. 
Aktiebolaget  Kamyr  :  Sec — 

Klchter,  Johan  (".  F.  C.    3.007.H39. 

Richter,  Joban  C.  F.  C.  and  Jobansen.     2,999,785. 
Aktiebolaget  Kantbal :  See — 

Edwin,  lijorn.  and  Hildebrand.    2,992,918. 

Malm.  Anders  E.     2,9S1.820. 

Schrewelius,  Nils  G.    2.992.959. 

Schrewelius.  Nils  G.,  and  Amberg.    2.993.111. 
Aktiebolaget  Karlstads  Mek.iniska  Werkstad  :  Stc — 

Jardmo,  Sven  A.     3,002,486. 

I'ehrsson,  Lennart  A.     3.013.ftl5. 
Aktiebolaget  Kosta  Glasbruk  :  See — 

Lindstrand,  Viktor  E.    2.972,212. 
Aktiebolaget  Landsverk  :   See — 

Jung.  Erland  V.     3,002,446. 

Jung.  Erland  V.     3,009,412. 
Aktiebolaget  Leo  :  See —  ^,  "A 

Dicztalusy,  Egon  R.jrFemo,  Fez,  and  Hogberg.     2.970,- 
153.  ^ 

Fem8,  Ore  B,,  Fex.  Llnderot,  Rosenberg,  and  HOffberg. 
Aktiebolaset  Llnde  Maskiner  :  See — 

Andren,  Ingmar  K.  L.    2,968,399. 
Aktiebolaget  Ljungmans  V^erkstader  :  See — 

Ekiund.  Hans  E.     2,970.640. 
Aktiebolaget  Johansons  Press-  &  Hejarverktyg :  Sec — 

Liebmann,  Werner  H.     2.994.567. 
Aktlebolngt't  .Malcus  Holinciuist  :   See  — 

Bauer.  Alfred  E.  R.  E.    3.001.336. 
Aktieholatot  Nordpatent  :   Sir  j 

N.vstroni.  Karl  G.     2.9tl9.2."). 
Aktiebolaget  Overums  Bruk  :  See — 

Thelander.     John.     Leijon,    Westorgren,     and    AkesRon. 
Aktiebolaget  Penta  :  See — 

Bergstwlt.  Karl  A.     2,977,923. 
Aktiebolaget  Pharmacia  :  See — 

Hloingren.  Erik,  and  Jenner.     2,967,155. 

Flodin,  Per  O.  M.,  and  Porath.     3,002,823.  ; 

Aktiebolaget  Pumpindustri :  See —  / 

Berner.  Sven  O.  V.    2,970.548. 

Aktiebolaget  S  :  T  Erlks  Lervarufabrlker  :  See — 

Hellstrom.  Nils  A.    3,009.228. 
Aktiebolaget  Scanis-Vabis  :  See — 

Mautner.  Mihajlo.  Flego,  and  Geric.     3,010.702. 

SJostrom,  Sverker  W.    3,001,291. 
Aktiebolaget  Separator  :  See — 

Bierke.  Sv.Tntf.  and  Mautner.     2,989,425. 

Dnhlstedt.  Prr  A.     .3.010.832 

Erllng,  Sven  J.,  and  Per«n.     2,986.118. 

Hagerman,  Tor  H.,  Morfeldt.  and  SvensJO.     2,973.820. 

Hallstrom,  Bengt  H.     2,989.143. 

HofFmann.  Walter.     2,989,064. 

Lundberg.  Karl  J.  R.     3,014,642. 

Palmqvist,  Fredrik  T.  E.     3,014,790. 

Palmqvist.  Fredrik  T.  E.     3,014,879. 

Rasniussen.  Harry  R.    2,978.327. 

Svensson.  Stig  A.  G.    2,993,494. 

Wennerberg.  Fritz  J.,  and  Hansen.     2,981,274. 
Aktiebolaget  Skoglund  &  Olson :  See — 

Ygge,  Nils  E.  T.     3,013,501. 

Aktiebolaget  Specialpapper  :  See- — 

6holm.  Gustav,  and  Wallin.     3,012,331. 
Wlrma,  Adolf  E.     3.015.015. 

Aktiebolaget  Svenska  Flaktfabrlken  :  See — 
Allander,  Claes,  and  Dock.    2.997.132. 
Allander,  Claes.  and  LMrkfeldt     2,976,794. 
Allander,  Claes,  and  Larkfeldt.    2,997,061. 
Allander.  Claes,  Wallin.  and  P'^tersson.     3-.012.335. 
Boysen.  Arne.     2.996,973. 
Bratt.  Axel  E.    3.004,809. 
Dagroll,  Knut.     2,981.463. 
Gustifsson,  Rune.     3,004,348. 
Johansson.  Ake.     2,996,972. 
Johansson,  Erik  L.  W.      2.!»n7.81S. 
.Tohansson.  Erik  L.  W.     2.998,000. 
Tiberg,  Magnus  G..  and  Kjollberg.     2,997.758. 

Aktiebolaget    Svenska   Jarnvagsverkstadema :    See — 
Aspenberg,  Erik  V.    2.996,018. 

Aktiebolaget  Svenska  Kullagerfabriken  :  See — 
G6thberg.  Karl  E.  A.     2.969,267. 
Nvberg.  Bengt  J     2.989,.353. 
Slettengren.  Anders  I.  K.    2.986,947. 
Westerberg.  Elof.    2.988.403. 

Aktiebolaget   Svenska   Metallverken   Vasteras :  See — 

Ekelund,  Anders  E.    2,978.797. 
.\ktiebolagPt  Vlbro-Verken  :  See — 

Fors,  Torsten  K.  L..  and 'Wimmerstedt.     2.988.338. 

Aktiebolaget  W.  Dan  Bergman  :  ^cf — 

Granqvist.  Nils  H.    3.010,401. 
Aktiebolaget  Westerasmaskiuer  :  See — 

Larsson,  Lai^.  and  Thenander.     3.011,497. 
Aktiengesellschaf t  Brown,  Boverl  &  Cle :  See — 
Mndres,  Max.     3,014,146. 

Brandt,  Armand.     2.!»t>9.496. 

Brandt,  Arniand.    3,011,118. 

Christoffel.  Martin,  and  Wohlfahrt.     2,976,504. 

Darrieus.  Georges.     2,988.687.' 

Ecgmaiin.  ,J«in.     2.1m;!^247. 
^   Fruh,  Werner.     3,004,114. 

Kress,  Herwig  R.  A.    2,976,014. 
-     Latzko,  John  A.     2,976,966. 

Lemaire,  Jacques.     2,976,605. 

Piazza.  Gian  F.     2.967,234. 

Schirli,  Otto.     2,975,343.  ,  l  '  . 

Wiedemann,  Eugen.     2,980,564.  ' 

Wohlfahrt,  Otto,  and  Michel.    2,980,566. 
■  Zaba,  Tadeusz.     2,972.055. 
Aktiengesellschaft  fuer  Berg-  und  Huellenbetriebe :  See — 

Ganzenmuller.  Albert.    3,011,319. 
Aktien-Gesellschaft  "Weser"  :  See — 

Nitzki,  Leopold,  and  Book.     3,014,449. 
Aktteselskabet  Brodrene  Hartmann  :  See — 

Hartmann,  Louis  M.,  and  Hansen.     2,986.211. 
Aktieselskabet  National  Industri :  See — 

Lange.  EmlL     2,977,445. 

Lange.  Emil.    3.010,002. 
Aktieselskabet  Pharmacia  :  See — 

Fakstorp,  Jorgen,   and   Rubinstein.     2,991,288. 

Rubinstein,  Kurt.     2,983.728. 
Aktieselskabet  Thomas  Ths.  Sabroe  &  Co. :  See — 

Larsen.  Hans  C.     2.981.081. 
Akutowicz,    Frank.      Expaaslon    nut    assembly.      2,974,557, 

3-14-<51.  CI.  85 — 33.  I 

Akutowicz.  Frank.     Hydraulic  damper.'^  3,002,741,  10-3-61, 

CI.  267— «.  ^  .       .       . 

Akutowicz,  Frank.     Traction  harness.     3.006,397.  10-31-61, 

CI.  152—221. 
Akutowicz.  Frank.     Automobile  steering  linkage.     3,008,727, 

11-14-61,  CI.  280—95. 
Alaback,    Glenn    J.,    to    Whirlpool    Corp.      Combined    ro^m 
warmer  and  clothes  drier.     2,983,050,  5^9-61.  CI.  34--90. 
Aladdin  Industries,  Inc.  :  See — 

Braniming.  Carl.     2,979.238. 

Hranuning,  Carl.     2.989.203. 

Hill.  Lester  E.     2^976,502. 

Howell.  William  H.,  and  Lyman.     3,000,079. 

Jac<b.  Robert  H.    2.971,664. 

Mason,  Francis  G.    2.972,049. 

Mason,  Francis  G.    2,979.616. 

Mason,  Francis  G.    2.980.796.    \ 

Mason.  Francis  C,  and  Ljrman.  ^2.999.156.  •    - 

Wetmore,  Melvin  A.,  and  Howell.     2,907,766. 
Aladdin  Mfg.  Co.  :  See  — 

Wilcox.  Merrill  B.     2,999,706. 

Wilcox.  Merrill  B.     3,011.771. 
Alamac  Knitting  Mills,  Inc.  :  See — 

Thai,  William.    3.010.179. 
.\lamo  Mfg.  Co.,  Inc.:  See —  > 

Gottlieb.   Albert   J.     2,997,801. 



CI.   340— 

Aland.  Richard  C,  to  Continental  Motors  Corp. 

timing  device.     3,003,341,  10-10-61,  CI.  64 — 25. 
Alarie.  Ravmond  D.  :  See — 

Cormier,  Claude  J.,  and  Alarie.    2,995,801. 
Alarm  Products  Inc. :  See — 

Princlpale.  Christy.     3.014,207. 

Albanes,  Nicholas  J.,  to  International  Business 
Corp.  Data  storage  unit.  2,989.731,  6-20-61, 

Albanese.  Philip  :  See — 

Sutton.  George  P.,  Albanese.  Conyers,  Plon.  and  Isaacs. 

Albanese.  Victor  J.,  to  ftogart  Mfg.  Corp.  Multf-band  an- 
tenna test  shield.     2,988.740,  6-13-61.  CI.  343 — 703. 

Albanese.  Victor  J.,  and  H.  Kagan,  to  Bogart  Mfg.  Corp. 
Rotary  Joint  for  microwave  energy.  3,011,137.  11-28-61, 
CI.- .3.3.3— 98^, 

Albaum.  Harry  G.,  and  E.  K.  Harvlll.  to  Miles  Laboratories. 
Inc. '  Test  composition  for  senim  enzymes.  2,987,450. 
0.-6-B1,  CI.   195 — 103.5. 

Albaum,  Harry  G.,  and  E.  K.  Harvlll,  to  Miles  Laboratories, 
Inc.  Composition  for  colorimetric  test  for  serum  enzymes. 
2,999.052,  9-5-61,  CI.  195 — 103.5. 

Albedyhl.  Karl  H.,  to  Moeller  &  Neumann  G.m.b.H.  Roller 
guide  for  rolling  mills.     2,976,749.  3-28-61.  CI.  80 — 51. 

Albee,  Percy  F.,  Jr..  to  Q-Panel  Corp.  Storm  window  con- 
struction.    3.009,515,  11-21-61,  CI.  160 — 369. 

Albee.  Percy  F.,  Jr.,  to  Q-Panel  Corp.  Window  sash  frame 
constniction.      3,009.516.    11-21-61.    " 

Albee.  Percy  F.,  Jr..  to  Q-Panel  Corp. 
3.011.600.  12-.5-61.  Cl.  189—34. 

Albee.  William  H..   to  J.  O.  Holland. 

flexible-walled,  fluid-distensible,  ground-contacting  ,nnd  load 
supporting  roller.     2.990.026,  6-27-61,  Cl.  180 — 74. 

Albemarle  Paper  Mfg.  Co.,  The  :  See — 
Outterson,  Charles  R.     2,986,478.- 

Albers.  George  F. :  See — 

Schultz,  Frederik  S.,  Levinstein,  and  Albcrs.     2.993,678 

Cl.    160—381. 
Enclosure  structure. 

Vehicle  comprising  a 


INDF:X  of  patents,  1961 

Albers.  H.  Micbael :  S 

Schlicksupp,  Th<>odore  F.     2,995,244. 

Schlicksupp,  Tbe.^ore  F.     3.00<J,055.  , 

Alb»Ts  S.ho^nt^ri:.  Ernjit,  to  Steatite  Kf-search  l^^-  Fer- 
ritea  for   microwave  applications.     2;y81,»jb8,  4--.>— 01,  CI. 

Albere-Schoenberg,  Ernst,  to  Steatite  research  Corp.*  Square 
iwp  ferrites.     2.9Hl,rt.S9,  4-2.V-61.  a.  232— fi2..-). 

Alber»-Scho.'Db»^rj:.  Ernst,  to  Steatite  Research  Corp.  Fer- 
rites  with  square  hyst^^n-ais  loops.  2.,981,«90,  4-2.>-61,  CI. 
•^.j'' — *52  5 

Albers-SrhoenfxTL',  Ernst,  to  Indiana  OnfTal  Corp.  Troress 
and  apparatus  for  firing  ceramic  ferrltes.  2,994,522, 
8-1-61,  c'k  2«3 — 11.  ._  ,,  .    \ 

AlberH-Sch"^uljerjr.  Ernst,  to  Steatite  Research  (  orp-.     Square 

»    loop  ff-rrltf-s.     .J.'OOT.S".'),  ll-"-4}l,  n,  252 — 62.o. 

-Vlbert,  Donald  15.  :  &>e —  „',.,..  , 

Newman,   Douglas   A..    Schlotzhauer,   Vpgel,  Albert,  and 

Suattrone.     2,967,784. 
Jonald  J.,  and   R._  ^L.^^iTy,  t'i   Eastman  Kodak  Co. 

2,986,967j  6-0-61,  CI.  88—24. 

I'rojertion  apparatus. 
Albert,  Hans  :  See — 

Kracker,  Herbert,  Albert,  and  Thaler.  2,970,029. 
Albert.  Harry  E.,  to  The  Firestone  Tire  &  Rubber  Co.  Re- 
action productions  of  a  sulfur  chloride  and  N.X'-dialkyl- 
phenylene«liarnlnes  as  rubber  antiozoniats.  2,991,271, 
7-4-Hl,  <1.  260— 45.9. 
AHwrr.  M»-imz.  ami  \V.  Tacke,  to  Reeve.s  Brothers.  Inc. 
.Method  for  reclaiming  scrap  polyurethane  resin.  2,998,395. 
(<-29-»i1.  CI.  260-    'i:.\.  ^ 

Albert,  Joseph  J.,  to  the  Martin  Co.     Nonradiatinc  velocity 
detection  system.     3,004,219,  10-10-61,  CI.  324—70.  \ 

Albert,  I.,eroy  F.  :   Hee —  ..  „   „  „ 

Hilpman,   Pau4.   Albert,  and   Schad;     2,972..399. 
Hilpman,  I'aul.  Rice,  and  Albert.     2,987,171. 
Albert  .Mfg.  Co.  :  Hee — 

Lukeiis,  Frederick'E>  2.989,325.    ;  . 

.\lbert.     I'ierre    L.    L.      Single    spring    push-button    switch. 

3.01 5.0O.-..  12-26-61.  CI.  200 — 67. 
Albert,  Robert  E.,  and  W.  G.  Vosburgh.  to  E.  I.  du  Pont  de 
Nemours  and  Co.     Polyplperazine  adipamldes  having  high 
inherent  viscosity.     2,996,482.  8-15-61.  CI.  260—78. 
Albert,   wniard    S..   to    Westlnghouse   Electric   Corp.      Semi- 
conductor device.      3,010,057,  11-21-61,   CI.   317—234. 
.Xlfjert     William    E.,    to   Petribone   MulUken  <'orp.      Reaching 
'      and  self-leveling  loader.  9^26-61.  CI.  214—140. 
Albertl    Carlo  G..  and  .V.  Vercellone.  to  Rodeta  Farmaceutlcl 
Italia.    Dlamlnonltroproplophenones  and  process  of  prepara- 
tion.    2.980.674,  4-18  ^.l.  CI.  260 — 247.2. 
Albertini     Sauro   .\.     Device   for   reshaping  the  tips  of  ball 

point  i)ens.     2.970..558,  2-7-61,  CT.  113—32. 
.\lberts<'n.  Hans- C.  :   See   -  * 

I.a»vIor.  .loseph  P..  and  Albertsen.     3,001.722. 
Albertson  4  Co..  Inc.  :   See — 

AlfH*rtson.  Frank  O..  and  Mad.sen.    2.993.397. 
Albertson,    Frank    O.,    and'  J.    .\.    W.    Madsen,    to   Albertson 
it    Co..    Inc.      Magazlne-typt    socket    wrench.      2.993.397. 
7-2.5-61.   CI.    81—125 
iVJbertson,   Noel  F.,  to  Sterling  Drug  Tno.     3-hidolemethane- 
phosphonlc    add    and    its    salts    and    preparation    thereof. 
2;>HO602.  4-18-61.  CI.  260 — 319. 
Albertson.   Victor  N'..    and    R.    E.    Paulson,   to   Mlnneapolla- 
Moline  Co.     Variable  speed  drive  for  tractor  transmission. 
2.9S2.153.  .5-2-61.  CI.  74 — 740. 
AIM  Mfg.  Co..  Inc.^:  See—  I 

Kaplan,  BenjlTmin  B.    2,984.640.     | 
Albln.son.    Don.    to    Herman    Miller.    Inc.      Appointments   for 

beds.     2.995,762,  H_l.-,-61,  Cl.  5—322. 
Albi-^w.rk  Zuruh  .\M.  :  ^rr-  I 

Hraim.  Arnold,  and  Patry.     2.998.5B8. 
Konlg.  Helnrlch.     3.004,241. 
Albrecht,  .Mberta  M.  :   See — 

Broqiilst.  Harry  P..  Albrecht,  and  Stlffey.     2.980,590. 
Albreeht.  Alexander  J. :  .SVr — 

Hurk.  William  F.,  and  Albr*ht.     2,967,708. 
Hiick,  William  F.,  Albrecht,  and  Sanford.     2.973.204. 
Albrecht.  -Mexander  J.,  to  The  Brunswick  Automatic  Pinsetter 
Corp.     Pin  distributor?     3.015.049,  12-26-61.  Cl.  273 — 13. 
Albrecht.  Alexander  J.,   and  F.   E.   Rledl.   to  The  Brunswlclc 
.\utomatlc  Pinsetter  Corp.     Bowling  ball  return  mechanism. 
2.979.3.33.  4-11-61.  Cl.  273 — 49. 
Albrecht.  Alexander  J.,  and  J.  B.  Wyatt.  to  The  Brunswick 
'     Automatic   Pinsetter   Corp.      Pin    distributing   mechanLsm. 

3.014.721,  12-26-<il.  Cl.  273 13. 

Albrecht.  Frltr.     Crash  data  recorder,     2.1992.296.  7-11-61. 
Cl.  179 — ^100.2.  -•  V 

Albrecht.  Hans  W.  :  See —  -; 

Sprenjrer.  Gerhard  E.,  and  Albrecht.     2,993.906. 

Albrecht.'  Horst :  See — 

Schackmann.   Helnri«h.   Kayser.   and   Albrecht.      2,991.- 
884.  \ 

Albrecht.  Howard  W..  to  Xerox  Corp.     Dnmottled  dye  trans- 
fer.    3.003.891,  10-10-61.  Cl.  117—17.5. 

Albrecht.  Otto  :  See — 

Matter.  Erich.  Albrecht.  and  Hlestand.     2.984,539. 

Matter.  Erich.   Albrecht,  and  Hlestand.     2,984,587. 
.\lbrecht.  Otto,  to  Clba  Ltd.     Detereent  compositions  for  the 
hair     :'..OO.t.ft«;«».  lo   lo  61.  n.  252     142. 

Albre««ht.  Otto,  to  Clha  Ltd.     New  polvglycol  ether  derivatives. 
:5.0<)6.935.  10-31-61.  Cl.  260 —♦04.-$. 

AlbrtTht.  Otto,  and  E.  Matter,  to  Clh,"*  Llwl.     Determent  com 
position  for  the  hair     2.992. 9?i4.  7-1H-^1,  Cl.  252—1-''? 

.  260  —♦04.-$.        , 

fatter,  to  Clh,"*  LM. 
2.992.9*14.  7-lH-*l, 

Albrecht,  Paul  R.     Brace  and  garment  connector.     2,966,712, 

1-3-61,  tn.  24 — 73. 
Albrecht,    Ransom  C,  and   E.   G.   Heyl.     Method  of  forming 

plastic  containers.     2.9H7.775,  6-13-61.  Cl.   18 — 55. 
Albrecht,   Warren   F.,   to  General  Electric  Co.     'Flash  lamp. 

3.000,200.  9-19-61,  Cl.  67—31. 
Albritfht,    Franklin  C,  and  W.   D.  Chambers.  tolThe  Bendlx 
<'orp.      Forgetl  aircraft  wheel   for  laiiding  gear  assemblies. 
2,9»0.216.   t;-27-61.  Cl.  301—6. 
Albright,  John  D. :  See — 

Aasen,  Marvin  D.,  and  Albright.    2,991,426. 
Albri«lit,  John  W.,  and  E.  E.  Blanco,  to  (General  Electric  Co. 
Adjustably  luountable  current  transformer  and  apparatus 
employ ini:  s;jme.     2.994.845.  S-1-61.  Cl.  33«; — 08. 
Albright,  Richard.     Clothes  hanger.     3.002,662.  10-3-61,  CL 

223 — ^95. 
Albright.  William  D.  :  See — 

Moore.   Harold  R..  Albright,  and  Evans.     2,993,183. 
Albricht  &  Wilson  Ltd.  :  See — 

Coates.    Harold.     2.983.623. 
Albright  &  Wilson  (Mfg.)  Ltd.:  See- 
Paddock.  Norman  L.,  and  Searle.     3,008,799. 
Sp^hu.  Heinz,  and  Wells.     3,008,812. 
Albrighton.  Reginald  F.  :  See— 

Ferm.  Glenn  C,  Smith,  and  Albrighton.     2,967,232. 
Albro  Fillers  &  Engineering  Co.  Ltd. :  See — 

Bagnelle,  Arthur  H.     2,976,001. 
Albus,  Charles  P..  and  J.  L.  to  General  Aniline  & 
Film  Corp.    Hot  melt  adheslves  containing  poljvlnyl  methyl 
ether.     2.970.974.  2-7-61.  Cl.  260—27. 
Alcamo,    John    H.      Surgeon's    suturing    device.      2,988.028. 
6-13-61,  C^.  112—169. 
\Alcan  Co.,  Inc. :  See — 
\       Clark,  Homer  E.,  Jr.     2.973.711. 

Clark.  Homer  E..  Jr.     2,986,998. 
Alcaro.   Francis  A^  to  Santa  Fe  Mfg.  Corp.     Pressure  gov- 
ernor.    2.989.000.  6-20-61.  Cl.  103— 16.  , 
Alco  Oil  &  Chemical  Corp. :  See — 

Hager.  Onslow.  B..  and  Martin.     3,003,987. 
Alco  Products,  Inc. :  See — 

Nichols. William  .M.     3.014.771. 
Vaughan,  Paul  S.    2,984.229. 
Alco  Valve  Co.  :  See-^ 

Schenk,  John  A,  and  Tilney.    2.986,899. 
Tilney.  Ralph  B.     2.982.582. 
Tilnev.  Ralph  B.     3,006,323. 
Wiegers.  Irvin  E.     2,982.303. 
Wlegers,  Irvln  E.     3.004.557. 
Alcock.   Norman  Z.,  to  Curtlss-Wright  Corp. 
contlnuouslv  measuring  the  mass  per  unit 
ing.     3,010,020,  11-21-61,  Cl.  250 — 83.6. 
Alcoholism  Research  Foundation  :  See — 

I>e  Grunigen,   Alfred   C.   and   Fereuson. 

Apparatus  for 
area  of  a  coat- 

Alcott,  Ernest  G..  to  General  Electric  Co.     Method  and  ap 

ratus  for  balling  clay  pug.     2,974  384,  3-14-61,  Cl.  25 — 54. 
Alcott.    Rollin    A.,    to    .>linneapolls-Honeywell    Regulator   Co. 

Control  apparatus.     2.993.969,  7-2.5-61.  Cl.  200—140. 
.\lden,  Carroll  R..   to  Ex-Cell-O  Corp.     Dispensing  container 

with    extensible    pouring   spout.      Re.    25,021,    8-8-61.    Cl. 

Alden, -John   H..   to  General  Motors  Coip.      Rotatable  brake 

drum.    2.991.851.  7-11-61,  Cl.  188—218. 
Alden.  John  P..  and  N.  A.  Kimrnel.  to  Phillips  Petroleum  Co. 
'    Ignition  of  solid  rocket  propellants.    2,989,844.  6-27-61.  Cl. 

60—35  6. 
Alden,      Milton.        Dispenser     for      handling      components. 

2.977.027.  3-28-61.  Cl.  222—156. 

Alder,  Robert  L.,  to  Dresser  Industries,  Inc.    Electrical  log- 
ging system.    2.986,693,  5-30-61,  Cl.  324 — 1. 
Alderman.  John  C.     Preset  fiuid  control  system.     2,987,076, 

6-6-61.  Cl.   137— .599. 
Alderson  Research  Laboratories.  Inc. :  8ee-^ 
Alderson.  Samuel  W.    2.995.832. 
Alderson.  Samuel  W.     2.999.317. 
Aklprson.  Samuel  W.    3.010.223. 

Alderson.  Samuel  W..  to  Alderson  Research  Laboratories,  Inc. 

Drafting  apparatus.     2,999,317.  9-12-61.  Cl.  33—26. 
Alderson.  Samuel  W.,  to  Alderson  Research  Laboratories,  Inc. 

Human  equivalent  dummy.     3,010.223.  11-28-61,  Cl.  35 — 

-Mderson,    Ross   C.     and   B.    Carpenter,    deceased    (by  W.    T. 

Fisher,  executor),  to  Minneapolis-Honeywell  Regulator  Co. 

Automatic  Instrument  landing  systems  for  airborne  craft. 

2,993.664,  7-25-61,  Cl.   244 — 77. 
Alderson,  Samuel  W..  to  Alderson  Research  Laboratories,  Inc. 

Tralninc   aid    for   Intravenous   therapy.      2.995,832,   8-15- 

61.  Cl.  35—17. 
Alderson.   Thomas,   to  E.    I.    du    Pont   de   Nemours   and   Co. 

Dimerizatlon    of    alpha    olefins    with    a    group   VIII    noble 

metal  salt.     3.013.066.   12-12-61.  <jl.   260 — 486. 

Alderton.  Gordon,  and  L.  E.  Sacks,  to  United  States  of 
America.  Agriculture.  Isolation  of  bacterial  spores.  3,009,- 
861,  11-21-61.  Cl.  195 — 96. 

Aldington.  Elmer  T..  to  American  Can  Co.  Self-conforming 
cover  for  containers.     2.985,.354.  5-2.3-61.  Cl.  229 — 13. 

Aldington.  Elmer  T..  to  American  Can  Co.  Container  and 
cover.      2.993.636.   7-25-61.   Cl.   229     43. 

.\ldred.  Fred  C.  :  See — 

Kearton.  Christopher  F.,  Glvens,  and  Aldred.    2,974,420. 
Aldred.  Fred  C.  and  W.  G.  Daroux.  to  Courtaulda  Ltd.     Dls- 
po.sal  of  effluent.     2.966.865.  1-.3-61,  CI.  110 — 7. 



Aldrer,  Eldon  D. :  See — 

Webb.  Donald  E..  and  Aldrer.    3.013,152. 

Aldrldpe.  Clyde  L.,  and  A.  B.  Small,  to  Ebso  Research  and 
Engineering  <"o.  Cross-linked  maleic  anhydride  modified 
petroleum  resin.  2,993,880.  7-2.->-Gl.  CI.  260 — T8.4. 
'  Aldridge,  Clyde  L.,  and  E.  A.  Hunter,  to  Esso  Rese.irch  and 
I-^plneerihg  Co.  Synthesis  of  long  chain  iilliylated  aro- 
riiatic  compounds*.     3.014,081,  12-19-61,  Ci.  260--G71. 

Alekoa,  Peter  :  Hee — 

Zimmerman,  Edward  C,  and  Aleska.     2,974,580. 

-Melynnas.    Soiomon.      (iaiiie.      2.977.7 1;{.   4— 4-«;i.    CI.    46 — 1. 
^  Aler.  Richard  P.     Bowling  pin.    2,968,485,  1-17-61.  CI.  273— 

Alexander,  Adolph  P..  and  A.  F.  Spengler,  Jr..  to  International 
Harvester  Co.  Ductile  iron.  2,970,902,  2-7-61.  CI. 

Alexander,  Ben.  M.  Rogoff.  and  M.  C.  Vosburgb,  to  Inter- 
national Telephone  and  Telegraph  Corp.  range  radio 
navigation  system.     2,975,417,  3-14-<;i,  CI.  343 — 100. 

Alexander,  Benjamin  H. :  See — 

Beroza.  Morton,  and  Alexander.    2.974.086. 

Alexiinder.  Bruce  :   See — 

Wurgaft.  Robert  L.     2,975,810. 

Alexander,  D.  J.,  Corp.  :  See — 

Marica,  John.     2,968,235.  *P 

Alexander,  Doyle  L. :  See — 

Scott,     John     N'.,     Jr.,     Alexander,     and     JVhittington. 

'Alexander,  Everett.  X.  Groif,  H.  Jass.  and  R.  Stetzer,  to 
•Revl^n,  Inc.  Sun  screen  compositions.  2,974,089,  3-7-61. 
01.  167—90. 

Alexander,  Frank  M.  :  See — 

•  Chope.  Wilbert  E..  and  Alexander.     2,999.381. 

''       FrSncis.  Kenneth  E..  and  Alexander.     2.999.976. 

Hi(^kman,   Ricliard   \V.,  Mamas,  and  Alexander.     3,007,- 
•  052. 

Alexander.  Frank  M..  to  Industrial  Nucleonics  Corp.  Mea 
ing  and  Controlling  System.  3,000.438,  9-19-61,  CI.  16 

Alexander,    Frank   M.,  and  B.   C.  Holben,  to  Industrial 
cleonics  Corp.     Reflectivity  comparison  system.     3,001. 
9-19-61.  CI.  250—83.3. 

-Mexander.  Fred  C.  :   Sec — 

Schmitt.  Joseph  R..  and  Alexander.     2,980,744. 

Alexander.  Fred  C.  to  T'niversal  Rundle  Corp.  Tilting  flush 
valve  for  toilet.     S.OO.l.l.^.G,  10-10-01,  CI.  4 — 00. 

Alexander.  Frederick  D..  E.  P.  PoUltt.  and  R.  E.  Smith,  to 
Avco  Mfg.  Corp.  (.Vow  Idea  Division).  Pelleting  mecha- 
nism.    3,009,413,  11-21-61,  CI.  100—218. 

Alexander,  Guy  B.,  to  E.  I.  du  Pont  de  Nemours  and  Co. 
Aluminosilicate  aquasols-and  their  preparation.  2,974,108, 
3_'y_(}j    Q\    252 313 

Alexander.  Gu.v  B.,  R.  "k.  Her,  and  S.  F.  West,  to  E.  I. 
du  Pont  de  Nemours  and  Co.  Metal  oxtde-metal  compo- 
sition.     2.972.529,  2-21-61,  CI.  75 — .5. 

Alexander,  Guy  B.,  and  J.  Bugosh.  to  E.  I.  du  Pont  de 
Nemours  and  Co.  Uses  of  zirconia  sols.  2,984.576,  5-16- 
61.  CI.  106 — 5. 

Alexander.  Guy  B.,  and  J.  Bugosh,  to  E.  I.  du  Pont  de 
Nemours  and  Co,  Concentrate<l  zirconia  and  haflnia  aqua- 
sols  and  their  preparation.  2,984,628,  5-16-61,  CI.  252 — 

Alexander,  Guy  B.,  and  G.  H.  Bolt,  to  E.  I.  du  I'ont  <Ie 
Nemours  and  Co.  Aquasols  of  i>ositively-charged  coated 
silica  particles  and  their  production.  3.007,878.  11-7-61, 
CI.  252— .-113. 

Alexander,  Harold  M.,  and  W.  E.  McCown,  to  Llbbey-Owens- 
Ford  Glass  Co.  Cleaning  glass  supporting  tables.  2.999,- 
341,  9-12-61.  CI.  51—279. 

Alexander.  Harry,  and  J.  H.  Powell.  Triangular  lined  car- 
ton.    3,006,526.  10-31-61,  CI.  229—22. 

.Alexander.  Irene  :  .See — 

Alexander,  Paul.     2,996,412. 

Alexander,  Jack  E.,  to  Xela  Corp.  Knee  vanity.  2,979,990, 
4-18-61,  CI.  88 — 101. 

Alexander.  John  E.,  C.  H.  Comstock,  Jr.,  R.  P.  Burnett,  and 
L.  B.  McKinney.  Foot  operated  device  for  speed  and  steer- 
ing control  of  hydraulic  propelled  boats.  3,003,455,  10-10- 
01.  a.  ll.'i- 12. 

Alexander  John  R.,  and  F.  P.  Hendrlckson,  to  Monsanto 
Chemical  Co.  Electric  furnace  operation.  3,010,796. 
11-28-61.  CI.   2.3—223. 

Alexander.  Lewis  W. :  Bee — 

Haller,  John,  and  Alexander.    2,999,704. 

Alexander,  Melville  F.,  to  Thompson  Ramo  Wooldrldge  Inc. 
Gas  pressurized  fluid  seal.     2.976,065,  3-21-61,  CI.  286 — 8. 

Alexander.  Michael.  Load  binder.  2,991,975,  7-11-61.  CI. 
2M — 164. 

Alexander,  Oren.  Cable  clamp.  3,009,224,  11-21-61,  CI. 

Alexander,  Paul,  to  Continental  Can  Co.,  Inc.  Heater 
vaporizer  element  stipporti    2,969,448,  1-24-61,  CI.  .219 — 19. 

Alexander,  Paul,  deceased,  I.  Alexander,  executrix,  to  Con- 
tinental Can  Co.,  Inc.  Art  of  depositing  metals.  2,996,- 
412.  8-15-61.  a.  117—221. 

Alexander,  Perry  L.,  Jr..  and  R.  L.  Vernon,  to  Decam  Corp. 
Article  dl verger.      2,987.251.  6-6-61.  CI.   23.T — 98. 

Alexander,  Rexford  G..  Jr.,  to  Bdrroughs  Corp.     Information 

storage  device.     2.978.683.  4-4-61,  CI.  340—174. 
Alexander,  Robert  H. :  See —  ' 

Babb,  Charles  L.,  Alexander,  and  Linsker.     3,002.495. 

Alexander,  Samuel.  Dispenser  box.  2,990,050,  7-4-Gl,  Cl. 

Alexander,  Stephen  H.,  and  A.  J.  Holberg ;  said  Alexander 
assor.  to  Monsanto  Chemical  Co.  Mlcrocrystalline  was  coat- 
ing  compositions.      3,004,854,   10-17-61.   Cl.   106 — 14. 

Alt'Xiinder.  Wiirn-ii  K..  to  (leneral  Dynainirs  Corp.  Bridge 
modulator.     2,003,124,  10-3-61,  Cl.  332 — 17. 

Alexander,  William  F..  to  Hughes  Aircraft  Co.  Tracking 
control' apparatus.     3.013.441,  12-19-61,  Cl.  74 — 171. 

Alexander,  William  G.,  and  C.  M.  Harden,  to  The  Itendlx 
Corp.  System  for  geenrating  discrete  side-by-side  dis- 
plays on  a  cathode  ray  tube.  3,013,203.  12-12-61.  Cl. 

Alexanderson,  Ernst  F.  W.  Magnetic  computer.  2,984,414, 
5-16-61.  Cl.  235 — 178. 

Alexaudersson.  Harold  V. :  See — 

Lundkvist.  Karl  A.,  Ericsson,  Johnson,  and  Alexanders- 
son.     3,001,023. 

Alexandre.  Philippe,  to  Societe  Grenobloise  d'l^tudos  et  d'Ag- 
plications  Hvdrauliques.  Hydraulic  modules.  2,986,88 1,* 
(Mi-61,  Cl.   61-18. 

Alexandrescu,  Alexander  M.  Rotary  turbine  type  fluid  cou- 
pling.   Re.  24,991,  5-30-61,  Cl.  192—3.2. 

Alexeff,  Alexander  v.,  E.  P.  Homburg.  and  H.  Riohanl.>5.  to 
Industrial  Ovens,  Inc.  Web  heat  treatment  and  apparatus 
therefor.     2,994,133,  8-1-61,  Cl.  34 — 56. 

Alexis,  Roger,  and  J.  C.  Simon,  to  Compagnie  Generale  de 
Telegrapnle  Sans  Fil.  Over-the-horizon  radio  system  hav- 
ing automatic  frequency  shift  at  predetermined  signal-noise 
ratios.     3,001,064.  9-19-61,  Cl.  250 — 6.      . 

Alexoff.  Carl :  .Sec — 

Cobb.  Alfred  E..  and  Alexoff.    2.992..'>85. 

Alf,  Fritz,  to  Deutsche  Edelstahlwerke  Aktiengesells«'haft, 
and  Allgemoine  Elektricitats-Gesellschaft.  Method  of  pro- 
gressively induction  heating  metal  strip  and  an  apparatus 
for  performing  the  same.  3,008,025.  11-7-61,  Cl.  219 — 

fano.  Ugo,  to  Renfro  Hosiery  Mills  Co.    Knit  simulated  lace. 
:?,003.343.  10-10-61,  Cl.  66—172. 

Iflerl.  Giuseppe,  to  Fabbrica  Italiana  Magnetl  MarelU,  S.p.A. 
Pneumatic  braking  equipment  with  multiple  sections  par- 
ticularly  for  vehicles.     2.980,468.   4-18-61.   Cl.  30.1—2. 

Alfieri,  Giuseppe,  to  Fabbrica  Italiana  Magneti  Marelli. 
Control  of  tne  idle  valve  of  a  compressor  having  a  plural- 
ity of  receiver  sections.    3,006,356,  10-31-61,  Cl.  137 — lOS 

.Mford.  Andrew  :  See — 

Adams.  Gerald  J.     2.973.515. 
Rubin.  Richard.     3.001.053. 
Russell,  Lindsay.     2,968,808. 
Russell.  Lindsay.     3,004,154. 
Snrague.  Robert  M.     2.973.514. 
Watts.  Chester  B..  Jr.    2,973.517. 
Watts.  Chester  B..  Jr.     2.976,497. 

Alford.  .Andrew.  A  periodic  directive  antenna.  Re.  25,035, 
9-12-61,  Cl.  343—732. 

.\lford,  Andrew.  Circuit  for  use  with  a  plurality  of  antennas. 
3.004,l."i3.  10-10-61,  Cl.  2.50— 13. 

Alford.  Andrew.  Directive  antenna.  3,011.167.  11-28-61. 
Cl.  34.3—763. 

Alford,  Andrew,  and  C.  B.  Watts,  Jr. :  said  Watts  aasor. 
to  said  Alford.  Automatic  impedance  plotting  device. 
2.983,866,  .5-9-61,  Cl.  324 — 58.  -^ 

-\lford.  Charles  E..  to  Sterling  Drug  Inc.  Stable  aluminum 
hydroxide   suspension.      2.999.790.    9-12-61,    Cl.    167 — 55. 

-Vlford,  Harvey  E.  :  See — 

Veatch,    Franklin,    Alford.    and    Cxoft.      2  978.3.39. 
Veatch,  Franklin,  Alford,  and  Croft.     2.978.340. 

Alford,  James  W. :  See — 

Rorie,  George  C.  and  Alford.    2,971,568.    ' 

Alford.  Joseph  S..  to  General  Electric  Co.  Cooling  means 
for  a  multi-stage  turbine.  2,973,938,  3-7-61,  Cl.  253— 

Alford,  Joseph  S.,  to  General  Electric  Co.  Supporting  means 
to  maintain  concentricity  between  two  members.  2,977,142, 
3-28-61,  Cl.  287—52.  ^ 

Alford.  Joseph  S..  to  General  Electric  Co.  Cooling  structure 
for  turbine  wheels.     2,998,958,  9-5-61,  Cl.  253 — 39.15.    , 

.\lfred.  L.nuretta  H. :  See — 

Alfred,  Theodore  C.     3.011,225.  I 

Alfred.  Theodore  C,  deceased :  L.  H,.  Alfred,  executrix,  to! 
T.  C.  Alfred.  Jr.     Metal  awning  of  the  adjustable  shutter 

type.    3.011.225.  12-5- 

61.  Cl.  20—57.5. 



Alfred.  Theodore  C.  Jr.  : 
.\lfred.  Theodore  C. 
Alfred<^n.  Fno  A. :  See — 

Hellberg,  Gustav  S..  and  Alfred^en.     2.996.959. 
Algatt.    George  E..    H.    T.    Campbell,    and   E.    W.   Nelson,    to 
Western  Electric  Co..  Inc.     Article  gripping  Chuck.     2,973,- 
197,  2-28-61,  Cl.  269—190. 

Alger.  Ferris' E. :  See —  v     ' 

Johnson.  Stanley  A.,  and  Alger.    2,972,697. 

.\lger.  Jerrv  T..  to  Configured  Tube  Products  Co.  Flame 
spreaders.      2.987,119.   6-6-61.  Cl.   158—113. 

Alger.    Jerrv   T..    to   Configured   Tube   Products    Co.      Flame 

.shapers.     2.099.535^9-12-61.  Cl.  158 — 113. 
Alger.  Martin  J..  Jr..  to  The  New  York  Air  Brake  Co.     Low 

friction    sliding   valve    with   edge-sealed    ports.      2,973,183, 

2   2S-61.  Cl,  251 — 183. 

Algren.  .\xel  B.,  and  E.  F.  Snyder,  said  Sn.vder  assor.  to 
Minneapfdis-Honevwell  Regulator  Co.  Control  apparatus 
for  refrigeration  system.     2.986,018.  .5-30-61.  Cl.  62 — 227. 



Alheim,  Robert  J. :  See — 

Ilein.  Dflton  W..  Alheim.  and  L*avltf 

Alheritlere,  Louis,  and  J.  Mercler,  to  Leg  Uslnes  de  Melle 
(Sodete  Anonyme).  Process  for  contacting  solid  and  liquid 
ptaaaes.    2.980,731.  4-18-61.  CI.  260 — 488. 

All,  Syed  I.  :  Hee —  ^ 

Habn.  fieorge,  and  Ali.    2,991.172. 

Aliaga-Moyano.  Krnfsto,  to  Daystrom.  Inc.  Damping  ar- 
rangement.     S.dOj.Ul.   9-2C-«>l.   Cl.   ."ilH 148. 

Alimanestlano,  Cwistantin,  to  General  American  Transporta- 
tion Corp.  Combination  road  and  railway  vehicles.  2,991,- 
732.  7-11-61.  Cl.  105 — 368. 

Alimanestiano.  Constantin.  Automatic  vehicular  parking  de- 
vice.    3,008.590.  11-14-61,  Cl.  214 — 16.1. 

Alizun.  Etienne.  to  Compagnie  Industrielle  des  Telephones. 
.Magnerostatic  retay.     3.012.152.  12-5-61,  Cl.  307—88. 

Alkirk.  Inc.:  See— 

Kirkpatrlck.  Max  B.    Re.  24,965 

Allais.  -Andre  :  See— 

Velluz,  Leon.  Mailer.  Allais,  and  Enezian.     2.985,fio9. 

AIlaifl'Andr^,  and  P.  Girault,  to  Lea  Laboratoires  Francais 
de  Chimiotherapfe.  M-sulfo  benzoates  of  steroid  hormones. 
2.995,585.  S-8-61,  Cl.  260 — 397.4. 

AllHi.<4.  Andre.  P.  Girault,  and  A.  Vesterman.  to  UCLiVF. 
Fungicidal  copper  (I)  complex  compound  and  process  of 
pr.MluclnK   same.      2.99S.442.   8-2fMil.   Cl.    260— 4.3M. 

Allaia,  Andre,  and  C.  Hoffmann,  to  Les  Laboratoires  Francais 
de  Chlmiotherapie.  19-nor-te8terone-17-tran.shexahydro- 
terephthalate.     3.006,928,   10-31-61.   Cl.  260—397.4. 

AllaiH,  David  C,  and  >'.  A.  Vogel,  to  International  Business 
3iachines  Corp.  Hydraulic  system  for  driving  several  ac- 
tuators.     ."^.00 1  .."^fij),   9-26-*51,   n.   60 — 54.5. 

All  American  Engineering  Co. :  See — 
Cotton.  KofH-rt  I'..     .'i,.010.6.S3. 
Cotton.  Robert  B.,  and  Daniels.     2,977,074. 
Haber.  Robert.J.     2,971,727. 
Haber,  Robert  J.     2,977,075.  1 

Jannev,  Raymond  B..  II.     2.981,499.  | 
!>■♦»«.  Robert.     3.013.72."). 
SbeafTer,  Bruce  R.     2.989.272.' ' 

Allan,  Benjamin  W.  F.  O.  Rummery,  R.  W.  Chrest,  and  R. 
Roseman,  to  The  Glidden  Co.  Process  for  preparing  cadmi- 
um red  pigrments  and  resulting  pigments.  3,008,84^ 
li-14-61.  Cl.  106 — 301.  ^ 

Allan.  Ian,  ^  .  to  Scotcrtif  t  Ltd.  Sewing  machine  attach- 
ments.   2.977,907,  4-1-61,  Cl.  112—134.  « 

Allan.  James  A  .  to  Kllenro  Inc.'  Elect ro.static  discharge  ap- 
naratus.     2.985.798.  .>-2.3-61.  Cl.  317-:-2. 

Allander.  Claes.  B.  Lunden.  and  K.  Nllsson.  to  AB  Svenska 
Klaktfabrlken.  Air  conditioning.  2,973.609.  3-21-61.  Cl. 

Allander.  Claes.  and  B.  LSrkfeldt.  to  Akttiebolaget  Svenska 
Flaktfabriken.  High-velocity  primary  air  nozzle.  2.976,794. 
*3-28-fil.  Cl.  98 — 38. 

Allander.  Claes.  and  B.  Larkfeldt.  to  AkKlebolaget  Svenska 
Flaktfabriken.  Volume  governor  for  k  flowing  gaseous 
medium.     2.997.061.  8-22-61.  Cl.  137 — 517. 

Allander.  Claes,  and  N.  Dock,  to  Aktiebolajget  Svenska  Flakt- 
fabriken. Method  for  the  ventilating  of  plants  for  the 
manufacture  of  aluminium  or  similar  products.  2,997,132, 
8-22-61,  Cl.  18.T — 121.  ^ 

Allander,  Claes.  S.  Wallin.  and  H.  Petersson.  to  Aktiebolaget 
Svenska  naktfnbrlken.  Treating  web-like  material  by  a 
gaseous   mpdium       3.012..l3r».    12-12-61.   Cl.   34 — 155. 

Allard.  Almon.  Car  top  carrier.  3,008,784.  11-14-61,  Cl. 

.Mlard.  Donald  R.  Exercise  rack.  3.010.720.  11-28-61.  Cl. 
L'7  •_>_«! 

Allard.  Harrle  M.,  to  Improved   Machinery.   Inc.     Clamping 

mechanism    for    molding    machines.      2,969.818,    1-31-61, 

n.  144 — 302. 
Allard  Instniment  Corp. :  See —  | 

Skroblsch.  Alfred.     Re.  24.943.  ""  [ 

Allard.    Marc,    to    Institut    de   Recherches  de   la  ipldenirgie. 

M<'tho<i  for  tr{^atinB  steel  in  vacuo.     2,993.780,  7-2.">-61,  Cl. 

-Mlardlce.  Gordon  D..  to  Eastman  Kodak  Co.     Preparation  of 

a  j."'latin  vitamin  mixture.    ,2.987,444.  6*6-01,  Cl.  167—81. 

Allardt.  Clark  E.  :  See — 

Guthrie.    John    M..    Bonk.   Allanlt.    Ashlev.    Burkhelmer. 

and  Smith.     3.010.677 
Wenzel.  Robert  F..  and  Allardt.    '3.000,306. 

.Mlardt.   Ernst  W.,   to  The  Babcock  A  Wilcox  Co.     Impedor 
for  use  on  a  thermatool  welder.     3,004,134,  10-10-61,  Cl. 
'    219—59. 
Allbaugh.  B. :  See — 

Sklrvin,  Clifford  D..  ^nd  Allbaugh.     2,969.800. 
Allbricht.    Dennis    II.,    to    Dunlop    Rubber  Co.    Ltd.      Piston 

rings.     2.99^.343. 

Cl.  309—29. 

.Mlday.  T'oninEsby  : 
Scott.  Thomas 




See — 

R..  Bromby.  and 

Alleganv  Instrument  Co..  Inc. :  See— 
^  Harrison.  George  \V.  2.979.807. 
Allegheny  Ludlum  Steel  rorj>. :  See-- 

Lincoln.  Rush  A.,  and  Renshaw. 

I.ula.  H«»inus  .\.,  and  Mc<'u,Tin      2.099,039 

Mitchell.  I>ewiB  T.,  Jr.     2,982,912. 

Shaw.  Richard  B  .  and  Conn»r.     2.990.272. 
Allegheny  Steel  &  Brass  Corp..  See —  * 

Eltlng.  Donald  N..  and  Spencer.    2.973.982. 
.\llerr1.  Theodore  II.,  'A    to  Savell.   Inc.     Dispensing  display 
cabinet.     2.971. 67.'>.  2-14   61.  Cl.  221—124. 


Allemann,  Paul,  to  Materiel  Industriel  S.A.,  and  Constructions 
Mecaniques  S.A.  Renens.     Machine  for  ramming  the  ballast 
of   railway   lines.     2,972,964,    2-28-61,  Cl.    104 — 12. 
Allemann,  Paul,  to  Material  Industrial  S.A.,  and  Constmc- 
tions    Mecaniques    S.A.    Renens.      Device    for    limiting    the 
opening  stroke  of  a  tool-carrier.     2,986,124,  6-30-61,  Cl. 
121 — 41. 
Alleuuinn,   Paul,   to  Materiel   Industriel   S.A.,  and   Construc- 
tions Mecaniques  S.A.    Renens.      Light  tamping  machine. 
3.012,516,   12-12-61,  Cl.   104—12. 
Allemann,   Rudolph  T.,  and   B.  M.   Johnson,  Jr..  to  United 
States  of  America,  Atomic  Enernr  Commission.     Process- 
ing of  radioactive  waste.     3,006|859,  10-31-61,  Cl.  262 — 
AUamanna  Svenska  Elektriska  Aktiebolaget :  See — 

Thelemarck,  Thor.     3,004,092. 
Allen,  .\lbert.   to  The  Foxboro  Co.     Continuous  reusable  re- 
cording chart  device.     3,011,854,  12-5-61,  Cl.  346 — 21. 
Allen,  Allee  M. :  -Sec — 

Allen,  James  E.  and  A.  M.    2.996,827. 
Allen.  Alva  J.,  and  W.  M.  Dodson.     Fire  alarm  assembly. 

2,995,629,  8-8-61.  Cl.  179—5. 
Allen,  Alyce  L. :  See — 

Oulcl.  Carlton  L.,  and  Allen.    2,989,634. 
Allen.  Anneke  S.  :  See — 

Allen,  Donald  R.  and  A.  S.     3,008.881. 
Allen.    Arthur   C,    T.    E.   Bjorn,   and   B.   J.    SadofT,   Jr.,   to 
Stewart-Warner   Corp.      Speed   responsive   control   device. 
2,991,395,  7-4-61,  Cl.  317—5. 
Alltii.    Arthur    .\..    Jr.,    to     Lhited    Aircraft    Corp.       Motor 
utilizing  combined  action  of  splines  and  cams.     2,969,ll8, 
l-24-«)l.  ri.  170— 160.32. 
Allen.  Arthur  N.,  Jr..  to  Tnited  Aircraft  Corp.     Multiple-area 

hydraulic  motor.     2,993..543,  7-25-61.  Cl.  170 — 160.32. 
Allen.  Arthur  N..  Jr..  and  L.  L.  Gaubis.  to  United  Aircraft 
Corp.     Combined  feathering  and  pitch  lock  system.    2,980.- 
188,  4-18-61.  Cl.  170—160.2.  ♦^ 

.Allen.  Augustine  O. :  See — 

Sutherland,  James  W.,  and  Allen.     3,002,911. 
Allen-Bradley  Co. :  *'ee — 

Callan,  John  E.     2,975,334. 
Callan,  John  E.,  and  Hudson.     2,'975,348. 
Coker.  Theodore  R.,  and  Swanstrom.     2.985,736. 
Garstang,  William  W.    3.002.1. •?«. 
«;arstang.  Wllllahi  W.     3.002.162. 
Schllcke,  Heinz  M.    2.97:?, 490. 
Schlicke,  Heinz- M.     2,983,855. 
Schllcke,  Heinz  M.     2.994.04H. 
Schllcke,  Heinz  M.'    3,007.121  . 
Zabel.  Harold  H.     2.988.722 
Allen,  Charles  F.  H..  to  Elastman  Kodak  Co.     Hardening  of 
photographic  emulsions.     2,992.109.  7-11-61.  Cl.  96 — 111. 
Allen.  Charles  F.  H.,  and  W.  G.  Lowe,  to  Eastman  Kodak 
Co.      Chemical    sensitization    of    photographic    emulsions. 
2.983.609.  5-9-61,  Cl.  96—107. 
Allpn.    Charles    F.    H.,    W.    G.    Lowe    and    J.    Sagal.    Jr..    to 
Eastman  Kodak  Co.     Sensitization  of  photographic  emul- 
sions.    2.983j610.  5-9-61.  Cl.  96—108. 
Allen,  Charles  F.  H.,  and  D.  M.  Burness,  to  Eastman  Kodak 
Co.    Gelatin  compositions  containing  hardeners.    2,983,611, 
5-9-61,  Cl.  96 — 111. 
Allen.  Charles  M. :  See — 

Xewhousp.  Paul  D..  and  Allen.    2,979.718. 
Allen,     Charles     R.       Envelopes.       2,979.189,     4-11-61,     Cl. 

206 — 15.1. 
Allen,  Chester  C.  and  W.  Xunley.  to  Texas  Instruments  Inc. 
Method    for    growing   semiconductor   crystals.      2,993.818. 
7-2.1-61.  Cl.   148— 15. 
Allen.  Claude  V..  to  The  Inta-Roto  Machine  Co..  Inc.     Drive 
for  intermittentlv   feeding  a  predetermined  length  of  web 
material.    2,998.760.  9-5-61.  Cl.  93 — .ISS. 
Allen,   Claude  V.,   to  The  Inta-Roto  Machine  Co.,   Inc.     Mi- 
crometer  doctor   bar   assembly.      3,006,275.    10-31-61,    Cl. 

Allen.  Donald  R.  and  A.  S..  to  The  Dow  Chemical  Co.  Pro- 
duction of  uranium.     3.008,881,  11-14-61.  Cl.  204 — 1.5. 

Allen,  Donavan  J.,  V*  to  H.  E.  Vincent,  and  %  to  F.  D. 
Vemer.  Method  of  and  apparatus  for  Installing  a  valve 
in  a  pipe.    2.984.129.  5-16-61,  Cl.  77—38. 

Allen.  Dowell  V. :  See — 

Davis.    Robprt  A..   Little,  and  Allen.     3,008.029. 
Kirk.  Donald  R..  and  Allen.    2,997.202. 

Allen.  Earle  F.,  and  A.  J.  Haynes.  to  V.  E.  Macy.  Jr. 
Methml  and  appatatus  for  forming  compound  curvatures 
in  sheet  material.     2.969.8^6,  1-31-61.  Cl.  153 — 2. 

Allen.  Edward  E..  to  Znrn  Industries.  Inc.  Flexiblo  coupling 
and  seal  therefor.     3.001,385,  9-26-01.  Cl.  04—9. 

Allen,  Edward  M..  to  Pirtsburffh  Plate  Glnss  Co.  Method 
of  making  nodules  contnlning  alkali  metal  hydroxide. 
3,007.877.   11-7-61.  Cl.   252 — 135. 

.Mien.    Edward   M  .   to   Pittsburgh   Plate  Glass   Co.     Process 

for  preparing  silica  pigment.    3.010.791.  11-28-61.  Cl.  23 — 

1 82. 
Allen,   Edwin  L.,   and   A.  R.   de  Vito,   to  L.   W.   Menzimer. 

trustee.      Door   holding   devices.      2,985,908,    5-30-61,   Cl. 

10 — 141. 

Allen,  Edwin  L..  and  R.  S.  Heron,  to  L,  W.  Menzimer.  Door 
check.    3.000.044.  9-19-61.  CT.  16—82. 

Allen  Electric  &  Equipment  Co. :  See — 

Allen.  Gerald  H.     2.979.942. 
Allen,   Elv  G.,   to  General   Electric  Co.     Titrblne  overspeed 
protective   system.     2,976,012,   3-21-61,   Cl.   253—52. 




Allen,  Eugene 
1-24-61,  CI. 

Allen,  Everett 

Allen,  Ernest  E.,  and  G.  J.  Wack,  to  A.  E.  Staley  Mfg. 
Co.  Treatment  of  vegetable  oil  wasb  waters.  2,95)3,006, 
7-18-61.  CI.  252—326. 

M.,  to  American  Cyanamid  Co.     Method  for 
stniiglitenlng     sheet     material.       2,968,850, 
26 — 51.5. 

W.,  to  General  Motors  Corp.     Engine  valve 
actuating  mechantem.     2,976,862,  3-28-61,  CI.  123—90. 
Allen,  i'rank-  B.,  and   W.  M.  Haessler,  to  The  i-yr  Kyter  Co. 

Discharge  head.     2,972,466.   2-21-61.  CI.  251 — 35. 
Allen,  Frank  D.,  J.  A.  Van  Allan,  and  J.  J.  Sagura,  to  East- 
man     Kodak     Co.        Thermographic     copying      material. 
2,967,785.  1-10-61.  CI.  117 — 36. 
Allen.    Fred   A.      Fish   lure.      3,006,104,    10-31-61,   CI.  43— 

Allen,  Garald  F. :  See — 

Hawley,  Harold  M.,  Arthur,  and  Allen.     2,996,467. 
Allen,  George  R.     Top  valve  for  a  pressure  vessel.     2,991,- 

918,  7-11-61.  C\.  222—394. 
Allen,  George  U.,  and  M.  J.  Weiss,  to  American  Cyanamid  Co. 
]6a.l7o  -  isoalkylidenedioxy  -  4  -  pregnene  -  3,20  -  dioues. 
3,001,991,  9-26-61,  CI.  239.55. 
Allen,  George  R.,  Jr. :  See — 

Bernstein,  Seymour,  and  Allen.    2,990.401. 
Allen,  George  R.,  Jr..  and  M.  J.  Weiss,  to  American  Cyanamid 
Co.     Halopenated  pregnadlenes.     2,975,197,   3-14-61,  CI. 
Allen,  George  R.,  Jr.  and  W,  S.,  and  M.  J.  Weiss,  to  Amer- 
ican   Cvanamld    Co.      llo-hydrocarbylsulfonyloxy-3,5-preg- 
nadlenes.     3,006,933,   10-31-61,   CI.  260—397.43. 
Allen,  Gerald  H.,  to  Allen  Electric  &  Equipment  Co.    Accelera- 
tion tester.    2,979.942,  4-18-61,  ti.  '  3—117. 
Allen,  Gordon  S.  J. :  Ute — 

<!;rosfield.  John  F..  Morris,  and  Allen.     2.969.016. 
Allen,  Gordon  S.  J.,  and  D.  H.  Ma  why,  to  J.  F.  Crosfleld,  Ltd. 
Color  printing.     2,987.571.  6-6-61.  CI.  178—5.2.    ^     ^  ,    ^ 
Allen.  Gordon  S.  J.,  and  D.  H.  Mawby,  to  J.  F.  Crosfield  Ltd. 
Colour    or    tonal    reproduction.      2,993.953,    7-25-61,    CI. 

17g 5  2 

Allen,  Gordon  S,  J.,  and  D.  H.  Mawby.  to  J.  P.  Crosfleld  Ltd. 
Colour    or    tonal    reproduction.      2,993.954.    7-25-01.    CI. 
Allen  &  Hanburys  Ltd. :  See — 

Caldwell,  Dennis,  and  Rowe.    2.997.476. 
Taylor.  Edwin  P..  Collier,  and  Gladych.    3,004,031. 
Allen-Harper,  Inc. :  See — 

Allen,  Kenneth  M.,  and  Harper.    3,012,654. 
Allen,    Harvev    G.,    to    Westinghoiise   Electric   Corp.      Pump. 

2.997.959.  8-29-61.  CI.  103—103. 
Allen,  Herbert,  to  Cameron  Iron  Works.  Inc.     Snap-acting 
-       ■  2.973.776.  3-7-61.  CI.  137—467 

pressure  relief  valve. 

Valve  appara- 

Valve.  2,977,- 
Valve.  2,977,- 
Pressare  relief 

Alfen.  Herbert,  to  Cameron  Iron  Works,  Inc. 

tus.     2,975,795.  3-21-61.  CI.  137 — 315. 
Allen,  Herbert,  to  Cameron  Iron  Works,  Inc. 

975.  4-4-61.  CI.  137—330. 
Allen.  Herbert,  to  Cameron  Iron  Works,  Inc, 

976,  4-4-61,  CI.  137—330. 
Allen,  Herbert,  to  Cameron  Iron  Works,  Inc. 

valves.     2.984,254,  5-16-61,  CI.  137—467. 

Allen,  Heilbert.  and  S.  Burg,  to  United  States  of  America, 
Navy.  Rolease  mechanism  for  missrile  projectors.  2,966,- 
850.  1-3-61,  a.  102—7.  ,        .„     ,      , 

Allen,  Herbert,  and  J.  P.  Oliver,  to  Cameron  Iron  Works,  Inc. 
Hanging  apparatus.     3.011.806.  12-5-61.  CI.  28.5—147. 

Allen,  Howard  G.,  to  Bostltch  Inc.  Fastener-applying  im- 
plement.    2.969,545,   1-31-61,  01.  1—187. 

Allen,  Howard  G..  to  Bostltch.  Inc.  Magazine  for  fastener 
applying  machines.     2.991.475,  7-11-61,  CI.   1 — 3. 

Allen.  Howard  G.,  and  E.  I.  Fisher,  to  Bostitch,  Inc.  Fas- 
tener driving  machine.     3.010.430,  11-28-61,  CI.   J 21— 13. 

Allen  Industries,  Inc.  :  See — 

Baxter.  Stanley  V.    2.971,857. 

Allen.  Ivis  J. :  See — 

Bliven,  Charles  V..  and  Allen.    3.006.441. 

Allen,  James  E.  and  A.  M.  Bait  and  fishhook  bolder.  2,996,- 
827.  .8-22-61.  C\.  43 — 42.74. 

Allen,  James  P. :  See — 
^     Willard,  Joe  R.,  Allen,  and  Holden.     2,983,644. 

Allen,  James  H.,  to  Phillips  Petroleum  Co.  Underground 
storage.     2,972.050.  2-14-61,  CI.  250—43.5. 

Allen.  Jefferson  H.    Carriers.    2,970,729.  2-7-61.  CI.  224 — 55. 

Allen,  John  F..  to  Amalgamated  Wireless  (Australasia)  Ltd. 
Pulse  generating  svstem  for  generating  accurately  spaced 
timing  pulses.     3.005.159.  10-17-61,  CI.  328—62. 

Alien,  John  K..  and  W.  E.  Butterfield,  to  Architectural  Por- 
celain Con.structors.  Method  of  making  laminated  panels 
with  expanded  polystyrene  core,  2,972,559.  2-21-61.  CI. 
154 — 139.  .  ■' 

Allen.  John  W.,  to  Stanray  Corp.  Truss  panel.  2,970,553, 
2-7-61,  CI.  105 — 410. 

Allen.  John  W..  and  W.  E.  Hawkins,  to  Stanray  Corp.  Lift 
jack.     3.010.698,   11-28^61.  Cl.   254 — 2. 

Allen,  Joseph  C,  and  C.  C.  Nathan,  to  Texaco 
of  wax  removal.     2,967.121,  1-3-61,  Cl.  13' 

Allen.  Joseph  N.,  Ill :  See — 

McKnight.  John  T.    2.973,601. 

Allen.  Kenneth  D. :  See — 

Botkln,  Lawrence  A.,  and  Allen.    2,997,207. 
Allen.  Kenneth  M..  and  C.  H.  Harper,  to  .\llen-Harper,  Inc. 

Gyratory  vibrating  device.     3..012,654.  12-12-61,  Cl.  198— 




Allen.  Lloyd  R.,  and  D.  H.  Woodard,  to  Kenmore  Research 
Co.      Thixotropic  high   temperature   thread   lultricant    con- 
taining silver  flakes.     3.007.867.  11-7-61.  Cl.  2."')2— Jt'.. 
Allen,  Lloyd   R.,  to  National  Research  Corp.     Niobium   base 

alloy.     3.012.883,   12-12-61.  Cl.   75—174. 
Allen,  Lyndon  B.     .\rtlcle  receptacle  for  automobiles.    3,002.- 

66o,  10-3-61,  Cl.  224 — 42.42. 
Allen.    Mary    J.  .Steam   iron   support      2,982.506.    5-r2-61, 
Cl.  248—117.6.  ^ 

Allen  Organ  Co.  :  See —  t 

Markowitz,  Jerome.    2.989,886. 
Markowltz,  Jerome.    2.989,887. 
Allen.  Philip  H. :  See — 

Lawrence.  Joseph  L..  and  Allen.     3,006,63 
Allen.  Philip  H.,  and  B.  J.  Chromy.     Light  means  for  control- 
ling calculating  machine  functions.    2,985.370.  5-23-61.  <:i. 
23.>— 145. 
Allen.  Philip  S. :  See— 

Larsson.  George  E.    3.010.375. 
Allen.   Raymond   W..    to  The  Firestone  Tire   &  Rubber   Co. 
Method  and  apparatus  for  drying  and  cooling  subdivided  . 
material.     2,995.829.  8-15-61.  Cl.  34—203. 
Allen.  Ric;hard  C.  and  L.  E.  Elphee.  to  Owens-Illlnols  Glass 
Co.     Method  and  apparatus  for  forming  plastic  articles. 
3.008,192.  11-14-61.  Cl.  18—55. 
Allen.   Richard  E.,   ana  D.   L.   Rothermel,  to  Corning  Glass 
Works.      Method    of   regenerating   a    glass   etching    bath. 
2,989.384,  6-20-61,  Cl.  41 — 42. 
Allen.    Richard    W.,    and   J.    J.    Ayres.    to   Radio    Corp.    of 
America.     Amplitude  balance   circuit.      2.971,162,.  2-<-61, 
CI.  330—116. 
Allen,  Robert  C,  to  Allls-Chalmers  Mfg.  Co.     Control  for  a 
boiling  type  reactor  supplying  a  steam  turbine.    2.968.600. 
1-17-61,  a.  204—193.2. 
Allen.    Robert   C.    to   E.    I.    du    Pont   de   Nemours   and   Co. 
Propellant  grain  igniter.     2,974,590.  3-14-61,  Cl.  102—70. 
Allen,  liobert  K.  :   See — 

Palopoll.  Frank  P.,  Allen,  Schumann,  and  Van  Campen. 

2.971,001.  ^ 

W^alton.  John  R..  Allen,  and  Kennedy. 
Allen.  Robert  K..  to  General  Electric  Co. 
tion.      3,002.173,   0-2<M!l,   Cl.    339— !•"». 
Allen    Robert  W..  to  Henry  Simon  Ltd. 

trol  'C'.echanlsms  used  with  storage  bins  far  cereal  products 
or  the  like.    2.975.636.  3-21-61,  Cl.  73—290. 
Allen.  Robert  W..  to  Henry  Slmob.  Ltd.     Air  filters.    2.980,- 

207.  4-18-61.  Cl.  183— Jr7.  » 

Allen.  Rosslvn  C  and  W.  R.  Schwartz.     Brake  lining  thick- 
ness cauK.\     3.011,262.  12-5-61,  Cl.  33—149. 
Allen.  Scott  E. :  See — 

Robertson,  Snell,  and  AUen.     2,982,200. 
Allen-Sherman  Hoflf  Co..  The:  See — 
Mvlting,  Lauritz  E.    2.985.420. 
Allen,   Sidney,   to  Bristol  Slddeley  Engines  Ltd.    »Means  for 
supplying   a    rocket    motor   with    liquid    fuel    and   concen- 
trated    hydrogen     peroxide     as     propellant.       2.972.227. 
2-21-61,  Cl.  60 — 35:6. 
Allen.    Steve    R.      Trash    basket.      2.970,M3,    2-7-61.    Cl. 

Allen.  Thomas  C.  Jr. :  See —  ^ 

Kahn.  Robert  P..  and  Allen.    2.992.159. 
Allen,  Thomas  E.,  to  United  States  of  America,  Navy.     Auto- 
matic hovering  control  system  for  sutftnarlnes.     2,972.972, 
2-28-61.  Cl.  114 — 16. 
Allen.  W.  D.,  Mfg.  Co. :  Bee — 

I.ookett,  William  L.     3.001.725. 
Macleod,  Keith.     2,986,192. 
OBrien.  William  P.     2.993.655. 
OBrien,  William  P..  and  Byrne. 
Pokryfke,  John  A.,  and  Turek. 
Allen.  Wesley  M.    Bow  attachment. 

124 — 23. 
Allen.  Weslev  M.     Brush  deflector.     3.012,552. 

124 — 23. 

Allen.  William  H.     Boiler.     2.972,985.  2-28-61.  Cl.  122—183. 

Allen    William   M.,  and  H.   Nack.  to  Frank  Research  Corp. 

Method   for  manufacturing  skinless  sausages.     2,995,44B, 

8-8-61.  Cl.  99—109. 

Allen.    William    M.s    H.    E.    Crumrlne.    and    L.    E.    Walkup. 

to    Xerox     Corp.       Xerographic    electrometer     apparatus. 


Electrical  connec- 

Indlcator  or  con- 

3.001  ..326. 

1-17-61,  cr. 
12-12-61.  Cl. 

3,013,203,  12-12-61,  Cl.  324 — 32. 

.Mien,  William  S..  and  L.  I.  Feldman.  to  American  Cyanamid 
Co.  Method  of  preparing  15-hydroxy  pregnenes.  3.010.877. 
11-28-61.  CI.   19.5—51. 

Allen,  William  L. :  Sre-j^ 

McCordlc.  James/R.,  Allen,  and  Walkwr.    -3.001.618. 

Allen,  William  S.  :^e— 

Allen,  George  R..  Jr.  and  W.  S.,  and  Weiss.     3,006,93.3. 

Allenbach,  Charles  R.,  and  J.  C.  Burbach,  to  Union  Carbide 
Corp.  Method  for  making  refractory  articles.  3,002,936, 
10_:i_61,  a.  252—518. 

Allenbaugh,.  George  G.,  Jr.,  to  Akron  Brass  Mfg.  Co.,  Inc. 

Nozzhe.    2,991,016.  7-1-61,  Cl.  239—458. 
.\llenbaugh.   George  G..  Jr..   to  Akron   Brass  Mfg.  Co.,  Inc. 

Nozzle.     3,012,733,  12-12-61,  Cl.   239 — 158. 
Allenson,  Ray  E. :  See — 

Keathley,  Anthony  C,  and  Allenson.     3,008,417. 

AUer  Press  A/S  :  See — 

Hartmann,  Kristian  P.     3.011.437. 
Mosegaard,  Marius.     2,995,084.  < 

Aller.  Willis  F.,  to  The  Sheffield  Corp.  Parts  handling  appa 
ratus.  -2,987,220,  6^<M51,  Cl.  221—156. 



to  Th*  Sheffield  Corp. 
2.971.808,     2-14-61, 




MO!  J.  , 

Alli-r.  Willis  v..  arm  N.  L.  Jful«iii. 
rhine    rycle    r*»cor«linK    systebj 

Allew.  Carl.  Etabliseement  AS  :  See — 
Lemche,  Johan  If.     2,9«i«n"24.  I 

Lemchp.  Johan  H.     .■J.(X>3,302.  | 

Xorlin.  Nils.     ::.I>9S.7«H. 
Allen.    Francis    P..    to   K.    I.    du    Pont   de  Nemours   and   Co. 
Photo?rai.hic     stripping    film.       2,97«.147.     3-21-61,     CI. 
96 — M.;. 
Alles.    Francis    P..   and    W'.    R.    Saner,    to   E.   I.   du    Pont   de 
Nemours  and  Co.     Mairheflc  rpcordinsr  tape  and  process  of 
making  same.     3,009.847.    11--21-61.  CI.   154 — 53.6. 
Allf-y.  Harr.v.  to  K.   I.  ilu  Pont  <l«;  .NVinoors  an<l  Co.      I'nx-ess 
■   for   r»inoving   non-nniformiti<'s    in   umirawn   synthetic   fila- 
ments.    3.011.215.  12-.'>-»;i.  n.  IS— 18. 
Alley.  Koh<>rt  P..  to  <;»»  K|e«-tric  <'<>.     Magnetic  switches. 

2,»*<7.r.!»3.   0-«-fil,   Cl.   2O0-    .S7.  i 

Alley.  Kot)ert  P.,  to  General   Fllectrlc  Coj.    Fail-safe  overload 
protective  system.     2.999,188,  9-5-61,  Cl.  317 — 13. 

AHfree,    David,     to    Acme    Steel   Co.     jStrapping    machine. 

-•.U77.872.  4-1-61.  CL   100—17.         •    'T 
Allgeier,  Kdwi-n  A.  :   .See —  I 

Watson.  Lloy.i  M..  and  Allgeier.     3.0t3.092. 

Allgemeinn  Klekf  ricitats-Gesellschaft :  See — 
Alf.  Fritz.     3.00H.025. 

Seulen.  f;orhard  W.,  Scheffler,  and  Gehrmann.    2,995,641. 
Allgemein*'  Holzimpraunleniiic  Dr.   Wolma-n  (J.m.b.H. :  See — 

Schulz.  Wolfgang  O.  3.<H)7.844..  , 
Allzeypr.  <;iiy  H..  R.  L.  Early,  and  T.  15.  Sorbie,  to  Owens- 
Illinois  «;iass  Co.  Synchro-tie  receiver  motor  syncbronized- 
speeil  wntrol.  2.978,619,  4-4-61,  Cl.  31 8 — 24. 
Allgey»'r.  Gny  H..  R.  L.  K.irly.  and  T.  ft.'  Sorbie.  to  Owens- 
Illinois  Glass  Co.  Apparatus  for  gauging  articles  and  re- 
jecting defectlv*.  war.-.      J.!»x7.179.  ♦>-f-61,   Cl.   209 — 73. 

Alliance  .Machine  Co..  The  :   Se^— 
Harry.  ICotwrt  .7.     2.9!i4..'.r,4 
Harry.  Robert  J.     3.009.219. 
Bowerman.  Myron  R.,  and  Stuckey.    2.994.513. 

Alliance  -Mfg.  Co.,  Division  of  The  Consolidated  Electronics 

Indiistrif.s  Cfirp.  :  See — 
«         Ree*l<-r.  Richard  D..  and  I..ongobardi.     2J)79  229 

Schneider.  Knimor  V.      2.9S.").029. 

Schneider.  Emmor  V.     3.005,190. 
AlUanceware.  Inc.  :   .'s'cp    - 

B(»w.len.  William  H. 

«'orp.   P.iul  M.     2,9t;7, 

.st.)rck.  .lack  K.     3.01+.5S1. 

Storck.  Jack  K.     3.014,811. 

.MliNin*".  Thomas  E..  t>l  -Associated  Electrical  Industries  Ltd 
Tn-atment  of  heavy  metals.     3,005.703,  10-24-61    Cl    75- 
H4. 1 . 

.MIWmJ  rhenilcal  Torp.  :   Srr 

Amdur,  Allen  C,  and  Hayworth.    2,984,561. 
♦         Anderson,  Norman  L..  and  McGinn.     2,986,536. 
Hinns.  Rob«>rt  A.     2,970, 7S9. 
P.r.ik<bill.   Elvin  K.      2.99S.3.55.  i        ' 

.     Bush.  Stanley  B.     2.972.393. 

Cosby.  John  N..  and  Darley.    2,976,210. 

Crandall.  Fletcher.-    2,991,5^. 

Crittenden.  Kuu'ene  r».     3.010.817.,        ' 

Dell.  Richard  G.     3.004.009. 

Elgaard.  Lauritz.     2.973.886. 

IMliotf.  «;»•.. r-'f  .\..  and  Furhiish 

Farkas.  .\ilalh4rt.  .and  Rosenthal. 

Farrell.  James  K.     2,995,424. 

Fein.  .Marvin  M.i  and  t'riedman. 

Gate«,  "William  H..  Harris,  and 

Genta.  Guido  R.     2.995,552. 

Gllb4'rt.  Kvprett  E.     3.(H<).H71 

Gilbert,  Everett  E.,  Otto,  and  Rumanowski.    3.003.916 

Gilbert.   Everett   E.,   and  Yinnnios.      3.0(fe.695 

Harvey,  E<lward  W.     3.006.753. 

Jacobson.  George  P..  ami  Smith.    3.010.574 

Joris.  Georce  G.     2.969,.393. 

Joseph.  Robert  T.,  and  Magtiire.     2.977.299. 

Kaplan.  Melvln.  and  Koral.     3.007,>'.S4 

Kendall.  William  T.    2.971.894. 

Klue.  Me.Trl  A.     2.977.386. 

Koral.   Marvin.     2.974.159., 

Kranz.  Fredericl^  II.     2.9M1,733. 

Kranz.  Frederick  H.     2.9S1.73.9 

Kranz.   Frederick  H.     2.983.756. 

I^-ake.  Preston  H..  and  Brakehill.; 

I-lnd.  Charles  J.,  and  Soirn.     3.01  J.040 

Marszewski,  Carl  A.,  and  Koontzt     3.001^.991. 

McClements.  Wlllard  J.,  and  Da  tin.     2.974  l.'iO 

Xeill.   Ronald   H.   Swe'enev.   and  Woolf.      2  981763 

Noonan.  Jo«pph   IV,  and  I.on;:hlin.     2,989  427 

Pinkerton.  Henrv  T>.     2.985.567 

Porter.  Frank.     5.987.766. 

Rhode<».  Michael   S.,  and   Spannburgh.     2,970  123 

Ruffing,  Joseph  A.     2,995.536. 

S«»if.irfr.  I»rivld  E      3O<tl017 

Schmidt.  Lawrence  D.     2.973.254. 

FJchmldt.  Lawrence  D. 

Schmidt.  Lawrence 

Schmidt   I~*iwrence 

Schule,  Elmer  C.     3.003.995 

Seiele.  Leon  W      3.012.070 

Smith.  Burton   F    B.  and  f'hanman      .1.007  812 

Smith.  Lee  B.,  and  Woolf.     2.982,789. 





^  D.     2.9*4.090. 

•  D.     2.915.026. 

D      3  O<fr.H.-,0 

Allied  Chemical  [Corp. :  See — Continued 

Taqb.  Bernard.    3.oni,9."»."(. 

Thompson,  Ernest.  Jr.     2.970.949. 

^y.*^*.*'"^™;   ^^°  *^'  Samdahl,  and  Perch.     2,976,320. 

\\  ohlers,  Herbert  C.     3,005,812 

Woolf.  Cyril.      2.981.702. 
Allied  Companies.  Inc.  :  See — 

Chapman,  FendalK.     3,002,301. 
Allied  Contrul  Co.,  Inc.  :  .See— 

Bancroft.  James  E.     2.988.67.5. 

Zanichkowsky,  Martin,  and  Sciarinno.     2.972.663 
Allied  Plastics  (1).  :  See    - 

Cnine.  Walton  B.     2.971.232. 

Crane,  Walton  B.    2.987, l!t8. 

Crane.  Waltdn  B.     2.999.468. 
Allied  Record  Mfi.  Co. :  See  ~ 

Salzman.  Sa^iuel.    2,992.4.55 
Allied  Research  Products- Inc.  :  See — 

Boro«lin,  Daniel  J.     2.989.006. 
Allied  Te.\tile  Printers,  Inc.  :  .sve — 

Haber,  Hyman.     2.981.588. 
Allied  Tractor  Equipment  Co. :  8ee-\- 

.Vbel,  Finn  R.     2.973,592. 
Allimann.  Georges.     DrUling-head  for  the  sinking  of  shafts. 

galleries  and  the  like.     2,976,027,  3-21-61.  Cl.  262 7. 

Allin.  George  S.,  Jr. :  See — 

Donner,  Verne  P.,  Henning.  and  Allin.     Re    25,036. 

Donner,  Verne  P.,  Henning,  and  Allin.  .  3.014.548. 
Allin,   George  S.,   Sr.   to   International   Harvester  Co      Hv- 
dniulic  tank  and  radiator  guard.     2,979,205,  4^11-61     Cl 
210—167.  ...  X    .1.  V.I. 

Allin,  George  S..  Sr.,  J.  K.  Liu,  and  V.  E.  Rezabek.  to  Inter- 
National  Harvester  Co.  Brake  and  actuating  means  for 
tractor  winch.    2,974,753,  3-14-Gl,  Cl.  188 — 72. 

Ailing,  .Myrtle  C.  Locking  device.  2,987,286.  fr-6-61,  Cl. 
248 — 223. 

Allinquant.  Fernand  S.  Shock  absorber  piston.  2,987,146. 
6-<>-61.  Cl.   188—96.  ^     '       •       • 

.\llin(|uant.  Fernand  S.  Vehicle  suspension  system  having  a 
pneumatic  member  and  a  device  for  correcting  trim. 
2,987.312.  6-6-01.  Cl.   267 — 64. 

Allinquant.  Fernand  S.     Trim  coVroctor  device  for  a  vehicle 
with  fluid  suspe'nsion.     3.013.811,  12-19-61.  Cl.  280 — 124. 
AUis-Chalmers  Mfg.  Co. :  See — 

Allen.  Robert  C.     2.968,600. 

Ashbaker.  Charles  .\.     2.972.042 
Babb.  Charles  L.     2.999.465. 

Baude,  John.     2.968,745. 

Baude.  John.    2.972. •J85. 

Baude,  John.     2,986,674. 

Baude.  John.     3.012.1  H8.  .  ' 

Baugh,  Robert  T.     2,999.581. 

Beniion.  Robert  B.     2.972,2.53. 

Carlln,  Robert,  and  Honevager.    2.993,570. 
..Cart.  Ward  B.     3,005,126. 

Charley.  Walter  G.,  and  Reaves.     2,971,776. 

Cook,  Euerene  B.     2.994.201. 

Coombs.  Chadwick  A.     2.980,667. 

CooiHT.  Ilow.ird  F.     2.994.540.      * 

Dickson,  James  J.,  and  Loeb.    2,984,609. 

Drelsln.  .\lexander.  and  Kaplan.     2.980.092. 
<jDrolshagen.  Otto,  and  Manoll.     3.003.941. 

Elgner.  Harold  E..  and  ImhofT.     2.999,809. 

FiTir.iHon.  Rector  C.     2.90S.9fi4. 

Forgason.  Rector  C.     3  001.544 

Gieskl(<ng,  David  H.     2.993,087.  * 

Goodwin,  Edwin  C,  Jr..  and  Paterson.     3,009,043. 

Grimes.  Patrick  G.     3.007.793. 

Harrer.  Patil  II.     3.004.377. 

Harrer,  Paul  H..  and  Shannon.    2.973,970. 

Heckenkamp.  Edward  I'..     3.013.617. 

Herbage.  Bernard  S.    2.992.809. 

Honsinger,  Vernon  B.     2.989.655. 

.Temian.  Ralph  P...  and  Swanson.     3,014.553. 

Kececloglu.  Dimltri  B,.  Baugh,  and  Hoffmanfl.    2.980,345. 

Kurre.  Paul  G.     2.973.656. 

I»eb.  Ernest.     3.006.834. 

Malick,    Franklin   S.     2,983.827. 

Mayo.  Howard  A.  Jr.     2.972.469. 

Mueller.  Walter  K.    3.002.129. 

Mydels,  John  W.     2.968,.356. 

Nanmer.  Gene  C.     2.981,372. 

Nichols.  Beverlv  R.     2.976,087. 

Nichols.  Beverlv  R.     3.007.028 

NIcklas.  John  IT.      3.01 4. 8.56, 

Odell.  Robert  C.     2.986.680. 

Passmore.  Ronald  E.     3. 007  40O 

Pflanz.  Herbert  M.     2.993.971 

Plate.  John  R..  Carlln.  and   Kleist.     3.006,593 

Rockwell.  Harvev  W.     2.985.147. 

Rockwell,  Harvev  W..  and  Weed.      2,993.283. 

Rossman.  Earl  C,  and  Frank,     2,975,088. 

Ronhal.  Mexander  J.     3,011,324. 

Schick.  Frederick  A._  2.986,291. 

Scranton.  Charles  J.     2.979.877. 

Seaiey.  William  C,     3.007.108. 

Severson.  Wilmer  M,     2.972.387. 

Stone.  Norman  E,     2.985.8.55. 

Strehlow.  Walter  F.     2.981  342. 

Strehlow,  Walter  F.  and  Cnrlln.     2.970J82. 
Tanke.  Wlllard  H.    2.972.386.  W 

Tanke.  Wlllard  H.     3.004.611. 



Allis-Chalmors  MfK.  Co. :   S/c— Continued 

Uhrich,  Harold  R.,  and  Thomas.     2,983,320. 

Vahldieek,  Nathan  i'.     a.tJl^i.dSO. 

Voepeli,  Wendelln  L.    '-.^'J^.l-*'-     ,^^  ^^, 

Vogel    Fred  J.,  and  Adolphson.     2,990,664. 

Voth.  James  \V.    2.979,176. 

Walberp.  .Maynard  E.    2.972,38o 

Wall)erff.  Maynard  K.     2.974,738. 

Welch,  Harry  J.    2,984,507.^ 

Wilson.  Charles  D.     2, 97a, 000. 

Wood.  William  L.     2.9s0.8t;i2. 

Worrell.  Robert  L.    2,909.862 

Yanagisawa,  Samuel  T.     2,975.254. 

YaiiaKisawa.  Samuel  T.    2,993,970. 
AlUs.  Louis,  Co.,  The:  See— 

Jones,  ityron  M.    2.990  484.  .,   .,  ^„      o  qtr  4^s 

Luber    l^rederick  G..  Robinson,  and  Moody.     2.976,4rf». 

Norman.  Horace  M     2.993.133.  „,  r    r    Snnrks 

Allison.  Crawford  <;..  M.  D.  Hartman,  Jr.  ifnd  G.  «;;•  Sparks. 

to  Tho   Sparks    Corp.      Dispensing  containers.      2,97l,6^s. 

2-14-01.  CI.  200 — 12. 


Allshouse.  Harlow  E. :  See— 

Liolios.  Leo.  and  Allshouse. 
AU-St»*el  KMUipuu'iit.  Ini;.  :  ^'ff— . 


IK:  Bnr  aj'-    C^ain  dem;ery  apparatus  for  tw<^^^^^^^^ 
tion   printing  presses.      2.996,982.   8;-22--t)l,   Sj,':  /"\    .-f'' 

Aim   Erliard  J.,  to  Vulcan  Equipment  Co.  Ltd^Tire  spreader 
and  inverter.     3.000,615,  9-19-61,  CI.  2a4— aO.3. 

Aliiiand,  Joseph  M .  :  ^'f<'— ,  .    .i.„.,„,i 

Buckwalter,  Howard  M.,  and  Alniand. 
Almar  Corp. :  Sec — 

Foster,  Allan  D.     3.011,593. 
Alme,  William  R. :  See— 

Monson,  Walter  T.,  Alme,  and  Baron. 

2,981  ,"741. 


Allison.    James    1 

4    to    W     Coffee.      Puller  for   manhole 
covers       2  988  330.  6-13-61!  CI.   254 — 98. 
AUUon    James  H.,  and  A.  K.  Filer,  to  The  General  Electric 
Co    Ltd      Methods  of  manufacturing  waveguides.     2,99o,- 

All£on?1v"enne\?•c.^^J'cTS  Corp  Electric  switch  and 
method  of  niaklnc     2.988.606.  6-13-61.  CI.  200—11.         . 

Allison.  SaLuelK!^  to' United  States  of  America  Atomic 
Energy    Commission.      Reactor.      2,9iu,114,    3-14-01,    \.i. 

AlHsonTstanley  T.    Vegetable  hanester  type  vehicle.    3,003,- 

Anil?n,^Tiw!JnaJ'l?'  AUiidn^l'^ind  cylinder  for  gravure  print 

inc      "0X7  994    6-T3-61.  CI.   101— 37j. 
Allison    William^.,   to  Eaton  Mfg.  Co.     Wheel  suspensions. 

'>98X.".71     (■,-13-ril.   n.   2-'<0--SMi.2. 
AUIflon,'  William  D.     Spring  suspension  for  motor  vehicles. 

capacitors.     2,974,396,  3-14-61,  CI.  29—25.42.  „ 

^'K-  /o''?^s?Ties^ar^chl^n^"^°ngii^e^rj;gV^,^'hef?rl.iSg  5f 
naphthenes.    2.985,581,  5-23-61.  CI.  208— 6o. 

AlUum.   Inc.:   Sfc—  o  qtb  qii 

Teigen.  Ferdinand  A.     2,978..333. 
AUmanna  Svenska  Elektriska  Aktiebolaget :  See— 
Beckius.  Ivar.  and  Olin.  '  3.008.02.. 
Dahle.  Orvar.     2,907.420. 
Dahle.  Orvar.     3.011,340.  ,ni.i«;- 

Dillon    Charles,  and  Engstrom.     3.014,15 «. 
Forwald.  Haakon.     2.909.440.  - 

2.000.447.  I 

3.01 1 .097. 
3.014.111.  ' 

Schiott.     3,W4.390. 

Forwald,  Haakon. 
Forwald.  Haakon. 
Forwiild,  Haakon. 
•Korwald,  Haakon. 
Forwald,  Haakon. 
Forwald,  Haakon.     _. 
Garde,  .\age.  Persson,  and 
Krabbe.  Ulrik.     2.989.712. 
Lamm.  I'no.     2.976.440. 



Lundnvist.  Ragnar.  and  Fredriksson, 
Pucher.  Walter.     3.010.003. 
Sandkvist.  Hugo.    3.011.013. 
Torok,  VUmos.     2.982.865. 
Trolin.  Oorg  T.     2.98S.r,l  1. 
Wangsjo,  Hans.- and  Ekberg 


bnstihle  compositions.     2.988.438,  6-13-61,  CI.  o 4. 

Alloy  Engineering  Co.,  The:  ^^»-— 
Menough,  Paul  S.     2,981,530. 

Alloy  Hardfaring  Co.  :   See— 

Garver.  Frederick  W.    3.007,231. 

Alloy  Metal  Wool  Products  Corp.  :  See — 

Gauld.  George  M.     3.002,651. 
Alloyd  Research  Corp. :  See— 

Spacil.  Henry  S.     2.970.215. 
Allpatent  .\ktiengesellschaft :  STef—  ,  ^nn  iq7 

Ruegg.  Hans.  Keller,  and  Klopfer.     3,000,197. 

Allred.  Charies  M. :  See— 

Hudson.  Paul  A.,  and  Allred.     2.99o,708. 
Allred,  Charles  M.,  and  P.  A.  Hudson,  to  United  States  of 

America.  Commerre.     Automatic  R-F  level  control.     2.991.- 

430,  7-4-61.  CI.  331— 183. 
Allred    George  W..  to  The  Bahnson  Co.     Traveling  cleaner 

f^textne  rooms.     2.973.543.  3-7-61.  CI.  15—312. 
Allred    George  W..  to  The  Bahnson  Co.     Traveling  cleaner. 

2,994,904.  8-8-61.  CI.  15—312. 
Allred,  George  W.     Traveling  cleaner.     3.004.277,  10-17-61, 

rn     J  5 .T12. 

AllKKl.  Ravmond  C.  D.  A.  Shock,  and  J.  D.  Sudbury,  to 
Continental  Oil  Co.  Forming  subterranean  cavities  by 
Mlution  mining.     2.976.090.  3-28-61.  q^01-.5. 

Allred  Robert  B..  to  Sun  Oil  Co.  Aqueous  drilling  fluid. 
3.005.773,   10-24-01.  CI.  252—8.5. 

^""^einhSrdt.^fah^m  T..  Jr..  and  McElmurray.    2.994.801. 

AUred.  Victor  D..  to  The  ♦^hio  Oil  Co.  :^'^\K^X^^\^^X 
ess  for  in  situ  retorting  of  oil  shale.  3,001. do.  9-^6-(>l. 
CI.  202 — 3. 

Almi'nana.     Rolwrt     J.       Dark     room     camera.       _,90..454, 

1-10-til,  a.  88—24. 
Almor  Corp.  :  See — 

Foster.  Allan  D.     2,975.909. 

Foster,  Allan  D.     2,976.003. 

Alms^"jofe*A!'^°P^orta'bfe'^sfa^  with  rural  mailbox  accom- 
modating means.     2.995,330,  8-8-4  1.  CI,  ^|.8—1*5. 

Alofs.  Jo^n  W.  Photograi.luc  "n^>  pr^J'^f J.'""  sjstem  and 
process!     3.014.403.  12-2^-61.  CI.  88—16.0. 

.\loJa.  Romeo  R. :  See— 

X^ou^-^^^^i^ti^:    l^^gS-s'p'eed    tape    punch. 

AlS'NoVman'x'.^'anf^TMulle.  to  Unitrnl, States  of 
UiVerica.  Navy.     Synchronized  sampled  data  digital  servo. 
2,972,718,   2-21-61,  CI.  328 — 48. 
AliHjrovitch,  Llsette :  See— 

Monier.  Albert  and  L.    2,9< 2.756.  v^^^r^ 

Alpert.   to  rnlted  States  of  America,  ^0^^^^:^??^ 

ment  arming  switch.     2,967,217.   1-3-61.   CI.   200—61.45. 

Alpert,  Normdn  :  See —  ,,  .  , 

Dille,     Kenneth     L.,     Newman.     Heisler. 


Alpha  Industries.  Inc. :  See— 

Persons.  Richard  L.    2.993.149. 
Alpha  Molykote  Corp..  The:  See— 

Spengler,  Gunter,  and  Hohn.     2.9 (.,302. 
Spengler    <;untpr,  Hohn.  and  (.ansheimer. 
J^lpha  Shrimp  Machine  Corp    The  :  See— 

Alsa?e"Tesfe"E.^and  •?'  s'^Sheridan.  to  United  States  of 

^America,    Navy.'     Control    means    comprising    a«it 

coupling  for  cooling  system  elements.     3,000,389,  9-lJ-oi. 

Al?gaa'?d.~Richard  W..  and  J.   W.  G'J.'^^Sx  ^"  ^-^^ei"  cf 
Corp.      Method    of    tanning   hide.      2,9.0.881.    2-7-61,    Ci. 

Al8l^?*Carl   F..  to  W^sringhouse  Electric  Corp.     Air  condi- 
tioning apparatus.     2.978.881.  4-in-61,  .C^/'^.— ^2;*;     .      . 
Alsing    Carl    F..    to    Westinghouse   Electric   Corp.      Thermo- 
"^  electric  heat  pump.     3.004  393.  10-17-01.  CL62--3^ 
Alsing.  Carl  F..  to  Westinghouse  pectrlc  Con,  ^^,^^24 
tionlng  apparatus.     3.009.335.  11-21-61,  CJ.  m     •^-•♦• 
AlsoD   Alfred  X.    to  Lines  Bros.  (Canada)  Ltd.     Locking  peg 

^at^h       2  972.488.  2-21-61.  Q.  280-47.37. 
Alsop.   Alfred   N..    to  Lines  Bros.    (Canada).  Ltd.     Canopy 
frame.     2.995.138.  8-8-61.  CI.  135— ..1. 

A1S..P.   William  G..  and  A.  C.   Bell,  to  *'">Pn;'',n'!S''XaSe 

i'oVoa    butter    substitute    ami    process    of    m.iking    same. 

2  993.003,  7-18-01,  CI.   200 — 410.0. 
Alsnaugh    Paul  L..  J.  W.  -Heimaster.  and  R.  L.  McNeill,  to 
TZI  Carbide  (^on..     Cutter  and  onveyor  rieclian^Tn  for 

remote  controlled  mining  machine.     2.991.058.  7-4-oi,  ci. 


,Mid     Alpert. 


Airtadfer!  David,  to  United  States  of  America.' Air  Force^ 
Air  dielectric  strip-line  tunable  bandpass  filter.  2.908.U1-. 
1-10-01.  CI.  333—73. 

Alstor,  Frank  G.  :  Sre—  o  anK  etu\ 

Barr.  Naaman  F..  and  Alster.    2.985,600.   . 
Alston     Frank    A.      Adjustable    mounts    for  Nelf-centering 

chucks.     2,984.494,  5-16-61,  CI.  279-^. 
Alston    Paul   W.      Method  for  purifying  sugar  bearing  beet 

diffusion    juice.      2,976.189,    3-21-61.    CI.    127—48. 
Alsup.  Richard  G..  and  P.  E.  Lindvig.  to  E.   I.  du  Pont  de 

Nemours    and    Co.'^    Polyoxymothyl-ne   ':"'"n'';:  ) ''^"^  Z*^'- 

llzed  with  a  synthetic  superpolyamlde.     2,993,025.  7-1 « -61. 

CI.  200 — 42. 
Alt     Arthur,    to   Monsanto   Chemical    Co.      Etherification   of 

hvdroxv  aromatic  aldehydes.    3.007,908.  11-7-61,  CI.  260— 

\lt    Carl  G..  to  Carrier  Corp.     Air  flow  control  means  for  an 

air  conditioning  unit.     3,608.309,  11-14-01.  CI.  02-429. 

Alt   Gerhard  H.  :  See —  „  „..„  „„,, 

■  Knowles.  William  S.,  and  Alt.    3.012.035. 

^'''  gff.'siienn^rw..  and  Alt.     2.994.300 

Altadonna.  Anthony  J.    Carryall  vehicle.    2,980.401,  5-30-01, 

CI.  280 — 30. 

.\ltair.  Inc.  :  See —  | 

Mancusl,  Joseph  J.,  Jr.     3.008,479.  \ 

>\ltalftno8  G^ptorvezfi  Iro<la  :  See—  _ 

Sz4ky,  Pfllma.  NemCnyi,  and  EollSs.     2,971,898. 

1     f 



ral  Elwtric  Co.     Color  t^evision 
2,017.  2-14-61.  CI.  178— 5.4r 

Altamura,  Mario  R. :  Sf — 

Locuntl,  Joseph  D.,  DaTles,  Huoter.  Coles,  and  Altamara. 
2.978,584.     . 
Altar,  W  llliaiii  :  iiee —  ^ 

An<ler»<>n.  Arthur  E.  and  .Mtar.     r?. 002,101. 
Altenburg,    Robert   Y.,   to   Freeiand   Gauge  Co.     Air  circuit 

gauge.    3.002.2>j6,  10-3-61.  Q.  33 — 174. 
Altenbarg,  William  M.     Snow-meltiiig  machine  and  method. 

2,977.955,  4-4-01.  C\.  126—343.5. 
Altenburgei*.  Clarence  L.,  to  National  Steel  Corp.    Method  of 

making  pig  iron  and  producing  malleable  iron.     2,984,564, 

&-ieP6l,  Q.  75—130. 
AltenburgtT,    Clarence    I.,.,    and    F.    \.    Bourke,    to    National 

Steel  Corp.     Coluoibium  containing  steels,  process  for  their 

manufacture  and   article*  prepared   therefrom.     3,010,822. 

11-2H-C1.  a    7". — 123. 
Altenschdpfer.   Theodor.    E.    Enk.    and   H.    Spes,   to   Wacker- 

Chemie   G.m.b.H.      Process   for  the  purification  of  ketene. 

2.9<J7,888.  1-10-01,  CI.  2«i0 — 585.5. 
Altenweger.    Alois,    to    Zellweger    Ltd..    Uster    Factories   for 

Apparatus  and  Machines.     Mounting  frame  for  warp  tying 

machine.     2.972,797.  2-28-61.  CI.  28 — 41. 
Altermatt.    Hans,    to   Clba   I^-td.      Process   for   coloring   spin- 
ning or  like  compositions  for  producing  shaped  structures. 

2.993.024.    7-18^.1.   CI     260—^7. 
Altermatt,  Hans,  and  J.  Koch,  to  Clba  Ltd.     Process  for  dye- 
ing  fiber-forming    polyamides   from    the   melt.      3,006,882, 

10-31-61.  CI.  260—37. 
Altes,   St<>phen  K.,   td  <;e.aer%l  Electric  Co. 

receiver  system.     2,9 
Altherr,    Russell    C,    to   American    Steel    Foundries.      Rotor 

brake  arrangement.     2,979.164.  4-11-Gl,  CI.   188 — 59. 
Althouse.  William  S..  Jr. :  Bee — 

Conrad.  Martin  B.,  and  Althouse.     2.999,544. 
Altleri.   Jo.^ieph   R..  \to  USl-XTO.   Inc.     Continuously  rotatable 

multiturn  potentitftneter.    2.979,683,  4-11-61,  CI.  338 — 143. 
Altnian.  I>nvld  :   S'cc-- 

Altman.  Murray.  P..  and  S.  E.    3,007.178. 
Altman,    Fre<l   E.,   to   T'nlted   States  of  America.   Air  Force. 

Field     lenses     for     telescopes.       3,014,407,    12-26-61,     CI. 

8g_57.  , 

Altman,    Jacob    I.,    to    Deb    Shoe    O©.,    Inc, 

3.000,119.  9-19-61.  CT.  36 — 58.5. 
Altman.  Murniy  :   See — ■ 

Cohen.  Arnold,  and  Beder. 
Altman.  Murray.  D.,  and  S.  E. 

shower.      3.007.178.   11-7-61. 
Altman.  Seymour  E. :  See — 

Altman.  Murray.  D.,  and  S.     3.007.178. 
Altmann,  Heinz  C,  and  G.  S.  Rugg,  to  Eiastman  Kodak  Co. 

Ifctary  cutter  for  producing  a  progressire  transverse  cut 

on  a  web.     3. 000.250.  9-19-61.  a.   83 — 341 
Altmann.    Werner    E.,    to    Daimler-Benz    Aktiengesellschaft. 

S«Jf  locking  differential  gear.     2,967.438,  1-10-61,  CI.  74 — 

Altmann.  Werner  E..  to  Daimler-Benz  Aktiengesellschaft. 
Shifting  arrangement  for  change  speed  gears.  2,967,598, 
1-10-61,  CI.  192—114.  e       K-       • 

Altmann.  Werner  E..  to  Daimler-Benz  Aktiengesellschaft. 
Synchronization  arrangement.  2.993.579,  7-25-61.  CI 

Altmann.    Werner    E..    to    Daimler-Benz    .Vktlengesellschnft. 
IH.xengageahl..     clutch     construction.      2.998.114.     8-29-61 
n.  192— .'12. 
Alto  Torp. :  Kre — 

Lecrone.  Dale  S.     2.987.089. 
Altom.  Roy  E. :  8ee — 

McCoy.  Lorraine,  and  Altom.    2,971.204 
Alton  Box  Board  Co.  :  See — 

Hemann.  Ronald  R.    3.0O0.603. 

Hollls.  Robert  F.     2.977.274. 

Hollis.   Ilobert   F.     3.007.519. 

Alton.  William  J.,  L.  M.  Deeks.  T.  J.  ODonnell,  and  S.  H.  S. 
Raub,  to  Union  CarMde  Corp.  Liquid  entrainment  separa- 
tor.    3.006.4.^"..  lO-Jll-61.  CI.  18.3—2. 

.MtonJI.  Edmund  R..  and  E  .\.  Kunkel.  to  International  Tele- 
phone and  Telegraph  Corp  Rotating  shaft  position  read- 
out system,     2.9S7.717.  6-6-61.  C\    340 — ,^47. 

Altorfer.    Henry    W..    to    .American    Motors    Corp       Laundrv 

ecjulpment.    2.99.'>,917.  8-l.'.-61.  CI.  68— 1.-|. 
Altorfer.    Henry    W'..    to    American    Motors    Corp       Washing 

machine   with   dispensing   unit.      3,010..'?04.    11-28-61.    Cl. 


3,009,650,  11-21-61, 

Cl.  4 — 161. 

Instep  straps. 

steam  bath  and 




^     Swift. 

Samuel  : 
Roltert  J 

,  Affnintl. 

Altschuler.  ahd  Gans!     2,t)68.- 

Altschnler.  Samuel,  to  Uhited  States  of  America  Armv 
Slngleshuttle  twin  barrel  gun.  2,973.692,  3-7-61  Cl' 
89 — 33. 

Altwicker.  Elmar  R..  A.  B.  Garrett.  E.  A.  Weilmuenster  and 
S     W.    Harris,    to   OUn    .Mathieson   Chemical    Corp.      .\lkvl 

decaboranea  and  method  for  their  manufacture     2  999  W'i 

9-r.-61.  Cl.  260— 60<"...">.  '  -^      .III. 


Hubert     J. 



Aln.    Salvatore.    to    Gotham    Pressed 

games.     3.001.794.  9-20-61.  C\.   27 

Alumatlc  Corp.  of  America  :  See — 
—  -  -  --..*« 

3.013.e.-j7.      12r-19-61,      Cl. 


»el    Corp. 

ZIfomer,  .Abe. 
Zltomer,  Abe. 



Aluminum  Co.  of  America  :  Sec — 

Angevlne,  John  S.     3.009,863. 

Atman,  Jay  W..  and  Hall.     2.986,053. 

Berginann,  Werner  J.     2.96)S,847 

Blavden.  James  H.     2,999,871. 

Butler,  WUllam  R.,  Freeman,  and  Flucker.     2,995,224. 

Cochran.  Charles  N.,  Brandt,  and  Foster.     2,^95.479. 

Cochran.  William  C.     2.987.417 

De  Boalt.  Fred  F.    3,000,219 

Dell,  Manuel  B.,  and  Stowe.     2,967,815.   , 

Dell,  Manuel  B.,  and  Stronp.     2,983,665. 

Dressier    Philip  d'H.,  and  Angevlne.     2.983.022. 

Eiland,  EHrllch  M.     2.976,170.  '.."^o.^j^^. 

Emer>'.  Durward  h.    and  Bennett.     2.976,230. 

Gamber,  Lrwin  J.     3,006,473. 

Judge,  William  o.,  and  Rusnock.    3  010  712 

Keller,  Fred,  and  Franz.     2,995,478. 

.Maduk.  Fhigene  A.,  and  Ricker.     3.011,982 

Mllliken,  Spencer  B.     2.969,590. 

Myers,  Robert  R.    2,999.703. 

Ricker.  Richard  W..  and  Wallace.     3.011.983 

Schrecker.   Howard  F..   and   Singleton.     2,970,706. 

Smith.  Herman  W.     2,982,862.  .«'•".•  wo. 

Stowe,  Vernon  M.     2,983,666. 

Towner,  Raymond  J.,  and  Lyle.    2,966,731-6. 

Towner.  Raymond  J.,  and  Lyle.     2,994,947. 
,  Tow'ner,  Raymond  J.,  and  Lyle.    3,004,331. 

Wfston.    .■<aiiiuel    C.    Jr.,   and   O.swald.      2,968.83."» 
Aluminam  Extrusions,  Inc. :  See — 

Otto,  Lyle  G.,  ahd  Beardslee.    3,009,719. 
Aluminum  Industries,  Inc.  :  See — 

Pentecost.  Donald  B.    3.01 1.014 
Aluminium  Laboratories  Ltd. :  See — 

Mackie  Alastair  M.    2,996,792. 
Aluminum  Refrigerator  Door  Co..  Inc. :  See — 

Kurowskl.  Walter  J.    2,987.782. 
A-Lure,  Inc.  :  See — 

Arff.  John  H.     2,995,857. 
Alvarez,  Edward  V.     Sprinkler  head. 

Cl.  239—230. 
Alyerson.  Thomas  E..  to  Westlnghouse  Electric  Corp.     Trans- 
lPJ^".^y^^   changing    system.      3.015.057.    12-26-61     Cl 
J23 — 43.0. 
AlveyvFerguson  Co..  The  :  See —  , 

l^llvan,  .Norman  M.     2.979.177. 
Alwac  International,  Inc.  :  See —  ' 

Cox,  Austin  G.     3.014.434. 

Hagen.  Glenn  E.    2,999.636. 

Hook,  Albert  S..  Goodman,  and  Hotter. 

Lindner.  Bror  M.    2^985.114. 
Alward,    Kenneth    C.      Variation    arrangement 

3-14-fil.  Cl.  121—194. 
Alweg-Forschung  G.m.b.H. :    See — 

Ihmlg,   Rudolf.     2.977.892. 

Macrande^',  Karl.     2.974.606. 

Rosenbaum;  Kurt.     2,977,893. 

Schiitze.  Georg.     3.013.504.  ■ 

Schlltze.  Georg,  and  Barthelmess.     3.011,657. 

SchOtze,  Georg,  Barthelmess,  and  Hehl.    2.968,082. 
Alweg-horschung  G.m.b.H.-Koln  :  See — 

Deller.  Konrad.     2.993.647. 

Rosenbaum,  Kurt.    2^7.013. 

Rosenbaum.  KdiLSrautze,  and  Leyendecker.     2,997,004. 
.Mwood.  Inc.  :  See —  ^"^ 

Burkner.  Wolfgang.    2.979,10."». 
Amada,    Sanae.      High    speed    printing    system.      3.012.499. 

12-12-61.  Cl.   101—93. 
Amala.  Raymond  S..  and  R.  E.  Schroeder,  to  General  Motors 
Corp.     Shell  mold  and  method  of  manufacture.     2,976,688, 
3—28—61,  Cl.  22 — 193. 
Amalgamated  Wireless  CAustralasia)  Ltd. :  See — 

Allen.  John  F.    3.005,1. ''.9. 

Barlow.  Walter  F.     2,997,656. 
Amana  Refrigeration,  Inc. :  See —  '  ^ 

Whltesel.  Harry  A.     2,984,089. 
Amara,  Dominic,  and  H.  F.  Rempt.  to  Lockheed  Aircraft  Corp. 
Optical    Infrared    sight  system.      3.007,061.   10-31-61,   Cl. 
2.)0 — 83.3.  ^  * 

Amara,  Roy  :   See — 

Handers,   Robert  H.,  Dimick.  and  Amara.     3,00.').549. 
Amaaon.  Mvron  P..  to  Douglas  Aircraft  Co.,  Inc.    Lightning 

arrester  for  radomes.     2,982,494,  5-2-61,  Cl.  344 — 1. 
Amatel.  Harold,  to  Westlnghouse  Electric  Corp.    Article  pack- 
ing and  dispensing  carton.     2,980,240.  4-18-61.  Cl.  206 — 

Amatel.  Harold,  and  S.  P.  Sanford.  to  Westlnghouse  Electric 

Corp.     Lamp  container.     2,983,372,  5-9-61.  Cl.  206 — 65. 
•Amazon.    Irving    J.      Degating    device    for    plastic    moulds.  12-19-61,  Cl.  18 — »2. 
Amljco,  Inc.  :  See — 

Du  Vail,  Wilbur  E.     2.985,725. 
Du  Vail,  Wilbur  E.    3.007,002. 
Amberg.  StvrhjJirn  :   See — 

Schrewellus.  Nils  G..  and  Amberg.    2.993,111. 

Amble,  Elmer  L.    Amusement  device.     2,995,369,  8-8-61,  Gl. 
272 — 51. 

Bowling    Ambler.    Ernest,    to    United    States   of  America.    Commerce 

2.982.ioo,'^5Sl!  Cl  62?l9!"°°    ^^^^^*    »nd    process. 

.Ambli.  .Andrew.     Converter  top  for  open  topped  trailers  and 
the    like.      2.969,284,    l-2-t-:^l.    Cl.    296—100. 



Am-Bol  Corp. :  See — 

Bolsey.  Jacques.     2,979,985. 

Amboreki,  Leonard  E.,  to  E.  I.  du  Pont  de  Nemours  and  Co. 
Process  for  producing  Alms.   2,975,484.  3-21-61,  CI.  18 — 48. 

Ainbr(>.>je,  Anthony  A.  Adapter  for  lathe  chuck  and  the  like. 
2.998.258,  8-29-61,  Ci.  2<9 — 41. 

Ambrose,  Henry  A.,  to  Gulf  Research  &  Dfevelopment  Co. 
Treatment  of  distillate  fuel  oils  with  aqueous  anti-microbial 
agents.    2.975,043,  3-14-til,  CI.  44—72. 

Ambrose,  Henry  A.,  and  E.  L.  Humphrey,  to  Gulf  Research 
&  Development  Co.  Hydrocarbon  oils  containing  N-substi- 
tuted  aminopropyiamine  monosulfonates.  2,989,387,  6-20- 
61,  CI.  44—72. 

Ambrose,  Henry  A.,  and  E.  L.  Humphrey,  to  Gulf  Research 
&  Deveiopment  Co.  N-substituted  aminopropyiamine  mono- 
sulfonates.    2,989,564,  6-20-61,  CI.  260—501. 

Ambrose,  James  W..  to  E.  O.  Williams.  Inner  tube  boat  frame. 
2,983,245,  5-9-61.  CI.  115 — 26.3. 

Ambrose,  McLean  A. :  See- 

Agins,  (Jeorge. 
A>:in8,  <ieorse. 
Agins,  George. 
Agins,  George. 
Agins,  George. 

Smith,  Lewis  R..  Ambrose,  and  Hassenplug, 
irnsiui.  Leonard  H.,  to  Lear,  Inc.  Douhh 
edback  valve.     3,012,577.  12-12-61.  CI.   137 

spool    liow 
Tilting  table  saw. 


Ainbrosio,  Theo'dore  Q.,  and  E.  J.  Meyers. 

3,013.592,  12-19-61,  CI,  143—36. 
Amburn.  Duane  W.    Detachable  book  rack  for  folding  chairs. 

2,979.120,  4-11-61.  CI.  155—188. 
Amchem  Products,  Inc. :  See — ' 
Beatty,  Robert  H.    2.978.838. 
Hart.  Richard  D.,  and  Raman.    S.013.873. 
Heller,  Ferdinand  P..  and  Bearaon.     2.987,428. 
McLane.  Stanley  R.,  Bishop,  and  Raman.     3,014.063. 
Melander.  Leonard  W..  McLane.  and  Sutherland.    2,992.- 

Xewhard,    Nelson    J..    Jr..    DoUman.    and    Steinbrccher. 

Saukaitis.  Albert  J.,  Gardner,  and  Gibson.     2,9  <  5.125. 
Schell,  James  H..  Douty,  and  Faigen.     2.999,811, 
Steinbrecher.  Lester.     3,009.842. 
Amco  Engineering  Co. :  See- 
Anderson,  Edwin  v.,  Mack,  and  Friberg.     2.991.140. 
And.Tson.  Edwin  V..  Mark.and  Friberg.     3.012.8:?5. 
Amdur.  Allen  C,  and  Curtis  B.  Hayworth.  to  Allied  Chemical 
Corp.     Method  of  roasting  pyrites.    2,984.561,  5-16-61,  CI. 
Amdur,  Charles  J.,  and  E.  J.  Weinstein.     Door  knob  cover. 

2,997.089,  8-22-61.  CI.  l.')0 — 52. 
Amdur.  Charles  J.,  and  E.  J.  Weinstein.     Ornamental  door 

knob  cover.     2,999,523,  9-12-61.  CI.  150—52. 
Am  Dvne  Trust :  See — 

F*isher;  John  C.     2.972.957. 
Amelio.    Armand    F..    to    I'nited    States    of    America,    Navy. 

Throttle  control.      2,987.035.   6-13-61.   CI.   74 — 4S0. 
Amen,  Nicholas  C.    Mascara  container  and  applicator.    2.990.- 
<     834.  7-4-61,  CI.  132— 85. 
Anient,  Jack  A.    Snap-on  battery  terminal.    3.005.181, 10-17- 

61.  CI.  3.'59— 2.39. 
Amenta.  Italo  M.,  to  Emhart  Mfg.  Co.     Case  packer.    2.985.- 

321.  5-23-61,  CI.  214 — 6. 
Anierco.-tt  Corp.  :  Sre — 

Houghton.   Charles   R.     2.998,269. 
V   .     Munger,    Charles   G.,   Golfer,   and   Abba.     2.998,328. 

Amereng  Development  Corp.  :  See —  i 

Lowe,  Ernest.     2.996.063.  | 

American  Agricultural  Chemical  Co..  The  :  Flee — 

Evans.  Robert  D.,  and  Ureathitt.     2.907.617. 

Goln,  Charles  M.     2.967,615.  ,     . 

American  -Mr  Filter  Co.,  Inc.  :  See — 

Andersen,  Ralph  A.     2.982,346. 

('.i.ik.   I..   Russell.     2.!Mi!>.li,s... 

Cook.  L.  Kiiss.'ll.     '-•,;)♦•.!». 2St!. 

Copenhefer,  John  E.     2.984,286. 

Kirk.  Harold  L.    2979,124. 

Millman.  William  V.    2,971.450. 

Millman.  William  V.     3.013.412. 

O'Dell,  Leonard  J.     3,009.53R. 

Palmore,  Robert  A.     3.003,582. 

Palmore.  Robert  A.     3.007,651. 

P.ilmore.  Robert  A.     -3.013,6,30.  ^ 

Robson,  Aubrey  H.     2,975.828.^ 

Kohson.  Aubrey  H.     2.979.2H4. 

Robson.  Aubrev  H.    2.990,117. 

Robson.  Aubrey  H.    3,005.8S7. 

Sex  ton.- Robert  W.     2,966.958; 

Smith.  Ralph  B..  and  Tolson.     3.013,714.    ' 

Stock.  Charles  S.    2.979,265. 
American  Alcolac  Corp. :  See — 

Blinofr,  Vsevolod,  and  Braude.     2,975.141. 

American  .\liiminum  Co. :  See — 

Williamson.  Robert  D.    3,005, .'V69. 
American  Archery  Co,  Inc. :  See —   - 

Layer.  Clarence  L.     2,985,885. 
American  Art  Metals  Co.  :  Sre— 

May,  Maurice.     2.971,229. 

American  Bed  k  Spring  Co. :  See — 

Coopersmlth.      Rudolph.       Lozbao, 
American  Blltrite  Rubber  Co.,  Inc. :  See — 

merer.  John  M.     2,971,218. 

Greenbaum.  Arthur.     2.995.840, 

Marcus.  Natalie  S.,  Holmstrom.  and  Smith 

American  Binder  Co,  of  California,  The  :  See — 
St^ttOD.  Charles  O.    2,996.774. 

American  Bleached  Shellac  Mfg.  Association.  Inc. :  See — 
Johnston.  Herbert  N.    2.991,262. 

Amerlciin  Bosch  Anna  Corp.  :  Sre —  ..  «„„  _,„ 

Abt,  Clifford  P.,  Carr,  Miner,  and  Spitalny.     2,983,442. 

2.989.672.     .- 
3,009,361.      •- 
-Vgins,'  George.  Bock,  and  Miner.     2.988.685. 
Agins,  George,  Bock,  and  Miner.     3,007,634. 
Bischoff,  Waldemar  O.     2,988.999. 
Bischoflf.  Waldemar  O,    3.000,369, 
r.ischoff.  Waldemar  O.     3,011.490. 
Brosh.  Amnon.     2,989,730. 
Brosh,  Amnon.     3,009,134. 
Davenport.  Charles  T.     2.1M;8.955. 
Hakimoglu.  Ayhan.'^    2.976,496. 
number.  John  X..  and  Nystrom.     2,989.044. 
Kritz.  Jack.    2,984,111. 
Litman,     Bernard,     Pavalow, 

-      2,983,476. 
Jr.     2.980.797. 

Savet,     and     Statsinger. 

Maguire,  John  J. 
Miller.  Walter  S. 
Miller.  Walter  S. 
Miller.  W.ilter  S. 
Million.  John  W.  , 
-Miner,  Richard  \. 

and      Greenblatt. 


Miner.  Richard  Y.,  and  Abt.     3,007.635. 
'    .Miner,    Richard    Y..    Abt,   and    Kvans.      2.969. 184. 

Miner,  Richard  Y..  Gittens,  Bock,  and  Evans.     2,977,049. 

Noddin,  Ray  C.     3,004.181. 

Norris.  Myron  E.    3.013.220. 

.Xvstroin.  Carl  II  .  .iiid  Husf      2  969,085. 

Rumrill.  Howard  J.     3.002.282. 

Rumrill.  Howard  J.,  and  Howe.     3,010.329. 

,"<avet.  I'aiil  II       2.!M;!>  1  S2. 

Scotto,  Dominlk  P.     3.002.392. 

Stahl.  Raymond  A.     2,996,611. 

Tavlor,  Marvin.    2,992.502. 

Tellerman,  Jacob.     2.995.736. 

American  Bo.x  Board  Co. :  See —  p 

Anderson,  Wilbur  0„  Jr.     2,978,163. 
Anderson^  Wilbur  G„  Jr.     2,986,324. 
Monroe,  Lee  I'.     3.000,494. 
Schwebs,  Robert  K.     2.968.392. 
Zeitter.  Charles  R.     2.989.211. 

.Vmerican  Brake  Shoe  Co. :  See — 
Adams.  C.Hril  E.     2.998,869. 
Atchley.  Raymond  D.     2.996.072. 
Avery,- Hoi*^ard  S..  and  Chapin.     3.010.823. 
Boron.  Frank  J.     2.980.349. 
Boron.  Frank  J.     2.986.349. 
Boro"n.  Frank  J.    5.991.061. 
Boron,  Frank  J.     2,997.287. 
Boron.  Frank  J.     3,006.62.5. 
.    Cox.  Isaac  E.     2,997.348. 

Frlchette.  Roswell  S.,  Jr.     2.999.564. 
Gaslow.  Joseph  H.     2,9S1.2S7. 
Godfrey,  Charles  E.    3.010,408. 
Godfrey,  Charles  E..  and  Johnson.     3,010.407. 
Halada.  John  P.     3.011.244. 
Hoyer.  Llewellyn  E.     2,982.571.. 
Hoyer,  Llewellvn  E.    3.010,741. 
Hover.  Llewellyn  E..   and  Gorcyca.     2.980,470. 
Hover.  Llewellvn  E..  and  Gorcyca.     3.004,805. 
Hover.  Llewellyn  E.,  and  Santos.    2,9S9.992. 
Huntress.  Howard  B.    2.902.706. 
Huntress,  Howard  B.     3.0P3,588. 
Huntress.  Howard  B.,  and  Taylor.     3.009.324. 
•Johnson,  Oscar  H.     2.980,352. 
Kistler,  Max  W.    2.993.669  , 

Magnus.  Oscar  F.     2.995.209. 
Ratkowski.  Thomas  A.     2.993.656. 
Ratkows'-I    Thom.'s  A.     2  998.201. 
Renick.  Wendell  E.     2,986,161. 
Shaw,  Edwin  L.     .•!.0<)«!.324. 
Smilges,  Roliert.     2.976.878. 
StMikec.  Raymond  E.   and  Smith.     2,966,737: 
Stembergef.  John.     2,995.210. 
Wilson.   Rosser  L.,  Herllhy.  and  Wood.     2.979.793. 

.\merican  Can  Co. :  See — 

Aldington.  Elmer  T.     2.985.354. 
Aldington.  Elmer  T.    2.993.636.     ■ 
Andrews.  David  B.      3,003,679. 
'     Armstrong.   James  W..  and   Rafoth.     2.981.456. 
Arslanian.  Charles  S.    2.973,551. 
Asman,  Norman  J.     3.002.673. 
Baselt.  Frederick  C.     2.980.311. 
Behrens,  Herbert  C.     2.969.901. 
Bennett.  Herbert  L.    2.984,381. 
Blerraan,  Clarence  R..  and  Hoag.     2.986,319.      ' 
Birkland.  Stellan.     2.968.178. 
~   ~  P.ofinL'er.  Karl.     2,996.040. 

Borkmann,  Frank  R,     2.984.289. 

Carew,  Herman.     2.982.459. 

Carew,  Herman,  and  Kinney.     2,969,632.  . 

Carew.  Herman,  and  Kinney,    3,010.263. 

Chandler.  (iroverC     2.987.973.  ^ 

CroWe.  Joseph  S.     2.994.4.")4.  ^' 

Curler,  Howard  J.,  and  Bauer.     2,982,245.  ^  ,         , 

Curry.  Clyde  W.    3.010.206. 

Dannenbrink.  Robert  W..  and  Uunuth.     2.999,828. 


AriKTlcan  Can  Co.  :   See — Continu«-d 
IH.  (.wir.  Kdward.     2.»6«.871. 
•      I-K.ud.ra.  J.,  Jr.    .1.«X).".4.'{1' 
KJaiii.  William  I!.      l.'.;«:«T.!>::i. 
Fredettf.  Josf-ph  H.     l.'.y7!M93. 
Gordon,  James  H.    2,984,162. 
<i.>ntori,   JaiiieH  H..    lVt»Tsi»n 
Gotoch.  Leaard  P. 
G')ts«h.   I..-nard   I* 
Grover,  Victor  T. 
Grores,  James  II. 
Homm^'l,  William 
Huss,  WMlliam   S., 
Jones,  Vlncpnt  C, 
Kaschner.  Daniel 


.\inerlcan  Cyunatiiid  Co.  :   Nee — Continued 

Daniel,  John  H.,  Jr.,  and  Rossler.     2,907,834. 

De  Grunlgen,  Alfred  C.    2,980,589. 

l»f  GruriiKeii.    Altre<l   C.  and    Feruuson!      2.998..'{50. 

and   Stone. 

and  Hardy.    2,991.544. 
.   Viffii.-..'.  an<l  Ka.>i»'lt. 


P..     2.999.687. 

and  Kuchenbeeker. 

Hugs,  and  Krueger, 
B.,  Sr.     2.974,953. 







Kinnev,  Alfred  W.      2.1*74,459. 

Kuchenbecker,  Morris  W.    2,984,400. 

Ku<li.Mib.«ker.  .Morris  W.      .;.()  14.632. 

Lingelbach,  Charles  J.,  Jr.    3.000.744. 

Makowski,  .\lexander  O.     2.980,903. 

Matejek.  John  M.     3,010.618. 

McHean.   Dou^rlas  .M.,  and  Tallman. 

Nordqulst.  Ronaltf  E.  J.     2,984,365. 

.NonUiulst.  Ronald  E.  J.     3,006,070. 

Peterson.   Howard   H..   and   Anderson. 

Pottle.  Ralph  K.     2,978,093. 
.    Ouin«-li»-.  AlWrt.     2.!t94.H»7. 

Renzl.  Zeno  P.     3.0O6..'?O4. 

Roberge.  Howard.     2,973,116. 

Roehrbein,  Philip  A.,  and  Mafasevicb. 

Root,  Andrew  A.    2,981,444. 

.Schmidt.  Autnist  F..  and  Belke.    2.991,217. 

Schniepp,  Lester  E.,  Mletz,  and  Grovts.     2,980,539. 

Schoenfeld,  WUliam  H.,  Jr.     2,968,091.       t 

Scliiiltz.    ICob'-rt    S.      2. '.♦97, 731. 

Sofke,  John  E.     .3,001.637. 

Socke.  John  E.    3.0O1.7R7. 

Stacev.  Frank  J.,  and  Sohulz.     2,974,775. 

Vltense,  Harold  R.,  Wobbe,  and  Weycaat. 

Wichman,  Merle  A.     2,986,323. 
American  Ca.-^t  Iron  Pipe  Co.  :   See — 

-MacKay,  Jack  W.    2.991.092. 
AmerlcTin  Casting  and  Mfg.  Corp.  r  See — 

Wenk,  Henry  L.  C,  Jr.    2,992.034. 

American  Colloid  Co.  :  See — - 

Clem.  Arthur  G.     2.971.922. 
Clem,  Arthur  C.    2,988.525.'' 

American  Control  Corp.  :   .>Vr — 

Thiele.  Theotlore  H.     3.005.487. 

Anterican  Crucible  Products  Co.,  The  :',-*eef- 
Kaatz.  Herbert  W.     2.969,740. 

American  Cyanamid  Co. :  See — 
Allen    Kui:.'ne  .\I.     2.9t;s.s56. 
Allen.  •;»'orj:e  R..  an<l  Weiss.     3.001.901. 
Allen.    George    R.,    Jr.,    and    W.    S.    Allen,    and    Weiss. 

Allen,  George  R.,  Jr.,  and  Weiss.     2,975,197. 
Allen.  William  S.,  and  Feldman.     3,010,877. 
Amick.  Chester  \.     3,003.843. 

Barclay.  Kenneth  M.,  Nobles,  and  Kruppa.    3,010,882. 
Be.i.-hem,  Michael  T..  and  Shaw.     2.993.932. 
Becker,   Rol)ert   H..  Johnson,  and   Martin.     2,991.502. 
~  ~  H..  Martin,  and  Ponson.     3,007,225. 

If..  Martin,  and  Ponson.     3,007,226. 
Gerald.     3.005,002.  ♦ 

Gerald.     3.005.004. 
Gerald,  and  Wagner.     2,992,158. 
J      2.992.274. 
Bernstein.  Seymour.'and. Alien.     2.990.401. 
Bernstein,  Seymour,  Brown,  and  Lenhard.     3.002.968.     , 
Bernstein.  Seymour,  Heller,  and  Stolar.     2.993,042. 
Bernst.'in.  Sfvmour,  and  I.eniiard.     2. WO. 41.5. 
Berry,  WUliam  L.,  and  Mosby.     2.967.862. 
Berrv.  Williani  T...  and  Mosbv.     3.O12.031 . 
Blank.  Robert  H..  Shay,  Priiess,  and  Rigler.     2,982,695. 
B<M»the.  James  11..  .-iimI  <;reen.     ;'>.fM;!,()T.">.  , 

Bott.  George  S..  and  Taylor.    2.999.588. 
Boyle.   Richard  J.,  Birsten.  and  Mosby. 
Brockinan.  John  A.,  Jr.    2.970,161. 
Broqulst.  Harrv  P..  .\lbrecht.  and  Stiffey. 
Browne.  Edwin  C.  and  Sofield,     2.981,693. 
Buccino.  Caetano  S.    2.985,293. 
2.960. 39<5. 
3.013  OK.-) 

and  Doll.    2,999.882. 
and  Epstein.     3,005.029. 
and    Greenwood       2.992.218. 
RuMock.  .Mllon  W..  and  Hand.    2.900.410. 
Carpenter.  Erwin  L.,  and  Booth.    2.984,354.  - 

Chamberlain.    Ralph   J.     2.978.415. 
Chomlt/.  Nlchola.s.  and  Rathfjens.     2.973,371. 
Clark.  Walter  L.     3.000.748 
Cohen.  Elliott,  and  Vaughan.     2.976.2«9. 
Coleman.     Ralph'  A.,     Arthen.     Milionis.     and     Foster. 
3.01 4. 90S. 

,  and  Rodgers      2.971,921.        ' 

and  Susl.     3.000.833. 

Cumniings.  and  Swain.     3.000.691 

Becker.  Robert 
Becker.  Robert 
Bernardi.  John 


P.uckl.'r,  Sheldon  A. 
BnckliT.  Sheldon  A. 
Buckler.  Sheldon  .\. 
-Bucklvr.  Sheldon  A. 
BuckL-r.  Sheldon  A. 
Bu^kle^.  Sheldon  .\. 
Buckler.  Sheldon  A.. 
Bnell.    Bennett    O. 

,Colenan.  Ralph  A. 
Coleman.  Rilph  A.. 
Cooper.  Murray  S. 
f'ooper.  Murray  S. 
CrtH»f»well.  .Xrthtir. 

Daniel,  John  H..  Jr. 


Dixon,  James  K.,   SmoUn,  and  Saunders. 
Edmonds,  I-Yank  A.,  and  Doyle.     2,970,033. 

'"  3.013,003. 


and  Shepherd. 




(Jerhardt.  Gerard  E. 
Glatie,  Nathaniel  J. 
<;iade,  Nathaniel  J. 
fJlade.  Nathaniel  J. 
(Heckler.  George  C. 

and     Chomltz. 

Fields,  Thomas  I.^,  and  Keiule. 
Fiess,  Norman  W.    3,010,970. 
Fltchett,  Gilmer  T.,  Gordon, 
Frank,  Simon,  and  Gagliardi. 
Fraz/.a,  Everett  J^  and  Pricf. 
Frazza,   Everett  J.,   and   Rapoport.     2.992,223. 
Frazza,  Everett  J.,  and  HapoiK.rt.     3.001.995. 
Friedlander,  Henry  Z.     3,008.942. 

Gadekar,   Shreekrishna  M..   and  Frederick.     3,014,906. 
Gagliardi,  George  N.     3,004,065. 
(iarber,  Murray.     2,985,0.55. 
Gaul.  Richard  J.,  and  Freniuth.     3.0fHl.919. 
Gentile,  Anthony  J.,  and  Porter.    2,980,554. 
~      2,999,590. 

and  Sutherland.     2.999,881. 
Goodman,  Joseph  J,  and  Matrishin.     2,982,693. 
Gordon,  John  E.,  Goodemoot,  and  Dorf.     3,004,027. 
Gravson,  Martin,  and  Keough.    3,005,013. 
Groszo.s,  Stephen  J.     2,967.877. 
Growich.  John  A.,  Jr.,  and  Miller.     3.007.965. 
Hardy,  William  B.,  and  Adams.     3,004.038. 
Hardv,  William  B.,  Forster,  and  Coleman.     2,976,259. 
Hardy.  William  B.,  and  Von.     3.004.029. 
Hart,  William  F.     2.982,746. 

Hein,  Delton  W.,  Alheini,  and  Leavitt.     2,985,661. 
Hengel,  Mathevv  C.     2.9S7,952. 
Henlev,  Ernest  J.     2,992,070.  ' 

Henley,  Ernest  J-  and  Bell.     2,983,717. 
Herbes    William   F.,  and  Wintringhani.     2.981.704. 
Hewitt,  Redginal  I.,  and  Waletzky.     3.007,845. 
Ho<les.  William.      3,014.897. 
Hoflfenberg.  David  S.     2.981.758. 
House,  Ronald  R.,  and  Moore.    2.980,609. 
Ilou.sekeeper.  Richard  N.      2,'.>98.411. 
Innes,     William     B.,     Michael,     Pennell, 

.Tefts.^Albert  W..  and  0"lnlnn.      2.99S.410. 
Jefts,  Albert  W..  and  Rotherham.     2,986,547. 
Jen,  Yun.     2.977,245. 
Jen.  Yun,  and  Johnson.    2.976,262. 
Jen.  Y'un.  Johnson,  and  Alola.    2,976,263. 
Jewett,  Joseph  E.     2,980,454. 
.lewett,  Joseph  E.     2.989.545. 
Jovce,  Asa  W.     2,907,807. 
Kaplan.  Earl,  and  Morath.     3,004,002. 
Kaplan,  Earl,  and  Von,     2.970.880. 
Kende,  .Andrew  S.,  and  Knshner.    2.987.545. 
Kesler,  Martin  L..  and  Morgan.    2,981,729. 
Kinstler.  Robert  C.     2.981.325. 
Kinstler.  Robert  C.     2.996.543. 
Klein    Arthur  F..  and  Voorhees.     2,995,413. 
Klingsberg.  Erwin.     2,995,584. 
Kocav.  Witold  R.   and  Wishnian.     3,012.997. 
Kolodnv,  Edwin  R.     3,002.900. 
Uiwler.    K.lw.ird    I!.,    and    I'.allou.      2  909..332. 
Lawler,  Edward  B..  and  Ballou.     2.997.407. 
Lecher,  Hans  Z.,  and  Adams.     2,977,329. 
Tx«eson.  Lewis  J..  .Muller.  and  Sieger.     3.005,839. 
Light.  Charles  E.     2.907,832. 
Llneken.  Edgar  E.    3.000.803. 
Longfield,  James  E.,  and  Dixon.     3,002,990. 
Luttinirer.  Lionel  B.     3.0O«!.471. 
Malley,  Thoma.s  J.,  and   Schindler.     2.991.255. 
Mallev,  Thomas  J.,  Schindler.  Pennell,  and  Innes.    2,980,- 

Ma.xwell.  Charles  S.     2,986,489. 
>Ic<'orinick.    Jerrv    R.    D..    Arnold. 

RIolander.     2.970.947. 
McConnlck.    Jerrv    R.    I).,    .\rnold. 

Slolander.     2.996,499. 
McConniek.  Jerrv  R.  D..  Sjolander.  and  ITIrsch.    2,998,352. 
McCormlck.  Jerr^-  R.  D..  and  Smith.     3.005.025. 
McKenzie.   HerN-rt  A.,  and  Stanley.     2.999,007. 
Mecco,  Jerry  M.      3.014.770. 
Meriwether.  I>'wi.s  S..  and  Colthnp.     2.998.463. 
Michael.  Maiden  W.    3.000.813. 
Michael.  Maiden  W.    3.000.838. 
Michel.  George  H.      3.002,980. 
Miller.  Bernard.     2.992.204. 
Goodman.   Sjolander.  and  McCormlck. 

Ilirsch.    Miller,    and 
Hirsch.    Miller,    and 

Miller,  Philip  A. 
Miller.    Philip  A 

Moore.  Sewell  T. 
MoriTi.  Albert  E.. 
Morln.  Lucille  T., 
Mosby,  William  L. 
Moyer,  Samuel  P. 
Nagy,  Daniel  E. 

Nemes.  Joseph  J. 
Nevin.   Charles   S 
Oldham.  Wilbur  N. 
Orlgoni.  Victor  E.. 
Oro8.  Nicholas  R.. 
Osban,  William  R. 
Parker,  Alfred  O.    2.981. .".90. 
Pepper,  Foster  L.,  and  Fiess. 

and  Kaplan, 
and  Matsuda 
and  Berry. 
and  Vartanian 
,   and    Fletcher, 
and  Granito. 
Fox,  and  Smith, 
and  Vartanian. 



2  992  239 




American  CyaDaniid  Co. :  See — Continued  1 

'       Petropoulos,  John  C.     2,977,338.     , 

Petropoulos,  Jotin  C.     2,979,480. 

P«'tro|Miiilos,  John  C.     2,Uii>f.'M'J. 

Petropoijlos,  Jolin  C,  and  Sullivan.     2,979,534. 

Plllon,  Dante  A.,  and  Kaplan.    2,968,630. 

Potter,  Allen  G.,  Jr.,  and  Weyker.    2,968,676. 

Pounds,  Lewis  C.     2.977,272. 

Pretka,  John  E.     3,008,969. 

Koberts,  Cieorge  L.,  Jr.,  McSheehy.  and  Soffer.   2,975,190. 

Robertson,  T.  H.  and  Klausner.    2,984,912. 

Kotli,  I'hUip  15..  and  Wallwork.      2,997,77;;. 

Saunders,  Kenneth  W..  Longfield,  and  Ryder.    2,989.544. 

Saxon,  Robert.     2,094, 02.3. 

Saxon,  Robert,  and  Uurgess.    2.990,392. 

Scalera,   Mario,  Tomcufcik,   and  Hardy.     2,967,863. 

Scanley,  Clyde  S.,  and  Buckler.    2,984,551. 

Scanley,  Clyde  S.,  Matsuda,  and  Coleman.     2,970,897. 

Sch.Tiib,  Robert  E..  .intl  Weiss.      2,1»!>8,4.{.J. 

Schiller,  Arthur  M.     2,978,517, 

Schuller,  Walter  H.     2,977,337. 

Schuller.  Walter  H.,  and  Guth.    2,974,119. 

Selbin,  Joel.     2,972.577." 

Selbin,  Joel.     2,976,233. 

Sentz,  Lemuel  E.,  Jr.,  and  Curtis.     3,003,862. 

Serreze,  Victor  C,  Jr.     2,977^188. 

Serreze,  Victor  C,  Jr.,  and  Kocay.     2,977,187. 

Sheehan.  Gerard  M.,  Whatelv.  and  Roberts.     3,004,858. 

Sheers,  E<lward  H.,  and  Chamberlain.     2,980,715. 

Sheers,  Edward  H.,  and  Chamberlain.     2,986,584. 

ShuUer,  Walter  H.,  and  Price.     2,977,341. 

Sisco.   William  E.,  and  Wiederecht.     2.981,664 

Smolin,  Edwin  M.,  Dixon,   and  Saunders.     2,976,334. 

St;iti«>j.   StiinleV    F.     2. Hits. 449. 

Stamm.  Robert  F..  and  Button.     2,999,414. 

Stanley,  .Man,  and  McKenzie.    3,000,704. 

Stecher.  Edward  J.    2,981,394.         / 

Sunderlamf,  (Jeorjie  B.     3.006,871.  ^ 

Szumski,  Stephen  .\.    3.012.946. 

Taylor.  Arthur  S.,  and  Corley.    2,985,192. 

Thi'lin,  Jack  II.,  Vrlens,  and  Modcalf.     2.985,687. 

Thomas,  Walter  M..  Groszos,  and  Day.     2,985,685. 

Torre,  Salvatore  F.     3,008.962. 

Tribit,  Samuel  W.     2,970,998. 

Von,  Isaiah,  and  Hardy.    2,993,901. 

Wasserman,  .Max.     3,012.375. 

Wehner.  Donald  C.     2,907,799, 

Weindllng.  Rich.nrd.     2.985,564. 

Wilkinson.  Raymond  G..  and  Fields.-    3.013,009. 

Wilkinson,   RaVmond  G..  Fields,  and  Kendei     3,002,993. 

Williams,  Emil  F..  and  Woodberry.     3.002.994. 

Williams,  Emil  l\  and  Woodberry.     3,002,995. 

Wilson,  .Abraham,  and  O'Brien.    2.9H7.474 

Wlshman,  Marvin,  and  Kocay.     2,983,718. 

Wishmnn.  :»!:irvin,  and  Kocay.     3,012,998. 

Wooding,  William  M.    2.987,418. 

Wozniak.  Edmund  P.,  and  .Matsuda.     2,979,547. 

Wright,  William  B..  Jr.     3.005,850. 

Young,  Guv  B.     3,014,783. 

Young.  Rlchar(}  W.     2,996,531. 
American  Cystoscope  Makers.  Inc. :  See — 

Hett,  John  H.    2,990.830. 
American  Displav  Co..  The  :  See — 

Dunkelberger,  .Tack  E.  and  B.  C.     2,966.992. 
American  District  Telegraph  Co. :  See — 

Bemis,  Phllo  S.     2.985.871. 

Boehm,  .\lbert.     3.014.205. 

Ghersi,  Dominick  A.     2.983,912, 

Laakmann.  Peter.     2.999.2.30.  . 

Lindsay.  Maxwell  H.  A.     3,009,138. 

MacDonald,  Leslie  .\.     2.972,133. 

Mnehter,  Manfred  W.     3.010,100. 

Pearson,  Howard,  McDonough,  and  Vassll.     2,971,184. 

Swift.  James  L.     3.010,001. 
American  Doll  &  Tov  Corp.  :   See —  v 

Beebe,  Herbert  R.     2.996,837. 

Beebe,  Herbert  R.     2.906.838. 

Bcche.  H.Thert  R.     3.001  32.3 

Boeho.  Herbert  R  .  and  Harvey.    2.994,157. 
American  Electric  Mfg.  Corp. :  Sre — 

Rlngger.  Walter  A..  Jr.     2,978,591. 
American  Electronic  I^ahoratorles,  Inc. :  See — 

Riebman.  Leon.    2,900..522. 
American  Electronics,  Inc.  :   See — 

Benjamin,  Fred,  and  Schoenfeld.     3,003,101. 

Cooi>er.  Benjamin,  and  llohmann.     2,998,761. 

Hohmann.  .Albert.    3.012.719. 
American  Enicrv  Wheel  Works  :  See-  - 

Skoog.  Harold  O.     2.997.820. 

American  Enka  Corp. :  See — 

Boerma.  Jan  A.  K..  and  Heijnls.    2,093.260. 

Bnurman.    Anrt.    Vrooin.    and   Llmburg.      2.970,883. 

Curtis.  Robert  M.      2.007,040. 

Daimler,   Berthold,  Elling,   Elssner,   and  Heuer.     3,002.- 

803.  ' 

Elling.  Hugo,  Elssner,  Grotjahn.  and  Heuer.     2.983.572. 
Elssner,  Richard,  and  Elling.     3.007,700. 
Griset.  Ernest  J..  Jr..  and  Thurmond.     2.077  184. 
Hennemann,   Georg,  and  Lutgerhorst.     2,983,628. 
Henneman,  Georg,  and  Lutgerhorst.     3,000,758. 
Henry,  Cli.irl.s  L.     2.0S7.371. 
Henrv.  William  V. 
Henry.  William  V.      3.01 4. .330. 
Htfuer,  Kurt,  Elling.  and  Elssner.     2,974,004. 

American  Enka  Corp. :  See — Continued 

Heuer,  Kurt,  McPeters.  and  Knight.     2,974,005. 

Laws,    Ceon    F.,    Newsome,    Patton,     and     Uhitehurst. 
2  993  229 

Limburg~*Pieter  C,  Buurman,  and  Vroon.     2,978,292. 

Neal,  Richard  D.     2,970,790. 

Penland,  Hilliard  H.    3,000.108. 

Schouberg,  Endre.  and  van  Assendelft.     3,002,880. 

Sluijters,  Robert.    2.986,775.  * 

Smith,  Robert  D..  and  Floros.     2,993,81 1. 

Steen,  John  B.    2,976,671. 

Van  den  Bergh.  Barend.  and  Stadig.    2,993,333, 

Van  Dljk,  Pieter.     2.998,693. 

Van  Dongeren,  Bernhard  J.    2,974.070. 

Van  Dongeren,  Bernhard  J.    2,991,685. 
.(Vmericaa  Excelsior  Corp.  :  See — 

Gasch,  Dal^J,     2,996.787. 
American  Fixture,  Inc. :  iS'ee —  • 

Schulze,  Howard  L.     3,004,814* 
American  Flange  &  Mfg.  XTo.,  Inc. :  See — 

Parish,   Richard  L.,  Jr..  and  Dearing.     2,972,431. 

Roberts.  Seward  M.    3,000,544.  j         '  ' 

American  Forge  and  Mfg.  Co. :  See —  '  I 

Calhoun.  Robert  J..  Jr.     2,974.995. 
American  (Jage  &  Machine  Co.  :  See — 

Sebastian.  Robert  W.    3.007,081.  / 

American  Gate  k  Machine  Co. :  See — 

Arbelter.  Alvin  H.,  and  Mateja.     2,978,640. 
American  Greetings  Corp. :  See — 

Pearce,  Lewis  C.     2,977,733. 

Pearce.  Lewis  C.     2,998.972. 
.American  Hardware  Corp.,  The  :  See —  *    • 

AhlQuist.  Russell  W.    3,010.142. 

McCandless,  George  T.    3,000,062. 

I'netic.    Anilr.'w    .).     2.998.273. 

Welch,  Nicholas  A.,,  and  Vahlstrom.     3.014.748. 
American  Heat-Seal,  Inc.  :  St'jt.— 

Bono,  Joseph  J.,  and  Boos.    2,999,521. 

Roos,  CyrllJ.     3.000.091. 
American  Hoist  &  Derrick  Co. :  See — 

Johnson.  Algot  F.     2,978,820. 
American  Home  Products  Corp.  :  .See —     •. 

Ashkenaz,  David  M.     2,987,438. 

Ashkenaz.  David  M.     2,995.308. 

Dann,  Morris,  and  Linke.     J.004.323. 

Farrar,  George  E..  Jr..   Hersh.  and  Barnett.     2,973,300. 

Hoeko,  Michael  J..  Jr.     2,982.248. 

number.  Leslie  G.,  and  Winthrop.     2,989,-532. 

.Marshall.  David  J.     .3.(»02.0((0. 

Myers,  Gordon  S.,  and  Winthrop.     2.975,208. 

Selfter,  Joseph,  and  Baeder.     3,002^88. 

Sheitv.  Bola  V.     2.970,010. 

Warren,  George  H.     2.975.104. 

Winthrop,  Stanley  O.     2.071,973. 

Winthrop.  Stanley  O.     2.003.895 

Winthrop.  Stanley  O..  and  Gaudry.     2,989,528. 

Winthrop   Stanley  O..  and  Gaudry.     3,006,916. 

Zilliken.  Frledrlch  W.     3,002,887. 
American  Home  Shelters  :  See — 

Bascom,  Wlllard.     2,968,130. 

American  Hospital  Supply  Corp.  :  See  — 

Bieberdorf,  Frederick  W.,  and  Bhoades.     2,986,142. 

Johnson.  Axel  E.  F.     2.984.843. 

I^onhardt.  Charles  G..  and  Baldwin.     3,007,478. 

Whitton,  Aldean  W.,  Jr.     2,982,450. 
American  Industries  Co. :  See — 
>      Hemings,  Frank  L.     2.988,891. 
American  Infra  Red  Radiant  Co.,  Inc.  :   See — 

Iloimerl.  otto.     3,013.003. 

American  Instrument  Co..  Inc. :  See — 
Howerton.  Huch  K.     2.971.429. 

American  Iron  &  Machine  Works  Co.,  Inc. :  Bee — 
Na^-.  Ralph  E.     2.992.021.  ) 

Olson.  Wallace  F.     2.077.10.'>. 
Olson,  Wallace  P.     2,987,354, 
Rodgers,  Otis  X.     2.982.355.         ^ 
Smith,  James  F.     2,987,353.  '  •  '^ 

.American  Lava  Corp.  :  Sre —  , 

Park.  John  L.,  Jr.    2.960.719.  * 

American  Lecithin  Co..  Inc. :  See — 

Eichberg.  Joseph.     2,983.612. 

Kronstein,  Max.  and  Eichberg.    2,997,398. 
American  Locker  Co.,  Inc.  :  See — 

Stackhouse.  Wells  F.     3,008,322.  » 

American  .Machine  &  Foundry  Co.  :  See- — 

Uigelow,  <'liarles  <;..  and  Kennedy.     2,985, 1 80. 

Blewitt.  Roy  E.,  Jr.     2.983,510.  " 

Block.  Charles  S.    2,991.5.50. 

Bogard,  William  R..  and  (Jniss.    2.9.80,935. 

Bourne.   Roland   1'...  and  Tyskewirz.     2,904.401. 

Bnrklund,  Glenn   A.      2.086.698. 

Tarder.  Frank  B..  and  Stniuss.    2,078,986. 

Carmelllni.  An'drew  E..  and  Hotelling      2,970.873. 

Congelll.  Henrv  C.     2,902,000. 

Concern.  Henrv  C.    3.004.700. 

Congelll,  Henry  C,  and  Holloway.    2,984,484. 

Congelli,   Henry  C,  and   Holloway.     3,004,761. 

Congelll.       Henry      C,       Holloway,       and      I^evendoski. 

Davis.   Wade  A.,   Eissmann,   and   Watson.     2,988,213. 

Dearsley.  George.     2,991.753.  •**' 

Dearsley,  George.     3.008,471. 





Ani<>riran  Machine  &  Foundry  Co. :  8ci — Continued 
fH-bf).  Vlcror.     2.971. 7r>«. 
De  Tomasi.  James  A.     .3.000.383. 
Drucker,  William  A.    3.000.764. 
Drucker,  William  A.    3.012..561. 
K<lwar<l<.  .I:uM.--  M       L'. !»'.»*(  .".f»7 
Eisnnann,  Oswald  E.    2.9S4.376. 
ElBunann.  Oswaid  E.,  and  DavidsoB.     2,984,246. 
Kverard,  JoKeph  J.    :i.9H>*,t;ost.  ' 

'  Ererard.  Joseph  J.     3.001,036. 
•        FearnMide.  Kenneth.      2.U78.583. 

nint.  Thomas,  and  nuke.    2.977,121. 
tiuwlft.  r..Twr<n<v  J      .''..012.120. 
Gllman,  Samuel.     2,984,362. 
Grade.  TulUo  E.,  and  Jackson.     2,969,631, 
Hladik.  Joseph  A.     2.973.67*: 
Holloway.  Robert  I*     2.977.122. 
Horgan.  George  D.     3.0O0.161,    • 
Horgan.  r;e«^.rge  D.     3.000.382.  ,         | 
rnf.intino.  Joseph   R  .  .mil   .^rivltJ!.    ,2.980,96.'i. 
Jack.son.  John,  and  Lf)Kan.     3.008,38B.- 
John.son.  Carl  W.,  and  Pedersen.    3,009,431. 
Levln.sohn,  Richard  K. 
I^k'an.  -Vrthiir  «;..  Cain,  and  <ilnsb»'r^.     2,987.964, 
Manna.  I.f>e  M.     2.nKH.:{8l. 
Mrt'arten.   Edw.nnl   R.     2.077,172. 
Merritt.  Menrv  P..     3.ni2..".62. 
Mueller.  Homer  I..     2.077.1. "3. 
Mueller,  Homer  L.     3.008,770. 
Xlehuhr.  Harrv  X.     3.003..531. 
Patterson.   Morehead.     2.073.063. 
Patterson.  Morehead.    2.984.275. 
Paftersoji.  Morehead.  and  Zoerr-her.     2.969.982. 
Phillips,  Malcolm  E..  Jr.    2,984,245. 
Pinkhaiii,  Jesse  K.     2  0><8.1!t.H 
F'inkhani.  Jesse  R.     2.088.100 
Quisenl*erry.  Carter  E.     3.003.306. 
Robinson,  .fafk  1)..  Jr.    .2.0Kl,O73. 
Robinson.  Jack  P..  Jr.     2.9H7.803. 
Rosenberir.  Sheldon,  and  HandeJ.     2.9l88.4o.'). 
Sanders.  Milton.     2.073.206. 
Sanders,  Milton,  and  Halpern.    2,980,424. 
.«<chnick,  Arthur  W.     2.07.">.2C2. 
Shaffer,  Lloyd  H.    2.984,696. 
SIcard,  Marr.-I  C.     2.!»fir..i»:t0. 
Timm.  Paul  W.,  and  RuNeh.     2. 
Waife.  Fred  L..  and  Granbert.     2.98r>,990. 
Walsh.  Richard  D.     2.074,055. 
Williamson.    R..    ind    Fraser.      2.004.647 
Zaander,  Carl  J.     2,080.425. 
Zlto.  Ralph.     2.973.964. 
4    Zuerc-h/'r.  John.      2  •»»;9.2.36. 
Zuercher,  John.     2.007. .301. 
American  Machine  and  Metals.  Inc.  :  fle»-- 

Bostwlck.  Lewis  S.,  Jr.,  and  Brastow.     2.984,114. 

Bristol.  Billy  L.     3.0<i4.4H.-. 

Buss,!Benjamin  A. 

Buss,  Benjamin  A. 

Buss»  Benjamin  A. 

I'.tiss.  r.eiijaiiiiii  .\. 

I'  Ftenjamin  .V. 

Buss,  Benjamin  A. 

Buss.  IWniamin  A.. 

Ituss.  Benjamin  A., 

Bliss.  Bi'ii.t.-iTiiin  ,\.. 

Han>.   Alonzo   M. 

llusted,  Ijiwrence  K. 

Huyser,  Franrls  C 

Kryn«ki.  John  K.     V,  <*}?,. r.t'.r,.  John  r.     3,01O..3O0. 

Lerinont.    Basil.      3  0(17  230 

«vronor,  Frank.     2.015.300. 

•  ►"Conor.  Frank,  and  l>aiibman.     2.993.580 

Schwepler.  Roy  F      3.010  307 

Vofhi.  F'rank  .X  .  Jr      .3  003.357 

Wldiffen.  Albert  F.     2.986.918. 
-American  Maize  I'rodiicts  Co.  :  Srr — 

Hiyilinirer.  Clifford  H.,  and  Yul.     2.d!r0.140. 
American  Mfg.  Co:.  Inc  :   fire— 

Stanton.  Robert  L.    2.991.615. 
.Viii«Tican  .Mfir.  To.  of  Tf^as  :  Ser 

Gallawav.  Xorris  W     3  005  .3.53 

Lotr.  John   E.      2  00r.SS7 

Mitchell.  Curtis  C,  and  Burgon.     2,9&5,048. 
AmerlcanMarietta  Co.  :   srr-  - 

Arnold.  Robert  W      2  Om  651 

Bach.  Henry  J.    3,010,846. 

Barr.  Naaman  F..  and  Bach.    2.966. 

Church.  Howard.      Re.  24.054. 

I»ahlcr»-n.  r»ouirlas  E.     3.on.'r.64  ' 

Mills,  (\     2.004  4?T 

Mills.  Thoma.s  C.      3.007.730. 

.Morjran.  Paul  A.* 

Saenx.  Henrr  H.     2.973.540. 

Sheldon.  William  M.     2.968.401. 

WashabauKh.  Edward  P.     2,967,401. 

Weber,  Ira.     2.000.712. 

Weldenbenner.  U'llliam  A.,  and  Balltne.     2.973,279. 

Williams.  Robert  M.     3.00S,90t. 

Wynn,   James  F.     2.983,202. 

Wynn.  James  F.,  and  lluntzicker.     3,005,790. 
American  Marietta  Co..  Arco  Co.  Division:  See — 

Bobaiek,  l-:dward  G.,  and  Brazet.    2.990.387. 

Re.  24.079. 

Re.  24.080. 

Re.  25,009. 

2  '.»'>'.*  2-'-'> 

3,013  421, 


and  Krynskl. 





nnd  Scoff.     2 

003  j;o;!. 


:      2.07H.0.'.9. 

and  Pearson. 




American-Marietta  Co.,  Stoner-Mudge  Co.  Diyision :  Bee — 

Barr,  Naaman  F,,  and  Alster,     2,985,600. 
.  ■     Gniv,  Daniel  M.     3,012,707. 

McConaughy,  David  L.     2,983,641. 
-Vmerican  .Marine  Upholstery  Co. :  Hee^—^ 

Naxon,     William     1.,     Le    Pore,     Eddy,    and    D'Angelo. 
American  Meat  Institute  Foundation :  See — 

Pircon.  Ladislav  J,     2,979,411. 
-Vmerican  .Metal  Cliiiia.x,  Inc.  :   srr  — 

Blondhelm,  William  S..  and  Patton.     2,080,821. 

Enterline    Stevenson  M.,  and  Pierce.     2,903,600 

Godat,  Edward  A,,  Jr„  and  Quintanilla.     3,008,806. 

Ilandwerk,  Erwin  C.     2,983,493. 

Ilandwerk,  Erwin  C.     2,983,494. 
"   -Monson,  Walter  T.     2.0ti0.2Sl.  | 

Mon.son.  Walter  T..  Alme,  and  Baron.     3,009,205, 

Saarlvlrta,  Mattl  J.,  Booth,  and  Burgmeister.    2,976,192. 

Sinn,  Francis  P..  and  Conrad.    2,991,171. 
American  Metal  Hardware  Co.  :  See —  , 

Savage.  Leonard  H.    2.990,711.  ' 

American  Metal  Products  Co. :  See — 

iH'gener,  Richard  K.     3,009,582. 

Pittsenbargcr.  George  E,     3,011,253,' 

Thomas,  Paul  P,     2,970.869. 

Thomas,  Paul  P.     2,974,975. 

Williams,  Richard  J.     3,009,712.  "^ 

Williams.  Richard  J.     3,011.219. 

American  Metal  Products  Co,   (Davis  Engineering  Division)  : 
See — 

Thompson,  William  H.    2,980,172,  ( 

American  Metallurgical  Products  Co, :  See —  ' 

Knapp,  William  E.,  and  Bolkcom.    2,980,529. 
American  -Meter  Co.,  Inc.  :  See — 

Ba.s.sett,  Robert  S.     2,991,652. 

Welngard,  Archie  E.,  and   Struble.     3.010,737. 
-Vmerican  Monorail  Co..  The  :  See — 

Fell.  Charles  L.      2.974,342.» 

McEachern,  Loyd  R.    2,980,340. 

-McEachfrn.  Lovd  R.     3.003.178 

Moore,  Ralph  T.     2,982,425. 

Preston,  David  S.     3.0O1.222. 

Preston.  David  S.     3,009.838. 
-Vmerican  Mollerizing  Corp. :  See — 

Price,  Harold  A.,  and  Weiss.     3,013,899, 
American  Motors  Corp.  :  See — 

Altorfer,  Henry  W.     2,095,917. 

Altorfer,  Henry  W.    3,010,304. 

Barnes,   Samuel   R.     3,007.348. 

Bohn.  Nicholas  J.    2,990,111. 

Buelow,   Harold   \.,  and  Liiening.     2,988.450. 

Castrlcone,  John  A,     2,973,193, 

Doep,  Ralph  W.     2,970. 60H. 

-McKey.  Thomas  J.     2.072.374. 

Ptiug,  Charles  E.     3,011.914, 

American   National  Bank  and   Trust  Co,   of  Chicago :   See — 
Breitrnstein.  Charles  T.    2,971.361. 
Nlcolaus.  Frank  G.     3.010,055. 
Tobias,  Arthur  A.    2,004,420. 

American  Nuclear  Shield  Corp. :  .scc — 

Atkin,  Owen  W.     3.006,777. 
American  Oil  Co.,  The  :  See — 

Binning,  Robert  C,  and  Johnston.     2,970,106. 

Brown,  Morden  G.     2.973.580. 

Coddou,  Eugene  S.,  Jr.,  Johnston,  and  Bellman.     2,068,- 
'  Conklin,  Raymond  O.     2,973,117. 

Di  Lorenzo,  Norman  S.     2,974,."i67. 

Flodstrom,  Albert  C,  and  Lebnardson.     2,973,679. 

Georgian.  Carl  C.     2.970.101. 

Hill.  Alfred  B.,  P.ecnel,  and  Tassin.     2,907,538. 

Johnston,  Walker  F..  Jr.    2.9«8,604. 

Klrkland.  Earl  V.     2.973.097. 

Lutz,  Irvin  H.     2,968,600. 

-Martin.  Eupne  C.  and  Kelly.     2,981,730. 
American  Optical  Co. :  Scr — 

Bardwell.   Ralph   F.,  and  Cassettari.     2,994,106. 

Bazinet.  Wilfred  P.   Jr.    2.002.056. 

Carmichael.  Walter  C.     2,088.956. 

Dalton.  Ernest  T,     2.004.164 

Dillon,  Oscar  W.  ■   2,982,001. 

DI   Lt»reiizo,   Norman   S.     .1, 006. 246 

Fre.v.  Hugh  B„  Jr.     2,983,835. 

Herrmann.  John  F..  and  Gile.     2,986,069. 

Hicks,  John  W..  Jr.      2,OSO,!(57 

Hicks,  John  W.  Jr.     2.002.517 

Hicks,  John  W.,  Jr.    3,004,36S, 

Hicks,  John  W.,  Jr.,  an<l   Bazinet.     2.002.587 

Hicks,  John  W.,  Jr.,  and  Bailnet.     2,995,970. 

H.rde,  Walter  L,     2.002. .503. 

Hyde,  Walter  L.    3.000,256. 

Hyde,  Walter  L.,  and  Tubbs.    2.970,764. 

Kress.  John  H.     2.066,767. 

.Mac.Veille,  Stephen  M.     2.070.632, 

MacXeille,  Stephen  M,     2,085.784, 

MacXeille.  Stephen  M.     2,991,693. 

Maier.  Howard  X.     2,067,4.50. 

Morris.  Robert  S.     2.966.085. 

Morris.  Robert  S.      3.007.566. 

Norton.  Frederick  H.     2.002.516. 

Polanyl,  Michael  L.     3.009,388. 

Polanyi,  Michael  L.,  Johnston,  and  Brown.     2,969,708. 




American  Optical  Co. :  See— Con  tin  uod 

Rowe,  Louis  F.,  Smith,  and  Dillon.     2,973,683. 

Sllverberg,  Carl  ,G.    2.992.518. 

Sninpson,  Georg^  R.     2.970,515. 

Sparrow,  Krnest  10.     2.994.26(5. 

Tallman,  Charles   S.     3,007,371. 

Upton,  Lee  O.    2,992.586.      „„„„„„ 

Upton.  Lee  O..  and  Young.    3.010,836, 

Woodcock,  Richard  V.     2,996,634.    "^^ 

Wright.  John  R.     3,002,285.      „  „ >„ .v' 

Wright.  John  R.,  and  Schenk.    2.96ff,^3. 

Wright,  John  R.,  and  Schenk.     2,995,065. 
American  I'hototopy  Kqulpment  Co.  :  See— 

Mentzer.  Janu>8  S..  Seeger.  Jones,  and  Fritz. 
American  Pipe  and  Construction  Co. :  See — 

Matbeny,  Francis  M.     2,996,085. 

American  Plastics  Corp. :  Sec- 
Terry,  Claude  S.,  Jr.    3,000.049. 

American  Potash  &  (:h»*rai(al  Corp.  -See— 

Cecil.  Edward  C.  Stern,  and  Schafer.     2,998.299. 
(Jarrett.  Donald  E.     2.<.K19.2-5. 
*   Hyde.  Walter  L.     .•?.001,449. 
Hyde,  Walter  I*    .-1,001.450. 
Lee.  Chen  Y..  and  (larrett.    2,989,370. 

May,  Frank  H.     3.013.862.  ^ ^  . 

Mav.  Frank  II..  and  Bradford.    2.989.3.5. 
May,  Frank  H.,  and  Ilammar.     3.013,863. 
Mav.  Frank  H..  and  LevaHhpff. 
Mazza.  Harold.  Craig,  and  Foster.     3,007,771.    | 
Peterson,  Willard  D.    2.974  015.  „  „„,  o— 

Schuiniidipr.  Jo.seph  C..  and   Hui'^';-     ^•''''^•^J*;!An  cr.-j 
West.  Charles  P..  Lelner,  and  Saltzman.     3,006,893. 

American  Pulley  Co. :  See — 

Tucker,  George  G..  Jr.    2.990,133. 
American   Radiator  k  Standard   Sanitary  Corp. :  See — 

Amneus,  John  S.     2,978.182. 

Anderson,  Maynard  E.     2,972.430. 

Anderson,    Maynard   E..   and   Cooper.      2.975.945.. 

Raring.  John  A.,  and  De  Forge.     3,012.1^.. 

Rudde,  James  C.    2.998,919. 

Carter.  Franklyn  Y.    2.972.237. 

Cooper,  Lemuel  B.     2,980,133. 

Freisinutli.  John  S.     2.99r,.2.-.4. 

Griffin,  James  R.     3,002,552. 

Hurklehprrv.  Charle.s  R.    2.971.449- 

Hvde,  Robert  W.    2.977.054. 

Hvde.  Robert  W.     2.981.488. 

Hvde.  Robert  W.     2.990.12.3. 

Hyde,  Robert  W.     3.005.996. 

Kaul.  Ben.     2,966,987.  -  r 

Llnsenmeyer,  John  C.     2,987,172. 

MlUerwlse,  Carl  H.    2,980.774. 

Millerwise.  Carl  H.      .3.014.112.  oon.  rm 

Morgan.  Robert  W..  Hastings,  and  Mass.     2.99J.560. 

Newcuni.  Kenneth  M.     2.!>«»4  '>0.-..      , 

Xoakes,  Thomas  E.     2.978.181. 

XoakPS.  Thomas  E.     2,98.3.114. 
•  Noakes.  Thomas  K.     3,004.712. 

Rail.  Dieter  L..  and  Gledt.     2,997,513. 

Ryan,  Thomas  J.     2,'986,885.    ^    ^^  _„^ 

Rvan,  Thomas  J.,  and  .\pl(l«'n.    2.998,782. 

rilman.  Myron  E..  Jr.    2.970.872. 

American  Resistor  Corp. :  S/«— ;,  „„_  „.„ 
Pope,  Martin,  and  Brady.     2.981.813. 

American  Safety  Table  Co..  Inc.  :  See — 

Hunt,  Harry  C.     2,995.279. 
American-Saint  Gobaln  Corp. :  See — 

Glynn,  Theodore  W.     2.968,487. 

Glvnn.  Theodore  W.     2.071.543. 

Glvnn.  Theodore  W.     2.909.043. 

Williams.  James  L.     2,990.0.-.8. 

American  Say  and  Tool  Co.  :  See— 
Cowlej<Wllliam  E.    2,979.742. 

American/Screen  Products  Co. :  See — 

DonWn.  Ralph  F.     :?  014.507. 

M.n..sV    TTonrv  L.     3.011209. 

WinnjiV-Kus.sell  M.     2.978.022. 
American  Sonl-Kap  Corp.  of  Del.iware  ■^^/C'-.^^  ..„ 

Goodwin,   Carl   W..  and  Campanelli.     3.001.083. 

American  Seating  Co. :  See— 

Bareckl.  Chester  J.     2.979.282.      ^,     ^        . 
Barecki,     Chester     J.,     Hoven,     Nordmark,     and 

o  r)7()  117      - 

BradleV,  George  C.  Hoven,  and  Xordmark.     2.979..370. 

BradleV   George  C,  Hoven.  and  Nordmark.     3.008.  <  89. 

Van  Ailsbtirg.  Robert  G.     2.990.024. 
American  Security  Co.  :  See —  „/»,,,.,,» 

Russ,  George  A.,  and  Nathan.    3.010,753. 
American  Shuffleboard  Co. :  See — 
^-    Cuwino,  Paul  P..  and  Daddls.     2,986..397. 

American  Signal  Co. :  See— 

Owens.  Wilbur  D.     2.908.025. 
American  Smelting  and  Refining  Co. :  See— 

Batti<»    Walter  T     Lennox    n^il  Reichard.     3.001.924. 
Glueck,  Samuel  A.     2.967.769. 
Lantz,  Willard  J.     2.968.571.  „  „,«  ^, 

Piatt,  Robert  R..  and  Poulsen.     3,010,821. 
Shaw.  Frederick  A.  C.     2.970,218. 
American  Stair-Glide  Corp. :  See — 
Jackson.  Floyd  H.    2.985.257. 


American  Steel  Foundries  :  See — 
Altherr.  Russell  G.     2.979,164. 

Bachman,  Fred  E.  .3.012, o23. 
Bachman.  Fred  E.,  Baker,  and  Cottrell. 
Cottrell,  feobert  B.  2,9»1.728 
Grade,  Arden  B..  Jr.  2,987.142. 
Helton,  Robert  J.  2.967.. 21. 
Kayler,  Frank  H.  2,986^88 
Kuliek;,  Frederick  C.    2.990  963.  ^  ^ 

Lawther,  William  D..  and  Rassenfoss.     3,00-,948. 
Lindstrom,  George  A.    2.»'.9'9<^%„„ 
\   Livelsberger,  Kenneth  V.    ,-i.»t>7.626^ 

Malonev,  Bernard,  and  Polanln.     3,009,544. 
Mann,  \VUliam,  and  Maloney.     3,010,541. 
Mickelson.  Cedric  G..  and  Asherman.     2.9 « 0,903. 
Nystrom,  Karl  F.    2.990.962 
Polanin,  Walter  R.     2.974.757.  . 

Polanln,  Walter  R.  ,2,996,153.  -C 

Postnia.  Simon  P.     2,970.674. 

Quinn,  Frank  P.,  and  Young.    2.974,610. 

Seelig,  Albert  F.,  Jr.   .3,006.290. 

Sinianek.  Edward  J   .  2.994.409. 
'  Tack.  Carl  E.    2.973.103. 

Tack,  Carl  E.    2.985,116.  ^n-^^no 

Tack,  Carl  E..  and  Bachman.    2  9.4,759 

Tack   Carl  E.,  Bachman,  and  Baker.     2,986,101. 

Vincent,  I^  Roy  J.    2.988.016. 
American  Sterillz«'r  Co. :  See-— 

Hendricks.  Gerald  E.     3. 001  ..52.^.  ,  ^nn  flnfl 

Storm,  Frederick  K.,  Jr.,  and  Smiley.     3,000.606. 
American  Sugar  Refining  Co.,  The  :  Sec— 

Grosvenor.  William  M..  Jr.     3.011.897 

Marcy,  Willard,  and  Netsch.     3,006.763. 

American  Tag  <;o.  :  See—  oaa-aAn 

Marshall.  Edward  C,  and  Swett.     2,98(,840. 

and    R.    G.    Shaler,    Jr. 

and    Tamasi. 

and  Wood. 


American  Tansul  Co. :  See — 

Shaler.    Richard    G.,    McAdam, 
American  Telephone  and  Telegraph  Co. :  See — 
Anspaoh.    Russell    J.,    Clark,    Neiswinter, 

Arnold.  Philip  H.,  Desnoes.  Stearn.  Stewart. 

•  >  q<)3  095 
Bfichelet. "  Albert    E..    Bibbins,    Celentano,    and    Pullis. 

2  981.803. 
Barnes.  Richard  R.    2,991.353. 
Barnes.  Richard  R.    2.993.958. 
Britt,  Horace  J.     2.997,543. 
Bums,  Herbert  W.    2.991.547.       » 
Huxtable,   Ruth   L.     2,978.542. 
MacAdam,  Walter  K.     2,997,697. 
Neiswinter.  James  T.     2.90.'^.9.-)2. 
Polanin.  Walter  R.    2,991,848. 
Riggen,  Winnifred.     2.981.799. 
.  Rhodes,  Harold  A.    2,988,712. 
Twomey,  William  C.  Jr.    2.985.720. 
American  Thermos  Products  Co.   The :  See— 

Dann.stadt.  Louis  J.,  and  Fuller.     2.969,887. 
American  Thread  <'o.,  The/  See— 
Currv.  Malcolm.    2.977,006 

Westall,  Thomas  E.,  and  Bennis.     2.978,203.      » 
American  Tool  Works  Co..  The  :  See — 

Hery,  Vincent  D.     2.977.860. 
American  Truck  Body  Co.  :  Ser —  /  ,• 

Neher,  Herbert  J.    2,996.201.  / 

American  Tvpe  Found<'rs  Co..  Inc.  :   See — 

Sausele*,  (Jeorge  J.  II.     2.9M1.148.  j, 

Sausele.  George  J    H.     3.011.421.  ,  / 
American  Viscose  Corp. :   See — 

Adams.   Alden   R.     3,007.763.  „„,„^,  . 

Battista    Orlando  A.,  Belfort.  and  Fleck.     3,012.914. 

Battista',  Orlando  A.,  and  Smith,     2,978,446.  ;  , 

Bauer.  Ernest  K.     2  970.424 

Bauer.  Ernest  K.     2.983.282.  „„,„„,« 

Baullng,  Adrianus  L..  and  Milne.     2.973,946. 

Bouvet.  Ren<5.     2.971. .322.  „  „., .  oo« 

Braunlich.  Richard  H..  and  Matter.     2.984.889. 

Clark,  James  .\.     2.979.1 -'7. 

Conti.   John  D.     2,978,008. 

Derrickson.  Michael  O..  and  Pape.     3,014.256. 

Fry,  Horace  P.,  Jr.    2,979,767. 

Frv,  Horace  P.,  Jr.     2.98.-..220. 

FrV.  Horace  P..  Jr.     3,012.925. 

Grantham.  William  G.    2.990..391. 

Grosvenor.  William  M..  Jr.     2,969.297. 

Hnase,  Donald  E..  and  Smith.    2,990,741. 

Hall,  Harry  H.     2.977.238. 

HefTelfinger.  Robert  D.     3.001.242.         „^„.,, 

Heffelfinger,  Robert  D..  and  Trultt.     2.990..  13. 

Hill.  Frederick  J.      2.9t»S.176.  „„-,  oi. 

Hollihan,  John  P..  Jr.,  Howsmon.  and  Sisson.     2,9.1,816. 

Hnskins,  Clement  B.     3.Q07.919. 

Howsmon.  John  A.    2.975.019. 

Howsmon.  John  A.     3.009,763. 

Justice.  John  L..  and  Rosser.    2j999,782. 
Koppehele.  Hugo  P.     3.014.234.  , 
\         Lvtton.  Marlon  R.     2  970.376. 
Lytton,  Marion  R.     2,984,541. 
Lytton.  Marion  R.    3.010.781.  „  ^„„  „,„ 

Lvtton.  Marion  R.,  and  Wielickl.  2,976.266. 
Lvtton.  Marion  R.,  and  Wielicki.  3,007.898 
Lvtton   Marlon  R..  Wielicki,  and  Evans.     3,007,900. 



IM>KX  OF  PATKNTS,  1961 





3.  )08.929  3.-.. 

Sec — 


.Vmerlcan  Viscose  Corp.  :  Hee — Continaed 

MacHenry.  Richard.     2.979.4.33. 

MacHenry.  Kiiiiar<l.     '4. 'J HI, or,.:. 

Massengale.  John  T..'and  Fairbanks. 

McI»«Tm<itt.  Ilcnrv  .J.     U.!»7m.;',40. 

McDennott.  Henry  J.     2.980.493. 
•    Meissner.  William  E.    2.984.058. 

Mfissn^r.  William  E.     .'{.Ul.'{,311. 

-Milne.  David  T.    2.976.1.'U. 

>nJa«,  David  T.    2.978,299. 

.Miln*-.  David  T.     i'.!»7'.t.l  1  i 

Milne.  David  T.     2.99^,924. 

Milne.  David  T.     3,007.8.{2. 

."fiplson.  <;eor?»>  H..  and  N>wti>n. 

Park,  Robert  W.    2.975.093. 

Porter.  I>.>nald  S.    3.010..Sti5. 

Price,  John  A.    3,010.949 

Price.  John  A.    3,010.9ol! 

M«:ivis.  <;»-ri»'vievH.  and    l{o<sfr.      2, 

Schappel,  Joseph  W.     2,983,625. 

Schappel.  Joseph  \V".     2.999,774. 

Schlatter.  Carl.     2.976.113. 

Screnock.  Joseph  J.,  and  Mrenner. 

Siwsfm,  Wayne  A.    2,975,021. 

.Sisson.  Wayne  .\..  and  Thninm. 

Smith.  Frederick  R.     2,9r.8.536. 

Smith.  Frederick  R..  and  Stuhr. 

Sniifli.  IJi.hf-rt  A.     .i.OO.".  :t4(» 

Speers,  Stewart  W.     2.973.635. 

Thumm.  Byron  A.     2.975.020. 

Thiinim,  Bvron  .V.     2.98!>.3«6. 

Thumm.  Bvron  A.     2.980.410. 

Wade,  Worth.     3.012.297. 

\v'ji'l»'.  Worrli.  ;ind   .Mf-issner.      2  997  9h5 

Walmsley,  Leslie  L.     2.968,175. 

Watson,  Paul  C.    2.988,469. 

Wi.licl<i.  Kdward  A.,  and   Evans. 
American  Vitrified  Products  Co. :  See — 

Ceriat.  Encene.     2,969.8.'?r,. 

Wilson.   Charles    L.      2.978. .350. 
American  Warmlne  and  Ventilatlnc  Co. 

Johnson.  Edward  U.     2.987,985. 
American  Window  Glass  Co.  :   .'»Vc— 
"        In.solio,  Thomas  A.     3.003  242 
J^     Mowr,v.  Fred  W.  and  Tench.    2.972.836. 
.American  /.inc  Institiit.-  :-.s'«  »• 

Safran.'If.   William   H.  and  Miller      3  005 
American  Zinc,  Lead  and  Smelting  Co. :  See — 

I)*'pevr.  Harlan  .\.     3  <«>0.»",.S9 

Walker.  Godfrey  B.     2.988,212. 
Amerlne.    I'.roueh   E.      Rollahlf  tarpaulin  for  open  truck  and 

(•ar  bodi*"!.     2,967.733.  l-lO-<;i.  Cl.  296-!-98. 
Ariiero.    Robert    C    to    Gulf    Research    &    D*>vplopment    Co 
.\xlal    intake    and    e.xhaust    turbine.     3.007.311.    11-7-61 
.Cl.  60— .39.75. 
.\merock  Corp.  :  See — 

Ahltrren.  Axel  W.     2.993.718. 
Ames.    Donald   E..   and   T.  F.    Grey,    to  Pnrke.    Davis   &  Co. 
Hieher    ^Ikylpyridine-N'-oxides.       2.995,562.     8-8-61.     Cl. 
260 — 297. 

Ames.  MalfrttTfi  IF.,  to  Technicolor  Corp.  Pitch  compensating 
finematoBraphic  printer.     2.977.866.  4-4-61.  Cl.  95 — 75. 

Ames,  Robert  G.  Mastic  applicator  and  finishing  tool  with 
a  trowelling  bar  pressure  and  curvature  regulator. 
2.984.S.')7.   .5-2.3-61.   Cl.    1.5_.596. 

Ames.    Robert    G.      Wallboard    cemenf-recelTlng   pan    with    a 

wiper  blade.    2.988.243.  6-1 3-61 ,  CK  220 — 90. 
Ames  Textile  Corp   :   Sre — -  i 

Stevens.  Brooks,  Jr.     2,996.904. 
Stevens.  Brooks.  Jr.     3.005.327.  ' 

Ames.  Vernon  G.,  to  United  States  of  America,  Army.     Shock 

mount.     2.974,943,  3-14-61.  Cl.  26i7 — %. 
Ames.  W.  R.,  Co. :  Sec — 

Krickaon.  Karl  M  .3  001  «li 
Glfford.  Vance  M.  3  000  515 
Gray.     Cloyd    E..     Sherman. 

Sherman.  Roger  M:    2,988.287. 
Am.-^.    Wilfred.      Safety    coupling 
Cl.  H.5--3.  .    '       " 

Amesbury.   Robert  R..  to  Unlted-Carr  iFasltener  Corp 
assembly.     3.011.809.   12-.5-61.  Cl.  2S7-f53. 

Anieys  .\sphnlf  Co.  Ltd.  :  See   - 

W.St.  Fr»-d.ri(k  C.     3.013.552. 

Amfahr.  Warren  F  .  Ho  Collins  Radio  (In.  Voice-operated 
control   system.      2.9«;9.4»i6.    1-21-61.    H.    317—148.5. 

Amiard.  Gaston.  R.  Ifeymes.  and  L.  Velluz.  to  UCT.AF 
.•.""'  uLJU^^V^^*^^  -,  irliitamyl  |.eptldes  and  interme- 
diates.     2.970.1.36.    1    31    61.   Cl.   260      112. 

Amiard.  GastoA.  R.  Flevnies.  and  L.  VeMtiz.  to  T'CLXF 
rrocess  of  res..ivini>  .N'.-N-diben/.yl-DL-a-amino  acids  and 
products.    2.;>9 1.. 307.  7-4-61.  (*  260— .-,01 

Amiard,  Gaston,  and  R    Heymes.  Vo  TCT^\F.     Process  of  pre 
-  paring  N  trltyl  peptides.     2.994.692,  8-1-61.  Cl.  260 112. 

*°\''""A';-/'Vw"-  *''"''  ^  He.vmes.  to  Les  T^aboratoHes" Franca  is 
3%t?8T6''te^4'*'61.';Tl«lf"^^'^-!T''^'^^  ""'  '^"''^'^^^ 

Amiard.  Gaston,  and  R.  Heymes.  to  ICLAF.  Process  for  the 
S^3''Yl"-•M^l'cI'o'^'/V^?'•^''*^^'''*"''   ""**  '*'   ""'*'"•      3.009.- 

Fox.    Ferrari,    and    Bibb. 


.2.997,909,    8-29-61. 

Velluz,    to    UCLAF. 
of    producing    same. 

Amiard.    Gaston.    R.    Heymes,    and    L 
■  -N  trityl     peptides     and     a     process 

3,014,022,  12-19-61,  CI.  260 — 112. 
Amlca-Produkter.  Kommandltbolaget  Erik   Llnderotb  &  Co. : 

See — 

Llnderoth.  Erik  T.     2.968.055. 
Amick.   Chester  A.,    to   American  Cyanamid   Co.     Method   of 

dyeing  nitrogenous  fibers  with  premetalized  azo  dyes  and 

compositions  therefor.     3,003.843,  10-10-61.  Cl.  8 — 13. 
Amick.  Evert  J.  :  See — • 

Penner.  B.'njamln  L.     2.989.340. 
Penner.  Benjamin  L.     3.012.814. 
Anildon.    Charles    H..    Jr.,    and    M.    0.    Hopkins,    to    Rodney 

Hunt    Machine    Co.       Dye    kettle.      3,013.422,    12-19-61, 

n.  68—18. 
Amir.    Emanuel  M..   to   Esso   Resesirch  and   Engineering  Co. 

Oxidation    of    dialkylbeuzenes.      3,0W,066,    10^10-61.    Cl. 

Amir.    Emanuel   M..    to   Esso   Research   and   Engineering  Co. 

Process  for  the  oxidation  of  trialkyl  ethylene  hydrocarbons. 

3.007.944.  11-7-61,  Cl.  260--348.5. 
Amirault.  .Maxime.  and  P.  Destouniit-ux.     Sealing" devices  be- 
tween a  rotating  part  and  a  fixed  part.    3,001,807,  9-26-61, 
<  fT»  286 — 11. 
Amirault,    Maxime.    and    P.    Destoumieux. 

3.007.724.  11-7-61.  CI.  286—11.14. 
Ammanof.  Charlie  A.     Dowel  and  mortising 

6-13-61,  CL  77—62. 
Ammco  Tools.  Inc.  :   .scr — - 

Kushmuk.  Walter  P.    3.005.294. 
Anmien,  Francis  1).  :  See — 

Green,  Rol)ert  E.  L.,  and  Ammen.    3,006.445. 
Ammerman.  George  E..  to  The  Edwin  L.  Wiegand  Co. 

trie  heaters.     2,992,312,  7-11-61,  CI.  2l9 — 19. 
.\mmerman,   George  E.,   to  Edwin  L.   Wiegand  Co.     Electric 

heater  a.ssembly  for  ovens..   3,005.082.  10-17-61,  Cl.  219 — 

35.  * 

Shaft    packing. 
Jig.     2,987,944, 




and  G.  A.  F.  Winckler.  to  Olin  Mathleson 
Connector  device.     2,983,899,  5-9-61,  Cl. 

George    E..    and   D.    E.    Walling,    to    Edwin    L. 
Co.      Magnetically    supported    heater    assembly. 
.'-28-61.  Cl.  219—37. 

John  -M..  to  Spickelmier  Industries,  Inc.     Lock. 
4-11-61,  Cl.   20—52. 

-Vmmbns.  Walter  D.  Method  of  molding  a  foam  plastic 
article  having  a  skin  on  its  outer  surfaces.  3,007.203, 
11-7-61.  Cl.   18 — 48. 

Amneus,  John  S..  to  American  Radiator  &  Standard  Sanitary 
Carp.  Three  temjierature  mixing  valve.  2,978,182,  4-4-61, 
Cr.   236 — 12.   ' 

Amo.  Claude  J.  Combination  lock.  2.966,788,  1-3-61,  CI. 

Ammlio.   Nicholas. 
Chemical  CorjJ. 
'    339— 25S. 

.\mori.   Joseph  A.      Supporting  frame  for  a  fruit  orienting 

roller  belt.     3.011.620.  12-5-61,  Cl.  198 — 33. 
Amos    Homer  C.  :   See — 

Strickland,  Edward  T.,  and  Amos.     2,987,100. 

Strickland.  Edward  T..  and  Amos.     2,!i!t5.874. 

Strickland.  Edward  T.,  Amos,  and  Glass.     2.975,987. 
Amos.  James  L. :  See^ — 

Hunt.   Wilson   W..   Ludlngton,  and  Amos.     2,970,089. 

Hunt,  Wilson  W..  Ludlngton,  and  Amos.     3,004,900. 

Sodeniulst,  Frederick  J.,  and  Amos.     2.979,o36 

Ruffing.  Norman  R..  and  Amos.     2,987,508. 

Ruffing,  Norman  R.,  and  Amos.     3,008,937. 
Amos,  James  L..  S.  G.  Ludington.  and  W.  W.  Hunt,  to.  The 
Dow  Chemical   Co.     Devolatllizlng  apparatus.     3,004,899, 
10-17-61.  CI.  202—191. 

Amos.    Stephen  M..    to   General   Motors 
Instruments.     2,991,752.  7-11-61,   Cl. 
-\mp<"o  .Metal  Inc. :  See — 

Klement,  John  F.    2.979,397. 

Element,  John  F.     3,007,821.1  : 
.\mpex  Corp.  :  See —  I 

Brede.  Dwight  W. 

Bre<Ie.  Dwight  W 

I'.renner.  Bernard 

Corp.      Two 
11«— 136.5. 


3,000.582.  • 
M..  and  Barnhart. 
Brumbaugh.  Robert  M..  and  Cheney. 
Bygifines,  Perry  .\.     2,996,264. 
Conly.  Ralph  A.     2,981.805. 
Dinsmore.  Joseph  .\.    2,985,493. 
Dolby,  Ray  M.     2,996,576. 
Dolhv.  RavM.     3,,n 
Eh  ret,  Robert  J.    2,980,768. 
Khert.  K<il.ert  J.     3,007.103. 
Ellmore.  William  -V.     3.006.650. 
GInsburg,  Charles  P..  and.  Dolby. 
Glnsburg,  Charles  P..  Henderson, 

Hayes.  Albert  E.,  Jr.     2.972.065. 
Lasarev,  Nick,  and  Selsted.    2,988,257 
-Mauch,  Paul  A.     2,996.349. 
Maxej-,  .Vlexander  R.      2.998.495. 
Maxey.  Alexander  R      3,006.218. 
NefT,  Joseph  J.     2,083.3.39. 
Neff,  Joseph  J.     2.988,294. 
Rehklau;  George  D.     3,004,658. 
Selsted.  Walter  T      2  !»60  200 
Selsted,  Walter  T.     2,987.233. 
Selsted,  Walter  T.     2,989,265. 


Dolby,  and 








Amphenol-Borg  Electronics  Corp. :  See — 

Concelman,  C^rl  AV.     3,010,080. 

Jolinston,  Samuel  A.,  iind  Berg.    3.007,0Jd. 

Juris.  Mitchell  A.     :<.0ir>.083. 

Mannella,  Orlando   A.     3,002,047. 

Purinton,  Kldiard  M.     3,003,135. 

Van  Al.-n.  ^e  Witt  T.     2,»7»,:;58. 

Yopp,  Robert  S.     3,002,176. 
Amplus,  Inc. :  Sve —  „ 

Gagne.  Archie  U.     2,969.575. 

Gagne,  Archie  R.     3,001,260. 
Amsco  i'ackagiug  Machinery,  Inc. : 

Messn-er.  Edwin  E.    2.971,311. 

Sylvester,  John  D.     2.973.797.         -^q-.^- 

Sylvester.  John  D..  and  Keenan.     2^87.107.       „_,,_- 

Sylvester,  John  D.,  Messmer,  and.A^eenan.     2,987.100. 
•Amaler,  Alfred  J,  &  Co. :   ■!*«;«)—         ' 

Schwaninger,  Otto.     3,009,354.  o.,t«m«tir 

AmBler,  Max.     Recording  apparatus  provided  with  automatic 

canceUation.     2.975.016.  3-14-61.  CI.  34G— 18. 
Amundsen.    Oliver    O..    and    R.    H.    Koclan.    to    S^»^„Yar?: 
Adapter  for  nonrotary  tool  elements  used  with  a  rotary 
hammer  device.     2.990.187.  6-^'7-6l.  ^^oil2Voal.^R-(i1 
Amundsen.  Paul  to  Fendall  Co.    Goggles.    2.979.728,  4-18-61. 

AiSnd^n.**Paul.  and  J.  N.   Liautaud    to  Fendall  Co.     Eye 
protective  spectacle  type  goggles.     3.0O1.2OO.  9-2b-oi.  ci. 

2— -14 

Anaconda  American  Brass  Co..  The :  See — 

Lacey.  Michael  F.    2,991,954 
■       Rowell.  KouplasC.    2.«J9:V'^ 

Russell.  Peter.     3,013.652 
Anaconda  Co..  The:  See—  ,     j»„      ininsis 

Jones    Rene  A.,  and  ^an  Derlinden.     3,010,818. 

Laist,'  Frederick.     3.001  J66.  .  „.  ™,* 

MacQueen,  Charles  W .,  Fannin,  and  Stewart. 

McAlister,  Edgar  0.,  Broxholme,  and  Myers. 

Sullivan.  Robert  E.     :;,Oo6,7.'i4. 
Anaconda  Wire  and  Cable  Co. :  ^ec — 

Arn<lt,  Rudolph  P.    2.»Ho.024. 

Bunish.  Stephen.     2  981.788.       „.,„,„„ 

<]}<)rman.  Leo  I.,  and  Faulkner.     3,013,109. 

Lansch,  John  L.    2,976,343. 
Anagnostopouios,  Constantine  E. :  See — 

Wineman.  Robert  J.,  and  Anagnostopouios. 
Analytical  Engineers.  Inc.  :   See — 

Rise,  Nohle  W.    2.9!>4.23o. 
Anander,  Andrew  K. :  See—-  •>  nci  c.>-. 

Powers    AuRUstln  J.,  Jr.,  and  Anander.     J,981,b_.j. 

Anasm^irilarrr.;.  and'w.  F.  \Vatson    to  The  1  end.x  Cor,.. 

Multiple  turn  cum  corrector.     J,9b8/J*>4,  i--4-t>i.  Li.   4* 

Oft".  . 

AnasVasia.   Harry  G     and  J.  «•  B|^'"«*  4S^6°l"  CI  ^/h^H 
America     \rmv      .\lr  gun.     2,998.810, '.♦—J-ol,  Ll.   I -■»      li- 

Aiii^asia!'llarr^G..  and  E.  J.  Hazen.  to  United  Stales  of 
AmericA,  Army.      Safety  and  arming  mechanism.     3.000,- 

AB«tey.^£Suis?'anf  jTj^Devery.  to  Philco  Corp.  Control 
mechanism.     2,984,755,  5-16-61,  CI.  307—141.4. 

Anastasio.  Frank  J.  15.  r.  Kalustyan  and  Kaunecker  to 
Sandaki  Inc.     Film  motmt.     2.968.884.  1-24-61.  CI.  40— 

AiiS^asoff,  Vladimir.  to>hell  Oil  Co      Manufacture  of  lubri 

eating  oils  and  waxes.     3.012.060.  12-12-M.  CI.  208--31. 
Ancet.  Victor  M.  J.,  and  Marlus  FayoUe  < "l^o^V' Z^Tflt 
Payolle).      Weft   control    mechanism.      2,977,996,    4-4-61, 
CI.   139—370.  \ 

Anchor  Boat  &  Steel  Co. :  Nee--        ot^riq^ 
Leavitt,  Lvman  ()..  and  Pitt.    2.979.0W. 
Anchor  Iloeking  (ilass  Corp..:  See —  \ 

Acton.  Daniel  D.    2.999.531. 
Acton.  Daniel  D.     :',.00r,.493. 
Fouse,  William  H.  and  F.  Z.    3.000.140 
Rlsch.  William  E.    3.nO.-,.433. 

2.979.21  H.  I  V 



See — 

Runco,  Joseph  C 

Stover,  Harry  E. 

Stover,  Harry  E. 

Stover,  Harry  E 

Stover.  Harry  E. 

Stover.  Harry  E. 
Anchor  Plastics  Co.  Inc. :  See- 
Dick.  Franklin.     2,995,507. 
Anchor  Post  Products.  Inc.  :  '*f^<'— - 

Hevman.  Benjamin.     2.9(6.019. 

Stefan.  Nicholas.     2,976.021. 
Anclenne   Manufacture   dHorlogerle   Pj^tek,  Philippe  &   Co.. 

a  j^  •  See 

'  krassoievltch.  Andre,  and  Brunner.    2^976.470 
Andens  Etablissements  Barbier-Benard  &  Turenne 

Benard.  Christian  L.  G.     2.990,469. 
Anda.  William  H.  :  See —     ,  .    ^       „  „_-  ^oo 

Stechbart.  Bruno  E.,  and  And*.    2.975, i29.  „„„^„,„-_ 

Andeim   John,  to  Falcon  Plastics  Co.    Fluid  tight  container. 

Ander.  Eric  B.,  to  Minneapolis  Honeywell  Regulator  Co.    But- 
terfly valve.     3.011,7ii4.  U'-.Vei,  CI.  251—81. 

^"nSbJrg^Ax'i'^^USTnd  Taylor.     2.971.791. 

^tTh^'^tr^^ifl  CT-    WiJlJi  crn1rrrde"vic'^^r97i:: 

791.  2-14-61.  n.  292—262. 
Anders,  ririch.   W.   P..   to  Dalmler-Benx  Aktiengew^llschatt. 

Puel-tank    connecting    assembly.       2.983.311.    o-»-«i.    ^.i. 


Anders    Ulrich   W    P.,    to  Daimler-Benz   AktiengesellschafL 

Oircontrol  arrangement^  for  J^V'^^.^^Tsal^f"''    *'° 
AnSet  A&rA.  T.Zf.\  '.l^sii  a^al^?^-3,001.914. 

;n^e^nfA?Li^^7litc  A   Rife    .^^ 

for   nursing  bottles.      2,981.108,  4-25-61,   CI.    >-i     ^*^.  ^ 
Andersen,  .\rthur,  &  Co.  :  ^'f^-T"    „.    „      .,  ntn  v>7 
Beasiey,  Joseph  D.,  and  Campbell.    3,010,69  4. 
Swanson,  Leonard  W.     2.996.246. 

'^°^*Johnso1."j"erbert  sr"^d  Andersen.     3.009,781. 
Ande'r^erAxel  R    to  R  L.  Smidth  &  Co.    ilooling  apparatus. 

2.971.751.  2-14-61.  CI.  263—32.  | 

Andersen,  Blrte  Y. :  See—  ' 

Welters.  Carl  F..  and  Andersen.    2,984,531.  ^ 

Andersen,  Carl  P..  J.  C.  Hu;^iar.l.son.  and  \lv  Hrst.  ]o^imon 

Carbide  Corp.     Heat  exchange  device.    2.980,4U4,  *-io-di. 

a.  257—248. 
Andersen.  Clifford  W.  :  .See—  .„,,„„      o  onu  741 

Thurston.  Edward  <••  «nd  Andersen      2.998  .41 
Andersen,  Clifford  W.,  to  The  Rudolph  VU»rlltzer  Co.     Elec 

tronlc  piano,     ii.974.555.  3-14-61.  CI-.  84-  1.1|;         ,.„^|-_, 
Andersen.  Clifford  W.,  to  The  Rjjdolph  Wurlitzer  Co_ Musical 

instrument  system.     3,001,431,  ^^^^l'/^\.°^ltUm  of 

Andersen,  Donald  L.,  to  General  Mills,  IncTl  urih|ation  or 

salts    of   detergent   amino   acids.      2,993.0.1.    .-l»-»>i.    ^i- 

A nrt^^^^  Donald   L     and   P.    E.   Throckmorton,  to  General 

"""Mills'^in?"  N-alkyihet.:nK-ycllc  nitrogen-containu.g  d.em;a- 

tives  as  corrosion-inhibitors.    2.993.00*.  7-18-61.  CI.  -o^ 

Andersen,  Eilif.     Arrangement  In  control  valve^s  f".'  f-^nt;^" 
lin^    the    hydraulic    Uft    cylinder    of    tractors.      ..993.o09, 

AnderseJ^HarrvM7to"  Monsanto  Chemical  Co.     Thiophenol- 

"""nmdlfled  Zie'gfer  catalyst  Preparation  thereof  and  pol.vmen- 

zatlon  of  ethylene  thereby.     3,009.908,  11-21-bl,  Ci.  -ou— 

An%Ln.  Harry   M..  'and  W.  R.  R»chard    Jr     to  Monsa^^^^^^ 
Chemical  Co.     Method  for  Preparing  a  Z^er  polymerlza 
tlon  catalyst.    2.996,459,  8-15-61.  CI.  252—429. 

^'^^Cohn'  "joKn^^d.^ETsteele,  and  Andersen       2,975.025. 
AndeVsen'  llolger  C     and  W.  J.  Green,  to  Engelhard  Indus- 

''°td^:"ln""'^Method''of^  '^"^l^^nfr^  ?,°if^'^  "2¥-^2° 
mid    oxides    of    nitrogen.      2.970.034,    1-31-61.    Cl.    ^J     ^■ 

Andersen  Holger  C.  and  C.  D.  Keith,  to  Engelhard  Indus^ 
trfes  %"  i^lethod  of  PuH/ylng  gaf^,  contaming  oxygen 

An^i'e^rs-ef  ^0.?,^  "^Jr^  .SS^Iiir^^eiirtt'^i^^^i^^ect. 


pressurization-pressure  monitor  system.     2.98^1,*.  11.  o  »-oi. 

CI.  98—1.5. 
Andersen,  John  W. :  See— 

Kosmin.  Milton,  and  Andersen.    2.9f»3.00... 

Andersen.  Niels  Y. :  See—  „     o  oftd  "i-ii 

Wolters.  Carl  F..  and  -Andersen     2.984.o31 
Andersen.  Ralph  A     to  American  Air  t  liter  Co. 

efficiency  portable  heater.     2.982,346,  5--.-b]l. 
Anderson,  .Vnders  S..  to  Roll-O-Matic  Tiller  Ltd. 

shank    holders    for    cultivators    and    the    like. 

And-e;loi;!^'AndrJJ-E.^*"1nd  E.   W    T;rbaniak    to  Crane  ^. 
Valve  closure  and  seat  element.     2,985,424,  5-23-ei.  ci. 

Anderson.'^Xrthur  E.    and  ^V.  Altar    to  Westinghou^Elw^^ 

Corp.     Image  amplifier.     3,002,101,  9-26-61,  Cl.  ^DO     -i»- 
Anderson.  Arthur  (i.  :  See-—  o  nt.  rrt 

Horton.  John  W.,  and  Anderson.     3.014,063. 
Anderson,  Arthur  W. :  See— 

Moi.roe.  Roger  F..  and  Anderson.     2^8 ^6^. 
Monroe.  Roger  F.,  and  Anderson.     2,986,570.         -  „„._ 
Anderson     \rthur  W.,  <:.   K.  (Jreminger,  Jr.,   G.   H    Beaver, 
and   S    M    Rodgers    Jr..   to  The  Dow  Cliemical   Co      Cel- 
lulosK?  materials    plasticized   with   bydroxypropylglycerol. 

A^rSol'\?U^'vi'J-  M. Vrite*:  Jr.  N.  G.  Merckling,  and 

AndersoOttyld  J.  and  E.  W.    Collapsible  step  stool.    2.975,- 

856.  3-21-6ivCl.  182—161. 
Anderson.  BazeeVa?:  Ser^  o  on- ft«i 

Hodgklns.  Joe^..  and  -Vnderson.     2.99. .881.  .      ..^ 

Anderson    Bernard  ^to  Engineering  Research  and  .\pp1ica 
tlon  Ltd      Drilling  a^/or  tapping  api>aratu8.     3.003,. 
10-10-61,  CI.  77— 32.3.\ 
Anderson.  Bernire  H.     Patt>rn  tracing  apparatus 

11_7_61,   CI.   101—20.  \ 

Anderson.  Bill.  Spring  Service.  InK:  Se< 

Sandefur.  George.     2.973.210. 
Anderson.  Bonnie  B.  :  See—- 

Anderson.   Harry   C.     3.007,277 

Anderson  Brass  Co. :  Se«—  .  „  _  qoa 

Anderson,  Ervin  R.,  and  Kflss.     2.980 
Anderson.  Br\in  R..  and  Kass.    2.997.063. 

Anderson  Bros.  Mfg.  Co.  :  See  --^ 

I^  Forge.  Ray  F..  Jr.    3.000,156. 

Anderson.  Brvce  P..  to  DeSoto  Chenllfal  Coatings.  Inc.  ^rent 
ing  a  rellu-lose-containing  Iwise  to  impart  thereto  arid^^^ 
Ristance.  composition  therefor  and  the  resultant  product 
2.983.629.  .'>-9-61.  CI.  117—148. 

Inc.     High 

CI.   15S     4. 






Anderson,  Bryce  P..  to  DeSoto  Chemical  Coatings.  Inc.    Treat- 

ini;    a    cfllulosf-rontaininK    bat<e    to   impart    thereto   allcali 

r»-8istnno»,  composition  then-for  and  th»'  resultant  product. 

2?W3.«30.  S-ft-fil.  CI.  117—148. 

Anderson,     Burton     E.     Automatic    door    stop    and    catch. 

2,976,071,  3-21-61,  CI.  2&2— 216. 
Anderson,  Carl  A. :  tiee — 

Klnley,  <;eorKe  A.,  and  Anderson.    2.993,r>51. 
Anderson,  Carl  E. :  See — 

Guyer,  Reynolds,  and  Anderson.    2,988,262. 
Anderson.  Carl   P.,  and  G.  S.  Corbeil.  to  Telautograph  Corp. 
Selective  station  communication  system.   3,008,122,11-7-61, 
<|.  340— 147. 
Anderson,  Carl  L.     Livestock  boot.     2.988.828,  6-20-61,  CI. 

SH — 2.5. 
Anderson,  Carl  L..  to  Kaytheon  Co.     Communications  links 

2.994.870.  8-1-61.  CI.  343—100.  ' 

Anderson.  Carl  P. :  See — 

Kleinschmidt,  Edward  P.,  and  Anderson.     2,982,817. 
Kl<ins<iiiniilt.    Kdwiird   F.,   C.    P.   and   H.   A.  Anderson, 
Oarir  and  Sherrick.     2,982.810. 
Anderson,  Charles  E.,  to  International  Telephone  and  Tele- 

fraph  Corp.     Radio  frequency  impedance  matching  section. 
.987,644,  6-6-61.  CI.  315—3.5. 
Anderson,  Cha^ries   K.,  to  International  Telephone  and  Tele- 
graph  Corp.      Traveling    wave   electron   discharge   device. 
3.0<r7.076,  10-31-61,  CI.  Sl.'i— 3.5.  t     ^ 

Anderson.  Charles  M..  and  M.  J:  Sayers,  to  The  Oallgher  Co. 
Impeller-stator  combination  for  aeration  machines.    2,973,- 
09.>.  2-2H-61,  CI.  209 — lf'i9. 
Anderson.  Clayton  &  Co. :  See — 

Jfnnings.  KMwln  J..  Jr..  Reddlck,  and  Berkley.    3.005,152. 

Payne,  Emory  T..  and  Seybert.    2,999.022. 

See.strom.  Hjalmer  E.,  Guernint,  and  Campbell.     2,999,- 

Sinclair.  Alfred  C.    2.970..'>-7. 
Sinclair,  Stuart  \V.,  and  Hornberger.     3.010,386. 
Anderson.  Clifford  E..  and   R.  A.   (iuLick.  to  .\rP  Indnstrlrs. 

Inc.       Pressure    activated 

r>-23-61.  CI    2r>l— 172. 
Andef^on.  Clifford  E.,  *nd  R. 

Inc.     Pressure  sealing  valve. 

1 72. 
Anderson.  Oifford  E.,   and  L. 

sealing     members.       2.98ri,4-l. 

A.  Cullrk.  to  .ACF  Industries. 
2.985.422,  5-23-61.  CI.  251— 

P.  Eckert.  .Jr..  to  ACF  Indus 

Seat  for  gate  valve.     3.006,601.   10-31-61.  CI. 


R.   A. 


Re.  24.974. 
2  070  4'?C> 
and  <tklpin. 

Gulick,  to  ACP  Industries 
3.013,770.    12-19-61,    CI. 


tries.   Inc. 
251 — iy*5. 
Anderson.   Clifford   E.,  and 
Inc.       Fabricated    valve 
2.'.  1^329 
Anderson  Co..  The :  See — 

Anderson,  .fohn  \V.     2  !tT9  .•^12. 
DeJ»ew.  William  G.    2.983.945. 
DlAold.  .Alfred  J.    2.979.965. 
Krohm.  Fred  A. 
'  J<rohm,  l""re<l  .\. 
Krohm,  Fred  A. 
Krohm,  Fred  A. 
Krohm.  Fred  A. 
Krohm.  Fred  A. 
Fr.Mi  A. 
Fred  A. 
Fred  A. 
Fre<i  A. 
Fred  A. 
Marten.«.  Jack  E. 
Martens,  Jack  E. 
Martens,  Jack  E. 
Martens,  Jack  E. 
Mart«'n8.  Jack  E. 
Martens.  Jack  E. 
Martens.  Jack  E. 
StiiMlski.  TTioodore  J.     l'.97S  861. 
Smnlski.  Theodore  J.     2.979.629. 
Wisp.  Ralph   If.      2.981.518. 
Wise.  Ralph  II.     2.981. .-,r,8. 
Wise.  Ralph  H.     2,996,081. 
Wls«>.  Ralph  H.     2.999,.399. 
Wise.  Ralph  H.     3.003.829. 
Wis*-.  Ral|>h  H.     3.00«1.37.'>. 
Wise.  Ralph  H.     ."«1.631. 
Wise.  Ralph  II.    3.00r,.r.81. 
Wise,  Ralph  II.     3  014.379. 
Zury.  Steve.     3.006,015. 
Anderson.    Curtis   A.,    to   United    States 
Blast   deflectors.     3,014,410.   12-26-61, 
Anderson,  David  H. :  See — 

Balova.  Ardr.  Anderson,  and  Schleifer.j 
Anderson.  David  K  :   See — 

Baker.  Reuben  C.     2.970.6."iO. 
Anderson.  l»avl»l  M.  :   Sr^    -     ' 

Silvorinan.  I.eslir.  and  .\nderson.    2.992J700. 
Anderson.  Donald  R.  :  See  , 

Phillips.  James  H.,  Anderson,  and  Manlik.' 
Anderson,  Donald  W. :  See — 

Salem.  .Samuel,  and  Anderson.    2.976,202.       f 
Anderson.  Douglas  N.  •.•'See — 

Shrewsbury,  Raymond  W.,  Anderson,  and  Sohl.    3,001,886. 
Anderson.  Daane  B..  to  Pan  American  Petroleum  Corp.     High 
temr>emture  emulsion    drilling   fluid.      2.997,440    8-22-61 
•  '1.  2.'i2   -8.-|. 

Anderson,  Earl  R.     Apparatus  for  peeling  fruit  and  vegetable 
article*.     3.001.562.  9-26-61.  CI.  146 — 43. 

of   America. 
CI.  89—1.7, 




Anderson.  Earl  R..  to  Filper  Corp.    Method  of  pitting  peaches. 

3.010.501.  11-28-61,  f'T.  146-   238. 
Anderson,  Edward  A.,  and  C.  W.  Walton,  to  The  Lamson  A 

Sessions    Co.     Elevator   mechanism.      2,987,202,    6-6-61. 

CI.  214—715. 
Anderson,  Edward  A.,  and  J.  R.  Lees.     Irrigation  gate  valve. 

2.991.625.    7-ll-<!l.   (1.   61  —  18. 
Anderson,  Edward  A.,  and  C.  W.  Walton,  to  The  Lamson  k 

Sessions  Co.     Method  and  apparatus  for  forming  welding 

projections  on  a  nut  blank.     3,001,214,  9-26-61,  CI.  10 — 72. 
Anderson,   Edward  A.,   and   C.   W.    Walton,   to   The   Lamson 

Sc   Se>${<ions  Co.     Article  checking  and  machining  fixture. 

3,001.292   9-26-61,  CI,  33—174. 
Anderson,  l^dward  E.,  C.  P.  Nelson,  and  W.  F.  Hampton,  to 

Food  process.     3,003,881, 

Ocean  Spray  Cranberries,  Inc. 
lO-lO-Ol.  ("l.  99 — 105. 

^11-61.  CI. 





.Vnderson.    Edward    L.,    to    Goodman    ilfg.    Co. 

niinev  having  offset  rotary  heads.     2,979.319, 

Anderson,  Edward  P..  to  Engelhard  Industries,  Inc. 

stake.     2.972.053.  2-14-61.  CI.  250 — 85. 
Anderson,  Edward  P.,  to  Engelhard  Industries,   Inc.     Com* 

poslte    material    and    method    for    the    production    thereof. 

2.984.590,  .■>-16-61,  Cl.  117—232. 
Anderson,  E}dward  P.,  to  Engelhard  Industries,  Inc. 

2,988,496.  6-13-61,  Cl.  204 — 196. 
.\nilerson.  Edward  P..  to  Engelhard  Industries,  Inc. 

fur_iiP/[mrln:r    .-inodt's     for    cathoilic    protection 

I'-TTTt 8.. ■;.-»!>    H-29-61,  Cl.  •'O4      :'.8. 
jXnderson,  Edward  P.,  to  Engelhard  Industries,  Inc.     Trailing 

anode  for  cathodic  protection  systems.     3,010,891,  11-28- 

61.  Cl.  204 — 196. 
Anderson.  Edward  P .  to  Engelhard  Industries,  Inc.     Anode 

nssembl.v.  12-.'V-61.  Cl.  204 — 147. 
Anderson,  Edward  P.,  and  D.  H.  Fish,  to  Engelhard  Indus- 
tries, Inc.     Sight  gauge.     2,984.108,  5-16-61,  Cl.  73—323. 
Anderson,  Edwin  E.  :  See — 

Anderson,  Frank  P.,  E.  E..  and  R.  L.     3,014,377. 
Anderson,  Edwin  V.,  J.  A.  Mack,  and  A.  N.  Friberg,  to  Amco 

Engineering  Co.     Enclosure.     2,991.140,  7-4-61., a.  312 — 

Anderson.  Edwin  V..  J.  A.  Mack,  and  A.  X.  Priberg.'  to  Amco 

Engineering  Co.    Instrument  cabinet.    3,012,835,  12-12-61, 

Cl.  312—2.17. 
Anderson  Electric  Corp. :  See — 

McDurmont,  Walter  R.     3.«06.983. 
Anderson,  Elvin  L.,  and  H.  E.  Reiff.  to  Smith  Kline  k  French 

Laboratories.      3-amino-4-phenylpyrazoles    and    method    of 

preparation.     2.989.539.  6-20-61.  Cl.  260 — 310. 
.\nderson.    Elwomi    R..    to    Ethyl    Corp.       Recovery    process. 

2.971.967.  2-14-61,  Cl.  260 — J37. 
.\nderson,  Emil.  to  Ele<troliix  Corp.     Multiple  nozzle  clean- 

ini:  tool.     2.966.693.  1-3  61.  Cl.  15—373.  ' 

Anderson,  Enfred  W.. :  See — 

Anderson,  Arvld  J.  and  E.  W.    2.975,856. 
Anderson,  Ervin  R.,  and  G.  H.  Kass,  to  Anderson  Brass  Co. 

Rotary  valve.    2.980.390,  4-18-61,  Cl.  251—181. 
.Vnderson,  Ervin  R.,  and  G.  H.  Kass,  to  Anderson  Brass  Co. 

Valve.    2.997,063,  8-22-61.  CT.  137— «07. 
.Vnderson,   l^uuenc  .V.  :   Sce^ 

R»'ld.    Remer   R,    Sr.,  and   .Anderson.      2.969  100. 
Anderson,   Everett  V.,   to  United  States  Rubber  <'o.      Method 

of  producing  latex   dipped   articles.     3.005,237,    10-24-61. 

n.    18 — 
Anderson,    Floyd   E..   and    J.    Boblnskl.    to    Warner-I^ambert 

Pharmaceutical    Co.      Piperldinol    compounds.      2,975,185, 

.3-14-61,  Cl.  260 — 294.7. 
-Vnderson.  Frank  -A.,  and  L.  C.  Stromberg.     Mop  with  detach- 
able head.     2.988,766.  6-20-61.  Cl.  15—229. 
Anderson.  Frank   P.,  E.  E..  and  R.  L.     Oven  center  booster 

for  a  push   rod.     3,014,377,   12-26-61.  Cl.  74 — 97. 

.Vnderson.  Fred  X.,  and  W.  L.  Cherrv.  Jr.,  to  Cherrv  Electri- 
cal Prwlucts  Corp.     Electric  switches.     2,993.102,  7-18-61, 
Cl.   200 — 67. 
Anderson,  Fred  S. :  See — 

Morgan.  Elmer  A.,  and  Anderson.     3,000,449. 
Anderson.  Gaty  R.  :   See — 

Cooperstein,  Raymond,  and  Anderson.     2,974,012. 

Anderson.  George  B..  and  P.  E.  Compton,  to  Consolidated 
Machine  Tool,  division  of  Parrel-Birmingham  Co.,  Inc. 
Axle  recenterlng  machine.     2.999,403,  9-12-61,  Cl.  77 — 18. 

.VndersWn,  Genrce  M.,  to  McGfaw-Edison  Co.  Dial  pulse  re- 
storer.     2.993.960.   7-2.5-61.  Cl.    179—16. 

.Vnderson.  George  R..  to  Hagan  Chemicals  A  Controls.  Inc. 
Systems  for  nutomatically  controlling  flow  of  flulrl  through 
a  centrifucal  pump  in  respo*ns«»  to  temperature  differentials 
at  the' intake  and  discbarge  thereof.  2,985,107,  5-23-61, 
n.   10.3—97. 

^dersoh.  Gerald  R. :  See — 

Creed.  Sherman  H..  and  Anderson.    2,984.274. 
Anderson.  Gilbert  L.  :  See — 

Westftn.  Herbert,  and  Anderson.  ,  2,999.!)01. 

Anderson.  Gordon  C. :  See — 

West.  Paul  B..  and  Anderson.    2,983,967. 

•Anderson.  Gunnar  E..  to  The  Bryant  Electric  Co.  Electrical 
o)nnector.    2.997.685.  8-22-61.  Cl.  339—149. 

Anderson.  Harold  X.  :  See —  ' 

Woserau.  Otto,  and  Anderson.     3.011,296. 

Anderson.  Harry  C,  deceased,  by  B.,  B.  Anderson,  legal 
rt'prespntative.  to  D.  L.  Morgan.  Electric  rat  trap. 
.3.007.277:  11-7-61.  Cl    4.3     99. 






Anderson.  H.  E..  Co. :  See — 

Anderson.  Herbert  E.     2.982,452. 
Anderson.  Herbert  E.,  to  H.  E.  Anderson  Co.    Apparatus  lor 
making  bows.    2.98^,452,  5-2-<Jl,  CI.  223—46.        „„,„.„. 
Anderson,    Herbert    E.      Chemical    feed    pump.      3,010,404, 

11-2&-61.  CI.  103—152. 
Anderson,  ilerbert  L. :  Ht-e — 

Fenui.  Enrko,  and  Anderson.     2.969,307. 
Anderson.  Herbert  L.,  and  H.  S.  Brown,  to  United  States  of 
America,    Atomic    Enerjry    Commission.       Nuclear    fission 
chain  reacting  system.    2.990,354,  6-27-61.  CI    204--193  2. 
Anderson,   Herbert   K..   to  Tri-Wall  Containers,  Inc._   Triple- 
wall  corrugated  board.     2.985,553.  5-23-61.  CI.  lo4— 45  9. 
Anderson.  Herbert  K.,  Jr.,  to  Phillips  Petroleum  Co.     PoU- 

inerization  proc-ess.     2,979.446,  4-11-61.  CI.  204 — 154.     ^ 
Anderson,  Hlldlng  A  :  See —  ^   „     . 

Klelnschmidt,    Edward   F.,   C.    P.   and   H.   A, 
Clark,  and  Sherrick.    2,982,810. 
Anderson,     Hlldlng     B.     O.     Electric     shayer 

2,987,036.  6-»-61,  CI.  118—268.         ^.^  .  ,  ^  ,,     o  o-o  o.^ 
An<fer8on,  rflram  D.,  Jr.    Animated  artlflclal  bait.    2,979,849, 

4-18-61,  CI.  43 — 42.02. 
Anderson,  HjaluitT  11.  :  iSee — 

Whitlock.  Itobert  A.,  and  Anderson.     3,005,405. 
Anderson,  Howard  W. :  See —  ^    .    ^  „  ooo 

Ricards.  Harold  A.,  Wllchlnsky,  and  Anderson.     2,988,- 
Anderson,  Hugo  F.,  to  Hastings  Mfg.  Co.     Piston  ring  as- 
semblies  and   elements    thereof.     2,970,022,    1-31-61,   CI. 

309 — 44.  .    ^        X,  _x  w,  1.J 

Anderson.   Ivan,  to  W.  W.  Paulson  A  Co.     Portable  welder 

generator.     2,976,424.  3-21-61,  CI.  290—1. 
Anderson,  J  Edward  C.  and  F.  C.  Haberland,  to  Borg-Warner 

Corp.      Internal-external    gears.      2,990,724,    7-4-61,    CI. 

Anderson.  J.  Roland,  and  L.     Clothesline  attachment.    2,980,- 

383,  4-18-61.  a.  248—317.  _       ^  ,^,     ^ 

.\nderson    Jack  S..  and  S.  G.  Knoch,  to  Electrosystems  Inc. 

Automation    with    digital    position-command    comparison. 

2,969,490.   1-24-01.  CI.  318—162. 
.Vnderson,  James,  and  J.  P.  Biddlscombe.  to  Canadian  West- 

inghouse     Co.,     Ltd.       Crystal     oscillator    keying    circuit. 


T.S.-).84.'i.   .'-.-23-61.  CI    331—75. 



Lott    Sr. 

Anderson.  James  A.,  to  Breneman-Hartsbom,  Inc 

3,001,577,  9-26-61,  a.  160—29.  - 

Anderson,  James  A.,  to  Breneman-Hartshorn,  Inc.     \Mndow 

shade      roller      and      bracket.      3,013,760.      12-19-61,      CI. 

248—267.  „   _, 

Anderson,  James  A.,  Jr..  to  Esso  Research  and  Engineering 

Co.      Catalytic    conversion    of    heavy    nai^tha    fractions. 

2,974,099.  3-7-61,  Cl.  208—68.  ^     ^ 

Anderson,  James  B.,  to  H.  J.,  Heinz  Co.     Method  of  cooking 

food.    2,907,773,  1-10-01.  Cl.  99—107. 
Anderson,    James    C.      Ball    toy.      2,907,711,    1-10-61,    Cl. 

Anderson,  James  D. :  See — 

RoKoff,  Julian,  and  Anderson.     2.985.861. 
Anderson,  James  D.,  to  Burndy  Corp.     Feed  device.     2,968,- 

390,  1-17-61,  Cl.  198 — 221. 
Anderson,   James   O..    R.    M.    Stringer,    and    V. 

Trench    hoe   dipper.      2,972,425,    2-21-61.   Cl, 
Anderson.  James  T. :  See — 

Wells.  Robert  S..  and  Anderson.    2.973,322. 

Anderson.  John  :  See —  ^ _^ 

Bolton,  John  A.,  and  Calderon.     2,995,262. 
Brown    Harold   1'..  and  Anderson.     2,994.032. 
Anderson,  John  E..  to  United  Alrcrat  Corp.    PawF  and  ratchet 

nut  and  bolt  lock  with  adjustable  spacing  means.     2,997.- 

090.  8-22^1.  CI.  151—13. 
Anderson,  John  E.,  to  Minneapolis-Honeywell  Regulator  Co. 

Control  apparatus.     3.011,350,   12-5-61,  Cl.  73—504. 
Anderson.  John  H.,  to  Hllls-McCanna  Co.    Diaphragm  valve. 

2,988,322   6-13-61,  Cl.  251—331. 
-Anderson,  John  J. :  See — 

Harris.  William  C,  and  Anderson.    3,000,035. 
Anderson,  John  L.,   to  E.   I,   du    Pont   de   Nemours  and   Co. 

Cyclobutenes  containing  two  substituted  methyl  substltu- 

ents.     3,004,068,  10-10-01,  Cl.  260 — 563. 
Anderson.  John  L.,  to  International  Business  Machines  Corp. 

Superconductor  circuits.    3,014,661.  12-26-61,  Cl.  235 — 175. 

Anderson,  John  L.,  and  R. .  E.  Putnam,  to  E.  I.  du  Pont 
de  Nemours  and  Co.  Fluorinated  polymeric  i>eroxldes. 
2,971.949.  2-14-61.  Cl.  260—92.1. 

Anderson.  John  M.,  to  General  Electric  Co.  Apparatus  for 
electromagnetic  wave  guidance  and  control  by  electrical 
discharge  plasmas.     2,997,675,  8-22-61,  Cl.  333 — ^97. 

Anderson,  John  R. ;  See — 

Abraham,  Frank  J.,  Anderson,  and  Teel.     2,968,151. 
Anderson,    John    R..    to    Bell    Telephone    Laboratories.    Inc. 

Electrical     circuits     employing     ferroelectric     condensers. 

2,972.734.  2-21-61.  Cl.   340—173.2. 

Anderson,  John  R.,  to  Heppenstall  Co.  Tongs.  3,001,812, 
9-26-61,  Cl.  294—07. 

Bell    Telephone   Laboratories,    Inc. 
circuits    and    methods.     3,002,182, 

Anderson,  John  R..  to 
Ferroelectric  storage 
9-26-61.  Cl.  340—173.2. 

.\nder8on.    John    R.,    to    Bell 
Ferroelectric  circuits. 

Telephone    lyaboratorles.    Inc. 
3.005.976.   10-24-61.  Cl.  340 — 166. 

.Anderson,  John  R.,  to  The  National  Cash  ftegister  Co.     Stor- 
age devices.     3,011.157.  11-28-61,  Cl.  340—173.2. 

.\nderson,    John    W.      Electric    wire    connector.      2.973,404, 
2-2S-61.  Cl.  174—87. 

Anderson.  John  W.  Windshield  wiper  blade  assembly. 
2,978,730,  4-11-01,  Q.   15—250.42. 

Anderson,  John  W.,  to  The  Anderson  Co.  Arm  connector. 
2.979.352.  4-11-61.  Cl.  287—53. 

Anderson,  John  W.  Device  for  a  windshield  wiper  blade  and 
arm  assembly.    2,979,750,  4-18-61,  CI.  15—250. 

Anderson,  John  \V.  Dispenser  mounting.  2.981,442.  4-25- 
61.  Cl.  222—166. 

Anderson,  John  W.  Container  with  dispensing  spout  there- 
for, releasably  attached  thereto.  2,981.448,  4-25-61,  Cl. 
222 539 

.Vud*eison,  John  W.  Dispensing  spout.  2'981,450.'  4-26-61, 
Cl.  222—564. 

Anderson.  John  W.  Vehicle  mirror  mounting  structure. 
2.999,663.  9-12-61,  Cl.  248—220.5. 

Anderson,  John  \V.  Windshield  wiper  blade  and  method  of 
production.     3,003,174.  10-10-61,  Cl.  15—250.42. 

Anderson,  John  W.  Windshield  wiper  blade.  3,006.016, 
10-31-61.  Cl.  15 — 250.35. 

Anderson,  Karl  W. :  See — 

Karlsson.  Marius,  and  Jonsson.     2.978.269. 

Anderson,  Kenneth  H.,  and  S.  P.  Hereh,  to  Union  Carbide 
Corp.  Composition  of  matter  comprising  an  acrylonitrile 
polymer  and  a  pyridine  borane  and  spinning  solution  con- 
taining  same.      3,011.991.    12-5-61.    Cl.    260 — 32.4. 

Anderson,  Kenneth  H.,  to  Union  Carbide  Corp.  Composition 
of  matter  comprising  an  acrylonitrile  polymer  and  an 
alkylamine  borane  and  spinning  solutions  containing  same. 
3.011,992,  12-.5-61,  Cl.  260—32.4. 

Aujiersoii  Laboratories,  Ine.  :  Sei — 

HiMlpkins.  Joe  E..  and  .Anderson.      2.997.881.  -» 

Wright,  Holden  P.    2,996,687. 

Anderson,  Lenore  :  See — 

Anderson,  J.  Roland,  and  L.    2,980,383. 

Anderson,  Leroy  E.,  and  H.  F.  St.  Marie,  to  "Snappy."  Inc. 
Heating  conduit  splice.     3,007.722,  11-7-61.  Cl.  285 — 419. 

Anderson.  Leslie  A.  Rock  mover.  2,971,587,  2-14-61,  Cl. 
171 — 63. 

Anderson,  Lloyd  E.,  Sr.,  to  Plttsburgh-Des  Moines  Steel  Co. 
Vapor  seal  for'  fuel  storage  tank  of  floating  ro<(f  type. 
3,014.613,  12-26-61.  Cl.  220—26. 

.\nderson,  Lloyd  E.,  Sr.,  and  B.  R.  Capron.  to  Pittsburgh  Des 
Moines  Steel  Co.  Self-erecting  tower  structure.  3,009,546. 
11-21-61.  Cl.  189—14. 

Anderson.  Lloyd  L.,  R.  E.  Johnson,  R.  O.  Metzger.  and  A.  J. 
Van  Noord,  to  Jervis  Corp.  Tray  elevation  adjustment. 
2,»78.113,  4-4-61,  Cl.  211 — 146. 

Anderson,  Lloyd  L.,  J.  O.  Rop.  and  D.  L.  McCurdy,  to  Jerxis 
Torp.  Release  mechanism  for  ordnance  apparatus  and  the 
like.      2,992,.^j94.  7-18-61,  Cl.  89 — 1.5.  < 

Anderson.  Louis  C,  to  Teletype  Corp.  Lid  leveler  for  chadless 
tape.     3,013,476,  12-19-61,  Cl.  93—1. 

Anderson,  Marcus  A.  Mirror  assembly  for  vehicle  use. 
2,970,768.  3-28-61,  Cl.  88 — 87. 

Anderson,  Marvin  E. :  See — 

Zenner,  Raymond  E..  Williams,  and  Anderson.    2.991.738. 

Anderson,  Maynard  E..  to  American  Rjidlator  &  Standard 
Sanitary  Corp.  Dispenser  for  injecting  liquid  Into  a  con- 
tainer.    2.972.436.  2-21-61,  Cl.   222—396 

Anderson.  Maynard  E.  Dispenser  structure.  2,997.047, 
8-22-61.  Cl.  134 — 58. 

.Anderson,  Maynard  E.,  and  L.  B.  Cooper,  to  American  Radia- 
tor &  Standard  Sanitary  Corp.  Liquid  agent  dispenser  for 
washing  machine.     2,975,945,  3-21-61,  Cl.  222—396. 

Anderson,  Maynard  W.  Push  button  operated  paper  towel 
roll  holder.     2.978,197,  4-4-61.  Cl,  242—55.2. 

Anderson.  Norman,  to  Sir  George  Godfrey  &  Partners  (Hold- 
ings) Ltd.  Refrigeration  systems.  3,012,413,  12-12-61, 
Cl.  62—272. 

Anderson,  Norman  L,,  and  C.  E.  McGinn,  to  Allied  Chemical 
Corp.  Process  for  coloring  polyurethane  foams.  2,986,536, 
5-30-61,  Cl.  260—2.5. 

Anderson,  Olof  V.,  to  Anson,  Inc.  Jewelry  clasp.  2,994,116, 
8-1-61,  Cl.   24 — 49. 

Anderson,  Olof  V.  Jewelry  clasp.  3,001,258,  9-26-61,  Cl. 

Anderson,  Orson  L.,  and  H.  Chrlstensen.  to  Bell  Telephone 
Laboratories.  Inc.  Thermo-compresslon  bonding  of  metnl 
to  semiconductors,  and  the  like.  3,000,067,  10-31-«1,  Cl. 
29 — 470. 

Anderson.  Orson  L..  P.  Andreatrh.  Jr..  and  II.  Chrlstensen,  to 
Bell  Telephone  Laboratories,  Inc.  Twlst-compresslon  Ixind- 
Ing  of  metallic  and  metallized  surfaces.  3,000.068,  10-31- 
61.  Cl.  29 — 470.1. 

Anderson.  Oscar  A. :  See — 

Baker,  William  R.,  Anderson,  and  Furth.     2.997,041. 

Anderson,  Patricia  T. :  See — 

Stewart.     Aubrey     I'.,     Jr..     Johnson,     and     .Anderson. 
Anderson,  Paul  E.,  and  R.  O.  Blrchler,  to  Western  Electric 
Co.,   Inc.      Verification  and  sorting  machines.     3,010.577, 
11-28-61,  Cl.  209—75. 

Anderson,  Paul  L. :  See — 

Greenman,  Norman  L.,  Zagnsta,  and  Anderson.  2,972,003. 
Greennian,  Norman  L.,  Zagusta.  and  Anderson.  2,980,804.  Norman  L..  Zagusta,  and  Anderson.     2,988.- 

*    Morris,  Walter  H.,  and  Anderson.     3,008,774. 
Anderson,  Paul  L.,  J.  A.  Zagusta,  and  N.  L.  Greenman,  to 
Rogers    Corp.     Method    for    applying    patterns    to    base 
material.    2.971,249,  2-14-61,  CL  29—155.5. 


INt)EX  OF  PATENTS,  1961 

Magnetic  door 
Foot    protect <ir. 

Andenum,  i^ueotln  A. :  See — 

Peterson,  Howard  B.,  and  Anderson.     2.994,444. 
Anderson,    Ralph    A.,    to   Information    Systems,    Int.      Au 

matic  ranj;e  change  circuit.     2,981,107,  4-lic>-61,  CI.  ~'<i 

Anderson,   Ralph  F.,   to  National  Lock  Co. 

catch.     2,987.338,  &-Q-61,  CI.  292—251.5. 
Anderson,     Italpli    O.,    and    11.     Ss.     Sharp. 

:;.9«4.i37.  H-i-»;i,  ci.  :{•! — 7:;.  | 

Andenon.  Raymond  J. :  Bee — 

Wheaton,  Robert  M.,  and  Anderson.    2,980,498. 
Anderson.  Raymond  L.  :  .S'f* — 

Anderson,  Frank  1'.,  E.  E..  and  R.  L.     3.014.377. 
Anderson,   Raymond  T..   to  Minnesota   MioinR  and   Mf;:.   Co. 

Visual-aid   portfolio.     2.975.539.   3-21-Gl,   Cn.  40—125. 
Anderson,  Raymond  W.,  and  C.  F.  Kamrud,  to  Reserve  Min- 
ing   Co.      Relief    inserts    for    metallic    lining.      2,974,889, 

3-14-61.  CI.  241—295. 
Anderson,  Richard  D.,  and  J.  J.  Nastronero,  to  United  States 

of  America.  Navy.     Optical  detector  assembly.     2,975,292, 

3-14-61.  CI.  250—216. 
Anderson,   Richard   H..   to  The  Robinson   Clay  Products  Co. 

Plastisol  pipe  joint.     2,986,411,  5-30-61.  CI.  285 — 291. 
Anderson.  Rlcnard  M. :  See — 

Harris   Jay  C,  Tesdabl,  and  Anderson.     2,988,510. 
Ander.Hon    Ith-hard  1'.  :    -^'tf 

Lit.  Harry  B.,  and  Anderson.    2,994.624. 
Anderson,  Rol>ert  C. :  See —  • 

Sleddon    iieoffrey  J.,  and  Anderson.     3.004,079. 
Anderson,    Iu)bert    E.,    to    Texas    Instruments    Inc.      Pro<luc- 

tlon  of  hlKh  temperature  alloyed  semiconductor.     2,985,550, 
/5-23-6r   <1.    14H— 1..'). 
Anderson.  Robert  H.    Skylight.    2,982.064,  5-2-61.  CI.  50 — 53. 
.\n<l»rson.    Kohnrt   J.,    to  Thompson   Ramo   Wooldrldge,    Inc. 

Hieb    teniperature    pumping    system    with    variable    speed 

pump  and  refrigeration  by-product.     2,970,437.  2-7-61.  CI. 
.     6<t — ?,9.*it\. 
Anderson.  Robert  J..  J.  T.  Hamrick,  and  F.  L.  Oppenhelmer, 

to  Thompson  Ramo  Wooldrldge  Inc.     Ground  power  device. 

2.977.820.  4-4-61.  CI.  74—665. 
Ander«on,   Robert   M..   to  General   Electric  Co.     Flash  lamp. 

2,982.119,  5-2-61,  CI.  67—31. 
.Anderson.  Robert  .M..  to  (General  Electric  Co.     Moisture  indi- 
cator for  photoflash   lamp.      2,993.008.  7-18-61,  CI.   252 — 

Anderson.   Robert  V.,   to   General   Precision.   Inc.      Selective 

conversion  network.     2,967,930,  l-lO-Gl.  Cl.  250 — 20. 
Anderson.    Russell   D..    to  rdlins    Radio  Co.      Fastener   with 

spring  arms  and    retracting  means.     3,009,380.   11-21-01, 

n    S5     5 
-Vnilerson,    Stanley  E..   to   Illinois  Tool   Works.     Break-away 

oi)erator  for  self-reatoring  switch.     2,997,556,  8-22-61.  Cl. 

200 — 61.41. 
Anderson.  Stanley  W.     Bearing  structure.     2,976,092.  3-21- 

61,  Cl.  SOS — 217. 
Anderson.    Sven   G.,    to   Telefonaktlebolaget   L 

Termlmil  for  printed  circuit  card.     2,903.188, 

•l.'jn     17. 
Anderson,    Sven    G.,    to   Telefonaktlebolnget    L 

Electrical    sprlnc   contact   with   soldering   ear. 

1  (>-.•',  I -»•.!.  Cl    .•{.".n— 217.  , 

Andersi.n.  Thelma  B. :  See —  \ 

Baker.  Reuben  C.     2.970.650.  I 

Anderson.  Theodore  r.'.   to  llewlett-Packard 

M   Ericsson. 

7-18-61.  cn. 

M    Ericsson. 

time  interval  converter.      2.904.825.   8-1-61.   Cl 

Voltage  to 

328 — 121». 

•Anderson.  Thomas  R.     Method  of  reducing  moisture  loss  from 

froien  meat.     2.989,401,  6-20-61.  Cl.  9^—169. 
.Anderson,  Thomas  R.    Process  for  reducing  moisture  loss  from 

meat.     2.989.402.  ft-20-61.  Cl.  99^1  «9. 
.An<lerson.    Thomas    R.     Method    for    reduclne   moisture    loss 

from  meat.      3.011.898.  12-.'i-fil.  Cl.  99 — 169. 
.\nderson  &  Thompson  Ski  Co.  Inc.  :  See — 

Woodward,  John  B.     2,991,086. 
Anderson,    \irtor   C,    t/>   The   Regents   of    the    I'niversitv    of 

California       Electrostatic   recorder.      3.004,819,    10-17-61. 

<n.  rJ46     74  -? 

Anderson.    Walter  A.^*to  TTnderwood   Corp.      Signal   priptine 

m.'fhanism       2.rt6nr^6.    1-24   61.   ('1.    235 — 60.1S 

Anderson.  Walter  J.,  \o  The  Lowrev  Co.  Electrical 
musical   Instniment.     2.971.420.   2-14-61.   Cl,   84 — 1.22. 

.Anderson.  Warner  H..  to  Channel  MasHer  Corp.  Television 
antenna  having  multi-band  elements.  2,980.912,  4-18-61, 
Cl.  343 — 802.  » 

•Anderson.  Warren  D..  to  Normn-Hoffman  Bearings  Corp. 
Method  of  universal  preload  grinding  of  duplex  ball  bear 
Ings.     2.972.M1.  2-28-61.  Cl.  51—291. 

Anderson,  William  P.,  and  R.  E.  Penfield,  to  General  Electric 
Co.      PresfHt+e-vregulatlng    valve    adjustment    mechanism. 
3,013,7M<12-igS61,  Cl.  267—1. 
Anderson/ William  S.,  to  Shell  Oil  Co.    Diene  polymerization. 

2,970.134,  1-31-61,  Cl.  260 — 94.3. 
•Anderson.    William    S.,    to   Shell   Oil   Co.      Process   for  poly- 
merizing dioletins.     3,012,950.  12-12-61,  Cl.  204 — 154. 
Anderson,  William  W.,  Jr.,  to  Burroughs  Corp.     Cable  sud- 

port.     2,970,183.   1-31-61.   Cl.   174—78. 
Anderson.  Wood  row  M. :  iSfee — 

Farrow,  Ronald  L.,  Bego,  and  Anderson.     2,984,617. 
Andersson,  Karl  E.  :  See — 

Ahlberg,  Karl  J.  W.,  and  Andersson.     2,981.306. 
Andersson,   Nils  E.     Building  hoists.     3,003,685,   10-10-61, 

Cl.  187—2. 
Andert,  Frank  S.     Spark  plug  and  ignition  Indicator  system 

therefor.     2,969,500.    1-24-61,  Cl.  324 — 17. 
Anderton,  Thomas  L.  :  See — 

Huston,  Sanford  K.,  and  Anderton.    2,968,263. 
Ando,   Chiyoichi.     Apparatus  for  announcing  to  a  caller  a 
connection    with    the    party    called    prior    to    the    caller's 
speaking     into     the     telephone.      2,997,544,     8-22-61,     Cl. 
179 — 1. 
Ando.  Tatuso  :  See — 

Komiyama,  Daiauke,  Takaki,  Ando,  and  Nil.     3,001,235. 
Andras.  John  0.  :  See — 

Browne.  Paul  W.    2.989,334.  ^ 

Bxowne,  Paul  W.     3,009,667. 
Andr«,  Edmond,  to  V.  and  C.  Salome.     Hydraulic  automatic 
feed  regulating  device  for  machine  tools  and  other  appli- 
cations.   3,010,437. 11-28-61,  CL  121 — 45. 
Andr6  Fantasies,  Inc. :  See — 

Gettinger,  Lillian.     2.983,925. 
Andr«.   Henri   G.,   to  Yardney  International  Corp.     Electric 

storage  batteries.     2,988,586,  6-13-61,  Cl.  13f — 30. 
Andr*.   Henri  G.,  to  Yardney   International   Corp.      State-of- 

charge  indicator.     2,988,600,  6-13-61,  Ci.  136 — 182. 
Andre,  Noble,  to  Andre-Matic  Machlnerv  Co.     Multi-can  car- 
rier and  package.    2,982,400,  5-2-61,  Cl.  206 — 65. 
Andre,  Noble.   W.   B.   Fahrenbach,  and  J.  J.  Tyll,  to  Andre- 
Matic  Machinery  Co.     Can  packaging  apparatus  and  meth- 
od.    2,974,454,  3-14-61.  Cl.  53—^2. 
-Vndreae.  Pierre  V.  :  See — 

Griffith.  Cecil  B..  Andreae,  and  Glasser.     3.009.808. 
Andreasen,  Norman  H.    In-and-out  pager  cabinet.    2,971,806. 
»    2-14-61,  Cl.  312—223. 
-Vndreatch,  Peter.  Jr.  :  See —  '  | 

•Anderson,  Orson  L..  Andreatch.'  and  Chrlstensen.    3,006.- 
Andre-Matic  Machlnerv  Co. :  See — 
Andre,  Noble.     2,982,400. 

Andre,  Noble,  Fahrenbach,  and  Tyll.  2,974,454. 
Andren,  Ingmar  K.  L.,  to  Aktiebolaget  Llnde  .Muskiner.  Ma- 
chine for  cleaning  grain,  seed  and  the  like.  2,968,399. 
1-17-61,  Cl.  209—30. 
•Andren,  Karl  H.,  to  •Artos  Engineering  Co.  Wire  cutting, 
stripping  and  terminal  attaching  machine.  2,998,633,  9-^- 
61,  Cl.  29—33. 

•Vndren,    Win|am.     Dispenser   package.     2,979,194,   4-11-61, 

Andres,  Lloyd  J.,  to  Apco,  Inc.     Continuous  beverage  maker. 

3.010.382.  11-28-61,  Cl.  99 — 289. 
Andres,    Max,    to    Aktiengesellschaft    Brown,    Boverl    &    CTe. 

Oil    Co.,    Inc.     Stabilized    distillate  fuel    oil.     3,003,868, 

10-10-61.  a.  44 — 62. 

Andres.  Raymond  J.,  and  C.  G.  Thornton,  to  Motorola,  Inc. 

Semiconductor  device.     2.986.678,  5-30-61,   Cl.   317 — 234. 
Andresen.  Clifford  W.,  to  The  Rudolph  Wurlitzer  Co.     Pedal 

structure    for    electronic    piano.      3,002.412,    10-3-61.    Cl. 


Andresen.  Hilmar  A. :  See — 

Andresen.  Raymond  H.  and  H.  A.    2,984,505. 
Andre.sen,  Raymond  H.  and  H.  A.    2,984,506. 

•Andresen.  John  H..  Jr.,  to  Kolisman  Instrument  <'orp.     Dif- 
ferential tachometer.     2.969,502.  1-24-61.  Cl.  324-70. 

•Anderson.  Wendell. 
2'M',  -  63.2. 

Anderson.  Weston 
dates.  .Atomic 
10-10-61.  n.  32^ 

Anderson.  Wilbur  G. 

Instrument    Corp. 

First  aid  kit.     3.003,625.  10-1^-61.  n, 

.A.,   and  J.   M.,Mathia8,  to  Varian   .Asso- 
precession      magnetonieters.      3,004,211, 
— .5. 

Jr..  to"  American  Box 'Board  Co.     Clear- 
ance pjid.     2.978.163.  4--1-61.  Cl.  229 — 14. 

Anderson.  Wilbur  G..  Jr..  to  American  Box  Board  Co.  Re 
ceptacle  having  a  handle.    2.986,324,  5-30-61.  Cl.  229 — 52. 

.Anderson,  Wiibur  <•..  Jr..  and  R.  J.  Blett.  to  Packaging  Corp. 
of  America.  Double  bot  carrier.  2,998,909  9-5-61  Cl 
229.— .14. 

Anderson,    Wlllinm    E.,    to    Rlege]    Pajier   Corp.      Laininate<l 

paper.      2,975.n94.   .3-14-61.  Cl.   154 — 1,18, 
Anderson.  William  H.  :  Sec- 
Hanson.  Roy  R..  and  Braden.      3.001,31^4. 

Andresen,    John     H..    Jr.,    to    Kolisman 

Cabin  pre.ssurization  system  using  A.-C.  power 
3-7-61,  Cl.  98—1.5. 

Andresen,  John  H.,  Jr.,  to  Kolisman  Instrument  Corp.  Air- 
craft instrument- remote  control-fall  safe.    3.009,357,  11-21- 

61.  n.  7:^-.384. 

-Vndresen.  Raymond  11.  and  H.  A.,  to  R.  Gits.  Jr.  and  E.  C. 
Gits,  and  Mercantile  National  Bank  of  Chicago,  as  Co- 
Trustees.  Boot  equipped  telescoping  seal.  2.984,505.  5-16- 
61.  Cl.  286— 11. 

•Andresen.  Raymond  11.,  and  H.  A.,  to  R.  J.  Gits.  Jr.  and  E.  W. 
<Jlt8.  and  Mercantile  National  Bank  of  Chicago,  as  Co- 
Trustees      Boot  seal.     2.984.506.  5-16-61,  Cl.  286 — 11. 

Andress,  Harry  J..  Jr.,  and  P.  Y.  C.  Gee,  to  Soconv  Mobil  Oil 
Co.,  Inc.  Inhibition  of  carburetor  icing.  2,982,6*29,  5-2-61, 
Cl.  44—71. 

Andress.  Harry  J..  Jr..  to  Socony  Mobil  Oil  Co..  Inc. 
N-ulkanol  succlnamlc  acid  delcer.  2,982,630,  5-2-61.  Cl. 
44 — 71. 

•Andress.  Harry  J.,  Jr.,  to  Socony  Mobil  Oil  Co..  Inc.     Sub- 
stituted  succlnamlc    add    deicer.      2.982,631,    5-2-61.    Cl. 

.\ndres8.  Harry  J..  Jr..  to  Socony  Mobil  Oil  Co.,  Inc.  Aselaic 
acidcdlamine  reaction  product  deicer.  2.982,632,  6-2-61. 
a.  44—71. 



Andress,  Harry  J.,  Jr.,  to  Socony  Mobil  Oil  Co.,  Inc.  N-8ub- 
Btituted  all^enyl  succinaiuic  acid  delcer.  2,982,033,  5-2-til, 
CI.  44—71. 

Andress,  Harry  J.,  Jr..  to  Socony  Mobile  Oil  Co.,  Inc.     Fuel 

2.984.553.  5-16-61,  CI.  44 — 78. 
Jr.,  to  Socony  Mobile  Oil  Co.,  Inc.     Fuel 

2.984.554.  5-16-61.  CI.  44—78. 

oil  fomposition. 

Andress,  Harry  J. 

oil  composition 

A.  Noddin,  to  The 
2,982,210,  5-2-61, 

Andress,  Harry  J.,  Jr.,  and  R.  A.  Butcosk,  to  Socony  Mobil 

Oil  Co.,  Inc.    Grease  composition  containing  an  imidazoline. 

2,991,249.  7-4-61,  CI.  252—40. 
Andress,  Harry  J.,  Jr.,  and  P^   1'.  C.  Gee,  to  Socony  Mobil 

Oil  Co..  Inc.     Glycine  amic  acids  in  turbine  oil.     3.003,960. 

10-10-61,  CI.  252—33.6. 
Andress,   Harry  J..  Jr.,  and  P.  Y.  C.  Gee,  to  Socony  Mobil 

Oil  Co.,   Inc.     Glycine  imides  in  turbine  oiL     3,003,961, 

10-10-61.  a.  252—33.6. 
Andress,   Harry  J.,  Jr..  and  P.  Y.  C.  Gee,  to  Socony  Mobil 

Support  for  rotor  coil   ends  in  dynamoelectric  machines. 

3.014,146,  12-19-61,  CI.  310—270. 
Andrew,   Charles,   to  Andrew  St   Waitkens   Machine  Co.   Inc. 

Machine   for   mounting  spouts  in   the   tops   of   containers. 

2.972.184.  2-21-61,  Cf  29 — 208. 
Andrew'  Corp. :  See — 

Book,  Eric  G.     2.968,776. 
Scheldorf.  Marvel  W.     2,986,735. 
Andrew,  David  J.,  R.  W.  Felch,  and  G. 

Ensign-Blckford  Co.     Connecting  cord. 

CI.  102—27. 
Andrew,  Eugene  A. :  See — 

Cook,  Ralph  L..  and  Andrew.     3.014,246. 
Andrew,    Eugene    A.,    to    Olin    Mathieson    Chemical    Corp. 

Method  of  making  plastic  pellets.     2,974,135,  3-7-61,  CI. 

260 — 223. 
Andrew,  Eugene  A.,  to  Olin  "^lathleson  Chemical  Corp.     Pel- 
leting apparatus.     2,979,764,  4-18-61,  CI.  18—2.7. 
Andrew,  Eugene  A.,  to  Olin  Mathieson  Chemical  Corp.     Lac- 
quer treatment  apparatus.     2,979,769,  4-18-61,  CI.  18 — 12, 
Andrew    Giffiu    K.      Fisherman's    belt.      2,996,227,    &-15-61, 

CI.  224 — 5. 
Andrew^,  Gustav  M. :  See — 

Atwond,     John     L.,     Cannon,     Johnson,     and     Andrew. 
2,9S5.409.   • 
Andrew.   Herbert   F.,   W,  E.    Stephen,   and   P.    A.    Waite.   to 

Imperial  Chemical  Industries  Ltd.    New  monoazo  dyestuffs. 

2.979.498,  4-11-61,  CI.   260—153. 
Andrew  &  Waitkens  Machine  Co.  Inc. :  See — 

Andrew,  Charles.    2^72,184. 
Andrews,  Alday  B..  and  P.  A.  Loving,  Jr.,  to  E.  I.  du  Pont  de 

Nemours  and  Co.     Seismic  prospecting  assembly.     3,009,- 

.V26.  11-21-61.  CI.  181— .5. 
Andrews.  David  B.,  to  American  Can  Co.    Carton.    3,003.679, 

10-10-61,  CI.  229—39. 
Andrews,     Edward     F,       Jet     drive     rotary     wing     system. 

2.976,935,  3-28-6J,  CI.   170—135.4. 
Andrews,  Edward  P.     Convertible  aircraft.     2.989,268,  6-20- 

61,  CI.  244—7. 
Andrews,  Edward  F..  to  General  Motors  Corp.    Stop-on-slgnal 

radio  tuning  means.    2.996.612,  8-15-61,  CI.  250—20. 
Andrews,  Edwin  K. :  See — 

Van    Campen,    Marcus    G..    Jr.,    Tilford,    and    Andrews. 
Andrews.   Ernest   G..  and  E.   L. 

Laboratories,     Inc.        Automat: 

3-28-61.  CI.   23.5 — 162 
Andrews.  Frederick  T..  Jr.,  to  Bell  Telephone,  Laboratories, 

Inc.     Bipolar  pulse  transmission  and  regeneration.     2,996,- 

578,  8-15-61,  CI.  178—70. 
Andrews,   Frederick  T..  Jr.,   to  Bell  Telephone  Laboratories, 

Inc.       Magnetic    core    shift    register    circuits.      3,013,252, 

12-12-61,  CI.  340—174. 
Andrews,  Frederick  T.,  Jr.,  and  E.  E.  Sumner,  to  Bell  Tele- 
phone Laboratories,  Inc.     Timing  of  regenerative  pulse  re- 

p«'aters.     2,992,341,  7-11-61,  CI.  307—88.5. 
Andrews,  Howard  W.,  and  K.  T.  Harkless,  to  Bell  Telephone 

I^iboratories.    Inc.      Traveling    field    sampler.      3,007,123. 

10-31-61,  CI.  .^33— 08. 
.Andrpws    Jflclc  Af      Sec    * 

Blome,  Robert  A.,  Andrews,  and  Reaves.     2,971,902. 
Andrews.  James  B. :  See— 

Fischer,  John  C,  and  Andrews.    2,991 .898. 
Kvassay,  Emanuel,  and  Andrews.     2,979.191. 

Andrews.  Jerome  G. :  See — 

Babb,  William  R.,  Andrews,  and  von  Tesmar.     3,012.855. 

Andrews,  John  M.,  to  Cook  Electric  Co.  Electromagnetic 
thrust  motor.     2,992.304.  7-11-61.  CI.  200—87. 

Andrews,  John  S.,  to  General  Mills,  Inc.  Dry  cookie  mix. 
2.975,050,  3-14-61,  CI.  99—94. 

Andrews,  Louis  J.,  to  Paul  K..  Guillow,  Inc.  Kite.  2,969,- 
946.  1-31-61.  CI.  244 — 154. 

Andrews,  Norman  P.,  to  Deere  &  Co.  Mounting  and  dis- 
mounting means  for  tractor-associated  implements. 
2,971,590,  2-14-61,  CI.  172— 2T3. 

Andrews,  Paul  C.  Vehicle  lighting  system  aid  structure  there- 
for.   2,991.116,  7-4-61,  CI.  296—28. 

Andrews.  Theodore  E..  to  General  Electric  Co.  Percolator 
pump  construction.     2,975,723,  3-21-61,  CI.  103—231.5. 

Andrews.  Theodore  E..  and  A.  E.  De  Mott.  to  General  Elec- 
tric Co.  Automatic  electric  toasters.  2.969.0^).  1-24-61, 
CI.  99—329. 

Andrews,  Troy  M. :  See — 

Marinelli,      Loreto     P.,      Andrews,      and     Montermoso. 

Vibbard.  to  Bell  Telegbone 
tic     calculator.        2,97  (.04^. 




Andrews,    William   O.     Portable  handle   hanger, 

6-6-61,  CI.  248 — 113. 
Andrews,  William  P..  to  E.  I.  du  Pont  de  Nemours  and  Co. 

Fresh  meat  package  and  method.     3,003,884,  10-10-61,  CI. 

9!» — ^174. 
Andrews,    William   V.,  and  D.   C.  Frick,   to  Chrysler   Corp. 

Engine  mount.     3,005,608,  10-24-61.  CI.  248 — 8. 
Andrieux,  Jean  L.,  and  E.  L.  Bonnier,  to  Societe  d'Electro- 

Chimie    d'Electro-Metallurgie    et    des   Acieries    Electrlques 

d'Ugine.     Process  of  simultaneously  producing  mtiuganese 

metal  and  ferrosUicon  alloy.     2,977,218,  3-28-61.  CI.  75— 

.\n(lrisani.  Albert.     Sheet  positioning  method  and  apparatus. 

2,083.049.  .5-9-61,  CI.  33 — 184.5. 
Andrus,  Budd  W.,  and  G.  A.  Hallstrom.     Chip  cutter  blade. 

3,011,535,  12-5-61,  CI.   144 — 219. 
-Vndrus,  Everett  H.,  and  G.  M.  Coon,  to  Textrol,  Inc.     Single 

stroke    control    system    and    fluid    control    unit    therefor. 

3.004,647.  10-17-61.  CI.  192 — 142. 
Andrus,   Joseph  M.,  to  Croname,   Inc.     Enameled  aluminum 

and   process  for  manufacture  thereof.     2.991,234,   7-4-61, 

CI.  264—38. 
Andy,   Albert :  See — 

Curtis    James  E.     3,007,199. 
Andy,  Antnonv  :  See — 

Curtis,  James  E.     3,007,199. 
Anelex  Corp.  ;  See  — 

House.  Frank  R.     3,006,520. 
Anemostat  Corp.  of  America  :  *'ee 
Kurth,  Franz  J.,  and  Phillips. 
AnetsbjTger  Brothers,  Inc.  :  See — - 

Anetsberger,  Frank  A.  and  R.  J.    2,980,101. 
Anetsberger,  Frank  A.  and   R.  J.,  to  Anetsberger  Brothers, 

Inc.     Cooking  device.     2,980,101,  4-18-61,  CI.  126 — 41. 
Anetsberger,  Richard  J. :  See — 

Anetsberger,  lYank  A.  and  R.  J.    2,980,101. 
Ang.  Choh-Yi :  Sec — 

Neely.  Lloyd  F..  and  Ang.    2.983,996. 
Angel,  Arthur  M     and  R.  Frohman,  to  The  National   Cash 

Register  Co.     Code  conversion  system.     3,011,165,  11-28- 
'     61,  CI.  340—347. 

Angel,  Charles  M.,  and  E.  R.  Hauer.     Mobile  axle  flaw  de- 
tector unit  carrier.     2,995,032,  8-8-61,  CI.  73 — 67.8. 
Angel,  Richard  R.,  to  Phillips  Petroleum  Co.     Casing  bottom 

fill  device.    3.013,612,  12-19-61,  CI.  166 — 225. 
Angele,  Wilhelm,  to  United  States  of  America,  Army.     Blade 

connector.    2,968,016,  1-10-61,  CI.  339—75. 
Angeles  Metal  Trim  Co. :  See — 

Gustafson,  David  M.     2.969,616. 
Angelier,   James   E.      Combination   bowling  and   sliding  ball 

for  games.     3,014,726,  12-26-61,  CI.  273—128. 
•\ngell.  Olav  E.     Anchor  storage  aids  and  associated  methods. 

2.9!»4.291.   8-1-61,   CI.    114—200. 
Angell,  Stephen  L.     Boat.     3.009,173.  11-21-61,  CI.  9—1. 
Angello,  Stephen  J.,  to  Westinghouse  Electric  Corp.     Method 

of  providing  an  oxide  protective  coating  for  semiconduc- 
tors.    2,980.424,  6-20-61,  CI.   117 — 200. 
Angeloff,  George  T.,  to  Olin  Mathieson  Chemical  Corp.     Super 

pressure     electrode-insulator.       2,976,195,     3-21-61,     CL 

148— 1.S5.  ' 

Angelos.  Arthur  C,  to  United  Aircraft  Corp.    Pressure  selec- 
tor switch.     3,008,490,  11-14-61.  CI.  137 — 625.11.. 
Angenendt.  Horst :  See — 

Redlich,  Horst,  Angenendt.  and  Neumann.     3.014,992. 
Anger,  Hal  O.     Radiation  image  device.     3,011,067,  11-28- 

61,  CI.  250—71.5. 
Anger.  Wilhelm,  Jr.     Spectacle  frames.     2,981,022,  4-25-61, 

CI.  41—30. 
Angerer.    Carl    L.,    and    G.    W.    Wilson,    to   The    Borden    Co. 

Method  for  the  manufacture  of  cream  and  neufchatel  cheese 

3.012,889.  12-12-61,  CI.  99 — 116. 
Angevine.  John  S. :  See — 

Dressier.  Philip  d'H.,  and  Angevine.    2,983,022. 
Angevine,  John  S.,  to  Aluminum  Co.  of  America.     Methods  for 

theirmally  processing  carbon  articles.    3,009,863,  11-21-61, 

n.  202—26. 
Angier,    Roswell    P.,    to    United    States 

Energy  Commission.     Preparation  of 

uranium  and  beryllium  by.  sintering. 

CI,  75—214. 
Anglers  Mfg.  Co. :  See — 

Dunn.  Charles  B.    3.000,477. 
Angleys,  Paul :  See — 

Armand,  Charles  and  Angleys.    2.996,771. 
Anglim,  Charles  E.,  and  W.  M.  Bell,  to  Dymo  Industries.  Inc. 

Tape    embossing    and    label    making    machine.      2,979,1 

4-11-61,   n.    197—6.7. 
Anglo  American  Corp.  of  South  Africa,  Ltd      " 
Bentley.  Desmond  M.     3.014,699. 
Blair.  Robert.     2.969.854. 

Anglo-American  Extrusion  Co. :  See — 
Rowles,  Reginald  V.,  and  Gowlng. 
Rowles,  Reginald  V.,  and  Madeley 
Angoulst,  Torstan  P.  :  See — 

Peterson,  Marvin  L.,  and  Angquist.     2,985,933. 
Angquist,  Torstan  F.,  and  M.  L.  Peterson,  to  Crescent  Nia- 
gara Corp.    Ratchet  wrench.   2,982,161,  5-2-61,  CI.  81 — 62. 
Angus,  George  &  Co.  Ltd.  :  See — 

Balkin.  Ma(hk,  and  Turner.     3,008,860.1 
Timms,  Jack  T.     2.993,,339.  I 

.\ngus.  James  W..  to  Kollsman  Instrument  Corp.  Aircraft 
instrument-remote  control-fail  safe.  3,009,358.  11-21-61, 
CI.  73—384.  . 

of  America.   Atomic 

compacts  made  from 

2.979,399.  4-11-61. 


See — 








Anbeuiter-Busch.  Inc.":  See— 

CoiiimfTford,  John  I).,  and  Khrentbal 
EUis.  N'tcbolas  D.    2,990,992. 
Hofftn&nn,  Harrison  A..  Hanlwick,  and  Seelev 
Sowell,  Ernest  A.,  Volgt,  and  Horst.     3.001,985 
Volgt,  .John  E.,  Horst,  and  Sowell.     2,977.357. 
Anicettt,  Robert  J. :  4>ee — 

Evans,  Ersel  A..  Anlcettl.  and  Roake.     2,977,297. 
Animal  Trap  Co.  of  America  :  .Sec — 
Conlbear.  Frank  R.     3,010,245. 
Anisfleld.  Richard  C^    Hospital  type  wall  lamps.     3,007,03S, 

10-.:i-«51,  n.  240— 7a. 
Ankenbrock.  Charles  A. :  See — 

Dunn,  William  J.,  Ankenbrock,  and  Rabb.     2,980,821. 
Ankenny    KhhI  L.     Hitches  for  aircraft.     3,004.773.  10-17-61, 

CI.  ;.'80— 44<;, 
Anker,     Willard     B.      Multiple     tank    aasenibly.      2,971,576, 

2-14-61,  CI.   1.18 — 16.5. 
Anker  Phoenix  Nahmaschlnen  AG  :  Bee- 
Engel.  Wolfgang.     3,001.491. 
Kni:*-!.  Wolftant'      ."i."'*!.'..  4L'T. 
Th.-»-iiirMis..n.  MHinrifh.  and  Wank/,  ^  ,966.868. 
Ankerwerk  Gebr.  Goller :  See — 
FrlPderlch,  Ernst.     3.002.229. 
Goller.  Herbert.     3,002,225. 
Anker- Wfrke  .V.U.  :   See — 

Soblsch.   Johannes.   Lauschke,   I'uscbmann. 
Anlikor,  Rudolf  :  See — 

Ruzlcka.    I^op«dd.    Anilkpr.    and    Heasser. 
Annable,  Weldon  G.,  and  J.  W.  Walsh,  to  The 
Production    of    waxes    of    improved    auality. 
8-8-61.  CI.  208 — 21. 
Ann»'parn.  Jo«»>ph  M.  J.     Means  for  grlppibg  rod.s 
ll--'8-»!i    (-1.205—24.  f  "    ^*'    •>     ^ 

AnnenberK.    Robert   U,  JUr  General    Preclslon'\^vstemH    Ltd. 

Analogue  computers.     2,07 
Anner.   <;<'"irtf  ;    See-  - 

BeicMtein,  Tadeus.  VVettateln,  Anner, 
Neher,  SchmidlLn,  Ueberwasser. 

2,976,020,  3-^1-61. 

and   Kriiger. 

Pure  Oil  Co. 


'8.180,  4-4-61,  CI    •'••'■■"i- 




.  lleusler, 

Relehstein,  Tadeus,  "Wettstein,  Anner.  Billeter.  Heusler. 
Neher.  Schmidlln.  Ueberw.-isser.  and  Wieland.   3,014.903 
Reichstein.   Tadeus.  Wpttsteln.  Anner.   Billeter.   Heusler. 
Neher,  Schmidlln,  I'eberwas.ser,  and  Wieland.  3.014,904. 
Wettstein.   Albert,  Anner,  and   Ehmann.     :i.012.f>r{9 
>  Wettstein,  Albert,  Anner,  and  Ehmann.     .3.012.941. 

Wett.stein,   Albert,   Anner,   and   Heusler.     3.014,0.32. 
Wfttstnin.  Albert,  .Aiiiut.  Heiisler.  IVberwiissfr.  Wieland. 

S<-hmldlin.   and   BillHt.T.      2  •>04.f.04. 
Wettstein,  .Mbert.  Anner,  Heusler.  reberwa.«;.spr.  Wieland 
.Schmidlln,  and  IJilletfr.     .3.000.882: 
Annptt,  Albert   K.,  and   C.   L.    B.Trtleft.   to  Tavlor,  Taylor  A 
Hobson  I.rd.    Optical  compar.iror^nd  shutter  devicts  there- 
for.    2.0S.3.1RS.  5-9-61.  CI.  88—24.  * 
Annett.  Melvln  E.  :  See — 

Sorkin,  Charles  S.,  atjd  Annett.     2.99.'>,694. 
Anning-Johnson  <'<>. :  See 

•Snyder,  'harlps  O.     3.010.316 
Annonio.  Raffaele  W.,  to  I'nion  Carbide  Cofp.     Adhesive  resin 
primer  composition,  method  of  bonding  a  synthetic  resin  to 
•    a  thfrewith  and  article  produced  thereby.     3.008.848. 

11-14-61.  n.  117—72.        .  I 

Anocut  Engineering  Co. :  See —  »  , 

Wimams.   Lvnn  A.     3.0O2.907.  ' 

Ansohuti.    Revnold    G..   to   The   Pipe  Macbinery   Co.     Collet 

chock.     2.9^2,557.  5-2-61,  CI.  279 — 57. 
Ansflm.  H:ins.  J.  Smidt.  and  H.  Winkler,  to  Con.sortium  fur 
Klpktrochemlsche   Industrie  G.m.b.H.      Process  for  produc- 
ing pure  polyvinyl  alcohol.  --2,985,<j36.  ,'S-23-81    CI    260 — 
91  3 
.\nselm.  Hans,  H.  Winkler,  and  J.  Smldt.  to  CohsortlumVur 
Eloktrochemisrhe    Industrie  K  m.h.H.      F'rocess   for  tlio^x 
traction    of    carhoxyllc    .ncid    from    aqueous    saponification 
niixfures    of    carhoxyllc    acid    esters    of   polvvinv!    alcohol 
2.;tS5.637.   .'1-23^61.   CI.   260      rn.3. 
Anselml.  James  V.     Live  bait  holder  and  harness.     2.972  831 

2-2S-61.  n.  4.3 — #4^1. 
Anselmi.    James    V.      Live   bait   holder.      2.972.832     2-28-61 

CI.  43 — 4».4.  .  .  ^' 

Anslre.  William  K.,  to  Johnston  Testers,  Inc  2  981  - 
.T16.  4-'2->-r,},  n    166 — 178.  • 

An-ilow.  Winston  K.  :  See — 

Bessell.    Christine    J.    Anslow 
Rhodes.     3.013.947. 
Anson.   Arthur  IT.     Bottle 

11    21-<n,  CI.  215—48. 
.\nson.  Inc  :   See  — 

.\ndersi>n,  Olof  V.    2.904.116. 
Anspiirh.,^i><s*>ll  J  .  R    C.  (-lark.  J    T   NelsWlnter.  and  P    A 
Tawasl.  to  American  Telephone  and  ■telegraph  Co.      Seml- 
antomnfic    teletypewriter    tape    relay  •  sv»«teni.      2  07!) .")."»»; 
4-1T-61.   n,    17«-  3.  ■ 

Anspacher.  William  B.,  E    II.  Scott.  O,  C.  Bo  wen    J    J    Red- 
mond,  and    R.    L.   Detwiler,   to    Inited   States   of  .Xnierica 
.Navy.     High  velocity,  fin  stabilised  projectile,  rifled  barrel 
cun  system.     2.998.780;  9-."S-61,  n.  102 — 95. 

.Anspon.  Harry  D  .  to  (General  Anilinel  8c  Film  Corp.  Proc- 
ess for  Inhibiting  the  polymerization  Of  a-chloracrylat»' 
esters.      3.000.796.   9-19-61.   PI    202 — 57, 

Anspon.   Harry  D..  to  General  Aniline  &  Film  Corp.     Metal- 

Anstalt  Europaische  Handelsgesellscbaft :  See — 

.Nyberg,  «ture.     3,006,081. 
.Vnstalt   fur   die   Entwicklung   von   Erflndungen  and   gewer- 
blichen  Anwendungen  ENERGA  :  See — 
Brandt,  Edgar  W.    2,968,870 
Brandt,   Edgar  W,     3,007,271. 
Brandt,  Edgar  W.     3,009,395. 
Brandt.  Edgar  W.    3,010,397. 
Anxtetr.    Edgar    J.      Pneumatic    fastener    driving 

2.997,713,  .«   29-61.  CI.  1-106 
Anstey,  Harr  ■.     Collapsible  barricade. 

<'l.  256-  6i. 
Ansul  Cbemlcal  Corp. :  See — 
Guise,  Arthur  B.     2,969,116 
Zellner,  Robert  J.     3,008,965. 
Ansul,    Gerald    R.,    to    E.    I.    du   I'ont   de    Nemours   and   Co. 
Coating   composition   comprising  a   blend    of   polyuretliane 

-reaction  products.     3.012,987,  12-12-61    Ci.  260 45.4 

Antaiek,   John  J.,   to   Radio   Industries,   inc.     Transformer. 

3.011,138.  11-28-61.  CI.  336— 87 
Antell,  George  R..  and  T.  W.  Roberts,  to  Metropolitan-Vlckers 
Electrical   Co.    Ltd.      Purification   of    semi-conductor   ma- 
terial.    2.975,048,  3-14-61,  CI.  75—84. 
Antell.  Joseph  C,  to  Prime  Mfg.  Co.     Heat  sealing  process  for 

rib  stripping.     2,972,761.  2-28-<)l,  Cl.  12 — 146. 
Antelman,   Mapvin   S.,   to  Monsanto  Chemical   Co.     Process 
for    improving    the_  quality    of    sulfuric   acid.      2,971,819, 

Antenna  Designs,  Inc.:  See — 

WelLs.  Donald  H.     2.975,423.  un    . 

Antenna  Engineering  Laboratories:  See — 
Boyer,  Joseph  M.     2,996,713.        i  • 

llairanian.  Boynton  G.      2,998,603. 
Antenna  Systems.  Inc.  :  See — 

I (agaman.  Boynton  G.     2,992,429. 
Anthes,  Hanison  I.,  to  E.  I.  dn  Pont  de  'Nemours  and  Co. 
Process    and    composition    for    rendering   synthetic   hydro- 
phobic material  antistatic  and  the  product  obtained  there- 
from.   2,982.751,  6-2-61,  Cl.  260 — 29.2. 
Anthon,  Erik   W.,   to  Becknian   Instruments,  Inc.     Luminous 
character  display  unit.     2,985,873,  5-J3-61.  Cl.  340 — 378. 
-Vnthony.    Albert     W..    and    J.    G.    Miller.      Chimney    cap 

2.076,796    .3-28-61.   Cl.   OS — 67 
Anthony,  Alva  A.,  to  G.  Miller.     Display  device.     2,987,843, 

6-13-61,  Cl.  41—10. 
.Vnthony,  Andrew  J.  :  See — 

Cunningham,  John  A.,  aijd  Anthony.     2,907,693. 
Anthony,  Andrew  J.,  to  The  Air  Preheater  Corp      Fluldized 

he.nt  exchanirer.     3.006.609,  10-31-61,  Cl.  257 — 55 
Anthony,  Benjamin  F. :  See — 

Beason,  Robert  C,  and  Anthony. 
Withee,  Robert  E.,  and  Anthony. 
Anthony  Co.  ^'#'c — 

NovotneyXFrank  A.     3,011,664. 

Anthony,  John  Y- :  '^^^ — 

Blount.  HoVd  E..  and  Anthony. 
Anthony.    John   W.,   and   N.    W.    L^wls,   to   General    Electric 
Co.     Electric  lamp  mount  making  method  and  apparatus. 
3.000,407,   9-19-61.   Cl.    140—71.6. 
.\nthony.  Myron  L.  :  See — 

.Adler.  Robert,  an*  .Anthony.    2.977,414. 
Anthony,  Myron  L..  to  P.  G.  S.  Mero.     Communications  sys- 
tems.   2.998.482,  8-29-61,  Cl.  178 — 18. 
Anthony,    Riissel    W.,    to    National    Broach    &    Machine    Co. 

Indexing  fixture.     2,969,697,  1-31-61,  Cl.  74 — 823. 
.\nthony,  William  C. :   See    - 

Szmuszkovicz,  Jacob,  and  Anthony. 

Szmuszkovicz,    Jacob,   and  Anthony. 

Antici,  Marino.     Means  for  pulling  posts. 

Cl.  2.54—1.32. 
Antioch  College  :  See — 




3,011,764,  12-5-61, 

Vemet,  Sergius.     2,986,936.  ' 
Vernet,  Scrqius  and  Asakawa.     2.978,663. 
Vemet,  Sergius,  Corwin,  and  Asakawa.     3,001.401. 
Antlppas.    Spyrldon    P..   and   H.    S.   Koletskv.   to  Avien.    Inc. 

Thrustmottr.      2.981.098.   4-2.5-61.   CJ.    7.3 — 116. 
.Vntista.    Bart   A.,    to   North   American  Aviation.    Inc.     Full- 
wave  transistorized  switch.     3,013,162,  12-12-61,  Cl.  307 — 

Mortimer,   Fletcher,   and 
stopper  construction,     3,009^.594, 

Xeshltt,  to  Phillips  Electrieal 
cartons.      3,008,627,    11-14-61, 

1 1  zed    plastics 
12-12-61.  Cl. 

awl   methods 

for   making  same.     3,012,906, 

Antllff    Albert  M..  and  R.  A. 
Co.   Ltd.     Hand  grips  for 
Cl.  229—52. 

-Antocninl,  Joe  :  See — 

Tllles,  Harry,  and  Antognlnl.    2  977.209. 
Tilles,  Harry,  and  Arttognini.    2,989,393. 

Anton  Electronic  Laboratories,  Inc. :  See — 
Harris.  Jack.    2,975.335. 

•Anton.   Nicholas.     Air  particle  monitor.     2,972.678 
Cl.   2.50—13.5. 

Anton,    Nicholas.      Geiger-Mueller   counter    tube 
3-7-61.  Cl.  313—9.3. 

Anton.  Nicholas.     Multi-speed  drill.     2.976.436,  3-21-61, 

Antonlades,  Arthur  J.,  and  E.  J.  Blgelow,  to  North  American 
Aviation.  Inc.  Compression  type  high  temperature  seal. 
2,976,066,  3-21-61,  Cl.  286—10. 

Antonio.  Adolph:  See — 

Campbell,   William  E  ,  Brown,  and 

AntonoflP.  Walter,  to  ITniversal  Controls, 
.3.004,701.  io_l7_61.  Cl.  2.32—7. 


Antonio.     3,000,718. 
Inc.    Movable  guide. 





Antonoff,  Walter,  and  G.  L.  Grant,  tp  Universal  Controls,  Inc. 
Agitator  for  coin  handling  apparatus  and  tlie  lllie. 
2,987,100.  6-6-61,  CI.  194—8.  , 

Antonsen,    Donald    11.,    to    Sun    Oil    Co.     Motor   fuel    com- 
positions.    3,001,65«,  9-26-61,  CI.  44—69. 
Autouseu,  Donald   11.,   to   ijun  Oil   Co.     liexauietliylbenzeue 
molybdfuum   tricarbou.vl.     3,010,978.   11-28-61,   CI.   260 — 
Autonseu,   Randolph    to   Cabot   Corp.     Treatment   of  finely 

divided   pigments.      2,984,547,    6-16-61,    CI.   23 — l^U'J.l. 
Autonucri,  Niclioias,  Jr.    .Mop  with  wringing  rolls.    2,906,689, 

1-3-61,  CI.  15— 119. 
Antraigue,  Roger.    Balancing  weight  arrangement  for  a  motor- 
vehicle  wheel.     2.973,J25.  2-2i5-61.  CI.  301^5. 
Antuuez,  Arinand  E.,  Jr.     Float-operated  valve. 

2-14-61,  CI.  137—217. 
Anzai,  Shoji.    Mechanism  of  iris  stop  for  camera. 

4-18-61,  CI.  95 — 42. 
Aokj,  Kyohei :  fe'te — 

Ogawa,    Tetsuo,    Tsunoda,    Aokl,    Kino.shita, 
and  Kondo.     2.971,890.  , 

Aoki,   Takeshi,    to  Fujiya   Electric   Co.,   Ltd.     Phonographic 

apparatus.    3,008,720,  11-14-61,  CI.  214—9. 
Apa.sco  Corp.  :  Utt—^ 

Adams,  Ralph  II.     3,013,184. 
Apco,  Inc. :  fc'ee — 

Andres,  Lloyd  J.    3.010,382. 
Hill,  James  J.     2,971,434. 
Ap    'Mo.sber^  « ji(.  :  .s'tt- 

Gill,  .Martin  J.    2.972,271. 
<iill.  Martin  1.     .•5.(ii,'U._'(K». 
Apel,  Alfons,  to  Udic  Societe  Auonyme.     Hydrolysis  of  vege- 
table cellulosic  materials.     2.974,007,  3-7-61,  CI.  127 — 37. 
.  Ai)t?l,, Alfons,  to  U1>1C  t5t)ciete  Auonvnie.     Conversion  of  wood 
sugars  to  polj    Ls.     2,989.5ti9.  6-20-«!l.  CI.  2ti(>     •!.{.'•. 
Apelbaum,  Joseph  H.,  and  K.   W.  Dudley,  to  Raytheon  Co. 
Impregnated  cathodes.     2,995,074,  8-8-61,  CI.  313 — 340.  . 
Apex  Machine  &  Tool  Co.,  The  :  See — 

Wendliug,  Le  Roy  J.     2,987,334.    = 
Aiiex  I'aper  llox  Co.  :  N.  i  — 

Riley,  Thomas.  Zaas.  Gaser.  and  Strmac.    2,999,430. 
Ai>gar,  Donald  U.,  to  International  liusiness  Machines  Corp. 
UoverBible    electronic    counter.      2,908,003,    1-10-01,    CI. 
32,S— 44. 
Apgar,    James    W.,    to    United    States    of    America,    Army. 
Reverse  action  device  for  subjecting  an  object  to  a  single 
impulse.     2,986,921,  6-6-Gl,  CI.  73—12. 
Ap<il,     I'eler     J.        I'ayioll     accounting     board.        3,(>05,<;44, 

10-24-i!l.    n.    'JSl'— 2!». 
Apostolico.  Joseph  E.    Garment  hanger.    3,002,661,  10-3-61. 
CI.  223—88. 

)otheloz,  Robert,  and  M.  Iluber.  to  ^fachine  Tool   Works 
Oerlikon,    Administration    Co.      Impact    fuze.      2,999,461, 
9-12-61.  CI.  102—75. 
Appaluci.  Antliony  :  Hvf — 

Kngelhoru,    Fred.   Tracy,   and    .\ppalucl.      3.011','650. 
-Vppel,  .\nilre\v  L.     Burglar  and  tire  alarm.     3,0O4,24«,  10-10- 

61,  CI.  340—227. 
Api)el,  Charles  V. :  See — 

Woodruff.  Maurice  D.,  and  Appel.     2.971,225. 
App«^I.  Frederick  L. :  See — • 

Rummery,    Frank   C,    Roseinan,    AppeL   and   Hamshev. 
.\lil)el.    (Jerhard    H.,    t<>    Appel    l'ro<ess.      Forming   m.i- 

.liinos.      2.970,500.   2-7-01,   CI.    78 — 22. 
Appel,    Cerhard    H.,    to    Appel    Process,    Ltd.      Method    for 
straightening    and    for    rellevirig    stresses    in    workpieces. 
2,985,956,  .-)-30-61,  CI.  29—544. 
Appel    (Jerhard  H.,  to  Appel  I'rocess.  Ltd.    Forming  machine. 

2,986.0ul    5-30-4il.  CI.  (8 — 21. 
Appol.    OerlianI    II..    to   Appel    Proces.s.    Ltd.     Cold    forming 

methods.      3.014,273,   12-26-61.  CI.  29— .■.52. 
Appel  Process,  Ltd. :  See — 

Appel,  <;«Tliard  TI.,   2.O70.500 
Appel,  Gerhard  H.     2,985,9.'5fl. 
Appel,  Gerhard  H.     2.980,051. 
Appel,  Gerhard  H.     3.014.273. 
Api)el,  Theodore  B.,  Jr..  to  Koehring  Co. 
batcher  control.    3,002,573,  10-3-61,  CI. 
.\piHldoorn,  John  K.  :  sce-- 

Ertelt,  Henry  R.,  Wythe,  Furey,  and  .Vppeldoorn. 

Apptll.    Herbert   R..   and    E.    F.    Moisinser.    to   I'niversal   Oil 
Protliicts  Co.      Process  for  the  preparation  of  specific  peo- 
inetric  olefin   isomers.      2,991,727,   8-1 -lil,   CI.    200— 0s3.2. 
Appellaniz,  Jose,  A. :  See — 

Morrison.  Albert  R..  Apellaniz.  and  Wise.     2.997,096. 

Appelt,  Edna.     Container  structure.     2,908,394,  1-17-61,  CI. 

200 — 47. 
Appelzwoig,   Alex   A,      Toggle   bolt.      2.998,713,    9-5-61.   CI. 

S5— 3. 
.\piienzcller,  Theodore.     Motor  vehicle  door  handle  removing 

tool.     3.013.331,  1?-19-01.  CI.  29 — 229. 

Applus.  Max'K.,  to  E.  Mettler.     Spring  balance. 
1-21-01.  CI.   26.">— 03. 

Appl,  Fredric  C,  to  Jersf>y  Production  Research 

l)ine<l    hit;!)    pressure   hirahing  and   sight  glass. 

12-26-01,  CI.  174— 152. 
.\pple,    Edward   M..    to   J.   Martin.     Single  lever, 

tuated,   service  and  emergency   brake  system. 

l()_10_fi],  CI.  192—4. 

•      ."77ICT— P 3 

Multiple  material 



Co.      Coni- 

power  ac- 

k1,  and  K.  A.  l-'ranz.r  to  Monsanto  Chemical  Co. 
of   carbonyl   sulfide.     2,992.897,   7-18-61,   01. 

Shielding  structure. 


and    Singer. 





•Vpple,  Laurel  T. :  See — 

Nye,   Robert  G.,   Brettell,  and  Apple.     2,969,599. 
Api.lf,  Leroy  M.,  and  W.  P.  Feuerhelm.    Hand  tool.    3,011,249, 

12-5-til,  CI.  29 — 213. 
•Vpplebaum,   Sidney,  to  General  Electric  Co.     Spectrum  ana- 
lyzer.    2,997,650,  8-22-61,  CI.  324 — 77 
Appleby,     David    K.       Slingshot       2,996,060,    8-15-61.    CI. 

Ai>ineby,  Paul  E.,  to  The  Goodyear  Tire  &  Rubber  Co.    Appa- 
ratus for  building  tires.     2,998,053.  8-29-61,  CI.   154 — 9. 
Applegate,   George    W.,   to   United   States  of  America,  Army, 
.synchronized  blocking  oscillator.     2,985,840,  5-23-61.  CI. 
;!3l— 112. 
•Vpplegath,  Fred,  and  R.  A.  Franz,  to  Mons^into  Chemical  <"o. 
I'repUration  of  urea   from  carbi.nyl  sulfide  and  ammonium 
.icid  sulfide.     2,979. .".27,  4-ll-<il.  ("1.  200— 5.-.5. 
.Vpplegath,    Fred,    and    R.    A.    Franz     to    Monsanto   Cheniicai 
Co.     I'reparatiou  of  carbonyl  sulnde.    '2.992,890.  7-18-61, 
CI.  23—203. 
.Vpplegath,  Fred, 
23-   203. 

.Vpplegath.  Fred,  and  R.  A.  Franz,  to  Monsanto  Chemical  Co. 
Preparation  of  carbonyl  sulfide.  2,992,.s98.  7-18-01,  Ci. 
.Vpplegath.  Fred,  and  K.  .V.  Franz,  to  Monsjinto  Chemical  Co. 
Diureides  and  method  for  their  preparation.  2.993.044, 
7-18-01.  CI.  200 — 247.2. 
Appleman,   Leo  II.,   to  Topatron,   Inc. 

2,978,531,  4-4-61,  CI.   174—35. 
.Vpplemau,  .Mark  J. :  isrt — 

Robinson,    Edward    X..    Appleman, 
Appleton.    .\rthur    I.       Electrical    box 

2-2S-61.  CI.  248— 21  f,. 
Appleton,  Arthur  I.,  N.  A.  Tornblom,  and  C.  H.  Lindell,  to 
-Viipleton  Electric  Co.  Sectional  switcbgear  bousing. 
2,9S8,591,  6-13-61,  CI.  174—50. 
.Vppleton,  Arthur  1.  and  .\.  .V.,  to  .Vppleton  Electric  Co.  Self- 
M-airng  titling  for  fiexible  conduit.  3,006,064.  10-31-61,  CI. 
2S5--248.  \ 

.Vppleton  Electric  Co.  :  See — ■  ) 

.Vppleton,  Arthur  I.  and  X.  A.     3,0OH.»;04. 
Appleton,  Arthur  I.,  Tornblom,  ana\  Lindell. 
.McNeill.  Everett  A.      3.0i((i.r,ti] .       -^ 
-Vppleton,  Joe  S.     Multiple  pi^^ton  power 

4-2.'»-61.  CI.   121—38. 
Appleton  Machine  Co.,  The :  See — 

Wendshub,  Herbert  L.     3,002.432. 
.Vppleton  Mills  :  Srv  — 

ISlaekburn,  .\n<lrew  F.,  and  Lukshin. 
Appleton.  Xorton  .\.  :  Ser-- 

Appleton.  Arthur  I.  and  X.  A.     3.006.064. 
Appleton  Wood  I'rodncts  Co.  :  see — 

Youngchild,  Casper  E.    2.976,925. 
Applied  I'hvsics  Corp.  :   .svr  — 

Cary,  Henry  H.     3.013.194. 
.Applied  Plastics.   Inc. :  See — 

Bauman.  Douglas  B.    2,974.360. 
Applied  Power  lininstries.  Inc.:  .vec 
.Vtherton,  Xeil  F.,  and  Sessodv. 
Leissner.  William  R.     3,009.4J3. 
l.nedicke.  Alex  IT..  Jr.,  and  Chapman.     2,998,837. 
-Vpplied  Radiation  Corp. :  Nee — 

.leppson.  .Morris  R.     2.!»!>2.329. 
.leppson.  Morris  R..  and  Post.     3.011,087. 
I'o-^t.  Richard  F.     3.011,086. 
.Vppli'-d  Research  Corn.  :    •*" 

Hutzelman,  Howard  E.     2,975,702. 
•Vpplied  l{es<'.'irch  Inc.  :   See — 

Dolin.  Martin,  Scandurra,  and  Poulos.     2,974,403. 
Apra   Precipitator  Corp.  :  See — 
Fnller.  Carl  L.     .-..OOti.O.Ti. 

Apstein.  Maurice.  Low-inertia  induction  motor  rotor.  2,974,- 
242,  3-7-01.  CI.  310—266. 

.Vi>r.    Lloyd    I>..    to    International    Telephone   and    Telegraph 
Corp.    Dial  controlle<i  intercommunication  systems.    3,014,- 
0!.7.  12-19  01,  CI.  179—84. 
.Vi|ua-riiein,  Inc.:   Ser^  , 

Coeldner.  KIchard  W.     .1,000.795. 
Aqnainatic  Inc. :  Sre — 

Whit  lock,    Robert   A.     3.007,495. 
Whitlock.  Robert  A.,  and  Anderson.     3.005,405. 
Whltlock,  Robert  A  ,  and  Jonse.    2.991.793. 
Whitlock.  Robert  A.,  ^r.    2.968,311. 
.V<|Uatronic  Industries,  Inc.  :  See — - 

Block,  Edwin  P..  and  J.  M.,  and  Maslcy.     Sign.''..! IS. 
Arabian.    Kirekin    G.,    to    Shell   Oil   Co.     Wax   compositions. 

.3.014,003.  12-19-01,  CI.  200 — 28.5. 
Arabian.  Karekln  <',..  and  R.  J.  Olson,  to  Shell  Oil  Co.  De- 
waxing  hydrocarbon  oil.  3,000,839.  10-31-01.  CI.  208 — 3:;. 
-Vrakelian.  -Vrthur  X.,  .V  Rhodes,  and  T.  R.  Hopkins,  to  The 
Lubrizol  Corp.  IMiosphorus  and  sulfur  containing  composi- 
tions -Hid  inothod  for  preparingsame.  3,004,990.  lO-if-iJl, 
Cl.  2<r<0 — 429.9. 

Arant.  Perry,  to  Clayton  Mfg.  Co.  nal.nnpc'd  feed  water 
system  for  steam  generators.  2,987,053,  O-G-61,  Cl. 

Aranjo,  Rlcardo  A.  Can  opener.  2,983,040,  5-9  61,  Cl.  30— 




Arbeit.  Pierre  :  See — 

Lambert,  Roger  E.,  and  Arbeit.    2.990,438. 
Arbeiter.    Alvin    H..    and    K.    J.    Maf»>ja.    to    American    Gate 
&  Bfacblne  f 'o.     D'arsonvalmovement  assembly.    2,978,640, 
4-t-61.  CI.  324—151.  ,       , 

Arbel.   I'ierre,    »ti    to   KtablisM-inenUi   Arbel.     Devices   ror_op 
eratlng  dlstcburge  gates  of  hopperis  and  the  like.     -.'jQl.tio. 
7_11_^1,  Cl.   1(>5— 240. 
Arbetman,  Arthur ;  See —  „  „,^  „„ . 

Rodman,  Norman  H.  A.,  and  Arl)etinan.     2.976.994. 
Rodman.  Norman  11.  A.,  ftnd  Arbotman.    2.978,100. 
Arbogast,   L>uane  J.,   to   Dover  Corp.     Huld   control  means. 

2,980.073,  4-l»-61.  Cl.  121 — tG.4.  ^  ,    ^ 

Arbogast.  Duane  J.,  and  L.  F.  Jaseph,  to  Dover  Corp.     Auto- 
matic Bpee<l  control   safety  valve  for  hydraulic  elevators. 
2,988,0f,0.  0-13-61,  Cl.  121 — lt>.4. 
Arbour  Box  Co. :  See —  i 

Arbour.  Foy  A.    2.980.151.  ^  .  ,  ^ 

Arbour,  Foy  A.,  to  ArNiur  Box  Co.,  and  Brunswick  Corp.     Ma- 
chine for  cutting  billets  from  a  block.     2,980.151.  4-18-61, 
Cl    143-— 85. 
Arbter,   Conrad.     Machines   for  p.icking  textiles.     2,996,8Gl. 

8-22-«l.  Cl.  53 — 180.  ^  t 

Arburg-FeinReratefabrik  oIIG.  Hehl  &  Sohn^':  See — 
Hehl,    Karl.     3,014.241.  , 

Hehl,   Karl.     3,014.24.3.  ^    , 

Archbold.  Stanley.    Cargo  batten  hanger  for  ships.    2.9i9.3<>.. 

4-11-01.   <1.   24S — 247. 
Archdale.  James,  k  Co.  Ltd. :  See — 
Itain*-.  Fr«^lerick  (\     2.992.570. 
Archer,  Bradford  L. :  See — 

Tompkins.  Harold  W.  and  Archer     2.992.092. 
Warner,  Paul  F.,  and  Archer.    2,993,923. 
Archer-Danl«>Js-Midland  Co. :  See — 
Itoller.  ifohprt  A      2.!>!i2.T.t,7. 
Bndde,  Walter  M..  Jr.,  and  Matson.     2,993,920. 
Stenberg.  Ru8s«>ll  J.     2.983.7:{s. 
Stenberg,  Russell  J.,  and  Rhelneck.     2.993.926. 
Archer.     Krllng     U.       Automatic     ice     making     apparatus. 

■2  994  204    8t-l— 61     Cl.  62 127. 

Archer, 'Irving  M..  to  Campbell  Tageart  Associated  Bakeries, 
Inc.  Apparatus  for  facilitating  removal  of  bakery  products 
such  as  rolls  from  baking  pans  and  packing  thereof  in 
cartons.  2.9«{».0.''..^.  l-U-RI.  Cl.  .''.3—391. 
Archer  Irving  M..  to  Campbell  Taggart  Associate*!  Bakeries, 
Inc.  Apparatus  for  appfving  edible  particles  such  as  seeds 
to  bakery  products.  2,995.107,  8-8-61,  Cl.  118—16. 
Archer.  James  .\.  :  See — 

l->ankum,  Barney  L.,  III.    2,997,797. 
Archer,  James  R.,  and  W.   H.   Banks,   to  International  Min- 
erals &  Chemical  Corp.     Sampling  tube.     2,968.184,  1-17- 
61.  CT.  73— 42.').2. 
Archer.  John,  and  G.  V.  Carcasson.  to  North  American  Philips 
Co ,  Inc.     Method  of  and  apparatus  for  position  selection, 
scanning  and  the  like.     2,991,394,  7-4r-61.  Cl.  315—169. 
.Archer   John  R.,  to  United  States  of  America,  Navy.    Crystal 

dio.lP  test  appnratu.«.     2.968.001.  1-10-61.  Cl.  324 — 158. 
Archer.  I>ee  A.,  to  The  Pvle  National  Co.    High  current  elec- 
trical connector.     2.9S8.723,  6-13-61,  Cl.  339—30. 
Archer    Le^  A.,  to  The  Pyle  National  C\).     Overhead  air  and 

light  distributor  unit.     3.004.142,  10-10-61.  O.  240— 9. 
Archer.    I>ee    A  .    to   The    Pyle-Natlonal    Co.     Air    and    light 

distributor  unit.     3,012,133,  12-5-61,  Cl.  240—9. 
Archer.  Wesley  L.  :  See — 

Louch.  James  B..  and  Archer.    3,005.743. 
Archibald,    David   W.      Apparatus  'for   wet-treating  webs    of 
sheet  material.     2,993.5o6,  7-25-61,  a.  68—158.    ♦ 

Archibald.    Paul   B..    25%    to   D.    Nardelll.      Process   for  the 

manufacture    of    reflector   backings.      2,972.782.    2-2.8-61, 

Cl.  18-58.3. 
Archibald.  Ravmond  C  .  to  Shell  Oil  Co.     Preparing  hydrocar 

bon  fuels  by  .solvent  extraction.  hydrodesnJfurlzatlon  and 

hvdroL'enatlon   of  cracked   gas   oil*     3.006,843,    10-31-61. 

fy    20<*— 211. 
Archibald.  Raymond  C  to  Shell  Oil  Co.     Flydrogenation  of 

lubricating  oils  to  remove  sulfur  and  saturate  aromatic*. 

3.012.963.  12-12-61.  Cl.  208—217. 

Architectural  Porcelain  Constructors 

Allen.  John  K..  and  Butterfleld. 

.\rcoa.  Inc.  :  See — 

SafTord.  Thomns  W.     2.981.921. 

-Xrcv  Corp.  :  See — 

Johnson.  Wallace  C.     3.001.898 

Arcurl,     John.      Portable    grills.      3.0d2,511. 

12'* — 25. 
Ardell.   Eilgar  F.     Fee<ling  device.     2.971.677.   2-14-61. 

221 — 236. 
Ardelyan.  Michael.     Flair  ornament.     21975.788,  3-21-61.  Cl. 

132—46.  ' 

.\nlen,    Benjamin,    to    Purex    Corp..    Ltd.      Alkaline   compos! 

tlon  for  cleaning  metal.  '  2.992.995.  7-18-61.  Cl.  252—152 
Arden.    Benjamin,    to    Purex    Corp.,    Ltd.      Composition    and 

process    for    descaling    parts.      3.000.829.    9-19-61. 

Cl.   252 — 103 
Arden.    Benjamin,    and    1'.    E.    Clark,    to    Purex    Corp..    Ltd. 

I'r<-ce«s      for      removinc     leaded      deposits     from     metal. 

2.902.946.   7-18-61.   Cl.    134—29. 
Arden.    Benjamin,    and    V     K.    (Hark,    to    Purex    Corp.    Ltd. 

Mi>fho<i    for  derustlnc  .nnd   removing   heat   scole  from   fer 

rous    bodies   and    conipositlons   of   matter    useful    therefor. 

2.992.997,  7-18-r,l.  Cl.   252-153. 

See — 



Arden,  Thomas  T.,  and  V.  Weber,  to  Robertshaw-Fulton  Con- 
trols Co.  Gas  range  structure.  2,993,532,  7-25-61,  Cl. 
158 — 105.  . 

Arden te  Acoustic  I^aboratories  Ltd. :  See— » 
Morrlsh,  Desmond  G.    2,999.992. 

Ardls,  Alan  E..  H.  A.  Bruson.  and  A.  A.  Valtekunas,  to  Olin 
Mathieson  Chemical  Corp.  Preparation  of  methylaromatic 
dicarboxylic  acids.     3,008,983,  11-14-431,  Cl.  260—524. 

Ardner,  Robert  L.,  to  Lynch  Corp.  Wrapper  registration  con- 
trol.    2,977,730,  4-4-61.  Cl.  53—51. 

Ardner,  Rolwrt  L.,  to  Lynch  Corp.     Ratchet  adjuster  for  a 


7-25-Gl,  Cl.   7- 



2.982,337,  5-2-61,  Cl.  155—78. 

Ball-pointed  wrltlu!; 
29— M8. 


variable  speeil  drive 
Arem,  Irving  :  See — 

Burgert,  Harold  E 
.Vrem,  Jane  L. :  See — 
Burgert,  Harold  E 
Arena,  Joseph  E.    Tree  seat 
Arcnco   .Aktubolag :   See    - 

Ahlbor,  Valter  A.    2,997,828. 
Rlhl,  Lennart  O.     2,971.517. 
Arengo,  Christopher  G.,  to  Tallon  Ltd. 
instruments.     2,967,353,  1-10-61,  Cl 
Arengo.  Christopher  G..  to  Bristol  Repetition  Ltd, 
instniments.     2.969.041,  1-24-61,  Cl.   120—42.4. 
Arengo,  Christopher  G.,  >,4  to  Bristol  Repetition  Ltd.     Lead 
screw  feed  means  with  means  to  clutch  feed  nut  to  estab- 
lish   feed    means    for    tool    spindle.     3,013,285,    12-19-61, 
CI.  10—139. 
Arens.  James  L.,  and  J.  D.  Ratje,  to  Phillips  Petroleum  Co. 
Process  for  the  purification  of  crjstals.     2,983,589,  6-9-61, 
Cl.  23—295. 
Arens,  Walter:  See — 

Holzwarth,  Herbert,  and  Arens.     2,978,544. 
Arenson,  Herbert.     Furniture  glide  shoe.     2,968.116,  1-17-61. 

Cl.  45—137. 
Arenson,  Herbert.     Furniture  support.     2,988,770.  6-20-61, 

Cl.  16 — 42. 
Arenson,  Simon  W.,  24%%   to  A.  N.  Geser,  and  24%%   to 
A.    C.    Schugam^.     Process    for    preparing    potato    chips. 
2,976.153.  3-21-61,  Cl.  99—100. 
Arenz,  Matthias  :  See — 

Robra,  Helmut,  Billen,  and  Arenz.     2.994,303. 
Robra,  Helmut,  Billen,  and  Arenz.     3,010,432. 
Arev,  William  F..  Jr 
Manufacture   of   byd 

-Vrey ."William  F..  Jr.,  and  K.  E.  Draeger,  to  Esso  Research 
and     Engineering    Co.       Naphtha     isomerlzation     process. 
2.992,285,  7-11-61,  Cl.  260 — 683.75. 
ArfT,    John   H.,    to  A-Lure,    Inc.      Fishing    lure.      2,995,857, 

8—15—61    Cl    43—42  34 
Argatrlte.  'George  A.,  to  Pacific  Transducer  Corp.     Radiation 

dosimeter.     2.997,589.  8-22-61.  Cl.  250—83.3. 
Arganbright,  Ray.     Apparatus  for  covering  a  playing  field. 

.•T.n().-,.4»;i.    10-^4-61.   Cl.    135      5. 
Arganbright,  Robert  P..  to  Monsanto  Chemical  Co.     Produc- 
tion  of  olefins.     2,971.995,   2-14-61,   Cl.   260—683.3. 
Argentlerl.  Peter  A.,  and  T.  L.  Day,  to  Connor  Engineering 
Corp.     Dual  duct  attenuators  for  air  conditioning  systems 
and  the  like.     2.989,984,  0-27-01.  Cl.  137—607. 
Ar;:erslncer.  John  I.,  and  H.  M.   Lowensteln,  to  Combustion 
Engineering,   Inc.     Method  and   apparatus  for  controlling 
fuel  and/or  feedwater  flow  In  a  once-through  steam  genera- 
tor.    3.004,529.  10-17-61.  Cl.  122 — 448. 
Argus  Chemical  Corp.  :  See — 

Gagliardi.  Domenlck  D.,  and  Jutras.     2,985,.')41. 
Kauder.  Otto  S.     3,008.999. 
Kauder,  Otto  S.,  and  Perry.    3,003.998. 
Kauder,  Otto  S.,  and  Perry.    3,003.999. 
Kauder.  Otto  S..  and  Perry.    3,004,000. 
Leistner,  William  E..  Hecker,  and  Knoepke 
Stossel.  Ernest.     3.004.921. 
Argyrladls.  Doros  A. :  See — 

R..    Jr.,    McMullen,    and 

illen,  and  Arenz.    3,l>iu,432. 
to  Esse  Research  and  Engineering  Co. 
irogen.      2,985,512,   5-23-61,    Cl.  1'3— 


■     1 

Knight.     George 

Arhart.  Grant  E..  to  Desoto  Chemical  Coatings.  Inc.     Meth- 
od for  electrostatic  spraying  of  non-conductors.     2,992.139. 
7_11-0l.  Cl.   117—215. 
Arlens  Co. :  See — 

Arlens,  Mando  S..  and  Tschantz.    2.972.850. 

Arlens.  Mando  S..  aifd  W.  O.  Tschantz.  to  Arlens  Co.     Ridable 

powered  Implement.     2.972,850.  2-28-61,  Cl.  56—25.4. 
.■\ries.  Robert  S. :  See — 

Curtis,  Gerard  W.    2.999.858. 
Aries.  Robert  S.     Plastlclzed  polymerized  hydrocarbon-substi- 
tuted ethylenes.     2,967.164,  1-3-61,  Cl.  260—23. 
Aries,    Robert    S.      Preparation    of    alpha-hydroxylsobutyric 

acid.     2.971.981,  2-14-61,  Cl.  260 — 533. 
.\ries,  Robert  S.     High  purity  elemental  silicon.     3,010.797, 

11-2.8-61.  Cl.  23—223.5. 
Aries.    Robert   S.  of  making  a   graft  copolymer   of 

butadiene      and      stvrene-allyl      methacrylate      copolymer. 

3,012.000.  12-5-61.  Cl.  260 — 45.5. 
Aries.    Robert    S.      Conversion    of    higher    fatty    acidn    Into 

shorter    chain    length    nitriles.      3,012,060,    12-6-61,    Cl. 

Aris.   David    J.    B.    to    N.V.    Koninklijke   Ne'lerlandse   Vlleg 

tulgenfabrlek.     Machine  for  jogcling  shaped  metal  or  metal 

profiles.      3.000.423,   9-19-61.  Cl.   153      11. 

.\rlsman.  Merrln  B. :  See — 

P.arden.  Wayne  .\..  and  .\risman.    2,997.679 
Dl  GIrolamo,  Joseph,  and  .\risman.  2.970.507. 




Aristocraft  Leather  Products,  Inc. :  See — 

Markus,  George,  and  Slegel.     3,007,605. 
Aristoff.  Kugeue  :  aee — 

Fowle,  Merrill  J.,  Pitts,  and  Aristoff.     2.990,364. 
Arita,  Hideo,  and  H.  Kusaka,  to  Asahl  Kasei  Kogyo  Kabusblki 
Kaisha.     Method  of  recovering  ammoDlum  chloride.     3.014.- 
782,  12-26-61.  CI.  23 — 100. 
Arkell,  Basil  H. :  See— 

Siunmerlin,  Frederick  A.,  and  Arkell.     2,986,933. 
Arkla  Air  Conditioning  Corp. :  See — 

Humphrey,   Robert   P.     3.007,467. 
Ark-Les  Switch  Corp, :  Bee — 

Davi.s,   Stafford  E.     2,987,697. 
Arkie/,  Vincent,  and  ii.  11.  Phlllipps,  to  Glaxo  Laboratories 
Ltu.     Diamine  salts  of  21-pho8phate  esters  of  steroid  com- 
pounds of  tlie  pregnant-  and  allopregnane  series.    2,967,179, 
1-3-61.  a.  2«(>— 239.5. 
Arlauskas,,  to  General  Motors  Corp.    Window  regu- 
lator mechanism.  V  2,978,242,  4-^-61,  CI.  268 — 121. 
.Vrlauskas,  Alfousas.  and  A.  W.  Hollar,  Jr.,  to  (^eneral^Iotors 
Corp.     Finish  molding  for  automobile  bodies.     2.983,544, 
5-9-61.  CI.  296 — 14.5.  , 

Arledge,  Kendall :  See — 

Duchene,  William  R..  Arledge,  and  Jacomino.    2,998,512. 

Arledter,   Hanns  F.,  to  Hurlbut   Paper  Co.     Synthetic  fiber 

paper   and   process   for   producing   the   same.      2.971.877. 

2-14-61,  CI.  162—101. 

Arledter,  Hanns  F.,  and  H.  Plepenbrink,  deceased   (by  U.  B. 

I'iepenbrink,  administratrix),   Vs    to  Farbenfabriken  Bayer 

Aktiengesellsohaft  and  Vj  to  Mobar  Chemical  Co.     Process 

for  coating  a  substrate  with  a  mixture  of  a  polyhydroxy 

polyester   end    a    polyisocyanate.      2,967,117,    1-3-61,    Cf. 

117 — 106. 

Arlington  Aluminum  Co. :  See — 

Howell,  David  S.    2,973,933. 

See — 




2.1(92. .S.")3 

irlington  Seating  Coi 
(lose,  Charles  F. 
Close.  Charles  F. 
Close,  Charles  F. 
<'lnse,  Charh's  K. 


Armacost.  Wilbur  H.,  to  Combustion  Engineering,  Inc. 

generator.     2.973.750.  3-7-61,  CI.  122—479. 
Armacost,  Wilbur  H.,  to  Combustion  Engineers,  Inc.     Wall 

construction  for  pressurized  furnace.     2,987,052,   6-6-61, 

CI.  122 — 6. 
Armacost,  Wilbur  H.,  to  Combustion  Engineering,  Inc.     Fur- 
nace wall  and  supimrt  construction.     2,999,483,  9-12-61. 

CI.  122— 510. 
Armand.  Charles,  and  P.  Angleys.  to  Soclete  d'Electro-Chimle 

d'Blectro-Metallurgie  et  des  Aclerles  Electrlques  d'Uslne. 

Method   and   apparatus   for  horizontal   pouring  of  metals. 

2,996.771.  8-22-61.  CI    22 — 57.2 
Armandroff.  Taft  E.,  and  W.  F.  Olashaw,  to  General  Electric 

Co.     Switchboard.     2,909,190.  9-5-61.  CI.  317 — 120 
Armanlnl,    Edward   N.,    to    North    American    Aviation,    Inc. 

Transistor   multivibrator.      2.976.427,   3-21-61,   CI.    307 — 

.^rmantrout,  Kenneth  M. :  See — 

Russey.  Edward  S.,  Armantrout,  and  Kelbel.     2.997,996. 
Armanville.  Jean  :  See--  * 

Marett.  Claude,  and  Armanville.     3,004,350. 
Armbrecht.  Bernard  H..  and  J.  E.  Malloy ;  said  J.  E.  Mallov. 

nssor.  to  El  D.  Armbrecht.  <  Densitometer  with  oscilloscope 

display.    2.972.925.  2-28-61,  CI.  88 — 14. 
.Armbrefht,  Charles  :  Ser — 

Steinbock.    Edmund   A..    Armbrecht,    and   Stelnbock.   Jr 

Armbrecht.  Ethel  D. :  See — 

Armbrecht.   Bernard   H.,   and   Malloy. 
Armbrust,    Roy    J.     Detection    system    for 

3,007,461.  11-7-61.  CT.  123 — *M5. 
.\rmbru8ter,    Frederick    C,    to    Corn    Products    Co, 

preparation.    3,012,944.  12-12-61,  CT.  195 — 31. 
Armbruster,   Gunter,   to   RodI   &  Wlenenberger  Aktiengesell 

schaft.      Expansible   link   strap.     3,008,290    11-14-61,    CI 

.•i9 — 79. 

Armco  Steel  Corn. :  SVc — 

Brennan,  John  R.,  and  Bloudoff. 
Dull,  William  L..  and  Elmburg. 
Emerson,  Charles  E.    2.nS4,474. 
Holt,  Artliur  R.     3,003.323. 
Jackson.  John  M.,  and  Macklin 
La  Tour,  Harry,  and  Miller.     2.992.318  Spencer  W.    2.980,400. 
Satterfield,  Walter  R.     3,010.8."4 
Schnedler,  Paul  E.     2,986,808. 
Tanczyn.  Harry.     2.989.429. 

coolant    failure. 




Tanczyn,  Harry 
Tanczyn,  Harry. 
Whitley.  Paul  J 

Armelln,  Edouard  R. 

Armen.  Ardy 
Armen.  Ardy 

Kemplin,  and  Jones.     2,992.941. 

Manually-operated  maehlnes  for  rolling 

3,011.498.  12-5-61.  C\.  131—37. 

i*>Ve — 

George  W..  and  Armen.     2.970.884. 
^,  -^  F.  A.  Ehlers,  and  S.  A.  Murdock,  to  The  Dow 

Chemical  Co.  Acrylonitrlle  polymer  compositions  contain- 
ing N-vinyl-3-morpholinone  polymer  dye-assisting  adjuvant 
method  of  manufacturing  same  and  resulting  shaped  ar- 
ticles.    2.997.449.  8-22-61,  CI.  260—29.6.  t^      "^^ 

Armento,  William  H.,  and  W.  E.  Wallace,  to  General  Aniline- 
&    Film    Corp.      Process    " 

%  to  U.  L.  Mead  and  ^ 
trap.     3,003,278.  10-10-61, 

L.  A; 

to  General  Motors  Corp.     Electric 

Armentrout,  Edward  L 
Barre,  III.     Minnow 
Armentrout,  Everett  C,   ^^  ^..^»^..^.  .».»..».<.  v^»l,.     ^^ 
terminal  connector.     3,011,144.  11-28-61    CI.  339 — 95. 
Armer.  Austin  A.,  to  Spreckels  Sugar  Co.    Beet  screening  and 

cleaning  device,     2.997,086.  8-22-61.  CI.  146 — 85.  J 

Armes,  Fred  D.,  and  P.  S.  Rogers,  to  General  Motors  Corp. 
Integrated  automotive  beating  and  air  conditioning  systems. 
3.004,752,  10-17-61,  CI.  257—289. 
-Vrmistead,  Fontaine  C.,  and  A.  L.  Tlrico,  to  Texaco  Develop- 
ment Corp.    Analysis  techniques  based  on  nuclear  magnetic 
resonance.    2,973,471.  2-28-^1,  CI.  324 — .5. 
Armitage,  Frank,  and  L.  G.  Trace,  to  The  Sherwin-Williams 
Co.     Water  dispersible  oil  modified  alkyd  resins  containing 
oxyalkylated   glycols   and   method   of   manufacture   of   the 
same.     3,001,961,  9-26-61,  CI.  260—22. 
.\rmltage,  John  B.,  R.  Dessauer,  and  A.  M.  Hyson,  to  E.  I. 
du    Pont    de    Nemours   and   Co.      2-hydroxy   N^lodecyloxy- 
henzophenone.      3.()Or,,9o9.  10-31-61,  CI    260 — 591. 
Armitage,  John  L.,  &  Co.,  Inc. :  See — 

Jeff,  William  C.    2,982,670. 
Armitage,    Joseph    B_^    and    J.    N.    tannery,    to    Kearny    & 
Trecker     Corp.       Torque     limiting     controL       2,978,9ti."», 
4-n-Cl,  CL  90—21. 
Armitage,  Joseph  B.,  T.  A.  Wetzel,  G.  G.  Baumbach,  and  F. 
ZankI    to  Kearney  &  Trecker  Corp.     Spindle  construction 
and   dual    transmission   therefor.      2,988,905,   6-20-61,   CI. 
Ariiiond.  John  W.,  to  The  British  Oxygen  Co.  Ltd.     Method  of 
and  apparatus  for  storing  liquid  ozone.     2,983, lO.'i.  .')-9-fil, 
CI.  62 — 19. 
Armored  Luggage  Mfg.  Co. :  See — 

Austin,  Thomas  J.     3,001,748. 
.\rmour  &  Co. :  See — 

Baker.   James  A.     3,014,843. 
Benton,  Francis  L.    2.998,437. 
Damaskus,  Charles  W.     2,978,385. 

Dybalski,  Jack  N..  Berenschot,  and  Rlegler.     3,014.810. 
Fischer,  Ellas.    2,991,169. 
Greer.  Donald  M.     2.971.846. 
Harrington,  Bertie  S.    2,987,922. 
Hopkins.  Ervin  W..  and  2:imont.    2,999,019. 
Kaiser,  Emll.     3.009.902. 
Kaiser.  Emil.  and  Gunther.     3.014.968. 
Keil.  Havard  L.     2,971,849. 
Matt.  Joseph  Z.,  and  Schroeder.     3.007,952. 
Mitz,  Milton  A.     3,014,805. 

Odegaard,  David  C,  O'Brien,  and  Krammer.     2.995,452 
Haiije,  Raymond  \.    2,t*7K  84!S. 
Rapkln.  Edward.    2,968,593. 
Robbins.  Kenneth  C.     3,008.877. 
Rogers,  Alan  B..  and  Roland.     3,011,943. 
Shapiro.  Sydney  H.      2.012,048. 
Sheely,  Madison  L.,  and  Glynn.    2,991,253. 
Shinn,  Byron  M..  and  Kaiser.    3,006,810. 
Shinn.  Byron  M.,  Kaiser,  and  Roland.     3,006,811. 
Turinsky.  Otto.    2,990,943. 
.Vnnour  &  Co.  of  Delaware  :  Ser— 

Abramitls,  Walter  W.,  and  Tehle.    2,980,578. 
Bunce.  Donald  F.  M..  II.     3.009  85*; 
Reck,  Richard  A.,  and  Arthur.    2.982,784 
Thompson,  Olln  R.    2,982,661. 

.\nnour,  Donald  P.,  to  Plax  Corp.  Liquid  sprav  dispenser. 
2,980,342,  4-18-61,  Cl.  239—327. 

Armour,  Donald  F..  to  Plax  Corp.  Dropper  plug.  2.987.223. 
6-6-61,  Cl.  222—207.  f»-^    k    «, 

Armour,  Donald  F.,  to  Plax  Corp.  Method  for  molding  and 
assembling  dispenser  fitment.  3,013,308,  12-19-61,  CI. 

.\rmour  Research  Foundation  of  Illinois  Institute  of  Tech- 
nology :  See — 

Baum,  John  W.     2.972.051. 
Itohb.  Dovd  J.     2,969,584. 

Bradstreet.  Samuel  W.,  and  Recbter.     2,978,360. 
CAmeron,  Scott  H.,  and  Kantner.    2,992.203. 
Camras,  Marvin.    2.975.241. 
Cararas.  Marvin.     2,987,583. 
Camras,  Marvin.    2,99S,.;::5. 
Camras.  Marvin.     3,013.123. 
Hansen,  Wilbur  W.    2,994.032. 

L^inson,  David  W.,  McAndrew.   and  Metcalfe.     2.983.- 
602.  J 

Bradstreet,  and  Rechter. .   2.995.453. 

and  Domagala.     2.985.9.'>5. 

E.  Payton,  to  The  C.  O.  Bartlett  * 


Noble,  Richard  D., 
Reiffel,  Leonard. 
Rostoker.  William. 
Wiegand.  David  E. 
.Wleeand.  David  E. 
Arms.   Mllo  F..  and  J. 

I    for    producing    certain    2-aminn 
?,979,.'»()3,  4-11-61.  Cl    260—247.1 


Snow  Co.     Corn  sheller.     3,013,565.  12-19-61.  Cl.  130 — 6 
Armstead.  Walter  E.,  to  M.S.S.  Recording  Co.  Ltd.     Magnetic 
recording  and/or  reproducing  machines.     3.009.063.  11-21- 
61,C1.  242 — .'5.5.12. 

.\rmstrong-P.rav  &  Co. :  See — 
Palow,  Earl.     3.008.207. 

.Armstrong.  C.  E.,  Co. :  Ser — 

Armstrong.  Charles  E.    2,971,075. 
Armstrong.  Charles  E..  to  C.  E.  Armstrong  Co      Safety  de- 
vice for  electrical  heaters.     2.971,075.  2-7-61.  Cl.  219 — 34. 

Armstrong.    Charles    F.     Swimming    instruction    appliance. 
2,975.749.  3-21-61.  Cl.  115—22.2. 



Ariuotrong  Cork  Co. :  Hee — 

Bezman.  Irving  I.     3,012.059. 
Bru^n,  Milton  G.,  aud  I'iiilii*pi.     0,013.(}2t>. 
Brown,  Milton  G.,  au<J  Phillppi.      3.01.'{.!i37. 
Busbnell,  Collins  £.,  and  Tarlter.    2,980,04^. 
Culp.  Charl»-f*  K.     1',!>.M  ..'.js 
,  Downs.  William  W.    2,9»iN.:;j2. 

Fd^ey.  David  A..  Jr.     2.993,030.     I, 
FelKley,  I>:ivid  A.,  Jr.     3.imi.-,.7!»8. 
Feigley,  I»avid  A.,  Jr..  anti  Kay.    3,008.8»58. 
Feigley.  David  A.,  Jr..  and  Uay.     3,014,835. 
Forsythe,  Alan  K.     2. ItH.',. :>:<:,. 
Foray  the.  Alan  K..  and  Parker.    2,974,112. 
Gaenzle.  Luth»T  K.     2.992,009. 
Gaenzle.  I.uther  E.     o,013,:}UO. 
Graham.  «;.il.u  K.    .^.im»0.h47. 
Green.  Robert  F.     2,995,198.     ^      _, 
^Haines,  Charles,  Jr.,  and  Owens.     ;,010,,'.99. 
Konohl.  J.  It«-ynol<ls.     2,972,472. 
Lueders,  Robert  W.    2,980.279.  i 

Mariner.  Thomas.     2,96k.  !27. 
Mar.xen,  John  E.    2,992,r>77. 
Park»T.  John  A.     2.9t;9.;;3H. 
Parker.  John  A.     3,00fi,897.  ' 

Parker,  John  A.,  Iteady,  and  Versnel.     2.974.116. 
Parker,  John  A.,  and  Wrsnel.     3.011.999. 
Piersol,  Jay  L.     2.971.879. 
I:p.s»>.  EiNworth  K.     3.012.901. 
K<H'<'k*-r.  Robert  F.     2,98.j,60a 
Uufgj;^^^*;.  Werner.     2.997,071. 
Smith.   Thomas   B.     3.0«)7.S(»8. 
Souser.  Chester  E.     2.993.5M2. 
Whltteniore.  Harold  E.     2.9<>9,82S. 
Zentnivt-r.  I>:ivi(l  T      .■!.<i(»o.7.")4 
Armstrong,    David    E..    T.    J.    J.    Dunn,    W.    H.    Stnlon.    and 
«}.   P.   Roeser.     Cold  tube  bending  and  sizing.     2,971.556, 
2-14-61.  CI.  153—32. 
Armstrong.    Desmond    R..    to,  Eltel-McCuUough,    Inc.      Grid 
structure    and    metho<|    of   making    tie    same.      2,988.667, 
6-i:i-Gl,  Cl.  313— 34H. 
Armstrong.  Frartk  W.  :   Sii-  — 

Cari»enter.  Otis  R..  and  Ani'isfrons.    2.99.'!. 9S3. 
, Armstrong,    Frederick    E.,    to    United    States    of    America. 
Interior.     Method  of  tracing  the  flow  Of  liquids  by  use  of 
-     post     ra<lioactivation     of     tracer    -substances.     3.002,091. 

9-26-61.  Cl.  250—83. 
.VrriKtroiig.  «.«>orge  W.,  and  R.  J.  N'efT.    Foreign  bodv  detector. 

:;  (,04.r,»;2.  1(»-17-«1.  Cl.  209—72. 
Armstrong.  James.  &  <'o.  :   See — 
Smith,  (Jeoffrey     2.989..30.'.. 
-Vrnistrong,   Jamrs   F..    to   .\<'F'  Industrii-s.    Iiic.      Fuel   injec- 
tion system.     2.0«<.'j.16n.  .'»-2.'^61.  Cl.  123 — 119 
.Vrmstrong.  James  F.,  and  C.  K.  .McConnell,  to  ACF  Industries, 
Inc.       J'uel    Injection    bystem.      3.000,329,    10-31-61.    Cl. 
k^      123—179.  . 

Armstrong.    James    M.,    aud    Ar    (\    <;f)ddard.    to    Hell    Tele- 
phone  lyihoratories.   Inc.      Private  liiu;  transfer  swlfchini: 
cinuit.      3.001.027.   9-19   61.   Cl.    179— 1«. 
Armstrong.   James   W..   and   B.   A.    Rifoth.   to  Ameri<;!n   Can 
Co.     Comestible  package.     2,981. 4.'i«.  4^-2.')-6l,  Cl.  229 — 16 
Armstrong.   John   A.,   and   D.   W.   Berry,  to   llllger  &   Watts 
Ltd.      Optical    compen.sator  and    tilt  detector.      2.981.111, 
4-2.-.  61.  CI    SS — 1. 
-Vrmstrong.    Law   L.,    >/4    to   G.  A,    Stebblns.    and    ^4    to  A. 
.\.  HohenlKTg.     Inflatable  massaging  and  cooling  mattress. 
2.99S,'«I7,  (♦-.'"•-ei.  Cl.  128-33. 
Armstrong.   Lorn«»  D..  to  Radio  Corp.  of  America.     Method 
of     making     phosphorus     diffused     silicon     semiconductor 
devices.     2.974.073.  3-7-61.  Cl.  14.8 — 1.5. 
.\rtnstr«mg,   I^orne  D.,   to  Radio  Corp.  of  America.     Produc- 
tion of  controlled  P-N  junctions.     2,975,080,  3-14-61,  Cl. 
148-1.5.  •■     .        . 

.\riiisf  roiiir.  Melvln  S.  :   Ftr'e  — 

S..^hi'f.  J.>rrnM  M     .Vrmstrong.  and  shUhber<r     2.90n  tor 
Armstrong,   Merlyn  M.,   to  Motorola.   lac.     Color  television 

receiver.     2,987.647,  A-ft-61.  Cl.  315—13. 
.\rin>Tri>;iL'  P.-if'tits  ♦'••.   :    >>< 

-Vrmstrong   William.     2.973.195. 
Rollitt,   John.     3.001,223. 
Wor-lsworth.  Jaek.     2.970.«31. 
-   Wordsworlf^  J:irk     2.970.832. 
Wordsworth.  Ja<  k.     2.997,290. 
.Vnnstrong,  Paul  R.,  and  F.  O.  Luenberger.  to  T'.S.  Elect rlcjil 
Motors.    Inc.      Rotor  structure   for   synchronous   Induction 
motors.     2.975.310,  3-14-61,  Cl.  310^-163. 
.\rm«trong,   Philip  N..  to  Hughes  Aircraft  Co.  '  Sort-comple- 
tion detection  apparatus.     3.013.249,  12-12-61,  CI.  340 — 
172. ."J. 
.Armstrong.  Philip  N'..  to  Hughes  Aircraft  Co.     Minimal  stor- 
age sorter.      3.015.089.  12-20-61.  Cl    340 — (172  5 
Armstrong.  Philip  N..  E.  E.  Jungclas.  Jr..  and  G.  Wolfe.  Jr.. 
to  Hughei  Aircraft  Co.     Two-wnv  data  compare-sort  appa- 
ratus.    2,9»».822.  5-16-61,  Cl.  310 — 149. 
Armstrong.  Philip  N..  E.  E    Jungclas.  Jr..  and  G.  Wolfe,  Jr.. 
to  Hughes  .Vlrcraft  f'o.     Two-wav  data  compare-sort  appa- 
ratus.   2.984.824.  5-16-61.  a.  340— 172..-1.    , 

Vrmstrong   Ted  E  .  to  The  Celotex  Corp.     Gvpsuin  wallbo.-ird 
2.901. S26.    7-11-61.   r\     1.-4— 1.2.'i 
,.Vrmstron.:.  Thomas  X..  .Ir  :  .<rr 

Hurlev.  .T.iliti  L..  and  .VrmstV.vhg.     .3.f<OS.S20. 

Armstrong.  Vernon  L.     Device  for  teaching  number  concents, 

3  002.29.-,  10-.3-61.  Cl.  3.-.  -31. 
.Vn!istr-ni.    vi.  tor    o.      Helicopter    rotqr    head.      2,988,155, 

6-13-61,  n.  170-    160.23 


Armstrong.  Victor  O.     Helicopter  control  apparatus.     2.99S;- 

850.  9-;>-61;»Cl.  170— 160.16. 
Armstrong,  Warren  E.,  H.  H.  Voge,  and  C.  R.  Adams,  to  Shell 

Oil   Co.     Dehydrogenatlon  In   the  presence  of  oxygen  and 

bismuth  tungstate.     2,991,322.  7-4-61,  Cl.  260—680. 
Armstrong.   William,   to  Armstrong  Patents,  Co.   Ltd.     Road 

vehicle     suspension     systems.       2,973,195,     2-28-61.     Cl. 

267— 1.->. 
Armstrong,  William  M.,  to  Gallaway  Mills  Co.     Meth<Ml   for 

producing  multi-colored  single  yarn.     2.996,873,   S-22-61. 

Cl.  57 — 156. 
Armstrong,  William  T.     Letter  holder.     2,988.231,  6-13-Gl, 

Ql    211 50  ,  '  ' 

AruLstrong.  William  W.,  to  Chas.  IMlzPr  &  Co..  Inc.  Stable 
aqueous  solutions  of  sodium  piiospliite,  sodium  formalde- 
hyde sulfoxylate.  and  dihydrostr«|)tonn«  in  sulfate.  3,0O4,- 
^91.  l«i -17-»;l.  Cl.  167— 65. 

Arnaud,  Jacques :  See — 

Warnecke.  Robert  R..  and  Aroaud.     2,995,679. 

Arn<lt.  .Vrthur  II.  Torque  iiiiprove<l  internal  lomlMisticui  en- 
gine.     2.9S1.24:?.    »-2.'>-61.  Cl.   12.U    7H. 

-Vrndt.  I>onald  X..  E.  S.  Dahl,  G.  D.  1^  Masters,  and  C.  W  . 
May,  to  Ilorg-Warner  Corp.  Fuel  injection  control.  2.984,- 
232.  5-16-61.  Cl.  12,'i — 179 

Arndt,  Herbert  E..  to  Habco  Mfg.  Co.  Jet  burner.  2,990.112. 
8-15-61.  Cl.  158— ."iS. 

Arndt,  Leonhard  :  See — 

MQller   Hans  O.  O..  Arndt.  and  RSssler.     2,995,001, 

Arndt.  Rudolph  P.,  to  Anaconda  Wire  and  Cable  Co.  I'rcp.i- 
r:itl<m  of  zinc  polyesters.     2.9S5.624.  .-|-2.!-til.  «l.  260 — 7r>. 

Arne.  Christian,  to  Chicago  Bridge  &  Iron  Co.  Storage  tank. 
24)75,927.  3-21-61,  CL  220—1. 

Arnc'S,  Lyle  L. :  Nee — 

Trautiuan,  Walter  C,  Arnes,  and  Zimmerman.    2,973,184, 

Arnes,  Lyle  L.,  to  Walker  Mfg.  Co.  Lift  jack.  3,014.698, 
12-26-61.  Cl.  254—124. 

.\rnesen.  Frederick  M. :  See — 

Cloninger.  Lamar  C.  and  Arnesfu.     3  Of)6.8.30. 

Arnesen.  Robert  F..  to  Raytheon  Co.  Balanced  discrimi- 
nators.    2,974,287,  3-7-61,  Cl.  329— 13S. 

Arneson.  Edwin  L.,  to  Federal  Paper  Board  Co.,  Inc.  Col- 
lapsible tray.    2,980,310,  4-18-61,  Cl.  229—35. 

.Vrnesoii,  Edwin  L..  to  Fj-derai  Paper  IJo.ird  Co..  Inc.  -Vrticle 
carrier.     2.9S3.406,  5-9-61.  Cl.  220—105. 

Arneson,  Edwin  L.,  to  Federal  Paper  Board  Co.,  Die.  Article 
carrier.      2.984.383.    5-l«V_61,    Cl.    220      113. 

Arneson,  Edwin  L.,  to  Federal  Paper  Boanl  Co..  Inc 
carrier.     2,993.619.  7-2.5-61,  Cl.  220 — 113. 

.\rneson,  Edwin  L..  to  Federal  Paper  Board  Co..  Inc.  -\rticle 
carrier.     2,993.635.  7-25-61.  Cl.  229—40. 

•VrneSon.  Edwin  L..  to  Federal  Paper  Board  Co..  Inc.  Col- 
lapsible container.     3  006.522.  10-31-61.  Cl.  229 — ^5.5. 

Arne.son,  Edwin  L..  to  Federal  Paper  Board  Co.  -Vrticle  car- 
rier.    3.010,603,  11-28-61,  n.  220 — 113. 

-Vrneson.  Edwin  L..  to  Federal  Paper  Board  Co.,  Inc.  Article 
carrier.     3.010.604,   11-28-61,  Cl.   220—113. 

-Vrneson,  Howard  M..  to  A.  L.  Pansini.  Adapter  means  for 
releasably  connecting  tools  to  manipulating  handles. 
3.011.813.  12-5-61,  Cl.  287 — 124. 

.Vrneson.  Lawrence  E..  to  Federal  Paper  Bojiid  Co..  Inc. 
Pap«'rboard  can  package.     2.985.294.  .'i-23-61.  Cl.  206—65. 

-Vniett.  Alfred  E.  Towel  and/or  doth  storing  and 
holding    means.      2,990.066,    G-27-61.    Cl.    211 — 106. 

Arnett,  Charles  L.  Safety  hook.  2,978,766,  4-11-61.  Cl. 

-Vrnett.  Leslie,  aud  W.  G.  Freise.  to  Square  Mfg.  Co.  Ingre- 
dient supply  system  for  beverage  dispensing  apparatus. 
2.978,143,  4^-61,  Cl.  222—63. 

-Vrnett,  Raymond  L. :  .S'ee — 

Buell.  Barry  O..  and  Arnett.    3.010,915. 

.Vrnett.  Samuel  E..  and  R.  C.  German,  to  The  Bendix  Corp. 
Inlet  control  system  for  supersonic  aircraft.  2.997,843, 
N-29-61,  Cl.  00—35.6. 

Arnett.    Samuel  E..  and   IT.   E.    Starr,    to  The  Bendix  Corp. 

Fuel  control  apparatus  for  an  internal  combustion  engine. 

3,002,349,  10-3-61.  Cl.  60—39.28. 
-Vrnett.    Siiimiel    E..   and    H.   E.    Starr,    to  Tlie  Bendix  Corp. 

Fuel  eontrol   apparatus   responsive   to  iipproaching  engine 

instability.     3  006.144,  10-31-61,  (1.  60 — 39.28. 
Arnett.    Samuel   E..   E.    G.   Roberts,   and    B.   C.   Gorman,    to 

The    Bendix   Corp.     Power   control   apparatus.     3,014,676, 

12-20-61.  a.  244— 76. 

.Vrnini.  I.jiwrence  V. 
n.  24  -.-.6. 

Arnold.  Arthur  F. 
Cl.  4.".- 


.     Tie  knot  support.     2.076..^fll,  3-28-61. 
Fish,  hook  holder.     3.012.361,  12-12-61. 

n..».  [ 

Arnold.  David  C.  :  sh— 

"     Tasker,  Homer  G.,  Van   -Vlstvne.   Green.  Frflnke.  O'Xeil. 
Dye.  Landee.  Cother,  Deen,  and  Arnold.     2.980,902. 
.Vriiolii.  E..  and  M.  J.  Fnhhri.  to  Xvlo-Flex  Products 
(*t>.     Flexible  coupling.     2.994.213.  8-1_oi.  Cl    64 — 11. 

.VrnMd.  Edward  H..  Jr.     Fixture  support.     3.009,67.5.  11-21- 
61,  H.  248-22'*. 

Arnold.  Eldridge  W. :  See —  .        i 

Gersin.  Robert  P..  and  Arnold.     3.002  629.  ' 

.Vrnold,  Friedrich  A.  A.     -Magnetic  safetv  barriir  for  aircraft 

landing    strij^.      2,984,438.    5-16-61, 'ci.    244 — 110. 
-Vrnold.   Harold   D.,   and   J.   W.   Hammann.   to  Th.>  Emerson 
/  Electric  Mfg.  Co.    Shaded  pole  rnoto:-.    3.007.06^    10-31-01 

Cl.  310—172.  ^ 



Arnold,  Hurotd  G.    Drip  tray  or  thelikf.    2.990,033.  6-27-til, 

C'l.   184— HMJ.  .  „  .. 

Arnold,  Harold  U.,  to  The  IJauer  Mfg.  Co.   Ladder.   3,0O4,6l.'a, 

10-17-01.  t'l.   182—228. 
Arnold,  Harold  L.,  to  The  Skinner  Chuck  Co.    Chuck  opening 

and  closing  mechanism.     2,993,701,  7-25-61,  CI.  279 — 114. 
Arnold,    llartniut.      Drive    reel    for    cableways.      3,008,622, 

11-14-<J1,  CI.  226—190. 
Arnold,  Heinz  li.,  to  (J«utrnl  Mills,  Inc.     Metallic  containers. 

2,994,45.5,   8-1-61.   <1.   220-     ><1. 
Arnold,  Heni»y  B.,  to  Stackpole  Carbon  Co.     Dynamoelectrlc 

bru.'ih.     2,981,698.  4-25-61,  CI.  252—506. 
Arnold,  Henry  K.,  and  E.  K.  Gurtler,  to  Esso  Research  and 

Engineering  Co.     I'olymerisSation  method.     2,999,084,  9-5- 

61,  CI.  260 — 85.3. 
Arnold,  Henry  M.     High  temperature  piston  engines.     2,966,- 

887,  1-3-61,  CI.  121—38.  ^  „,     ^. 

Arnold.    James   C.      Magnetometer.      2.990,513,   6-27-61.   CI. 

Arnold,  John  It.,  ai 

Co.     Snlt-alkylene 

G-i;t-61,  CI.  183 — 121, 
.\rnold.  Lawrfnti'  K. :  Ser — 

.Imm«»s.  John   K  .  Tucker.  iin<i  Arnold.     3iOO.).7R.>. 
Arnold,  Lawrence  F.,  to  The  B.  F.  Goodrich  Co.    Cross-linked 

nitrlle   polymers   and   method   of  preparation,     2,991,276, 

7-4-61,  CI.  260—85.5. 
Arnold,    Lloyd    S.,    Jr.      Storago   and   dispen.sing   device 

refriKPrators.     2,998.901,  9-5-61.  CI.  221—88. 
Arnold,  Marian  H. :  See — 

Arnold  W^ne  IL    2,988,671. 
Arnold.  Nanoy  H.  :  ^ee- 

ind  B.  G.  Hofmeyer,  to  The  Dow  Chemical 
ne  glycol  dew  point  depressant.     2,988,171, 



Arnold,    Hirsch.    Miller,   and 
Arnold,    Hirsch.    Miller, 
Harbin,  to  AJem 



finishing      machine. 

McCormick,    Jerry    R. 

Sjolander.     2.970,947 
McCormick,    Jerry    R.    D. 
Sjolander.     2.996.490. 
Arnold,  Orlan  M.,  and  R.  H. 

Inc.     Method  for  handling  overspray  materials, 
5-2-r61,  CI.  210 — 14. 
.\rnold,      t)scar      L.      Highway      slope 

.'..Ol  1,277,  12-5-61,  CI.  37—145. 
.\rnold,  Philip  H.,  A.  B.  Desnoes,  T.  Steam,  O.  D.  Stewart,  and 
K.    R.   Wood,    to   American   Telephone  and   Telegraph   Co. 
Private  branch  exchange  telephone  system  involving  a  cord- 
less type  switchboard.     2,993,095.  7-18-61,  CI.  179—27, 
.\rnold.   Robert  W..  to  American-Marietta  Co.     Sealing  mem- 
bers and  methods.      2.981.651.  4-25-01,  CI.   154 — 129. 
Arnold,  Theodore  M. :  See — 

Carlisle,  James  V.,  and  Arnold.    2,997,780. 
Carlisle.  James  V..  and  Arnold.     3,009.239. 
Arnold,    Wayne   R.,   deceased ;    M.   H.   Arnold,   executrix,   to 
Schlumberger  Well  Surveying  Corp.     Particle  accelerating 
system.    2,988,671,  8-13-61,  CI.  Sla- 111. 
•Vrnoldv,    Koniaii    F.      .Methods    of   producini:   hardfnccd    snr- 

facj's.      3.000.094.  9-19-61.   CI.   29 — 52S. 
Arnot.  Alfred  E.  K.,  to  Ijinsing  Bagnnll  Ltd.     Fork  lift  truck. 

2,997,194.  8-22-61.  CI.  214 — 670. 
Arnot,  Alfred  E.  R..  to  J.  E.  Shay,  Ltd.    Power-driven  culti- 
vating tools.     2,998,082,  8-29-61,  CI.  172—125. 
Arnot,  Alfred  E.  R.,  to  Lansing  Bagnall  Ltd.     Control-gear 

for  hydraulic  circuits.     3,014,344,  12-26-61,  CI.  60—52. 
Arnonx  Corp. :   See — 

Zeiden,  Keith  O.     2.981,062. 
Aro  Equipment  Corp..  The  :  Sre — 
Culbertson.  Ralph  L.    2,974,673. 
Hawk.  Gal<»  F..  and  Kiostrr      2.981.434. 
Hlllard,  Vaughn  D..  and  Hyatt.    2,990,916. 
Arola,    Edward    I.     Fishing    reel.     2,987,266, 

.^rones,    l>aiiit'l    .\..    to    .\(|v:uirt 

treating  niachlne.     2.978,719.  4-11-01,  CI.  15—49. 
Aronson,  Ann  :  See — 

Aronson,  Ben  J.    2,996,854. 
Aron.<son,    Ben   J.,   deceased,    by   A.   Aronson,   administratrix. 
Gluing  mechanism   for  hanger  caping  device.     2,996,854. 
8-22-61,  CI.  53^52. 
Aronson,  Theodore  F. :  See — 

Halahan.   John,   Aronson,   and   Lyon.      2,984,151, 
liVon,  Floyd  A.,  and  Aronson.     2.971.307. 
Lyon,  Floyd  A.,  and  Aronson.    2,982,070.     . 
Aronson,  Thoodoro  F..  and  F.  A.  Lyon,  to  Vlewlex,  Inc.    Speed 
regulating  means  for  roll  material.     2,967,025,  1-3-61,  CI. 
.\ronson,  Theodore  F.,  and  F.  A.  Lyon.    Continuous  feed  bnnd- 

Ing  device.    2,975,571,  3-21-61,  CI.  53—198. 
Aronson,    Theodore    F.,    A.    F.    Kronman.    and 
Gummed    label   applying    device.      2.977,016. 
21  r — 37. 
Aronson.    Theodore   F..   and    F.    A.   Lyon,    to   Vlewlex.    Inc, 

6-6-61,     01. 

Machine    Co.      Moliilr    floor 



01.   CI. 

Area  counting  means  for  roll  material     3,010,211, 11-28-61, 

CI.  .33—133. 
.\rpin.    Leon    G.       Speed    control    for    automotive    vehicles. 

3.000.475.   9-19-61.   CI.    192      3. 
Arpe,  Jan  J.    Apparatus  for  logging  wells.    2,978,634,  4-4-61, 

CI.  324—1. 
Arps,  Jan  J.     Depth  measurement.     2,987,822.  6-13-61,  CI. 

Arrasmith,  William  C,  to  Radar  Relay,  Inc.     Warning  appa- 
ratus.     2,985,869,  5-2.3-01,  CI.   340—213. 
Arrasmith.  William  C,  to  Radar  Relay,  Inc.     Electric  lamp 

annunciator    indicating    assembly.      3,007.150,    10-31-61. 

a.  340—381. 

Arrigo,  Jdseph  T.,  to  Universal  Oil  Products  Co.     Process 
for  polymerizing  olefinic  hydrocarbons.     2,987,511,  6-6-61, 

Pj   260 93  7 

Arrigo.  Joseph  T.,  to  Universal  Oil  Products  Co.     Synthesis 
of  polycjclic  heterocyclic  compounds.     2,987,525,  6-6-61, 
CI.  260—346.2. 
Arrison,  Robert  A.,  Jr. :  See —  „  „„„  „  „ 

Bigelow,  John  E.,  Arrison,  and  Bernstein.    2,983,819. 
Arrow  Hart  &  Hegeman  Electric  Co.,  The :  See — 
lUntloy,  Robert  H.    2,967,222. 
Johnson,  David  W.     3,009,999. 
Arrow  Metal  Products  Corp.  Inc. :  See — 

Vetere.  Nicholas  A.    2,991.697. 
Arrow  Tools.  Inc. :  See — 

De  Frangesco,  Ralph  D.     2,999.407. 

Veres,  Edward  W.     2,968,405.  ,    ^ 

Arscott,  WUliam  H..  to  The  De  Havilland  Engine  Co.  ttd. 
Adjustable  propulsion  nozzles.    2,.995,010,  8-8-61,  CI.  60 — 
Arslanian,  Charles  S..  to  American  Can  Co.     Nozzle.     2.973.- 

.V)l,  3-7-61,  CI.  18—12. 
Art  Color  Printing  Co. ;  «ee — 

Consaul,  John  G.,  and  Veltin.    2.997,392. 
Art  Industries,  Inc. :  See — 

Stein,  Jack.     2,999,332. 
Art  Metal  Co^  The  :  See- 
Dvorak,  Lester  I.     2,974,355. 
I>vorak.  Letter  I.     2,975.271. 
Art  Metal  Construction  Co. :  See — 
Brandell,   Nels  O.     2,978,112. 
Stark,  Forest  O.     3,002,797, 
Art  Woodwork  Ltd. :  See — 

Bernath,  Michael.     2,987,362. 
.Vrtcraft  Venetian  Blind  Mfg.  Co. :  See — 

Friedman,  Jay  L.     3.006,031. 
Artcraft  Venetian  Blind  Mfg.  Co.  of  St.  Louis :  See — 
Nelson,  Harry.    2,982,352. 
Nelson,  Harry.      3,012.3ls. 
Arter,  Glenn  A.     Method  and  apparatus  for  minimizing  fiuo 

dust   collections.      2,969,047.    1-24-61,   CI.   122—379. 
Arter,  William,  Jr.,  and  R.  O.  Clouthler.     One-piece  combined 
fishing    lure    and    can    opener.     2,986,812,    6-6-61,    CI. 
Arterbury,"  Bryant  P.,   33i<j%    to   R,  L.  Arterbury.     .Methmi 
and  apparatus  for  testing  tubing 'and  for  scraping  matter 
from    the    inner    wall    thereof.      2,981,331.    4-25-61.    CI. 
Arterbury,  Roy  L. :  Sfe — 

Arterbury,  Bryant  P.     2.9SL3.S1. 
Arth,  Glen  E..  R.  1^.  Beyler,  and  L.  H.  Sarett.  to  Merck  &  Co.. 
Inc.      6a.l6a-dimpthyl-pregnenes.     3,004.994,   10-17-61,  <  1. 
Arthen,  Frank  J.:  See —  „ 

Coleman.     Ralph     A..     Arthen,     Mlllonls,     and     Foster. 
Arthur,  Edwin  P.,  and  R.  Gllmont,  to  Beckman  Instniinents, 
Inc.,   and  Manostat  Corp.     Ultramlcro  electrode   tltratioli 
assembly.    2,968,535,  1-17-61.  CI.  23—253.   _    ^^     ^^^ 
Arthur,  Evan  M.     Pliers.     2.977,674,  4-4-61,  CI.  20—229. 
Arthur.  Frederick  E. :  See — 

Hawley.  Harold  M.,  Arthur,  and  Allen.    2,996,467. 
Arthur.  Oscar  F..   to   How   Products.   Inc.     Pallets  for  han- 
dling materia  1.     3.005.610.  10-24-61,  CI.  248— 120. 
Arthur,   Paul,   Jr.,    to   E.    I.  du    Pont  de  Nemours   and   Co. 
Manganese   activated    cadmium   and    zinc   carbonate   phos- 
phors   and    their    preparation.       2.970,115,     1-31-61.    CI. 
2.'i2— 301.6. 
Arthur,  Ralph  P. :  See — 

Reck,  Richard  A.,  and  Arthur.    2,982,784. 
Arthur,  Richanl  N.,  and  K.  H.  Marcus,  to  Donnelly  Mirrpra. 
Inc.      Ueirt"    vifw    mirror    for    motor    vehicles.      3.O04,4.3, 
10-17-61.  CI.  SS —77. 
Arthur.  Robert  .\..  to  The  Garrett  Corp.     Ice  formation  con- 
trol for  air  conditioning  systems.     2,992,542.  7-18-01,  CI. 
.\rthur.  Ronald  H..  to  Roval  McBee  Corp.     Solderh'ss  printed 

circuit  connectors.     2.997.680.  8-22-61.  O.  339 — ^17. 
Arthur.   Ronald   H..    to   Royal  McBee  Corp.     Block   sensing 

assembly.     3,001.699.  9-26-61,  CI.  235 — 61.11. 
Arthur,   Wilfred  J.,   to   E.    I.   du   Pont  de  Nemours  and  Co. 
Process  for  the  treatment  of  cellulosic  materials  to  prevent 
deterioration    and    decay.      2,976.183,    .3-21-61,    CI.    117— 
138.5.  •* 

Arthurs,  Addison  W. :  See — 

Javorik,   Laszlo.     3,007,676. 
Artla,  pmlnlk  zahranicnlho  obchodu  pro  dovjoz  a  vyvoz  Kul- 
turnlch  statku  :  See —  * 

Forinan.  Werner.     2.972,284. 

Artos  Engineering  Co. :  See —  '- 

Andren,  KaH  H.    2,998,633. 

Artru.  Jean,  and  J.  Marchal.  to  La  Soclete  dite  Le  Mag- 
nesium Thenmique  t"Magnetherm"K  Process  of  manufac- 
Ing  magnesium.     2,971,833,  2-14-61,  CI.  75—10. 

Artype.  Inc. :  See — 

Serafln.  Robert  P.     2,970,043. 

.\rutunoflr.  Armals.  to  Reda  Pump  Co.  Gas  separator  for  sub- 
merglble  motor-pump  assemblies.  2,969,742,  1-31-61,  CI. 

ArutanofT.  Annals,  to  Reda  Pump  Co.  Combined  heat  ex- 
changer and  protector  for  submergible  electric  motors. 
2.974,240,  3-7-61,  CI.  310—87. 

ArutunofT.  Armais,  to  Re<la  Pump  Co.  Centrifugal  pressure 
seal  for  rotary  shafts.     2,979,347.  4-11-61,,  CI.  286 — 7. 




Arrey  Corp. :  8e« —  '  ^    „ . 

Johnson,  Arnold  E.,  and  Peretti.    3,000.124. 
AiTldson,   Bengt  A.,  to  MHler  Wrapping  A  Sealing  Machine 
Co.     \i'rapping  machine.     2,981.043.  4-25-61.  CI.  53—206. 
Arvidson,  Bengt  A.,   to  Miller  Wrapping  &  Sealing  Machine 
Co.     Package  handling  mechanism.     2.994,171,  8-1-61,  CI. 
53 — 245 
Arridson.  Bengt  A.,  to  Miller  Wrapping  A  Sealing  Machine 
Co      Resilient  stripping  device  for  intermittently  actuated 
cutter.     3.013,458.  12-19-61.  CI.  83—134.       ,    ^     „ 
Arvidson,  Harold  C,  Jr..  and  N.  Blake,  to  E.  I.  du  Pont  de 
Nemours  and  Co.     Stabilization  of  elastomers  containing 
ureylene  groups.     2,909.839,  9-12-91,  CI.  260 — 15.9. 
Anrin  Industries,  Inc.  :  See —  ^  ^^^  ,„„ 

Boardman.   Lester  R.,  and  Stambaugh.     2.99S,b63. 
l»ollen»,  James  R.     3,009,484. 
Hooker,  Robert  P.    2.997.198. 
Moore,  Ezra  L..  and  Hammond.     2.986.138. 
ScheiUin,  George  E..  and  Julbert.     2.995.982. 
Wintermute.  Glenn  E.,  Smith,  and  Lebeu.     3,012,926. 
Arz,  Walter,  to  Ge»**llstliaff  fuer  IJmle's  Eismaschinen  A.G. 
ZweigniederlaMung  <;ueldner-Moton?n-Werke  in  Aschaffen- 
bure.      Hydraulic    transmission.      2,975,597,    3-21-61,    CI. 
60^  .'•3  ^ 

Arzapalo.'  Richard  A.,  to  McGraw-Edlson  Co.     Circuit  inter- 
.    rupting  .levloes.     3.0O5.074.    lO- 17-01.  CI.  200  —  120. 
Arzberper,  William  A.,  R.  H.  Swart.  Sr.,  and  B.  F.  Rauscher. 
to  Carrier  Corp.    Air  distribution  system  for  a  food  display 
case.     3.010.379,  11-28-61.  CI.  98— 36. 
Asadorlan,  Arthur  A.,  to  The  Dow  Chemical  Co      Selective 
bromination  of  benzene.     2,979,537.  4-11-61,  CI.  260—650. 
Asadorlan.  .Vrthur  A.,  and  G.  A.  Burk,  to  The  Dow  Chemlial 
Co.      Process    for    the   preparation   of  aliphatic    bromides 
2.979..')40.  4-11-61.  CI.   260—654. 
.  A.sadorlan,  Arthur  A.,  and  G.  A.   Burkv  to  The  Dow  Chemi 
cal  Co.     Preparation  of  alkyl  bromide#  3,000.980.  9-19-<}l. 
CI.  l-'CO — ♦•,.-M. 
Asithi  Kasei  Kogyo  Kabushiki  Kaisha  :  See — 

Arita,  Hideo,  and  Kusaka.     3,014.782. 
Asal.  Toohlnobu :  See-- 

Tsuda.  Kyosuke.  Asai.  Ilzuk.i,  Tnnaka.  Xakamnra.  Oka- 
zakl.  Shlrasaka,  and  Nalto.     2,993.839. 
Asakawa,  George  :  See— 

Vernet,  Serqlus  and  Asakawa.    2,978.665. 
Vemet,  Serglus,  Corwln,  and  Asakawa.     3,001.401. 
Asano    Kosiike:    Srr 

Watanabe.  Koichl.  Asano,  and  Hara.     2,970,708, 
Asarl.  Kumakl :  See — 

Sato.  Kenshun,  and  Asarl.    2.981.252. 
Aschaner.  Georce  R..  to  Twin  Disp  Clutch  Co.     Hydraulloally 
actuated  friction  clutch.     3,007,562,  11-7-61.  CI.  192—113. 
Ascher.  Otto  :  gee — 

Kreuzer,  Josef,  and  Ascher.     2,991,437. 
Aseptic  Thermo  Indicator  Co.  :  Sre — 

Huyck,  Wlllard  M.,  and  Romlto.     2,998,306. 
HuTck.  Willard  M.,  and  Romito.     3.006.313. 
.\sfour.  "Emil  S  .  and  E.  D.  Zloe.    .Retractable  anrhorage-type 

fastener.    2.088.855.  8-20-61,  CI.  50 — 178. 
Ash.  Al«ln  G. :  See — 

Rasmussen,  William  B.    2,980.302. 
Ash,  .Vrthur  :   See — 

Lodge.  George  C.  O.     3:012.477. 
.\sh.  Itertrand  D. :  See —  , 

Lvnn.  John  W..  and  Ash      3.008,992. 
Ash.    Charles    P.      Demountable-rlm   dilTerentlal   dual    wheel 

construction.    2.988,400,  6-13f-61,  O.  301 — 36. 
Ash.  Charles  S.    Double-disc  vehicle  brake.    3.003.590.  10-10-. 

61.  CI.  188 — 73. 
Ash.  Clark  W..  and  A.  .V.  van  Glnkel-Ondrus.     Parking  mean<( 
for  automobiles   and   the   like.      3.003,571.    10-10-61.    Cl. 
ISO    .1 
Ash.  William  J..  H  to  E.  J.  Bean  Ltd.    Bollards  or  like  moor- 
ing devices.    2,990,801.  7-4-61,  Ci.  114—218. 
Asbbaker.    Charles    A.,    to    Allis-Chalmers    Mfg.    Co.      Sub- 
merged  arc   welding  apparatus.     2,972,042.   2-14-61,   Cl. 
219 — 126. 
Asbby.   Bruc«  A. :  See — 

Onienhaeen,  Richard  H.,  Ashby,  Brltton.  and  Ilorsley. 


Ashby.  Clarence  E..  S.  P.  Poster,  and  E.  T.  Pleski,  to  E.  I. 

dn  Pont  de  Nemours  and  Co.     Process  for  coupling  polyole 

flns.     2.993.882.  7-25-61,  Cl.  260— 94.9. 

.Vshbv.  Edward  P..  Jr.     Invalid  handling  device  for  bathtubs 

2,968.814.   1-24-61.  Cl    4 — 185. 
Ashby.   Eugene  C.   to  Ethyl   Corp.     Preparation  of  sodium 
hvdrorarbon    boron    compounds.     3.007,970,    11-7-61,    Cl. 
.\Bhby,    Robert    M.,    and    J.    A.    Marsh,    to    North    American 
Aviation,    Inc.      Conical    scan    monopuls*    radar    system. 
3;0I4,214.  12-19-61,  CTT  34.'J— 11. 
.\shbT.  Ronald  J. :  See — 

feates.  Oswald  R.,  and  Ashby.    2.900.134. 
Ashbv.  William  Remlnjrton  Arrts  Co..  Inc.     Shot    shell 
packing  machine.     2.972.217.  2-21-61,  Cl.  5.V-374. 

-Vshcraft.  Elmer  B.  :  See — 

Roberts.  William  L..  and  Ashcraft.     2.969.474. 

Ashe.  Herbert  J.     Electric  lanterns.     2,983,812.  5-9-61,  Cl. 

.\9he,  John  M. :  See —  I 

Malloy,  John  E.    2,969.034.  | 

\aht,  John  M.    Apparatus  for  making  walsthnnd.     2,972,317, 
i-il-ei    Cl.  112—147. 

2,980,201.  4-18-61, 

.  Meldgaard.  to  S.  C. 
3,003,241,  10-10-61. 

Ashlock.   legal 
Pitted   date 

T.  Stockford, 

Ashe,  John  M.,  20%  to  J.  Llp»ey.  Control  for  textile  ma- 
chine.    2,980,796,  6-27-61,  Cl.  28—51.  .  „^^    ^ 

Ashe,  John  M.,  and  C.  S.  Ost ;  said  Ost  assor.  of  35%  to 
said  Ashe.  Magnetic  latch  opener  and  demagnetixer. 
2,997,806,  8-29-61.  Cl.  66—111. 

Ashe,  Stanly  :  Sec — 

Malloy,  John  E.     2.!>69  034. 

Ashenfelter,  William  K.     Scaffold  horse 

rn      IgO 184 

Ashe'r.  Eldon  L.,  C.  E.  Folwell,  and  J.  A 

Johnson  A  Son,  Inc.     Code  marker. 

Cl.  33—32. 
Asberiuan,  Charles  D. :  See — 

-Mlckelson.  Cedrlc  G..  and  Asherman.     2,970,903. 
Ashkenaz,    David    M.,    to    American    Home    Products    Corp. 

Analgesic    compositions   and    method.     2,987,438,    6-6-61, 

Cl.  167—52. 
Ashkenaz,  David  M.,  to  American  Home  Products  Corp.     Jet 

stream  dispenser.    2,995.308.  8-8-61,  Cl.  239 — 302. 
Ashkln,  Arthur     to   Bell   Telephone   Laboratories,   Inc.     Low 

noise  amplifier.     3,009,078.   11-14-61.  Cl.  315—3. 
Ashkln,  Arthur,  J.  P.  Gordon,  and  L.  D.  White,  to  Bell  Tele- 
phone Laboratories,  Inc.    Molecular  beam  maser.    3,013,218, 

12-12-61,  Cl.  331 — ^94. 
Ashland  Oil  A  Refining  Co. :  See — 

Paulsen,  Thorwell  H.     2,998.457. 
Ashley,  Carlyle  M.,  to  Carrier  Corp.     Method  of  blanching 

food  products.    2.978,325.  4-4-61.  a.  99—1. 
Ashley,  Carlyle  M.,  to  Carrier  Corp.     Method  and  apparatus 

of   rendering  saline   water  potable.     3.012.409,   12-12-61. 

Cl.  62—58. 
Ashley.    George    C.    to    United'  States    of    America,    Army. 

Safety   door  latch.     3.014,440.    1^-26-61.   Cl.    110—179. 
Ashley.  Glen  W.,  Jr. :  See — 

Guthrie.   John- M.,   Bonk,   Allardt,   Ashley,    Burkheimer, 
and  Smith.     3,010.677. 
Ashley.    Howard    J.      Changeable    display    sign.      2.976,634. 

3-28-61.  Cl.  40—125. 
Ashley  Machine  Co..  The  :  See — 

.McKinley.  Robert  W.,  and^Ernstes.    2,991.497. 
Ashlock.  Alma  B. :  See — 

Ashlock.  George  W.,  Jr.     3,013,596. 
Ashlock.  George  W,,  Co. :  See — 

Ashlock.  George  W.,  Jr.     3,013,596. 
.\shlock,   George   \^ .,  Jr..   deceased,   by   A.   E. 

representative,    to   George    W.    Ashlock    Co, 

sllcer.      3,013.596,    12-19-61,   Cl.    146—98. 
.Vshitian.   Charles  S.,   B.   H.  L.   James,  and  M 

to     North    American     Philips    Co.,     Inc. 

2,975,358.  3-14-61.  Cl.  323—51. 
Ashton,  Albert  A.,  to  The  Youngstown  Sheet  and  Tube  Co. 

Offshore  drilling  rig.     3.011.318.   12-5-61.  Cl.  61 — 46.5. 
Ashton.  Benjamin  N.,  E.  Rawdlng.  and  H.  Von  Pessler,  to 

Electrol   Inc.     Power  pack  unit.     2,988,004,  6-13-61,  Cl. 

103 — 41. 
Ashton.  George  H.,  to  Bemls  Bro.  Bag  Co.     Bags.     3,004,698. 

10-17-61.  Cl.  220—62.5. 
Ashton,  Robert :  See — 

Home,  Donald  S.,  Ashton,  and  Kepkay.    2,999.347. 

Home,  Donald  S.,  Ashton,  and  Kepkay.     2,999,556. 

.Vshwood.    <Jeorge    A.,    to   United    States    of   America,    Navy. 

Kluld  flow  indicators.     2.970.561.  2-7-61.  C\.  116—117. 

Ashworth,  Fred,  to  Metropolltan-Vlckers  Electrical  Co.,  Ltd. 
•Manufacture  of  printed  electrical  circuits  or  components. 
2.981.611.  4-25-61,  Cl.  41 — 43. 

Ashworth,  Fred,  and  J.  R.  loannilll.  to  United  Shoe  Ma- 
chinery Corp.  Shoe  sewing  machines.  2.972,316.  2-21-61. 
Cl.   112—36. 

.\8hworth,  Fred,  and  A.  J.  Knowles.  to  Metropolitan-Vlckers 
Electrical  Co.  Ltd.  Magnetic  signal  carriers.  2,999,766. 
9-12-61,  Cl.  117— 94. 

Ashworth,  Fred,  and  J.  R.  loannilll,  to  United  Shoe  Machinery 
Corp.  Shoe  sewing  machines.  3,002,475,  10-3-61.  Cl. 

.\shworth,  Frederick  H. :  See — 

Lortz.  Don  C,  and  Ashworth.     3,012,370. 

Ashworth,  Wlnthrop  F.,  to  Unlted-Carr  Fastener  Corp.  Iy)Ck- 
Ing  fastener.     2.979,356,  4-11-61.  Cl    292—317. 

Ashworth.  Wlnthrop  F.,  to  Unlted-Carr  Fastener  Corp.  Lock- 
ing fastener.     3,012.807.  12-12-61.  Cl.  292—321. 

Aslnger.  Friedrlch.  M.  Thlel.  and  H.  Hauthal,  to  VEB  I^euna- 
Werke  Walter  Ulbrlcht.  Process  for  the  preparation  of 
A  3.4-thlazolines.     3,004,981,   10-17-61,  Cl.  260 — .306.7. 

Askam,  John  P. :  See — 

Barber.  Ronald  J.,  and  Askam.     3.014.521. 

Askanla  Regulator  Co. :  See —  ' 

Reip,  Raymond  0.     3,011.505. 
Askanla-Werke  A.G. :  See — 

Dobberstein.  Heins.    2.968,736. 

Haalrk.  Fritz.     2.978.906. 

Harth.  Carlo.     3,002.417. 

Kuhne,  Chrlstoph.     2.081. .')72. 

Stegllch,  Kurt.    2.968,220. 
Aske,  Charles  B..  Jr. :  Bee — 

Wood.  Edward  L.    2.996,336. 

'Aske,  Charles  B.,  Jr.,  to  Gar  Wood  Industries,  Inc."  Wheel 
trim  and  multi-color  tire  trim  construction.  2.996,334, 
8-15-61.  Cl.  301—37. 

Aske.  Charles  B..  Jr.,  to  Gar  Wood  Industries,  Inc.  Wheel 
and  tire  trim  construction.   2,996.335,  8-15-61,  Cl.  301 — 37. 



Aske.  Charles  B.,  Jr.,  to  Gar  Wood  Industries,  loc  Tire 
trim-wheel  trim  auxiliary  anchorage  means.  3,ooo,t}.-. 
1^19-61,  CI.  301 — 37.  „  „   «       1  *       r.« 

Aske,  Leonard  E..  to  Minneapolis-Hoiiejn^ll  Regulatw  Co. 
Slip  ring  construction.     3,005.173,  10-17-61.  CI.  339—8. 

Aske,    Vernon    H.      Variable    pe/meabillty   magnetic   circuit. 

\Bk'e^^^ernbn~H.,    to   Minneapolis  Honeywell    Regulator   Co. 

InertM  l^truments.     L'.^slSlO  4-11-61.  a.  73-515. 
Askerneese,    ^Vllby^     Remote   control   extension.      .i,WTtf.o-i. 

A8fevoid!^Roi?rt  Cto  The  Pure  OU  Co.  Wave  breaking 
device      2,072,233.  2-21-61.  CI.  61—5.  ,     .  .  .* 

AskevlJui.  Robert  J.,  to  The  Pure  Oil  Co  Static  electricity 
sensing    and    control    means.     3,013,578,     12-l»-«l,    ci. 

VskueT^lK"  R..  to  The  Cleveland  Trencher  Co.  ExcavatinR 
machine.    2.981,013.4-25-6101.73-94.  -    „^^^,.^^ 

Askue  Albert  R..  to  The  Cleveland  Trencher  Co.  Excavating 
machine.    2,993,844,  8-15-61    CI.  37— 97.  n,„»,.,^ 

Askue,  Albert  R.,  to  ^-he  Cleveland  Trencher  Co.  Discharge 
mechanism.    2,996,168.  8-15-61.  CL  198—126 

Askvold.  Bjarne  G.  K.  H.     LipsUck  holders.    2,983,3(0,  5-9- 

Asliiid^'-KSt^and  F.  G.^Tillander    to  Aktiebolaget  Bofors. 
Asrn7^N«ra^nrtoiS^'n  ^a^'o.  %lfp7niing  carton. 

A.r^l?J\.^^RnV  SlStJIiAbJorn  Anderson,  App.- 
ratus  for  automatically  loading  bags  on  a  pallet.    .-,97 ,  .uu-. 

\8jriei7*Har^old.'l\l\Abblnk-Spalnk.  and  ;.  WilHs,  to  The 
English  Electric  Co.  Ltd.     Electrical  phase  angle  compara- 
tori.     3,009,107.  11-14-«1,  CI.  324—83 

Aspden.  Robert  G.,  to  Westinehouse  E  Mtr  c  Corp  Iron-sill- 
con  magnetic  sheets.     2,992.951    T-lS^lj  CI    l^S— 111. 

Aspeek  Reginald  J.  Automatic  closure  device  for  glad-hand 
couplings.    2,996.314.  8-15-61   CI.  284/-7 

Aspelin.  Leslie  L..  to  Thompson  Ramo  ^\ooldrldge  Inc.  Pump 
assembly    for    a    fuel    system.     3,007,513,     11-7-61,    CI. 

Aspenberg.  Erik  V..  to  Aktiebolaget  Svenska  Jarnyagsverk- 
staderna.  Device  in  two-axled  carriages.  2,996,018.  8-15- 
61,  CI.  105—3. 

Asplund.  Arne  J.  A. :  See-— 

Johansson.   Sven  H.     2.971,704. 
Asplund.  Robert  K. :  See—  .  c.    wi.      o  oto  ii\k 

Lo  Fiego.  Louis,  Asplund.  and  Smith.     2,972.305. 
Asplund.    Robert   K.,    to    Bermite   Powder   Co.      Multi-stage 

fgnitel-  charge.     2.995.088.  8-8;«l.  CI.  102—70. 
Asproyerakas,  Minos  J.,  to  J.  E.  Glyman.    Rack  comprised  of 
tubular  members  Integrally  Joined  by  reinforcing  means. 
2.982,422,  5-2-61,  CI.  211—134.  ^  , 

Assallnl.    Giuseppe,    to    Rohm    *   Haas    Co.      Ion    exchange 

process.    2.971.868.  2-14-61.  CI.  127—46. 
Assmus.    Fritz,    R.    Boll,    K.   Detert.    D.   Gani.   Q-  ^Ibe    a^d 
F.  Pfeifer,  to  Vacuumschmelze  Aktlengesellschaft.     Meth- 
od of  manufacturing  magnetic  sheets.     2,992,952,  7-18-61, 
CI.  148—111. 

Associated  Automation  Ltd. :  See —        

Hall,  Frederick  W.,  and  Young.    2,998  490. 
Wapling,  George  A.,  and  Donettl.    3,006,521. 
Associated  Electrical  Industries  Ltd. :  See — 

.Mlibone.  Thomas  E.    3.00.').703.  onTO.«- 

Choudhurv    Shafi  Uddln  A.,  and   Whltcroft.     2.973.^6., 
Craig.  Robert  I).     2,981. S.-'.O.  . 

Crnlg.  Robert  D.     2,993.992. 
Craig.  Robert  D.     2.995,658. 
Craig.  Robert  D.    2,995,059. 
Lock.  Tom.     ."..013.238. 
Penn.  Alan  W.     3.010.285. 
Rnine.  Thomas,  and  Robinson. 
A.ssociated  Lead  Manufacturers  Ltd 

Rpad.   Norman  J.     3.014,000. 
Associated  Spring  Corp. :  See — 
B^'ckwlth.  .Tohn  B.     2.977  109. 
De  Jean,  Don  C.    2,991,064. 
Dominic,  Ivnn  V.     2.972.494. 
Johnson,  William  R.     3,002,865. 
Waite.  David  E.     3.012,802. 

Associates  Discount  Corp. :  See — 
Reitz,  Robert  J.    2.967.084. 

Astatic  Corp..  The  :  Sre — 

Burdlck.  Robert  R..  nnd  Pnnkar 
'        Jacque,  James  M.    2.980.811. 
Jaciiue,  James  M.     :i.n00.t):j9. 
Jacque.' James  M.    3.001  031. 
Kelly.  Paul  V.,  and  McKee.    2,983.518. 
Paull.  Charles  F..  and  Chorpennlng.     3,007.013. 
Ross,  James.     2.991.331. 
Astheimer.  Robert  W.,  to  Barnes  Engineering  Co      S«inning 
detector  and  electric  processing  system.    3,003,026. 10-d-6i, 

Q\    J7g^ 7  i 

Astheimer,  Robert  W.,  to  Barnes  Engineering  Co.     Infrared 

dimensional  gage.     3,003,064.  10-3-61,  CI.  250—83.3. 
Astheimer,  Robert  W.,  and  R.  F.  Loftwirh,  to  Barnes  Engi- 
neering Co.     Contrast  radiometer'  with  background  ellmina 
tion.     3,012,473.  12-12-61.  CI.  88—23. 
Astlvla,    LorenEO.     Anti-glare   head   lights   of   two   sections 

forming  one  unit.     2.994,006.  7-25-61.  CI.  313—1. 
Astle,  Melvln  J.,  to  Harrls-Intertype  Corp.     HydrophiUc  sur- 
face.   2.991,204,  7-4-61.  CI.  148—6. 

:  See — 


Astle.  Raymond  E. :  See— 

XsJt&Iom,  j'rfT:'!?Henp.  and  M.^G.  L^nanl    t« 
Westlnghouse  Electric  Corp.     Circuit  breaker.     2,994,753, 

Asua^i:  Mort2S~M^^to    International   Business  ;Machlnes 
Corp.      Information    record    reading    system.      _,994,bo.J. 

AsSk^hJi;  SortoTwJJ  W.  L.  Batchelor.  B.  Housman,  H.  L. 
iSrkjiin^and   B.   L.    Sarahun.   to   International    Businew 
Machines  Corp.    Signal  storage  system.    3,012,227,  12-5-61, 
CI.  340—172.5. 
Astro-Dome,  Inc.:  See— 

Paulson.  John  O.    2.996.844. 
Astrup  Co..  The  :  See —  „^^ 

Koslo,  Robert  C.     2.971.619. 
Atag-Trust :  See-  -„„,„„. 

Aust,  Edmundo  M.    2.998.106.  _ 

Atalla.  Anwar  A.,  to  The  Torrlneton  Mfg    Co.     Blower  unit 
and  motor  supporting  means  for  use  therein.     ,J,9i9,»bu, 

Atalla.  Anwar  A.,  to  The  Torrlngton  Mfg.  Co.     Blower  unit. 

AX''&&='Jr''i.^a';.?'"fe-\l;-B.,..  «  Ben  T^^.^ 

Laboratories.     Inc.       Semiconductor    contact.       J.97J.4eb. 

2_«>a_Ai     ci    317 '*40 

AtanSsofr. 'John  V.,  and  S.  Lefvold      Method  and  apparatus 

for  sweeping  a  mine.     2.967.504.  1-10-61,  CI.  114—^35. 
Atanasoff.    JoTin     V..    and    A.     <'arnvale.       .Mlcrobarophone. 

3  000''1.'>    9-19-61     <'l     7"? — "OS 
Atchison"  Byron  L.     Portable  shelter.     2,980,124,  4-18-<51, 

CI    135     1 
Atchison,  Frid  S.,  to  United  States  of  America,  Navy      En- 
ergy  (lecoupling  of   closely  spaced   radar  antenna   horns. 

2,989,747.  6-20-61.  Cl.  343— 776  

Atcfiison.  Leonard   W.,  to  General  HJectric  Co.     Air  oondl- 

tioning   arrangement    for   relatively   high   roofed    building 

structures.     2.975.615.  3-21-«l.  CI.  62—263. 
Atchison,  Leonard  W..  to  General  Electric  Co.    Room  "ISS?"- 

ditioner     condensate     disposal     arrangement.       z,viv,vio, 

4-18-61,  CI.  62—275. 
Atchison,  Robert  A. :  See — 

Cohen,  Charles  L.,  and  Atchison.    ^,«02.292.    ^    .     _ 
Atchison,   kobert  A.,  and  G.  R.   Sowter    to  ACF  Industries, 

Inc.     fenglne  start  simulation.     3.012.338,   12-12-61,   CI. 

3.") — 1 2. 
Atchison.  Topeka  &  Santa  Fe  Railway  Co  .  The :  See— 

MUler.  Donald  E..  and  Frank.    2.973,724 
Atchley.  Frank  W.     Lighter  structure.     2.978.889,  4-11-61. 

Atch'lPv'  Ravniond  D..  to  American  Brake  Shoe  Co.    Actuator. 

2.996,072."  8-15-61.  CI.  137—83. 
Atchley.  Raymond.  Inc. :  See—- 

Atchley.  Raymond  D.    2,996.072. 
Ateliers  de  Construction  Emile  D'Hooge,  Sodetede  Personnes 
a  responsabiiite  limitee  :  Seo — 

D'llooge,  Emile.     2,966,786. 
Ateliers  de  Constructions  Electrlqtjes  de  Charlerol:  See — 

Braeckman,  Fernand.    2,978.530. 

Cuveller,  Jean  J.    2.981. 7»4. 
\tellers  de  la  Motobecane,  Soclete  Anonyme  Francalse  :  Bee — 

Jaulmes.  Eric.     2.986.043.  i  > 

Jaulmes,  Eric.     2,^98.471. 
Ateliers  des  Charmilles  S.  A. :  See —  -  ^ 

Culaud.  Andr6.    2.996,995. 

Mironoff.  Nicolas.    2.989,616. 

Pfau.  Jean.     2.978.61  G. 
'  Pfau.  Jean.    2.991.758. 
Ateliers  et  i'hantlers  de  Bretagne  (-^nclens  ets.  de  la  Brosse 
et  Foucho) :  Ser — 

Kummerman.  Henri.     2,979.007. 

Ateliers  G.S.P.  :  .«rcc—  \ 

Pegard.  Pierre.    2.976.962.  ^ 

Ateliers  Plngris  &  Mollet-Fontaine  Reunis  (Societfi  Anonyme)  : 

Gulnot.  Henri  M.    2,972,512. 
Ateliers   Roannais   De   Constructions   Textiles:  See — 

Rochegude,  ImuIs  V.  M.    2,973.155. 
Atha.  Floyd  L.     Face  shield.     2.978.709.  4-11-61,  CI.  2-9. 
Athens  Plow  Co. :  Sec— 

Shlpp.  John  W. 
Atherholt,  George  L..  Sr..  to  A  &C  Engineering  Co^    Hgg^^' 
llcally  expansible  arbor.     2.971.765,  2-14-61,  CI.  279 — 4. 
Atherton.  Nell  P..  to  Blackhawk  Mfg.  Co.     Ram  assemblage. 

2,987.046.  6-6-61.  CI.  121—38. 
Atherton.    Neil    F.,    and   D.    W.    Sessody,    to    Applied    Power 
Industries.     Inc.      Quickly     extendable     mechanical     jack. 
3.013.772.  12-19-61.  Ci.  254—99. 
Atkeson.  Florlan  V..  to  Pittsburgh  Plate  Glass  Co.    Protection 

of  surfaces.    2,992.747.  7-18-61.  CI.  214— 10.5. 
Vtkin    Owen  W..  to  American  Nuclear  Shield  Corp.    Building 
materials.     3.006.777.  10-31-61.  CI.  106—97. 

.Vtkin.  Rupert  L. :  See —  ^  „„, 

Sinclair.  Charles  W..  and  Atkln.    2.969.82.V 
Sliiclalr,  Charles  W.,  and  Atkln.     3,007.653. 
Sumner,  Charles  H.,  and  Atkln.    3,003,698. 
.'Vtkin     Rupert    L.,    to   Kelsey-Hayes   Co.      Wheel   and   brake 

drum  assembly.     3.004.795.  10-17-61.  Q.  301—6. 
Atkln,   Rupert  L.,    to  Kelsey-Hayes  Co.     Wheel   and  brake 
drum  assembly.     3.004.796,   10-17-61,  CI.  301—6. 


Atkins.  Carl  E.,  to  Tnng-Sol  Electric  Inc. 
circuit:    2,974,292,  3-7-61.  CI.  331—145. 


Oscillator  control 

AtklnM.    Ina 
128 -L'4 

Atkin.«.  RoNrt 

Atkin.'^on.  .Man 

Foam    netkl«-t.      3.00t!|.4«4,    11-14-«1,    CI. 

C.    to   K.    I.    (Ill    I'ont   (Sp   Nemours   and    Co. 

fllica    ;iqiias<i|>i    of  low    viscosity    an»l    their 

3.012.07.'..   12-12-«1,   Cl.'2r)2— 313. 

M..  and  .M.  I-.  Schat.     Means  for  loading  oil 

"n  ve8.x«»l8  and  disrhur^'lji);  oil  therefrom.     2.984,198.  5-ltJ- 


,    J, 


.  J. 

<  ■<>. 

,    to 

G.    Mark, 


2«<J — O^O. 

<}.    Alark. 


2m — e.fiij, 

The    Black 

and   T>.    Kul>in- 
of     purifjinu 

teln.    to 

and   D.    Kubin^teln.    to 
of    purif.vlng    diolefins. 

and    Decker    Mfjr.    Co. 

rtl.  CI    in — 74. 
Atkinson.    Edward    R 

W.     R.     i;raf*     k 

2.973.394.   2-2«-r,i. 
Atkinson.    Edward    R 

W,     |{.     Grace    & 

2.973..30r,,  J-2H-«JI 
AtkinfK>n.    Georse    E., 

r'niver.xal   shoe   for  reciprocating  saw.     2,998.8.30.  9-.V-ffl, 
^1.  14.3-  «s 
Atkinson.  George  It.,  to  Pittsburgh  Plate  Glass  Co.     Produc- 
tion of  calclam  silicate.     2.980.644,  4-18-61.  CI.  260 — 11.5. 
Atkinson.  (Jeorge  H..  and  F.  .Strain,  to  Pittsburgh  Plate  Glass 

Co.      Process  of   preparing  siliceous  pigments.     2,995,422, 

8-*-6l.  CI.  23— no.  , 

Atkin«on.  Guy  F..  Co. :  See I 

Spencer.  iKmnId  B     2.988.966. 
Atkinson.  James  T.  X..  to  Her  Majesty  the  Queen  In  the  right 

of   Canada,   as    represented    by    the    Minister   of   National 

Defence.     Electro  plating  of  metals.     3.003.933,  10-10-61. 

n.  204—49 
Atkinson  Mfg.  Co.  :  flee — 

Atkinson,  Trnnian  L.     2.969. l.V'i.         ' 
Atkinson.   Richard  L..  to  Atkinson's  .AgHciiltural  Appliances 

Ltd.      Machinery   guards.      2,976.703.   3-28-61.   CI.  64 — 4. 
Atkinson.  Richard  M..  and  A.  J.  Shaler.  to  Stackpole  Carbon 

<  o.     Titanium  carbide-silver  compositions.    2,998.641.  9-5- 

61.  CI.  29—182.8. 
Atkinson.  Truman    L..   to   Atkinson   Mfe.  Co.     Locking  Joint 

for  rick.s.     2,9*!0.1.V).  l-l'j-r.i,  (1    211—177 
Atkinson    Vernon  T.  :  f!ee- 

Moore.  Robert  B..  and  Atkinson.     .^.006.729. 
.\tkinson.  Vernon  T..  to  I>hilli|»  IV.trolenm  To.     Tte^'cneratWrn 

of  copper   ammonium   s.ilr  solution..    3.0t»6.717.    10  .Tl-dl 

n    23     •_».  . 

Atkinson.   William   G..   to   fromervillo,      End   closures   for 

containers.     2,986.322.  .■'>-30-61.  CI.  229-^—34. 


A.,  and  Keei>an.    2,986.576. 
Jr..  and   Hunter.      2.970,10."i. 
Jr.,  Hunter,  and  Yoiintr.     2  991. .'•».' 
,  Jr.,  and  Shlplev.  '   2.989.488 
Pitts,  and  Aristoff      2  090  364 
and   Woodbrldge.     2,989  572 
A.     3.007.880.  1 



.Xtkiiison's  Airricnltunil  Api>II:mhi^  Ltd 

Atkinson.  Richard  L.     2.976,70.3. 
Aikron.  Inc.  :  f!re — 

Copping.   I'.ruce  G.     .3.011.667. 
Atlanta  Oak  Flooring  Co.  :   Flee — 

.Tohns.T,  Berry  H.     2.969.816. 
-Atlantic  Machine  T/>ol  Works.  Inc. :  See 

Koblej..  Frank  P.     2.997.218. 
Atlantic  Refinin?  Co.,  The  :  f!ee —    , 

Barkis.  Edward.     3,003. 9.')7 

Beggs.    William   S.     3.014.002. 

Blrkhlmer.  Edwin  R.     2.978  419 

Bonetti.  Giovanni  A.    3.000.972 

Bonett^,  Giovanni 

rondo.   Albert   C, 

Condo.  Albert  C. 

r'onnor.  Jame^  E. 

Kowle,  Merrill  J., 

Harlu.  Oscar  H.. 

Hartime.    Hnrold- 

Jakaitls.  Eugene  A 

Keenan.  Vincent  J.     3.007.831. 

I/eum.  Leonard  N.,  and  Connor. 

I>eum.  I^eonarrl  N.,  and  Connor. 

MacN'eill.  JamcH  C.     2  n«5  .'.43 

Russell.   Donald  IL      3.011.ftS0 

Slobofl.  Robert  L..  and  Koch      2.968  3.'in 
•    Wheeled  ?Mward  S  .  and  Ellis     3  000  90.' 

Winc»i»'tl.    Brr.qnt    C.      3nir?872 

Woods.  John  P..  and  Prirkett.    2.982.371. 

Yoiine.  William  S..  Condo.  Hunter,  and  Iserson 
Atlantic  Research  Corp. :  f!ee — 

Marshall,  Frank  R.     2.995.904.  •  I 

Rice.  Milltrd  1.  .  and  Barm-s      2.978  R7n 

Rnmbel.  Keith  E..  and  Cohen      2.997..3fr.'; 

Scnrloek.  Arch  C.      3.014.4217 

Terek.  Joseph  A.,  and  Stewart.     2,986.831. 

Weil.  lister  L.     2.967.098. 
Atlantic  Spring  Products  To  :  Hee — 

Wlnlkoff.  Harold.     2.992.443. 
Atlantic  Steel  To  r   f:ee   - 

Patterson.  Walter  G      3.000.589. 
Atlantic  Surgical  Co..  Inc. :  Ree —      . 

Berger.  Leon.     2.971.510. 
Atlantic  Wire  and  Cable  Corp. :  Set — 

Exton.  Norman.    2.976,."93. 
Atlas  Boiler  h  Equipment  Co. :  See — 

Peterson.  John  L.     3.011.63|8. 
Atlas  Chemical  Industrfen.  Inc.  :  f:ee — 

Barker.  George  E..  and  Hurst.     3,002.^23 

<'ox.  Fred  W..  Jr..  and  Rm>mer     2  997  378 

^labiizda.    George    E       3.011.fi9O. 

Lawrence.  Joseph  W.,  and  Junk.     r..0J2  851 

Woods.  George  E.     3.012.047, 
Atlas  Copco  Aktiebolag:  See — 
Holilp.  Jan  K.     3.010.431. 

Atlas  E-E  Corp. :  .Sec— 

Mowatt.  Allan  Q.     3,005,036. 
Atlas  General  Industries,  Inc.  :  .Sec — 
Pierce,  Chester  J.,  Jr.     3.008.384. 
Pierce.  Chester  J.,  Jr.     3,008.385. 
Atlas  Pipe  Inc. :  Set —    - 

Taylor.  William  B.,  and  Griffin.    2.980,451. 
Atlas  I'owder  Co. :  See — 

Barlow.  Lester  P.  ,2.999.4.>9 
Hartmann.  Ludwig  .\.    2.977.291. 
Hay,  Horace  E.     2,994.244. 
Hujett,  Daniel  1».    2.966.820. 
Jeffries,  John  M.     2,978,947. 
Kasehagen.  Leo.    2,96H.»;s((. 

Kincaid.  George  P.,  Douglas,  and  Gay.     2,999,912. 
I>awrence.  Joseph  W    and  Jniik.     2.9t;!»..3."»4. 
Rudkin,  George  O.,  Jr..  Wilson,  and  Dunn.     2.994,674. 
'      Vinson.   Donald   R.      2.977.022.    ' 

Wilt,  Paul  E..  III.  and  Nelson.     2.96S..')41. 
Zech,  John  D.    2.993,887. 
Zech.  John  D.,  and  Hurst.    2,996,4.50. 
Atlas-Werke  Aktiengesellschaft :  See — 
Kietz,  Hans.     3,005.973. 
Kietz.  Hans.      3.013,247. 
Tanhert    Rolf.      3.01 4.1 2.<< 
Atman,  Jay  W.,  and  H.  G.  Hall :  said  Atman  assor.  to  Alumi- 
num Co.  of  .Vmerica.    Hand  tool  for  applying  and  removing 
line   connector  clamps.     2.986.0.53,   .5-30-61,   CI.   81 — 53.1. 
-Vtobe.  Yorlyasu  :  See — 

Sakano,  Takeshi,  Masuda,  Toda,  and  Atobe.     2,982,705. 
.\tohm  Electronics  :  See — 

Elliott,  C^orge  H.    2,982,931.  '     i 

.\toniic  Energy  of  Canada  Ltd. :  .See —  ' 

Blefer,  Gregory  J.,  and  Krenz.     2.977.260.- 
Evans.  Edward  J.     3.(M>0.072 
Haywood.  lieslle  R.     2.971.080. 
Michand.  Gaetan  G.  J.,  and  Boucher.     3,010,825. 
Mooradlan.  .\ra  J.     2.991.148  •-• 

Runtoalls.  Oliver  J.  C.     2.987,393. 
Tunniclirre.    Philip    R.,    Siddall.    Berry,   and   Whittaker. 

Tuiinicliff*'.  Philip  R..  Whittier.  and  Wikhammer.     2.998,- 

Watson.  Robert  D.     2,987.3'32. 
Winter.  Eric  E..  and  Russell      2.900.254 
Ator.  Joe  T..  W.  P.  Chase.   M.  G.  Drevfus,   J.   F.  Harrah, 
and   D.    I.    Harris,    to   General    Precision.    Inc.     Detecting 
apparatus.     2,987.182.  6-6-61    CI.  209 — 111. 
Attewell,  Oliver  G..  to  .Mcf! raw-Edison  Co.     Method  of  mag- 
netic   core    construction.      3.003.226     10-10-61      CI     29 — 
155  61.  '        • 

Attrldge.  Curtis  C. :  See — 

Shaffer,  Robert  A.,  and  Attrldge.     3.002.847. 
Attwood,  Charles  W.    Roofing.    2,990,650.  7— 1-61.  Cl.  .50 — 212 

Box  or  package  conveyor.     2,990,929, 


^  hydroxv- 


Attwood.  Charlen  W. 

7-4-61,  CI.  193-^35. 
•Vtvldabergs  Industrier  :  See — 

Stenudd.  Sven  G.  V.     2.969.498. 
Atwater,   Arthur    R..   and    E.    M.    Julich.    to   Bell 

Laboratories,     Inc.      Gold     plating     solutions 

4-4-61.  CI.  204-46. 
Atwater.  Norman  W. :  See — 

Colton.  Frank  B.,  and  Atwater.     3.012.045. 
.\twater,   Norman  W..  to  G.   D.-  Searle  &  Co.     17 

4-oxaandrostTn-3  ones  and  derivatives   thereof. 

2-28-61.   CI.    260- 343  rl. 
Atwater.  Norman  W.,  to  G.  D.  Searle  &  Co.    6-alkvlidenestra- 

1.3  5nO).triene-3.17MI«ls  and  derivatives  thereof.     2,974,- 

151.  .3-7-61.  CI.  260—397.4. 
Atwater.    Thomas    V..    Jr..    J.    L.    Tox.   and    L.    H.    Mnesine, 

to  r.  O.   Colson  Co.     Foldable  display  device.     3,007,268. 

11-7-61.  CI.  40— 124.1. 
.  Atwell,   Everett  C..   to  Burlington   Industries.   Inc.      Process 

for  treating  yarns,  filaments  and  fibers.     2.988.799    6-20- 

61.CI.  28— 72.  .        .        .       - 

Atwell.  Harold  V.  :  .See- 
/         narke.  Louis  A..  Ludeman.  and  Atwell.     3.010.813. 

Patterson.  John  A.,  and  Atwell.     2.993,931. 
.\twell.  Harold  V..  to  Texaco  Inc.     Manufacture  of  synthesis 

gas.     2.002.007.  7-18-61.  CI.  48 — 212. 
Atwell.   Harold  V..   to  Texaco  Inc.     Gasification  of  solid  car- 
bonaceous materials.     3.000.795.  11-21-61,  CI.  48—206. 
Atwell.  William  J.  :  See- 
Moore,  Robert  L.,  and^ Atwell.    2.985.918. 

Atwood.  Doris  S.     Carpet  fastener  strip.     2,990,565 
CI.  ir — 6.  , 

Atwood.    Giles    K.     Table    game. 

Atwood.   Hyatt   B..   to   Herr  Mfg.   Co 

3.013.377.  12-19-61.  CI.  57—120. 
.\twood.  John  L..  R.  H.  Cannon,  Jr..  J.  M.  Johnson.  Jr..  and 

G.    M.    Andrew,   to   North    American    -Vviation.    Inc       Gust 

alleviation  system.     2,985,409.  .5-2.3-61,  CI.  244 — 77. 
Atwood.  Kenneth  F.,  A.  K.  Long,  and  O.  F.   Shobe    to  The 

Glldden    Co.      Metal    primers    and    coating    compositions 

mollified  with  lower  alkyl  esters  of  unsaturated  alinhatic 

acids.     2.978.424.  4-4-61 .  CI.  260 — 19. 

Atwood.   Lamar  T.,    to   Hadson  Pnlp  ft   Paper  Corp. 

handle  and  the  like.     2,987,239,  »-6-61,  CI.  229— h52. 
Atwoo<|.   I..imar  T..  to  Hudson  Pulp  &  l'ap»'r  Coro      iiairs 

3.0O0..551.  9-19-61.  CI.  229— 62.!^^  * 

3,001.791,    9-26-61,    CT. 
Spinning  rings. 





Atwood,  Rawson,  and  C.  C.  L'AlIemand.    Bobbin  for  dacron 
.  filaments.     2,983.466.  5-9-61,  Ci.  242—118.31. 
Atwood,  Seth  B.  :  See — 

Patzer,  William  A.     2,967,452. 
Atzberger,    Frank.      Brake   gauge.      2,972,192,    2-21-Gl,    CI. 

Aubert,     Marcel.     Rotary     slide     rule     interval     Indicator. 

3.010.6.^0.  11-28-61.  CI.  235—88. 
Aubert,   Maurice,  and   E.   ^liquelis.     Electronic  intensifying 

ear-drum.    2,967,913,  1-10-61,  CI.  179 — 107. 
Aubert,  Michel  C,   to  Frame  S.A.     Dish   washing  machine. 

:;,967,024.  1-3-61,  CI.  239 — 261. 
Aubrey,  I>uane  R.  :  See — 

Petrie.  Adelore  F..  and  Aubrey.     3.006,+30. 
Aubry,  Richard  M.,  and  J.  R.  Welling,  to  Owens-Illinois  Glass 
Co.     Removing  temporary  seals  from  containers.     2,995,- 
883,  8-l.>-<;i.  Cl.  53—381. 
Auburn  Hosiery  MllLs.  Inc.  :  Sec —  ' 

Striink,  Thomas  I).     3.000.169. 
Auburn  Spark  Plug  <"o..  Inc. :  Scr — • 

Rnttev.  -Alexander  J.,  and  Xolin.     3.006,40.'. 
Battey.  Alexander  J.,  and  Riffle.     3.011,542. 
Audemar,    Pierre,    to    Societe    Alsaclenne    de    Constructions- 
Mecaniques.     Encapsulating    device    for    expanders,    com- 
pressors or  the  like.     3,011,094,  12-3-61,^  Q.  230—146. 
Audet,  Joseph  tJ. :  See — 

Fox,  Clarence  D..  and  Audet.     2,996.741. 
Audette,  Richard  R.,  to  Koppers  Co.,  Inc.    Acoustic  absorber. 

2,990,906,  7-4-61.  Cl.  181—50. 
Audio  Devices,  Inc. :  See — 

Radocy,  Frank.     2,993,096. 
Kadocy,   Frank.     3.007.807. 
Audio  Mechanical  Devices,  Inc. :  See — 

Horres,  Eugene  S.    2,982,489. 
Audran,  Roger  O.  L.,  to  Eastman  Kodak  Co.     Apparatus  for 
incorporating  fluids  into  liquids.     2,996,287,  8-15-61,  CI. 
Audrieth,  Ludwig  F.,  to  Stauffer  Chemical  Co.     Methods  of 
making  clay   products  and   improved  clay   products.     Re. 
25,055,  10-17-61,  CI.  106—73. 
Auer,  Edwin.  K.  Lehnert,  O.  Mutter,  and  O.  and  W.  Kopp. 
Carriage-like   rack   for  use  in   the  manufacture  of  shoes. 
2.98!>.]88.  6-20-61.  Cl.  211—34. 
Auer,  John  H..  Jr. :  See — 

Kendall,  Hugh  C,  and  Auer.     2,982,962. 
Auer,  Laszlo,  and  L.  L.  Balassa,  to  J.  R.  Gelgy  A.-G.    Textile 
pigment  printing  compositions.    2,991,260,  7-4-61,  Cl.  260 — 

Auer.  I'eter  T... :  See —  J 

Sharbiiugh,  Amandus  11.,  and  Auer.    2,992,406. 
Auerbach,  Bertram  J. :  See — 

(Jelrtern,   Fred   H.,  Auerbach,   and  Rogers.     2.990.252. 
Auerbach,  Bertram  J.,  and  H.  J.  Rogers,  to  Nopco  Chemiral 

O.      Process    for    producing    foamed    resinous    materials. 

2.990,380.  6-27-61,  Cl.  260—2.5. 
Auerbach,  Morris  E.,  and  R.   S.  Browning,  to  Sterling  Drug 

Inc.     Test  composition  for  determining  the  concentration 

of  quaternary  ammonium  compounds  in  aqueous  solution. 

'-•979,468,  4-11-61.  Cl.  252 — 408. 
Auerbacher,  George  N.,  to  Champlain  Co.,  Inc.     Multicolor 

printing   on   a  continuous   web.     2,972,297,  2-21-01.   Cl. 

.\ui;enstein,    Helmut,    to   Jewel   Case   Corp.      Hinge  and   box 

assembly.     2.0<i9.l65,  l-24-(;l.  Cl.  22<»-   35. 
Augensteln,  Karl,  C.,  to  Speldel  Corp.     Telescopic  expansible 

linkage     having     transTersely     positioned     coll     aprlngs. 

2,986,871,  6-6-61,  Cl.  59—79. 
Au^'enstein,  Karl  C,  to  Speldel  Corp.    Detachable  sheet  metal 

link    and    linkage    formed    therefrom.      2,998,697,    9-5-61, 

Cl.  59—80. 
Auger,  Diana  J.,  and  H.  J.  Graham.     Flow  measuring  system. 

2,9K1,104,  4-2.'i-61.  Cl.  7:5— 1S9. 

Angsburper,  Herbert  M..  to  Owens-Illinois  Glass  Co.  Uninten- 
tional ground  deterti<»n  for  glass  melting  furnace  provided 
with  electric  heating.     2,98^1.829.  5-16-61.  Cl.  .340-255. 

Augsburger.  Herbert  M.,  to  Owens-Illinois  Glass  Co.  Electric 
heating  method  and  apparatus  for  uniformly  heating  glass. 
2,993,079.  7-18-61,  Cl.  13—6. 

August,  George  S.  Butter  applicator.  3,003.180.  10-10-^U. 
Cl.  15 — 514. 

August,  John  H..  to  Sonotone  Corp.  Gas  vent  closure  for 
electric  storage  batterl«'S.     2,971.045.  2-7-01.  ci.  13«}_178. 

Aiigustln,  Darold  A.,  to  Bendlx-Westingbouse  Automotive  Air 
Brake  Co.  Pneumatic  window  lift.  2,986,123.  5-30-61,  Cl. 
121— iO. 

Aiigustin.  Darold  A.,  to  Bendlx-Westinghouse  Automotive  Air 
Brake  Co.  Height  control  and  leveling  valve  for  air  springs. 
3.006.657.  10-31-61.  CI.  280—124. 

Augustln.  Gustav,  to  Kupfer-Asbest-Co.  Sealing  and  retaining 
ring.     3,009.722.  11-21-61,  Cl.  288—22. 

.\ugU8tin,  Johann.  to  International  Standard  Electric  Corp. 
.Vrrangement  for  the  automatic  adjustment  of  forms  and 
the  tabulating  in  both  the  vertical  and  horizontal  direction 
for  teleprinters  and  the  like.  3.006,987,  10-31-61,  Cl. 

Augustine,  Frank,  to  I'nlted  States  of  America,  Air  Force. 
Crystal  growing  apparatus.     2,990,258.  6-27-61.  Cl.  2-3 — 

Anid,  Bert  A.,  to  Electric  &  Musical  Industrie.'*  Ltd.  Hol- 
low electrical  resonators.     2,908.013.  1-10-61,  Cl.  333 — 83. 

577037— P 1 

Auld,  Samuel  H.,  Jr. :  See — 

Horton.  William  F.,  and  Auld.    2,970,227. 
Aulln,  Evert,  to  Svenska  Aktiebolaget  Gasaccumulator.     Ar- 
mngcment  in  optical  measuring  apparatus  for  wind  tunnels. 
2.908.-_'09.    1-17-61,   Cl.   8S — 14. 
Ault,  John  D..  and  D.  P.  McConnell,  to  Mining  Research  Corp. 
Single  stage  rock  crusher.     2.999,651,  9-12-61,  Cl.  241 — 
218.     * 
Ault,   Neil   N.,   to   Norton   Co.      Process  of  making  ceramic 

shells.     2.974,388,  3-14-61,  Cl.  25 — 156. 
Ault,  Waldo  C. :  See — 

Port,  William  S.,  Gelb.  and  Ault.     2,975.149. 
Ault.  Wayne  E.,  to  "Automatic"  Sprinkler  Corp.  of  America. 
Accelerator    for    dry    pipe    sprinkler    systems.      2,969,842, 
1-31-61.  Cl.  169—17. 
Aumann,    Peter.      Brake   system    for*   unwinders.      2,972,452, 

2-21-61,  Cl.  242—75.43. 
Auuiiiller.  Walter:   See — 

Ruschig.    Helnrich,    AumuUer,   Korger,    Wagner,    Scbolz, 

and  Bander.      2,968,158. 
Ruschig,   Helnrich,    .\umuUer,   Korger,    Wagner,    Scholz, 

and  Bander.     2,976,317.  ~ 

Wagner,      Hans,      Au'mliller,      Ruschig,      and      Korger. 
Aumuller    Walter,  G.  Korger,  B.  Weyer,  and  W.-H..  Wagner, 
to   Farbwerke  Hoechst  Aktieugesellschaft  vormals~^Ieister 
Lucius  &  Bruning.     Sulfonyl-urethanes  and  a  process  for 
preparing   them.      2,990,326,    6-27-61.   Cl.    167—51.5. 
Auue.  Alan  E. :  See — 

Neaderland.  Adolph  C,  and  Aune.    2,968,788. 
Aurora  Corp.  of  Illinois :  -See — 

Matthews,  Birchard  L.     2,998,058. 
Aurora  Equipment  Co. :  See —  f 

Dunham,  .John  C.    2.973,101. 
Aurora  Steel  Products  Co. :  See — 

Fohn,  Jack  E.    2,992,744.  *     , 

Ausman,  John  .S. :  See — 

Perkins,  Kenneth  L.,  Palmer,  and  Ausman.     3.005.348. 
Aust,    Edmundo   M.,    to   Atag-Trust.     Mobile   elevating  and 
erecting  device  for  masts  assembled  from  separate  sections. 
2.998,100,  8-29-61.  Cl.  189—11. 
Austin,  A.  O..  Inc. :  See — 

Austin.  Arthur  O.,  and  Gormley.     3,014,088. 
Austin.  Alfred  D.     Cutting  blade  holder.     3,007,244,  11-7-61. 

CI.  30—162. 

Austin.  Arthur  O.,  and  W.  R.  Gormley.  to  A.  O.  Austin,  Inc. 

Floating      sleeve      insulator.      3,014,088,      12-19-61,      Cl. 


Austin,  Benjamin  L.,  to  Christensen  Diamond  Products  Co. 

Core  barrel  apparatus.     3,012,622,  12-12-61,  Cl.  175 — 226. 

Austin,    George   D.,    to    Western    Wire   Products   C«».      E.ives 

trough  braces.     2.977,081.  3-28-61.  Cl.  248 — 48.1. 
Austin,  Glenn  M. :  »S'ce — 

.Selferth,  Oscar  E..  and  Austin.    3,009..'?02. 
Austin.  Harold  A.,  and  A.  M.  Waldo,  to  Brundage  Co.     Ap- 
paratus for  as.sembling  a  centrifugal  blower  wheel.    2,99<j,- 
788.  8-22-61,  Cl.  29 — 23.5. 
Austin,  Harry  W. :  See — 

Hamilton,  William   C.  and  Austin      2,999,497. 
Austin.  Harry  W.,   to  Mine   Safetv  Appliances  Co.     H.lmet 

shell  lining.     2.967.304,  1-10-^,1,  Cl.  2-3. 
Austin,  Harry  W.,  and  J.  P.  Lytle.  to  Mine  Safetv  Appliances 
Co.      Protective   helmet   lining.      3,008,145,    11-14  61,   Cl. 
Austin,  Howard  A.     Vup\  economizer  for  internal  combustion 

engines.     2.!>77.20.'>.  3-28-61.  Cl.  48 — 180. 
Austin,  John  F.  :  See — 

Baker,  Chester  L.,  and  Austin.    2,972,594. 
Austin,  John  R.  :   See — 

McCay,  Frank  V..  and  Austin.     3.004.524. 

Austin,  Leonard  E.  Dispensing  apparatus  for  use  on  an  en- 
gine driven  vehicle.     2,982.447,  5-2-61.  Cl.  222—146. 

Austin.   Leonard  E..  J.  H.  Ettinger.  and  A.  K.  Brown,  Jr.. 

to     The     Bendix     Corp.     Brake     assembly     mechanism. 

2,971.252.  2-14-61.  Cl.  29—211. 
Austin.   IjCToy  W.,  to  Avco  Mfg.  Corp.'    Function  generator. 

2.992.387.  7-11-61,  Cl.  32.3—79.  ^ 

Austin.  Merritt  B..  Jr..  to  Stone  Mfg.  Co.     Holder  for  flood 

lamps.     2.991.350.  7-4-61,  Cl.  240—52. 
.Austin.  Roper  K. :  Se/ — 

Hansen.  Herman  E..  and  Austin.     3.000.428. 

Austin.  Thomas  J.,  to  Armored  Luggage  Mfg.  Co.  Snap-in 
mirror  holder.     3,001,748,  9-26-61.  Cl.  248 — 28. 

Austin,  William  B.  Carbon  paper  inserting  machine.  2,972,- 
477.  2-21-<;i,  Cl.  270—58. 

Australia,  Commonwealth  of,  care  of  the  Secretary  of  the 
Department  of  Supply,  The:  See — 

Metcalfe,  Kenneth  A.,  and  Wright.     3,001,888. 

.Vutere,  Reuben  J.,  and  J.  R.  Hancock,  to  Falrchlld  Camera 
and  Instrument  Corp.  Sheet  cvlinder  for  image  reproduc- 
ing machines.    3,012,841.  12-12-61,  Cl.  340^138. 

Autlo.  Paul.  Rotary  pump.  2,968,2.-|.3,  1-17-61/ Cl.  103 — 

Auto-Diesel  Piston  Ring  Co..  The  :  See — 
Fotl.  Sam  J.    2.97»5.568. 

Auto  Express  Rail.  Inc. :  See — ■ 

Hamilton,  Rollie  D.     2,987,170, 
Auto  Fabri*'  Products  Co.  Ltd.  :  i^ee — 

Honeyman.,  William  I.     3.008,154. 

:  Flee — 
and  Acbterberg; 

42  '  I 

Aato  Faeto  S7atems.  Inf. :  See — 

Sternberg.  Herbert  B.-  2,973.396 

Sternberg,  Herbert  B.     3.006.09: 
Anto  Eesearra  Corp. :  Bee — 

Tbonuu,  Thomas  R.    2i992,659^ 

Thomas,  Thomas  R. 
Aoto  Spedaltlea  Mfg.  Co 

Lacker.  MlUard  B. 

Lacker.  Millard  B., 
Aato  Union  G.m.b.H. :  t<ee — 

Hertel.  Karl.    :i.00r,rA2  " 

AntocIaTe  Enjrtneers,  Inc. :  See — 

Gasche.  Fred.    ^,991,161. 

Kuyak.  Robert  F.    2,996,363. 
Aotocopter  Corp.  of  America  :  See — 

RamnUceanu.  Tiberla  J.    2,990,139. 
Aotoiab  Corp. :   See — 

Winnek.  Douglas  F.    2,989,911. 

Wlnnek,  DouKlas  F.    3.000.288. 
Automatic  Canteen  Co.  of  America,  Inc. 

Mueller   Richard  J.     3,011,426. 

ReTnolds.  Donald  S.,  and  Werner. 

Weber,  Carl  V.     3,012,701. 
Automatic  Electric  Laboratories,  Inc. : 

Benisek.  Edward  J.    2.978.137. 

Blackball,  James  M.     3.007.007. 

Blackball,  Jnme<<  M.     3.014.987. 

Burgener,  Karl  L.     2,987,580. 

f'erofolinl.  (;abriele  F.    L'.»«4.833. 

Cleary,  Robert  T.    2,975.337. 

Coleman,  Ivan  V.     3,011,027. 

IMdus.  Rentialda!(  P.     3.014.990. 

Dimmer,  Robert  P.     2,987.615. 

Dimmer,  Robert  P. 

Fanlkner.  Alfred  TT 
Alfred  H 



:  See — 

See — 

Ford.  Robert  T. 
Olenner,  E<lward 
Hllker.  Enjrene  A 
Koss,  Howard  "E. 
Kuksa,  John  R. 
Le  Gall.  Pierre  L. 
Tiomax.  ri.nrenre 
Lomax,  Clarence 
LoniHX.  Cl.'irHnce 

2  070.760. 
J.,  and  Molnar. 








Lomax,  Clarence  E. 
Ix>max.  Clari'ticp  E. 
Lomax.  Clarence  E. 
liomax.  Clarence  E. 
liOmax.  Clarence  B. 
McCreary,  Harold  J. 
McCreary.  Harold  J 
Nlse.  Wilfred  C 
Outline.  John  E 

2  0«1  801. 

R..    Brogan, 

and  Hritzay.     2.972,- 


Peterson.  Edward  8.    2,998,488 

Plnet.  Andre  E.    2,975..105. 

Pye.  Harold  C.    2.967.914. 

Pye.   Harold   C.     2.9f>4.747. 

Smith.  Lester  L.    2.971 ,085. 

Smith.  Lester  L.     3.014.989. 

Stoffels.  Robert  E.    2.990.451. 

StnfTeU.   Robert  E..   Stiles,  and  Hljlker.     2.994.737 
Automatic  Enterprises.  Inc. :  See — 

Fry.  John  H     2.996.975. 
Automatic  Fire  Alarm  Co.  :  See — 

Cassell.  Joseph  L.     2.996,652. 

Automatic  Music.  Inc. :  See — 

Vanderzee.  Harry  H..  and  Brown.    2.969,240. 

Automatic  Poultry  Feeder  Co. :  See —    I 
Brands.  Jan.    2.985.302. 
▼an  Hula.  Robert  L.,  and  Bares.    2,973,932. 
Van   Hnis,  Robert  L..  Llnnabary.  and  flark.     2,979,242. 
Rlgterink,  Preston  D.     3,013,401. 

Automatic  Power.  Inc. :  Bee — 

Park,  Wesley  B.,  and  Wenner.     2,f72,056. 

Automatic  Seriograph  Corp.,  The :  Bee — 

Clark.  James  A.     3,015.028. 
"Automatic"  Sprinkler  Corp.  of  America  :  Bee — 

Anlt    Wayne  E.     2,969^842. 

Marik.  Henry  J.,  and  Katls.    2.906,374. 
Automatic  Steam  Products  Corp. :  See — ■ 

Jones.  Lester  L.    2,997,989. 
Automatic  Switch  Co. :  See — 
'       Canfleld,  Albert  V.  H.     3,010.691. 

McCormlck.   Robert  F..  and  rhurchlll.     2.984.257. 

Moakler.  William  A.    2,997,631. 
,^  Moakler,  WlUiam  A.    2.998.551. 

^         Sploelli.  Frank  P..  and  Colls.     3,011,100. 
Automatic  Switching  Ltd.  :  See —  • 

Robson.  Leslie  J.    2,991.935. 

Automatic  Tag  Machines.  Inc. :  See — 
Katx.  Abe  A.    2.968.237. 

Automatic  Telephone  le  Electric  Co.  Ltd. :  Bee — 

Marwing/  Kenneth  O.,  Halton.  and  Greenaway.     2,991^ 

Automatic  Timing  k  Controls.  Inc. :  See — 
Macgeorge.  William  D.    2.977.521. 

Automation  Instruments.  Inc. :  Bee — 
Furon,  Leon  D.     3,011,338. 

Furon,  Leon  D.     3,011,339.  ^^ 

Howry,  Douglass  H.,  and  Posakony.     2,972.068. 
Automation  Products,  Inc. :  Bee — 
Banks.  William  B.    2,973^9. 
Auto-Mectianlcal  Dock  Board,  Inc. :  See — 

Layne,  Richard  C.     3,014.710. 
Automotive  Products  Co.  Ltd. :  -See — 

Hland.  Albert  .N..  and  navies.     l',979.171. 
EUls,  Frederick  E.     2,982,155. 
Randle,  Jolin  E.,  and  Talboys.     3,011,525. 
Auton,  Claud  C,  to  Wright-Knit  Hosiery  Mills,  Inc.     Solid 
color  knitting  machine  and  method.     3,013,415.  12-19-61, 
CI.  66 — 13. 
Autoqulp  Corp. :  See — 

Clarke,  Jesse  E.     3,004,272. 
Clarke,  Jesse  E.     3.UO4,«;i0. 
Clarke,  Jesse  E.     3,004,631. 
Clarke,  Jesse  E.     3,007,723. 
Autoset  (Production)  Ltd.:  See — 

Townsend,  (^aude  M.     2.972,162. 
Auto  Soler  Co.,  The  :  See —  «,>«„,.„ 

Bajo^ell,  George  W..  and  Watkins.    »,008,143. 
Chafin,  James  M.     2,986,737. 
Ellis,  Frederick  E.    2,9».,898. 
Sprick,   Herbert.     3,007,170. 
Wright.  John  G.     3.006.005. 
Wright.  John  G..  and  Chafln.    2,996.719. 
Wright,  John  G.,  Chafln,  and  Wynn.     3,011,376. 
Autosonics  Inc. :  See — 

Rand,   Burton.     3,011,500. 
Rand,  Burton.     3,011,924. 
Auty.  Robert  P. :  See — 

feernard,  Walter  J.,  and  Auty.     3.003,089.  „„,,.,„ 

An  Werter,  Jay  P.    Reducing  valve  and  pilot  unit.  3,011,516, 

12-5-61,  a.  137 — 489.  „    „   „        ...... 

Anxier.  John  A.,  G.   S.   Hurst,  and  R.  E.  Zedler.  to  United 
States  of  America,  Atomic  Energy  Commission.     Neutron- 
insensitive  beta-gamma  dosimeter.     2,974,248,  3-7-61.  CI. 
Avakain.  Avak :  Bee— 

Felnberg,  Irving,  and  Avakain.    2.973,569. 

Avco  Corp.  :  See —  _  ^         

Braun,  Edward  C,  and  Herlinger.     2,967.23o. 
Bruck,  George.     2,977.592. 
Bruck.  (Jeorge.     3,005,161.^ 
Congdon.  Kenneth  P. 
Kantrowitz,   Arthur 

Rvgelis.  Joseph,  and  Mueller. 
Avco  Mfg.  Corp. :  See — 

Austin.  Leroy  W.     2.992,387. 
Bradmiller,  Richard  W.     2.999,214. 
Bradmlllcr.  Kichard  W.    3,001.145. 
Bruck.  (Jeorge.    3,001.143. 
Bruck,  George.    3.005.860. 
Bniok.  Georpp.     3,005,959. 
Cleary.  Joseph  F..  and  Guarino.    2,982,896. 
(*unnTncham.  Robert  A.      3.004.708 
Demopoulos,  Andrew,  and  Stump.     3,002,262. 
Mevm*'.  Francis  P.,  and  Yeaeer.     2.!>!»4,807. 
Duffy,  Thomas  H.     2,976,523. 
Harbajre,  Robert  P..  and  Haupt.    2,997,834._^ 
Harrison,  John  E.  R..  and  Kagan.     2,990.452. 
Harrison.  John  E  R..  and  Kagan.     3.005,093. 
Horgan.  Thomas  B.    2.989.628. 
Kagan,  Sholly,  and  Olbrych.    2,986.657. 
Kainmer.  Donald  E..  and  Wood.     3.012,172. 
Kuecken.  John  A.    2.978.703. 
Kuecken.  John  A.     3.007.168. 
I>as7.lo.  Tibor  S.     3.015.013. 
McCarthv.  Horace  F.     3,014.483. 
Miller,  Harvey  0.     3,002,390. 
Pohl.  Norman  R.,  and  Knese.    3,006.606. 
Parkhlll.  Douglas  F.,  Redpath,  and  Ross.     2,976,428. 
Wedlg,  Frank  L.,  and  Ollrer.     3,003,114. 
Wlkstrom.  A  me.     2.970.479. 
I       Womhle,  George  E.    2.993,608. 
Atco  Mfg.  Corp.  New  Idea  Division  :  Bee — 

Alexander.  Frederick  D.,  Pollitt.  and  Smith.     3.009,413. 
Raney,  Russell  R.,  Stott.  Lutbman,  and  Richards.    2,987.- 
Avedlsslan,  Michael  K. :  See — 

Eways.  Musa  J.,  and  Avedlsslan.     2,966,714. 
Avel  Corp.  Geneva  :  See — 

Vielle,  John.     2,980.908. 
Aven.   Manuel,   to  iJenerai   Electric   Co. 
lug   a    green   electroluminescent    xlnc 
3.000.834,  9-19-61.  CI.  252 — 301.6. 
Avenl.    Anthony.      Enameled    Insulation    stripper   for   wires. 

2.968.056.  1-17-61,  CI.   15 — 124. 
Averbach,    Louis    H.      Trachelotomy      3,013,553, 

CI.  128—2. 
Averlll.  Eugene  F..  to  Titus  Mfg.  Corp.     Adjustable  louvered 

grilles.     2.985.093,  5-23-«l,  CI.  98—106. 
Averv  .\dhesive  Products.  Inc. :  See — 
Dickard.  I.rf'ster  R.    2,985.554. 
Wheeler.  Seth,  III.     3.006.793. 
Avery,  Dallas  B..  Sr..  to  General  Motors  Corp.     Machine  rail 

steel   plug.     2,968,375.   1-17-61,  Cl.   189—36. 
Avery,  Howard.  D.  H.  Kingslaml.  Jr..  and  E.  G.  Parker,  to 
International  Telephone  and  Telegraph  Corpr    Omlnidlrec- 
tlonal  beacon  antenna.     2.970.719,  4-11-61.  Cl.  343 — 761. 


of  prepar- 




Avery,  Howard  S.,   and  H.   J.   Chapin.  to  American   Brake 
^  Shoe    Co.     Easily    machinable,    non-magnetic,    manganese 

steel.     3,010^23.  11-2&-61,  CI.  75—123. 
Avery,  James  b.,  and  P.  J.  Sullivan.     Flaming  car  Illusion. 

3.011,781,  12-5-61,  CI.  272 — 15.  ,     „ 

Avery.  Robert,  to  United  SUtes  of  America,  Atomic  Energy 

Commission.     Coupled  fast-thermal  power  breeder  reactor. 

2,992,982,  7-18-61,  CI.  204—193.2. 
Avery,    Wililam    H.,    to    United    States   of   Amerira,    Navv. 

Process  for  manufacturing  rocket  propellants.     2,Wiv,M6, 

6-27-«l,  CI.  52— .5. 
Avesta  Jernverka  AktiebolaK :  Bee — 

Hackstrom.  Arne.  and  Nordin.     2,971.834. 
Avpston,  John,  D.  A.  Everest,  and  R.  A.  Wells,. to  National 

Research    Development    Corp.     Recovery    of   metals    from 

cyanide  solution  by  anion  exchange.     3,001,868,  9-26-61, 

Avet'ta,    Albert    J.      Mounting    brackets    for    safety    razors. 

2,969,140,   1-24-61,  CI.  206—16. 
Aviation  Developments  Ltd. :  See — 

Springate.  Xiaurlce  S.    2,968,205. 
Avien,  Inc. :  See —  ,  ,.  ,  ^  .         „  «oi  nna 

Antippas.  Spyridon  P.,  and  Koletsky.     2.981 .098. 
Ellenwood,  Warren  H.,  and  Voehl.     3.005,439. 
Koletsky.  Harold  S:    2.984,780. 
Rose,  Stanley  E.    2,975,634. 

Weiss,  Leo  A.     3,001,716.  _  ,«,...« 

Avila.   Frank  C,  and  M.  H.  Dole,  to  General  Electric  Co. 
Method  of  assembling  a  dynamoelectric  machine.    3,002,261, 
10-3-61,  CI.  29—155.5. 
Avocation  Products  :   See — 
Still.  Paul  F.    3,007.432. 
Avon  Products,  Inc. :  See — 

Williams,  Robert  L.    2,990,086. 
Avro  Aircraft  Ltd. :  See — 

Czerwinski,  Waclaw.     2,988.308.  Lh.nol  M      2.»«i^.4»7.  ^ 

Awe,  Richard  W.,  and  H.  M.  Schlefer,  to  Dow  Corning  Corp. 
Stabilized  organic  silicon  fluids.     3,002,927,   10-3-61,  CI. 

252 37  2 

Awe,  Richard  W.,  and  H.  M.  Schlefer,  to  Dow  Coming  Corp. 
Method  of  stabilizing  organosillcon  fluids.  3,002,989, 
10-3-61,   CI.   260—448.2.  _    „       ,      „,    „,     ^ 

Awot,    Alfred    E.      Hand   washer.     3,009.190.   11-21-61,   CI. 

15 — 524. 
Axe.  Daniel  K. :  See— 

(ioodeniQtp.  George  11.,  and  Axe.     3,004.305. 
Axe,  William  X.,  and  A.  N.  De  Vault,  to  Phillips  Petroleum 
Co.      Fractionation  of  polymers.      2,979,493,   4-11-61.   CI. 
260 — 93.7. 
Axe,  William  N..  and  B.  C.  Benedict,  to  Phillips  Petroleum 
Co.     Production  of  dairy  wax  and  low  pour  point  lubricat- 
ing oils.     3,013.960.  12-19-61,  CI.  208—36. 
Axelrod,  Stanley  :  See — 

Wolshln.  Louis.     2,980.925.  f 

Wolshin,  Louis.     2,980.926.  |  i 

AxelRon,  Arthur  F. :  See —  ' 

Heath,  Carlos  M.,  and  Axelson.    2.975,266r^ 
Axelson  KishinR  Tackle  Mfg.  Co. :  See —  J 

Gourlev.  James  W..  Jr.     3.006.099. 
Axelsson,  Sten  S.,  to  Aktlebolapet  Bahco.    Cooking  appliances 

burninc  a  gaseous  fuel.     2,969.054.  1-24-61.  CI.  126—38. 
Axman,  Dorothy  V.  D. :  See  — 

Axman,  Melvin  G.    2.967,046.  ,   .  ^     ._^ 

Axman,  Melvin  G.,  deceased;  D.  V.  D.  Axman,  administratrix. 
Turning  attachment  for  vehicles.     2,967,045.  1-S-«1,   CI. 
Axon,  Peter  E.,  to  Oevite  Corp.     Tape  guide  for  magnetic 

tape  recorder.     2.991,921.  7-ll-«l.  CI.  226—199. 
Axon    Peter  E.,  and  C.  Henocq,  to  Clevite  Corp.     Reeling 

a%aratu8.     2.991,9.'50.  7-11-61.  CI.  242—55.1^ 

Axon    Peter  E.,  C.  Henocq,  and  D.  Ireland,  to  Clevite  Corp. 

Tane  transport  mechanism  in  magnetic  recording  and/or 

reproducing  apparatus.     3,001.733,  9-26-61.  CI.  242—55.12. 

Axt    Gunter    to  Chlorator  G.m.b.H.     Osonizing  Installation. 

2;970.821.  2-7-61,  CI.   261—16. 
Axt,     Gunter.     Ozone     generating     apparatus.      3,010,892, 

11-28-61,  CI.  204 — 322. 
Aztell,  Harold  B.,  and  C.  E.  Lund.    Adjustable  head  traction 

device.    2,9*4,238.  5-16-61,  CI.  128— ?75. 
Ayala,  Carl,  to  M.  I.  Glass.     Toy.     2,991,589,  7-11-Gl,  CI. 

46 — 174. 
Ayala.  Carl,     to  M.  I.  Glass.     Toy. 

Ayala.  Carl,  to  M.  I.  Glass.     Toy. 

Ayala,  Carl,  to  M.  I.  Glass.    Toy. 


2.991.781,  7-11-61.  CI. 

2.991.782,  7-11-61,  CI 
3.009,453,  ll-2!l-61,  O. 

Ayer.  William  H..  to  The  Slppican  Coru.  Electrical  con- 
nector.    3,002,045,  9-26-61,  C\.  174 — 88. 

Ayew.  Averiil  V.',  and  W.  B.  \JllklMK)n  to  Tape  Indexes,  Inc. 
Adjustable  book  cover.     3,002,768,   10-3-61.  CI.  281—34. 

Ayers.  David  T.,  Jr. :  See— 

Stelzer,  William,  and  Ayers.    2,980,066. 

Ayers,  DaVid  T.,  Jr..  to  Kelsey-Hayes  Co.  Booster  mecha- 
nism     2.972,983.  i-28-61,  a.   121 — 41._  ^.        ,^     . 

Ayers.  David  T..  Jr.,  to  Kelsey-Hayes  Co.  Proportional  brake 
mechanism  for  front  and  rear  vehicle  brakes.  J,980,4»7, 
5_23-r.1.  CI.  30.S — 6.  ^        X,       X 

Ayers,  David  T.,  Jr..  to  Kelsey-Hayes  Co  Booster  motor 
mechanism.    2,990,815.  7-4-61,  CI.  121--41.  

Ayers,  David  T.,  Jr.,  to  Kelsey-Hayes  Co.  Fluid  pressure 
motor  structure.     2.997,028.  &;22-61,  CI.  121--41. 

Ayers,  George  W.,  and  \V.  A.  Krewer  to  The  PureOll  Co 
Production  of  odorless  naphthas.  2,978,400,  4-4-0^.  Cl. 
208—289.  V, 

Ayers.  J.  W..  &  Co. :  See—   ^^ 

Rinse,  Jacobus.    2.979,497.  _.  „     r  *^      n  a^,  At^ 

Aylett  Douglas  A.,  to  The  Decca  Record  Co.  Ltd.  Radar  dis- 
plav   apparatus.     3,007,153,    10-31-61.   a.  343—5. 

Ayllng,  Robert  W. :  See — 

Gcrteis.  Karl  M..  and  Aylln::.     .'^.008.628.  „  .  «, 

Aylor,  Elmei  E.  Rotor  propelled  kite.  2,987,280.  6-e-61, 
Ql    244 154 

Aylor.  Elmo  E.,*  to  Midwest  Mfg.  Corp.     Spacer  clip.    2,989.- 

a/iS  E"uS^e^'\v!*  ^Si^e^i  coop.     3,014,608,  12-26-61,  CL 

Aymami,  Arthur  L.,  D.  K.  Llllich,  J.  R.  Gibbons,  and  O   A. 

Moore,  to  The  Gates  Rubber  Co.    Continuous  wrapped  hose 

and  meUiod  of  making  the  same.     2.984,262.  5-16-61,  CI. 

'238 jog 

Aymar.    Robert    H.,    and    E.    R.    Weiner,    to    We-Mar,    Inc. 

Dental  handpiece!     3.014.278.  12-26-61    CI.  32-27 
Aynes,    Marcy   P.   and   T.  B.     Garment   hanger.     3,001,670. 

9-26-61,  CI.  223—88. 
Aynes,  Tessie  E.  :  See— 

Ayifts,  Marcy  F.  and  T.  E.     3,001,675. 
Ayoub,  Michael  A. :  See —    .        ,.     „       u*  «j    r<i„»»/«» 

\Bartell     William   W.,    Ayoub.    Houghton,    and   Clayton. 
2  97^  300 
.\yre8    Arthur  U.,  to  The  Sharpies  Corp.     Refining  of  fatty 

oils'.    3,004.050,  10-10-61,  Cl.  260--42K 
Ayres    Borrows  H..  to  The  pill  Mfg.   Co      ^alve  stem  for 

tubeless  tires.     2,968,333,  1-17-Gl,  a.  152— 42<. 

"  ^"^^Allen^  Richard  W.,  and  Ayres.    2,971.162. 

Ayres,  Richard  H. :  See— 

riopkins.  Frank  L.,  and  Ayres.    2.978,852. 

Ayres;  feusseir  W.,  and  D.  F.  S^iranson    to  Whirlpool  Corp. 
Ice  cube  forming  machine.     2,995,905,  8-15-61,  Cl.  6^ —  . 

Azarl,  Eric,  to  The  Magnavox  Co.  Card  processing  apparatui. 
2.961,411,  4-25-61,  Cl.  209—72.  ^ 

A«ari,  Eric,  A.  E.  Gray,  H.  J.  Malln,  A.  M.  Nelson,  and  H.  B. 
Thompson,  to  The  Magnavox  Co.  Card  processing  appara- 
tus.   ^.98i.544.  5-2-61,  Cl.  271—5. 

Azari,  Eric,  H  J.  MaUn  a°d  A  Orner,  toMagnavox  Co. 
Card  processing  apparatus.     2,983,507,  6-9-61,  Cl.  m — ••>. 

Azbe  Corp. :  Bee — 

Azbe.  Victor  J.     2,994,521. 
Azbe    Victor   J.,    to   Azbe   Corp.      Terminal    calcining   kiln. 

2,994,521,  8-1-61.  Cl.  263-   29. 
A«ellckl8.   Alexis   N..    to   Oak   Mfg.   Co.     VH-F.    television 

amplifier  circuit     2,974.290.  3-1-61.  a.  330—70. 

Azer,  Ernest :  See —  „  „-„  .,  _, 

Washam,  Thomas  C,  and  Beachley.    3.009,16o. 

Ason  Corp. :  Bee —    „    .  .  „  o  aon  •>»;« 

Beese,  William  C.  A.,  and  Bergmann.    2,980,336. 

'^^^B^VchSieS^  H.,  Gilllch,  and  von  Melster.  3,010.394. 
Landau,  Max  A.     2,994.609.  _  „  ^„  ^_, 

Neagebaaer,  Wllhelm.  Glos.  and  Kasper.     2,989,455. 
Schmidt,  Maximilian  P.,  and  SOs.    2,975,0i>3 
Schmidt,  Maximilian  P..  and  Siis.     2,994.608.        » 
Schmidt.  Maximilian  P.,  and  Sub.     2,995,442. 

.Vzorlosa,  Julian  L. :  See—  n-rnaTA 

Albus.  Charles  P..  and  Axorlosa.    2,970.974. 

Azusa  Engineering,  Inc.  :See-- 
Desbrow.  Roy  M.    -3,003.589. 

I  B.  B.  Chemical  Co. :  See-—  «  n-rs  mn 

!  Johnson,  Eric  C.  and  Clarke.    2.975,150. 

Morris,  Thomas  C,  and  Johnson.    3.008,863. 

Morris,    Thomas    C.    Macdonald,    Roop,    and 


Ayer,  Donald  R.,  J.  L.  Butler,  and  V.  F.  Dahlgren.  to  Sanders 

Associates,     Inc.       High     frequency     transmission     line. 

2.994,0.')0.  7-25-61.  CT.^33— 84. 
Ayer,  Donald  R.,  and  A.  N.  McDowell,  to  Sanders  Associates, 

Inc.    Variable  attenuator.    8,002,165,  9-26-61,  Cl.  333— «1. 
Ayer,  Donald  R.,  and  A.  N.  McDoweU,  to  Sanders  Associates, 

Inc.    Transmission  line  modular  unit.    3,016,081,  12-26-61, 

Cl.  333—97. 
Ayer,  Doris  A.,  to  Plumas  Tool  &  Instrument  Mfg^  Co.  Inc. 

Rafter  calculator.     2.985,367,  5-23-61.  a.  235--87. 

Ayer,  Wililam  E. :  Bee— 

be  Broekert,  James  C,  and  Ayer.    3,010,072. 

-     , 

Paulsen.  Hans  C. 
Paulsen,  Hans  C. 
Paulsen,  Hans  C. 
Paulsen,  Hans  C. 
Urban,  Stephen  E. 
B  4  C  Metal  Stamping  Co. :  See- 
Fisher,  James  T.     2,972,666. 

BEKA  St.  Aubin  AG  : 

Knecht,  Alfred. 
B-I-F  Industries,  Inc. 

Carr,  Francis  H. 

Fraxel.  WUhur  H. 




.  Roop,  and 


Bee — 

■  2,970.476. 

Bossitto.     3,007,200. 



B  J  Service.  Inc.  :  See  — 

Scott,  Lvlp  H.     2.970.fi47. 

Scott.  Lyie  B.    2.984,301.    v 

Scott.  LyIe  B.     3.001. 5S4.  ' 
B-Line  Dlspenseri*.  Inc. :  .S'ce — 

Baldwin.  John  P.    L'.981.443. 
BOX  llra-stit  ^xxy^:^^n  T»-«linik  AG  :  .see~ 

LariiUrt.  lioiiis  J.   K.,  Spdlacck.  .<ind  Messln.     3.004,847. 
BTR  Industries  Ltd.    (formerly  Britisb  Tyre  &  Rubber  Co. 
Ltd  ) :  fee — 

Woods,  Stanley,  and  Turner.    2,988,300. 
B-Vac  Corp.  :  fire — 

Braun.  William  L.     ;'.,012,347. 
B-W  Footwear  Co. :  See — 

Snitz«>r.   Saul.     3,U10,229. 
r.  and  W.  Inc.  :  See — 

.Solum,  James  R.,  and  Ilempel.    2.983.982. 

Wright,  Kenneth  A.,  and  Solum.    li.998,H4S.      ~ 

Wrlcht,  Kenneth  A.,  and  Solum.    3.000.444. 

Wrlfeht.  Kenneth  A.,  and  Solum.     3.004. Oor,. 

Wright.    Kenneth    A.,    and    J.    R.    and    K.    W.    Solum. 
B  W  Metal  Works,  Inc.:  See— 

Buehler,  Albert  E.     3.007,678. 
B.X.  riHstlcs  Ltd.:  Ser—  III 

Nicliolas.  Honnld  r.    2.97S,903.        1   ' 
Bank,  Albert  E.     Switch.     2.985.73S.  3-2.Vni     CT.  200—138. 
BaaUon,  George  A.     Polaris  circle  grid.     2,995,972.  8-15-61, 
(^•j    gg 2  3 

Baarx,  Arle'li.,  and  W.  J.  "Wolfsjon,  to  Shell  Oil  Co.     Isomer- 

Ization   of   o^lefins   in   etrippiug.     3,005,771,   10-24-61,   CI. 

Bias,  fJeranlus  :  See — 

Rol.  Arie.  Tackt-u.  van  der  Laan,  and  Baas.     3,006.984. 
Babaloff.  Nicholas  R. :  See  - 

I'utman.  John  S..  and  Babajoff.    2.984.096. 
Babany,  Albert.      Klre  detector  made  <rf  two  special  electric 

wires.      2.992.310,   7_ll_r,l.   CI.   2<>0— 143. 
Babaud    Jean,  to  Soci^t^'  ft' Responsibility  Limits ;  Ateliers 

de     Construction     Beadouin.       Digital     code     translating 

system.  ,2.984.830.  .V-ltVGl.  gi.  340—347. 
Babayan.  Vigen  K. :  See — 

Baniky,  George,  and  Babayan.     2,988,483. 
Barskv,  George,  and  Babayan.    2,988,484. 
Brtbavan.   Vig.-n  K.,  to   i;.   F.   I»r»  \v  &  <,'o..  Inc.     Line:ir  mixed 

ester  lubricants.     3,000.917.  9-19-61,  CI.   260--4O4.S. 
IViliayan.  Vigen  K.,  to  K.  V,.  Drew,  &  Co.,  Inc.     Fat  composi- 
tion    for     margarine     and     other     purposos.       3.006,771, 

10  .'^I-fil,  CI.  99 — lis 
r.nbayan.  Vigen  K.,  to  K.  F.  Drew  &  Co..  Inc.     High  smoke 

point  frying  oil.     2.91)8.319.  8-29-61.  a.  99^118. 
Babayan.  Vigen  K..  and  G.  X.  Comes,  to  E.  F.  Drew  ft  Co., 

Inc.       Confectionary     coating     compositions.       2,999,023, 

j»_.>-fll,  n.  99 — 118. 

Babb.  <^'harle8  L..  to  .Alli-i-Ch.'v.lmers  Mfg.  Co.  Double  casing 
multll^e  stage  pump      2.09!>.4f..').  ft-lS-61.  n.  103—107. 

Babb.  Charles  L..  R.  II.  Alexander,  and  E.  Llnsker,  to  Buck- 
eye Tofil  Corp.  Pneumatic  tools.  3,002,495.  10-3-61, 
n.  121—34.»b,  Marvin  O.  Apparatus  for  processing  fibrous  material 
adapting  It  for  gas  stream  entralnment.  2,989,252.  6-20- 
61.  CI.  241—1.38. 

V.nhh,  William  R.,  J.  G.  Andrews,  and  C.  11.  van  Tesmar,  to 
.N'ational  Distillers  and  Chemical  Corp.  Process  for  pro- 
duction of  sodium  peroxide.  3,012,8.V>,  12-12-61.  CI.  23 — 
184.  /         •  " 

n.ibbitf,    John    I.,    to    Babbitt    Steam    Specialty    Co.     Lost 
motion     connection     between     sprocket    wheel    and    valve 
operating  wheel.     3,001,412.  9-2«-6i;  CT.  74 — 243. 
Babbitt  Steam  Specialty  Co.  :  See —  ,  I 

Babbitt.  John  I.     3,001 .4H.  |  | 

Babcock.  David  L. :  See — 

Hanken,  George  H.,  and  Babcock.     2,983,416. 
Babcock,  David  L..  to  United  States  of  America.  Navy.     Methr 

of  inserts. 

od  of  molding  a  plastic  Jacket  around  a  plurality 
2,975,4sj.  :{-21-61.  CI.  18—47.5. 

Babcock.  David  L..  to  Eastman  Kodak  Co.  Combined  lamp 
and  reflector  with  socket.  3,003,058,  10-3-61,  Cf. 

Babcock,  Donald  E..  R.  M.  Drews,  and  S.  R.  Crooks,  to  R-N 

Corp.     Production  of  Iron.     2,986,460,  5-30-61,  CI.  75 — 44. 
Ba»>cock,    KIdon   R.,   and   S.   D.   Zweigoron,   to  United   States 

of  America,   Navy.     Vortex  pilot  flafne  source  for  ram/et 

engines.    2,984.979.  5-23-61,  CI.  60 — 39.82. 
r.abcock.  Gary  J..  D.  C.  Burch,  and  R.  L.  Slmpklns.  to  Essex 

Wire    Corp.      Hux    and    method    for   soldering   aluminum. 

3.00S,23O.  11-14-61.  CI.  29—495. 

Babcock.  Harry  L..  to  Union  Tank  Car  Co.  Method  of  pro- 
ducing visual  standards  and  article  produced.  3,005,912. 
10-24-61,  CI.  250— G.-i. 

Babcock.  Hugh  II.     Self-steering  submarine  suction  cleaner. 

2.9^8,762,  6-20-61,  CI.  15—1.7.  T    ^ 

Btibcock.  John  C. :  See —  J 

Campbell,  J  Allan,  and  Babcock.     8,002,005. 

Campbell.   J  Allan.  Babcock,  and  Hogg.     2.985,671. 

Campbell,  J  Allan.  Babcock,  and  Hogg.     3.004.044. 

Peflerson.   Rnymond  L..  and   Babcock.     2,900,416. 

Pederson.  Raymond  L..  Babcock,  and  Hogg.     2,989.540. 

Bmbcock,  John  C.  to  The  UpJot)«  Co,     17  aminoandrostanes. 

3,009,925.  11-21-61, |C1.  260—397. 

Babcock.  John  C.  and  A.  C.  Ott,  to  The  Upjohn  Co.     Andnv 
stane-ll^,17Mlol    and    the    17-ester8    thereof.      2.969,370, 
1-24-61,  <1.   260 — 397.5, 
Babcock,  John  C,  and  R.  L.  Pederson.  to  Tlie  Upjohn  Co 
l-dehydro-17-hjrdroxyprogesterone*acylates  and  therapeutic 
composition   thereof.      2.971,886,    2-14-61.   CI.   167—55. 
Babcock,  John   C.  and  R.   L.   I'ederMU.   to  The   Upjohn   Co. 
4,17o  -  dimethyl  -  9a  -  fluoro  -  11  -  oxygenated     testoster- 
ones.     2  990,400,  6-27-61,  CI.  260—239.5. 
Babcock,  Robert  A.,  and  R.  L.  Putney,  to  J.  B.  Nottingliain 
&   Co.,    Inc.      Air   cooled    whip    and    electroile    hoMer    lor 
welders.     2,975.267.  3-14-61.  CI.  219 — 138. 
Babcock  St  Wilcox  Co.,  The  :  Sec — 

Adamson,  Percy,  and  Stewart.     3.014,120.  '         , 

Allardt,  Ernst  W.    3,004.134. 

Bagley,  Roy.    2,972.98ti. 

Baver.  Cl.vde  B.     3,013,540. 

Blaser,  Robert  U.    2,998.363. 

Bradford,  John  R.,  Dickinson,  Felger,  and  llage.     3,00u,- 

Brooks,     Ernest     A.,     Friese,     Harvey,     and     Wlnkin. 

Br/.eski.  Jt-rzy.     2.979.3r.:{. 

Campbell,  John,  Jr.    2,980,179. 

Carpenter,  Otis  R.,  and  Arm.^tron,'.     2,993,983. 

Chan.  Charles  R.     2.976,8r.8. 

Coulter,  Earl  E.     2,993,565. 

Downs,  Albert  O.,  Jr.    2,97"6.8."..">. 

Durham,  Edwin.     2.979.039. 

Ediund,  Milton  C,  and  Kallman.    2,992,174. 

Elrod,  Harold  G.^  Jr.    2,98H,y97. 

Fink,  I^roy  M.    2,995.120. 

Fink,  Leroy  M.,  Klspert,  Raynor.  and  Rowand.     3,003,- 

Forsnian,  Elmer  J.     3.001,514. 

Krentlberg,  Arthur  M.,  and   Shollenberger.    .2.989,039. 

Godshalk,  Russell  L.,  and  Lowe.     3,001,488. 

Gram,  Arthur  J.,  Jr.,  and  Sage.    2,982,235. 

Hamilton,  Carl   C,  and  Young.     3,003,482. 

Hartwlg,  Frederick  J.     3,007,806. 

Hersman.  Edward  R.     2,989,209. 

Huge.  Ernest  C.     3,014,523. 

Jessen.  Nicholas  C.     2.989.456. 

Kavatz.  Karl-Heinz.     2.975.9S4.  , 

Kldwell,  John  H.,  Musat,  and  Marquand.     2.982,347. 

Koch,  Paul  11.    2.9y.'i.liy. 

Koch,  Paul  H.     3.0<)7.4.")9. 

Koch,  Paul  H.,  and  Fink.    2,980,084. 

Koch,  Paul  H.,  and  Raynor.    2,982,268. 

Lleb,  Carl,  and  (iodshalk.     3,007.455. 

Lotz,  Otto.     Re.  25,086. 

McColl,  William.     2.993,681. 

Murray,  Julian  R.,  and  OConnell.     3,007.4.")6. 

Pacault,  Pierre  H.,  and  Tllle(|Ulu.     2,968,150. 

Pirs-h.  Edward  A.     3,009,32.'). 

Rowand,  Will  H.,  and  Braddy,    2,982,266.      I 

Sage.   Warnle  L.     2,971,480. 

Srhlndorberg,  Dohald  C.     2,967,047. 

Schoessow,  Earl  E.     2.992.176. 

Schonier.  Robert  T.     2,9<59.970. 

Sheehan.  diaries  R,     3,014.853. 

Sifiin.  Andreas,  and  Ilennecke.     2,979,000. 

Singleton,  John  C.     2.998.724.  , 

Smith.  Charles  S.     2.966.897.  .     I 

Sprague,  Theodore  S.     3,002.347. 

Sprague,  Theodore  S.,  and  Leian.l.     2,973,251. 

S'teever.  Andrew  R.     3,000.364. 

Thorson.  Benjamin  N.     2.967. 7.'»8. 

Tucker,  James  T..  Jr.    3,008..362.  I 

Walker.  James  B.,  Jr.     3,007,424.  • 

Young,  Norman  W.    2,979  041. 

Zoller,  Ronald  E.     2.968,289. 

ZoUer,  Ronald  E.    2,988,064. 
Babcock  &  Wilcox  Ltd. :  Sec- 
Deans.  James  \.  M.    3.004.184. 

Kayatz,  Karl-Helnz.     3,002,701. 

lieon,  Kurt,  and  Ossie.    3,007,458. 

Taylor,  Richard  A.    2,995,504. 

Zoller,  Ronald  E.     2,991,941. 
Babel,  Frederick  J.,  and  D.  W.  Mather,  to  Research  Corp. 
Creamed  cottage  cheese.     2.971,847,  2-14-61,  CI.  99—116. 
Babel.  Paul  V.  j  See — 

Dayger,  Jonaa  E.,  Salanl.  and  Babel.     2,995.297. 
Baber.  Claude  :  See — 

Smith.  Warner  B..  and  Balier.    2.977,658. 

Bablarz.  Raymond  S.,  and  A.  D.  Hloks.  Cellulose  fabric  and 
process  of  making  same.     2.991,146,  7-4-61,  CI.  8^—115,6. 

Bahin,  Jacques  A.,  to  Soclete  a  responsablllte  limitee  :  General 
Plastics.  Lipstick  or  rouge  container.  3,007,569,  11-7-61. 
CI.  20e— 56. 

Babson,  Arthur  L..  to  Warner-Lambert  Pharmaceutical  Co. 
Diagnostic  preparation  and  process  for  the  determination 
of   serum   alkaline   phosphatase.     2.999,793.   9-12-61,   CI.  . 

.     196—103.5.  >^ 

Babson,  Arthur  L.,  to  Warner-Lambert  Pharmaceutical  Co. 
Method  for  the  determination  of  serum  acid  phosphatase 
and  diagnostic  preparation  therefor.     3.002.893.  10-3-61, 
CI.  195—103.5. 
Babson  Bros.  Co. :  See — 

Babson.  Henry  B.     3,011,755.  , 

Merritt,  Tbomas  W..  and  Tbomas.     2,987,294.     -' 
Thomas.  Chester  A.    2,997,049. 



Babson,  Henry  B.,  to  Babson  Bros,  Co.    Milk  pipeline  Talve. 

3,011.755.  12-5-61,  CI.  251—146. 
Baby- Line  i-uruiture  Co. :  ^'e<' —  \ 

Jacobs.  Saul  B..  and  Slegel.    2.968,817.  Products,  Inc. :  See —  : 

Mishkin,  Sidney.    2.»1«>.777.  ! 

ilislikln,  Sidney^    2.996.778. 
Baocolla.  Jack  A.    Key  yuide  for  locks.    2.993.362,  7-25-61. 

CI.  70 — 454. 
Hacli.  Henry  J. :  See — 

Barr.  Naiiiiian  F.    2,966,874. 
Bach,  Henry  J.,  to  American-Marietta  Co..  Stoner-Mudge  C<>. 

Division.     Primer  compositions.     3,010,846,  11-28-61.  CI. 

Bach,  John   W..   to  Pltney-Bowes.   Inc.     Postage  meter  ma- 

(liiups       2.970.536,  2-7-61.  C\.   101—227. 
Bach,   Walter  H.,  to  Berndt-Bach,  Inc.     Method  and  appa- 
ratus  for   mixing  and   recording  multiple   sound  signals. 

3.012,103,  12-5-61,  CI.  179—100.2. 
r.acharacli.    Melvln    L.,    to   Levi   Strauss   and   Co.     Garment 

iMxket  structure.     2,968.813.  1-24-61.  Cl.  2—248. 
Bachelet,  Albert  E.,  G.  S.  Bibblns,  A.  J.  Celentano.  and  G.  A. 

i'lillis:    said    Bachelet.    said    Celentano   and    said    Pullis. 

nssors.    to    Bell    Telephone    Laboratories,    Inc..   and    said 

Biltbins,  assor.  to  American  Telephone  and  Telegraph  Co. 

rrograin  switch  system.     2,981.803,  4-25-61.  CI.  179 — 22. 
Bachle.   Ciul   F.,   to   Continental    .Vviatlon   and    Kntrineering 

•  '••rp.     -Vir  intake  manifold  structure.     2.968.294,  1-17-61. 

CI.    12.-}     46. 
Biiililf-r,  Werner  :  Sec — 

Ni'.ller.  Hans-Georj:.  anil  Bjichh'i'.     2.977.041. 
r.iu-hll.    Hfrman.  and    H.    S..  Shapiro,   to   ChicaKO   Sperialty 

•MfK.    Co.     Adjustable   wnnches.     2,979,977.   4-18-61.  CI. 

Bachman.    Alfred    E.,    to    O.    Miller.      Bingo    game    device. 

3,002.491,  10-3-61,  Cl.  116—134. 
r>a<'liniun,  Fred  K.  :   src—- 

Tiuk.  Carl  K..  and  Baohman.     2.974.759. 

Tack,  Carl  E.,  Bachman,  and  Baker.     2,986,101. 

r.fH'li man.  Fred  K.,  to  American  Steel  Foundries.  Pneumatic 
."-iisiH-nsion  for  use  on  freight  car  trucks.  3,012,523. 
12-12-61,  Cl.  105—197. 

l{;i«hnmn.  Fred  E..  A.  F.  Baker,  and  It.  B.  Cottrell.  to 
.Vnieri«in  St»'el  Foundries.  Snubbed  truck.  2,972,967, 
2-28-61.   Cl.    HKV     197. 

Bachman,  George  S.,  to-  Steatite  Research  Corp.  Oxide 
thermocouple  device.     2,981,775,  4-26-61,  Cl.  136—5. 

Bacliman,  «Jforue  S..  to  IMttsburgh  Plate  Glass  Co.  Com- 
posite glass  liber  battery  separator.  3.014,085,  12-19-61, 
Cl.  136—145. 

Bachman.  Gustave  B..  and  N.  W.  Standlsh,  to  Purdue  Re- 
search Foundation.  Preparation  of  trichloro  nltro  alcohols 
and  trichloro  nltro  alkenes.  2,999,118,  9-5-61,  Cl. 
260 — 033. 

Bachman.  Skull  M.  Ball  and  runway  toy.  3,008,716.  11-14- 
61.  Cl.  27.'^— 109. 

Bachman,  William  S..  to  Columbia  Broadcasting  System.  Inc. 
A.C.-D.C.  amplifier.     2.968.006,  1-10-61,  Cl.  330—123. 

Bachmann  Bros,  Inc. :  See — 

McXelll.  Albert  G.     2.^76.767. 
McXelll.  Albert  G.     3.008,585. 

Bachmann  Bros..  The :  See — 

(".amble.  Howard  W.    2.996.955. 

Bachmann.  Ditmar  :  8ee—^       * 

Grundmann,    Werner,   Bachmann,    Haider,   and  Gampp. 

r.achmann,  Ilarald.  and  II.  Tegtmej-er,  to  A.  W.  Faber-Castell. 
Sli.le  rules.     2.968.438.  1-17-6],  Cl.  235— 70.      « 

Bachmann,  John  H. :  See — 

Bond,  Joseph  N.,  and  Bachmann.     3,001,489. 

Harhniann.  John  II..  B.  J.  l>f  Witt,  and  F.  Strain,  to  Pitts- 
hurtfh  Plate  Crlass  Co.  Reaction  product  of  silica  nigment 
^vith  acldlo  hnlides  and  production  thereof.  3,000,749. 
<(_10_»j].  Cl.   106 — 288.  I 

Bachrifer,  Henry  1..  :  See—  I 

Lerner.  Julius,  and  Bachofer.    2,974.526. 

BaHitel.  Howard  J.,  to  The  Dow  Chemical  Co.  Stabilization 
of  1.1.1-trlchloroethane.     2.970.113.  1-.31-61.  Cl.  252—171. 

Bnchus,  Benson  F.,  and  J.  F.  Kruzlc.  to  Western  Electric  Co., 
Inc.  Pulp-processing  systems.  3,003,700.  10-10-61,  Cl. 

B.nclu.  Nlrk,  to  General  Electric  Co.  Film  drawing  process. 
2.978,371.  4-4-61.  Cl.  154—2.28. 

Back.  .MeTander  E. :  See — 

ZImmerley.  Stuart  R..  and  Back.    2,972,530. 
Back.    Prank   G.      Varlfocal.    long  back-focal    lens   for  cilor 
television.     2.971.051,  2-7-01.  Cl.   178 — 5.4. 

Back.  Frank  G.  Varlfocal  lens  assembly  for  still  camera 
photography.     3.014.406.  12-26-61.  Cl.  88—57.  ^- 

B.irk.  Frank  G..  and  H.  Lowen.  Multiple  element  varlfocal 
system.     2.970.516,  2-7-61,  Cl.   88 — 57. 

Back.  Leonard  :  See — 

Bergsteln,   Frank  D.,   and  Back.     2.079.99.'. 

Back,  Leonard,  and  R.  G.  Weatherby.  to  The  Interstate  Fold- 
ing Box  Co.  Device  for  forming  and  applyln?  poaring 
spoots  to  containers.     2.998.788.  9-5-61.  Cl.   113—1. 

Backensto,  Joseph  R.,  to  Olln  Mathleson  Chemical  Corp. 
Metliod  for  the  preparation  of  normal  lead  styphanate. 
3.002,012,  9*-26-61,  Cl.  260 — 4.35. 

Backer.  Stanley,  and  P.  G.  Xordhammer.  to  Crompton  ft 
Knowles  Corrv  Proross  for  treating  textile  'materials. 
2.972,7!'.'.  2-28-01.  Cl.   26— .54. 

Backer,    William   E.,   to   United    States  of  America,   Army. 

Eccentric     drum      mount     for     revolver-type     firearms. 

2,982.184.  6-2-61,  Cl.  89—155. 
Backer,   William  K.,  to  Norton  Co.     Torque  responsive  con- 
trol   for    regulating    operation    of    a    grinding    machine. 

2,975,566,  3-21-61,  Cl.  »1— 165. 
Backhaus,  Hermann  J. :  See — 

Borginann.  Heibert,  and  Backhaus.     2,972,890. 
Backhouse,  Headley  T.     Sheet  feeding  machines.     2.9(9..{31, 

4-11-61.  Cl.  271 — 16. 
llaiUhouse,  Headlev  T.     Sheet  feeding  machines.     3,006,63 1, 

10-31-61.  Cl.  271—60.  „^     ^^^ 

Backlar.  Joseph.     Garment.    2.970,598,  2-7-61.  Cl.  128 — 519. 
Backlin,  Clarence  R.,  to  Willcox  &  Gibbs  Sewing  Machine  Co. 

Rotary    tension    device    for   sewing    machines.      :!.000,.)9I, 

9-19-61.  Cl.   242—155. 
Backlund.  Peter  S.,  to  Union  Oil  Co.  of  California.     Manufac- 
ture of  trlmellltlc  acid.    3,009.953.  11-21-61,  <1.  260-524. 
r.acklund,  Robert  R.  B..  J.  M.  Bailey.  A.  Goloflf,  D.  C.  I>owdall, 

and   II.   M.  Klley,   to  Caterpillar  Tractor  Co.     Automatic 

timing  device  for  engines.     2,977,778.  4-4-61.  Cl.  61 — -'5. 
r.ackof,  Albert.    Connecting  bolt  for  trailer  couplings.    3,007,- 

718,  11-7-61,  Cl.  280—51.''.. 
BackstrSm,   Arne,  and   K.  O.   Nordin,   to  Avesta   Jernverks 

Aktlebolag.     Process  in  selective  reducticwi  of  chrome  ore. 

2,971,834.  2-14-61.  Cl.  75—11. 
Backus,  Alfred  S.,  to  Mycalex  Corp.  of  America.     Method  of 

manufacturing    mercury    commutation    switch.      2,968,861, 

1-24-61.   C\.   29 — 155..5.'>. 
Backus,  John  K. :  See — 

Chih,  Chen  M..  and  Backus.    2.988,406. 
Bacon,  Clare  E.,  and  M.  T.  Nemeyer,  to  Owens-Corning  Fiber- 

plas  Corp.    Glass  fabric  reinforcement  for  plastics.    2,975.- 

503,  3-21-61.  28 — 78. 
Baton  Felt  Co.  :  See- 
Becker.  William  E.     3,013,366. 
Bacon,  Francis  T.,  to  E.R.A.  Patents  Ltcf.     Bipolar  electrode 
•  f..r  electric  batteries.     2.969.31."..  1-24-61.  Cl.  204 — 2S4. 
Ba<'on,  Francis  T.,  to  National  Research  Development  Corp. 

Electrical  batteries.     3,002,039,  9-26-61,  Q.  136—86. 
Bacon,  Frank  R..  and  C.  J.  Blllian,  to  Owens-Illinois  (Jlass 

Co.     Ultraviolet  light  absorbing  glass.     2.^74,062.  3-7-61. 

Cl.  106-52. 
Bacon,  Glenn  C.  to  International  Business  Machines  Corp. 

Automatic  gain   control   circuit  utilizing  variable   capaci- 
tance.   2.982.822,  5-2-61,  Q.  179—100.2. 
Bacon,  James  L.  :  see — 

(Jrant.  "Keay"  H.  C.  and  Bacon. 
Bacon,    John,    H.,    deceased ;    R.    C. 

Animated   bird  whistle.     2,972,834. 
Bacon.    John    H..    deceased  ;    R.    C. 


Bacon,  administrator. 
2-28-«ll.  Cl.  4«i — 118. 
Bacon,    admin  istrjj  tor. 

Warbling  musical   whlsUe.     2,996,839,  8-22-61.   Cl.  46 — 


Bacon.  Karl  W..  and  E.  O.  Morgan,  to  Walt  Disney  Produc- 
tions.   Amusement  vehicle  apparatus.    3,006,286,  10-31-61, 

Cl.  104 — 63. 
Bacon,  Maurice  W. :  See — 

lierlln,  Frederick  H..  Jr.,  and  Bacon.     2,975,619. 
Bacon.  Osborne  C,  to  E.  I.  du  Pont  de  Nemours  and  Co.    Cel- 

lulosic  textile  treating  composition  and  process.    2.992,138, 

7-11-61.  Cl.  117—139.4. 
Bacon.  Robert  C. :  See — 

Bacon.  John  H.    2.972,8.34. 
Bacon.  John  H.    2.996.839. 
Bacon.   William  E..  to  The  Lubrizol   Corn.      Preparation   of 

phosphorodithloate     ttiesters.      2,976,308,     3-21-61,     Cl. 

260 — 461 . 
Bada  Co.,  The  :  See— 
Bageman.  Fred  J 
Badberg,    Henry    W. 

Cl.  239—271. 
Badders,   Wllllnm    C 

Fog   fire    nozzle. 

2,993,650.    7-26-61, 


to   United   States   of   America, 
Reso-Jet  igniter.     2:998,703,  9-5-61.  Cl.  60—35.6. 

Baddour,  Ravmond  P.  Apparatus  and  methods  for  con- 
tinuous Ion  exchange.     3,002,922,  10-3-61.  CT.  210 — 33. 

Bade.  Alfred  G..  to  The  Falk  Corp.  Mounting  as.^j-nibi.v  for 
machinerv  drive.     2.976.74.5.   3-28-61.  Cl    74—606. 

Bader.  Alfred  R..  to  S.  C.  Johnson  &  Son,  Inc.  Novel  ether 
derivatives  of  dl(hvdroxyaromatic)-alkylidene  c-irboxyllc 
acids.     2.971,025.  2-7-61.  Cl.   260 — 520. 

Bader,  Alfred  R.,  and  H.  A.  Vogel.  to  Pittsburgh  Plate  Glass 
Co.  Alkvd  resins  modified  by  beta  amino  crotanic  esters 
of  higher  organic  hydroxides.  2,987,491,  6-6-61,  Cl. 

Bader.  Kdcar.  to  Telefunken  G.m.b.H.  Switch  core  niafrix. 
3.004.172.    10-10-61.    Cl.    307 — 88. 

Bader,  Erich,  and  O.  Schweitzer,  to  Deutsche  Gold-  und  Sil- 
ber-Scheideanstalt  vormals  Roessler.  Adheslves,  cements 
and  the  like.     2,981,650,  4-25-61.  Cl.  154—129. 

Bader,  Frank,  to  United  States  of  America,  Navy.  Variable 
area  nozzle  arrangement.  3.005,308,  10-24-61.  Cl.  60 — 

B.ider.  Gilbert  F.     Plastic  garment  bagger.     2,995,000.  8-8- 

61.  Cl.  .53  -2.".6. 


Bader,    John.      Arrangement    for   hydrofoil    retraction 

transmission.     2,984,197.  .5-16-61.  Cl.   114—66.5. 
Bader.  John,   and   V.    H.  Van   Bibber.     Hydrofoil   retraction 

and^  steering   mechanism.      2.991.747.    7-11-61.    Cl.    114 — 



Samuel    M .   to   The   Carlson    Fabrication 
Inc.     Trailer.     3.000..524.  9-19-<il.  Cl.   21< 

&   Welding 

Bader.  William.  R.  W.  Berry.  Jr..  and  F.  K.  Beyer,  to  W'esson 
Co.  Grinding  machine  acWssor.v.  2.974,451.  3-14-61.  Cl. 



Co.      Flake   mica 
2,989.111.    6-20- 

and  Kuepuers. 

Badger,  Alfred  E. :  <Sfee — 

filers,  James  T..  Jr..  Badger.' anfl  Lehr.     2.975,555, 

Badger.   David   H.,   to   Ransburg  Llectro-Coatlng  Corp.     Ap 

paratus  for  electrostatic  spray  coating.     2,989.241.  6-20- 

61.  a.  239—15. 

Badger  Mfg.  Co. :  See— 

Maswy.  Norman  L.     2,994.3:^9. 
Obergfell  Hermann.    3,000,534. 
Badger  Meter  Mfic.  Co. :  See — 
Fyfe.  Clajton.     2.989,60Q, 
Badger  PIur  Co. :  See — 

Volssem,  Marvin  C.     2,988,032.  . 
Badger,    Richard    A.,    to    «>eneral    Eleotrtc 
separating  and    film   farming  machine. 
61.  CI.  154—2.5.  '  ...  ,   .     . 

Badger    Walter  L..   to   United   Sfcite^  of  America.   Interior. 
Prt>cem  for  the  prevention  of  scale  in  sea  water  evapora- 
tors.    2.979,442.  4-11-61.  CI.  202—67. 
Badia,  Dan  J.,  and  J.  L.  Sardlnas,  to  Chas.  Pflzer  &  Co..  Inc, 
Oxidation  of  stertiid  compouuds  in  presence  of  antibiotics, 
3.010.876,  11-28-61.  CI.  195—51. 
Uadlsclie  Anllia-  &  Soda-Fabrik  Alitlengesellscbaf  t :  See — 
Adam,  Karl.    3,009.957. 

Baron.  Iliibertus.  and  Friederich.     3.009,947. 
Bucbbolz,  Karl,  and  SUstny.     3,001,954. 
Bti^-che.  VValter.  and  Kindler.    2,»»5,b86. 
Cbristmann,  Frits,  and  Gieg.     2,981,757. 
Conrad.   Johaune8,   Blum,   and  KuepperH. 
Conrad,  Johannes.  Janson.  Weller,  Blum. 

2  993  742 
Dimroth,  Peter,  and  Pasedach.     2.993.910. 
EbeK,  Frledrlcb.  Burger,  and  Herrle.     3.001,970. 
FikenUcher,  Uana,  and  Wilbelm.     3,002,023. 
Fjk»-nt.>*eher,  Han.s.  and  Wilheliii.     ;i.(MJ«j.9()0. 
Flkentscher.  Hans,  Wilbelm,  and  Wlllerslnn;     2,973.332. 
Fischer,  Adolf.  Scheuerer,  Schllchtlng.  and  Stummeyer. 

3,001.861.  _ 

Geeren,  Hermann.  Ebel.  and  Braun.  2.989,535. 
Hamprecht.  Guenth»r.  and  liellmutb.  3.006,377. 
Hamprectat.      Guentber.      Oertel,      and      Scbwarzniann. 

Heekel.  Erich,  and  Friederich.    2.981.740. 
Jabrstorfer,  Michael.  Spaenig,  and  Weickmann.  3,006,904. 
Jansoa,  Alfons,  Conra<u  and  Morweiser.     2,985.500. 
Jobannsen.     Adolf,     Danz.     Pfannmueller,     and     Wolf. 

Krause.  Hans-Joachim,  and  Drexler.     2,997.465. 
Kroep«r.  Hugo.  Wlrth.  and  Ilnohler.     :;.O09  951. 
Knlkalla.  Hans,  Lange,  and  Eistert.     3,001,982. 
Lautenschlajjer.  Hans,  and  Frle<lerirh.     3,009,948. 
Lorenz,  Lotbar,  and  Weitz.     3,001.608. 
Markgraf.  otlo.  Schuster,  llerrle.  Buehm.  and  .Sch.nofer. 

2.969 ,271. 
Meyer.  Kerdlnan<l.  and  Demmler.     3.009.898. 
'      Meyer,  Ferdinand,  Demmler,  and  Lissner.     2,981,711. 
.Mueller  Taiiuii.  Heinz,  Stastuy.  and  Bachhols.    3,009.888. 
Muenster,  Wilbelm.  and  Dreher.     3,014,930. 
Muenster.  Wllbplm.  Dreher,  and  Paul.     2,973,339. 
r>         Oettlnger.  Willi.     2,985.582. 

I*as.-<1  ich.  Heinrlch.  and  Sf-efelder.     3,006,968. 
Pfannmueller.  Wilbelm,  Jobannsen,  Wolf,  and  Wlttmann. 

2.978. -'97. 
Pflrrmann,  Theodor.     2.997.363. 
Platz,  Rolf.  Kroeper,  and  Dorsch.     2,985,695. 
Poehlpr.  (Juenter.     .■?.()<»6.958. 
Pomnier.  Horst.  and  Sarnecki.     2.983,739. 
Ponimer.  Horst.  and  Sarnecki.     3.006.939. 
Reicheneder,   Franz,   Soter,  and  Dury.     2.989,542. 
Reppe.  Walter.  Bauer,  and  Schw»*ter.     2.969.306. 
Reppe  Walter,  and  Magin.     3.006.9fil. 
Reppe.  Walter,  and  Seefelder.    2.978.450. 
Reppe.  Walter,  yon  Kutepow.  and  BiUe.     3,014.962. 
Rettig.  August.     3,009,685. 
Rokohl.  Rudolf,  Hartmark,  Ploets,  and  Wegerle.     2,986.- 

Sihubert.  Fritz,  and  Kern.     3.009.924. 
Sfeinbrnnn.  GusTav,  Fischer,  and  Stummever.     3.006,955. 
Stelnbofer.    Adolf,     Buschmann,    and    Unterstenhoefer. 

Stilz.  Walter,  and  Pommer.     3.009.921. 
Vierltng.  Karl.  Oettel.  Ind  Wilbelm.     3,006,912. 
Von  Schlckh,  Otto.     2.969.396. 
Von  Schlckh.  Otto,  and  Metzger.    2,985,572. 
Wllflnger.  Hubert.     3.0O9.831. 
Wlllerslnn.  Herbert.     3.001.967. 
Wlntersbereer.  Karl.  Jockers.  and  Meier.     3.009.779. 
Wisseroth,  Karl,  Kastning.  and  Triescbmann.    3.001.977. 

Baeder.  Darld  H. :  Bee — 

Selfter.  Joseph,  and  Baeder.     3,002,888. 
Baekelmans.  Herman  E. :  Bee — 

De  Paow.  Alfons  J.,  and  Baekelmans.     2.982,652. 
^aer.  Charles  A. :  See — 
^  Gardner.  James  H.,  and  Baer.    2.989,026. 

Baer.  Charles  A..  W.  F.  Bugbee.  E.  8.  Candidus.  and  P.  J. 

Clougb.    to    National    Research    Corp.      Vapor    deposition 

method  and  apparatna.     2.971.862.  2-14-61.  CI.  117 — 61. 
Baer.  Charles  A..  P.  J.  Clough.  and  J.  H.  GiVdner,  to  National 

Steel  Corp.     Vacuum  seal  for  vapor  deposition  apparatus. 

2.983.249.  5-9-61.  O.  118 — 49. 
Baer.  Charles  A..  P.  J.  Clough.  and  P.  W.  Patton.  to  National 

Research  Corp.     Oxidlzable  oxide-free  metal  coated  with 

metal.    3.01^.904.  12-12-61.  CI.  117-^50. 

Iy«'rner.  and  Ij.  Jablansky. 
Army.  Desensitization  of 
with      dinitroethylbenzeue. 

Garment  rack.     2,980,438, 

Warren,  to  Laminated  Shim  Co., 
a  shim.     2,980,572.  4-18-61.  Cl! 



Baer.  Donald  R.,  and  C.  D.  Ver  Nooy.  to  E.  I.  da  Font  de 
Nemours    and    Co.      Polyesters   of   benzene  polycai1)Oxylic 
acids  with  tluorinated  alkanols.     3.004,061,  10^10-61.  Cl. 
260 — 475. 
Baer,  Harold  :  See — 

Root,  Nathan,  and  Nyman.    2,977.697. 
Baer,  John  D.,  to  The  Bishop  Co.    Reinforced  eyeglass  frame. 

2,997,917,  8-29-61,  Cl.  88 — 41. 
Baer,    Massimo,    to    Monsanto    Chemical    Co.      Process    for 
preparing  homogeneous  copolymers  of  a  vinylidene  monomer 
ana   a  malcic  monomer  and  product  thereof.     2,971,939, 
2-14-61.  Cl.  260 — 45.5. 
Baer.    Maurice.    P'  B.   Tweed.    S. 
to   United   States  of  America, 
3.000.7-'0,  9-19-01,  Cl.  52—5. 
Baer,  Ralph  S.,  to  N.  P.  Greller. 

4-18-61,  Cl.  280—79.3. 
BaerfU88,    Achilles,    to    Hch.    Bertrams    Aktiengesellschaft. 

Fermenters     2,983.652.  5-9-61.  Cl.  195 — 113. 
Baermann.   Max.      Magnetic  motor.     2,968,755,  1-17-61,  Cl. 

Baeslack,  Alfred  J. :  Bee — 

Bicbsel,  Harry  J.,  and  Baeslack.    3,005,903. 
Baeuerlen,  Robert  J. :  See — 

Kidger,  David  P.,  and  Baeuerlen.     2.978.335. 
Baeyens.  Petrus  :  Bee — 

Melse,  Jan  L.,  and  Baeyens.     3,014,817. 
Bagcraft  Corp.  of  America  :  See — 
Meister.  Albert  A.     2,999,042. 
Bagdon,   Richard   J.,   to  Federal-Mogul-Bower  Bearing,   Inc. 

Fluid  seal.    2,990,206„6-27-61.  Cl.  288—3. 
Bagdon,   Richard  J.,   tp   Federal-Mogul-Bower  Bearings,   Inc. 
.\pparatU8  for  making  fluid  sealing  elements.     3,007,330, 
11-7-61.  Cl.  69—8. 
Bagdon,  Richard  J.,  and  R. 
Inc.     Method  of  flaking  a 
Bageman,    Fred    J.,    to    The    Bada    Co.      Wheel    balancing, 

3,002,388,   10-3-61,  Cl.  73—483. 
Baget,  Jeau  :  See — 

Gailliot,  Paul,  and  Baget.    2.979.502 
Bagg,  Robert  D.    Automobile  heat  saver  partition 

10-3-61,  Cl.  296—85. 
Baggallay.  Merrik  B. :  See — 

Ranee,   Herbert  F.,   Baggallay,   and   Robinson. 
Baggett.  Joseph  M. :  See — 

Pruitt.  >IalcoIm  E.,  Baggett,  and  McMlchael.    3,004,840 
Baggfl,  Burton  D..  Jr. :  *>ee — 

Smith,  Alexander,  and  Baggs. 
Smith,  Alexander,  and  Baggs. 
Smith,  Alexander,  and  Baggs. 
Smith,  Alexander,  and  Baggs. 
Bagi,  Andras  :   See — 

Szabo,  Istvan.  Bagi,  Edel,  and  Gordos.     3,013,619. 
Bagley,  Glen  D.,  and  D.  H.  Barbour,  to  Union  Carbide  Corp. 
Process  for  producing  reactive  metals.     2,996,440,  8-8-61, 
Cl.  75—84.5. 
Bagley.  Kenton  R. :  Bee — 

Swasey,  Samup'l  E..  and  Bagley.     3,007.073. 
Swasey.  Samuel  K.,  and  Bagley.     3.007,074. 
Bagley,  Roy.  to  The  Babcock  &  Wilcox  Co.     Vapor  generating 
unit  with   sequential  blowdown.     2,972,986,   2-28-61,  CT 
122— >379. 
Baglev.  Wendell  M. :  Bee— 

Thomsen,  Max  M.,  and  Bagley.     3,014,564. 
Bagnall,   John,    to   Canada    Paper   Co.      Apparatus    for   the 
manufacture  of  handle  attachments  for  paper  tmgs.    2,983,- 
921,  5-16-61.  Cl.  1—2. 
Baenelle.  Arthur  H..  to  Albro  Fillers  &  Engineering  Co.  Ltd. 
Devices  for  applying  sealing  bands  to  articles.     2.976.661. 
.•i_28-61.  Cl.  5.^—292. 
Bagno,  Samuel  M. :  Bee — 

Joerren.  Ernest  A.,  and  Baeno.     3.011.718. 
Bagno.  Samuel  M.,  to  Walter  Kidde  &  Co.,  Inc.     Sensitivity 
contrQl    of   apparatus    for   detecting   disturbances   in   an 
enclosure.     2,987,713,  6-6-61,  Cl.  34&-^258. 
Hagshaw,  Robert  B. :  See — 

Wald,  John  R..  Jr.,  Wilson,  and  Bagshaw.    3,009,439. 
BagweU,  Carl  :  See — 

Davis,  Clyne  A.     3.008.420. 
Bagwell.  George  W..  and  C.  A.  Watklns,  to  The  Auto-Soler 
Co.     Fastener  forming  and  Inserting  machine.     3,008,143, 
11-14-61.  Cl.  1—29. 
Baharian.  Roy  E. :  See — 

Tfaomaslan.  Harvey  A.,  and  Baharian.     3.007,084. 

Bahia  Mision  Development  Co.,  Inc. :  See — 

Johnson,  Raymond  H.     2,983,038.  j 

Bahlsen,  Werner  :  See — 

Lange,  Ferdinand.     2,998,907. 

Bahmann.    Hans-JoachIm,    to    Benteler   Corp. 
apparatus   for  the  continuous  galvanization 
surface   of   tnbes.     2,970,950.   2-7-61.  Cl.   20 

Bahmuller.  Wllhelm.     Automatic  locking  device 
6-20-61.  Cl.  287—99. 

Bahnman.  Waldo  N.     Glue  line  molstener  for  cigarette  mak 

Ing  machines.    2.998.013.  8-29-61,  Cl.  131—59. 
Bahnsnn  Co..  The  :  See — 

Allred.  George  W.     2.973.543. 

Allred,  George  W.    2.994.904. 

King.  James  F..  Jr.    2,976.557. 

King.  James  F.,  Jr.    2,977.067. 


Method  and 
of  the  inner 




Bahr,  Helnz-Joachim :  See —  ,       ^  ^     d  »., 

Seydel.    Gerhard,    Beermann.     Junghanns,    and    Banr. 

2.984.G58.  ,       ^     ,         ...,.*,, 

Bahus,  Gustav.  Jr.    Apparatus  for  drying  electrical  InstaUa- 

•tlons.    2.991.346,  7-4-61,  CI.  219—19. 
Baier.  Rodger  W.  :  See—  o  nni  orr 

Schumacher  Joseph  C.  and  Baier.    3,001,855. 
Baier,  Walter  :  See —  ^  „  ,         „  „,„  ^_  . 

Von  Linde,  Robert,  and  Baier.    2,9«2j4j4. 
Baler.  Walter,  and  H.   Voigtmann,  to  WUhelm  Baler    K.G 
Articulate  mechanical  connection.     2.991,094,  7-4-ei.  Cl. 
Baier,  Wilhelm.  K.G. :  See —  „  ^^,  ^^ 

Baier,  Walter,  and  Voigtmann.    2.991.094. 
VonLinde.  Robert,  and  Baier,    2,9,2.4.4. 
Bailey,  Albert  k     Ice  grlpper.     2.972,823.  2-28-61,  CI.  30— 

Balfey.  Benjamin  E..  and  S.  K^"'i^*^lV*'K!?.r^^*°Q^Bfl'7°2S4' 
tical    Co      Gasket  for  printed  circuit  board.      2.967,284, 

1-3-61.  b.  339—017. 
Bailev,  Charles  H. :  See —  .  „  ^,,  „„ 

Sorem,  Stanley  S..  and  Bailey.  ^  2.971609. 
Sorem.  Stanley  8..  and  Bailey.     2,994,408       ,       ,    ^       ^ 
BaUey.  Christopher  E.  G.,  to  The  Solartron  Electronic  Group 
Ltd.     Analogue  computers.     2,989,239.  6-20-61.  CI.  235— 
Bailey,  Christopher  E.  G     and  L.  J.  Kennard,  to  The  Solar- 
tron Electronic  Group  Ltd.     Radar  simulators.     2,977,C8(. 
4-4-61.  CI.  35—10.4. 
Ballly,  Donald  L. :  See —     ^         .  .  «  ,,  « non 

Robertson,  Ernest  0.,  StaUabrass,  and  Bailey.     2.980,- 


Bailey.  Donald  L.^  to  Union  Carbide  Corp.  Organofunctlonal 
slloianes.     2.9(^7.876.  1-10-61.  a.  26^48:2. 

Bailey,  Donald  L..  to  Union  Carbide  Corp.  Sulfo-aralkyl- 
"lloianes  and  salts  thereof.  2.968,643.  1-17-61.  CI.  260— 
46  5 

Bailey'  Donald  L..  to  Union  Carbide  Corp.  Processes  for  the 
reaction  of  sllanlc  hydrogen-bonded  siloxanes  with  un- 
Hatu rated  organic  compounds  with  a  platinum  catalyst. 
2  970.150.  l-.-Hl-r.l.  n.  200— .'^4^.    ^  „  ,  , 

Bailey.  Donald  L..  to  Union  Carbide  Corp.  Homopolymers  of 
bi8(trimethyl8lloxy)  methylvinylsllane.  3,002,987,  10-3-61, 
(^    ''60 448  2 

BaileyT  Donald  L..  and  W.  T.  Black,  to  Union  Carbide 
Corp.  Phenylvinyl-subBtituted  cyclic  siloxanes.  2,9.5,J03, 
3-14-61,  CI.   260—448  2.  ^     u..i     /^ 

Bailey,  Donald  L.,  and  B.  M.  Pike,  to  Union  Carbide  Corp. 
Amlnoaralkyl  cilioon  compounds  and  process  for  their  pro- 
duction.    2.998.406.  8-29-61.  CI.  260 — 46.6. 

Bailev.  Donald  L.,  E.  J.  Pepe,  and  B.  Kanner,  to  Union  Car- 
bide Corp.  Reduction  of  nitroarylhydrocarbonoxysllanes  in 
the  presence  of  absorbents.  3,007.967,  11-7-61,  CI.  260— 

Bailey.  Edward  B.,  to  Lamp  Presscops  Ltd.  Apparatus 
for  delivering  articles  with  a  predetermined  orientation. 
2.990.935.  7-t-61.  CI.  198—33. 

Bailey.  Emmett  C.  and  W.  SpangenberR.  to  Uuite.l  Stat.>« 
of  America,,  Navy.     Motor-transmission  system.    2,972,900, 

2-28-61.  Ci.  74—364.  ^  ^       ^  , 

Bailey,  Felton  B..  to  Adams.  Inc.     Stop  motion  for  roving 

frame.     3,010,273.  11-28-61.  C\.  57—81. 
Bailey.  Frank  T.,  Jr.,  to  Surf  Chemical  Inc.     Dry  powder 

extruding  apparatus  and  methods  for  producing  polytetra- 

fluoroethylene  articles.     2,989.777.  6-27-61.  CI.  18—12. 
Bailey.  Fred  L..  and  J.  P.  Jenkins.    Accessory  for  automatic 

record  changer.     2.978,249.  4-^-61,  CI.  274—10. 

Bailey.  Frederick  E..  Jr. :  See—    _  .  ^      « „.,  ««„ 

Hill,  Fred  N..  Bailey,  and  Fltxpatrick.     2.971.988. 
Hill.  Fr«>^  N.,  Fitzpatrlck.  and  Bailey.     2.969.402. 
Bailey,  Frederick  B..  Jr.,  and  P.  N.  Hill,  to  Union  Carbide 
Corp.     Polymerization     of    epoxides.     2,987,489,     6-6-81, 
CI.  260—2. 
Bailey,  George  A.,  to  Merck  &  Co..  Inc.     Manganese  salts  of 
pregnane  series  steroid  21-pho8phate«.    3.013,030, 12-12-61. 
CI.  260—397.45. 

Bailey,  Grant  C. :  See—  ^     ^     „  „„^  -«« 

Holm.  Vernon  C.  F..  Bailey,  and  Clark.    2.985.698. 

Bailey.  Grant  C,  to  Phillips  Petroleum  Co.  Propvlene  poly 
merlzation  process.     3,007,905.  11-7-61,  CI.  260—93.7. 

Bailey,  Harold  G. :  See —  „  .,  ^  „,      ^ 

McPherson.  Alexander  L.,  Stevens,  Bailey,  and  Klusch. 
Bailey,  Isabel  W.     Swimming  pool.     2.996,729.  8-22-451.  CI. 

Bailey,  James  R. :  See —  ^^^^  ^^^  V 

Dumke.  William  E.,  and  Bailey.    2.990,465.      . 

Bailey,    James    R.      Magnetic    wire    recording.      2.982,488. 
5-2-61,  a.  242—64.1. 

BaUey.  John  M. :  See—  ^  .  -    ^    ..  ,. 

Backlund,    Robert  ^   B.,   Bailey.   GoloCT,   Dowdall.   and 
Kiley.     2.977.778. 

Bailey.  Keith  A. :  See —  .„    .  »„„««,« 

Christenson.  Howard  W.,  Tuck,  and  Bailey.     2,990.919. 

Bailey,  Leon  L. :  See —  „„„„«».. 

Mahand,  Jack,  and  Bailey.  2,996.070. 
Bailey,  Luther,  to  Parks-Cramer  Co.     Modulating  system  for 

humldlficatlon    of    enclosures.      2,979,266.    4-11-61.    CI. 

236 — 44. 

Taylor,    and    Young. 

McEvoy,    and    Fink. 

Bailey  Meter  Co. :  See — 

Baldridge,  Bruce  H.    2,974.674. 

Burllnson,     Roy    F.,    Brockman. 

Clark,  Lynn  R.     2,989,063. 

Dickey,  Paul  S.    2.984.984. 

Dickey^  Paul  S.    2.985.151. 

Dickey,  Paul  S.    2,985,163. 

Fleming.    Jonathan    B.,    Panlch, 

Junklns,  Raymond  D.     3.008.889, 

Paullson,  William  L..  Jr.     2,985,152. 

Shannon,  Jack  F.    2,980.151.  \  „^^o,o.i 

Young,  Llewellyn,  Taylor,  and  Brockman.     2.968.18J. 
Bailey,  Milton.     Leather  impregnite.     2,967,165    1-3-61,  CI. 

Bailey.  Ralph  E.  Apparatus  for  projecting  slides.  2,973,- 
689. 3-7-61.  CI.  88—28.  ,       ^  ^  „  ^  . 

Bailey,  Ralph  K.,  to  The  Buckeye  Incubator  Corp.  Hatcher. 
2.997,021.  8-22-61.  CI.  119—37.  _  _. 

Bailey.  Ralph  K..  to  The  Buckeye  Incubator  Co.  Feed  con- 
veyor.   3.003,464.  10-10-61,  CI.  119—^2.      ^        ,       ^  ,. 

Balk'v,  Ralph  K.,  to  The  Buckeye  Incubator  Co,  Incubation 
machine.     3,006,320.  10-31-61.  CI.  119—37. 

Bailey.  Ralph  K.,  to  The  Buckeye  Incubator  Co.  Poultry  ff^ed- 
ing  troughs.     3.006,321,  10-31-61.  CI.  119—61. 

Bailey.  Roy  W..  and  R.  L.  Breest,  to  Detroit  Power  Screw- 
driver   Co.     Vibratory    feeder    bowl.     3,011.625,    12-5-61, 

fry      lOft 220 

Bailey,  William  F.,  to  Hazletlne  Research,  Inc.  Wave  focus- 
ing antenna.    2,696,717.  8-15-Gl,  CI.  343—788. 

Bailey,  William  F„  B,  D.  Loughlln.  and  C,  E.  Page,  to  Hazel- 
tine  Research.  Inc.  Electronic  prevlewer  for  slmulanng 
image  produced  by  photochemical  processing.  2,976.348, 
3-21-61,  CI.  178---5.2. 

Bailey.  William  F..  R.  J.  Farber.  and  J.  J.  Mazzochi  to 
Hazeltine  Research,  Inc.  Autodyne  converter.  J,980,79o. 
4-18-61.  CI.  250—20. 

Bailey.  William  F.,  B.  D.  Loughlln.  and  I.  Q.  MacWhlrter.^to 
Hazeltine  Research  Inc.  Stabilized  image  scanner. 
3,002,048,  9-26-Gl,  CI.  178 — 5,2. 

Bailey.  William  F..  R.  P.  Burr,  and  F.  C.  Ilallden,  to  Hazel- 
tine Research,  Inc.  Color-image-reproducing  apparatus  of 
the  image-projection  type.  3,009,015,  11-14-61,  CI.  178 — 

Bailey.  William  R. :  See—  „^  „.„, 

Reed.  Clair  S..  and  Bailey.     3.013.584. 

BaUlie.  Edward  C.  and  L.  P.  Stevens,  to  Pittsburgh  Plate 
Glass  Co.  Pesticidal  composition.  2,976,206,  3-21-61, 
CI.  167—20. 

BaiUie.  Richard  P.,  and  W.  H.  Smith,  to  Demmler  and  Schenck 
Co.  Apparatus  for  forming  sheet  material.  2,9 « 2. 1 75, 
2-28-01,  CI.   18—19. 

BaiUie.  Richard  P..  and  W.  H.  Smith,  to  Demmler  and  Schenck 
Co.  Apparatus  for  making,  surface  shapes  covered  with 
formed  sheet  material.     2,973,025,  2-28-61,  CI.  154—1. 

BaiUie.  Wallace  E.,  and  D.  Willlson,  to  National  Castings  Co. 
Railway  car  underframe  arrangement.  3,006.483.  10-31-61. 
a.  213—8. 


BaUlif.  Ernest  A.,  and  R.  W.  Fink,  to  Whirlpool  Corp. 
appliance.    2.9^.372.  9-12-61,  CI.  62—353. 

BalUlf.  Ernest  A.,  and  R.  W.  Fink,  to  Whirlpool  Corp.  Hy- 
draulic ice  makers.     3.008.301.  11-14-61.  CI.  62—135. 

Bally s.  Carl,  to  Bore- Warner  Corp,  Heat  exchanger.  2,991,- 
0^7.  7-4-61,  CI.  257—130. 

Bain,  Joseph  P.,  to  The  Glidden  Co.  Process  Involving  the 
addition  of  hvdrogen  bromide  to  2.6-diniethyl-2,7-octadIene, 
products  therefrom  and  process  of  producing  esters. 
3,005,845.  10-24-61.  CI.  260—489. 

Bain,  Joseph  P.,  and  A.  B.  Booth,  to  The  Glidden  Co.  Prepa- 
ration of  verbenyl  compounds.  2,972.631,  2-21-61,  CI. 

Bain.  Joseph  P.,  H.  G.  Hunt,  E.  A.  Klein,  and  A.  B.  Booth,  to 
The  Glidden  Co.  Conversion  of  verbenol  to  monocyclic  and 
acyclic  compounds.     2.972.632.  2-21-61,  CI.  200—587. 

Bain.  Joseph  P..  W.  Y.  Gary,  and  E.  A.  Klein,  to  The  Glidden 
Co.  Oxygenated  monocyclic  terpenes  and  production 
thereof.     3,014,047.  12-19-61.  CI.  260—348. 

Bain.  Joseph  P..  and  R.  L.  Webb,  to  The  Glidden  Co.  Prepa- 
ration of  menthenyl  and  menthanyl  compounds.  3,014,080. 
12-19-«1.  CI.  260—631. 

Bainbridge,  Frank  R.  l-lat  bar  torsion  spring  suspension 
assembly  for  trailers.     2,977,132.   3-28-61,   d.   280—124. 

Balnes  Frederick,  to  The  Plessey  Co.  Ltd.  Continuously 
variable  mechanical  transmissions.  2.970.613.  2-7-61,  CI. 

Balnes.  Leslie,  to  Richard  Sutcllffe  Ltd.  Fluid  actuated 
mechanisms.     2.978.044.  4-4-61.  CI.   175—144. 

Balo,  George  A.  Furniture  construction.  2.980.482.  4-18- 
61,  CI.  312—257. 

Balr  Georgi'  J.,  to  Corning  Glass  Works  Method  of  and 
apparatu.''  for  casting  kIhss.     2.994,161.  8-1-61.  CI.  49—5. 

Balr.  Stanley  G.  Journal  lubricator.  2,975.009,  3-14-61. 
CI.  308—243. 

Balrd.  Ansyl  R  .  and  P.  C.  Balagna.  to  Royal  Engineering 
Co..  Inc.  Power  actuate<l  rear  view  mirror.  3.005.384, 
10-24-61.  CI.  88—98. 






Copies  and 
3-14-61.    CI. 


Balrd-Atomlc,  Inc. :  See — 

Fitzmaurlce.  John  A„  and  Blacquier, 
Foreman,  William  T.,  and  Panning. 
llJnd^l,  Robert,    2,977.53«. 

Kaye,   Morton,     3.013.46«. i 

Majrrath.  Klcbard  A.     2.970.216.  | 

Rona,  Thomas  P.     2.972,737,  

:«;to<ldart,  Hugh  F.,  and  Du  BoIb,     2.990,206. 
UalrjJ   4:harles  K      Animal  insecticide  api>li<ator,     J.0O».4.iJ. 

lit  14-61,  CI.  119— 157.  .V,    V.  .  .     w      .     e   >        . 

Balrd    Donald  H„  J,  J.  Dymon,  andS,  Natalsohn,  to  Sylvanla 
Electric  Product*  Inc.    Modified  nickel  ferrlte.    2,982,(31, 
&-2-61,  a.  252— «2.5. 
Baird.  Duuglas  o. :  tiee — 

falmey.  Paul,  and  Baird.    2,984  Oja.    _^ 
Baird  Jack  A„  to  Bell  Telephone  Laboratories,  Inc.    Amplify- 
ing trigger  circuit.     3.002.109,  9-26-<Jl.  CI.  307--88.5. 
Baird.  John,  to  Aerojet-General  CJorp,    Tbrust-reversing  mech- 
anism for  Jet  aircraft.     3.002,343,  10-3-61.  01,  60—35.54. 
Baird,   Leslie   L..   and   K.   J.   Basket  ville.   to  «Jeneral  i^lej:"!*^ 
Co     Drawout  mechanism  for  m»-tal -en closed  electric  swltch- 
Kear.     3,005.(X>4.  10-17-«H.  CI.  200— 50. 
Bainl  -Machine  Co..  The  :  See — 

Foreman,  Clarence  P,     3,009,374. 

Holmes,  Frank  C.     2.991,612  „.     ,  .      ^     „       «     ♦ 

Balrd.    Norman    P.,    to    Westlnghouse   Electric   Corp.      Heat 

protective  coating.     2,975,550,  3-21--61,  CI.  49— *»•    . 
Baird,    Norman    P..    and    W.    J.   Monohan.    to    Westlnghouse 
Electric  Corp.     Coating  aluminum  With  a  sperm  whale  oil 
corrosion    resslstant.    lubricating    composition.      3,013,907, 

Ba^rd.'BoUrt  C."ca"rd  rack.  2.981,019,  4-25-61,  CI.  40—124. 
Baird  and  Tatlock  (London)  Ltd. :  ftt  — 

Bracey.  Roiiald  J.,  and  Rl^by.    2,980.802 
Balrd.    William   <;..   Jr..   to   W.    K.   Grace  &  Co 

method    for -.making    the    same. 

Ih — 17.5. 
Baijiel.  Edwin  C. :  See — 

I>elany.  John  J.,  and  Balsel 
Baisley,  Raymond  J.  :  tiee — 

KeelT.  <:iifford  I).,  and  Baisley.    2,9f)9,.'542. 
Balther,  Harry,     Toilet  bowl  ventilating  apparatus 

890,  5-30-61.  a.  4—213.  ^,    ,. 

Baittlnger.    Jack    R.    >2    to   J.    J.    Dougherty,      bplicer    clip 

nnit   for    H-beam    bearing  piles.      2.978,874, 

61— ,"»3.  ,  .    ^ 

Baize.  Norman  C,  to  Chase  Bag  Co,    Bag  stringing  machines, 

2,993,453,  7-25-61.  CI.  112—2,  , 

Bajer   Jacuues   to  Ford  .Motor  Co.     Resilient  mounting  means 

f..r' pivotal  connection.     3.006.672,  10-31-61.  CI.  287—85. 
Bak,  Harry  B.  :  ^ee—  „_„,„. 

Barrett,  Edward  F..  and  Bak.    2.W2.024. 
Bakalar.  David,  and  D.  Navon ;  said  Bakalar  assor.  to  Transl- 

tron    Electronic    Corp,      .Method    of    making    transistors. 

2.998,334,  8-29-61,  CI.  148—1.5. 
Bakalars.   Kdward  J.     Ink  agitator.     2.983.222.  5-9-61.  CI. 

Bakalyar.     Stephen     A.     Game.     3,002,756,     10-3-61,     O. 

273 — 118. 
Bakarlch.  MIchaeT.     Hair  shaper  atta<*ment.     2.979.818.  4- 

1H_«1.  CI.  .^0 — ."JO. 
Bakav.  .\rpad  :  See —  i 

fieller.  LAsild.  and  Bakay.    2.909,945.| 

Bakelite  Ltd.  :  See —  ^^  „  ^^ ^ 

Davis.  Anthony  C.  and  Hunter.    .2,986,o50, 
Bakels,    Marintis,    to    Unison    Products    Co.,    Inc.     Precision 
switch  and  method  of  construction.     3,011,041,  11-28-61, 
Cl.  20a-166.  i 

Baker.  Aar..n  .\.  :   See — 

Baker.  Riiebon  C.    2.970.6.-0. 
Baker.  Adolph   A.,  and  A.  W,  Blow,   to  General   Dynamics 
Corp.      Multiple      station      Intercommunication      system. 
3.003.038.  10-3-61.  Cl.  179 — 17. 
Buker.  Alllster  L, :  See —  j  I 

KeufTel,  Carl  W.^and  Baker.    3.0i:v464. 
Kenffel.   Carl   W^  Baker,   arid   Hillmnn. '   2,971,427. 
Baker.  .MMster  L.,  to  Keuffel  k  Esser  Co.     Drafting  machine, 

2.096.805.  8-22-61,  Cl.  33 — 79. 
Baker,  .\rchle  15.     Washing  apparatus  for  milking  machine 
inflations.     .'?.012..^60,  12-12-»>1.  Cl.  i::4— 1.".2. 

Baker,  .\rthur  F.  :  See — 

B.irlminn.  Fre<l  E..  Baker,  and  Cottr^ll.     2.972,907, 
Tack.  Carl  E.,  Bachman.  and  Baker.     2,986.101. 
Baker.    Benjiuiin   P..    to  Wcutlntrliouse    lllectric  <'orp.      Coni- 
pressed-tas    circuit    Interrupter,      2,977,44«,    3-28-61,    <l. 
•.•fH> — 146. 

Baker.  Benjamin  P.,  to  We.'^tinRhotise  Electric  Corp.  Circuit 
Interrtipt'-rs.     2.979.580.  4-11-61.  Cl.  200 — 145. 

Baker.  Benjnmin  I*.,  to  Westlnghouse  Electric  Corp.  Circuit 
ititernipter.    2.907.564.  8-22-61,  Cl.  200—148. 

Baker.  Benjamin  P.,  J.  E.  Schrameck,  and  U.  E.  Kane,  to 
We^tlnk'lioiise  Electric  Corp.  Compressed-gas  circuit  inter- 
rupter.    2.909.U."?.  0-,->-*ir.  n.  200 — 148. 

B.tker.  Bertsll  P.  .  arid  D.  F.  Knaack,  to  E.  I.  du  Pont  de 
Nemours  nml  Co.  Process  for  the  sepairation  of  hydrocar- 
bons.    3.007.981.  11-7-61^1.  260 — 677. 

Baker  Brothers.  Inc. :  See — '■ 

Ninneman.  Lawrence  D..  and  Crayford,     2,975,809, 
Bak<r  <^"ai«tor  Oil  Co..  The  :   Sep — 

KTirllch.  Arthur,  aM«l  .^^mlth.    2,084. 67;». 

Bnker.  Charles  B.  Diaper  fastening  device.  2.971.236, 
2-14-61.  CI.  24—248. 

Adjustable  stop  hinges, 
steam  beating  system. 
2.967.555.    1-10-61,   Cl. 

R.  ScauziUo,  to  Socony  Mobil  Oil 
3,010,537,  11-28-61,  Cl.  183 — 34. 
S.  Paul,  to  Union  Carbide  Corp. 
for    purifying    gases.     3,010,286, 

Baker,  Charles  H.,  Jr.,  and  E.  Baker. 

2.993,226.  7-25-61,  Cl.  16 — 191. 
Baker,    Charles   I.      Deaeration   in   a 

2,997,129.  8-22-61.  Cl.  183—2.5. 
Baker.   Charles   N.     iJ'ood  chopper. 

146 — 189. 
Baker,  Charles  O.,  and  P. 

Co.,  Inc.    Mist  extractor. 
Baker,  Charles  R..  and  R. 

Process    and    apparatus 

11-28-61.  Cl.  62—17. 
Baker,  Chester  L.,  and  J.  P.  Austin,  to  Philadelphia  Quartz 

Co.     Process  for  the  manufacture  of  finely  divided  metal 

sUlcates.    2,972,594,  2-21-61.  Cl,  200—41,5. 
Baker.   Claude   B..    to  Illinois   Central   Railroad   Co.      Cargo 

securing  apparatus.     2,970,552,  2-7-61.  Cl.   105 — 368, 
Baker.  Clvde  P.  :  Nte  —  / 

Shaw.  Lvle  P..  and  Baker.     2.994.206. 
Baker.  Clyde  P.,  G.  P.  Kennedy,  and  V.  M.  Kuvent,  to  Itorg- 

Warner  Corp.     Ice  cube  machines.     2.968.166.  1-17-61.  Cl. 

Baker.    Corwin    W.,    and    P.    S.    Slllars,    to  Burroughs    Corp. 

Toroidal  coils.    3,008,108,  11-7-61,  Cl.  336—185. 
Baker,  Craig  C.  V,  R,  Spitalerl,  and  S,  Odemian,  to  Sta-Hi 

Corp.      Means  for  preparing  matrices  for  positioning  for 

trimming  and/or  casting.     2,966,847,  1-3-61,  Cl.  1X)1— 391, 
Baker.  Daniel  W..  2nd  :  See — 

Rich,  Harold,  and  Baker.    2,982.910. 
Baker,  Donald  H.,  to  Sperry  Rand  Corp,     Heading  reference 

system  for  navigable  craft.    2,998.727.  9-5-61.  Cl.  74 — 5.4. 
Baker,    Donald    R.,    and    C.    E.    Lt»etel.    to   The    Marley    Co. 

Liquid   collection  structure  for  use   in   treating  the  wood 

components    of    cooling    towers.      3,(t00,619,    9-19-61,    Cl, 

Baker,  Douglas  A. :  See — 

Stevinson,  Harry  T..  and  Baker.    2.074,898. 
Baker,  Dwight  L.  :  See —  , 

Hellman,  Nlson  N„  and  Baker.     3.014.802. 
Kinsman.  Ceorge  H.,  Hellman    and  Baker.     2,984,571. 
Baker.  Dwight  L.,  and  W.  B.  Dockstader.  to  Basic  Products 

Corp.      Antioxidant   and    process  for   preparing  the   same. 

2.975,066,  .3-14-61,  Cl.  99—163. 
Baker,  Earl  E..  to  J.  A.  Brewer.    Journal  lubricating  device, 
plicer    Clip        2.984,.-)27.  .">- 16-61,  Cl.  308—88. 
11-61.   Cl,    Baker.  Edgar  B, :  <Sr«» — 

Peterson.  Arlo  A,,  and  Baker.    2,981,652. 
Baker.  Elizabeth  :  See — 

Baker,  Charles  H.,  Jr„  and  E,  Baker.    2,993.226. 
Baker,  Elton  .M. :  ^ee — 

Tolliert.  Bert  M..  Kirk,  and  Baker.     3.000.377. 
Baker.   Frederick  C.      Shield-supporting  means  for  light  tix- 

ture.     •J.078..'i74,  4-4-«n  .  «1.  240—146. 
Baker.  Fre<lerick  E.     Automatic  battery  charging  generator 

control  circuit.     2.988,648,  6-i:{-61,  Cl.  290 — 30. 
Baker,  George  W,,  W.  J,  Colombo,  and  E.  J.  Watson  ;  said 

liaker  assor.  to  G.  Walter.     Portable  vegetable  cooling  unit. 

.  Co.,  Inc.     Electrome- 
8-15-61.  Cl.   194—37. 

2,988,378,  6-13- 

3,0()J>„'?34,  11-21-61,  n.  62 — 268, 
Baker,  II,  J.,  ft  Bro. :  See — 

.Mcl^ellan,  Jack  H.    2.977.214, 
Baker,  Halsted  W..  Jr..  to  Rowe  Mfg. 

chanlcal  coin  totalizer.     2.096.163. 
Baker.  Harold  P. :  See — 

Perry,  Charles  R..  an<kBaker.    2,995,931. 
Baker.    Hay  ward   R.,   C.    IC  Singleterry.    and   H.   Ravner,   to 

Unite<l  .states  of  .xmerica.  Navy.     I'reparatlon  of  stabilized 

fluid  silicone  compositions.     3,008.901.  11-14-61.  Cl.  252— 

Baker.  Ivan  W.  :   See — 

Roach.  Erskine  E..  and  Baker.    3.006,416. 
Baker,  J.  T..  Chemical  Co. :  See — 

Ham,  George  E.     2.980.658. 
Baker,  Jacob  G.     Multiple-color  pilot  light. 

61,  Cl.  340—381. 
Baker.   James   A..  •  to  Armour  &   Co.     Method   of   producing 

non-virulent    strains    of    attenuated    and     stabilized    hog 

cholera  virus.     3.014.843.  12-26-61.  Ci;  167—80. 
Baker,  James  O..  to  The  Perkln-Elmer  Corp.     Photographic 

objectives.     2,986,071.  5-30-61.  Cl.  88—57. 
Baker.  James  11.  :   .Sc«    - 

Hanson,  I./ester  A.,  Baker,  and  Keyes.     2.970.929. 
Baker.  Jesse  G. :  See — 

Netherton.  Lvman  R.,  and  Baker.     2,978,829. 
Baker.  John  B.,  to  The  Timken  Roller  Bearing  Co.    Bearing 

thrust  loader  and  seal.     2.972,504    2-21-01,  Cl.  308 — 207. 
Baker.  John  J.,  and  W.  G.  Benjey.    Pluid  conductor  and  take- 
off apparatus,     3,012.574.  12-12-61.  Cl,  137—580, 
Baker,  John  R.,  to  Baker  Oil  Tools.  Inc.     .Subsurface  appara- 
tus  for   controlling  well    production.     2,984.303,   5-16-61. 

Cl.  166—114. 
Baker,  John  R..  to  Baker  Oil  Tools,  Inc.     Stop  devices  for 

well  conduits.     2,986,417,  5-30-61,  Cl.  287—52.08. 
Baker.  John  R,  to  Baker  Oil  "Tools,  Inc.     Junk  basket  and 

plus  apparatus.     2,9*j3,539,  7-25-61,  Cl.  166 — 99. 
r.ak.T,  John   R..  and  T.  H.  Schorr,  to  Baker  Oil  Tools,  Inc. 

Subsurface     multiple     zone     well     production     apparatus. 

2.983.318.  .•S-9-61.  Cl.  166 — 243. 
Baker,  John  R.,  and  D.  C.  Preston.  Jr..  to  Baker  Oil  Tools, 

Inc.      Subsurface     well     tool.     3,002,561,      10-3-61,     Cl. 

166 — 120. 
Baker.  Jose  C.  C.  C.  Sllsby.  Jr.,  J.  B.  Tenable,  and  H.  B. 

Wlesner.  to  Diamond  Alkali  Co.     High  amperage  diaphragm 

cell  for  the  electrolysis  of  brine.     2.987,463,  6-6-61,  Cl. 

204 — 206. 



Baker,  Joseph  C,  to  International  Business  Machines  Corp. 
Record  punching  machine.  3,011,697,  12-5-61.  CI.  234—128. 
Baki>r,  Joseph  \V. :  See — 

Saul,  George  A.,  Baker,  and  Godfrey.    2,983,696.  ^,     ,     , 

Baker,   Joseph    \V.,   to  Monsanto  Chemical   Co.     Method  of 

controlling  undesirable  vegetation.     2.989,392,  6-20-«l,  CI. 

7 1 o  3 

Baker,    Joseph   W.,   to   Monsanto  Chemical   Co.     Method_  ot 

controlling  vegetation.     2.993,775.  7-25-61.  CK  71— 2.<. 
Baker    Joseph  W..  to  Monsanto  Chemical  Co.     Butyl  rubber 

stabilization.     3.012.004,   12-5-61.   CI    260— 45.T. 
Baker,  Manin  T..  and  R.  R.  Gller,  to  Sunbeam  Equipment 
Corp.     Vacuum  furnace.     3.002,7^5.  10-3-61.  CI.  265—40 
Baker;  Max  P..  to  General  Motors  Corp.    Reslliently  mounted 

ball   loint.      2.970.853.   2-7-61,  CI.   587—90. 
Baker.  Max  P.,  and  F.  \V.  Sampson,  to  (Seneral  Motors  Corp. 
♦Method     of    assembling    a     torque     transmitting     device. 

3.000.0S9.  9-19-61,  CI.   29—436.  

Baker     Mayo    J.,    and    T.    F.    Mason.      Dispensing    scoop. 
2,970.555.   2-7-61.  CI.   107—48.         ,    „      ^  ,,  .     r,    t 

Baker.  Melvln  C.,  T.  C.  Bissot,  and  J.,  Rowbottom.  to  EI. 
du  Pont  de  Nemours  and  Co.     Catalyst  recovery.     -',980,- 
630,  4-18-61.  CI.  2.52 — 114. 
Baker  Oil  Tools,  Inc. :  See — 
Baker.  John  R.    2,984,303. 
Baker,  John  R.    2,986,417. 
Baker,  John  R.     2,993.539. 
Baker.  John  R.,  and  Preston.     3.002.661. 
Baker.  John  R.,  and  Schorr.    2.983,318. 
Baker.  Reuben  «'.    i;.9"0,»;.-.o. 
Baker.  Reuben  C    2.{t7f'i.932 
Baker,  Reuben  C.     3.002,564.     -       ,        , 
Blgelow.  Herbert  L.    2,9{M«,.^)45. 
Clark.  Earnest  H.,  Jr.    2.988.145. 
Clark.  Earnest  H.,  Jr.     2,998.075.  I 

Clark.  Earnest  H..  Jr.     3,011.555. 

Clark,  Earnest 
Clark,  Earnest  H., 
Conrad.  Martin  B. 
Conrad.  Martin  B, 
Conrad.  Martin  B. 
Conrad,  Martin  B 
Conrad,  Martin 
Conrad,  Martin  B. 
Conrad.  Martin  B 
Conrad.  Martin  B 







Jr.,  and  Kelthahn.     3.008,523. 
Jr.,  and  Myers.    2,998.073. 
3.002.724.     ■ 
,  and  Althouse.     2,999,544 

r,„...»».,  .... ..and  Muse.    2.988.148. 

Crowe.  Talmadge  i..     2.908.072. 

Crowe,  Talmadge  L.     3,002,563. 

Crowe,  Talmadge  L.,  and  Clark.     3.005,493. 
Henslee,  Waldo  \V.,  Jr.    2.976.933. 
Kelthahn,  Julian  D.     2.074,922.  / 

Kelthahn,  Julian  D.     2.975,837.  / 

Kelthahn.  'Julian  D.     2,998,077.  / 

Muse,  John  F.,  and  Myers.     3.011,559. 
Myers,  William  D.    2,9«.>9,542. 
Myers.  William  D.    2,990.54.3.  /;     S 

Myer8,^Wllliam  D.     3.013.611.       , 
Park,  ilobert  O.    2.986,415. 
Todee,  Hartley  K.     2.970.934. 
Baker    Paul  E.,   to  California  Research  Corp.     Gamma 
soiirce     with     lithium     target.     3.015.029.     12-26-61. 
250 — 83.3. 
Baker.  I'aiil  11.^  to  Cohimbia-Soufhern  Chemical  Corp.     Meth- 
od of  recovering  tungstlc  acid  values  from  aqueous  media. 
2.968.527.   1-17-61,  Cl.  23—140, 
Baker.  Paul  W.,  to  Holeproof  Hosiery  Co.    Washable  slipper- 
type    footwear    with    one-piece    resilient   sole.      2,996,814, 
8-22-61,  Cl.  36—9. 

Baker  Perkins  Ltd. :  See — 

Brook.  Leonard.     2.987.015. 

Farrer.  Kenneth.    2,973.725. 

McCulloch,  Murdoch  M.    2.984.521. 

Packman.  Perdval  J.,  and  Morton.    2.991,869. 

Tunley.  Allan  A.     3.010.412. 

Watson.  William  F..  and  Wilson,     2,977.098.i 

Baker  Plastic  Containers.  Inc. :  See — 
Lovell,   Stanley  P.     3.002.650. 

Baker,  Philip  S..  F,  R.  Duncan,  and  H.  B.  Greene,  to  United 
States  of  America.  Atomic  Energy  Commission.  Apparatus 
for  the  production  of  lithium  metal.  2.997.289.  8-22-61. 
Cl.  266—34. 

Baker,  Ralph  C.  to  The  Sheffield  Corp.  Gaging  apparatiis 
for  dimensions  and  the  like.  2,976,718.  3-28-61,  Cl. 
73— 3T.5. 

Baker,  Ralph  C.  to  The  Sheffield  Corp.  Gaging  device. 
3,006.183.  10-31-61.  Cl.  73 — 37.9. 

Baker.  Reuben  C.  deceased,  by  R.  C.  Baker.  Jr..  T.  B.  Ander- 
son. A.  A.  Baker.  D.  K.  Anderson,  and  Securlty-I^  irst 
National  Bank  of  Los  Angeles,  executors,  to  Baker  Oil 
Tools.  Inc.  Subsurface  apparatus  for  operating  well  tools. 
2,970,650.   2-7-61,  n.   166 — 124. 

Baker.  Reuben  C,  to  Baker  Oil  Tools,  Inc.  Subsurface  well 
bore  valvo  apparatus.     2,976,932,  3-28-61.  Cl.  166^226. 

Baker.  Reuben  C,  to  Baker  Oil  Tools,  Inc.  Tubing  anchor 
and  catcher.     3,002.564,  10-3-61,  Cl.  166—212. 

Baker.  Reuben  C  Jr.  :  See — 

Baker.  Reuben  C.    2,970,650. 

Baker,  Richard  E..  and  W.  R.  F6x.  to  General  Motors  Corp. 

Centrifugal  pump.     3,001,517.  9-26-61,  Cl.   123 — 41.47. 
Baker,    Ricliard    H.,    to   Research    Corp.      Symmetrical    bark- 
clamped  transistor  switching  circuit.    3.010,031.  11-21  01, 
Cl.  307 — 88.5. 
Baker.  Richard  W..  G.  W.  Munns,  Jr..  and  R.  L.   Smith,  to 
Socony  Mobil  Oil  Co.,  Inc.     Isomerization  catalyst.    3,003,- 
974,  10-10-61,  Cl.  252 — 431. 
Baker,  Robert  E.,  and  P.  W.  Martin,  to  The  Alretool  Mfg.  Co. 
Pneumatically  operated  tube  expansion  control.     3,013.600, 
12-19-61.  Cr  15.3— 82. 
Baker,  Ronald  D. :  See — 

Rose.  Donald.     3,014.497. 
Baker,  Samuel  B. :  See — 

Pattenden,  Warren  C,  Baker,  and  Norton.     2.982.727. 
Pattenden.  Warren  C,  Plumstead.  and  Baker.    2.991,244. 
Baker,   Samuel  B.,  and  J.  Eng,  to  Esso  Research  and  Engi- 
neering Co.    Process  for  chlorinating  hydrocarbons.    2,998.- 
4.59.  8-29-61.  Cl.  260 — «J50. 
Baker.  Shields  P.,  to  General  Motors  Corp.     Automatic  test 

apparatus.    2.996,666.  8-15-61.  Cl.  324 — 73. 
Baker,   Stanley   W.,   and   F.  W.   Schwat),  to  Bell  Telephone 
Laboratories,  Inc.    Method  of  and  means  for  continuously 
passing  cable  including  rigid   housings   through   a   cater- 
pillar cable  engine.     2.981,4o2.  4-25-61.  Cl.  26 — 1. 
Baker.  Stephen  C.     Hydraulic  valve.     2.973.778,  3-7-61.  Cl. 

]  37—501. 
Baker.   Thomas  E.     Axle  pulling  tool.     2,992.478.  7-18-61, 

Cl.  29—259. 
Baker.  Thomas  11. :  See — 

Slater,  Arthur  B..  Baker,  and  Minot.     3,009.119. 
Baker,  Thomas  R.,  and  R.  V.  Pagendarm,   to  Baljak  Corp. 
Device    for    compressing    glued    areas    of    folding    boxes. 
2,997.929.  8-29-61.  Cl.  93 — 51. 
Baker.  Walter  S.,  and  H.  M.  Dodge,  to  The  General  Tire 
and  Rubber  Co.     Perforating  macnine  with  positive  acting 
return.     2.971^419.  2-14-61.  Cl.  83—688. 
aker.   Warren  A.,   to  Coahoma   Chemical  Co.,   Inc.     Appa- 
ratus and  method  for  the  degasificatlon  and/or  dehydra- 
tion of  masses  of  comminuted  particles  such  as  powders  or 
dusts.     2,985,201,  .5-23-61.  Cl.  141 — 12. 
Baker.  Wayne  H. :  See — 

Tillman,  Paul  C.     3.002,197. 
Baker.  Willard  L.,  L.  J.  Berggren.  D.  B.  Mcllvin.  and  F.  W. 
Spencer,  to  T'nited  Shoe  Machinery  Corp.     Plastic  injection 
molding  machines.     3.006.032.  10-31-61,  Cn.  18—30. 
Baker,   Willard  L.,  R.  L.  Peterson,   and  F.  W.  Spencer,  to 
United    Shoe   Machinery  Corp.     Plastic  injection  molding 
machines.     3,014.243.  12-26-61.  Cl.  18—30. 
Baker.  William  -\..  N.  V.  Germany,  and  M.  Tlllyard.  to  United 
Shoe  Machinerv  Corp.     Machines  for  applying  pressure  to 
"  ~.  12—16.4. 

3.009.181.  11-21-61.  Cl. 

E.      Atomlxing  pump.      2,982,215.    5-2-61. 

shoe  bottoms. 

Baker,   William 
Cl.  103—5. 

Baker,  William  C.  to  Swimqulp,  Inc.  Grab  rail  construc- 
tion.    2.9T4.746.  3-14-61,  Cl.   182—93. 

Baker.  William  R..  O.  A.  Anderson,  and  H.  P.  Furth.  to 
United  States  of  America.  Atomic  Energy  Commission. 
Plasma  generator  device.     2.997.641,  8-22-61.  Cl.  322 — 48. 

Bakke,  Hans  A.,  and  J.  L.  Paine,  to  General  Electric  Co. 
Oscillographic  recorder.     2,995,995.  8-15-61,  Cl.  95 — 55. 

Bakke.  Jack  W. :  See — 

Bakke.  John  W.    2,992.675. 

Bakke.  John  W..  to  N.  W.  and  J.  W.  Bakke.  by  decree  of  Final 
Distribution  to.  Tire-buffing  machine.  2.992.675.  7-18-61. 
Cl.  157—13. 

Bakke,  Laurence  D.,  and  R.  A.  Dittmer,  to  Continental  Motors 
Corp.     Exhaust  mufflers.     2,975,854,  3-21-61,  Cl.  181 — 49. 

Bakke,  Norman  W  :  See — 

Bakke.  John  W.     2.992.675. 

Bakke.  William  W..  W.  E.  W^alles.  and  W.  F.  Touslgnant,  t© 
The  Dow  Chemical  Co.  N-isopropenyl-cycllc  carbamate  com- 
pounds and  polymers  thereof.  2.993,031,  7-18-61,  Cl. 
260 — 77.5. 

Bakken.  James  P. :  See — 

Whitney,  Roy  P.,  Han,  Bakken,  and  Eesler.     2,987.432. 

Bakker.  Martinuli  A.  M. :  See — 

Duran,  Johannes  C,  and  Bakker.    2.988,665. 

Bakker,   Rein  :  See — 

Coe,  Thomas,  and  Bakker.     3,010.863. 

Bakkeren.  Mattheus  H.  C.  M.,  and  J.  J.  Schuor.  to  N.V. 
.iViigrunol  (themlcal  Works.  l*\ingicld!il  quaternary  am- 
monium salts  of  dithlocarbamlc  acids.  2.973,297.  2-28-61. 
Cl.  167—22. 

Balaeoauu.  Jeane  C. :  See — 

Bnnmgartner.       Pierre,       Bedague.       and  i    Balaceanu. 
Balagna,  Delbert  C. :  See — 

Baird.  Ansyl  Ik,  and  Balagna.    3,005.384. 

Balaguer,  Rodolfo  R..  to  J.  D.  Hedges  and  Co.  Ltd.  Partner- 
ship.    Portable  lighter.    2,993.977.  7-25-61.  Cl.  219—32. 

Bnlagtier.  Rodolfo  R..  to  J.  D.  Hedgf».  Method  of  making 
carbon  articles.     3,001.237,  9-26-61  j  Cl.  18—54.7. 

Balamnth,  Lewis,  and  A.  Kurls,  to  Ca^Itron  Corp.  Ultrasonic 
cutting  tool.    2,990,616,  7-4-61.  Cl.  32-26. 

r.alamuth.  Lewii*.  and  A.  Kurls,  to  Cavitron  Corp.  Vibratorv 
machine  tool  and  vibratory  abrasion  method.  Re.  25.033, 
8-29-61,  Cl.  51—59. 



BaUn,   laadore. 


Balas  Collet  Mfs. 

Cox.  John  K. 

Balaasa,  LeBlie  L 

Aaer,  Laszio 

Control  system.     3.011,102,   11-28-61.   CI. 

Co. :  Bee —  , 

l'.!»96.:{01.  I  . 

:  See— 

and  Balaasa.    2,991,260.    ^ 
Balasaa,   Leslie   L..   to  J.   «•  .9<^»8yS^      Compos  tlons 
prtDtlng    and    dyeing    textiles.     3.002.939.     10-4-61. 
260 — 6. 
Balaz,  Charles  S. :  See —  „  ^^„  „„, 

('hall.  Harold  J.,  and  Balax.    3.003.685. 
.Spesock.  Gilbert  J..  Rolph.  and  KaJai.     2.970,756. 
Balbach.  Raymond  E..  A    Mancina,  and  L.  F.  flms^o  R 

Brown.     Hose  clip.     2.972.461.  2-21-<>l.  CI.  248— 08. 
Ilalcb.  KobfTt  A.,  and  L.  T.  Hall,  to  said  Daich  assor 

.McGraw-Edlson     Ca      Self-semce 
10-10-61.  C\.  248 — 221.  ^ 

Balctaunas.  Charles  A.,  and  W.  J.  McCune.  Jr.. 
Electric  Co.  Photoelectric  exposure  meter. 
8-15-61.  CI.  88—23.    ^     ^^  .   .        ^     . 

Reading  training  device. 




supports.      3.003.731, 

to  General 


Balchuni*.  Anthony  R_ 

Balchuns',  Anthony^R.     Reading  training  device.     2,986,822. 

6-6-61.  CI.  35—35. 
Balcoiii.  Walter  J. :  See —  „  '  ,„  „„„ 

Grady.  William  R..  and  Balcom.     3,012.088. 
BalcranI:.  Inc.  :  See —  I 

Wivlfer.  Frank  C.     3.007.647.  I 

Balda-Kamera-Werk  Badolf  Gruter  K.O: :  See — 
Lange.  Karl  H.     2,982,192. 

Lange.  Karl  H.     3.014.673.       ^  ^     ,'      ,      .  .       ,  .    ., 
Baldauf     Ludwig,    and    F.    Bundschuh,    to    Maschinenfabrik 

AujMburg-Nurnberg  A.G.     Fuel  rod  carriage  for  nuclear  re- 

aotors.    *  ft95.506.  8-8-61.  CI.  204—193.2. 
Balderre«.    Henry    N.,    Jr.      Bag    closure    seal.      2.981,990, 

5-2-61.  CI.  24—30.5.  ; 

Baldner.  Robert  L..  and  F.  (i.Vem^  to  Pan  American  Petro- 
leum Corp.    Method  for  separation  of  gas  mixtures.    2.996.- 

890.  8-22-61,  a.  62—11.  > 

Baldonl.  Emil.  to  Traflcante.  Inc.     Movable  converter  for  the 

bass  mechanism  of  an  accordion.     2,979,980,  4-l8-<>l.  ci. 

81     376 
Bald ri<lge,  Bruce  H.,  to  Bailey  Meter  Co.     Booster  relay  for 

pneumatic  control  systems.     2,974.674,,  3-14-01.  CI.  13(  — 

Baldridge.  Joseph  B..  to  Diamond  Alkali  Co.     Phenoxyacet- 

oxy-but>ne-2  deriviOves.     3.005.828.  10-24-61,  CI.  260— 

Baldridge.  Ronald.     Lapping  machine.     2,975,564,  3-21-61, 

CI.  51—124. 
Baldt  Anchor.  Cbaln  k  Forge  Division  of  Thp  Boston  Metals 

Co. :  See — 

Linnenbank.  Charles  D.    2.999.3.>2. 
Baldwin,  Alan  W.     Coded   message  error  Indicating  device, 

2.978,90.-..  4-11-61.  CI.  73 — 15«.  j        ; 

Baldwin.  Brian  E.  :  See—  \    .  „^  ... 

Leonhardt.  Charles  G.,  and  Baldwin.    3.007,478. 

Baldwin.  Clyde  P. :  See—  ■  *   .  „.^ 

Goodrich,  Ross  H.,  and  Baldwin.    2.98o,2o0. 

Baldwin,  Francis  P. :  See —  _     ^  „  „^.  ^^ 

Clayton,  Robert  E.,  Brlggs,  and  Baldwin.     3,0(H.007. 
Kuntz.  Irving,  and  Baldwin.     3,011,996. 
Lambert.  Merlan  M.,  and  Baldwin.     2,985.618. 
Miller,  Alfred  L.,  Kuntz.  and  Baldwin.     2,993,027. 
S<Tniiik,  George  E.,  and  Baldwin.     2,994,357. 
Serniuk,  George  E..  Kuntz.  and  Baldwin.     3,009,904. 

Baldwin,  Francis  P..  and  S.  B.  Robinson,  to  Esso  Research 
and  Engineering  Co.  Adhesion  of  rtibbery  polymers  to 
fibrous  materials.     2,968.587.   1-17-61.  Cl.  154—139. 

Baldwin,  Francis  P..  and  S.  B.  Robinson,  to  Esso  Research 
and  Engine*rine  Co.  Adhesion  of  rubbery  polymers  to 
tire  corda.     2,968.588,   1-17-61.  Cl.   1.54—139. 

Baldwin,  Francis  P.,  R.  M.  Thomas,  and  I.  Kuntz,  to  Esso 
Research  and  Engineering  Co.  Stabilizing  chlorinated  rub- 
hcry     2.983,705.  5-9-61.  Cl.  260 — 15.8. 

Baldwin.  Frnncls  P..  R.  M.  Thomas,  and  I.  Kuntz,  to  Esso 
Research  and  EnifineprinK  Co.  Stabilizinsr  brominated  rub- 
bery polymers.     2.983,706.  5-9-61,  Cl.  260 — 15.7. 

Baldwin,  Francis  P..  R.  M.  Thomas,  and  I.  Kuntz,  to  Esso 
Research  and  Engineering  Co.  Stabilizing  chlorinated  rub- 
bery polymers.     2,983.707.  5-9-61.  Cl.  260 — 45.9. 

Baldwin,  George  D..  to  Track  Lite  Co.,  Inc.  Vehicle  light. 
3,008.039.  11-7-61.  Cl.  240—8.2. 

Baldwin,  Henry  J..  P.  F.  Walker.  J.  F.  Cykler,  and  R.  T. 
Tribble  to  Pineapple  Research  Institute  of  Hawaii.  Method 
of  Injecting  Uqaida  into  the  soil.  3,012.526.  12-12-61.  Cl. 

Baldwin.  James  P.  Alloys  for  -  htgh-temperature  service. 
2.967,103,  1-3-61.  CI.  75 — 126. 

Baldwin.  John  A.,  Jr.,  and  A.  Pelner,  to  Bell  Telephone 
Laboratories,  Inc.  Magnetically  biased  switch.  3,002.067. 
9-26-61.  Cl.  200—87. 

Baldwin.  John  L  ,  Jr..  to  United  States  of  America.  Navy. 
Wedge  cruciform  fln.     2.984,181,  ."S-ie-fl.  Cl.  102—3. 

Baldwin.  John  P.,  to  B-Llne  Dispensers.  Inc.  Container  and 
spout  therefor.     2.981,443.  4-25-61.  Cl.  222—183. 

Baldwin.  Joseph  S.  Pipe  driving  device.  2,988.158,  6-13-61. 
CL  175—152. 

Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton  Corp. :  See — 

Burdlck,  George  E..  and  Faust.     3.004.617. 
Dawson,  Percy  B.,  Jr.     3,013,766. 
Govan.  William  L.     3.007,396.  „      ,  „  « 

Karron.  Jacob.  Landis.  and  Robbina.     2,995,0.)0. 
Kent.  Francis  J.    2,985.320. 
Kent,  Francis  J.,  and  Hammon.    2,988,211. 
Lalmins,  Eric.    3,004,2.'}1.         i 
Lee.  Donald  E.     2.978,900.        I 
Naulty,  .\lb«>rt  M.     3.0<>4.r.<)9. 
Renler,  William  S.    3.001,234. 
Spier.  Hans  G.     3.010.294. 
Weymouth.  Leon  J.,  and  Ruge.    2.992.400. 
White.  Ira  -M.    •J.980,.S88. 
White.  Ira  M.    2.989,282. 
White,  Ira  M..  and  Rued.     3.011.343. 
,     Wu.  Henry  H.     2,980,837. 

Wyman,  Forrester  S.     3.005.336. 
Baldwin,   Philip  S..   to  Flat  SocieU  per  Azioni.     Device  for 
differential   braking  of  fore  and   rear  wheels  of  a  motor 
vehicle.     2,991.797,  7-11-61,  Cl.   137—493.  _   ^       ,. 

Baldwin.  Philip  S.,  Vi  to  Flat  Socleta  per  Azioni.    Hydraulic 
pressure  booster,  more  particularly  for  hydraulic  brake  sys- 
tems on  motor  vehicles.     3,007,314,  11-7-61,  Cl.  60 — 54.0. 
Baldwin  Piano  Co..  The :  See — 

Bereskin.  Alexander  B.    3.001.120. 
IJissont'tte.  Alfred  J.,  and  Kramer.    2,986,964. 
Brofrmann,  Kenneth.     2.983.877. 
Broxon.  Errett  C.    2,981.844. 

Corwin,  Merton  D.     3,011.379.  \ 

llugle.  Frances  B.  and  W.  B.     2.994,621, 
HuKle,  Frances  B.  and  W.  B.     3,013.056. 
Jones.  Edward  M.     2,986,726. 
Jones.  Edward  M.    2.986.963. 
Jones.   Edward   M.     2.994.834. 
Jones.  Edward  M.     3,004.459, 
Ludeke,  Rudolf,  and  Gregory.    2.975,328.    . 
Wayne.  William  C.  Jr.    3.000,252. 
Wayne.  William  C.  Jr.     3,004.460. 
Wayne.  William  C.  Jr.    3.007,361. 
Baldwin.  Raymond  C.  :  See — 

Bromley.  James  E..  and  Baldwin.     3.009.308. 
Baldwin.     Richard     E..     to     International     Computers     and 
Tabulators    Ltd.      Paper-feeding    mechanisms.      2,991,712, 
7-11-61.  CI.   101-227. 
Baldwin.  Richard  H. :  See—  _    .         „„,„,.,« 

Frledl.inder,   Herbert  N.,  and  Baldwin.     2.970,169. 
Baldwin.  Robert  R.,  and  W.  J.  Ohan,  Jr.,  to  General  Uoods 
(!orp.       Process    for     Irradiating     frozen    coconut     meat. 
2.973,271.  2-28-61.  CI.  99—125. 
Baldwin.  Robert  W. :  See- 
Love.  Allan  W.,  Baldwin,  and  Brant.    2,988.690. 
Baldwin  Rubber  Co. :  See — 

Cotterman,  Don  R..  and  McDonald.    2.991.212. 
Dailey,  Vaceil  D.    2,984,529. 

Pryale.  Harry  M,     2.973,770.        ,„  „  «,     ^ 

Baldwin.    Russell    B.     Snow   plow.     3,002,298.   10-3-61,   CT. 

Baldwin.  Wlllett  F.,  and  L.  D.  Mnlllns.  to  Socony  Mobil  Oil 
Co.    Inc.     Extended  range  measurement  of  simulated  fluid 
flow.     2.991,936,  7-11-61.  Cl.  235 — 184. 
Baldwin,  William  J. :  See — 

Traub,  Karl  W..  Frost,  and  Baldwin.     3.011.901. 
Baldyga,  Joseph.     Height  gauge.     2,994,960.  8-8-61,  a.  33— 

Bale  Guard  Corp. :  See — 

Fkrley.  Marvin  O.     2.971.643. 
Balentine,  James  H. :  See —  ^  ^^^  ^^^ 

Sclvally.  Herschell  R..  and  Balentine.     2,985,439. 
Balentine,   James   H.,   to  I'niversal  Oil  Products  Co.     Appa- 
ratus for  pa.ssinjr  particles  from  a  high  pressure  vessel. 
2.985,324.  5-23-61,   a.  214—17. 
Bales,  Jack  J.     Practice  tether  ball  device.     2.976,040,  3-21- 

61.  Cl,  273—26. 
Balfour,  Joseph,  to  Reynolds  Metals  Co.     Method  of  nmking 
pressure  welded  expanded  passageway  panels.     2,966,728. 
1-3-61.  a.  29—157.3. 
Balfour.     Llone>    M.     J.       Racks    for     supporting    articles. 
2.968,406,   1-17-«1.  Cl.  211—60. 

Balga,  Emery  J. :  See — 

Cole.  Allan  B..  and  Balga.    2,990.796. 

Baliguet.  Michel  P..  G.  Ernst,  and  J.  Jardinier.  to  Spciete 
Natlonale  d'Etude  et  de  Construction  de  Moteurs  d  Avia- 
tion Mixed  correspondence  control  device  for  the  control 
members  of  an  aircraft.     2,979.290.  4-11-61.  Cl.  244—77. 

Ballkcloglu,  Nlsan  :  See —      ^  „  ,^^ 

Muradlan,  Vazgen.  and  Ballkdoglu.     2,999,191. 

Ballnt.  John  E..  to  Controls  &  Communications  Co.,  Inc. 
Photoelectric  control  circuit  in  combination  with  a  toggle 
actuated  cutter  device.     2,978,943.  4-11-61.  Cl.  83—362. 

Balint,  John  E..  to  Controls  ft  Communication  Co.  Relay  con- 
trol circuit.    2.981.869,  4-26-61,  Cl.  317—137. 

Ballnt.  Joseph  G. :  See— 

Erbguth,  Paul  P.  K.,  and  Ballnt    2,987.930. 

Baljak  Corp. :  See—  ,  _         _.  « «„,  «^ 

Baker,  Thomas  R^  and  Pagendarm.     2.997,929. 
Gobalet.  Kenneth  C.    2.970..T26. 
Gobalet.  Kenneth  C.    2.984.598. 
Hoyrup.  Sigurd  J.     2,997,928.  ' 

Pierce.  Chester  J..  Jr.    2.984.3.32. 
Pierce.  Chester  J..  Jr.    2.997.930. 



Balka.  William  H..  and  U.  P.  I^°°'^t«„L^'^,,,^*'"^o^?,)?(n4' 
Co.    Inc.     Carbon  black  process  and  apparatus.     2,yu-.u«-i. 

Baikin,  Mark,  and  dT  G.'  turner,  to  George  Angus  A  Co   Ltd 
Metl  od  of  making  reinforced  endless  rubber,  belts  for  use 
as  draft  aprons.     3.008.860.  11-14-61,  a    1^8-1 'l-,-.n 
Balko    Verlie.A.     Boat  trailer   tie-down  strap.     3,003,740. 

1(>_10-61.  a.  248—361. 
Balkus,  Carl  E..  C.  E.  Balkus.  Jr.,  and  J, 
thinninK  machine.     2.975,579.  3-21-61. 
Balkus.  Carl  Bl,  Jr. :  See--     ^  ,^ 

Balkus.  Carl  E.,  C.  E.  Balkus.  Jr., 

—       Sec    <" 

E,  C.  E.  Balkus.  Jr..  and  J.  P.  Balkus. 



Balkus.     Plant 

and  J.  P.  Balkus. 

Balkus.  James  P. 
Balkus.   Carl 
Ball.  BasU  V..  to 

Bnllard  Seaver  A.,  and  E.  A.  Youncman,  to  Shell  Oil  Co. 
Conversion  of  unsaturated  aldehydes  to  monomerlc  prod- 
ucts.    2,991,305,  7-4-61.  CL  260—186. 

"""^  M^kK/.  Jo^/K^rsmitb,  Dickens,  and  Ballard.    2.998,- 

Ballird^'wiley  P.,  S.  P.  Dickens,  and  J.  K  McKlnlev.  to  Tex- 
^acoln^    treatment  .of  sja  alkylate  t^^^  tte  octane 

number.     2,98.3.773.  5-9-«l,  CI.  •^60—683.62 
Ballist  Donald  E  .  K.  M.  Wiley,  and  S.  I.  Bates,  to  ine  uow 
^"chemlS  Co      i^omation  of  Bolid  beads  by  cj>n^'elat|on^of 

suspended  liquid  droplets      ^^868,066    1-1<-61.  <- 1.  i»— ^o. 
Ballato.  Joseph  J..  R.  J.  Cojanrione^  and  W.Stetx^o  Norton 

Co.     Pad  holders.     2.995.765    8-1  ^^^  o^^;  Y^jf-ij    CI 
Balleis.   Peter.      Spinning  toy   top.     2.994,808,   8--9-61.  '-i- 


Metal  openwork  screens. 

Brazier  Ltd. 
2'983..?81.  ^-0-61.  CI.  209—400. 
Ball  Brothers  Co..  Inc. :  See— 

Tease-proof    snap-action    switch.      2,999,l.4S.    y-o-oi,    v.i. 

BaH^ci^SIies  A..  Jr.  and  W.  L.  Cherry.  Jr.  to  Cherr.v  Elec- 
trical  Products   Cforp.      Snap-acUon   switches.     2.993,101, 

BJr^afarles'F!^oy  Mfg  Co  ^•S\°f,?y^*=?'ri9^''6'l°'l:f 
collapsible  disintegrating  head.     3.013,783.  12-i»-bi.   i.i. 

Balll'^gene  E.,  Jr..  to  Thompson  R^^^zo^'^^^''^  ^cl" 
Dual    nutating    disc    apparatus.      2,982,222,    0---01.    »-i- 

Paper  Co.    becantation  of  llgnln.     2,997.466,  8-22-61.  t.i. 

Balf.  Gaines  L..  and  J.  Hnmrlck  to  Batson-Cook  Co  Agpara- 
tiiB  for  sizine  varn.     2,969,579.  1-31-61,  Ci.  -:o     -o- 

Ball  Qrover  J.  Apparktu.  and  method  for  yaporlzlng 
butane     2:971,345,^14-61   CK  62-M. 

Ball.    Guy    M.      Intake   manifold.      2,980,087.    4-i»-oi,    »-i. 

•1  rto k'>  _ 

Ball    J^ck.-  to  Picker  X-Eay  Corp   Walte  Mfg- Dlvlrio^c. 

Edpe-llphted  photo  timer.     2.993.123   7-18-61.  C'.  250-jBft. 

Bail.  Jeremy  T.    Liquid  spouting  device.    2.982.478.  5-2-61. 

Ban!'  j2L"d.*.  to  Jersey  Production  Research  Co  Radio- 
activity logging  of  boreholes.     2,971,091,  2-7-61.  CI.  ^00 

BailVjohn  P.,  and  T.  H.  Glllett^  to  Hen rv  Simon  Ltd  Roll" 
mills  for  grinding  cereal  products.  2.969.103.  1-24-61.  ci. 

®'"'L^fboS??ow;'A?arb..  Ball.  Flnkenauer.  and  Jackson. 

^"•c^'waJt.  B^<5kSB..  Ball.  Crane,  and  Knowlton     2  971  698. 
Ball    Melvln  A.     Pulsation  dampener.     2,968.319.   l-i7-bi, 

Cf.  138 — 30. 
Ball,  Robert  J. :  See —  '  _.     ^  ^^,  , ,  ^ 

Kay.  Solomon  E.,  and  Ball.    2,967.112. 
Kay.  Solomon  B..  and  Ball.     2.977,244. 
Ball.   Thomas  M..   to  Chrysler  Corp.     Ploatlesa  carburetor. 
2.977.099.  3-28-61,  CI.  261—86.  „     ,      ^  o  ooo  aaq 

Ball.  Thomas  M..  to  Chrysler  Corp.    Fuel  systems.    2.992.643, 

Ball"  Thomas  *M..  to  Chrysler  Corp.     Fuel  injection  system. 

«>  997  035   8— ''''-61   CI    123 — 119. 
Bali   Thomas  M~  to 'Chrysler  Corp.     Magnette  fuel  injection 

nozzle.    3.001,757,  9-26-61.  CI.  251— 140. 
Ball    Thomas  M..  to  Chrysler  Corp.     Fuel  Injection  system. 

3.005.448.  10-24-61,  CI.  123—119. 

^"'\Kbiter,^en?eth"L..  Ball,  and  Coon.     2.971,305. 

Ball.  William  P..  to  United  States  of  America,  Atomic  Enero 

Commission.     Sensitive  pressure  gauge.     2,966.799,  l-3-«i. 

CI.  7.*? — 398. 
Ballantyne,  Georjre  K.  :  See—  om^iT^ 

'         Martin.  Leonard  J.,  and  Ballantyne.     3,014.173.        ' 
Ballard.  David  C,  R.  J.  Konrad.  and  R.  W.  Ofborne.  to  RArtlo 

Corp.    of    America.      Electron    guA   structure,      2.967.963. 

Ballard    Denis  Q.  H..  to  Courtaulds  Ltd.     Production  of  N- 

carboxv-'y-amlno  add  anhydrides.     2.993.053.  7-18-61.  CI. 

260—307.  ^     ^.         ^  -- 

Ballard.  Denis  O.  H..  to  Courtaulds  Ltd.     ProducUon  of  N- 

carboxv-alpha-amlno  add  anhydrides.     2,996.513.  8-15-81. 

CT.  266 — 307. 

Ballard.  Donnell  A. :  Sec—    „„     ^        ..  „  ^      o  ana  •>•(<• 
Penninpton.  Donald  W..  Ballard,  and  Mod.     2.996,356. 

Ballard  Hyde  W.,  to  James  Lees  and  Sons  Co.  Method  and 
apparatus  for  providing  a  sewirable  protective  edge  for 
carpeting.    2,973.801.  3-7-61.  CI.  154—12. 

Ballard.  Hyde  W..  to  James  Lees  and  Sons  Co.  Tufting 
machine  clamp  cutter.     2,997,009,  8-22-61.  a.  112—79. 

Ballard.  Llsh^th  K. :   Ser~ 

Rash.  Albert,  and  Ballard.     3.006.501. 
Ballard.  Sam  L.     Pipe  bending  machine.     2,970.633.  2-7-61, 

CI.  153—32. 
Ballard.  Sam  L.     Flexible  mandrel  for  use  in  cold  bending 

pipe.    2,984.284.  5-16-61.  CI.  163—63. 

tiomechanlcal  transducer.     3,009,084.  11-14-61,  Cl.  an 

^^"'^^eiffilS^'rNMflllm  A.,  and  Balling.     2,973,279, 

^""*Kn'S'j''olinK"^ndBalllnger.    3.001,714. 

shield  Aonaratus.     2,907.533,   l-iU— 01.  CI.   ^<>''     .*•,.         - 
BaSr?^^villace   A.-     Mop   having    adjustable  JoWer   for 


Bal^^an-'Sa'A'rX-'j''&orVo'^Ld  R.  A.  Laudlse.  to 
^  Bell  Teltph"ne  Laboratories!  Inc-     M^t^f  ^''fii!"?^*^^  ^°^- 

rundum  crystals.  2,979,413.  4-11t«1/,C  •  AP^TI ^;  f1  ic- 
Ballman,  Robert  J.,  t?  The  "erschede  Hall  *j»«ck_Co      l-l.ig 

operating  meter.     2,985,134.  5-23-61.  CI.  116 — 114. 

''""NeldentTal.''kenntrh     W.,     Ballmer,     and     Rockwood. 

o  995  918. 
Balloon"¥ire' Mould  Co.,  Inc. :  See — 

McCrory,  John  F.    2.990.1o8. 

Scully.  Robert  L.     3,006,803. 
Ballou.  Jack  \V. :  See— 

Brooks,  Harvey,  and  Bellou.    2,9 « 4.6-3. 

Ballou.  Kenneth  D. :  See —  _.  _  „         „  ,,pq  .,.,., 
La  wler.  Edward  B.  and  Ballou.    2  !>69 '^32 
Lawler.  Edward  B..  and  Ballou.     2,997,407.        _     .   .    . 
Ballo^^  BlchaTd  P..  to  Federal  Pacific  BjectricCo     Push  but- 

ton   stations.      2,979,581.  4-11-61.  CI.   200— 42. 
Ballou.  Sidney  R..  and  C.  k  Chapman    to  \„^k2^*<*,|L>;?: 
Lining  machines  and  methods  of  lining.     3.013,896,  12-19- 
61.  CI.  117 — 4.*?. 
Balmert,  Clemens  A. :  See— 

Millard,  Ruth,  and  Balmert.     2,985.562.  r»,ivino 

Balmes  Solanas.  Ram6.n.  to  Estlrajes  Palmes  S.A.  Drhlng 
mechanisms  for  textile  machines.  3.007,211,  11-7-01,  «-i. 

^'^^°&rWa%"oid^'n^ndBalogh.    3  002.363 

Harle    Harold   P.     Balogh.  and   Loewenthal.     2,9i 0.403. 
Balo?h.  Stephen.' to  Genera  ^Electric  Co.     Re^f  "«"fg_«yj- 
tem   composed  of  dissimilar  metals.     2,979,924.  4-l»-6i. 
CI.  62 — Kll. 
Balough,  Harold  O. :  See—  „«,,  ,r.,r 

Welsh,  Hewitt  S.,  and  Balough.    3.011.545.  .„„.„ 

Bals,  Edward  J.,  to  Micron  Sprayers  ^td^^  fpray^g  annara- 
tus  for  treating  crops  and  pests.     2,9.9,269.  4-11-61.  ci. 

BalsS^gh."  Jayson  C.   to   AMP   Inc.     Electrical   condenser. 

2.967.986.  1-10-61.  CI.  317—258. 
Balsbausih,  Paul  H.    Tree  Umb  shaker.     3.013.374,  12-19-61, 

a.  56—328. 

Balslger   Harold  E..  to  ^l<!,i^:^f^^f%-.Jf%-^j<^:i^'^" 

for  grinding  wheels.     2,975,782,  3-21-61.  ci.  i^">      »i- 
Balslger,  Harold  E.,  to  Landis  Tool  Co     Resilient  control  of 

master  cam.    2.984.950.  5-23-61,  CI.  51—101. 
Baltes     Alphonse    J.      Road    finishing   machine.      2.999.433. 

9-12-61.  CI.  94 — «.  ^^      , 

Bftlthls    Joseph   H.    to   United    States   of   America.   Atomic 

Energy  Commission.    Process  of  treating  or  forming  anjln^ 

soluble  Plutonium  precipitate  In  the  presence  of  an  organic 

active  agent.    2.992.888.  7-18-61.  CI.  23—14.5. 
Bftlthls   Joseph  H..  Jr..  to  E.  L  du  Pont  de  Nemours  and  Co. 
"^  PolymerSldn  of  monooleflns   with   heat-activated   group 

IV-\  metal  oxlde/alumlna  catalysts.     3,014,020.  12-19-01. 

Cl.  260—94.9. 
Baltimore  Biological  Laboratory.  Inc. :  See — 

Carskl.  Theodore  J.     2.971.892. 
Baltimore  Gas  and  Electric  Co. :  See — 

Betz.PaulL.    2.992,288. 
Baltimore  Paint  and  Chemical  Corp. :  See- 
Levin    Isador.     3,006.505. 
Baltzer.    Otto   J.,   to   United    States   of    \nierica     Air   Force. 

Radio  direction  finding.     2,994.872.  8-1-61.  Cl.  343—123. 
Baltzer   Otto  J.,  to  United  States  of  America.  Navy      Missile 

guidance  system.     3,001,186,  9-16-61.  Cl.  343-6. 

Baluteau.  Jean-Michel :  See— 

Rosier,  Raymond,  and  Baluteau.    2,969,706. 



Baluteau.  Jeau  Michel,  to  So«1hT*'  d'<,'ptl<i"e  et  de  Mofanique 

de     Haute     Precision.       Variable'  focuu     optical     >yi)t»-iii. 

2.970.517.  2-7^61,   Ll.  88— .'.7. 
na>z«r.  V«rrnon  W.     Keciprocatin;:  machiue.    3,007,402,  11-7- 

«1.  CI.  123—58.  1 

U:tiuhrrK,  Konrad  :  See — 

Koiiienda.  Krwin.  and  Haniberg.     2.969,847. 
lianiti«rger.    Julien    *•..    t«    >Ia.>»<  o    Corp.      Barbecue    grills. 

i;»M).10<(.  4-lH-«l,  CI.  126- -25. 
Banib4>rg(>r.  Jul^n  G.,   to  MaHCo  Corp.     Fiber  i>reaking  and 

directing    machines*      3.011.257.    12-5-61.    CI.    3(J — 128. 
Bainford.  Calvin,  and  M.  S.  I'rentlce.  to  f;iof)e  Machine  Mff- 

Co.,  Inc.     Machine  for  Jointing  and  gluing  bundled  of  veneer 

strips.     2,»!>S.039,  8-29-61.  CI.  144 — 117. 
Uanitord.     Henry     S..V  to    Curtiss-Wriglit    Corp.       Scanning 

fijt«t«n    for    ultra.sonic    ln!-i)eotion    apparatus.      2.989,S«i4, 

♦j_27-«l,  CI.  73— «7.8. 
Ban,  Thomas  E. :  Bee — 

Erck,  LoniH  J.,  and  Ban.    3.005.699. 









McDowell,  Robert  C,  and  Ban 
Bancroft  l!a»t  Faitory,  Inc.  :   St'  — 
Craighead,  i'revost.     2.90h.432. 
Brinrnift-Hrillotex  International  S.A. 
B<»-r,  -Arpa.l.     2.!»7<». ?»<■_>. 
Boer.  Arpad.     2,982.676. 
Bancroft,     Charles.      Kotary     engine, 

(j]_  .123 11.  > 

Bancroft.   James   E..   to   Allied   Control  Co..   Inc. 

actuated  valve.     2.988.675,  »-13-61,  €1.  317—^91. 
Bancroft.  Joseph,  &  .Sons  Co.  :-<&'ee — 

RusM),  Carl  J..  Trifunovic.  and  Sinsiti.     2.997.747. 
KusMO.  Cajl  J..  Trifunovic.  and  Slnski.     ."J.ono.o.Vj. 
Shattnck.  Ewart  H..  and   Benedek.     3.000.0<}0. 
Sinskl.  Henry  A.     2.997,838. 
Band  W.  Inc.  :  See — 

Hrmpel.  William  C.     2,988,386. 
Bandag  Inc. :  See — 

Nowak,   Bernhard.     2,976.910. 
Bandel.  David  :  See — 

Rosenberg.  Sbeldon,  and  Bandel 
Bander,  .Alfred  :    S>e — 

Ruscbig.    Heinrich,    .\uniuller,    Korger, 

and  Bander.      2.968.15H. 
Raochlg,    Heinrich,    AumuUer,    Korger,   Wagner, 
and  Bander.    2.976.317. 
Bandt.  Fred  :  See — 

Froidevaux,  Jean-Michel,  and  Bandi.     2,981 ,06.~. 
Bundll.  John  C.  to  Mc<'ulloch  Corp.    Outboard  motor  mounts. 

::!♦(•«  273.  8-15-€l.  CI.  248 — 4. 
Band-Ti  Mfg.  Co.  :  See— 

Powell.  Walter  G.    2.973.597.  I 

I'owell.  Walter  G.    2.973.798.  I       • 

Bane,  Elmer  F.     .Spray  gun  gasket  securing  device.     2.987.- 

226.  6-6-61.  CI.  222 — i(t4. 
Banerian.  Gordon,  to  .Verojet-General  Corp.     Composite  bear- 
ing.    2.986.430,  5-30-61,  CI.  308 — 35. 
I'.anes,  Fred  W. :  Bee — 

Hakala.     Thomas     H.,     Hubbard,     Guyer,     and     Banes. 

Nelson,  Joseph  F..  Banes,  and  Fltz  Gerald.     2,967.203. 
NelHon,  Joseph  F..  Banes,  and  McAteer.     3.007,849. 
Banes.    Fred   \V..    S.   B.   Mirvi^s.   and   J.   F.   Nelson,   to  E.sso 
Research  and  Engineering  Co.     Utilization  of  high  boiling 
fractions  in  preparing  petroleum  resins.    2,994.689,  8-1-61. 
Cl.  260 — 82. 
Bang.  Bernhard  A.,  W.  E.  Dill,  and  R.  A.  Lee,  to  The  Bendlx 
Corp.     Light  Alter  for  television  pickup  tabes  and  the  like. 
2,988,644,  6-13-61,  Cl.  250—205. 

Bang.  Mogem*  W.,  to  Liberty  Mfg.  Corp.  Apparatus  for 
tuning  a  radio  frequency.    2.979,615,  4-11-61,  Cl.  250 — 40. 

Bangert.  John  T..  to  Bell  Telephone  Laboratories,  Inc.  .Mini- 
mum-phase wave  transnilsj^ion  network  with  maximally  flat 
d<lay.     2,969,509.   1-24-61.  (T.  33.^— 28. 

Banlel,  Abraham,  to  Makhtsavel  Israel,  ^process  for  \he 
athermal  removal  of  water  fmm  a'iUeouH  liquors  by  an 
organic  solvent.     2,967.825.  1-10-61.  Cl.  210—21. 

Banlgan,  Thomas  P..  Jr.,  to  Tidewater  Oil  Co.     Synthetic  oil 

additive.    2,999,067.  9-5-61,  Cl.  252— 49.8. 
Banlgan,    Thomas    F..    Jr..    to    Tidewater    Oil    Go.      Surface 

ignition  suppression.     2.999.740.  9-12-61.,  Cl.  44 — 69. 
Banister.  Guy.  to  Barber-Greene  Co.     Power  steering  system 

for    skid    steered    vehicles.      2,996,933,    8-22t61,    Cl.    "' 


Hank  of  America  National  Trust  and  Savings  Assn. :  See — 

Herbert,  John  F.,  Jr.    3.003.415. 

Herbert.  John  F..  Jr.     .''..<K)1.4m7. 

Merrltt.  Clarence  E.    2.974.074. 

Muhleck.  Karl  M.    2.974.973. 
r-Tnlia.     Frank     W..     to    Engineered    rr'»dn<*ta    Inc.     Lawn 
mower.      3,014.546,  12-26-61.  Cl.  180—19. 

Banker.  Loois  C.     Fish  hook.     2,984,041.  5-16-61.  C!    43 — 

4!!  16.      ' 
Bank'-r.   Oscar  IT.,   to   F:iwlek  <'orp.     Contlnin>ns  fuel  supply 

m.ans  from  one  or  more  tlltable  tanks.     2.973,121.  2--8-61. 

Cl    222— 13r..  ^ 

Banker.  Osmr  H..  to  Fawdlck  Corp.  Power  .«teerlng  mech- 
anl'*m.     2.977,H13,  4-4-61,  CI.  74— OS*. 

r.iinker.  Osrar  H..  to  Fawdlck  Corp.     Fuel  pump.     2,977,886, 
.     »-i-.;i.  f-i  10.1—11. 

Banker,  Oscar  H  .  to  Fawlck  Corp.  Relief  valve  for  blgh 
presonres.     2  989.072,  6-20-61.  Cl.  13,7 — 191. 

Banker,  Oscar  II.,  to  Fawlck  Corp.     Automatic  overdrive  and 

transmission    svstem.      2,989,599.    6-20-61.    Cl.    200 — 6. 

Banker,   Obcar   H.      Remote  control   hvdraulic  system   with 

emergency  manual  control.     3,002,501,  10-3-61,  Cl.  121--4 

41.  ' 

P.anker.  Oscar  H..  to  Fawlck  Corp.    Over  control  linkage  for 

governor.     3.0fM.435.  10-17-61,  Cl.  73 — 543. 
Banker,    Oscar   H  ,    to   Fawlck   Corp.     Hydraulic  governors. 

3.00s,335,  11-14-61.  Cl.  7.3—541. 
Banker,  Oscar  H.,  to  Fawlck,  Corp.     Multitank  fuel  system 
with     automatic     changeovter.     3,014,474,     12-26-61.     Cl. 
12.3 — 127. 
Bankers  Box  Co. :  fiTee —  ,- 

Followes,   John  E.     2,977.03?. 
Bankers  &  .Merchants.  Inc. :  See — 

Weissman.  Samuel  M.     2.983.210. 
Banks.    Charles  T.,  L.   J.    Schneider,   and   C.  Krane.   to   Vic- 
tr.vllte   Candle   Co.      Candle   dipping  machine.      2,996,761. 
8-22-61.  Cl.  1^24. 
r.jinks.     Georgo    W.      Metering     valve.      2,9W,343,     8-l-»!l, 

Cl.  137—4.54.5. 
Banks,    George    W.      High    pressure   low    torque   valve   with 
characterized      flow      control.      3,010,695,      11-28-61,      Cl. 
Banks.  Lester,  to  Hughes  Aircraft  Co.     Tester.     3,012.198, 

12-5-61.  Cl.  324—158 
Banks.  Robert  L. :  See — 

Lannlng.     William     C.     Hogan,     Banks,     and     Detter. 
Banks,  Robert  L.,  to  Phillips  Petroleum  Co.     Polymerization 
of  ethylene  In  the  presence  of  vanadium-containing  cata- 
lyst.    2.986,.557,  5-30-61,  Cl.  260—94.9. 
Banks.  Robert  R.,  and  R.  P.  Van  Ness,  to  Air  Reduction  Co.. 
Inc.       Metho<l     of    preparing     a     charge    for    a     furnace. 
3.012.970.  12-12-61,  Cl.  252— 188.3.  i 

Banks,  Ronald  E.,  A.  K.  Barbour.  C.  R.  Patrick,  and  J.  cl 
Tatlow,   to  National   Research  Development  Corp.     Manu- 
facture   of    fluorinate<l    aromatic    compound.s.      3,004,077, 
10-10-61.  Cl.  260— 650. 
Banks,  Waldo  H. :  See — 

Thibault.  Harrison  N..  and  Banks.     2,979.881 
Itanks,    Waldo   H.,    to   Draper   Corp.     Time   delay   mercurv 

switch.     2.972.025,  2-14-61.  Cl.  200—33. 
Banks,  Waldo  H..  to  Draper  Corp.     Replenishing  mechanism 

for  looms.     3,010,488,  11-28-61,  Cl.  139—257. 
Banks.  Waldo  H.,  to  r>raper  Corp.     Replenishing  mechanism 

for  looms.  12-19-61.  Cl.  139 — 2.".7 
Banks,    William    B..    to    Automation   Products.    Inc.      Mass 

presence  sensing  device.     2,973,639,  3-7-61,  Cl.  73— .".4. 
Banks,  William  H.  :  Sec- 
Archer,  James  R..  and  Banks.    2.968,184. 
Banner  Metals,  Inc. :  Sec — 

Wilson,  James  D.    lie.  24,984. 
Wilson.  James  D.     2,968,491. 
Banner  Mining  Co. :  See — 

Horton,  ?>ank  E.     2.970.096. 
Horton.  Frank  K..  and  Brace.    2.970,036. 
Banner,  Robert  G. :  See — 

Marlatt.  Ralph  E.,  Perrln,  and  Banner.     2,993,756. 
Banner.  Robert  G..  and  J.  H.  Pierce,  to  Diamond  Alkali  Co. 
Tanning  with  Ilgnin  sulfonic  acid  chromium  compound  re- 
action product.     2.995,415.  8-8-61.  Cl.  8 — 94.26. 
Bannerman,  Douglas  G..  to  E:  I.  du  Pont  de  Nemours  and 
Co.      Filaments    of   improved   dye-receptivity.      2,989  'its. 
ft-27-61.  Cl.  28— 82. 
Bannerman.  Gordon  H.,  T.  L.  Harp,  and  S.  Rnschp.  to  United 
States    Steel    Corp.      Tramway.      2,981,205,    4-25-61,    CL 
104 — 173. 
Banning.  Thomas  A..  Jr.     Cigarette  rolling  machines,  and  the 

1 1 ke.     3.006.3  I S,  1 0-3 1-61 ,  n.  1 3 1  —59. 
Banning.  Thomas  A.,  Jr.,  and  B.  L.  Ranseen,  to  Tliomas  A. 
Banning,  Jr.,  as  trustee.     Tape  recording  and  translating, 
and   the   like.      2,976,354.-3-21-61,   Cl.    178—6.6. 
Bannister.  Cecil  H.     Automatic  sluice  xlevice  f()r  inipoundini: 
liquids   at   a   relatively  constant  storage   level.      3.006.1."»0. 
10-31-61.  n.  61—26. 
Bannister,  Constance  L.,  and  J.  H.  Hatcher.     Nurslni  bottle 
and     nursing    bottle    assembly.      2,986,296.    5-30  61.    <I. 
Bannister,  Harold  V..  to  Schleld  Bantam  Co.     Balla-st  recep- 
tacles for  cranes.     2.985.317.  5-23-61.  Cl.  212 — 49. 
Bannister,  Harold  V.."»i.  to  L.  J.  Watnsley.     Pattern  heading 

calculator.    2.996,242.  8-15-61.  Cl.  23.5 — 61. 
Banno.      Toshiakl.      to      Kabushikl-Kalsha      Sank.vo      Seikl 
Selsakusho.     System   for  synchrono»isly  operating  cineflim 
projector  and  magnetic  tape  recorder.    2,976,765.  3-28-61. 
Cl.  88—16.2.  ^ 

Banoczl,   Joseph  A. 
Cl.  4^63. 

Biinoczi.  Joseph  .V.     Sonn<l  emitting  flying  saucer  and  top. 
.?.000.1.35.  9-19-61.  Cl.   4<' — 03. 

.Agricultural     spraying     apparatus. 
Cl.  239—77. 

to    Koehrlng   Co.     Bucket    chain    for 
3.010,334,   11-28-61,-  CL   74—250. 

Whistle  whirl  toy.     2,970,402.  2-7-61, 

Ba  novae,     Charles     B 
3.013.728.  12-19-61, 

Bansemer.    Roland    E. 
trenching   machines. 

Banstrom  Industries,  Inc.  :  See —  i 

Rosebrook.  Roy.     2,984.259. 

Uo^iebrook.  Rov.      3.00rt..59.5.  '  > 

Weaver.  Paul  .t      2.97lL53.".. 

AVeaver,  Paul  J.     2.976.688. 

Weaver.  Paul  J.     2,9S4!073. 
Bantou.  Theodore  II..  ti>  Cattaraugus  Cutlerv  Co.     Combina- 
tion -erving  tong  set.     2.994,553.  8-1-61,' Cl.  294—106. 





Banton,  William  E..  to  Western  Klectrlc  Co..  Inc.  Adjust- 
iiieiit  of  fiet|U»*n(V  st-nsitive  transmission  networks,  -.y.'i,- 
436,  7-4-61.  CI.  333—99.  r.        t.     .        i 

Baptist.  Victor  H..  and  A.  Cherkln.  to  Don  Baxter.  Inc. 
Aaueous  sorbitol  enema  solution  and  method  of  using  same. 
2,992.970,  7-18-61,  CI.  167— 50.  .       . 

B.-iiKista       Charles     O.       Strip     him     projeotmii     apimnitiis. 

2.'.t<Jl.-J47.  8-l-<".l.   «'l.  S.H— •_•«. 
Kara.  Edwin  S.,  to  Webcor,  Inc.     Automatic  record  changer 

speed  control.    2,973,966.  3-7-61,  CI.  274—10. 
Bara.  Edwin  S.,  to  Webcor.  Inc.     Automatic  record  changer 

si.eed  control.     3,002.738.  10-3-61,  Cl.  274— 10 
Barabas,   John   J.,   to   Castro   Convertible  Corp.      Couwrtibl*' 

bed.     2.968.049,  1-17-61,  CI.  5—55. 
Baiach.  Alvan   L.,  and    W.   B.   Hall,   to  The   Donald   IJeskey 

Corp.      Air   jvurifier.      2.!>94.40.5,   8-1-61.    CI.    !?;{— i. 
Baran.  John  S..  to  G.  D.  Searle  &  Co.     Derivatives  of  llo- 
h.vdroxv-11.19-epoxyandro8tane8.     2,976,173,    3-14-61,    Cl. 
200 — 239.55.  „  ,     , 

Baran.  John  S..  to  G.  D.  Searle  &  Co.  19-hydrox.vpregnene- 
;5.11.20-triones.  derivatives  and  Intermediate  l.lS',l8opro- 
iivlldenedioxy  steroids  used  In  their  preparation.  2.9 1 6.284. 
3-21-61,  CI.  260—239.55.  _        ,,  ^  .       ^,       ,, 

Baran,  John  S.,  to  G.  D.  Searle  &  Co.     Esters  of  optionally 
1  "alkylated  androsta-4.0-diene  3P,17/S-diol8  and  intermedi- 
ates thereto.     3,013,028,  12-12-61,  CI.  260—397.5. 
Baranclk,  Charlos :  i^ce 

I)u  Broff,  Warren.     2.»6!»,073. 
Du  Brofr.  Warren.     2.972.843. 
Baranow,  Sanford.  to  General  Electric  Co.     O.xidatlon  resist- 
ant alloy.     3.011.889.  12-5-61.  CI.  75— 176. 
Baranski,  Bernard  R..  to  U.S.  Industries.  Inc.    Gear  shifting 

mechanisms.     2.973,657.  3-7-61,  CI.  74—348. 
Baranski.  Stephen  :  Nee —  _ 

Batlas.  George  X..  and  Baranski.     2,S»(4.8.i9. 
Barassl.  Carlo,  to  Pirelli  S.p..\.     Pneumatic  tire  with  sepa- 
rate    tread      rings     and     Insertable     mstalllc     elements. 
2.981,302.  4-25-61,  CI.  152— 211.  . 

Barassl,  Carlo,  to  Pirelli  S.p.A.  Pneumatic  tire  with  sep- 
arate tread  rings.     2.990,867,  7-4-61,  Cl.— 176. 

Barb,  Wolfgang  G. :  See —  

feoper.  Alec  N.,  Seijo,  and  Barb.    2,991,270. 
Barba,  Angelo  J.,  and  R.  r.orruso.     Slioe-shine  box.     3.009.- 

187,  11-21-61.  Cl.  15-— 265.  ^     .  ..,     .. 

Barbeau.  Raymond  A.,  to  International  Business  Machines 
Corp.  Double  action  high  speed  punch.  2,989.229,  6-20- 
01  Cl  234 — 115. 
Barbean,  Raymond  A..  W,  L.  Stahl.  and  P.  M.  Young,  to 
International  BuslnesB  Machines  Corp.  Paper  tape  trans- 
mission system.  2,985.714.  5-23-61.  Cl.  178--23. 
Barber    Charles   C,    !*•    to   G.    H.    Strock.     Portable   cabins. 

3.0l6.4»52.  11-28-61. "Cl.  135^1. 
Barber-Colnian  Co. :  See —  _„„,„,„  ^\ 

Conn.  Alfred  J.,  and  Wikehind.    3,001,24.3.    t         ) 
Marcellus,  Phillips  B.     2.995,730.  V_y 

Mason.  Harrison  O.     2.980.354. 
Miison,  Harrison  G.     2,985.403.      „,  „„. 
Welker,  Oscar  L.,  and  Hetchler.    2.997,661. 
Barber,  Franklin  D..  to  Standard  Car  Truck  Co     Sealed  jour- 
nal bearing  for   railway  car   axle.     3,003,832,   10-10-61, 

Cl.  808—91. 
Barber-Greene  Co. 
Banister,  Guy 
Barber,  Harry 

1-3-61.    Cl 


Jack  and  carrier 

said  Brletensteln 

See — 

„.^  A.     3,009.200. 

Barl>er   Harrv  A.    to  Barber-Greene  Co.     Self-adjusting  seals 
for  rotary  "drier  drums.     3.009.260,  11-21-01,  Cl.  •'\4— 141 
Barl»er,  Herbert  L.,  G.  F.  and  D.  H.  Russell.     Gun  basohall 

eame.     3,009.452.  11-21-01,  Cl.  124—27. 
Bart>er,  Justus  C. :  ^ee —  „  ^^„  ^_„ 

Jenkins,  Theron  W..  Jr..  and  Barber.     3.00S.0i2. 

Barber  Machinery  JAd. :  See — 
Russell.  Ian  C.     2.985.732. 
Russell.  Ian  C.    2.986,940. 

Barber  Mfg.  Co.,  The  :   See— 

Wallace.  Donald  C.    2.971.577. 
Barber   Peter  F.    to  A.  C.  Cossor  Ltd.     Secondary  radar  sys- 
tems'.    3.007.156,  10-31-61.  Cl.  843—6.8. 
Barber.  Ronald  J.,  and  J.  F.  Askam,  to  Dunlop  Rubber  Co. 

Ltd      Appjiratus  for  building  pneumatic  tyres.     3,014.521, 

12-26-61.  Cl.  1.56 — 101. 
Barber    S.   Morgan,   and   E.    \.    Martin,   to  Universal  Metal 

Pnxhicts  Corp.     Dispensing  machine.     2,967.644,  1-10-61. 

(1.  222—144. 
Barhera,  "Edmund.     Method  of  applying  high  pressure  to  a 

body.    2,990.583,  7-^i-61,  Cl.  18—59.3. 
Barblaux.  Anthony  J.     Hand  sled.     3.012,794,  12-12-61,  CI. 

Barblerl.   Donald   B.,   E.   Becker,   T.   N.    Dalton.   and  L.    S. 

Galowln,  to  Curtiss-Wrlght  Corp.    High  temperature  probe. 

2,975,225,  3-14-61,  Cl.  I3ft— 4. 

Barbour,  Anthony  K. :  Bee —  _      .'  .    ^  ^, 

Banks.     Ronald     E.,     Barbour.     Patrick,     and    Tatlow. 

Barbour.  Daniel  H. :  See-  -  „  „^,  ,  .^ 

Bagley,  Glen  D..  and  Barbour.    2.995.440. 

Barbour.  Fenner  S. :  See — 

Worthen,  Eugene  P.,  and  Barbour.     3,003,931. 

Barbour  Welting  Co. :  Sep —  ■  . 

(;re€ne,  Percy  W.    2,996,754. 

i;reene.  Percy  W.    3.007,185.  I 

Vizard,  William  C.    2,996.815.  I, 

Barbrou.  Louis  E..  and  R.  S.  Wyly,  to  United  ^tates  of  Amer- 
i,a.  Commerce.  Externally  illuminated  exit  indicator  for  an 
.n.losure.     3.000,751,  11-21-61,  Cl.  312—223. 

""'^&m'Ken^th6.!'a';;^Barbulesco.     2.974.542.^     . 
i;arcia    Cas'p^r  L  r  and  G.  Micklus.  to  International  Busine..-. 
Machines  Corp.     Record  pertoratiug  apparatus.     3  014,41-. 

Barday."Earle  H-^^Dalrypak  BuUer,  Inc.    Container  struc- 

BaSV  ^i!SS'l^S''/:'sl^t6  W.  J.   Knippa,.t,. 
""  Ame-ri'cau  C°"na.nid  Co.     Process  of  extruding  a"thracn.. 
coal  to  form  a  metallurgical  coke-like  material.     3,010,>^i>_. 
11-28-61.  Cl.  202—26.  ,,.^        ^     - 

Barco.     John     F.,     to     Alrmite-Midwest     Inc 
containing  bag  used  in  blasting.     2,9t>u,»oD, 
Barco  Mfg.  Co.,  Inc. :  See — 

Packard.  <;e..rge  B.    2.991.939. 
Packard.  George  B.    2,99y.«ol. 
IJaicroft,  Joseph,  &  Sons  Co. :  Hee — 

Murphy.  James  A.     2.967.787. 
r.anus.  E«iWMrd  L. :  See—  Qf»iQoo> 

Kalge.  Koliert  N.,  and  P.arcus.       3013.39-. 
Bard    Bruce  H.     Feeding  station  for  wild  birds 

♦>-&--iBl,  Cl.  119—52. 
Banl.  Charleton  C. :  See—  .,  „      , 

Henn    Richard  W..  Bulloch,  and  Bard. 
Bard,  Elmer  IL,  to  Geerpres  \Vringer.  Inc. 
unit.     3,010,591,  11-28-61.  O.  214—^90 
Bard,  Francis  N.  :  See— „. 

Breitenstein.  Victor  W.     3.00.. 720. 
Bard,  Francis  N.,  and  V.  W.  Breitenstein; 

assor.  to  said  Bard.    Internal  combustion  device. 
12-12-til,  Cl.  123 — 7. 
Bard-Parker  Co.,  Inc.:  See— 

Ladd,  John  W.  B.    2.998.8S0. 
Bardach,  Howard  :  See-  -  t 

BardacKli?,Ui.'i>.  ifFieffiK.  E.  Gooden,  and  W.  J  Hood, 
to  Aircraft  Co.  Apparatus  f<\r  «W.iy>»8^Y8Lil  " 
Ing  material  about  electrical  devices.     2,980..j6o,  4-l»-oi, 

^^^""^^ll^li^&t'a^o  F.     2.989^52.  ' 

D'Alelio.  Gaetano  F.     3,003.310.  *„.^i,i„,. 

BardelU.  Roberto.     Toy  box  composing  elements  for  teaching 

purposes.     2,982.031,  5-2-61,  Cl.  35—73. 
Bard«jn  Corp..  The:  See— 

Minis.  Bruce  L.{64. 

Mlms,  Bruce  L..  and  Konet. 

Mlins.  Bruce  L.,  and  Konet. 

Minis,  Bruce  L..  and  Konet 

Voltaire.  Paul,  and  Mends. 
Barden.  John  W.  :   See —    ^„      .  o  n-i  rao  '     • 

Hansen.  Bendt  H..  and  Barden.    2.9a.,i83 
Barden.  Lyle  G.    Detachable  hitch  element.    2,9.6,060.  3-21- 

Ba?den^^'w.??iir'*A^.:  W.  D.  Wagner,  and  C.  C.  Sny<>.^r  to 
CTS  Corp      Pusil  button  type  electrh    switch.     2.969,443. 

Ba\det^Vayie"s!!~^nd  M  B  Arisman.  to  CTS_Corn.  Ad- 
justable resistor.     2,997.6.9.  8-22-61.  Cl.  o38 — 180, 

Bardes  Corp. :  See-  ^  „      .      „  nao  i  o.* 

Bardes,  Oliver  L..  and  Hund.     2.998.124. 
Bardes.  Oliver  L.,  and  E.  A.  Hund,  to  Bardes 

bench.  .  2,998.124,  8-29-61.  Cl.  205—3. 
Bardet.  George  V..  and  R.  C.  Giesse.  to  M.J.B. 

brown  rice     2,992.921,  7-18-61,  Cl.  99—80 
Bard-t    George   V.   and   R.    C.    Giesse.   to   M.J.B.    Co.      Rlc 

processing  machine      3,006.269.  10-31-61.  CI.  99-237. 
Ba?d«'tt    WiiHam  E.,   Vi  to  The  United  Steel  Cos.  Ltd..  and 

Vj  to  the  Chesterfield  Tube  Co.  Ltd._  M^tal  junction  piece 

aid  the  production  thereof.     2.986.273.  5-30-61,  Cl.  20.-- 

Barditch  Irving  F..  to  Westinghouse  Electric  Corp.  Modulat- 
ing circuit  and  field  efTi'ct  semiconductor  structure  for  use 
therein.     3.007.119,  10-31-61,  Cl.  332—31. 

Bardoneschi.  Roland  :  See-—  q  nnT  0'>i 

Muller    Georges,  Bardoneschi,  and  Jolly.     3.007,5»_.{. 

Bardslev   Charles  J.,  to  Raytheon  Co.     Surface^treatments  of 
,       semiconductive  bodies      3.007,830,  11-7-61    Cl.  !•>«-  1 7. 

Bardwell.  Ralph  P..  and  R.  J.  Cassettarl  to  Optical 
Co  Method  ..f  making  inultlfocal  lenses.  2.994. 1«.<.. 
8-i-61,  Cl.  51      2K4. 

Bardwell,  Robert  O. :  See—   „      ,      „     „  „„.,  „  ,„ 
Schmidt.  Joseph  J.,  and  Bardwell.    2,992,342. 

Bardy.  Edward  L. :  See—   ^„      ,        oahcta 
Chatterton.  Nell  E  ,  and  Bardy.    3,011.670. 

Bareckl  Chester  J.,  to  American  Seating  Co.  Automatic  reel. 
2.9791282.  4-11-61,  Cl.  242—107.4. 

Bareckl.  Chester  J..  A.  C.  Iloven.  W.  B.  Nordniark.  and  B.  J. 
Oom  to  American  Seating  Co.  Combination  chair-desk 
structure.  .2.979.117.  4-11-61.  Cl.  1.5.5—124. 

Barefoot.  John  R..  and  G.  H.  Goldner.  to  The  McKay  Machine 
Co  Current  transfer  device  for  relatively  movable  mem- 
bers.   2.999.217.  9-5-61.  Cl.  339—2. 

Baren  Louis.  Inflatable  buoyant  device.  2,986.751.  6-6-4J1, 
Cl.  9—310. 

Barent,  Mark,  and  S.  W  Johnson.  Production  of  manga- 
nese hydroxide.     2,997,368,  8-22-61,  Cl.  2.3—145. 

Bar6nyl.  B«la  :  See— 

vV^ilfert.  Karl,  and  Bar«nyi.     2.967.072. 


Corp.     Draw 
Processing  of 




B*rtny1.  B«la.  to  Dalmler-B«ni  AktiengeMlIschaft  Guide 
afrangement  for  sliding  door»  in  motor  reblclea.  2,976.081, 
S— 21— 61    CI    29ft— —47 

Ilar^nyl.  Dalinl^r  I'.enz  Aktlpnge«elli.chaft      Itelnfor. 
Ing  •tructure  for  automobilwi  with  piinorama  wlmlHhieiu- 

Barffi.^  B^ltr*tJ^ iMUnleHteni  Aktlengeaellschaf t.  J^.;\ 
carrying    compartment    for    passenger    cars.       ^,J»u,40«.. 

i:aT;..?rB;^la.  to  Dalmler-Benx  Aktiengesellachaft  Pasaenger 
spate  construction  ot  a  motor  vehicle.     2,983.o43.  5-»-ei. 

BaUn^  B«S    Guard  rail  for  automobiles.    2,986.419,  fr-30- 

BartnS-  m^fo  Daimler  Ben.  Aktlen|e8ell8chaft.  Motor 
vehicle   frame  body  conatructlon.     J,986,4JiJ,  .>-<m-oi,  ui. 

29H— 28 
Bar^.  IMla.  to  I>aimler  Bens.  AktienwHKhaft.     Passen^r 
motor  vehicle  with   rear  engine.     2,986,425.  »>-3(>-61,   LI. 

Bar«nyl,"B«a,  to  Daimler  Bern  Aktiengepellschaft.  Sedan  type 
i,M,t..r  vehicle  with  rii.m.e.l  U,\,  an<l  *l;^;vnwardly  extenriini: 
drainage  means.     2,991,120.  7-4-61,  CI.  296--137. 

vehicle  roof  construcUon.  2,991.121,  «-4-?l' ^1.  296— 13i. 
Bar«nyi.   Wla.   to  Daimler-Benz  Aktlenge8ell|chaft.      yia'DK 

door  for  motor  vehicles.  2.992.851,  f-18-61  CI.  296—40. 
Bar*nyl.   B«la,   to  Daimler-Benz  Aktiengesellschaft      Trann 

Terae   reinforcing   structure    for    automobiles.      2,998,-i»0. 

Bar«nTl    lUla!  to  Daimler-Benz  AkUengesellschaft^     Stre«in- 

lined  motor  Vehicle  body.  3.008.809,  fO-10-61  CL  296-28. 
Bar^nrl.  B*la.  to  l.aiinler  Ilenz  Akti.'nRespllschaft.     y-n">a| 

Ine  arrangement  In  motor  vehicles.     J.00S,400,  ll-l4^oi. 

CI    9>^ ■> 

Bar^nyl,    B«la.    to    Daimler  Benz    Aktiengesellschaft      Roof 

construction  for  motor  vehicles.     3,008,t60,  11-14-61.  il 


Bar«nyi.   B«li\, 

to   Daimler-Benz 
for   motor    vehicles 

Aktlengesellschaft.     Frame 
3.010.750,    11-28-61,    CI. 


BaiWT,  Bela,  to  Dalmler-Beni  Aktlengeaellschaft  Frame 
construction  for  rtotor  vehicles.     3.011.796,   12-»-61^  CI. 

Barera.  Lawrence  A.,  W.  G.  Fledrlch,  Jr..  and  G.  J.  L^ 
Brasse.  to  Federal  Mogul  Bower  Bearings.  Inc.  <  omp<)slte 
hearings  and  process  of  making  the  same.  2.9«0,9J3. 
2-T-«',l.   (1.   117 — 71. 

Bares.  Edward  F. :  gee—  „  „,«  «~, 

Van  Huis.  Robert  L..  and  Bar^s.     2.973.932. 

Barfleld.  Walter  B.,  and  H.  W.  Beaver,  to  The  Springs  Cot- 
ton Mills.  Clearerboard  for  drawing  rollers  of  textile  ma- 
chines.    2,987.780,  6-13-61,  CI.  19—139. 

Barfod.  tVederlk.  to  The  Bendlx  Corp.  Mixture  control. 
2.977,949.  4-4-61.  n,  123— 140. 

Barfod.  Frederik,  to  The  Bendlx  Corp.  Fuel  supply  system. 
3.00«>,.32R,  ia-31-«l.  CI.  123—119.  _  .     ,    . 

Barfwl  Frederik  to  The  Bendlx  Corp.  Mixture  control  de- 
vice.    3.009,688,  11-21-81,  Q.  261—69. 

Barfod,  Frederik.  to  The  Bendlx  Corp.  Gas  fuel  supply  sys 
tern.     3.009.794.11-21-61,(1.48—184.  „^,  ,.,o 

Barfuss,  Louis  L.  Automatic  dashboard  Jack.  2,993.512. 
7-25-61.  a.  137—624. 

lUrge.  Vprnon  \V.,  Jr. :  See — '' 

Brown.  Robinson  W.,  and  Oakey.    3.006,343. 

Bargelllnl.  Iter  L.,  to  Radio  Corp.  of  America.  Signal  ampli- 
tude responsive  class-B  biasing  circuit.  3,016,075,  12-26- 
61.  CI.  .3.10—1.''.  .     .         ,  .    ^ 

Bargen.  David  W.,  to  Collins  Radio  Co.  Me*ns  of  Intercon- 
necting a  resolver  with  a  standard  synchro.  2,984.777, 
.V_10_6f.  n.  31»— 30. 

Barger.  Stewart  D.  :  See — 

IHlllnE.  Marlon  R..  Renshaw.  and  Barger.     3.007,632. 
Renshaw.  Philip  E..  Barger,  and  Crumb.    2.984.413. 

Bargetzi.  Fred  H..  Jr.,  and  R.  V.  Brady,  to  Sperry  Rand 
Corp.     Relief  valve.     3.012,572,  12-12-61,  CI.  137—47^ 



Hot  gas  relief 

Bargh.  IMckard  F.  :  See — 

.*<hepard.  David  H.,  and  Bargh. 
Shepard.  David  H..  and  Bargh. 

Bariatric  Corp. :  Bee — 

Ilall.  Donald  V.    2.981,657. 

Barient  Co.  :  Ifee^- 

Moseley.  Tomllnson  I.,  and  Guangorena 

Barlffl,   Herbert  F..   to  IIuKhes  Aircraft  Co. 

valve.    3.002,527,  10-3-61,  CI.  137—514. 
Baril.  Albert.  Jr..  and  E.  Klein,  to  Kalvar  Corp.'   Photographic 

materials.    2.976.145,  3-21-61.  CT.  96 — 49. 
Baril.  Albert,  Jr..  and  I.  H.  De  Barblerls.  to  Kalvar  C"on> 

Contact  printing  apparatus.     2.983.210,  5-9-61.  CI.  95— 

Baring.  John  A.,  and  E.  C.  De  Forge,  to  American  Radiator  A 

Standard  Sanitary  Corp.     Rate*  of  change  and  Incremental 

change   alarm.      3.012.157.    12-5-61.   CI.   307—120. 
Baring  Gould.  Sabine  L..  to  Northrop  Corp-     Gyro  stabillza 

tion.    3,001.408,  9-26-61.  CI.  74 — 5.4. 
Barlsh,  Benjamin  :  See — 

Lazo.  Luis  R..  and  Barlsh.     3,010,69' 
Barkalow.  Clare  E^  to  Lear.  Inc.     Locking  clamp  for  Instru- 

meots.    2.997,885,  8-29-61,  CI.  74—5. 
Barkan.   Philip,   to  General   EHectrlc  Co.     Mechanically  trip- 
free  operating  mechanism  for  an  electric  circuit  breaker. 

.1.«XX>.0.'?4.  11-14-61.  n    200 — 89. 

Barkas,  Walter  H. :  Bee--  aw*  m 

Miller,   Charles   E..  Barkas,   and   Lptegraff 
B.irkat,  Philip :  t^er— 

Caplow.  Abraham  I.    2,970.824. 
BarkdoU,  Joseph  P.,  to  Smith-Corona  Marchant  Inc.     Type- 
writer    having    power    operated     instrumentalities.       B«. 
25,011.  7-18-61.  CI.  197—17.  ,.         ,  « 

BarkdoU.  Joseph  P.,  to  Smith-Corona  Marchant  Inc.     Power 
driving   mecnanism    for   Instrumentalities   of   typewriters. 

Barkelew,  Bl%bard  C.  'Faucet  assembly.    3,011,520.  12-5-61. 

CI.  137—625.17. 
Barkell.  Howard  W.  .  Bee- 

Teiwn.  William  R.,  and  Barken.    2,987.292,._    ^^ 
Barker,    Benedict   A.     Boat   carrier.     J.9(  8,2.x.   4  4  61.    CI; 

2S0 — 179. 
Barker,  Carlton  D. :  See —  .,   „     ,  o  n^-r  out 

Lynch,   William  H.,  Vent,  and  Barker      2.977,257. 
Barker   Clifford  L..  to  Walker,  Crosweller  &  Co.  Ltd.     thild 
millng  devices.     2.980.333.  4-1^^,  ^^-  2^^\\^      Vn„ 
Barker.  Clifford  L.,  to  Walker    Crosweller.  &  Co.  Ltd.     Non- 
return valves.     3.007.485,  li-7-61,  a    137-454.2. 
Barker.    Elmer.      Extractor    of    mired    tractors    and    tanks. 

2,986,334,  5-30-61,  Q.  238—14. 
Barker  Equipment  Co. :  See — 

Bruce.  Robert  A.     2,993,615. 

Bruce.  Robert  A.    3.014.612.  „^„^,r,    ,i^  o 

Barker,  Fred  V.    Minnow  trap  and  bucket.    3,002.312.  10-3- 

Ba^rker.^George  B.,  and  J.  Hurst,  to  Atlas  Chemiral  Industrie^. 

Inc.    Water-ln-oll  emulsion  drilling  fluid.    3,002,923,  10-3- 

61    CI    252 8  5 

Barker,    Harold  c".  and  E.  E.   Lewis,  to  E.  I    du  Pont  de 

Nemours  and  Co.     Ethylene  polym"  <»™P?«'t'o°,<=2?**M;" 

Ing   an   alkanol    sulfide   polymer.      2,995,539,    8-»-61.   CI. 

Barker.  John  L..  to  Laboratory  For  Electronics.     Traffic  re- 
mote control  iystem.     2.980.728,  6-20-61.   CI.   340-40. 
Barker,    I.«onard    E.      Salamander.      2,995,306,    8-8-61.    CI. 

Barker.  I^Ue  C.    Bowling  ball  handle.    3,012,784,  12-12-61, 

.  Q\    oy^t g4 

Barke?,  Loren  R..  D.  W.  Parken.  and  D.  C.  Kaiser,  to  Cater- 

?lllar  Tractor  Co.     Adjustable  cam  follower.     3,oo^,oo», 
0-3-61.  CI.  123 — 90. 
Barker.  Ola  M. :  See — 

Rose,  William  E.    2.995.872.  ,  ,     .,      ^  .   * 

Barker,  Paul  L..  to  National  Production  Co.     Infant's  chair. 

2.976.911.  a-28-61.  CI.  155 — 18.  „  .   ,..    « 

Barker,    Peter    W.,    R.    N.    Heslop,    V.    D.   Poole,   and    U.    E. 

Stephen,  to  Imperial  Chemical  Industries  Ltd.     Process  for 

coloring  cellulose  with  new  trlazlne  dyestuffs.     z,978,.^o», 

4-4-61.  CI.  8— 54.2. 
Barker  Poultry  Equipment  Co :  See--  - 

Barker.  Seth  S..  Crane,  and  Sharp.     2,977.628.    .         / 
Barker.  Robert  C. :  See—  / 

Becker,  Mitchell,  and  Barker.     2.967,185. 
Flowers.  Thomas  H..  and  Barker.    2.967  911.      ^     „     . 
Barker.  Seth  S.,  E.  J.  Crane,  and  A.  W    Sharp    to  Barker 

Poultry    Equipment   Co.      Apparatus    for    scalding   fowls. 

2.977.628.  4-4-61,  CI.  17— 112. 
Borker,  Stephen,  to  Utility  Trailer  Mfg.  Co.     Rubber  vehicle 

suspension.     2.995.383,   8-&-61,  CI.   280—124. 
Barker.  Stephen,  and  P.  M.  Helnmiller,  to  Utility  Trailer  Mfg. 

Co      Towing  assembly  with  rubber  suspension  for  trailers. 

3.009.713.  11-21-61,  C\.  280—116. 
BarkhnfT.  Earl  D.,  to  International  I^U8lne«<8  Machljoes  Corp. 

Tape  cartridge  and  loading  mechanism.     3.004.729,  10-17- 

61.  CI.  242 — 55.13. 
BarkhnfT.  Raymond  A.,  Jr. :  See — 

.Merz.  Ecimund  H.,  and  Barkhuff.    2.983,962. 
BarkhnfT,    Raymond    A.,    Jr..    and    N.    Platzer.    to    Monsanto 

Chemical    Co.      Method    tor    preparing    laminated    plastic 

structures.      2.977,639,   4-4-61,   CI.   18 — 59. 
Barkhuff,  Raymond  A..  Jr.,  B.  I.  Dunlap,  and  N.  Plfttzer, 

to  Monsanto  Chemical  Co.     Method  for  oreparing  molded 

foamed    resin    article.      2,989,782.   6-27-01.    CI.    18 — 48. 
Barkis.  Edward  to  The  Atlantic  Refining  Co.     Fire-resistant 

lubricating  emulsion.     3.003.957.  10-10-61.  C\.  252—32.5. 
Barkley,  Charles  J.,  to  United   States  Steel   Corp.     Metallic 

skewback     for    furnace    roofs.     2,985,121,     5-23-61,    CI. 




Barkley.  Charles  R.,  to  Lempco  Industrial.  Inc.  ,  Apparatus 
for  assembling  and  securing  ball  bearings  within  a  retainer. 
2,997,778,"  8-29-61,  CI.  29—201. 

Barkley,  Dwlght  W. :  See —  „„«„„„„ 

Harwlg,  Stephen  H..  and  Barkley.     2,978.366. 
Barkley.     Dwlght    W.,     to    Libbey-Owens-Ford     Glass     Co. 

Method     of     producing     electrically     conductive     articles. 

3.001.901.  9-26-61.  a.  156—222. 
Barkley.  Lloyd  B..  to  Monsanto  Chemical  Co.     Synthesis  of 

steroids.     3,010.974,  11-28-61,  CI.  260—340.9. 
Barkman,  David  R.,  to  Rite-Way  Dairy  Farm  EqnlpmentCorp. 

Monitor   Jar    for   automatic   milking   system.      2.997,020, 

8-22-«l.  CI.  119—14.18.         y 
Barkman.  David  R.,   to  Package  Machinery  Co.     Wrapping 

machines.     3.008.280.  11-14-61.  CI.  53— 3t9. 

Barkman^  Erik  F. :  See—      ^  „     ._  ««-.,/»«- 

Ramlret.  Ernest  R..  and  Barkman.     2,974.097. 
Ramirez.  Ernest  R..  and  Barkman.    2,995.502. 



Barkow,  Eugene  V.    Flow  control  valve.    2.999,612,  9-12-61, 

Ba?t8?^K^r\^\v®:  to  The  Bowl  ^Va8her  Ca  Dla^rwasher 
and  storaee  receptacle     3.007,329.  11-7-61    CI.  68^^ 

BarkBdale,  Lilburn  S.  Rotary  valve.  3,014,499,  1.^-^6-61, 
CI    137—624.  „     ,.^      o 

Barkway  Engineering  Co.  LM- =  f 

Bane?t°"^wa?d^E''-  ApS^tS'-  for  forming  packer*  ware. 

2,987,853.  6-13-61,  CI.  49—72. 
Darlett,  Francis  K. :  ««e—  amnnoQ 

Robs,  James  A.,  and  Barlett.    3,010,099.  [ 

Barline.  Frederick  E. :  Sec—-  „„„,  ^-u 

Cooke   Nelson  M.,  and  BarUne.    2,991.4o8.  .    ,     , 

Barlow     Edward   J..   J.   U.    Mallett.    S.    Bertra^.    and   J.    I. 

DasDlt    to  Gilflllan   Bros..   Inc.     System  and   method  for 

TemSe  radar  data  transmission  aoS  coordinated  assembly 

e  at  a  central   station.     2.972,141.  2-14-61.  CI.  343— 5 

Barlow.  Lawrence  C.  to  F^eral-Mopul^ower  Bearlnss.  Inc. 

O-rlng  service  kit.     2.988,205,,  6-li-«l,  CI.  206—16. 

Barl»w.*Lesrer  P..  to  Atlas  ^«*'U«r  ^o.     Aj^paratus  forj^an- 

dling  exploaive  cartridges.    2,999.459.  9-12-61.  CI"  i^^Zn^i 

Barlow.  Lou.  to  WUliamTDouglas  McAdams,  Inc.    Anatomical 

model.     2.971.272.  2-14-61.  CI.  3^—17.  m,»™i-oi 

Barlow    Thomas  E.,  to   International  Minerals  &  Oienilcal 

Corp.'     Core  bhider.     2,974.050,  3-7^1.  CI.  10^8  5. 
Barlow,  Walter  R,  to  Amalgamated  Wirelesa   (Australasia) 
Ltd      Gain   control   for  transistor   detector  or  ampUfler. 
2.997.656.  8-22-61,  CI.  330—29. 
Barmart :  Bee — ' 

Martin.  Ernest  N.     3.012.763.   ,,    ^   .       _ 
Banner  Maschlnenfabrik  Aktlengesellschaf t :  See— 
SchQIer,    Erwln.   and    Hedtmann.      2  989,257. 
Weber,  Wolfgang,  and  Greln.   ^^.9«9.197 
Weber.   W'>>fgang,   and   Lohest.  „2^78  19.>. 
Barna,   Alex    J.      Archery    target.      2,990,179.   6-2  (-bl.    ci. 

Bamaby,  Roland  E.,  to  Sperry  Rand  Corp.  Mounting  for 
gyroscope  rotors.    2,990,718,  7-4-61,  CI.  74— 5 

Barnard,  Cecil  P..  and  J.  O.  Beaumont,  to  V.  J.  Pick.  Isodose 
plotter.     3.011,700,  12-5-61,  CI.  235—58.  -,  on  ci     m 

Barnard.    Elton.      Eraser   cleaner.     2,997,726.    8-29-61.   CI. 

1  ^      *2 1 

Barnard.  '    Frank      W.      Bedstead      attachment.      2,994.501. 

c_i_^-l     p]    248 '*'^(\ 

Barnard.  Jack  D.,  to'Ceneral  Dynamics  Co^fK    Jack  type  elec- 
trical connector.    2,982^35,  5-2-61,  CI.  339— 17. 
Barnard,    Kenneth    I^.      Device    'or    holding   magnesium    or 
other  palvanic  anodes.     3.012.959,  12-12-61.  CI.  204—197. 
Barnard  &  Lea«  Mfg.  Co.,  Inc. :  ^fe— 
Stephens,  Will  R.     2.977.201. 
Stephens,  Will  R.     2,985,513. 
Stephens,  Will  R.    2,997,373. 

Ehlors,  and 

Barnard.  Robert  D. 

Davis,   Clyde  W 

Bamby,  Herbert  A.. 

closing  apparatus. 

Barnby,   Herbert  A.. 

Co.     Container 

,,„.,.„, Barnard. 

to  Owens-Illlnols  Glass  ^_.     _--- 

2,995,882,  8-15-61,  CI.  63— 266.. 
and  R.  H.   Whitney,  to  Owens-lllinois 

Aerosol-type    package.      3,014,607.    12-26-61, 


Glass    Co. 

Barndt      Charles     F.     Video    effects     generators     3.006,993, 

lO-.ll-fil.  CI.  178—7.2. 
Earner,  Harry  W. :  See — 

Hughes.  Stokes  D..  and  Bamer 

Barnes.  Austen  B. :  See —  -mnjon 

Mce.  Francis  H.  A.,  and  Barnes.     3,010,439. 

Barnes,  Austen  B.,  and  F.  H  A.  Mee.  to  De  Pavllland  Air- 
craft of  Canada.  Ltd.  Fluid  converters.  3,014,464,  12-26- 
61,  CI.  121—123. 

Barnes.  Bernard  C.  Carton  sealing  machine.  2.967,387. 
1-10-61,  CI.  53— 373. 

Barnes  Carl  E..  W.  O.  Ney.  Jr.,  and  J.  D.  Park  to  Minnesota 
Mining  and  Mfg.  Co.  Extrodable  PO>yPy"o>i^°»«  i^^S^t 
tions  anil  process  of  extruding  same.  3,009,893,  ll-ii-*ii, 
CI.  -260 — 30.2. 

Barnes,  Casper  W.,  Jr..  to  A.  B.  Dick  Co.  Television  projec- 
tion system  employing  electrostatic  printing.  2.Wo,oi6, 
8-15-61.  CI.  178—5.4. 

Barnes.  Charles  H. :  See — 

Grosse,  Frank,  and  Barnes.    2,996,298. 

Barnes.  Clmrles  H..  to  Schlumberger  Well  Sorveyin 
Cutting  apparatus.     2.984,307,  5-16-61,  CI.  175— z. 

Barnes.  Charles  T. :  See— 

Barnes.  Llewellyn  T.    2,984,776. 
Barnes,   Clifton   E.      Preassembled   door   frame.     2,996,766, 

8-22-61,  CI.  20—11. 
Barnes,  David  K..  to  Pan  American  Petroleum  Corp     Process 

for    separation    of    water-soluble    chemicals.      2,090,340, 

6-27-61.  CI.  202 — 30.5. 

Barnes,  Dennis  G. :  See —  ««n«KBj  j 

Olah.  George  A.,  Knhn,  and  Barnes.     2,996,554. 

Barnes  Drill  Co. :  See — 

Estabrook,  Mark  R.     3,002.403. 
Estabrook,  Mark  R.    3,002,404. 
Barnes,  Emmett  W.,  to  General  Electric  Co.    Methods  of  mak- 
ing electric  heating  units.     3,007,236,   11-7-61.  CI.   29— 
Barnes,  Emmett  W..  and  R.  E.  Sand,  to  Genenl  Electric  Co. 
Support  structure   for  surface  beating  units.     2,996.o98, 
8-l»-61,  CI.  219—37. 


Barnes  Engineering  Co. :  «««— 

Asthelmer,  Robert  ^ .    ^.^03,026. 

Astheimer,  Robert  W.    3,003,064.  -^12  473 

Asthelmer.  Robert  W     and  Lef  twlch^    3  012,473. 

Barnes.  Robert  B..  and  Collyer.    2.9^.973 

Barnes   Robert  B.,  Wormser   and  De  Waard.     2,a81,aiJ. 

Collyer.  Philip  W.     3,013.465. 

De  Waard,  RusseU  D.     2,994.053. 

Merlen.  .Monty  M.     3,0007  053 

Miserocchi,  Henry  F      2.986,717. 

Wiebe,  Alwyn  F.     .i.012,4b6 

Wormser,  Eric  M.     2.983.887. 

Barn'Ji'''Gfr^t*t"H^Jr.!'®l2d^  G.   W.    Schweitxer.    to   Dow 
""or'^inf  C^r"      BLeaction"  of  or«nohydrogenosihcon  com- 
pounds with  hydroxy  compounds.     2,967,171,   l^4-«i.  ^i. 

BaintToeoffrey  W.,  to  ^^^^^^'^^^i^'^^'i^^UY^ 

Electrical  machines.     3,003,095,  12;;3-61.  CI.  31^l»4 
Barnes,   George  H..   to_Burrouphs  Corp.     Bl-dlrectlonal  cur 

rent  driver      3.009.070.  11-14-61.  CI.  307--88.5. 
Barnes    George  H.,  and  R.  P.  Schneider   to  Burroughs^Cog. 

Bidirectional  current  drive  circuit    2,993,108,  7-l»-«i.  ^i- 

340—174.       „     „  . 

^"°Gree^n''°Ken?eth  E^THagan.  an.!  Barnes.     2,975,263 

Barnis,  Gllb^rt°c!  to  United'^Aireraft  Corp.  Rocket  construc- 
tion.    2,981,060,  ^25-Gl,  Cl.  60-35  6.  Mitchell    to 

Barnes  Harry  M.,  L.  T.  Kremzner,  and  W.  A,  Mitcneii,  to 
ffiral  Fo2ds  Corp.  Carbonated  Ice,  process  and  product. 
2,975,603,  3-21-61,  Cl.  62— 1.  ft_i3_fli     Cl     74— 

Barnes,   Henry   L.      Pulley.     2,987,933,   6-13-01,   ci.    <«— 

Self-cooling     roof     structure.      3,006,113,     10-rfl-oi.     ^' 

Ba^rSii;" James  F..  and  H.  I.  SUversher   to  Foil  Pro^  Cor^. 

Foil-covered   elongated   member.     3,011,9.i,J,    i.i-o-oi,   ^i- 

^"Tc^ienerJ'riowa';;?  J..    Sharpe,    O'Maley.    and.Jiarnes. 

Bames^Sph^b.,  to  Sunbeam  Eouipment  Corp.    Heat  treat- 
ing furnace.    3.002,733,  10-3-bi,  Cl.  263— 3. 
Barnes,    Joseph   T.      Printing   press   attachment.      3.007.40 J. 

BaVn"e's'^Kenneth^^T^tnd   H.   F.    Schulte.   to   Bell   Intercon- 
^Ylnlntal  Corp      Machine  for  the  surface  treatment  of  thin 
plastic  films.*^  2.993.309,  7-25-61.  Cl.  f^\-\\.,     12-19-61 
Barnes.  Kenneth  J.     Garment  bagger.     3.013,761,  12-lW-oi, 

Ba?nes,*L^weliyn  T.,  33M,  to  C.T.  Barnes  and  33^4  to  J  F 
Woog     Viriable  condenser.     2,984,«  <6,  5-16-61,  Cl.  Ji« 


^"Tag"?i«Sva  ?**^987,079.  ^  ,      ^    ^^       ,..^207 

Barnes.    Marcus    E.      Punch    for    metal    sheets.      3.010.207. 

BaVn^s^&SlHVa^ndJ.  D.  Calandro.     Carpet-hard  floor 

bH  ^£%i'«rR^-^;?^d^X^H.^Uuc..  to  Contlnen. 
tel     Olf   Co        Method     of    paraffin     deposition     control. 

UuVn'e^fa'ul^.'^'uSVecf  l^f  of  America.  Navv  L,..uld 
n?o|^llant  rocket.     3^013,389,  12-19-01.  Cl.  60— 39.48. 

Earned  Philip  E..  to  tnlt^  Aircraft^  Corp.  Servo  solenoid 
valve      2  9. 7 .0«4.  4-4-01,  ri.  137— 623.  _v  r.« 

Co.     Radiant  energy  receiving  system.    2.993,9o8.  7-2o-ol. 

1^1    1 TR      fi8 
Barnes    Robert  B..  E.  M.  Wormser,  and  R.  D.  De  Waard,  to 

Barnes    ffine^riug    Co.      Selective    infra-red    detectors. 

2,981,913,  4-25-61,  a.  338—18.  ^  ^       ^r.^ 

Barnes,  Robert  B.,  and  P.  W.  Collyer   to  Barnes  Engineering 

Co.     In-line  spectrometer.     2,995,973,  8-15-61.  Cl.  88—14. 
Barnes,    Robert   E.      Automatic    battery    tester.      2,999.980. 

9-12-61.  Cl.  324—29.5. 

Barnes.  Robert  S..  Jr. :  See—  ,  aat  oi  i 

Beretvas.  Helen  S.,  and  Barnes.    3,007,911. 
Barnes,  Samuel  R.,  to  American  Motors  Corp      Combination 
tailgate  window  crank  and  lock.     3,^07,348,   ll-7-t)l.  Cl. 
74— .')47. 
Barnes,  Sanford  H.,  and  J.  E.  Mann,  to  Pacific  Semlcondue- 
tore     Inc  ^    Voltage    sensitive    semiconductor    capacitor. 
2.989,671.  6-20-61,  Cl.  317—242. 
Barnes,  W.  P.  k  John,  Co. :  See — 

Jackson.  Paul  S.     .3.014,.m3.  ^  ctk  tah 

Smith,  CTarence  J.,  and  Peterson.    2,975.740. 
Svenson.  Ernest  J.     2.971.341. 
Svenson.  Ernest  J.    2.992,614. 
Barnes   Walter  P.    Engine  accessory.    3,007,987.  11-7-01.  Cl. 

Barnee,  William  A. :  See—-  o  naa  ncn 

Zeldler,  Reinhold  C,  Barnes,  and  Lysett.    2.989.004. 

Barnes.  William  P..  Jr. :  Sec— 

Rh».  Millard  L.,  and  Barnes.    2,9«  <.879. 



iJarnes-Mofi.a.  Kenneth  C. :  See — 

<;ol(!siiiitJi,  (Jharlf's  X.,  and  r.arne»-MosH.     3,007.463. 
BarD»-t.  Frwlrk-k  H.  :   See — 

JohnsDi).  WHlttrT,  and  Barh»»t.    2.970. .'?43. 
I'rosen.  StanW  P.,  and  Bnrnpt.    2,983,224. 
Prown.  Stanlpy  P..  and  B.irnpt.     3,0n.->.4n8. 
Barnett.  Charles  H.,  and  R.  E.  Teagle,  to  The  Foundry  Equip- 
ment   Co.       Mold    drying    and    cooling    oven.      2,988,351, 
ti-lS-Gl,  CI.  263 — 10. 
Bamett.    l».,naid    K.,    t..    Wjnkel    Machine   C\>..    Inc.      Miver. 

2.968.4TL',   1-17-«i.  CI.  23U-^2  ) 

Barnetr,  Kdward  H. :  See-^  \    '- 

Llpxlmtz,  Sidney,  and  Barnett.     2.967.004. 
i'.arn»-tt,    Ku^ene   J..    tf>    We.sflnirhouse   Electric    Corp       Elec- 
trical arn«>r;itU8.     3,f)14.476.   12-26-61.  (.1.  126 — 214. 
Barnett.    Eiitrene   J.,    and    L.    G.    Hoplcins,    to    Westinghouse 
Electrir   Corp.      Fastening  device.     2,998,815,   9-5-Gl,  CI. 
126 — l!>Or  • 

Barnett.  Forent  If.    B.jat  loading  device.     2,967,63.-),  1- 1 0-6 1. 

CI.  214     4.50. 
Barnett.  Cabrte! :  See — 

Powers,  I>onald  II..  and  Barnett.    2,972,582. 
Barnett,  Harry  E.     Combination  illuminated  writing  instru- 

ment  and  flashlight.     2.979,602.  4-11-61.  CI.  240 — 0.46. 
i;.trnett.   Hu;:h   \V..   L.   White,  and  II.   R.  Xordin.  to  (iinada 
I  ackerH.  Lt'i.     Process  for  the  production  of  smoked  meat 
products.      2,973,277,   2-28-61.  ("1.  9!J — 229 
Barnett.  John  O. :  See — 

Farrar.  Ge..rKH  E..  Jr..  Hersh.  and  Barnett.     2,973.300. 
Harnett.  John  S.,  to  Photographic  .\nalysl.s.  Inc.     Apparatu.s 

fir  contoiir  i.loffinc.     I'.ftHs.!).-,.'?.  6-20-61.  CI    88 — ^14 
Bamett,  John  S..  and  W.  J.  Karplus.  to  Photographic  Anal- 
•^'"0-0  -V''*^''«  tracking  system.     3,010,024,   11-21-«1, 

Projectile.      2,976,012,     3-21-61,     CI. 

to     (Jadiift-Of-The-Month 
c:ir>iii8el-8imulating     toy. 

riiih.     Inc. 

Barnett.     I>awrence. 

27.1— 1065. 
Harnett.     1a^    A.,     ', 

M.munllv     f>(>erahle 

9-12-61!  f'l.  46    -2-_'0. 
Barnett.    Ro»»ert    E.,    to    United    States   of   Americji,    Armv. 

>pln   notivated   batterv.      2.990,442,   0-27-61     (1   f.16 90 

Barney.  Duane  L..  to  General  Electric  Co.     Composite  mag- 
netic core  structure  and  method  of  making  same.     2,991.- 

3«8.  7-4-61.  CI.  310— 211. 
Barney,     Harold     L..-  to    Bell    T.-lephone    I^iltoratorles,    Inc.      2,978.672.   4-4-61     C]    .14b— 14 
Barney,  Jo.«eph  X.,  and  L.  B.  Lisher.  to  Ceneral  Motor.^?  Corp. 

.\xial  flow  comiires.sor.     3,014.640    12-26-61    C]    2.10 120 

^"loi'^^'ioiffi"*'"  So  ''®*'.','?'  ^""*^  "vending  machine.    2,98~6.- 

^/P'o^'    11*^'^*^*     ^-      ^'^^^     means. ,    2.977.167.     3-28-61, 
i-l.  309 — 3.1.  ' 

I'.irnhart.  Harry  E  .  to  TJie  Bendix  Corp.     Electrical  conne<- 

tor.      2.96S.020,    1_10_«1.   Cl     .1.19^ 1<>'' 

FJariihart,   Harry  E..  and  C.  O.    I>err.   to  The  Bendix   Corp. 

s^-aled  thermocouple.     2.987..'»65.  6-6-411    Cl    1,1«'>- \ 

Barnhart,    H..rii.r    \V.       M.-.hanicjil    registration    of    tirocess 

color.     .  9-19-61     (•]    06 ,10 

^•''I"'j'l''^.   J""""?    •^-    '*!    f'>    ^.    R.    Lpiser,      Hand    (wnder. 
3.014.316.  12-26-*>l.  Cl.  51-187 

2"/73''8'»6'"l---3;i    '?''*'■"'^*"^'«  «*«P  structure  for  vehicles. 
Barnhart,  Sh»-rman  S.,  jr.  :Vee — ' 

mkes.  William  S.,  Jr.,  and  Barnhart.     3,005,949. 
Barnhart.  William:  See — ■ 

Brenner.   Bernard  M.,  and   Barnhart.     3.012,10<V 
Barnhart,  William   S.,  J.   L.  Zollinger,  and  C.  W.  Weber,   to 
Minnesota  Mining  and  Mf>,'.  Co      Thermally  stable  viscous 

materials   containing   bromoflhorohalogenated   alkane   oils 
).  7-18  <il.  Cl.  252—58. 


Barnhart  William  S.,  and  R,  H.  Wade,  to  Minnesota  Mining 
an«j  MTe  Lo  Chemical  compounds  and  process  for  the 
preparation   thereof.      2,n96,.'»25,  8-15-61,  Cl.   260 408. 

Ba^n hill,    Levi    H.      Bed    attachment.      3,005,212.    10-24-61. 

Barnhlll.  Xoel  W. :  See 

Orlffln.   Clarence  P.,   Jr.,   and   Barnhlll.     2,984,895. 
B.arnicke|    Arthur  K..  and  W.  A.  Hooks,  to  Cutler-Hammer, 
9-26^1    Cl"  37— W  "'^""'D*  apparatus.   3,001.540. 

Barnothy,  Jeno  M.     Radintion  measuring  d«»vffe      2  97S  f,iv> 
4   4-61.  n.  .113  -f>3.  p  .        .    .    .        . 

Barns.  Fred  K ',  ti>  The  B    F  Goodrich  Co.     Elastomerlc^strip 

.1,011,211,  12-5-61.  cl 

and  E.  E.  Thompson    to  The  B 
tire   trea  1  splicing.     3.007,511. 

F.  Goodrich 
11-7-61.   Cl. 


shrinking  apparatus  and  method 
IH — 2. 

Barns,  Fred  K 
<*o.       ProfiIe.| 
15«^  -.1!»4. 

B;irni.m.    Emmett.    R.    C.    L.    Mahonev.    and    K.    J     Sa\ 
NFieii    Oil    «  o       l.nhrlcaflnff    compositions    and    process    of 

!,"?i:"l'.;'","^''j'='i'K  £,•■'■'«''»   polyoxyphenylene  compounds. 
.«.iHM».M.ij,  10-,11_61,  Cl.  2."»2 — 52. 

Baron.  Claire  :  See — 

''"^*?l!oor^*"'"''   <5uiot,    Moynier.    Blaron,    and   Trzehskl. 

Baron.  Edward  II.  ;  See — 

Monson.  Walter  T.,  .\lme    and  Baron.     3  009.205. 

■P*^''5-   1?H!!SL*"?v  ""'^   *^    Fripderich.   fo  Badlsche  Anilin-  & 
.<^a  Fabrik  Aktiengesellschaft.     Production  of  chloralkyl 

3"S'947'  U-ll%X^n.  2llli48«.    •'»»>-*'»'.'"«°     P'-«<««<^t»- 

r.    Blai 

Salt  water  diji^posal  system. 

Barone,  Roland  :  See — 

Hou^h.  Robert  R.,  and  Barone.    3,002,869. 
Barothy,  Charles  P.,  G,  W.  Piper,  Jr.,  and  R.  E.  SalJieck,  to 
Western  Electric  Co.,  Inc.     Apparatus  for  assembling  and 
fabricating  articles.     2,988,114,  6-13-61,  Cl.  140 — 93 
Barothy,  Charles  F..  and  K.  R.  Lagler,  to  Western  Electric 
«^;'o^^S-    Two-position  work-feeding  apparatus.    2,988,234, 
6—13—61.  Cl.  214 — 1. 
Bar-I'late  Mtg.  Co.,  The  :  See — 
I'olayes,  Jack,     2,996.961 
Po!a.\es.  Jack.     .1, (KM). 104. 

^".T^^^*"^'"'*^''*'  ^^'-  to  RIegei  Paper  Corp.  Food  container. 
2.996.236.  8-15-61.  Cl.  229—40. 

Barr,  Claude  J.,  to  Olln  Mathleson  Chemical  Corp.  Method 
of  manufacturing  solid  propellants  having  a  polymeric  fuel- 
binder  u-slng  a^piurallty  of  crossllnklng  agents.     3,002,830, 

Barr.  Clifford  L.,"to  Shell  Oil  Co. 

2,986,215,  5-30-01,  Cl.  166—67. 
Barr,    Douglas  C.      Stapling  device.     2,972,151,  2-21-01.  Cl. 

Barr,   Frederick  E„  and  W.   S.   Blanding,   to  Corning  Glass 

2;982.410.  5^2::^rCl.  209-245.  ""     "'"""'"'*     "-''"'-'- 

Ban-.  <-illHTt  K  :   Hn-  - 

Mulvany.  Richard  B.,  and  Barr.     2.970,418 

I'.arr,  llarrv  F.  :   Sn  — 

Etclu'lls.  Eucene  P..,  Koll>e,  and  Barr.     2.9K.1  :!;;.-| 
Etchells,  Eugene  B.,  Kolbe,  and  Barr.     2,988,08X1 
Ktchells    Eugene  B.,  Kolbe,  and, Barr,     3.014,554 

Barr.  Irwin  H. :  See — 

Merrill,  Howard  W..  Young»|uist.  and  Barr.     2,968,451 
Zouck,  Robert  L.,  and  Barr.    2,981,350. 

Barr,  Irwin  R.,  to  Unlte<l  States  of  America,  Army.  Method 
of  vision  block  Installation.     2.974,407,  3-14-61.  Cl.  29— 

Barr,  Irwin  R..  J.  X.  B<ind.  B.  W.  (;ore,  Jr.,  and  X.  J   La  Costa 
to  Aircraft  Ainianients,  Inc.    Rocket  gun.  3.004.47.").  10-17-^ 

'>■»   '  1.    H!)  —  l.i. 

Barr.  John  D.,  and  D.  McC.  Sloan,  to  The  Sperry  Gvroscope 
Co.  Ltd.     Pick-off  devices.     2,998,728,  9-5-61,  Cl.  74 — 5.6 

Barr.  Josiah  M.  Toy  engine  starting  device  2,991,779, 
(-11-61,  Cl.   123 — 179. 

Barr,  Xaaman  P.,  and  H.  J.  Bach,  to  American-Marietta  Co., 
Stoner-Mudge  Co.  Divi.slon.  Coating  sheet  metal  con- 
tainers.    2,966.874.  1-.1-61.  Cl.  11,1—120. 

Barr.  Xaaman  P.,  and  P.  G.  Alster.  to  American  Marietta 
Co.,  Stoner-Mudge  Co.  Division.  Polvmeric  sanitary  coat- 
Ing  system.    2,985,600.  5-23-61,  Cl,  260 — 19. 

Barr,  Robert  .M.  :  .Vre- 

Weiland,  Alfred.      3.006,1 2^^ 

Barr,  Samuel  R..  M.  J.  Ivoehle,  and  Pf  F.  Frassica,  to  General 

i  oSl*'']^  ^?,-  A*Sa*''^e  gravity  hydraulic  system.    3,001,368, 

"— *6— 61,  Cl.  60 — 53. 
Barr  and  Stroud  Ltd. :  See — 

Strang.  John  M.    2,989,889. 
Barragan  (Rivera).     Hydraulic  protector  for  brakes.     2,992,- 

535,  7-18-61,  Cl.  60— .')4.5. 
Barrallon,  Georges,   to  Compagnle  des  Ateliers  et  Forges  de 

•v)  *'*'lf*-     ^^'^  making  machine.     2,978,760,  4-11-61,  Cl. 

r.n  rr.Tsso.  Joseph  R.  :   See — 

Whittle,   Richard  H.,  and  Barrasso.     2,971, .585 

Marratt,    Jesse,    to    Scovill    Mfg.    Co.      Fastener   setting 
3.013,272.  12-19-61.  Cl.  1—317. 

Barravecchla.   Domenick  P.      Liquid  dispensing  closure 
2.979,219.  4-11-61.  Cl.  215— «5.  *^         « 

Barre,  Louis  A.,  Ill :  See — 

Arnwntrout.  Edward  L.    3.003,278. 

Barreca.  Henry  J.  Boot  sole  straigiitenlng  and  carrvlng  de- 
vice.    3.013.286.  12-19-61,  Cl.  12 — 120  5 

Barrer.  Richard  M..  and  J.  W.  Baynham,  to  Union  Carbide 
Corp.  Crystalline  zeolite  Z  and  method  for  preparing  same, 
2.972,516.  2-21-61.  Cl.  23 — 113.  **     t~       s 

Barrer.  Richard  M.,  and  P.  W.  Bultltude,  to  Union  Carbide 
Corp.  Process  for  producing  sodium  zeolite  A.  2,982,612. 
5-2-61,  Cl.  23 — 113. 

Barrer,  Richard  M.,  and  D.  C.  Sammon,  to  Union  Carbide 
Corp.      lone.xchange  of  zeolites.     3,010,785,  11-28-61.  CI. 

Barrett.  Arthur  M..  to  Barrett-Cravens  Co 
motor.     2.990,813,  7-4-61,  Cl.  121—38. 

Barrett.   Arthur  M..   Jr.     Electronic  steering  for  industrial 

trucks.     2,996,621,  8-1.5-61.  Cl.  250 — 202. 
Barrett.    Arthur    M..    Jr.,    to    Barrett-Cravens    Co.      Control 

system.     3.012.178.  12-5-61.  Cl.  318 — 271. 
Barrett  Bindery  Co.,  The  :  See — 
Wolfe.  Edgar  H.    2,982.568. 
Barrett     Edward   E..   L.    M.   Kolensky.   and  C.    J.   Votaw    to 

Bell  Telephone  Laboratories.  Inc.    Selective  calling  system. 

2.974,187.  .1-7-61,  Cl.  178—3.  n    t  '■^    ■ 

Barrett  E«lward  F..  and  H.  B  Bnk.  to  Victor  Mfg.  &  Gasket 
Co.     Rotary  seal.     2,992,024.  7-11-61.  Cl.  28<}-   11. 

Barrett.     Francis.       Device    for    making 
11-28  61.  C\.  239—434. 

i'.arrett.    Harry   B.      Riveting  machine.     3,000,242 
<'l.   78     41. 

Barrett,  Harry  B.  Machines  for  stripping  lining  from  auto- 
motive brake  shoes.     3.000.431.  9-19-61.  Cl.  154 — 1. 

Barrett,  Martin  P..  to  Mechanical  Industries  Production  Co. 
Offset  arm  motor  protector.     3.012,119,  12-5-61,  Cl.  200 — 


Multi-piston  fluid 

snow.       3.010.660. 





Barrett,  Philip  C. :  See—  ,  „_„ 

Kr^uchen;  Karl  H.  R.  C.  and  Barrett.    3.001.893. 

Barrett,  Robert  I>. :  *''«'*'—.     „         ..  ,   i-»r..h,.       ocunsni 

GLsmanu,   Herbert  C.  Barrett    and  lY«bj-      ^.Wtl.SG.^ 

Barrett   Robert  D.,  to  International  Har^•e8ter  Co.     Retalnlnp 

means  for* nreventlng  relative  axial  displacement  between 

members.    2.998.988.  9-5-61,  CI.  28.-63. 

Barrett-Cravens  Co. :  See— 

Barrett.  Arthur  M     2.99M13. 
Barrett,  Arthur  M..  Jr.     3.012.178. 
Paradise.  Francis  C.     2.993,703. 
Paradise.  Francis  C.  ^,007,04  4. 

Barrlal,  Harold  J.:  See—-     _        .         .  „ ,„,      o  oti  i^t 

Parrl'c'i^'jamr  ^^"'Lird  ^  J.  1>':""M*«n7ol^?o"uilted'iJ(tS 

""Tme'rlcar  AtoSic  ^EnerV  Conn.vlsslon       Irtt'lif 

pi utonous  peroxide.     2,9{)6.352.  8-15-61,  CI.  23— 14.o. 

'•"   wKer!^^'willl>m=G?~Clemlnshaw      and     Barrlcklow. 
:i.01 3.732. 

''""■"■fciiT'  Rovfi;;;;  B..    and   Maimovezky.     3.006.403. 
Barrltt  ^iKx   K  .   to   Whirlpool^  Corp.     Detergent   dispenser. 

Ba'r?in:  mL  E^^^t'ifd/L.  rifiiiJ^^  Corp.     Signal 

device.     3.0O4.20S.  10-10-61.  CI.  318 — 490. 

^''"Nestut*'Ly?e  fe^BTrron,  and  Bradford.    2.986.538. 

i:nrron  r.irtlf  I.  F^panslon  jtasket  for  Uqnld  conveyors. 
2.909.01.-..  1 -.31 -61.  CI.  r.0— 15.-..  

Barron.  Edward  R..  to  United  States  of  America.  Army  In- 
sulated ski  boot  structure.    2.967.3.>9.  1-1 ''-♦>1.  Vl,'*''~,r:„, 

Barron  Aeorjte.  Electrical  aranllflcatlon  to  woodwind  musical 
instruments      2.984.140.  5-16-61,  CI.  84—1.04 

Barron  "ohn  T..  to  Nlllton  Roy  Co.  S;rstem  with  leakproof 
plural-way  ball  valve.     3  011.685,  12-5-«1-  <^' A"r^4R    4 

Barron  Lee  H.  Drill  and  countersink  tool.  4- 
ll-«i.  CI.  .'■.1—206. 

Barron,  Richard  H.  :  f^ee —  ,  „.  i      j  tt      onnfiRje 

Barron.  William.  Robert  H..  and  Richard  H.     2.998.648. 

Barron.  Robert  H. :  •'^''*'-     .     ,  ..         ,  „•  i,„-^  ti     -^  oo«  fijR 
.       Barron.  William  J..  Robert  TI.  and  R«<hard  H      -•9»««^.f^ 

Barroif,  William  .1..  Robert  H..  «"''  R»<-I'«';<^  "•  o  l^qVoIg 
razor   pivotally    mounted   in   an  outer  casinp.      2.99S,G48. 

Ba^row^Vhris'tophe'r'w.  M..  and  R.  T.  F.  Derbyshire,  to  Sle- 
men^  Edison  Swan  Ltd.  Magneto-strictlve  .lelay  lines. 
2.982,925.  5-2-61,  CI.  333—30. 

Barrow.  Christopher  W.  M.  :  See— 

Showeil  Jlfrbert  A.,  and  Barrow.     3.009. l.>.y 

Barrows  W^rd  E..  to  .Tohn  Oster  Mfp.  Co  Air  ".ul  wat.r 
Inlet  for  lather  making  machine.     2.9(3.324.  _-^8-oi,  ei. 

or;o ^\<) 

Ba'rrowa.  Howard  E.  to  John  Oster  Mfg.  Co  Air  "nd  water 
Inlet    foi    lather    making    machine.      2,9 1 3.325.    2-28-61, 

Barrows."  Royil  L..  to  Bowl-Mor  Co..  Inc.  Mechanism  for 
raising  and  lowerinc  pinsetter  board  in  a  howling  pin- 
s<nting  machine.     3.014.720.  12-26-61. 

Barrv.  Austin  W..  and  R.  P.  Schake. 
Voltage  compensated  resistance  bridge. 
Cl    324 — 62. 

Barrv.  Beresford  T.  K. :  See— 

burkln.  Alfred  R..  and  Barry.    2.981.594.  _    .,  ,,^„ 

Barry.  Edward  G..  to  Socony  MobiJ  Oil  Co.  Inc  R«d>a«0'i 
resistant  lubricating  oil.     2.982. *30.  5-2-61,  Cl.  .ioz— o.». 

Barrv  Frank  W.,  to  United  Aircraft  Corp.  Alr-lnlet  con- 
troller.    2,97il,329.  2-14-61.  Cl.  60—35.6. 

Barrv  George  H..  to  OoUins  R.idio  Co.  Delay  lino  phase- 
puTse  generator.,    2.969.430.  1-24-61.  Cl.  US-TA. 

Barrv  George  H..  to  Collins  Radio  Co.  Phase  lock  syn- 
chronizer for  controUed-shlft  data  communication  system. 
2.9«4,701.  5-16-61.  Cl.  178— 66. 

Barrv.  John  K. :  See —  _  _  ^^„  ,  ._ 

Bisblng,  Robert  H..  and  Barry.    2,993.187. 
Barrv   John  N..  and  R.  F.  Fisher,  to  The  Gen«''"aJ  Electric  Co. 

Lt5'     Transistorized  pulse  demodulator.     2.99C.680,  8-1.5- 

61.  Cl.  329—102. 
Barrv      Kenneth     B.       Switch     operated     brake     control. 

3,000.476.  9-19-61.  Cl.   192—3.  „    „„  ,   „ 

Barrv    lieonard  D.     Implement  positioning  device.     -,969.119, 

1-II4-61.  Cl.  172—2. 
Barrv    Patrick  H.  P.     Radiated  refrigeration  engine  cooling. 

2.970.580.   2-7-61.  Cl.   12.3—41.19. 
Barry.  Philip  H..  and  R.  C.  Swanson.  to  Teletvpe  Corp      Ap- 
paratus for  detectlnc  errors  in  telegraph  signals.     3.00«,- 

005,  11-7-61,  Cl.  178—23. 

Barry.  R.  G..  Corp. :  See— 

i'.acks.  Florence  B.     2.988.830. 

Zacks,  Florence  B.    2.989.173. 
Barrv    Richard  H.     Friable  tablet  and  process  for  manufac- 

t'lring  name.     2.996.431,  8-15-61.  Cl.  167-82. 
Barrv-Wehmlller  Machinery  Co.:  See— 

bungfelder.  Chris  C,  and  Slver.     2.984,334. 

Barsditis.  Edward  A. :  See — 

Barsdltls,  Stanley  V.    3.007,332. 
Barsditis.  Stanley  V..  '^P'-^^nse^iK^HMs.  alinlnistrator. 
Door  locking  mechanism.     3.007,332.   11-7-61,  Cl.   ,0-92 

Barsel.  Norman:  See —  ,   ,^        ,      „„«««„. 

Helschhacker.    Deslder.   and   Barsel.     3,006.924. 

and  .T. 

Cl.  273 

to    Daystrom,    Inc. 
2.974.279.  3-7-61. 

Barsel   Xomiau  and  J.  J.  Goodman.     Method  for  the  produc- 
tion of  raisiii^  and  product  produced  thereby.     2.984,.>72, 

Ba%-;^iA^,^lj.  K.  Babayan.^to  K  F.  Drew  *  Co 
Inc.     Alcohol  soluble  glycerides.     2,988,483.  6-l,J-i.i.  «-i. 

plastisol   gaskets  on  metal  members.     3.0041... .9.  J    i.»  «.■. 

worLn^Frid     and    M     Genser.    to    International    Business 
^"MaHlinlr  Co?;      sVmi^nductor     device     manufacturing. 

Bf/?t'ow''Frld;?rck' E^^'aid'-L'-F.   Eastman,   to   Edgerton. 
^  Gemeslm5^en"&   Grier^  Inc.     Electric-discharge   system. 

Ba?S?^SoJ-a;rE^.:  ?o  te^arrj^ade  CO..  I:!c.     Road 
ess  for  generating  Inert  gas.     3,000,. 0..  9-ia-»>i,  «-i. 

B.xr«prr  HS'?^r&  VviSi- '?:97SW.Y,s-o,,. 

Cl.  46—220 
''*"*"rar?re"'stanVeV^.rrroiso„.  and  "artay.     2  907  «17. 
Bartel   Kfge  H     toHot  Shot  Products  Co.     Electrical  stock 

B..';;ef>ireV'S>S;'n-.e';iicflVo:-   Door  holding  device. 

oniHocf)    lo_^o_(;i     ri.  10 — 80.  n  n-i    -'A 

BartH~Waiter   .\"      Double    implement   drawbar.      2.9.1. ..4. 
o   i4_r,i    c\.  280 — 412.  *^^^ 

^"■^BSuSuV^F^^eVic  c'.'aTid  Bartelheim.     2.9847697. 
BartSl^nk    Kterhanf  H    P.]     Ili»:hway  trafllc  control  system. 

2.999.909.  9-12-01.  Cl.  340      31. 
Rirtell    Clarence  <'. :  See  - 

I  ixbv   I>oo  A.,  and  Bartoll.     2  999.695 
Bartell    William  W..  M.  A.   .\youb.  R.  W .  Houghton, 
Tlavton    Jr.  to  Waters  Mfg..  Inc.     Potentiometer. 
.300.  3   7-01.  Cl.  .338—170. 

"•'^''&"rrYveH\-.and~Bartel.s.  3.005.970.  „  ,  ,  ,„^ 
BartSs:"BerJlm?d  E^  to  Sylvania  Electric  Products^Inc. 
Electroluminescent  device.  2.991,38..,  4-4-61,  Cl.  .iiJ  i"o. 
B.-irtels,  Ernst  A. :  See—  „  .  ,  «  q-a  lo'i 
l^^rte^s^Ernsfr""'  Brfhfe^'j  Re^se!  ^aSd^R.  Zimmerniann. 
'^\'o*'&emTs?he''-^?rke  Alb^^^^^  3^trlch,oromethyl-thio  benz- 

oxazolones.    2.974.085.  3-7-61.  H.  167—33. 
Bartcls.  Ilans-Dietrich  :   See—        „n„os,, 

Veit'i,  Werner,  and  Bartels.     2.98o.»4l. 
Bartelt  Engineering  Co. :  See—  o  qo" -.o- 

Mahaflfv.  Reid  A.,  and  Harder.     2,99..,..9.. 

Mattl.  Leo  F.     2.985.301. 

sections    and    Methods    of    making    the    same.      2.968,583, 

P.aVTh'lSge!?e  wWd'j.  R-  ^^}-}^\,\o  J^I^^  S'^137^7! 
speed  limiting  apparatus.     2,9.3  771    3-7-«1.C1.i^7-^k 
Bnrth    .Tohn  W^.  to  .Tacobsen  Mfg.  Co.    Grass  catcmr.     -...»" 

Centrifugal   governor      !'«<^-^-^'(^;,J^V?-7):,,,V.u,ore      Irn- 

Vomlne   Gerard.  Penasse.  and  Barthelemy.     -^^^-''^V-iR 
Nomine;   Gerard.   Penasse.   and  Barthelemy.      2.989,438. 

r.jirthelmess.  Hermann  :  See—  oAi-ins- 

Schut7.e   Georg.  and  Barthelmess      S-<^V  •>  968  08" 
Schiltze.  <;eorg.  Barthelmess.  and  Hehl.     _.9»5x.ujs-. 

Barthlme,  Anton:  See —  ooTrKao 

Bauger,  Louis  J.,  and  Barthlme.    2.975.593. 

Bnrtholomay.  Henry  W..  to  E.  I  JI"„r"Sl,,:'rt.r47''cenur."e 
Co.      Process    of    Prpparing    pigment    delnstered'-eimioe 

acetate  yam.     2,990.291.  6-i7-61.  H.   ^^^-^^-         _ 
Bartholomew,  James  H..  to  Monarch  Klev-ator  &  >»«^»''"f' ii'L' 
Inc        Hydraulic    elevator    control     system.      3,001  .:J67. 
9-26-61.  Cl.  60— 52.  _,  . 

Bartholomew,  John  R.  to  Faton  Mfjr  <^«  „.J>'^9''^"«l?_^n^* 
preventing  means  for  a  two  speed  axle.    2,971. . i»i.  -  i«-oi. 

Cl    74 — 336.5. 

Bartholomew,  Thomas  L.,  and  C  55.  Kuhn.  Ednratlon  ma- 
chine of  the  question  and  hidden  answer  variety.  2.98...- 
053.  5-9-61,  Cl.  35— 9. 

BarthrufT.  Otto,  to  Eugen  Bauer  G.m.b.H.  Camera  ^lew- 
flnrt^  attachment  for  varying  the  field  of  view.  2.9.0.^.09, 
2-^7-61,  Cl.  88—1.5. 




Bayer  Aktlengesellachaft. 

polymerization   productM. 

Corp.     Shelf 

Barth-Webrenalp,   Gerhard,   and   A.   Kowalskl,   to   Pennsalt 
Chemicals  Corp.     Phosphorus  compoands  and  proceu  for 
making.     2.975,028,  3-14-Gl,  CI.  2i— 14. 
Bartik.  William  J. :  See— 

91m8.  John  C.  Jr..  and  Barti!< 
Bartl,   Herbert,   to  Farbenfabriken 
Process    for    the   production    of 
2.967.174,  1-3-61,  01.  260—78.5. 
Bartieson,  John  li. :  .See-  - 

Irish.  <;ienn  E..  Hlnkamp,  and  Bartleson. 
Bartlett.  Allen  R..   to  Harbor  Metal  Products 

structure.    2,990,067,  6-27-61,  CI.  211—147. 
Bartlett,  C.  O..  &  Snow  Co..  The  :  Aee—  .  "  , 

Arms,  Mllo  P.,  and  Payton.    3,013,563. 
Bartlett.  Christopher  L. :  See — 

Anneff.  Albert  E..  and  Bartlett.     2.983.188. 
Bartlett.  Currr  M.,  to  H.  F.  Llvermore  Corp.    Weft  end  part- 
ing and  holding  devices.     2.973,017,  2-28-61.  U.  139— 2ti3. 
Bartlett,  Curry  .M.,  to  II.  F.  Livennore  Corp.     Weft  end  part- 
ing and  IK.Iflins  devices.     3.01.'}.5S7,  12-19-61,  CI.  13i> — 2<)3. 
Bartlett.     Edward     E.       Manufacture     of     lamp     chimneys. 

2.99,3  305.  7-25-61.  C\.  49—80. 
Bartlett,    Flora    S.     Cap    closure    for    bottles    and    tubes. 

2,977.015.  3-28-61.  CI.  215—76. 
Bartlett.  George  H.     Child's  adjustable  exerciser.     2.968.337. 

l_17_6l.  CI.    1.") — 18. 
Bartlett.  Harold  W.,  to  California  Packing^Corp.    Means  and 
methods  for  color  sorting  articles.     2,988,219.  6-13-61.  CI. 
Bartlett.  Jeffrey  H. :  See— 

Morway,  .\rn..ld  J.,  and  IJartlett. 

Morway,  Arnold  J.,  and  Bartlett. 

-Morway.  Arnold  J.,  and  Bartlett. 

Morway.  Arnold  J.,  and  Bartlett. 

Morway,  Arnold  J.,  Bartlett,  and  Muessig.     2,977,303. 

WanlesH,    Graham   G..    Morlray.    Bartlett.    and    Mue«.slg. 

Bartlett.  Jeffrey  H.,  and'  I.  Kiribenbaum.  to  Esso  Research 
and     Engineering     Co.:      Method     of    defoliating     plants. 
2.988,440.  6-13-61.  a.  71— 2.7. 
Bartlett,  Joseph  E.     Replacement  valve  assembly.     3,007,671. 

11-7-61    CI.  2.')  1 — 8.S. 
Bartlett,  Lawrence  C. :  See — 

Adier.  Charles  R..  and  Bartlett    2,972,546. 
Bartlett,  .Marjorte  :  See — 


to    M.     Bartlett.     Amusement    ride. 
CI.  272—34. 
Fruit  graders.     3,008;579,  11-14-61. 


B.  E.  Tale,  to  The  B.  P.  Goodrich  <'<>. 
method     of     preparation.      2,978.460, 

Co.     Multivibrator. 

Bartlett.  ^Norman. 
Bartlett.     Noi%mn,     '.j 

3.000.042.  I(t3l-61. 
Bartlett,   Norman   M. 

CI.  209—91. 
Bartlett.  Paul  D,.  and 

Thiolacfnnes     and 

4-4-01.  CI.  260 — .332.3. 
Bartlett.  Percy  H.,  to  Bartlett  Trailer  Corp.    Air  suspension 

system   for  tandem   axles.     2,998.261.  8-29-61,  CI    280 — 

81.  •       •        .  •       ■ 

Bartlett,  F'hlllp  L..  to  E.  I.  du  Pont  de  Nemours  and  Co. 
rnhibiting  gel  formation  lb  fuel  oils.  2,980.318  4-18-01. 
CI.  44-00  / 

Bartlett.  Richard  W:  See — 

Marlon.  Clyde  E..  Bartlett,  and  Clark 

Bartlett.   Thomas  B..  to  The  (^mewell 
2.989.704,  6-20-61,  CI.  328 — 200,    1 

Bartlett  Trailer  Corp.  :  Bee —  « 

Bartlett,  Percy  H.     2.998,261. 

Bartlett.  William.  Pressure  sensitive  tape  can  and  dis- 
penser.    2,977,034.  3-28-61.  CI.  225 — 17. 

Bartley,  Chirles   K..   to  California   Institute  Research   P<«un 
dation.     Solid  composite  propellant  containing  polysulflde 
rubber  fuel   hinder.     2,997\370,  8-22-61.  CI.  52 — .5 

Bartley.  Wayne  D  Picture  recording  apparatus.  3,014.090. 
12-19  01.  n.  178—7.4.  • 

Bartlev.  William  W  :  See— 

Wflls.  Sheldon  E.,  and  Bartlev.    2,983,373. 

Bartmann.  Arthur  G.     Golf  tee  holders.     3.014.595.   12-26- 

61,  n.  211-00:  1       „  ' 

Bartmann  &  Riser,  Inc.  :   See —  I"  ' 

Petzal.  Henry.     2.978.735. 
Bartner,  Elliot,  and  J.  Takubik,  to  Olln  Mathiesdn  Chemical 

Corp.     Parenterally  admlnistrable  preparations  of  nystatin. 

3,011,946.  12-.'^61.  CI,  167—65. 

Bartnoff.  Shepard,  to  Westinghouse  Blectrlc 
3.005,700,   10-24-61.   CI. 

to  W«'stin>fhou.<!e  Electric 
3.00H.S90.  11-14-61.  CI. 
r  See 
Belden.  Merland  C.  and  D.  R..  and  Bartole.     3.008.520. 
Bartolomeo.  Frank  A..  H.  I>.  Ledbetter,  and  J.  M.  McDuff.  to 
The  Dow  Cht-mloal  Co.     Purifying  polymerized  olefln.t  pre- 
pared  wifh   catalytic   metnl    compounds   and    compositions 
thereby  obtahxHl.      3  001.003.    10   17-01.  CI.   200^949 

Bartolucci.  Edgar.  Swimming  pool  cover.  2.980.921, 
4-25-61,  CI,  4 — 172. 

Barton.  Bernard  C.  and  H.  E,  Haxo.  Jr.,  to  United  States 
Robber  Co.  Pneumatic  tire.  2.981.304,  4-25-61,  CI. 
152 — 330. 

Barton,   David   W.,   to  Chrysler  Corp.     Liquid   fuel   and  air 
'     pumping  unit.     2,996.882.  8-22-61,  CI.  60—39.27. 
Barton.  David  W.   to  Ford  Motor  Co.    Power  steering  mecha- 

■Ism.     2.997,123.  8-22-61.  CI.  180 — 79.2. 
Barton.    David   W..   and   G.    A     Ulrich.    to   Ford  Motor  Co. 

Power  steering  device.     2,978.057.   4—4-61,   CI.    180 — 79.2. 

electric  systems. 
Bartnoff.  Shepard, 

plertrlc  systems. 
Hartolp.  Joseph  .\. 




Therm  o- 

Barton,  Dennis  F. :  Bee — 

Frtedland.     Siegmund.    Sutton.    Doggart.    and    Barton. 
Barton.  Edward  D.  :  See — 

Laviana.  Donald  W..  and  Barton.     3.011.034. 
Barton,  Edwin  C,  to  Packless  Metal  Hose.  Inc.     Corrugated 

metal  hose  connections.     2.987,329,  6-6-61,  CI.  285 — 149. 
Barton.  Francis  M.,  to  Foster  Wheeler  Corp.     Radiant  wall 
construction    for    TaiK>r    generator.      2,981,241.    4-25-61, 
CI.  122—6. 
Barton,   Frantlsek  :   See — 

Deiss.  Jaroslav,  Dvorak,  Barton,  and  Koristek,     2.906.782. 
Barton,  George  C,  A.  Z.  Kiss,  and  H.  Mellors,  to  United  Shoe 
Machinery  Corp.     Plastic  Injection  sole  molding  machines. 
2.988,779.  6-20-61.  CL  18—30. 
Barton,  (herald  B. :  See — 

Johnson.  Benjamin  M..  Jr.,  and  Barton.     3,008,904. 
Barton  Instrument  Corp. :  See — 

Granada,  Richard  V.    2.995,106. 
Barton.  James,  to  Frederic  B.  Stevens,  Inc.     Work  handling 
machine   with    skip   mechanism.      2,972,403,   2-21-61.   CI. 
Barton.  James  S.  :  See — 

Kennemer.    Robert   E.,    Immel,    Cambron,    and    Barton. 
Barton,    Leon   M.,  to  General  Electric   Co.      Modulation   of 
selected  phases  of  carriers  for  simultaneous  transmission 
through    single    delay    means.     2,976,363,    3-21-61,     CI. 
178 — 50. 
Barton,  I^oy  K.  :  See — 

Mueller,  Charles  W.,  and  Barton.    2.908.751. 
Barton,  Paul  D..  and  E.  T.  Young,  to  Sun  Oil  Co.     Sjstem  for 
transferring  predetermined  quantities  of  fluids.    3,001,543. 
9-26-61.  CI.  137—242, 
Barton.  Ihiul  D..  and  C.  H.  Brooks,  to  Sun  Oil  Co.     Removal 
of  impuriUes  from  volatile  liquids.     3,007,980,  11-7-61,  CL 
Barton.  Paul  M..  and  J.  E.  Jennings,  to  Jennings  Radio  Mfg. 
Corp.     Fire  alarm  system  using  a  plural  oscillator  radio 
transmitter.    2,989,621,  6-20-61,  CI.  250 — 4. 
Barton,  Raymond  W„  and  O,  P,  Nuffer,  to  Baxter  Labora- 
tories.     Inc.        Intravenous      administration     equipment. 
3,003,500.  10-10-61.  CT.  128—214. 
Barton.   Richard   R..   to  Miles  Laboratories.  Inc.     Scavenger 

packet.     2,971,850.  2-14-61.  CI.  99—171. 
Barton.  Robert  L.    Ammunition  dispensing  pouch.    3.004,692. 

10-17-01.  CI.  224—15. 
Barton,  Wesley  B..  O.  C.  Chapman,  R.  N.  Ferry,  N.  C.  Joehlln, 
L.  C.  Klelst,  and  A.  W.  Tyler,  to  Eastman  Kodak  Co.    Auto- 
matic sorting  device.     2.996,184.  8-15-61.  CI.  209^72. 
Bartoo.    George    O.,    to    Trlco    Products    Corp.      Windshield 
wiper    motor    transmission    system.     2,976.555,    3-28-61, 
CI.   15—250.27. 
Bartoszak,    Anthony   W'.,    to    The    Martin    Co.      Method    of 
forming  a  sheet  into  an  Integral  tube.     2,967,139.  1-3-61, 
CI.  204— 1. '54.2. 
Bartron,  Lester  R..   to  E.  I.  du  Pont  de  Nemours  and  Co. 
Film-forming  composition  comprising  an  admixture  of  par- 
ticulate polyvinyl  fltioride  and  a  lactam.     3,000.843,  9-19- 
61,  CI.  260— 30.2. 
Bartsch.  Merton  L. :  See — 

Hackett.  William  S.,  and  Bartsch.     2,976,589. 
Bartus.   Raymond  J.,  to  Detroit  Reamer  &  Tool  Co.     Work 

driver.     3.010,349,  11-28-61,  CI,  82—40. 
Bartz,  Melvln  C.  to  The  Bendix  Corp.     Continuity  testing 
device  for  exploeive  igniting  circuits.     2,976,485,  3-21-01, 
CI.  324 — 51. 
Bartz  Quentin  R. :  See— 

F..hr1ich.    John.    Knudsen,    Bartz,    Fusari.    and    HaskolL 

Ebrlich.    John.    Knudsen,    Bartz.    Kusari.    Haskell,    and 
Moore.      2,9<>6,.'>O0. 
Barusch,  Maurice  R. :  £fee — 

Llndstrom,  Eddie  G,,  and  Barusch.     2,974,022. 
Sigworth.  Harrison  W..  and  Ituruscb.     2,995,427. 
Barwood.  L.  J..  Mfg.  Co.,  Inc. :  See —  1 

Schotr.  Warren  B.     3.012,344.  ' 

Schott.    Warfen    B..    Murphy.    Di    Malo,    and    Carlson. 
3.01 2,258. 
Basalt  Rock  Co..  Inc.  :  See — 

McCall.  Donald  O.     3.010,174. 

Basch,  Walter  M. :  See — 

Bieber.  Herman,  Basch.  and  Denber.     2,971,905. 

Basche,  Stanley  L.  Methods  of  making  stationerv  imple- 
ments as  paper  pencils.    3.010.862.  11-28-61,  CI.  156 — 185. 

Basrhet.  Francois  P.  M.  Acoustic  amplifier  and  musical  in- 
strument incorporating  same.  3,004.020.  10-17-01.  CI. 

Bascom.  Hollis  H.,  to  California  Industrial  Development  Co. 

Conveyor  pulleys.     2.976,738,  3-28-61.  CI.  74—230.7. 
Bascom,    Will.ird.   to   American   Home   Shelters.      Protective 

underground  shelter.     2.968,130.  1-17-61.  CI.  50 — 119. 

Basel  t.  Frederick  C. :  See — 

Gotsch,  Lenard  P..  Vltense.  and  Baselt.     2,997,904. 

Baseft.  Frederick  C.  to  American  Can  Co.  Container. 
2,980.311,  4-18-61,  CI.  229—37. 

Basen.  Toralv.  to  Elektrokemisk  A/S.  Process  of  reducing 
molded  bodies  comprising  metallic  oxides.  2,999,748.  9-12- 
61.  CI.  75—36. 

Basen,  Toralv,  and  F.  C.  Collin,  to  PHektrokemisk  A/S. 
Process  of  reducing  metal  oxides.  2,993,779,  7-25-61,  CI. 


Bases.  Samuel  M.    Low  frequency  pulse  detector.    3,00-.185. 

9-26-61.  CI.  340—213.  V  ^ 

Bash,  VV.  A..  Magnetic.  Inc^  See-  ^^ 

Ba«hirr^?fnrifX<^^^^^^^     ^"^'^  ^^* 

BaS!Krur"'jSSeph  ¥^ H.'i:.  'm^otnl^y.  ?nd' jTn.  pimBohn. 
^o  Stiuffer  ^lemlcal  Co.     Pwductlon  of  titanium  tetra- 
chloride.   2.974,009.  3-7-61.  Q.  2»-87. 
Basic  AtomlcB  Inc. :  See —        ,„^^,«.     «  07*  bb4 
Martin.  Emmett  J.,  and  Landolt.    2.974.8»4. 
Robinson.  George  P.     2,983,570.  .     . 

Basic  Products  Corp.  :  See—-     .    ^    .         .,  q.,.  ^n^ 
Baker.  DwightL..  and  Dockstoder.    i.975.06b. 

Brackett,  C.eorge  L.     3.006.196. 

<'arlisle,  Uuane  F.     3.014.16--„ 

Davis.  Flavins  E..  III.    2  680.882. 

Foskett.  Kenneth  H.    2.982.828. 

Frank.  Arthur  W.    2.966.4l|. 

Fi^k,  Arthur  W     2,978  237 

Prentzel,  Herman  C.    2,98ii817. 

Hauck.  lloysius  J,    2.990^09.        ,01.1  «<y> 

Hellman.   Xison  N-  a^f*, ,««'«*'•  J-^VfriT    2  ftS4  571 
Klnmnan,  George  H..  Hellman,  and  Baker.     2,984.071. 

Kusko.  Alexander.      3.01 :{. 202.  00019^1 

Lucht.  Otto  C,  Shelley,  and  Burant.     2,991.231. 
Sola.  Joseph  O.    2,996,656. 
Basic  Research  Corp. :  «««— „  q-„ -„ 
Toulmin.  Harry  A,  Jr.    2.972,557. 
Toulmin.  Harry  A..  Jr.    2.986.842. 

^"^k'!ls^^"ter'I^"£Sid£^n.1SrDanIel.    2,974.699. 

^^'"bJrSlMichaerT:..  and  Basll.^3  012.199. 
HhuHp    Carmen  L     P.  Terry,  R.  R.  Tullgren.  and  R.  R.  K^aui" 
^*Sn'n^  trTa°ylo;  Spring'Iid  Mf^r  Co     Apparatus^f or  stri^ 
ninir  insulation  from  wire.     3,000.405,  9-1  w-oi,  J-».  ^tu     ^. 
BasSler    Eugene  M  .  to  The  T^rlplett  felectrlcal  Instrument 
Co      Electrical  Instruments  and  method  of  adjusting  scale 
chiractertetics.     S.006.952.  10-24-61,  CI.  324—151. 
BaskerviUe.  Ralph  J. :  See—  tnMnr.i 

Bafrd.  Leslie  I-.,  and  BaskerviUe.     3.005,004. 
Baskey.  Raymond  H. :  See— 

rtsher.  Elwyn  D..  and  Baskey.    2,974,040. 
Ba«kin,  Arnold  B. :  See —     ^  „     .  •        ->  aaa  001 
Wagman,  Gerald  H..  and  Baskin.     2,968,991. 

°"' WeSerdanthTr.  and  Basler.    2.988.456. 

^""Hajny.  Chicle.  E.    2.974.869. 

Haj/y.  Charles  E      3,004.589 

Matthews.  Russell  B.    2.969.224. 

Matthews.  Russell  B.    2^977^66 

Schwalbach.  Joseph  C.    2,999.536.    .....^  finftrMPent 

Bass    David   H.      Device   for   use    In   Instnlllnj  fluorescent 

Bass7Hei;nL.51>   to  G^W    Prince.     Hand  washboard. 
Ba^^.«SSfc^5^^t?G^f?l•nce.     Sanitary  hag.    2.997.- 

Ba^.''imet?i'  R  M^bTi  .'l:  C.  Hammond,  and  P.  J  Robls- 
chun"  to  Hammond  Machinery  Builders.  Inc.  Grinder  with 
o°clllatinp   head.      2.971  296.   2-14-61^  Cl.    SlT^^KreuMr 

Bass,  Miles  M.,  R.  M.  Bell.  I^C.  Hanimond.  B.  C.  Kff"K"' 

and  P.  J.  Roblschung.  to  H"S"«?<>  ^M?*'^j  ^g?l"5' 

Inc      Grinding  machine.     2.988,857.  o-J«-oi.  );'-„»^     •'"• 

Bas8?Mlle8  M..*R.  M.  Bell.  L    C.  Hammond    EC.  KrueBer. 

and  P.  J.  Robischung.  to  Hammond  Mac^nery  BuIWm-s. 

^RobiJ5hunp''to  Hammond  Machinery  BuiWer.  Inc  Tablo 
extension    for   a   grinding    machine.     3.012.380.   l^-i^-oi. 

Ba^sl.  WliihSii.     Soil  pipe  extension.     2.989.323,  6-20-^1.  CI. 

Tlii^s^tt^Mice  M      Pet  bag.     2.969,767.  1-31-61.  CI    11»— 1 
BMSPtt   Charles  H.  to  Fnlted  States  of  America,  Atomic  En- 
er^' Commission.      Fuel    element    for    nuclear    reactors. 

BaislS-'SarYeS-?}.'.  ?o  -^tei^'sfates  of  America.  Atomic 

Energy  Commission.     Fuel  element  for  nuclear  reactom. 

2.984^13.  5-16-61,  CI.  204— 193.2. 
Bassptt    Charles  H..   to   United   States  of  America,  Atomic 

Bnerb  Commission.     Fuel  element  for  nuclear  reactors. 

2.992j[79.  7-11-61.  CI.  204—193.2. 
Rflssett    Charles  H.    to  United   States  of  America.  Atomic 

EnerV   Commission.     Fuel  element  for  nuclear  reactors. 

3.009169.  11-21-61,  CI.  204—193.2. 
BaHsett.  Henry  W..  to  The  W.  E    Bassett  Co.     Nail  clipper 

3.0l3,n34.  12-19-61.  CT.  30—28. 
Bassett.  Robert  B.,  and  L.  H.  Smithy  to  Central  Commercial 

Co       Ceramic    product    and    process    for    making    same. 

3  Ok)3.220.  10-10-61.  OL  25 — 156. 
Bassett.  Robert  S..  to  American  Meter  Co  .Inc.    Water  meter 

system.     2.991.te2.  7-11-61.  CI.  73—258. 



construction     set. 

Bassett.  W.  E.,  Co.,  The :  See— 

nassett.  flenrV  W.  3012.334. 

Denton.  William  R.  2.993.590. 

Pocoskl.  Edward  J.  2.995,820. 

Bassettl.     Frederick     F. 
3.003.260.  10-10-61,  O. 
Bassick  Co.,  The:  See—        oooi  1O6 

Claud-ManUe.  Arthur.    2.991.\"^-2  999  665 

Ericson.  Sidney  A    and  Parrott.    2,999.660. 

Fontana,  Frank  J.    2.981.969. 

l-Mnk,  James  B    Jr.  j^.»8J'^^f-«„ 

Kramcsak.  Michae  .  Jr.     2.971.211. 

Basslnget  Tool  Co. :  See— 

Basslnger,  Boss.     2.976.944. 

Basslnger.  Ross.     2  979.033  Machine    Co. 

Bate'-AVu?  bB;'  N«£^V  B^VU  M  "a   7^ 
ciprocating  drive  mechanism.    2,995,941.  8-lo-«i.  ci.  4t— 

BaS;  Paul  A.,  and  E.  Sutker.    Cuff  Unk.    2,987,791.6-13^1. 

Bastian-Blessing  Ct)..  The  :  Sc«-- 

Bunce.  Jerome  U.  Jr..  and  (,pu.     ^,»btf.-:iw. 

Carlson.  Clifford  R.    2.978,391. 
Garretson.V^wen  L.    2,»73,72^^ 
Goodwin,  Harris  A.,    2.989.0.3. 
Johnson,  Herman  Iv.     3.009..i^T. 
Llollos.  Leo.  and  -^Ushmise     2,982  44^- 
Norway.  Harold  L.,  and  Boedecker.     '^%'^V 
Poethi^  Robert  E  „^d  f*.  Cla ir.     3.003,32o. 
Shaw.  Harry  N.     2,969.218 

Williams   Harry  J.    ^•^'^'Vi'^ottoson    to   Imperial   Glass 
Bastlan.   Richard   U..  and  A.  C.   Ottoson^o^xm^r  J^^ 

Corp.     Glass  composition.     2.978,J4l.  1   1  01.  v.i.  x 
Bastin.  Edgar  J; :   ^'ee-—  oaqrz      " 

coupling  members  resulting  therefrom.     3,008,310,  11-14- 
„  ®1-  C^-  ^i^TlVi-  TT    c   C   Svkes   and  E.  W.  Weaver,  to  Mid- 

paratus.    2,98l531,  5-2-61.  CI.  263— 33. 
Bata  Shoe  Co.  of  Canada  Ltd  :Scc_ 

Cervinka,  Anthony.     2.999,ol7. 

pitera.  iaromlr.     2.994,920. 

Patera.  Jaromir.    3,005,235 
BataSe^^RogJJ^'EJe'ct'^ic  pt?sSnerator  systems.    3,013.165. 

Ba^JheMerwiniam  N.    Cutlery  sharpening  machine.    2.i>«6.- 

g50   6_6--61,  CI.  51 — 40. 
Batcheller    Hugh   W..   to  Kent   Mfg.    Corp.     Apparatus  for 

critaplng  Si  electricjermlnal  member  on  a  wire.     2,982.- 

Bafcheltr^?Jn5I■w*^o  Kent  Mfg.  Corp^  Method  oMnaklnp 
an  electrical  connector  member.  2.996.0-6,  8-io-hi.  ci. 

"'*'^te!ir^oV.'Geo?ge  N."Srchard».  and  Batchelor 
Rollnson:  Geork.N..  Richards,  and  Batchelor. 

«'^nShrn""M"rIn-  Sr^Batchelor.   Housman.   Kurkjlan. 

ConkJy!  Hertert  E)!'Bat!Iielor,  and  Thompson.     2.975.- 

Ja?kJon.  Chauncey  D.,  Batchelor.  and  Thompson.    2.975. 


Bateman.  Bryce  C.  and  R.  H    McDonald.  *<>  Packard  Bell 

Electronics  Corp.    Panel  retaining  means.    2,992,H7«.  r  10- 

ftl    CI    ^12 7 

Bates    Arlhur  C.'.  and  R.  C.  Crowe,  to  I-T-E  Circuit  Breaker 
Co      Interrupter  unit  for  telescoping  blade  switch.    -.978.-  , 
560,  4-4-61.  CI.  200— 148. 

5-23-61.  CI.  315 — 3.5  „     ^ 

Bates    David  J.    H.  R.  Johnson,  and  O.  T.  Puri.  to  Hughes 

Aiwraft     Co."    Periodically-focused     traveling-wave     tube. 

2.985.792.  8^-23-61.  CI.  31:^3.5.  ,ft«ofi,i 

Bates    Diane  M.     Holder  for  threads  or  the  like.     3,009.611. 

11-21-61,  CI.  223—106. 

Bates.  Donald  R.:  Seet—  o  qr?  7^1 

Gregory,  Jackson.  Jr.,  and  Bates.  2.987.7Ji. 
Bates.   Brie,   to   Prince-Smith   *    Stella   Ltd      Yarn   supply 

mSns  In  textile  twisting  machines.     2,984.964.  5-2S-61, 

CI.  57—106. 





I  I 

MftlKxI    llf 

Bates.  (ifOTKf  R  .   ♦«»  We^t^rn  Kle»-trl«-  C«>..   In<,'. 
^^«»lectlv••ly  posltionin;:  ri-lay  contacts.     2,995, ISI 

I'.at«>.  OnwaW!  K.,  and  R.  J.  Ashby,  to  Johnson  k  Phillips 
I. Hi.  an«l  Her  -Majesty's  I•o8tnfla^te^  fJeneral.  Apparatus 
for  storlnc  and  guiding  siii^niarine  cable;.  2,990,134.  ty-'Jl- 
»;i  CI  'J42 — 12H. 
Bikf'f.  Rl.hanl  L,  and  R.  fi.  Zaginailoff.  to  United  States 
of  Anierira,  Navy.  Fabrl«atl«m  and  deslcn  of  shafts  and 
splines.  J.^-.-J.l'U.  2--'8-<il,  CI.  287— 12»!. 
Bat<'«.  Stanl»*v  I.  :  S^e — 

Ballast.  Jx.nald  E..  Wiley,  and  Bates.,  2.9»;,S,0<,<,. 
Bates.  Wavne  <":  See —  T 

XortJi"  Kdwin  W.,  anil  Bjites.     2,978.287. 
BatMole,  William  R. :  See—  '  ,  , 

Davis    Ward  D..  Tin  Pont,  Zeltler.  Batesole,  Tuclcer,  and 
Hanson.     2,981.008.  ,  ^  ,^, 

Batesole,    William   R..   to  Doman   Helicopters,   Inc.     Folding 

iiellcopter  blade.     2.94;6.947.   1-3-61,  CI.   170— 1«0.12. 
Bateson,    Svdney,  to   Duitlate  Canada   Ltd.      Dehydration   of 

elass  surfaces.    3.01  Lan."".,  12-5-61,  CI.  34— (1. 
I'.areson,  Syihu'y.  and  J.  Chrvstman.  to  I'ittsburch  Plate  Glass 
Co.     Coa t in u  apparatus.     3,014.4,->3,  12-2ft-61,  <l.  1 18— ."iS. 
Bath.  Cyril.  To.,  The:  f^ee — 

De  Marco,  Robert  F.     2,9«6.194. 
Perkins,  <;eorKe  H.     2.974.707. 
Perkins.  (.Vorsre  H.     2.974,708. 
Bath  Iron  Works  Corp.:  See-^ 
Danyliike,  f>stap.     2.973.90S. 
Danvliike.  Ostap.     2,973.909. 
Fawrett,   Frank  A.     2,977,055. 
Holm.  .F^-ns  r*     2.'»96  2r,i;. 
Bathiirst  Power  *  Pai>er  Co   Ltd.  :   Sre  - 

Sharp.   Andrew.  Bnttertill.  and  Campl>ell.     2.982.4ri2. 
B.Tthiirst.  William  .V..  to  Heennn  *  Fronde  Ltd.     Dynamom- 
eters.    2.97«.9«'>0.  3-2H-rt1.  CI.   188^00. 
Batie.  Joseph  E.  :  ^ee —  ; 

Kummerlowe.  Carl  K..  and  Batle.    2.990,694.' 
Batkln.   .'^tanlev   I.     T'onfainer  with  Internal   Insert.     3.002.- 
6f>9.  10-.'?-«l,  CI.  206 — 45  14. 
•  P.atlas,   (leorge   X..    and    S.    Itaranskl.      pispensers   for   paper 
towellnu'.     2.974.8.''.9,  .?-14   61,  CI.  22.V- 12. 
Batlev    Jiforite  <'..    to   Ford    Motor   Co.      Slidahle  window   lor 
Vehicle.     3.00r..(;.SL'.  10   31-61.  CI.  'J!»6     44." 
3.f>07.1l5.    10 
late     i>ai-ker. 

Business  Machines  Corp. 
31    61.    CI.    32S  -42. 
2.994.262.     S-1-61,     CI. 

Inc.  :   (ter- 
and  Xardin. 


to   Hatori   Conjpnter   Co.. 
Chronometer.     2.969.636, 

and    Rosenkranz.      2.990.- 

.     2.9«;9.579. 
ehcfrii;     citf.irette     li;:ht<'i-. 

dexterilty  came.     2.969.98.-.. 

de  Nemours  and  Co. 




and  Laneston.    3.007.721. 
Stated  of  America.  National 
Runway    light. 

B;itley.   James   V..   to 

Transfer   circuit. 
B;if.  r.     .I.-~s.-     A.      S 

10(»       6.-,. 

Batorl  Compiit»»r  Co.. 

Batorl.  <K«:ir  K 
Batorl.   Osf-ar    i;..    and    R     Nardin 
Inc..   and    Nardin.   Uiysse.    S,.\. 
1    ::i    61.  i'l    5x     3. 
Batres.  Knri<i'ie  :   5>Vc — 

RlnKoid,    Howard    J..    Batres. 
Batres,     Enrique,     and     H.     J.     Ringold.     to     Syntex     S.A 
6a  ammonio-derlvatlves     of     11-keto     cortical     hormones 
2.98.">.650.  ,'>-2:i-61,  CI.  260r^2.39.5. 
Batscli.   <;iiv.      Maihines   for  crimpine  yarns   by    false  t,wist 

and  thelrimrts      3.O10.271.  11-28   61.  CI.  57      34. 
Batsrh.  Hf'mut.  and  .\.   Freise.  to  Telefunken  C.m.h.H.     T0ne 

arm  ass«-ml«ly.     :'..0<)2.0.56,  9-26-61.  CI.,  179 — 100.41. 
BatsonCoitk  Co.  :   .*>'«•»' 

Ball,  Oaines  L..  and  Hamrick 
Bafson.     Rob«Tt     W.      ShiHih-*! 
2.97«.566.  4    4   61.  CI.  219      32 
Batt.  Hiiu'o  W.     Inst.iUntlon  for  a 

1    31-61.  Cr    273      IIS 
Batt.  InrlnB  P.,  to  E.  I.  dn  Pont  de  Nemours  and  Co.     Proc- 
ess  for   prodiicInK  colored   jtellicular   C"!    structures   of   re 
p..nerated  cellulose.     3.005.723.  10-24-«1.  CI.  106 — 164. 
Baftajrlla.  Ant'elo  F.     Scintillatini:  slan.     2.969.606,1-31-61. 

r\.  40^-1 3H. 
Battaelloll.    Bianco,    to    Monteratinl    Soeleta    Cenerale   per  1 
Industria  Mineraria  e  Cliimica.     DveaMe  eomposltlons.  arti- 
cles forme<l  therefrom  and  methods  for  ninklnc  snid  artl- 
i-les      3.013  99S.  12-19   •■.'.  CI.  2<V»      23. 
Battean,   Dwljrht   W.,   to  Flow   Corp.      -\p'paratns    for  defer- 
minlnff  the  moisture  content  of  Insulated  hoots  and  similar 
articles.  9-26-61.  CI.  324—61. 
Batteiger,    ,Toseph    R.      Refrij:»'ration    apiparrttus. 

.5-9   61.  n.   62      156.  >         ' 

Batfelle  IVvelnpment  Cor)...   The:   f^r,     - 

Oortr.n.   Henrv   C.,   Mefferd.  and   Willardson 
Ijiwton.   Etnil    A.,   and    Weilmnensfer      3. ai 3.083. 
I,evr    .\rthur.  and  Weilmuenster.      2  9S7..554. 
MUier,  Paul  D..  and  Jefferva.     2,991,206.  \ 

Battell»»  M»'niorial   Institute:  .SVc — 

Ahma.  John  S  .  Mason,  and  Kice.     3.0O7.259. 

Boyd.  Walter  K..   I-incstoii.  and  .Tohnson.     3.00S..822 

Miller.  James  F..  and  HImes. 

Pa^kell.    Kriie-f.      2  994. ••.2'*. 

Schmolil.  I>>land  H.,  Currle, 

Batternon,  Sidney  K..  to  United 

A«»ronautic«    ami    Space    Administration. 

2,984,735.  5-16-61.  CI.  240—1.2. 
Battey,  .Alexander  .1.  and  »'.  .1    Nolln.  to  .\uhurn  Spark  Plug 

Co.l     Inc        Fuel    l^iiter    tap    setting    deviie.       3.II06.40.I, 

ia-31-61.  ri.   1,-,H     2S 
Battey.  Alexander  J.,  and  C.  E.  Riffle,  trt  Auburn  Spark  Plug 
.     Co..  Inc.     Fuel  Igniter  gap  setting  devSce.     3,011,542.  12-S- 

«1.  CI.  158— 2S 


Battis,  Walter  T.,  T,  J.  Lennox,  Jr..  and  E.  C.  RelcharJ.  to 
American  Smelting  and  Refining  Co.  Sacrificial  magnesium 
anodes.     3.001.924.  9-26-«l,  CI.  204— 197.  , 

Battista.  Orlando  A.,  and  P.  A.  Smith,  to  American  V  isc,|.se 
Corp.  Level-off  D.  P.  cellulose  products.  2.9.8,440.  4-^4- 
gl    Q\    '>0o^212 

Batti'sta,'  Orlando  A.,  A.  M.  Belfort.  and  E.  G.  Fleck,  Jr., 
to  American  Viscose  Corp.  Reconstituted  tobacco  products 
and    method    of    manufacture.      3,012.914,    12-12-61.    CI. 

131—17.  ^    ,-      .       ..      V  ».       1 

Battle.   James   H.,   C.  H.   Hack,  and  O.  Konig,   to  National 

Lead      Co.      Soldering     fluxes.      2.978,369,      4-4-61.      Cl. 

Battle,  Norman,  to  Rolls-Royce  Ltd,     Fuel  element  for  nu- 
clear reactor.     2,988.495,  6-13-61,  01.  204— 193.2 
Battle,    Norman,    to    Rolls-Royce    Ltd.      Blocks    for    building 
purposes     and     structure     formed  -  therefrom.      3.010.S8S. 
11-28^-61,  CI.  204—193.2. 
Battle  Creek  Foundry  Co. :  free— 

Lofgren.  Carl  J..  Strong,  and  Millar.     2.998.001. 
Battle  Creek  Packaging  .Machines,  Ipc. :  See — 
Smith.  John  W.     2.982,077. 
Willhrandt,  Franklin  M.     2.996,800. 
Batts.  Harvey  J. :  See — 

P.orland,  James  B.,  and  Batts.    2,992.962. 
P.attv.    Kdward    tJ.       Aerosol    can.       2,978.152,    4-4-01, 

222     .394 
Batty.  Harry  A. :  See—  „  «o^  on . 

Smiley,  Harry  J.,  Batty,  and  Jones.    2,981,294. 
B.nttv.   John    W..    A.    I>iiml)ert.   G.   Scott.   F.   Bebblngton.   and 
L  '  Seed    f  o  Imperial  Chemical  Industries  Ltd.     Polymeriza- 
tion  of'ethvlenlcallv  unsaturated  compounds  with  organic 
hvponitrlte"  catalvsts.      2.971.9.52.  2-14-61,  CI.  260— 94.9. 
Battv,  William  J.,  to  The  Sperry  Gyroscope  Co   Ltd.     Stator 

winding  machine.     2.991,021,  7-4-61,  C\.  242—1.1. 
Batzer,    Hans,   and   E.   Nlkles.   to  Ciba   Ltd.      New  hydroaro- 
matlc  dl-  and  poly-amides.     2.975.195,  3-14-«n,  CI.  260— 

Batzer.  Hans,  and  E.  Nikies,  to  Ciba  Ltd.  New  nitrogenous 
epoxide  compounds.     2.988..554.  6-13-61,  CI.  260—348. 

Batzer.  Hans,  and  K.  Nlkles.  to  Ciba  Ltd.  New  epoxy  com- 
pounds.    2.991. 29.{.  7-4-4;i,  CI.  260 — 340.7. 

Batzer.  Unw:'  to  C.  F.  Roser,  G.m.b.II.  Prepanition  of  poly- 
esterA  containing     A4-tetrahydrophthalic     acid      radicals. 

,3.00iT>03.    10-10-61.   CI.    260—75.  ,  nno  -.c 

Bail.     Roliert     G.       Cosmetic     stick     container.       3,009..»(.s, 

11    21-61.  CI.  206      .56.  ^  ... 

P.aubles    Richard  C,  to  Elastic  Stop  Nut  Corp.  of  America. 

Kesilient     split     pin     with     Inwardly     extending     portion. 

2,972.275.  2-21-01,  CT.  85 — 8.3.  ^,     ^    „.„     ^     ^ 

Bauch.  Werner  A ,  M.  M.   Lambert,  and  G.   O.   Hlllard    Jr., 

to   Esso   Research   and  Engineering  Co.      Recovering  halo- 

genated   copolymers.      2,973.346.   2-28-61.   C\.   260—85  3. 
Baud      Leon,    and    D.    Taussig,    to    Soclete    dite    Soletanche, 

IVvlce  for  boring  under  reversetl  flow  conditions.    3.012.<i21. 

12-12-61.  CI.  17.5 — 213. 
P.aude.  John,  to  Allis-Chalmers  Mfir.  Co.     Control  "V^jtem  tor 

the   ambient   temperature  of  a    thermal    relay.      1.9(>8..4.>, 

1_17_»51.  CI.   317—13.  ,      ^         „  .         .  *       I 

Baude,   John    to  Allls  Chalmers  Mfg.   Co.     Power  transistor 

control   circuit.      2.972.685,  2-21-<;i,   CI.  307— 88..5. 
Baude.    John,    to    Allls-Chalmers    Mfg.    Co.      Reverse    power 

sensing  device.    2.986,674,  5-.30-61,  CI.  317— 13. 
Baude    John,  to  Allls  Chalmers  Mfi:.  Co.     Magnetic  amplifier 
,   double  diode  controlled  signal   winding.     3,012,188,  12-;>- 

61.  CI.  .32.3—89.  ^  ,      ,.  ,     , 

Bauder    Carl   J.,    to   General   Motors   Corp.      Locking  swivel 

hanger  9-26-61.  CI.  198 — 1,7. 
Bauder.  William  M.,  Jr.  Baseball-stitching  machine.  2,976,827, 

3-28-61,  CI.  112—2.  ,  .^     ^, 

Baudhuin.  George  J.,  and  A.  C.  Petersen,  to  Drott  Mfg.  (  orp. 

Fluid    driving   svstem    for    vehicles.      2,980,193.    4-18-61, 

CI.  180-6.48. 
Bauer,    .\lfred.      Dlelng  and    stamping   machine.      2,997.946, 

8-29-61.  CI.  101—5. 
Bauer,   Alfred   E.    R.   E..   to  Aktlebolaget  Malcua  Holmouist. 

Vutomatic  control  device  for  centeriess  grinding  machine. 

3.001.336,  9-26-61.  CI.  51—103. 
Bauer,  Alfred  F.,  to  National  Lead  Co.     Bearing  cap  for  In- 
ternal combustion  engines.    2.997,347,  8-22-61.  CI.  .308—23. 
Bauer    Alfred  F..  to  National  Lead  Co.     Vacuum  system  for 

cold   chamber  die-casting   machines.     3,008.202,    11-14-f.l. 

CI.  22—73. 

Bauer,   Benjamin  B. :  flee —  ,  „  „  ,      o/v«oio- 

Goldmark;  Peter  C.  Bauer,  and  Hollywood.     3.013,12.). 

Bauer.  Benjamin  B.,  C.  E.  Reeler.  and  L.  Gunter.  Jr..  to  Shu  re 
Brothers  Inc.     Hleh  fidelity  transcription  tone  arm.    2.983,- 
516,  5-9-61.  CI.  274 — 2.3. 
Bauer  Bros.  Co.,  The  :  See-  „  «--  ^„ 

(Jlnaven,  Marvin  E.,  and  Adams.     2.97.'>.096. 
Ginaven,  Marvin  E.,  and  Woodruff.     2.974,6S4.  * 

Skeen,  Lawrence    5.     2.974.831.  „  ^„,  >„, 

Vaughan.  Frank  C,  and  Woodruff.     3,001.(31. 
Woodruff.  Manrici  D..  and  Appel.     2.971.22... 
Bauer   Carl  R.,  to  E.  I.  du  Pont  de  Nemours  Co.     Sweetening 
sour  hvdrocarbon  distillates  and  sweetening  agents  there- 
for.    2.983.674,  5-9-61.  CI.  208—207. 
Bauer   Charles  H..  to  United  States  of  America.  Navv.     Suh- 
marine  depth  computer.     2.967.662.  1-10-61.  CI.  2.35-61.5. 
Bauer    iharles    W.,    to   Smith.    Miller   *   Patch.    Inc.      Beta 
(ortho-acetoxvphenyl)    propionic   add  find    salts    thereof. 
2  9f»5..59S   8-8-61.  CI.  260 — 479. 



of   pur.'    e  raprolactam    from 
li,973.355.  2-28-01.  CI.  2(50-^ 

Bauer.  Kdwin  W..  t.)  Interiiatioiial  Business  Maohiues  Corp. 
Magnetic  core  pulse  circuits.    2,l*J2,41o,  «-ll-0l.  ci.  ^-lu 

Balilt;  Erich,  to  Pallz-Holdlng  A.G.  Stripper  for  hand-knit- 
ting apparatus.     3,00o,3J6.  10-24-61    CI.  66— bO 

Bauer.  Erich,  H°  Ebert,  W.  Forst,  and  H.  IMeper.  to  Knap- 
>"u-i^-<;rieshelm  Aktiengesellschaft.  Process  lor  the  luaiui- 
l-'ictHi^  of  salt  mixtures  for  the  electrol.vtlc  production  m 
iiiaciiesiuni.     2,974,093,  3-7-61,  CI.  204—70. 

Bauer    Eriiest  K.!  to  American  Viscose  Corp.     iaru  twisting. 

•J  070  424.   2-7-61.   CI.   Tu — 93.  ^,  .  .        »    „ 

,  Baiier.  Krn^st  K..  to  A.n.-rican  Viscose  Corp      Apparatus  jur 

producing  artificial  tilanients.     2.983.282,  o-9-Ol.  1 1.  1...— 

Baiier!  Eugen.  ( :  f  <•»■-- 

BarthrufT.  Otto.  2.'»'<>.-i'>i  •  ,  „  o-u  1 1  -. 
lleuchemer,  Willy,  and  Keliisch.  2,9.9.11o. 
Itelnsch.  Il.'rhert.     2.967 .9S7.  ^  aar  nc,^ 

Reinsch.  Herbert,  and  Frelberger.     2.985.060. 
«traub.  Aliiert.     2,'J9:!,-400. 

'Ba.S^'f&.^Zi'j.  iVSSr.  to  Wacker.a,emle^an.h.I. 
Polymers   resistant   to  discoloration.     3,012,00o,   l-.-a-oi, 
CI.  "2*10 — 45.7. 
"I'.aiitT,  Howard  <;.  :   Set-  o  o.-rt -ni 

OslM.ri..',    Kn-d    H..    r..nier.    '^»'l   ^  »^^^*'w adua^k 
Osborne,  Fred  H.,  Iliggs.  and  Bauer.    2,988,945. 

B.iUfT.  Karl:  See —  ,  ^,  .       ^         •>  i.i>i>  on.^ 

Kepne.  Walter.  Bauer,  and  Schweter.     -MM.9.30«i.      ■ 

Bauer   Karl.     Wobble  plate  type  pump  and  motor  transmis- 
sion.   2.984,070,  5-10-61,  CI.  60--53.  ,   ,  ,,  ^„f^ 

Bauer.    Kurt,    to    Farbeiifabrikeu    Bayer    .\ktipiigesellschaft 
Process    for    the    prodnction 
Beckmann  reaction  mixture. 

P.auer  Mfg.  Co..  The  :   See — 

Arnold,  Hirold  «i.     3.004.625. 

Bauer.  Matthew  F.     I'orthole  tube  fitting  bavin 
coined  Huid  seat.     2.971,780.  2-14-61.  CI.  2 

Bauer.  Oliver  F. :  .Vfc— 

Adair.  Robert  V..  and  Bauer.    3,007.823. 

Bauer.  Richard  M. :  See—  o«o..  04- 

(urler.  Howard  .T..  and  Bauer.    2.9S2.24.> 

Bauer,  Robert  F..  and  H.  Stratton.  to  fehell  Oil  Co 
tal  Oil  Co.,  The   Superior  Oil  Co.,  and  Lnlon 
California.      Rotary   drilling   table   mounting. 
1 25—61    CI    175 •>• 

Bauer.  RobertF..  and  H.  Stratton.  to  Shell  Oil  Co 
tal  Oil  Co.,  The  Superior  Oil  Co..  and  Union 
t.'alifornla.     Underwater  inspection  apparatus. 

r.i1ier^^<»i)<>rt  r'^'ajid  H.  Stratton,  to  Shell  Oil  Co.,  Contlr 

^'"nental  ofl'co'.Vhe  Suiierior         bo    and  Union  Oil  Co^of 

California.    Underwater  drilling  guide.    2,984,308,  0-1  b-01, 

Bauer.^^K^-rt  F..   and   H.   Stratton.   to   Shell  Oil   Co     C^n 
tinentiir  Oil  Co..  The  Superior  Oil  Co.,  and  Union  Oil  Co. 
of  California.    Drilling.    3.012.610.  12-12-61,  CI.  166-66.5. 

r.auer.  William  C.  :  Sei-  «  «>^  ^,.- 

Caldw.ll.  Ned  A..  andBaiier.    2.9<0,0.1(. 
Bauer.   William   E.,   to  Minneapolis-Honeywell   Regiilat^)r  C-.. 
nifTereutial     pressure     responsive     apparatus.      J,Ot(,.»JU, 

Bauer~''w'iUiam  E..*  to  Minneapolis-Honeywell  Regulator  Co. 
.       Controller.     2,977,991,  4-4-61.  CI.  137--7S1. 
Bauerleln.   Carl  C.   to   The  Dole  Valve  Co      Automatic  Ice 

making  apparatus.      2.969.651.    1-31-61.   CI.   ».2— l.^.. 
Bauerleln    Carl  C.  to  The  Dole  Valv^  Co.     Pressure  operated 

Vnivlng  valve.      2.971.53.3.  2-14-61:  CI.  137—007. 
Bauerleiii.  Carl  C.  to  The  Dole  Valve  Co.     Pneumatic,  timer. 
■J.9K0.IW..  4-1S-61.  r\.   251—262.     ^        „  ^.  '^     , 

Bauerleln.  Carl  C.  to  The  Dole  Valve  Co.    Pneumatic  control 

Baughman,  John  E. :  See —  ,     „„    0001  m- 

Rlordan,  Hugh  E.,  Samburoff,  nnd  Baughman.   2,981,18., 

Baughman,  Milton  D.,  Jr.,  to  The  Wean  Engineering  Co.,  Inc. 

Means   for   stabilizing  hanging  loops.     2,9(><.0U«,   l-'.J-oi. 

B;uilini''*.\7lrianus  I...  and  D.  T  Milne,  to  A™«r\«».?- Viscose 
Corp?    Mixing  apparatus.    2,973,946,  3-7-bl,  CI.  2o9— HI. 

Baum.  Alvan  :  .See—  ir^txnia.y 

Carlsen,  Earl  W.,  Ryder,  and  Baum.     .S  000.162. 

Baum,  .lohn  W.,  to  Armour  Research  foundation  of  Illinois 
liH<titute  of  Technology.  Pocket  radiation  dosimeter. 
2.972,051.  2-14-61,  CI.  2oO— 83. 

Baum,    Llovd.      Guide   fixture   for  dental    tools 




Mackiu,  Lai, 
Method  and 

r  self-aligned 
S5 — 215. 

,  Continen- 

Oil  Co.  of 


.,  Contlnen- 

Oil  Co.  of 



valve.     2.082.304.  .-)-2-61.  CI.  137— 612.1. 
Bauerleln     Carl    C.    to    The    Dole    Valve    Co.      Ice    maker. 

2,998.709.  9-5-61,  tl.  CJ— l.V,. 
Bauerleln,   Carl   C..    to  The  Dole   Valve  ^o.      Pneuma    nilly 

controlled  diaphragm  shut  off  valve.     3.000,60<.  9-l'.»-01. 

Bauerteln    Carl  C.  to  The  Dole  Valve  Co.    Internally  heatcil 

slug  valve.    3,003.328.  10-10-61,  CI.  62— 135. 
B.ueilein.  Carl  ('..  to  The  In.I,.  Valve  '  <>•     T;mi>^T.ture  sen- 
sitive metering  device.    .3,006.507.  10-31-61.  CI.  222-   •> I. 
r.auermelster.  Ki'irt :  -Sff —  „  .,v/v«  „„« 

Ja-x,  Eduard.  and  Bauermelster.    2.990,766. 
Bduger.   liouis    J.,   nnd    A.    Barthlme.    to   Societe   Nationale 
d'Etude  et   de  Construction  de   Moteurs  d'Aviation.     Jet 
propulsion  units.    2.975..'593,  3-21-61.  C\.  60—35.54. 
Baugh.  Everett  L..  J.  R.  Prior,  and  W.  J-  S£h'!"t''VWv>*o,^J^?" 
eral  Motors  Corp.     Pump  or  motor.     2,9*2.311.  .2-21-«j1, 
01.  103-161. 
Baugh.  Robert  A.:  Sfc —  »  „„„  ^^„ 

Mabrev.  I>avid  W.,  and  Baugh.    3.003.992. 
P.augh.  Robert  T. :  Srr-  .  onono.- 

KeceHoglu,  Dimitrl  15..  Baugh.  and  lloffmann.    2.9S0,34... 
Baugh    Robert  T.,  to  Allis-Chalmeis  Mfg.  Co.     Endless  track 

assembly.    2,999,581.  9-12-61.  CI.  19S— 165 
P.anu'han     Druiv    II       I0    Kevii'-lds    Motils    Co.      Container 

svstem".      2.n7h.736."  2-7-6i;  CI.   229-  ."..5 
Baiieher.  Charles  E.     rro|)eller  mechanism  for  marine  ves- 
sels.    3,000,447,  9-19-61.  CI,  170—160.43. 
Bauglier,  Thomas  E.,  and  M.  Llverant :  said  Baugher  assor. 
to   said   Elverant.      Machine   for  applying   mouthpieces    to 
cisrars.    3.007.476.  11-7 -CI,  CI.  l.^l-SS. 
Baughman.  Charles  S. :   h'cr —  „„_,  ^,« 

Schleicher.  Lowell,  and  Baughman.     2.971,916. 

12-5-61, 'CI.  32—67. 
Baum.  Melvin  E. :  .Set  — 

Dressier,  Hans,  and  Baum. 
Dressier.  Hans,  and  Baum. 
Dressier.  Hans,  and  Baum. 
Baum,  Ruth  L. :  Sec— 

Redfleld.  David,  and  Baum. 
Baum.  Santord  :  See — 

Lane.  William  B..  Baum,  Graham,  Fuller, 
Zigmau,  and  Shelberg.     2,974.520. 
Bauman,  Douglas  B.,  to  Applied  Plastics,  Inc. 

machine  for  forming  articles  from  plastic  sheet  material. 
2,974.366,  3-14-61.  CI.  18—19. 
Bauman.  Edward  E.,  to  North  Electric  Co.     Sensitive  control 

device.    2.978,614,  4-4-61.  CI.  317— 146. 

Bauman,  Malcolm  W.     Towing  harness.     2,996,218.  8-I0-OI. 

CI.   224—5. 
Bauman.  Robert  H. :  See —  o  ,.^0  ,k- 

Kellogg.  (Jeorge  E.,  and  Bauman.     2.96S,15;>. 
Kellogg,  (ieorge  E.,  and  Bauman.     2.969,040. 
B.iuman.  William  C.,  t(»  The  Dow  Chemical  Co.     Pressiinng 
means  for  lluid  distributing  systems.     2,!>08.318,   l-li-Ol, 

Baumaun.~Aibert.  to  Durkoppwerke  Aktiencesellschaft.  Con- 
vevor  distributing  .system  with  station  selector.  J.OOO.olS. 
9-19-61.  CI.  214— 11.  ^     ,  ,       .,..^ 

Baiimanii,  Albert,  and  H.  Bunten.  to  Durkoppwerke  AktuMi- 
gesellschaft.  Selective  distributing  and  conveyor  system. 
2.969.137.   1-24-01.  CI.   198—38. 

I'.auiiiann,  Albert,  and  E.  Grube.  Conveyor  system  with 
station  selector.     3.014,573,   12-26-61    CI.   198—38 

llaumann  Arthur  N.,  to  International  .Mlnenils  &  <  hemlcal 
Corp  'Preparation  of  potassium  comixuinds  from  potas- 
sium'sulfate.     2.080,504,  4-1 8-«Jl,  CI.  2:*- -«!3         * 

Baumann  Arthur  X.,  to  International  Minerals  &  Chemical 
Corp.     Treatment  of  alumluosillcates.     2.987.40.>,  0-(^-bl. 

Bauiiiann,  GUnther.  and  H.  Knapp,  to  Robert  Bosch  Gm.b.H. 

Fuel  inject  ion  arrangement  for  internal  combustion  euglneb. 

3,005.447.  10-24-61,  Cl.  123—119.  .  ,     ,• 

Baumann.  H.-inri»h,  F.  Graf,  H.   Schmidt,  and  L.  Inters 

hiifer       Method   for   the   pufificiition   of   eontaminaied 

cleaning  solvents.     2,909.404,  1-24-61.  <-l.  260— -061. 
Baumann.   Herman  P.,  to  Koppers  Co..  Inc.      Solid  vat  dye 

compositions.     2,997,302,  8-22-61,  Cl.  8—93. 
Baumann,  Karl  E.,  to  Baxter  Liboralories.  Inc.  _  Parenteral 

solution  equipment.     2,969,158,  1-24-61.  Cl.  21o— 37. 

Baumann,  Lawrence  L. :  See —  „««..!-. 

Mauthner.  Erich  G.,  Baumann,  and  Clark.     2.99J.1.i4. 

Baumann.  Martin  A.,  to  Xamax  AG.  Apparatus  for  deter- 
mining the  aimie  of  lead  for  firing,  at  aerial  objectives. 
:;.(ii  1.260.  12-5-61.  Cl.  ;?:{— 49. 

Baumann.  Roman.  Process  for  making  peanut  cheddar 
cheese.    2.989.400.  6-20-61,  Cl.  99— 116. 

Baumann  William,  to  Firma  Bama-Werk  Curt  Baumann. 
Metittarsal  foot  sui.ports.     2,978.818.  4-11-61.  Cl.  36 — il. 

Baumhach.  Gerhard  G. :  See—-        ,     .,        .      .  1    -y^^i-i 

Armitage,    Joseph    B.,    Wetzel,    Baumhach.    and    Zankl. 

I'.auinl.acli  Harlan  L..  H.  M.  Little,  apd  F.  J.  Scohey,  to  Uni- 
corn Engineering  Corp.  Light  modulating  apparatus  for 
film  priu'er.     2.!t7 1,448,  2-14-61.  Cl.  9.-)— 75. 

Baiimbach.  Harlan  L..  H.  M.  Little,  and  L.  Wargo,  to  Bell 
&  Howell  Co.  Automatic  control  device.  2,990. i62.  7-4- 
61.  Cl.  9.5—75. 

Baumhach.  Harlan  L..  and  J.  W.  Stafford,  to  Pacific  Indus- 
tries. Inc.  Vhotochromatlc  analyzer.  3,011,388,  12.-«»-01. 
Cl.  88-14. 

Bannibach.  Harlan  L.,  and  W.  Enkelmann.  to  Paciiic  Indn- 
tries.  Inc.  Strip  splicing  machine.  3.011.936,  12-5-61, 
Cl.  156 — 4S2. 

Baumelster.  Ernest  B. :  See —  n^^^^-o 

Wheelock,  Clifford  W..  and  Baumelster.     2,999,0.)8. 
Baumelster.   Heard    K.,    to   International    Bu*iiness   M  i«_hiiies 

Corp      Multi-position  electromagnetic  actuator.     .i,O0<,os»i. 

10-31-61.  Cl.  317—188. 
Baumer.   Earl  F.      Brick  package.      2j967.612.    1-10-61,   Cl. 

Baumgarten.  Aaron,  and  A.  J.  Karalls.  to  United  Stat<s  of 

America,  Army.   Control  rod  rotating  mechanLsm.   3.010.88*, 

ll_28-r,1.  Cl.  204—193.2. 

Baumgartner,  Frederick  N. :  Sec-  • 

Leverherg,  Rudolph  R..  and  Baumgartner.     J.OiS.  In. 

P.numcartn'T.    Pierre.   P.   Bedague.   and   J.   C.   P.ilnceanu    to- 
Instltut    Francals    du    Pctrole    des   Carburants    et    Lubrl- 
finnts.     Chlorine    production.    '    3,006.732,     10-31-61, 





Baamgartoer,  Bichard  A.,  U.  M.  Canfleld,  and  U.  W.  Baell. 

to  The  Carborandum  Co.    Abraaive  articles  and  mttbod  of 

making  the  same.     2,981.615,  4-25-Gl,  CI.  51—297. 
Bauiuritter  Corp.  :  Hee — 

Brown,   Daniel   C.     3.012.336. 
BaumHfeln,  Lee.  and  E.   Bien.     Pop-up  baby  bottle  warmer. 

2,992,316.  7-11-61.  CI.  I'll*— 4.;, 
Baur.     Carl,    and    C.    Otzen.    to    Agfa    Aktlengesellscbaft. 

Photographic  objecUve.     2,966,825.   1-3-61,  CI.  88 — 67. 
Baur.  Carl,  and  <,.  Otzen,  to  Agfa  Aktiengesellscbaft.     Plioto- 

rrapblc  wide  angle  objective.     2.967.459<  1-10-61.  CI.  88— 

Baur,  Carl.  E.  Burger,  and  V.  Uenl^,  to  Agfa  Aktlengesell- 
Hchaft.     Depth  of  field  Indicator  for  cameras.     3,002.440, 
10-3-61.  CI.  95 — 44. 
I-.iur.  Karl:  Hee —  | 

TriM>sr.    Albert,    Schmucker,    Maass.    Siupka,    and    Baur. 
2.994,871.  » 

Baur,  Leslie  L.,  H.  P.  Gardafee,  D.  A.  Kuester,  A.  V.  Larson, 
B.  M.  Putzer,  and  B.  C.  Leeaian,  to  FWD  Corp.     Side  load- 
ing fork  lift  truck.     2,998,891.  9-.i-<Jl.  CI.  214—021. 
Baus,  Donald  E.,  to  Fred  S.  Glcliner  Iron  Works,   Inc.     De- 
mountable running  gear.     2,968.490,  1-17-61.  CI.  280 — 3o. 
'Bausch  k  Lomb  Inc. :  ^>p — 

Blair.  Gerald  E.     2i999.819.  ! 

Bouifhton.  Olin  W.     2,971.080. 
Brunilev.  Corv^in  H.,  and  Clark.    2,979,987. 
Clark.  Jainea  A.    3,011.396. 
Emmel.  Henry  J.     2.999.42.'). 
Hensler.  Joseph  R.     2.999.339 
Kreldl.  .NCrhprt  J.,  aii.l  Weidel.     3,007.804 
OnwoKl.  Olijf  G.     2,973.8.;h. 
Peck.  William  G.     2.997^19. 
Schwartz.  John  M..  and  Ziegler. 
SheMon.  Gilbert  J.     2.975.78.'i. 
Sheldon,  Gilbert  J.     2,987,960. 
Straat,  Harold  W.     2,973,«»85. 
Bauscher,  Charles  A.  :  See — 

Kichta.  Philip  M.    2,972,191. 
Bauschlnger.  Oscar  If.  :   Hee — ■ 

Linn.   Sidney   S.,  and  Bauschinger.     2,969,680. 
Bauwin,  George  B.,  abd  F.  X.  Grossl,  to   l  uion   Starch  .■•.nd 
lC«(ining  Co..  Inc.     Soil  conditioning  with  quaternary  nitro- 
gen salt.     2.979,863.  4-18-61.  CI.  47—58. 
Baver.  riyde  B..  to  The  IJabcock  &  Wilcox  Co.     Mnltlfuel  fired 
vapor  generating;  unit.     3.013.."^0.  12-19-61,  CI.  122 — 478. 
BavU-y.  .Vbraham.  and  C.  J,  Knuth.  to  Chas.  Pfizer  &  Co.,  Inc. 
DialkyI  tin  eiK>xy-succinate  stabilizers  for  polymers  of  poly- 
vinyl  rhlorido.      2.972.593.   2-21-61.   CI.   260 — 15.75. 
Bavley,  Abraham    F.   W.   Michelottl,   and  A.  E.   Timreck,  to 
Chas.  Pfizer  &  Co..  Inc.     Epoxy  resin  compositions.     2.989.- 
500.  6-20-61.  CI.  260 — 47. 
Bavley.    Abraham,    M.    F.    Humphrey,   and    C.    J.    Knuth,    t<> 
Chas.   Pfizer  &  Co.,   Inc.     Preparation   of  citraconlc  anhy- 
dride.     2.902,236.  7-11-61,  CI.   260—346.8. 
Bavlfy.  .Abraham,  and  B.  E.  Tate,  to  Chas.  Pfizer  &  Co..  Inc. 
Process  for  the  preparation  of  l-cyano-2,3-dicarbometho.\y- 
propane.     2.992,20S,  7-11-61.   CI.   260—46.1.4  * 

B.-\vley.  Abraham.  K.  J.  Brunings.  C.  J.  ^nutb,  and  A.  E. 
Timreck.  to  Chas.  Pfizer  k  Co..  Inc.  Plastic  composition 
comprising  a  vinyl  resin  and  a  bis-N-substituted  pyrrolldi- 
none.  2.993,021,  7-18-61.  CI.  260 — 30.2. 
P.axter,  Bruw  L..  to  Reynolds  Metals  Co.  Hot  pressure 
weldwl  honpycomb  pas!raj:»'wav  panels  and  like  structures. 
2.999..30«.  9-12-61,  CI.  29 — 157.3. 
Baxter.  Qvde  W. :  See — 

Wiseman,  Neil  L.,  and  Baxter.     2.986,635. 
ll:ixftT.  Don.  Inc  ;   Scr  1 

Baptist.  Victor  H.,  and  Cherkin.    2,992,970. 
Cowlpy.  Calvin  C.    2.972,779. 

lfnlii<v.-..rth.  G..  Hpr^henson.  and  Pi>ol.     3,004,892. 
Hamilton,  Donald  A.    2.989,053. 
Hamilton.  Donald  A..  Misik.  and  Zenick.     2,998.050. 
Miirj.hy.  William  P..  Jr.     3.013.656.    I 
Baxtt^r.  Donald  J.:  .See —  1 

Monltim.  Lloyd  J.,  and  Baxter.     3,011»352. 
n.nxter  Filtration  Corp. :  See  — 

Batter.  Thomas  D.     2.998,223. 
Baxter.  G«*orge  E.  :  Ser — 

Cenker,  Moses,  and  Baxter.     3.0O5.S2i 
Baxter,  "George    W.      Table    and    lugg.nge    carrier    nssembly. 
3.<M»9.R|.',.   11-21-61.  n.  22+ — 12.01. 

Baxter.  James  G.,  and  W.  J.  Humphlett.  to  Eastman  Kodak 
Co.      Pr.-i>aration  of  Citral.      2.987,551.  6-6-61.  CI.  260- 
«01.  1  I  i 

Batter.    James    M.      Smoke   consumer.      J,998i097.    8-29-61. 
fn    183     ,'..  -  I 

Baxter.  John  C. :  See —  » 

Poel.  .N'orman  C.  Baxter,  arid  ilcKnIght.     3.000,4<?9. 
Baxter.    John    W.    to    Ry.nn    .\eronauticaI    Co.      Recoverable 

rorket  laiinchini:  unit.     3.007,372.  11-7-61.  CI.  89 — 1.7. 
Batter.  John  W.,  and  C.  V.  David,  to  Bytn  .Aeronauticnl  Co. 


Baxter,  Joseph,  Jr.,  to  The  Black-CIawson  Co.     Paper  ma- 
chinery.    3,005,746,  10-24-61.  CI.  162—199. 
Baxter  Laboratorieit,  Inc.  :  Set  — 

Barton.  Raymond  W..  aiid  Nuflfcr.     3.003,500. 
Baumanu.  Karl  E.     2,969.158. 

gerger.  Arthur.     3,01.".943. 
roman,  Cyrus  R.     2.909,063. 
Broman,  Cyrus  R.    2.909,150. 
Bromau,  Cfynis  E.    2,989,052. 
Forsyte,  Alexander.     2,995,315. 
Metz,  Henry  E.     2.969,064. 
Metz,  Henry  E.     2,969,146. 
Poitras,  Edward  J.,  and  Walter.     3,005,455. 
Beimann,  Robert  C.  and  Met/.     3,006,342.  1 

Welch.  Edward  S.,  Jr.     2,982,286. 
Wheeler,  Warren  E.     3,000,540. 
Baxter,  Richard  S.,  and  C.  F.  Aliller,  to  Socony  Mobil  Oil  Co., 
Inc.     Maintaining  substantially  constant  pressure  differen- 
tial  downstream  of  a  hydrogenating  reactor.     2,983,675, 
5-9-61,  CI.  208—212. 
Baxter.  Stanley  V.,  to  Allen  Industries,  Inc.     Embossed  rug 
cushion   and   method  of  producing   the  same.     2,971.857, 
2-14-61,  CI.  117—10. 
Baxter,  Thomas  D.,  to  Baxter  Filtration  Corp.     Valve  assem- 
bly.   2.998,223,  8-29-61,  CI.  251—309. 
Baxter,    Thomas    R.      Colostomy    or    ileosotomy    appliance. 

3,006„343.  10-31-61.  CI.  128—283. 
Baxter^   Warren   N..  and   I.  M.   Robinson,  to  E.   I.   du    Pont 
de  Nemours  and  Co.     Interpolynierizations  of  ethylene  and 
butadiene.     2.968.650.   1-17-61,  CI.  260— 85.3 
Bay,  Paul  G.,  to  The  Glldden  Co.     Synthesis  of  citral  from 
geranyl   alkyl   ethers.      3,002.025,    9-26-61.   CI.    260 — 601. 
Baybarx.   Russell   D..   to  United   States  of  America,   Atomic 
Energy    Commission.      Process    for    descaling   and    decon- 
taminating metals.     2.981.643,  4-2.')-61,  CI.  134 — 3. 
Baybick,  Solomon,  to  Radio  Corp.  of  America.     Servomotor 

damping  arrangement.     2,977,517,  3-28-61,  CI.  318 — 7. 
Bayer,  A.  J.,  Co. :  See — 

Muller,  Donald  C.     2,977,003. 
Bayer,  Eric  H. :  Sec — 

Lloyd.  Allen  IL,  and  Bayer.    3.002.746. 
Bayer,  Frank  C,  to  Thompson  Ramo  Wooldridge  Inc.     Flow 

control.    2,986.162.  5-30-61,  CI.  137—99. 
I'.ayer.  Frank  C.  to  Thompson  Uamo  Wooldridge  Inc.     Single 
lobe    washing    machine    pump.      3,008,421,    11-14-61     (1. 
103 — 83. 
Bayer,     Frledrlch.     to    Friedrlch     Grobe,    Armaturenfabrik. 

Valve  arrangement.     3,011.523,  12-5-61,  CI.  137 — 637. 
Bayer,    Gerhard,    to    Owens-Illinois    Glass    Co.      Process    of 
reacting  a  vaporous  metal  with  a  glass  surface.    3,012,902, 
12-l-2'4!l,  a.  117—33.3. 
Bayer,  Helmut :  See — 

Hauk,  Hans.  Streeck,  Bayer,  and  Bellk.     2,974',419. 
Bayer.  Otro  :  See — 

Bongard,  Wllhelm,  MUller,  Bayer,  and  Thels.    2,991,313. 
Holtschmldt,  Hans,  Bayer,  Muller,  and  NIscbk.     3,005,- 

Holtschmldt,  Hans,  Mailer,  and  Bayer.     2,999,082 
Malz,  Hugo    Bayer  and   Wegler.      2,995,568. 
Muller.  EJrwin,  and  Bayer.    2.&99.844. 
-MuUer,  Erwin,  Bayer,  and  Morschel.     2,998,403 
Muller,  Erwin,  Bayer,  and  Peterson.     3.014.894. 
NIscbk,    Gunther,    Bayer,    Holtschmldt,    and    Meckbach. 

Rons.  Ernst.  I,ober.  Bayer,  and  Scheurlen.     3.010,937 
Thoma,  Wilhelm,  Bayer,  and  Rlnke.     2,988,638. 
Weis.  Konrad,  Kleiner,  and  Bayer.    3,005,677. 
Rayer.  Richard  :   See — 

Herbert.  Wllhelm.  Elsenlohr,  and  Bayer.     2.995  511 
Bayer.  Robert  J.,  to  General  Motors  Corp.     Gas  fuel  injec- 
tion   system.      2,976,860,    3-28-61,    CI.    123 — 46. 
Ba.verlRche  Motoren  Werke  AJi.  :  Ser— 
Fihl.  Josef.     3,013,582. 
ITofmeisterr.  Wllhelm.     3,002.783. 
Bayfield.   William   A.,   to  North  American  Philips  Co..   Inc. 

Radiation  monitor.    2,976.421,  3-21-61,  01.  250—83.6. 
Bayha,  Jack  E. :  See — 

Faulkner.  Wlllard  J.,  and  Bayha.    2.979, .'?37. 
Faulkner.  Willard  J.,  and  Bayha.     2,983,513. 
Israel,  Dorman  D..  and  Bayha.    2.991,716. 
Haylerlan.  Marguerite  S. :  See — 

Irish,  Glenn  E.,  and  Baylerlan.    2,996.451. 
Bayless,  Frank  K..  and  D.  II.  Brennan,  to  General  Electric 
Co.     Motor  hrush  assembly.     2,987,639.  6-6-61.  Cl.  310y- 

Jet  nozzlp  arrangement  for  side  thrust  control 

*t-i.-i-6i.  Cl    r,n-  ?.-,,r,4.   '      ^_  1 

B.ixtf>r.   JoH»»nh.   Jr..   to   The  Black-(law8©n   Co. 

chlnery.      2.909.114.    1-24-61.  Cl.    16?     .14«. 
Baxter.     Joseph.     Jr..     to    The    Black-CIawson 

machinery.     2,976,924.  3-28-61,  Cl.  162—273. 
Baxter,   Joseph,  Jr..   to  The   Black  Clawson  Co. 

chlnery.     2,986.^34,  .V30-61,  C\.  308—187. 
Baxter.    Jo-^eph.     Jr..     to    The    Black-CUwson 

machinery.     2  99."i.310,  ^n  61.  Cl.  241—46. 

Bayley.  Elden  D..  Jr.,  to  The  William  Bayley  Co,    Building 

panel.     2.971,616,  2-14-61,  Cl.  189—34. 
Bayley.  William,  Co.,  The  :  See — 
Bayley.  KIden  D..  Jr.    2.971,616. 

naylifr,    Raymond    W.      Gramophone    pick-ups.      2,984,711, 
6-16-61.  CI.  179—100.41. 

Baynham,  John  W. :  See — 
2,995.894.  Barrer.   Richard  M..  and  Baynham.     2,972.616. 

Bayon,    Patrice    M.      Belt   with    closing   device.      2,980.918, 
Paper  ma-        4-25-61,  Cl.  2—321. 

^       '  Rays,  Carl  A.,  to  Food  Machinery  and  Chemical  Corp.    Solu- 

Co.      Paper        tlon  mining  of  trona.     2,979,317,  4-11-61,  Cl.  262 — 3. 

Bayston.  John  R..  and  T.  L.  Kuebler.  to  J.  R    Bayston.  as 
Paper  ma  trustee  of   Ice-Crafter    (Liquidating)    Trust.      Ice  making 

machine.     3.009.336,  11-21-61,  Cl.  62—344. 
Co.       I'ap<'r    Bayuk  Cigars  Inc. :  See — 

Wurman.  Morris  L.     2,989,174. 



Bayuk.  Hubert  K.,  J.  R.  Howe,  and  I).  «•  B"f 
Warner  Corp.    Cooling  package  system.    2,994.51o,  8-1-bl. 

Ba^zl;n^¥t'^i°j..  to  Radio  Corp.  of_A^erlca.  Coupling  device 
of  slot  antenna.     2.981,947,  4-2o-61,  CI.  343 — (6«. 

Bazell  Gwydon  C..  to  W.  3.  I'odbielniak.  ^  Method  of  pre- 
plrlnK  a  coke  plknt  ammoniacil  Hquor  for  processing  In 
centrifugal     extractors     to     recover     phenol.       2,9  <  1,03-. 

BSVlnlans.^' wilh^nmJ'  J.    C.    M.     Devices    for    removing 
creases  from  individual   pieces  of  fabric  by   means  of   a 
current  ot  air.    2.97tt.62o.  3-28-61,  CI.  38—2. 
Bazinet,  Wilfred  P.,  Jr. :  «ce—  o  aao  ntn 

Hicks,  John  W..  Jr..  and  BazlneL    2,992.587. 
Hicks   John  W  .  Jr.,  and  Bazinet.     2,99,.).9(0. 
Bazlnet  Wlif'Sd  P.:  Jr-./to  American  Optical  Co     Method  for 
making    fiber    optical    devices.      2,992.9o6.    7-18-61.    CI. 

Bazler.  Seward  M..  to  General  Electric  C<x     P"-"'""^*!""  f 

continuous  lam  nated  strips.     2.9.  ..e.-^O.  4-4-r,l,  (  1.  1«--^ 
Beach     Clarence    E..    V,    to    R.    R.    Stratton.    dec^sed :    M 

Striitton,  executrix.     Printing  mechanism  for  facilitating 

data  checking.     3,014,645,  12-26-61,  CI.  23a— 3. 
Beach,    Edward   J.,    to   Abbe   Engineering  Co.    .Cupr^i    *cf 

rotor  and  vacuum  stuffing  box.     3,000,614,  10-ai-6i,  ci. 

259—1 04. 
Beach.  Edward  L. :  See —  „„«-««« 

Goetz,  Alfred  K..  and  Beach.     2.967,230. 
Beach  liauge  Co.:  tice— 

Beach.  Robert  G.     2.968,475. 
Beach,  Harold  E. :  See —  „  «^,,  ,,v« 

Hurtt,  Leon  E.,  and  Beach.     3,011,109.  ^      ,  ^  „ 

Beach.   Janet  L.,  to  Hosriital   Supply  and  Development  Co. 

Drainage  bag.    3,001,565.  9-26-01,  CT.  150--1. 
Beach,  Justice  H..  to  fhe  Hoover  Co.    Electrical  control  for 

suction  cleaners.     3.002,210.  10-3-61    CI.  15— 327. 
Beach.  Leland  K.,  to  United  States  of  Amer  ca    Army.     Pur^ 

flcation  of  Isopropyl  methylphosphonofluorldate.    2,991,J0.i, 

7-4-61.  CI.  260—461.  ^         ^    t^   _.         ,         ^ 

Bench,   Leland   K.,    to   Esso   Research    and   Ej^JjinferlnK   Co. 

Process  for  cracking  dlcyclopentadiene.     3,00<.978,   ll-i- 

61.  CI.  260— fia«. 
Beach,  Lennox  F.  :  See —  .   ^u.   j    ,  ,        o  qto 

Braddon,  Frederick  D.,  Beach,  and  Chadwlck.     2,979,- 

Beach  Leixnox  F..  to  Sperry  Rand  Corp.  Limited  angular 
motion  mwhanism.     ^98,794,  ^5-61.  CI    114— 12G. 

Beach,  Robert  G.  deceased:  N.  Bro'«'°-„ "^™'l'|t''»t?l^'_fiV 
Beach  Gauge  Co.  Scale  mechanism.  2,968.4 « 5.  1-17-61. 
pj    265 71 

Beach.  William  A..  R.  L.  Burke,  and  D.  R.  Hogln.  to  E^so  Re- 
search and  Engineering  Co.  Domestic  beaUng  devices. 
3  003,546.  10-10-61.  CI.  158 — 4.  „  ^.        ,  ,      ^  ^ 

Beabham.  Harry  H..  and  I.  M.  Panlk,  to  National  LeadCo. 
Method  for  setting  keratinous  fibers.  2,989,36o,  t>-20-bl, 
/-,!    Q 127  6 

Beac'hell.  Chester  E..  to  Canadian  Patents  and  Development 
Ltd.  Sound  recording  and  reprodudng  apparatus  utiliz 
Ing    perforated    magnetic    tape.      2,990,948,    8-22-«l,    Cl. 

Beachell,"  Chester  E..  to  Canadian  Patents  and  Development 

Ltd       Adjustable   mountings   for   magnetic  heads  and   the 

like!     2,997,.-47,  8-22-61.  CI.  179— 100.2.       _,  ^      , 
Beachell    Chc'^ter  B..  to  Canadian  Patents  and  Development 

Ltd      Apparatus  for  recording  signals  on  magnetic  tape. 

3.011.032.  11-28-61.  CI.  179— 100.2.        .         ,         -,  ,^ 

Beachem.  Michael  T.,  and  J   T.  Shaw,  to  American  Cjananild 

Co      Bls-sulflnlc  acld-olefln  adducts.     2,993,932,    (-2o-61, 

CI.  260 — .'J57. 
Beachler.  Edward  D. :  See—        .      .  _     .  _  .-_  __, 

Ilornbostel.  Lloyd.  Beachler,  and  Justus.    2j992^81. 
Hornbostcl.  Lloyd,  Beachler.  and  Justus.     2,992,965. 
.liistn-s.  Kfiirar  T.,  and  Bpachler.    3,013,938. 
Beachler,  Edward  D.,  to  Beloit  Iron  WorkR.    Suction  box  with 

changeable  belt.     2.981,663,  4-25-01.  CI.  102— 2O0. 
Beachler    Edward  D..  to  Beloit  Iron  Works.     Wire  drive  roll 

mountine  and  method.     3,001,580,  9-20-01    CI.   162-^48. 
Beachler.  Edward  D..  to  Beloit  Iron  Works     Guide  for  align 

ment  of  moving  band.    3^09,364,  11-21-61,  CI.  7-^-241. 
Beachler    Edward   D..    to   Beloit   Iron   Works.     Web    ten.sion 

control  means.     3,013.707.  12-19^1.  H.  226-108. 
Bpaohler,    Edward    D.,    to   Beloit    Iron    Works.      Stock    dis- 
tributor with  adjustable  inlet, 

r.«'achler.    Edward  D..   and  J.  E. 

Works.       Slice    tip    mounting. 


Beachley.  Robert  W. :  Bee-^  „«««,/,r 

Washam,  Thomas  C  and  Beachley.     3,009,165. 

Beacom,  Robert,  to  The  National  Acme  Co.    Enlarged  chuck 
2,985,460.  5-23-61,  CI.  279—119. 

Beacon  Mfg.  Co.:  See —  

Johnson,  William  P..  Jr.    2,986.173. 
McCrarv.  William  V.     3,009,489. 
Rogers,  John  H.    2.981.297. 
Rogers.  John  H.     2,983,027. 

See — 

3,014,527.    12-26-61.    CT 

Goodwlllie,  to  Beloit  Iron 
2,971„^86.    2-14-61.    CI. 

Beacon  Production  Equipment  Corp 

Fenton.  Frank  W.     3.000.295. 
Beadle.    Stanley,   and   A.    A.   Gee,   to   Mulrhead  *  Co.   Ltd. 

Mounting     arrangement!!    for     gear     trains.       2,968.9  <1, 

1-24-61.  CI.  74—606. 

Bendling.  John  I». :  Sff —  .      ^  „  «„.  ^^_ 

Linnabory.  George  H..  and  Beadling.     3.004.60*. 

Beagan.  Michael  A..  Jr..  to  Joy  Mfg.  Co.     Adjustable  tool 

mounting.     2,975,993.  3-21-61,  CI.  248—2. 
Beagle.    Ralph    G.      Adjustable    display    and    flower    holder. 

B^et'.  Robert,  to  Radio  cirp.  of  America.     Signal  ^nerator 
having  an  output  linearly   related   to  an  input  function. 
2.998,573,  8-29-61,  CI.  331—37. 
Beal.  Carl  L.    Heat-hardening  plastic  composition.    2,971,93<J, 

2    14-01.  CI. ~  260— 23.  ^      ^     ,     ^        r.  .. 

Beal,  James  F.,  to  Robertshaw-Fulton  Controls  Co.    Domestic 

appliance  control.  2,993,976.  7725-61.  CI-  219--20. 
Beat  Keith  F.,  and  W.  D.  Schmidt,  to  United  States  of 
America.  Army.  Combustible  cartridge  case  and  method 
of  making  same^.  2.982,211,  5-2-«l.  «.  102—4^ 
Beal,  Philip  F..  Ill,  to  The  Upjohn  Co.  7-methyl-5.8(9): 
pr^gnadlpne-3,11.20-trlone  3,20-bls  ethylene  ketal  and 
process  for  the  production  thereof.  3,010,<J60,  11-28-01, 
CI.  260—239.55.  ^    ,     .  *     mv 

Beal,  I'hlllp  F.,  III.  J.  A.  Hogg,  and  R.  W.  Jackson,  to  The 
Upjohn  Co.     2-methyl-6-fluoro  compounds  of  the  pregnane 
series.    2.989.523.  &-20-61.  CI.  260— 239.55. 
Beal.    Philip   F..    111.    and   J.    A.   Hogg,   to  The   Upjohn    Co. 
9o-inethvlpreKnenes,  pregnadlenes  and  intermediates  there- 
for.    3.014,030.  12-19-61.  CI.  260—239.55. 
Beal,  Robert  E.,  to  United  States  of  America.  Agriculture. 
Method  of  preparing  inonom^ric  cyclic  unsaturated  acids. 
3.005,840.  10-24-61.  CI.  260—413.       „    ,,       ^  ,^       ,   »         , 
Beale.   Evelyn  S.   L..   to  Alan  Muntz  &  Co.  Ltd.     Internal- 
conibustion-operated.    free-piston    gas-generators.      2,874,- 
653.  .3-14-61.  CI.  103 — 46.  »,       ^     . 

Beale,  Julian  R,  A.,  and  A.  F.  Beer,  to  North  American 
Philips  Co..  Inc.  Method  of  making  semiconductor  device, 
2,980,983.  4-25-61)  a.  29-25.3.  ... 

Boall    Richard  W..  Jr.     Combined  liquid  dispensing  and  air 

venting  apparatus.     3.005,475,  10-24-61.  CI.  141—198. 
Beall.  William  R..  and  K.  F.  Oldenburg,  to  Clary  Corp    Read- 
out   system    for    a    value    registering    device.      2J?81,466, 
4-25-^1.  CI.  235 — 00.4. 
Beals.  Evelyn  J. :  See —  ^  „     ,        «  „„,  -.- 

Idol.  James  D.,  Jr.,  Tlffan,  and  Beals.     3,005,517. 
Beals.  Malcolm  D.,  and  K.  H.  Styhr    Jr     to  National  Lead 
Co.     Ceramic  glaze  composition.     2,972,543,  2-21-61,  CI. 

Beals,    Malcolm   D..   and   L.   Merker. '  to  National   Lead   Co. 

Metal      tltanate     preparation.      2.985,518.     5-23-61.      CI. 

OQ , 295 

r..-am.  Paul  K..  Jr..  and  V.  W.  Peterson,  to  Genernl  Motors 

Corp.     Lubrication  system.    2,996,146,  8-15-61.  CI.  184 — 6. 
Beam  Products  .Mfg.  Co.  :   Sre- 

Zonker.  I^wrence  ('.     3.004,070.  ,    ^     „,     . 

Beam   Walter  W.,  to  Conch  International  Methane  Ltd.    Tank 

construction.     3,007,598,  11-7-61.  CI.  220— l.-i. 
Beainan    Norman  V.,   to  The   Cleveland  Automatic  Machin*- 

Co      Pan  greaser.     2,990.036.  8-15-61.  CI.  118—2^ 
Beaman,  Norman  V..  and  R.  M.  Broomall.  to  C.  J.  Patterson 

Co.       Bowl     storage     conveyor.       2,978,096,     4-4-61.     (1. 

rvt      IOC 181 

Beamer.  Ralph  R.  Remote  controlled  steering  device  for  out- 
board motors.     3,002,398,   10-3-61.  CI.  74—512. 

Beamesderfer.  Charles  R. :  Set—  ..„„,„.,„ 

Ma.  James  L..  and  Beamesderfer.     2.967.339. 

Beamesderfer.  John  W..  and  H.  H.  Morris,  to  Southera  Clays. 
Inc.     Treatment  of  clay.     2.974,054,  3-7-61,  O.  106-^88. 

Beamon,  Howard  L..  to  Hanes  Hosiery  Mills  Co.  Automatic 
selective  doffing  device  for  knitwear  looping  machines. 
2.999.470.  9-12-61.  CI.  112—26. 

Beamon.  Roger  L. :  See — 

Heller.    Ferdinand    P..    and    Beamon.  ^  2.0Jn'.428 

Bean.   Alice   E.      Grooming   glove.      2.988.049,   6-13-61.   CI. 

<  JQ go 

Bean.  Blllv  J.,  and  J.  A.  Mayhall,  to  Westlnghouse  Electric 
Corp  "Stator  structure  for  axial-flow  fluid  machine. 
2,997.275.  8-22-61,  CI.  253—78.  ^    ,„  „,„    ,„  ,„ 

Bean   Charles  D.     Woolen  tape  condenser.     3.013.312,  12-19- 

61,  CI.  18-^151. 
Bean.  Claude  T..  Jr. :  See--  „,..,.,       „  nnn  ^n^ 

Ilardo.  Charles  S.,  Bean,  and  Rohltschek.     2.992.196. 
Rohltschek.  Paul,  and  Bean.    3,007,1>58. 
Bean.  B.  J.,  Ltd. :   See — 

Ash,  William  J.    2,990,801. 
Bean.  Morris,  &  Co. :  Sec — 

Bean.  Xarlfa  L.    2,991,267.  , 

Spier.  Carl  P.    2.983,005. 

Spier.  Carl  P.,  and  Wagner.    2,983,004. 

Bean.  Robert  S. :  See —  „  „„„„.„ 

Cavanagh.  George  C.  and  Bean.     2,980,718. 
Bean,   Theodore    S.      Ballast   tamper.     2,976.815,    3-28-61. 

CI.  104—12. 
Bean    William  T..  Jr.     Pressure  responsive  devices.     2,979, 

680,  4-11-01.  CI.  338—5. 
Bean.  Xarlfa  L..  to  Morris  Bean  &  Co.     Coated  sandand 

method  of  making  the  same.    2,991,267,  7-4-61.  CI.  26(X— 38. 

Bear  Mfg.  Co.  :  See —  ,        : 

MacMillan.  Charles  W.    2.972,256.  i  | 

Beard.  Lawrence  R. :  See —  _       ^      „  „/.•  „«- 

Du  Shane.  Wallace  H..  and  Beard.     3,002,397. 
Beard,   Richard   B..  to  Minneapolis-Honeywell  Regulator  Co. 

Apparatus  for  controlling  case  hardening  action.     -.'JMU,- 

41.'5,  4-18-61.  CI.  266—5. 
Beard.  Richard  B.,  and  E.  ^nltier,  to  Minneapolis-Honeywell 

Regulator  Co.     Gas  ainalyzlng  apparatus.    2,999,3.9,9-12- 

«1.  a.  73—23. 


BeanJ,  K<jb»Tt  B. :  Hee-  x        .  ^    „     .^, 

\Vbittak»'r,    Gevrge    A..    U  infield,    Beard,    and    Brettle. 

3.01 -'.778.  ....  J 

Beardow.  (Jeor^e   M.,    i*    t«  N.   Beardow.     Control  unit  and 

switch  u»«l  therein,     ^.WiMd,  7-1:5-61.  CI.  IJW     ao. 
Beardow,  .\>weli :  Ute — 

BearduA.  Ceorge  M.     2,U93.9tJ3 
Beartlxlee,  Wayne  L. :  Sec —  „^  .., 

•nto,  Lyle  G.,  and  Beardslee.     3,009,719. 
Beanlrfli-y,    Harold    11.      Convertible    tamp    cots.      2,973,888, 

3-7  «i,  cn.  :.-J4  -9.  .  "..... 

Beardwowl,  Joaeph  T.,  Ill,  and  A.  F.  Burger,  to  Imted  states 

of  .\uie.ica.  Air   Force.      Single-cycle-diue-wave  generator. 

::.995.7t/J,  8-S-«l.  Ci.  3_'S-    •J7  „         ,. 

Bearer,    Louis    C,    to    Phillips    Petroleum    Co.      Process    for 

producing  a  fuel  gas.     ■J,'Jb5,'>20,  5-23-61,  CI.  48— 19t;. 
B«farer,  I'aiil  J.,  and  F.  B.  Llf\%eJiyn.  to  liell  Telepliiiie  i.jiIm- 

ratories.   Inc.      Uj-durtiou  •>{  c  r.>.>s-iiii.<iulati<>n  IhIwim-u   tli<' 

output  st.ig»i»  of  adjaeviit  tiani«iiiitt«;ri*.     2,90».710.  I-IT,';!, 

CI.   1'5U      17. 
Bearfoot  Sole  C'».,  Inc.,  Tlie  :   t<rr-~ 
White,  Benjamin  I».     2.!»7!».775. 
B^aringer,  Vaq  W..  and  K.  J.  I^rsen.  to  Minneapolis  Honi-y- 


Kiectrostrictive   Vibrator 


H- 1; 


well   Kegulator  Co 

4-lH-Cl.  Ci.  321— L'. 
Beasley,  Albert  \V,     Smolje  eliminator.     2.996.143 

ri     183  -♦;. 
IJeaslev.  KrnKT  G..  Jr.  :  tiee —  I  1 

Kvan".  Thonuis  <:.,  and  P.«N»sley.     2.9S8.6()I. 
Beasley.  Hazel  C,  to  Dow  Corning  Corpl.     Procesi^  of  print 

ing  textiles  and  tlif  composition  employed  therein.     2.99'), 

230,  t;-27-tH.  i'A.  8 — •i2. 
Beasley,  Herschel  V. :  See — 

Yeo,  Ualph  B.  G..  and  Beasley.     2,992.148. 
I'.fasley,  Jo.Mjpli  !»..  and  N 

N    M.  CiMiipbell,  to  Arthur  .Vndersen 
:  and  eyilettr.     i!,UlO,597.  11-2.H  61. 

Inc.      Gj  roscopic   appar.ttus. 

hot  top'. 

Norton  C". 

CI.  218-  .5. 
Bt-a-l^-v.    'I'lioiiias    .1..    to    I^.ir 

l-.;h;s»,'>>i.  1  .'.i-oi.  CI.  74    ."..4 

B«'ii-on.  Uolwrt  <".  and  B.  F.  .Vntliony.  t»i|<»Klehay 

.Meth'Ml  and  appanttus  for  cleaning 

1_10_«I.  (1.    i.Tj — 8. 
lipaii.  Knri<-o  :   .*•'»«• — 

.N'atta.  <;iulio,  Beati.  and  Severinl.    2,972,605. 
I'.eati»n,   riarencc   K.,  and    U.    W.    llerrick.    to  Sylvania    KIi-c 

trie   Products    Inc.      Fxhaust    tul>«'   and   top  cap  assfnihly. 

2.971.111.   2-7-61.   n.   3i:{      290. 
Beaton.   Roy    II..    to  United   States  of  America.  Atomic  Kn- 

er;;y  Conuni.ssion.     .\<lsorption  of  plutonium  and,  or  rission 

pr«>ducts   from  aqueous  solution.     2,990.243.   6-27-6J.   CI. 

Beartie,  Horace  S.,  to  International  Business  Machines  Corp. 

C.-srd      feeiiing,      si'nsin<.:.      anil      translating      meclianisin. 

2.!t94.47.-..  H-1-61.  CI.  2::.l— Cl.ll. 
Beattie,  Ian  R..  and  V.  Gold.    SeparaMon  or  partial  separation 

of  components  of  a  liquid  medium.     2J99;>.016.  8-8-t!l.  CI. 

••-2-  .•)H. 
Belittle.  lti»UTt  1» .  and  J.  K.  Vivian,  to  Cabot  Corn.     Process 

["or  pr««lucinK  silicon  tetnichloride.     2A»82.620,  ^2-61.  CI. 

2."{      20.'i. 
Beatty.   Kiigene  F..  to  The  Bendix  Corp.     Power  bralce  with 

automatic  hold  feature.     2.97>«,080,  4-4-61,  01,  192 — 3. 
I'.vattv,   Guv   M.      ."*oai»  bar  witli   scrubbing  bristles.      2.979.- 

74H.  4-IS  »;i.  ci.  15—122. 
r.HUtty.   .Ii.lin    NV..   to    Inited    States  of  America,   Air   Force. 

Oblique   iiiiJiCe  comp«>n.-iating  camera.     2,!)!>5.9'.».'!.   s    1.5-61. 

n.  •»5      12.5, 
Beatt.r.   Paul   J.,  to  AddressocTaph-MultlgraplTirorp.      .\nt<>- 

matic  carriage  return  medranism  for  embossing  niai  hines. 

2.982..T.>0.  .5-2-61.  CI.  107—6.6. 
Beatt.T.  Robert  D..  Jr..  to  R.  B.  Ovlatt. 

2.987.772.  ♦5-l.'V-ftl.  CI.  18—42. 
Bratty.^KotMTt    1 1.,    to  .\nichfiii    Product 

cbanclni:  the  h<'aring  years  of  fruit 

11-61.  CM47— .".s. 

Beaty,  Clan-ncp   E..   t»   Harri-ion   ("ropsa 

connecting   nnlt.      2.973. '.53.    2-2H-«;t.  ..  ..  ,.    _      

Beauchamp.   Wilfred  A.,  to  The  Youngs^own   Steel  Door  Co 
I/it<Tallv  movable  doors  for  railway  caps,    2.975,490,  3-21- 

•u.  CI.  20—2:5. 

Wlifffd  A  .  to  The  Younzstown  Steel  Door  Co. 
2  979,780.  4-l>i-61.  CI.   20 — 22. 

A.,  to  Tbe  Youngstown  Steel  Door  Co. 
for  later.TlIv  movable  doors  of  railway 
-25-61,  Ci.  iO — 09. 

Molding  apparatus. 

Inc.     Method  for 
rees.     2.978.838.   4- 

eriCo.     Tr.'stle  leg 
•I.  |lK2— 15.5. 


'    Hallway   box  cars. 

Beaui'hamp,  Wilfred 
l-;\rrin1p.l  caskets 
cars.     2,993.243. 


I'xNiuchanip,  Wilfred  \.,  to  The  Youngs(own  Steel  Door  Co. 
s»^ilinK  nipan-i  fur  refrigerator  car  <|Jxors.  2,9J)5.7S6, 
s_l.v-c,l.   CI     20-35. 

Beaurtet.  ranilllp  :   See — 

Hoi.  Nguyen  P   B..  and  Beaudet.    3.012,042. 
'Beau'let,  Hernias  .\'.  :  Kee —  j 

Scliro«Nler,  Weslpy  D.,  and  Beaudef.  J  3.010.930. 

Ii;eaud')in,      Andre.     Core     plug,     2.935JI92.      5-23-61, 
*      2«>6 — 59.  I  ^-- 

Beandnuin.  Paul  .\. :  ."lee — 

Dussumler    de    Fonl-rune,    Pierre    H.,    and    Beaudouln. 

BoauHls,  F.dmond  R..  and  R.  H.  Cournult,  to  TUnlon  Finan- 
citTP  i'."K\trenie-«  irient,  r>jiiioiiti  (<!'ofe  Franfjiise  des 
Sonmlisi.  and  Soriete  .\uxili.aire  de  I'lnstitiit  Frnncals  du 
raoiitchoup.  Method  of  treating  tree's  and  means  for  carry- 
ing out  this  method.     2,070.401,  2-7-61.  CI.  47—37.5. 

Beaugrand,  Claude :  See — 

Tcbedltch,  Pierre,  and  Beaugrand.     2,991,432. 
Beaumann,   Raymond,   to  Ebiiuches   S.A.     Time  meter  with 

alarm   device.     3,000,172.    9-19-61.    CI.   58 — 21.13. 
Beaumont.  James,  and  M.  D.  Chamberlain    to  Koppers  Co., 

Inc.     Creosote  composition  of  improved  noiif'ability  and  its 

production.     2,988,477.  6-l»-61,  CI.  167—31. 
Beaumont,  James  O.  :  Stc — 

Barnard,   Cecil  P.,  and  Beaumont.     3,011,700. 
Beatiniout,  James  O.,  to  Hughes  Aircraft  Co.    Devices  employ- 
ing   tile    prec<>sslou  -  resonance    of    paramagnetic    media. 

:{,014.210,   12-19-61,  CI.  3^0— 34J. 
Beaumont,    Richard   W.,   to   IngersoII-Rand   Co.     Automatic 

feed    control    for    rock    drills.     2,985,249,    5-23-61,    CI. 

Beautiful  Bryaus,  Inc. :  See — 

Cobert.'  .Vrthur  J.     2.972.874. 
Beauvais.   Kainona   I'.,   to  Foster  Grant  Co':.  Inc.      Sp«>ctacle 

mask    having   a    festive    motif.      3,009,163,    11-21-61.    CI. 

Beaven,   Leslie  W.     Engine  of   the  expansion-reaction  type. 

2,981,064,  4-25-61,  CI.  60—39.34. 
Beaven,  Leslie  \V.     Rotary  radial  piston  engine.     3,003,308, 

10-10-61.  CI.  60 — 13. 
Beaver,  l»avld  J.,  and  R.  O.  Zerbe,  to  Monsanto  Chemical  Co., 

Benzylidene  biscre.sols.     2.970.151,  1-31-61.  CI.  260 — 395. 
Beaver,     Edwanl     J.       Grinder     and     attachment     therefor. 

2.979,867,  4-18-61.  CI.  51 — 125. 
Beaver,  Harry  W. :  See — 

Barfield,  Walter  B..  and  Beaver.     2,987,780. 
Beaver,  Miller  B. :  See —  ' 

.Mahoney.  Tennis.     2,987,995. 
Beaver.  Murray  W.,  and  N.  C.  Perry,  Jr.,  to  United  States  of 

.Vnierica,  Air  Force.     CW  and  pulse  amplitude  modulatiou 

analyzer.    2.991.420,  7-4-61,  Ci.  328 — 13. 
Beaver  Pipe  Tools,  Inc. :  See — 

Everett,  Charles  T.     2,985,458. 

Pealer,    Robert    B.       2,966.819.  < 

Beaver  Precision  Products,  Inc. :  See— 

.Morri>.  Waiter  H.,  and  Ander.-^on.     3,<J<»S,774. 
Propst,  Verle  V.    2,975.649. 
Sears.   IJich.inl   F,.      2.!tt;it._'22. 
Sears.  Ulcliard  E.,  and  .Morris.     2.978.920. 
Beaver,  Richard  J.,  to  United  States  of  America.  .Vtoniic  En- 
ergy      Commission.         Zirconium-cladding       of      thorium. 
3.O09.242,  11-21-<?1,  CI.  29—470. 
Beaver.    Wallace   W^   and    J.    G.    Theodore,    to   The    Brush 
Beryllium     Co.       Process     of    producing    synthetic    mica. 
2.9.'47,777.  fi-13-01,  CI.  18 — 58.2. 
Beaver,    William    L .    to   Varlan    .Associates.      Electron    beam 

discharge  apparatus.     2.991,391.   7-4-61.  CI.   315 — 3.5. 
Beavers,  Elliniiton  .M.  :  t^re-- 

Hurwitz.    .Marvin    J.,    and    Beavers.      2.990,378. 
llurwitz.  Mar\-in  J..  Craig,  and  Beavers.     2,975.152. 
O'Brien,  Joseph  L..  and  Beavers.     2.979,514. 
Beavers,   Ellington    M.,    S.   P.   Rowland,  and   R.  G.  White,   to 
Rohm  &  Haas  Co.     Method  of  epo.vidation  of  unsaturated 
esters.     2.9!t7.4S4.  8-22-61.  Ci.  260      348.5. 
Beavers.  Ellington  M.,  and  J.  L.  O'Brien',  to  Rohm^ft  Haas  Co. 
Monoepoxidation  of  esters,  monomers,  and  polymers  thereof. 
3.001,975,  9-26-01,  CI.  260—86.1. 
Beavers,  Ellington  M.,  and  J.  L.  O'Brien,  to  Rohm  &  Haas  Co. 
Selective      monoepoxidation.        3,002.004,      9-26-61,      CI. 
Beavers,  Leo  E.,  to  Eastman  Kodak  Co.     Yellow-colored  ma- 

genta-forndng  couplers.     2,983,608,  5-9-61.  CI.  96 — 100. 
Beavon,  David  K. :  See — 

Clauson,  Frank  A.,  and  Bcavon.     2,967,208. 
Beazlev,  Warren  B.  :  See— 

E.,  Beazley,  and  KrHsslg.    3,000,875. 
See — 
Lambert,  Scott,  Bebblngton,  and  Seed. 

Herbst,  John  H. 
Bebblngton,  Frank  : 
Battv.  John  W, 
2.!i7 1.952. 
Becnn.    Arthur   P. 

Bechaud.   Leslie  J., 

Refuse    cart.      2,992,011,    7-11-61,    CI. 

Jr..  and  H.  Ilartjens,  to  Xewmont  Ex- 
ploration Ltd.  Heat  treatment  and  concentration  of  oxide 
ores.     2,989,.394,  6-20-61,  CI.  75—2. 

Becher,  Elisabeth,  K.  Bernhauer,  and  G.  Wilharni.  to  Iloflf- 
ni:mn-La  Roche  Inc.  Process  for  the  conversion  of  Ix-nzimi- 
dazole-contnlning  vitamin  Bu  factor.s.  particularly  factor 
IH.  to  vitamin  Bn.     2.976.220.  .3-21^61.  CI.  19.5—114. 

Becher,  Elisabeth,  K.  Bernhauer,  and  G.  Wllharm,  to  Hoff- 
iM.-uin  L.i  Hoclip  Inc.  I'ro<'es8  for  <'onversion  of  piirlne-oon- 
talninjr    to    henzimidnzolo  containing    vitamin    B12    factors. 

2.976.221.  3-21-61,  CI.  195 — 114. 

Becher,  Elisabeth,  K.  Bernhauer,  and  G.  Wilharni.  to  Hoff- 
niann-I.a  Roche  Inc.  Process  for  the  biosynthetic  conver- 
slot,  of  lnconiplet<»  ncid  vitamin  Bu  factors  to  vitamin  B12. 

2.976.222.  3-21-61.  CI.  195—114. 
Bei-her,  Ernest  F. :  See — 

Navelle.  Ward  J..  De  Vrlers,  and  Bedi.r.     2,973.027. 

Becher.  Harold,  to  StratoMlsslles.  Inc.  Marksmanship 
trainer  and  recorder.     2,968,877.  1-24-61.  CI.  35 — 25. 

r.echer.  William,  Jr.  Hook  construction.  2,991.037,  7-4-01, 
CI.  248—211. 

Rechlk.  Michael,  to  Bechik  Products  Inc.  Tnnersprlng  mat- 
tress construction  and  relnforclnir  means  for  the  side  walls 
thereof.    2.978.714,  4-11-61.  Ci.  .5-351. 

Bechik.  Michael,  to  Bechik  Products   Inc. 
2,981,960.  5-2-61.  Ci.  5-  .T  15. 

r.echik.  Michael,  to  Bechik   Products  Inc. 
2,98'!,748.  6   6-61,  t'\.  5—34.5. 

Mattress  handle. 
Mattress  handle. 



Becbik  Products  Inc. :  See — 

Bechlk.  Michael.     2.978.714. 
Bechik,  Micliael.     2.yS1.9tfO. 

Bechlk.  Michael.    2.980,748.  „^„^i„. 

Bechler    Andre.     Automatic  lathe  with  plural  tool  spindles 
and  means  to  change  tool  spindle  speed  to  effectuate  reversal 
for  threading.     3.003.166.  10-10-61.  O.  10—136. 
Bechtel.   Robert  J.,  and  R.  M.  Brooks,  to  Hercules  Powder 
Co.     Purification  of  magnesium  nitrate  dehydrating  solu- 
tion   employed    in    nitric    acid    manufacture.      2,999,009, 
9-5-61,  CI.  23—100. 
Becbtold,  Alwyn  :  See —  ^,     ^         .  „     u*^i^      «  nnn  noo  ' 
Cathey,  Carrol  M..  Pinch,  and  Bechtold.     3.000.022. 
Bechtold.  iVledrich  W..  to  The  S.  S.  Whlte.DeiUal  MfK. 
Rotating    chair   arm    structure.      2.980.1  lO,    4-l»-oi. 




Bechtold."  Max  F.,  to  E.  I.  du  Pont  De  Nemours  and  Co. 
Process  for  coagulating  and  coalescing  acrylonitri^e  dis- 
persions in  aqueous   inorganic  salt  solutions.     ^Ut^.oii, 

Beck"  Alfred. '  Apparatus  for  cutting  uniform  pitch  threads 

on    a    hlank    of    cylindrical    and^  conical    configuration. 

2  979.741.4-18-61,01.10 — 105.  ^         «.,._. 

Beck,  Andrew  J.,  to  Caterpillar  Tractor  Co.     EarttmOTliuf 

scraper  with  improved/apron  controL    2,984,027,  5-10-01, 

pi    oV 129 

Beck,  Arnold  H.  W.,  to  Intenuitional  Standard  Electric  Corp. 

Electron    discharge    devices.      Be.    25,070,    10-3l-oi,    ci. 

Beck  Arnold  H.  W.,  to  International  Standard  Electric 
Corp  Thermionic  cathod.«.  3.013,171,  12-12-61.  01. 
313 go 

Beck,  Arnold  H.  W.,  D.  C.  Rogers,  and  P.  F.  C.  Burke,  to  In- 
ternational Standard  Electric  Corp.  Electron  gun  for  elec- 
tron  discharge  tube.     2,974,246,  5-7-61,  CI.  313—84.^ 

Beck.  Charles  E. :  'See— 

Goss.  Wilbur,  Beck,  and  Er^ood.     2.968.242.      _  ^,  _._ 

Beck  Cyrus.  Automatic  dead  reckoning  system.  3,001,710, 
9-^6-^,  Cl.  235—186.  _        „.,_*,.,. 

Beck.  David  C.  to  Liberty  Folder  Co.  Buckle  type  folding 
machine.     2.997,295,  8-22-61,  CI.  270— «2. 

Beck,  Donald  :  See —  „„„,.„„ 

Shull.  Gilbert  M.,  and  Beck.    2.995  496. 

Beck  Donald,  and  G.  M.  Shull.  to  Chas.  Pfizer  &  Co..  Inc. 
Ilydroxvlatlnp  12o-deoxy tetracycline  with  ascomyceteae. 
2,970.087.  l-.'U-Ol.  CI.  195 — 80. 

Beck,  Frances.  Memorial  Fund.  The :  Set — 

Beck.  William  C.    2.983,271.  *       *  . 

Beck.  George  R.  Building  element  for  toy  structures. 
2.984,935.  5-23-61,  CI.  46 — 25.       ,      ,^     ^  ^,         ,.   _ 

Beck.  Harold  R..  and  R.  S.  Poplin,  to  Lockheed  Aircraft  Corp. 
Electro  thermal  valve.     2,9§8.018,  8-29^1   CI.  137— 74 

Berk.  John  M.  Precision  seed  planter.  2,980,043.  4-18-01. 
CI.  111—77. 

Beck.  John  S.  H. :  See—       „  „„^  ^, 
Trelford.  Franklyn  B.    2,995.991 . 

Beck.  John  W.,  to  International  Business  Machines  Corp. 
Data  transmission.     3.001.140.  9-19^61.  CI.  328— 135 

Beck.  Julius  S.  Slush  pump  piston.  2,975,011,  3-14-61^01. 
309 4 

Beck,  Julius  S..  to  J.  E.  Hill.  Extensible  drill  coUar. 
3.001.590,  9-26-61.  CI.  175—300. 

Beck.  Kenneth  H..  to  Mlnneapolis-noneywell  Regulator  Co. 
Phototransistor  modulating  apparatus.     2,967,279,  1-3-61, 

Beck,  Kenneth  H.,  to  Minneapolis-Honeywell  RPKH??i2f  «?!?• 
Series-energized  cascaded  transistor  amplifier.  J.9»»,as4. 
{»_12-61.  CI.  330 — 18.  „    _  „ 

Beck,  Kenneth  H.,  and  G.  C.  Rein,  to  Mlnneapolls-Honeywrfl 
Regulator  Co.     Facsimile  systems.     2,989,586,  6-20-61,  Q\. 

Beck.    Leonard  !R..    to   Studebaker   Hydraulic   Products   Co. 

Al^-hydraullc  apparatus.    2,979.903,  4-18-61    CI.  60^-54.5. 
Beck,     Louis.       Circulating     units     for    paint     preheaters. 

2.970.813,  2-7-61.  CI.  257—254.  ^ 

Beck,  Peter  M.    Dental  mirror  wiper  attachment.    2,9<3,o41, 

3-7-61,  CI.  15—250.15.  ■  „   ^         „     ..     * 

Beck.    Richard,    Jr..    to   McCulloch    Corp      Marine   Products 

Division.     Proportional  mixing  tank.     2,971,673,  2-14-61, 

Beck.  R"obert  M..  O.  W.  Falrchild.  V.  P.  Magnuson.  and  M. 
Palevskv.  to  The  Bendlx  Corp.  Digital  differential  analy- 
zers.    31007.640.  11-7-61.  CI.  5.35— 452. 

Beck.  Robert  M.,  O.  W,  Falrchild,  V.  P.  Magnuson,  and  M. 
Palevsky,  to  The  Bendlx  Corp.  Digital  differential  analy- 
zers.    3.007.641,  n-7-61,  n.  235— 1.->2. 

Beck,  Rudolph  C.  Vacuum  release  valve.  2,981,279.  4-25-61, 
CI.  1 37-— 480. 

Beck.  Warren  R.,  and  C.  P.  Tung,  to  Minnesota  Mining  and 
Mfg.  Co.  Light  filtering  high-index  glass  elements. 
2,992.122.  7-11-61.  CI.  106—83. 

Beck,  William  C.  to  Sterling  Precision  Corp.  Methwl  «f 
detecting  small  holes  In  rubber  gloves.  2,981,886,  4-25-61, 
Cl.  324 — 54. 

Beck,  William  C.  to  The  Frances  Beck  Memorial  Fund.  Sur- 
gical mask.     2.983.271,  5-9-61,  Cl.  128—146. 

Beck,  William  R.,  and  W.  O.  Bunchak.  to  Goodman  Mfg.  Co. 
Wheel  mounting  for  shuttle  cars  and  the  like.  3,002.763. 
10_3_01,  Cl.  280—96.1. 

r,eckailolph.  Richard  :  See —  ^    _ 

Nlclas.  Walter,  and  Beck.ndolph.    2,967,564. 
Nlclas.  Walter,  and  Beckadolpb.    2,997,094. 

577037— P 5 

Beckadolpb,  Richard,  to  Continental  Gumml-WerkeAkUenBe- 
sellschaft.     Pneumatic     tire.     2,976,905,      3-28-«l,     ci. 

jjjo 354 

Beckadolpb,'  Richard,    to   Fi™a,  ContinentalGumml-Werke 

Aktiengesellschaft.     Tire.     2,986,191,  5-30-61,   Cl.   15.2— 


Becke,"   Mareot.    to   Job.   A.    Benckiser,   G.m.b.H.    Chemisdhe 

Fabrik.      Polymeric   compounds.      3,002,807,    lO-J-61,   Cl. 

23 14 

Becke,    Margot,    nee    Goehring,    and    E.    Fluck^    to    Job.    A. 
Benckiser,   G.m.b.H.,  Cbemlsche  Fabrik.      Process  of  pro- 
ducing pyrophoBpboryl  chloride.     3,014,786,  12-26-61,  Cl. 
Beckelman,  Bernard  F. :  See —  ^     „     ,    , 

Truly,     Richard    H.,     Jr.,     Bonlfad.     and     Beckelman. 
Becker.  Augu.'^t :  See —  „  „„^  .„  , 

Riegger.   Paul.   Vogtlin.  and   Becker.     2.982,.i94. 
Becker,  Bernard  B..  to  Lewis-Shepard  Co.     Hydraulic  nose 

take  up.    2.978,129,  4-4-61,  Cl.  214—653. 
Becker.  Cliarles  H.,  and  C.  W.  Cochran,  to  Lnited-Carr  t'M- 
tener   Corp.      Fastening   device.      3,007,725.    11-7-61^    Cl. 

OH? 20  5  * 

Becker,  Dale  F..  and  {*.  Kurt,  to  Sangamo  Electric  Co.     Sin- 
gle stator  watthour  meter  for  polyphase  systems.     2.997.- 
053.  8-22-61.  Cl.  324—107. 
Becker,  Eugene  :  See —  .    .„  ,      . 

Barbieri,    Donald    B.,    Becker,    Dalton,    and    Galowin. 
2  975  225 
Becker.  Eugene,' to  Olln  Mathieson  Chemical  Corp.     Method 
of  burning  boron  containing  fuels  in  a  jet  engine  to  mini- 
mize boron  oxide  deposits.     2.986.876,  6-6-61,  Cl.  60 — 35.4. 
Becker.  Eugene,  to  Olln  Mathieson  Chemical  Corp.     Operation 
of  Jet  engines  to  decreai»e  boric  oxide  deposits.     3.006,141, 
10-31-61.  Cl.  60—35.4.  ^    ^  _.        ^  „ 

Becker,  F^oyd  K..  to  Bell  Telephone  Laboratories,  Inc.     Non- 
linear Integrating  control  circuit.     2,982,885.  5-2-61.  Cl. 
Becker.  Floyd  L. :  See—  ^  «     ^     «„««.^^o 

Abler.  Robert  A..  Becker,  and  Clifford.    2.999.448, 

Wittemeier,  Hans-Joachim,  and  Becker.     2,988,168. 
Becker.  George  D.,  and  K.  B.  Lowe,  to  Nordberg  Mfg.  Co. 

Variable    actuator    for    screens,    feeders    and     the    like. 

2.977.809.  4-4-61.  CL  74— 87.  ^  ^,     ^^         ^,,      ^ 

Beckei".   George  D..   and  K.   B.  Lowe,   to   Nordborg   Mfg.   Co. 

Screen  and  vibrating  means  therefor.     2,994,431.  8-1-61, 

n.  2on    .167. 

Becker,  Gustav  :  See — 

Hoffmann,  Karl-Helnz.  and  Becker.    2.9«7.i97. 

Becker.  Heinz.  Apparatus  for  emptying  and  flushing  vMseu 
for  pastv  siil.stanc's.     3,0Oy.fil9,  lJ-21-61,  Cl.  2:i;t— -J^.-i. 

Becker.  Hermann.  Method  for  making  a  plastic  thread. 
2,985,503,  5-23-61,  Cl.  18 — 54.  ^         ,    ^        ^ 

Becker.  Howard  I..  Jr.,  to  General  Electric  Co.  Automatic 
direct  paging  system.     2,985,719,   5-23-61,  Cl.  179—1.      . 

Becker,  Irene:  See—  „  „«o  «,/v 

Young.  Raymond  L.  and  W.  P.    3  968,810. 

Becker.  Jacob.  Combination  lawn  edger  and  hedge  trimmer. 
3  006.1 27.  10-31-61.  Cl.  56—25.4. 

Becker.  Johannes:  See--  „««,  ..^« 

Bouwers,  Albert,  and  Becker.    3,001.446. 

Becker.  Johannes,  to  N.V.  Optlsche  Industrie  de  Oude  pelft. 
High  aperture  objective  of  the  Gauss-type.  2,985,071, 
5-23-61,  Cl.  88 — 57.  »,  „    ^  ..     w     t 

Becker.  Johannes,  and  H.  W.  Bulthuis,  to  N.V.  Optlsche  In- 
dustrie de  Oude  Delft  Optical  lens  system  having  a  rela- 
tive aperture  larger  than  f/1.  2,978,957,  4-11-61.  Cl. 
QQ 57 

Becker,  John  E.  Fluid  couplings.  2.988,006.  6-13-61,  a 
103—115.  ^       ,  ^  ,.  V.         * 

Becker,  Joseph,  to  Koppers  Co.,  Inc.  Coke  quenching  sta- 
tions and  methods.     2,975,106,  3-14-61.  Cl.  202—37. 

fi^ker.  Joseph  A.,  to  Bell  Telephone  Laboratories.  Inc. 
Radiant-energy  translation  system.  3,011,058,  11-28-61. 
Cl    ''50 83  3 

Becker",  Milton.  M.  Cutler,  and  J.  R.  Gllessman.  to  Hughes 
Aircraft  Co.  Semiconductor  device  and  method  of  making 
same.     3.001.894,  9-26-61.  Cl.  148— 1.5. 

Becker,  Mitchell,  and  R.  S.  Barker,  to  Scientific  Design 
Co  Inc  Preparation  of  maleic  anhydride  and  catalyst 
thereof.     2.967.18.").  1-3-61.  Cl.  260—346.8.^ 

Becker,  Myron,  to  Socony  Mobil  Oil  Co..  Inc.  Pyrrolidone  de- 
icer  In  gasoline  fuels.     2.978.303.  4--4-61.  a.  44—63. 

Becker.  Otto  A.  Apparatus  for  operating  drawers  or  the 
like  m  a  desk,  cabinet  or  the  like.  3,005.672,  10-24-61. 
Cl.  312—223. 
Becker,  Otto  A.,  and  G.  P.  Blazs,  to  The  Garrett  Corp  Nutat- 
ing disk  type  fluid  operated  motors.  2,997,000,  8-22-61. 
Cl.  103 — 133. 

Becker,  Peter  A. :  See — 

WlUyoung,  Dajld  M.,  and  Becker.    2,986,664. 

Becker  Phllio  D.,  to  United-Carr  Fastener  Corp.  Self-thread- 
ing sheet  metal  nut.     2.969.705.  1-31-61.  Cl.  S.V- 36. 

Becker.  Reynolds  G.,  to  United  States  of  America,  Army. 
Helicopter  cargo  pickup  device.  3,005.653,  10-24-61,  Cl. 

Becker.  Robert  E.,  to  lx)gan8port  Machine  Co.  Air  yalTe. 
2.991.800,  7-11-61.  Cl.  137 — 596.2. 

Becker.  Robert  E.,  to  Loganaport  Machine  Co.,  Inc.     Pneu- 

I      matic  control  unit.     2.998,021,  8-29-61,  Cl.  137—116.5. 



Becker  Robert  E.,  to  Logansport  Machine  Co.  Differential 
preMure  air  vaUe.     2.9y».(ri6.  8-:Jy-61.  CI.  137— «22. 

Becker,  Robert  E.,  to  Logansport  Machine  Co.,  Inc.  Air 
bleeder  valve.     3.{K»»,»y»t>.  11-14-61.  CI.  1.'51— 31'0. 

Becker.  Robert  F.,  and  B.  L.  Smiley,  to  MinneapolU-Honey- 
wel.  Regulator  Co.    Switch  apparaius.    J,001,41..  9-26-61, 

CL  74— Zm.  ^   «r    ™,    .,  _. 

Becker,  Robert  H.,  D.  L.  Johnson,  and  W.  T.  Martin,  to 
American  Cyanamld  Co.     Tow  guide.     2,991,502,  7-11-61, 

Ol     1  ft      H 

"    —   ,j,    j,t^tjn^  and  L.  J.  I'onson,  to  Aineri- 
Two-processing  apparatus.     3,007,2l'5, 

Becker,  Robert  11.,  W 

can  Cyanamld  Co. 

ll-7-«l,  CI.  2>i—l 
Becker,  Robert  H^  W 

can  Cyanamid  Co. 

tary  material. 
Becker,  Rodger  F, 

T.  Martin,  and  L.  J.  Ponson,  to  Amerl- 
Mettiod  of  processing  a  tow  of  filanien- 
3,007.J-'6.   11-7-61.  CI.  1'8 — 76. 
to  Aero-Motive  Mfg.  Co.     Reel  lock  with 

quick   release.      2.969.932.   1-31-61.   CI.   242— 107. ». 

•Becker.  Rodger  F.,  to  Aero-Motive  Mfg.  Co.  Lniversal  con- 
nector.   3.006.674.  10-31-61.  CI.  287^92.    ,       ,      ^ 

Becker.  Rodger  F..  to  Aeromotive  Mfg.  Co.  I're-load  control 
for  a  coil  spring.     3.W»7.6,'>3.   11-7-61,  CI.  242-107.5 

Becker.  Rudolf,  to  Gesellschaft  fur  LInde's  Elsmaschlnen 
Aktiengesellschaft.  Low-temperature  rectifying  plant  for 
acetylene-containing   gas   mixtuns.     3,009,328,    11-21-61, 

Becker    Sylvan  J.,  to  Borg-W'arner  Corp.     Thermostatically 

controlled  clutch.     2,986,250.  5-30-61.  CI.  192—82. 
Becker.   Sylvan  J.,  and  R.  J.  Settimi,  to  Borg-Warner  Corp, 

Transmission.     3,012,445,  12-12-61,  CI,  74—217. 
Becker,  Wllhelm  :  -See —  ^    „ 

DeliuM.  Hermann,  and  Becker. 
Becker.  Wllhelm.  F.  Schmeissmeier,  K.  Feja,  and  W.  Schus- 
ter.    Conveyor  trains.     2,979.184.  4-11-61,  CI.  198—109. 
Becker,    Wllhelm    F.    K.      Device   for   location   of    surfaces. 

2,986,924.  6-6-61.  CI.  73—37.5.  _  ,,  ^, 

Becker,   William  E.,  to  Bacon  Kelt  Co.    j  Composite  polishing 
member  and  method  for  making  same.     3,013,360,   12-19- 
61.  CI.  51—195. 
Becker,    Willy,   to   Rhelnmetall   Aktlengesellschaft.     Control 
means  for  the  number  printing  mechanism  of  a  calculating 
dcTlce    for    an    office    machine.       2,973,708,    3-7—61,    CI. 
101 — 95. 
Beckerich,  John  F..  to  Collins  Radio  Co.    Variable  bandwidth 
and  center  fre<juency  receiving  scheme.     2,998,517,  8-29- 
61,  CL  250—20. 
Beckers.    Han%    to    W.    Reiners.      System    for   testing   and 

sorting  coil  cores.     2.980.250.  4-18-61,  CI.  209—75. 
Beckert,  Ernst :   See — 

Hi.fmann.  Jlrlrh.      3.004.660. 
Beckett,  Donald  E.  and  W.  N.,  to  Beckett-Harcnm  Co,     Ball 

Talve.     2,985.191.  5-23-61,  CI.  137 — 624. 
Beckett-Harcum  Co. :  Hee — 

Beckett,  Donald  E.  and  W.  N.     2,985,191. 
Beckett.  John  C. :  Sec- 
Hicks.  William  W..  and  Beckett.    2.972,680. 
Beckett,  William  N. :  See —  , 

Beckett,  Donald  E.  and  W.  N,     2.9^5,191. 
Becklngton,  Arthur  R. :  See — 

Morris,  Charles  W.,  and  Becklngton.     2.974,900. 
Beckius,   Ivar.  and  A.   Uim.  to  Alhuanna   Svenska   EU-triska 
Aktiebolaget.      Protection    means    against    corona    of    livo 
parts    in    electric    vacuum    mqlting    furnaces.      3,008,027, 
11_7_61,  CI.  219—10.79. 
Beokley.  Arthur  H.,  to  Moore  Dry  Kiln  Co.     Discbarglns  as- 
sembly for  kiln  loads  of  lumber.     2,970.704,  2-7-61,  CI. 
214 — 8.5. 
Beckman.  Edward  L.     Apparatus  for  forming  holes.     3,004,- 

320.  iO-17-«i.  ri.  25^r-'S 
Beckman,  Ernest  C,  to  Modem  Metal  Products  Co.    Deck  lid 

latch.    24)77,785.  4-4-61.  CI.  70 — 141. 
Beckman  instruments.  Inc.  :  See — 
Anthon.  Erik  W.     2.985,873. 
Arthur.  Edwin  P.,  an.MJiUnont.     2.968,535. 
Braymer.  .Noel  B.    2.972,067. 
Braymer.  Noel  B.    2.978.625, 
Colburn.  David  S.     :{.<X)5,144 
Gale.  George  P,     3.009,390. 

Greene.    William   K..   and   Knhlnson.     3,006,194. 
Ganning.  WlUlam  F.    2.986,654. 
Henderson.  BUlle  D.    2,992.588. 
Hinrichs.  Karl,  and  White.     3.011.132. 
Molloy.  Everett  W.     3,011.059. 
Molloy,  Everett  W.,  and  Braymer.     2,970.266. 
Prest.-n,    Howard    (;       2.»y ».>'«;2. 
,  Sarage,  Lester  D.,  Jr.,  and  Stlckney.     2,984,109 
Sfrlckler.  Allen.     2,967,74?> 
Thomason,  Thomas  H.     2,988,275. 
Be<Aman.  John  H..   to   Union  Carbide  Corp.     Apparatus 
--'  -  9r"  —  ~ 

circuit.    2,999,948, 

968,163.  1-17-61, 

storing  and  dispensing  liquefied  gases. 
CI.  62^51.  I 

Beckman.  John  H..  and  E.  H.  Kemp,  t«  I7nion  Carbide  Corp. 
Method  and  apparatus  for  supplying  liquefied  gas, 
2.970,452.  2-7-61.  OU  62—01. 

Beckman,  Paal.  Electrical  resiRtance  type  thermometer. 
3,000.171.  10-17-8J  CL  338—28. 

Beckman,  Richard  H. :  See — 

Wllllama.  Alexander  W..  Beckman.  and  Mook.    3,001,878 
Beckman  A  Whitley.  Inc. :  See— 

Buck,  Wniard  E.     2,968,989. 

Back,  Wlllard  E.     2.999.420. 

Buck.  Wlllard  E.     3.006.250. 

Buck.  Wlllard  E.    3.007.384. 

Buck.  Wlllard  E.,  and  Teeple,  Jr.    2,968,090. 

Beckman,  William  R. :  iSee — 

Crooks,  Charles  B..  and  Beckman.    2,983,255. 

Beckmann.  Charles  O..  H.  C.  Klein,  and  R.  liritttth,  to  Nopco 

Chemical   Co.      Process   for   obtaining   D(-)-a-hydroxy-p,^- 

dimethyl-^-butyrolactone.      2,967,869,    1-10-61,    CI.    260 — 


Beckmann,  Hans.     Method  of  conserving  fresh  fish.     2,987.- 

404,  6-6-61,  CI.  99 — 195.  * 

Beckmann,  Herbert  K. :  See — 

Greenwood.  Marvin  H.,  and  Beckmann.     2.989,922. 
Becknell.  James  L.,  and  D.  M.  Papa,  to  Cutler-Hammer.  Inc. 

Selector  device.      3,012,115,    12-5-61,   CI.    200—83. 
Beckner,  Donald  O.,  and  W.  E.  Lamlein,  to  Slmonds  Saw  & 
Steel   Co.      Manufacture   of   inserted-tooth    saw    bits   and 
shanks.     3,004,902.  10-17-61,  CL  204 — 23. 
Beckner,  Wilbur  R.,  Jr.,  to  Landis  Machine  Co.     Work  han- 
dling means  comprising  movable   chute  sections   to  allow 
indexing  of  work  chuck  in  a  tapping  machine.     2,981,962. 
5-2-61.  CL  10 — 139. 
Becks,  Donald  A.     Side-cart  attachment  for  bicycles.     3,013,- 

814,  12-19-61,  CL  280 — 203. 
Beckson  Mfg.  Co. :  See —  ' 

Sisson,  Earl  L.     3,006.282. 
Becktel,  Jack  M..  F.  E.  Kuester,  and  E.  Fritz,  to  Swift  &  Co. 
Stabilized  halogenated  oils.     3,008.833,  11-14-61,  CL  99— 
Beckwell,  George,  to  The  Cal-Dak  Co.     Collapsible  bed  raiU 

2,991,487,  7-11-61,  CL  6—331. 
BeckwithpArden  Inc.  :  See —  1 

Gamfin.  John  H.    2,970,331.  ' 

Beckwitn,  John  B.,  to  Associated  Spring  Corp.    fluid  cooled 

spring  device.     2,977,109.  3-28-61.  CL  267—1, 
Beckwltb,  Robert  \N.     Signal  transmission  circu 

9-12-61.  i\\.  307 — 88.5. 
Beckwith.    Sterling,    to    Conch    International   Methane   Ltd. 
Purge   means   for  storage   tank.     2,986.010.   5-30-61,   CI, 
62 — 40. 
Beckwith,  Sterling.   Polycopter.  3,002,712,  10-3-61,  CL  244 — 

Beckwith,    Sterling,    to    Conch    International   Methane   Ltd. 
Cold   boiling  liquid   storage  tank    relief   valve.     3.008.483, 
11-14-«;i,  CI.  137 — 375. 
Beckworth,  Dixie.     Reusable  pressurized  canister.    2,976,897, 

3-28-61,  CL  141—17. 
Becnel,  Lawrence  F. :  See — 

Hill,  .\lfred  H.,  Becm«l.  and  Ta.ssin.     2.967,538. 
Becorlt  Grubenausbau  G.m.b.H. :  See — 

Weissmann,  L£on,  and  Volpert.    2,981.199.    .. 
'  Becton  Dickinson  and  Co. :  See- 
Buck,  James  R.     3,012,752. 
Cappel,  Leona  R.  and  N.  O.    3,010,875. 
Flynn.  Vlcent  J.     2,997.043. 
Henderson,  John  A.,  and  Howard.    2,995,334, 
Holderith,  William  J.    2,996,105. 
Bedacue.  Pierre  :  See — 

Baumjjartner,       Pierre,       Bedague,       and       Balaceanu. 
Bedard.  Eugene  J.,  D.  F.  Lippincott,  and  C.  H.  Xlckell,  to 
The   WheTand  Co.     Drive  for  reciprocating  power  pumps 
and  the  like.     2,999,401,  9-12-61,  CI.  74—801. 
Bedard.  Roger  E. :  See — 

Goyette,   Francis  H..  and  Bodard.     2,987,051. 
Bedding  Manufacturers  Associates,  Inc. :  £fee — 

Freeman,  Morris  M.     2,975.437. 
Bede.  Bela.  to  New  Electronic  Products  Ltd.    Electric  relays. 

2.985,735.  5-23-61,  Cl.  200—103. 
Bedell.  John  R. :  See — 

Precht,  Walter^Geckle,  and  Bedell.    3,004,907. 
Bedell.  Karl  L.,  and  C.  R.  Fields,  to  Williams  Furnace  Co. 
Sealed    heater    venting    system.      2,998,764,    9-5-61,    Cl. 
1      OH— 62. 

'  Bedell.  Sidnev  J.,  to  Pltegoff  Bros.,  Inc.    Brushes.    2,993,221, 
7-25-61.  Cl.  15—193. 
Beder,  Oscar  :  See — 

Cohen,  Arnold,  and  Beder.     2,088,229. 
Bedettt.  Suzanne.    Collapsible  baby  pot.    3,002,194,  10-3-61. 

CL  4 — 111. 
Bedford.  Alda  V..  to  Radio  Corp.  of  America.    Picture  signal 
aperture  compensation.     2.989,587.  6-20-61.  Cl.  178—7.2. 
Bedford  Gear  and  Machine  Products, ,  Inc. :  See —  i 

EtcheM,  Howard  L.     2.96J?.10O.  | 

Bednar.  William  A.,  and  R.  D.  Crawford,  to  Research  Un- 
limited. Inc.     Toy  rocket.     2.993.297,  7-25-61.  Cl.  46^74. 
Bednars,  Charles:   See — 

Patton.  James  L..  Stanford,  and  Bednars.     3.007.862. 
Smifh.  Martin  R..  and  Bednars.      3  00r..S40 
Bedner.  Jnllus  W.     Continuous  mixing  machine  for  concrete 
and  similar  substances.     2,989.291,  6-20-61,  Cl.  259 — 174. 
Bedner.  Julius  W.     Pile-driver  with  a  hydraulically  operated 

pile  rammer.     3,009.622.  11-21-61.  CL  175 — 152, 
Bedortha.    Lawrence  T..   and  J.  W.  Halllwell,   to  Halortha 
Engineering  Co..  Inc.     Belt  Bander.     2.976,652.  3-28-61. 
a.  51—170. 
Bedson.  Joseph  II..  Jr. :  See — 

Huff.  James  W.,  and  Bedson.    2,967.563. 

Bee  Chemical  Co. :  See — 

Roney.  Charles  F.    2.990,386. 

Bee  and  Gee  Mfg.  Co.,  Inc. :  See — 

McCartan,  Thomas  F.    2,986,201. 

Bee  Line  Co. :  See — 

Jacobsen.  I>e  Roy  V.    2.968,185. 

Beears,  Warren  L. :  See — 

Roha,  Max  E..  and  Beears.     2,977,381. 






Beebe.  Austin  H.,  Jr. :  See —  j  t.    k       ••  orb  nnn 

Probst,  Robert  L.,  Karp,  Sayre  and  Beebe     -.968  00- 

Beebe.  BUlie  B..  to  lieebe  BroS-^pulde  attachment  for  in 
dustrial  stapling  machines.    2,994,S83,  8-S-61.  CI.  1—331 

Beebe  Bros. :  See — 

Beebe,  BUlie  B.    2,994.883.     _  „   ,    „       _ 

Beebe,  Herbert  R.,  to  American  Doll  &  Toy  Corp 
dolls.     2,996.837,  8-22-61,  CI.  46—149. 

Beebe.  Herbert  R.,  to  American  Doll  &  Toy  Corp 

doll.    2,996,838,  8-22-61,  CI.  46 — 149.  o        ., 

Beebe,  Herbert  R..  to  American  DoU  &  Tov  Corp.  ^Sound  pro- 
ducing devices.     3.001,323.  9-26-61,  CI.  46—187. 

Beebe.  Herbert  K..  and  H.  llarvey.  to  American  l»oll&  Toy 
Corp.    Toy  figure  with  articulated  feet.    2,994,157.  8-1-61, 

Beebe    John*N.,  to  Raytheon  Co.     Echo  distance  measuring 
systems.    2,9^2,731.  2-21-61,  CI.  340— 3. 

Beebe,  Richard  D. :  See —  ^  «    w        -inn  f\Ai\ 

De  Remer,  John  B..  Slpe,  and  Beebe.     3.011,040. 
De  Itemer.  John  B..  Sipe    and  Beebe.     3,013.624. 

Bcebee,  Brian  H..  to  Dunlop  kubber  Co.  Lt^b«'^/?r'£.iT«i 
the  manufacture  of  pneumatic  tires.     2.996,10a,  »-io-oi, 

rn      154 Q 

Beeber,  Allan  R.  A„  Keuffel  &  Esser  Co.     Measuring  tape. 

2.994  958.  8-8-61,  CI.  33 — 37.  ^     «,-,:, 

Beeber,  Allan  R.  A.,  and  D.S.Spechler,  to  Keuffel  AEsser 

Co.     Drawing  material.     2.999.016.  9-6-61    CI.  96— .6. 
Beeber,  Kenneth  H.,  to  Ward  Leonard  Electric  Co      Speed 
regulator  for  motor  driven  generators.    2,985.815,  &-23-61, 
CI.  322 — 32. 
Beech  Aircraft  Corp. :  See— 

Holben.  Clair  D.     2.980,448. 
Beech,  Geoffrey  W. :  See-- 

Abberley.  John  C,  and  Beech.     2,984.270.  „_,„,. 

Beech.   James   F.      Cleaning  apparatus  for  paint  applicator 

rollers  «nd  the  like.     2.968.824,  1-24-61,  CL  15 — 1. 
Beechnm  Research  Laboratories  Ltd. :  See— ^ 

Johnson.  David  A.,  and  Hardcastle.     3.008,955. 
Nettleton.  Donald  E.,  Jr.,  Hooper,  Johnson,  and  Hard- 

Beecherr^Henry"  C.  '   Cop   winder.     3,000,581.   9-19-61,   CI. 

240 27 

Beecher,    Norman,    to   National    Resesrch   Corp,     Pumping 

device.    2,985.366,  6-23-61,  CI.  230—69. 
Beede,  Arnold  H..  A.  P.  C!awl.  and  R.  C.  Lampe,  to  Electrolux 
Corp.    Combined  handle  and  electric  plug  retainer.    2,97u.- 
391,  3-14-61.  CI.  339->-91. 
Beederman,  Morris  :  See — 

Vogler.  Sevmonr,  and  Beederman.    2,982.600. 
Beegan,   David'  T.,   and   H.   O.   Boss,   to   Borg-\\arner  Corp. 
Differential    >  adjustment      for      precision      instruments. 
2,977,802,   4-4-61,  Cl.  73 — 432. 
Beehler.  Vernon  D. :  See — 

Noble,  Stuart  D.    3,002,707. 
Beek.  Joseph  A.,  Jr.  :  See —  „     „  /»/*.»  oon 

Hagen.  (Jlenn  E..  Williams.  Beek.  and  Russell.    3.007,639. 
Beeler,  Martha  A.,  and  M.  E.  Gager.  to  General  Electric  Co. 
Method  of  making  cathode  ray  tube  screens.     2,992,919, 
7-18-61.  a.  96— S5.  „  ,     ^         TV.: 

Beeler  Theodore  L..  to  Bell  Telephone  I.rfiboratories.  Inc. 
Synchronized  miiltivlbrntor  ^ith  splpctnhle  clamping  means 
for  rendering  it  inoperative.  3.008.088.  11-7-61.  Cl. 
,^28 — 200 
Beem.  Donald  W..  and  R.  E.  Conrad,  to  North  Ameri<»n 
Aviation.  Inc.  Aircraft.  2,970,793.  2-7-61,  Cl.  244—121. 
Beeiner.  Robert  J.  :  See —  ««„«„..,» 

Blackman,  Calvin  C,  and  Beemer.     2.988,349. 
Blackman    Calvin  «'..  Beemer,  and  Lorig.     .'^.008,683. 
Been.  Jerome  L..  to  Rubber  and  Asbestos  Corp.    Brush  manu- 
facturing.   .'5.008.193.  n-14-61.  CT.  18—59. 
Beene.  Jones  C,  III.     Self-leveling  furniture  leg.     2.975,546. 

3_2i-6l.  n.  45 — 137.  .  ,  .^ 

Beenev.  Donald  W..  to  Svlvnnfa  Electric  Products  Inc.    Elec- 
trical shield.    2,981,786,  4-25-61.  Cl.  174—35. 
Beer.  Andrew  F. :  See — 

Beale.  Julian  R.  A.,  and  Beer.    2,980,983.  I 

Beereboom,  John  J.  :  See—         .„..„».  «j 

Blackwood,     Robert    K.,     Rennhard,     Beereboom,    and 
Stephens.     2,984,686. 
Beerens,  Cornelius  J.  M. :  See — 

Temple,  Peter  L..  and  Beerens.    2,972,125. 
Beeril,  Norbert  C. :  See— 

Tanker.  r,eorge  E..  and  Beeril.    3.008.602. 
Beerman,   Henrv  P.,   to   International   Minerals  &  Chemical 
Corp.      Carrier   supported   desiccant.     2,967,164,    1-3-61, 
Cl.  252—194. 
Beermann.  Claus :  Bee —  .,       ^  .    «  w 

Seydel,    0«rhard,    Beermann.    Junghanns,    and    BaAr. 
Beers,  George  L.    Devices  for  protecting  and  lubricating  elec- 
tric shavers.     3,012,109,   12-5-61.  Ci.  191—12.2. 
Beers,  Robert  T.,   to  Chicago  Pneumatic  Tool  Co.     Socket 
connecting  means   for  a   rotary   impact   tool.      2,990,189, 
•  6-27-61.  Cl.  279—97. 

Beers.  Roland  F..  Jr.     Process  for  prepariiv  a  nucleic  acid. 

3,001,913,  9-26-61.  CT,  195—29. 
Beersma,  Pleter  J.  A.,  and  O.  Moes,  to  Naamlooze  Vennoot- 
schap  W.  A.  Scholten's  Chemlsche  Fabrieken.  Method  of 
manufacturing  starch  products.  2,967.110.  1-3-61,  Cl. 
Beersmans,  Jules  E.,  and  P.  F.  De  Smet.  to  Gevaert  Photo- 
Producten  X.V.  Manufacture  of  noncnrling  multilayer 
materiaL    2.993.793.  7-25-61.  a.  96 — 87. 

Beese.  Norman  C. :  See—  o  nm  n.iK 

Plagge,  Vernon  L..  and  Beese.     3,010.046. 
Beese,  Norman  C,  to  United  States  of  America.  Navy 

2.975,675,   3-14-61.  Cl.   117— 

od  of  evaporating  metals. 

BelS'  Norman  C.  to  Westinghouse  Electric  Corp.  Com- 
munication system.     2,999,163,  9-5-61,  Cl.  250—86. 

Beese,  Norman  C,  to  United  States  of  America,  Navy.  .Mo^O" 
lated  short  arc  lamp  envelope  structure.    3.005,92<J.  10-.^*- 

fil     n     '^i  Q       lfi-4 

Beese.  Norman  C.  and  T.  C.  Retzer.  to  Wrstinghouse  ^^f^^ji^ 
Corp.     Motion  picture  projector.     2.9Uo,0b4,   8-8-bl.  Cl. 

00 1  g 

Beese,  WUUam  C.  A.,  and  H.  E.  Bergmann.  to  Azpn  Corp. 
Non-stop  winding  of  continuous  web  into  successive  rous. 
2.980.356.  4-18-61.  Cl.  242—56. 
Beesley,  James  I'.,  to  International  Business  MachuieB  Corp. 

Power  amplifier  circuit.    2.995,710,  8-8-61,  Cl.  328— «8. 
Beeson.  Robert  J.,  to  The  Jaeger  Machine  Co.    Quick-crown- 

change  surfacing  unit.     2,990,754.  7-4-61.  CI-  0*.  J*o- 
Beets.  Muus  G.  J.,  and  H.  van  Essen,  to  International  Flavors 
&  Fragrances  I.F.F.  (Nederland)  N.V.     Process  for  maWng 
2-methyl-3-(3'-4'-methylenedioxyphenyl)-propanal.      3,008,- 
968,  11-14-61,  CL  260 — 340.5.  ^  | 

BefCa.  Fabio :  See —  „  „  ^„,  „^^ 

Schetty.  Guldo,  Beffa,  and  Kuster.     2.991,280. 
Schetty,  Guido,  Biedermann,  and  Beffa,     2,985,646. 
Beffa.  Fabio.  and  G.  Schetty,  to  J.  R.  Geip.  A:G.    Chromium- 
containing  azo  dyestuffs.    3.007.912,  11-7-61,  Cl.  260— 146. 
Beffel,     Russell.      S&lash    guard.      2,981.966,    5-2-61.    Cl. 

Be-Ge  Mfg.  Co. :  See — 

White.  John  A.,  Jr.    3.011.275. 
Beggs.   Donald,   to   Midland  Ross   Corp.     Annealing  furnace 

seal.     2.971.S71.  2-14-61,  Cl.  148— Hi. 
Beggs,  James  E.,  to  General  Electric  Co.     Electric  discharge 

device  and  socket    2.981,897,  4-25-61,  Cl.  331—99. 
Beggs.  James  E..  to  General  Electric  Co.    Method  of  forming 

a  conductive  film.     3,013.328.  12-19^1.  Cl.  29—155.7. 

Beggs.  William  S..  to  The  Atlantic  Refining  Co.    Wax  coating 

and  laminating  composition  and  sheet  material  coated  and 

laminated  therewith.     3.014.002.  12-19-61,  Cl.  260—28.5. 

Beglev,    George   W.     Holder   for   use   on   garment  hangers. 

2.9&0,985,  7-4-61,  Cl.  223—88. 
Beglev.  John  W.,  to  Phillips  Petroleum  Co.     Conversion  of 
hydrocarbons.    2.983.771,  5-9-61.  Cl.  260—679.  * 

Bego.  James  T.  :  See —  .»„„.  ...„ 

Farrow,  Ronald  L.,  Bego,  and  Anderson.     2,984.517. 
Beguin,  Rene,  to  Meflna  S.  A.    Device  for  converting  electric 
signals  into  mechanical  displacements.    2.981.115,  4-25-61, 
Cl.  74—25.  ,  _^ 

Beguin.    Ren6.    to   Mefina    S.A.      Apparatus    for    converting 
digital    sigimls    into    analogical    movements,    with    power 
amplification.    2.987.716,  6-6-61.  Cl.  340—347. 
Begun,    Semi   J.,   and  A.   P.  Dank,   to   Clevlte  Corp.     Tajie 

drive    mechanism.      2.990.092,    6-27-61.    Cl.    22*— 176. 
Begun.  Semi  J.,  and  A    P.  Dank,  to  Clevlte  Corp.     Seismic 

prospecting  apparatus.     3.012.223.  12-5-61.  Cl.  340—15. 
Beheler.  Roy  N.  :  See — 

Lacv.  (^arl  B.     2.975.872. 
Beher.   John  T.,   to  The  Bendlx  Corp.     Liquid  level  gages. 

2.978.691,  4-4-61.  CL  340—244. 
Behl.   Alan,   to  Railoc  Co.,   Inc.     Zinc  coating  method  and 

apparatus  therefor.     2,998,647,  9-5-61.  Cl.   29 — 527. 
Behlen    (Jeorge  D.,  to  The  Ignited  States  Electrical  Tool  Co. 
<Jrinding  machine  assemblies.    2,908.136.  1-17-61,  Cl.  51 — 
Behlen.  George  D..  and  G.  F.  Embshoff.  to  The  United  States 
Elect rit-al  Tool  Co.     Grinding  machine  assemblies.     2.986,- 
8.->3.  6-6-61.  Cl.  51—134.5. 
Behles,    Franz    G.    F..    to    Daimler-Benz    Aktlengesellschaft 
Pneumatic     equalization      spring     system      for     vehicles. 
L'.!)T:5,9r,S.  .V7-61.  CL  280—104.  ^   ^ 

Behles,  Franz  G.  F.,  to  Daimler-Benz  Aktlengeselb«chaft. 
Self-energizing  brake  system.  2,976,956,  3-28-61.  Cl. 
Behn,  Robert  A.,  and  H.  L.  Sandlin.  to  Socony  Mobil  Oil  Co., 
Inc.  Color  stability  of  solvent  treated  oils  and  waxes 
derived  therefrom.  2,984,621.  5-16-61,  Cl.  208—370. 
Behne,  Ernst  A.,  and  W.  Ohlrogge,  to  Slemens-Reiniger-Werke 
Aktlengesellschaft.  Dental  instrument  stand  having  a 
handpiece  holder  unit     2,980,999,  4-25-61,  Cl.  32—22. 

Behnlsch.  Robert :  Sec —  ,       „«,^„»„ 

Worffel.  Udo.  Puis,  Behnisch,  and  Mietzsch.     3,010,872. 

Behnke.  George  W.,  and  R.  G.  Westcott,  to  Simplicity  Engi- 
neering Co.  Grizzly  feeders.  2,974,795,  3-14-61,  d.  209— 

Behnke,  George  W..  and  H.  A.  Wlrth,  to  Simplicity  Engineering* 
Co.     Bowl  liners  for  crushers.     2.992,784,   7-18-61,  CL 

Behnke.  George  W..  R.  G.  Westcott,  and  E.  A.  Newberry,  to 
Simplicity  Engineering  Co.  Oiling  system  for  oscillating 
assemblies.     2.996.148.  8-15-61,  Cl.  184—11. 

Behnke.  Hans  :  See — 

Menne.  Raymond  J.    2.995.165. 

Behnke,  Wallace  P.,  and  A.  J.  Herrman.  to  E.  I.  du  Pont 

de  Nemours  and  Co.    Process  for  the  purification  of  sand. 

2.984.546.  5-16-61.  Cl.  23 — 182. 
Behr.  Samuel  H.    Apparatus  for  determining  the  condition  of 

electrical  insulation.    3.005.150.  10-17-61.  Cl.  324 — 54. 
Behrbaum    Stanley  D.     Distributor.     2,972,024.  2-14-61.  Cl. 

200-  '24. 




B«'hrend»,  Jureen.  and  O.  Schweitzer,  to  Deutoche  Gold-  and 
production    of    eupolyoxy methylenes.      3.004, 8»i,    ll-T-oi, 

BeSens^^urtls  E..  to  Borg-WarTCr  Corp  Combination 
WMher-dryer.      3.6o«.176.    10-31-61.    CI.    *>»— 1^        -  ^ 

Beh«ns  Curtis  B..'and  R.  D.  Shapter  to  Borg-\%arner  Corn. 
Sospension   system  for  an  automatic  washer.     ^.y.H.BU^. 

Beh"rin;*^kSbe^^*'to  American  Can  Co  Flat  bottom 
paper  container.     ^.9*iy.9<Jl .  1-31-61    CT.  22^1.5. 

Behrins.  Karl.     See«aw.     2,973.961.  3-7-61.  CI.  272--30. 

BeidenirilU  « George  E.  Reel  for  dispensing  tie  wires.  2,982.- 
<l(k1    It   g   fit    Ct    ''42 i^ 

Beier     Kenneth.  '  "Ponch    for    perforating    nursing    nipples. 

roip.  of  America.     Titanium  etching.     "^.OOi.iSO,  ll-ir6«. 
Beiler.  Aaron  p..  to  Soerrr  Rand  Corp.    Conveyor.    3,001,635, 

BeuiS^iy  m'  ^aJd~G*  J.  Martin,  to  The  .National  Drug  Co. 
Woind    heJiilnr  coinposlUon.       3.003.917,    10-10-61.    CI. 

R«?n^^^  Sidney    P    Adams,  and  J.  V.  Marshik.  to  Berkeley 
*^*Che^lcaI  Corp.     Purlflratlo^n  of  P(N>'*tyl  «^l^l  .benzene 

Hnlfonyl  chloride      2.996.541.  8-15-61,  fl.  260 — >43. 
Belnfeat.  Sidney,  and  J.  Halpern.  to  B«r»J«l^y  Chemical  Corp. 

Preparation     of     lower     alkyl     carbamate*.     3.013.064. 

Bel^elt~1*Vdney."and.J.  Halpern,  to  Berkeley  Chemical  Corp. 
PreMration  of  lower  alkvl  carbamates  with  Interrupted 
efflu^t  flow.    3.013,065.  li-12-61.  CI.  260—482. 

Belnfest.  Sidney.  P.  Adams,  J.  Halpern,  and  M.  ^e\sa.  tf> 
Berkeley  Chemical  Corp.  Liquid  mixtures  of  alkyl  car- 
b^tes       3.014,807.    12-26-61,    H.    1<>6— 195 

Belnteroa.  Chester  D  to  H»§h«  Ai.rcraft  Co  Storagejub.. 
with  Improved  flood  gun.     2,96i,9il.  1-10-61,  CI.  315 — i- 

Beiser.  Carl  A. :  ^'ce— -  j  „  t     -      o  qoo  -^q 

Saunders.  Earle  R..  Franks,  and  Beiser.     2,999.  <  49. 
Belaer.  Elmer  H..  and  R.  H.Eme    to  General  T^eCor^ 
Radio  clock  mechanism.     2,977,433.  3-28-61,  LI.  200     d». 

^^McLaughlln.  Thomas,   Merlin,  BeishUne,  and   Ber^herr. 

Belzer.  Mechel.     Expandable  finger  ring.     2,971,354.  2-14-61, 

n    6.3 — 15.5.  ,  ,.       ... 

BeJeuhr  Walter,  to  E.  Unger.    Apparatus  for  reeling  fabrics. 
«  2.985,397,  5-23-61.  Cl.  242--62. 
Bekey      Ivan.       Sound     reproduction     system.       3,009.991, 

11-21-61,  Cl.  179— 1.  ,  „„„„ 

Bekins,  Robert  Q.    Reusable  transportation  container.    J,U9».- 

129,  8-29-61,  a.  206 — 16.  -.  ...        ^        .     .., 

Beks     PetruH    H.      Pressing   or   Ironing   machine   for   textile 

articles.    2.972.200,  2-21-61,  Cl.  38— 5. 
BelaiefT.    James    F.,     to    Frame    S.A.      Washing    machine. 

2.984,094,  5-16-61.  Cl.  68 — 24.  ,  ^     ^ 

Belan  Kenneth  E..  to  Splncraft.  Inc.  Rotating  light  fixture. 
2.984.738.  5-16-61.  Cl.  240 — 49.  „^,,-    oo    o   ^a  «, 

Belanger.  Jean  .M.     Garden  hose  guard.     2,974,933.  J-14-fcl, 

Cl.  254— J 90. 
Belanaer,  Walter  J..  Jr. :  f>ee —  „„-,«,  o 

ifuff.  <>  C.  lielanger.  and  Burnett.     2,972,918. 
Belanus,  Robert  M.  :  See — 

Breaux.  Darlton  K..  and  Belanus.    2,970,652. 
Belar.  II^-iImtt:  .SVc 

Olson.  Harry  F..  and  P.elar.    2,971,057. 
Olson.  Harry  F..  and  Belar.    2,971.058. 
nl.^.n,  Harry  F.  HiKl  r.elar.     .-'..OOT.rifVJ.      .         *» 
Belcher,  Basil  J.  S..  to  Silavent  Ltd.     Ventilated  toilet  bowl. 

3.0O.3.1.-.7.  10-10-61.  Cl.  4—217.    ^    ,    „     ^.      .  .     . 

Belcher.  Brvan  L.^J.  V.  Blyth.  D.  E.  J,  Buckingham.  A.  L. 
Davies.    ft    H.    b.    Chamberlin.   A.   L.    R.    netrher.    R.    K 
Morris.  G.  C.  G.  Mansfield,  and  G.  F.  Upton,  to  D.  Napier  & 
Son  Ltd.     Compound  ram  jet  turbo  rocket  engines.     2.982,- 
OO.T  5-2-61.  Cl.  60— .^■i.6.  -         ,,      .^       . 

Belcher  Harold  H..  to  Rodney  Hunt  Machine  Co.     Liquid  and 

gas  mixlnz  machine.     2.969.879.  1-31-61.  Cl.  210—70. 
Belcher.    Thomas    L.      Aid    for    lettering   labels.      2.967.3.4. 

1_10l-61.  <1.  45 — 1.31.  ^     . 

Belcove.  Allan  S..  and  S.  Santow.     Biological  testing  device, 

2  992.974.  7-18-61.  Cl.  195—139. 
Belden.  l>lbert  R.  :  Sre^ 

Belden.  Merlard  C.  and  D.  R..  and  Bartole.     3.008,520. 
Belden  Mfg    Co  :  See — 

Hammer.  Warren,  and  Sudds.     2.970,937. 
Schelke,  Robert  K..  and  Priest.    2,993,189. 
Wlnkeliiiiin.  Russell.      2.971.R73. 
Belden.  Merland  C.  and  D.  R..  and  J.  A.  Bartole.     Adjustable 

louvered  ventilator.     3.008,520.  11-14-61,  CT.  160— 223. 
Belden.  Sarah  H..  to  The  Standard  Oil  Co.     Gasolines  con- 
taining add-treated  borated  oxazollnes.    2,993,765,  7-25-61, 
CT.  44 — 63. 
Belden.  William  P. :  See —  r 

Gam.  Henry.  Pasqulne,  and  Belflen.     3.000.430. 

Belli.  Anthonv  B. :  See — 

Mauck.  Victor.  Duke,  and  Belfl.    2,978,373. 

Belford.  Alexander,  to  Scott  &  Williama.  Inc.     Knitting  ma- 
chine.    3.004.412.  10-17-«1.  CT.  66 — 42. 
Belfort.  Alan  M  :  See — 

Battista.   Orlando  A..   Belfort.  an.l   Fleck.     3.012.914. 

Belfort  Instrument  Co. :  See— 

Boettlnger.  William  G.     2.997J?79. 


Belfour,  Albert  J.,  to  I'arsons  Corp.  Apparatus  for  teeting 
the  peel  strength  of  Joints.  2,989,865,  6-27-61.  Cl.  73— 

Belfrage.  Fritx  :  See — 

Johnson.  Anders  S.,  and  Belfrage.    3.008.667. 

Belgarde.  Leo,  and  A.  R.  Frederickson,  to  Fram  Corp.  Com- 
bined full-rfow  and  part-flow  oil  filter.  2.995,253,  8-8-61, 
Cl.  210—323. 

Belgarde,  Leo,  D.  Fairchlld.  and  M.  MahdeByan,  to  Fram 
Corp.     Liquid  filters.     3.002,870,   10-3-61,  Cl.  156—70. 

Bellcka,  Michael  B..  H.  W.  Brundage.  and  A.  P.  Cawl.  to 
Electroluz  Corp.  Air  deflector  for  vacuum  cleaners. 
2,998,615,  9-5-61,  CT.  15—327. 

Bellcka,  Michael  E.,  and  A.  P.  Cawl.  to  Electrolux  Corp. 
Cordwinders.     3,011,033,  11-28-61,  Cl.  191—12.2. 

BeUk,  Lultfried  :  See — 

Hauk.  Hans,  Streeck.  Bayer,  and  Bellk.     2,974,419. 

Belln,  Marcel  A.     Ufe  rafta.     2.972,758.  2-28-61.  Cl.  9—11. 

Beliveau,  Maurice,  and  P.  E.  Grace,  to  International  Business 
Machines  Corn.  Crystal  diode  encapsulation.  3,002,132, 
9-26-61.  CT.  317—234. 

Beliveau,  Oscar,  and  W.  O.  Spurrell.  to  Ross  Engineering  of 
Canada.  Ltd.  Comer  lifting  section  for  hood.  2,975,873, 
3-21-61.  CL  189—1. 

^Ik.  Earl  H..  to  Kustom-Flt  Mfg.  Co.  Automobile  replace- 
ment carpet.    2,970.860,  2-7-61,  CT.  290—1. 

Belke  Mfg.  Co. :  See— 

Belke,  Ralph  E.     2,988.497. 
Belke,  William  E.     3,001,926. 
Belke,  William  E.,  and  Lang. 

Helke.  Paul  J. :  See —  

Schmidt,  August  F..  and  Belke.    2.991,217. 

Belke,  Ralph  E..  to  Belke  Mfg.  Co.  Electroplating  apparatus. 
2,988,497,  6-13-61,  Cl-  204—213. 

Belke,  William  E.,  to  Belke  Mfg.  Co.  Electroplating  racks. 
3,001,926,  9-20-61,  Cl.  204 — 297. 

Belke,  William  E.,  and  L.  Lang,  to  Belke  Mfg.  Co.  Electro- 
plating barrel  assemblies.  3,008,893,  11-14-61,  Cl.  204— 

Belknap.  Donald  J  ,  and  L.  R.  Crump,  to  United  States  of 
America  Army.  Lateral-current  control  of  cold-cathode 
discharge  devices.     2,994,011,  7-25-61.  CT.  315—169. 

Bell.  Adam  C. :   See — 

Alsop,  William  G.,  and  Bell.    2,993,063. 

Bell  Aerospace  Corp.  :  See —  „„.,„.».. 

Horky,  Raymond  H.,  and  Wolpin.     2,995,014. 
Kellev,  Bartram.     3,010,679. 
Llnnabery,  George  H.,  and  Beadllng.     3.004.607. 
Moore,  Wendell  F.,  and  Stehllng.     3,008,672. 
Schnitt.  Arthur,  and  De  Lorenzl. 

Bell,  Alan  :  See — 

Tholstrup,  Clarence  E.,  and  Bell. 
Bell.  Alan,  to  Foster  Wheeler  Corp. 

bly  for  heat  exchangers.    2.971.746,  2-14-61,  Cl.  2o7 — 1. 
Bell,  Alan.  M  B  Knowles,  and  C.  E.  Tholstrup.  to  Eastman 

Kodak  Co.     Stabilization  of  oxidizable  materials  with  4,4'- 

alkylenedloxybis (alkylated   phenols).     2,907.774.   1-10-01. 

Cl.  99—163. 
Bell,  Alan.  W.  M.  Gearhart.  and  J.  W.  Tamblyn    to  Eastman 

Kodak  Co.     Stabilized  poly-a-olefln  compositions.     2.980,- 

648.  4-18-01.  CT.  260 — 45.8r>. 
Bell.  Alan.  J.  O.  Smith,  and  C.  J.  Klbler,  to  Eastman  Kodak 

Co.     Polyamides    derived     from    cyclohexanebis     (methyi- 

amine).     3,012,994,  12-12-61.  CT.  260—78. 
Bell.   Alfred    J.,    and   C.    W.    Besserer.   to   United   States  of 

America.  Navy.    Rocket-propelled  missile.    3.000,597.  »-19- 

61,  CT.  244—14. 

Bell.  Charies  C. :  See— 

Abel,  Walter  L..  Bell,  and  Meyer.    2.982.243. 

Bell,  Charles  C.  Time  Integrating  system.  3,003,687, 
10-10-61.  CT.  235—61. 

Bell.  Charles  R.,  and  E.  S.  Wassel.  to  United  States  of 
America.  Army.  Combined  firearm  and  cartridge  struc- 
ture providing  for  discharge  of  the  cartridges  while  linked. 
2.970,521,  2-7-61.  CT.  89—33. 

Bell,  CTifTord  W.,  to  Esso  Research  and  Engineering  Co. 
Ash  reduction  of  petroleum  fractions.  2,998.383,  8-29-61. 
CT. 208 — 251. 

Bell,  Dale  V.     GlnglvAl  pack.    2.991.224.  7-4-61.  Cl.  167—60. 

Bell,  Donald  G.,  to  Fairchlld  Camera  and  Instrument  Corp. 

Electrical    potentiometer    and    method    of    making    same. 

2,978,662.  4-4-61.  CL  338—143. 
Bell.  Edward  N.    Article  of  furniture. 

CT.  297—118. 

Bell  Electric  Co. :  See— 

Bellek.  Frank  Q.    2,991.327. 
Bell,  Franclne  M.     Telephone  accessory. 
Cl.  179—187. 


2,983,710.    -f 
Pressure  safety  asseni- 

3,004,792,  10-17-61, 

3,012.108,  12-5-61. 

Bell.  George  W.,  to  Northwestern  Steel  k  Wire  Co.  Apparatus 
for  coating  metal  articles.  2.975.606,  3-21-61.  CT.  29 — 81. 
Bell  *  Gossett  Co. :  See — 

Dnrkee,  James  D..  and  Stewart.    2.995,628. 

Gardner.  Donald  B.     2.970  915 

Gardner.  Donald  B.,  and  Hofmelster.     2.984.460. 

Main.  Leo  E..  IMper.  and  Smith.     2,970.!»47. 

Sanborn.  William  L.     2,976,919. 

Sanbom,„  William  L.     2,976,920. 



Bell.  Harold  S.,  Jr..  to  Thlokol  Chemical  Corp.  Rocket  cham- 
ber with  moltl-pass  axial  flow  coolant  passagewayB. 
2,977.754,  4-4-61.  CL  60—35,6. 

Bell  &  Howell  Co. :  See 




Baumbach.  Harlan  L.,  Little,  and  Wargo. 

Colterjolm.   Walter  L..  Jr.,  and   Stanonis, 

Fox,  Merrill  J.    2.997,297, 

Fox.  Merrill  J!     3.006,448. 

Hall.  Walter  J.     2,994..S62. 

Johnson,  Walter  J.    3,011.402. 

Koeber,  henry  J.     2.994,232 

Koeber,  Henry  J.,  Jr.    3.010.369. 

La  Rue.  Mervin  W'    Jr.     3,006,265 

La   Rue,   Mervln   W.,  Jr.,   and   W  Ightman, 

La  Rue.  Mervln  W..  Jr..  and  Wlghtman. 

Linke,  Walter  R..  and  Sandbaek.     3,006.248 

MacMillin,  David  M.     3.006,262. 

Royston.  Marvin  F.    2.990.128. 

Sandbaek.  Irving  C.    2,989,895. 

Sandbaek,  Irving  C.     3,011,401. 

Spalding.  Arthur  R..  and  Sollner. 
Bell  Intercontinental  Corp. :  See — 

Bamee,  Kenneth  H.,  and  Schnlte. 

Brandt,  WilUam  E.    2.997.813. 

Brandt.  William  E.    2.997.814. 

Freeman,  Ardee  H.    3,005,647. 

Leliaert,  Raymond  M.     2,996,846. 

Welter.  Willy.    3,008,274. 
Bell  Intercontinental  Corp.. -Wheelabra tor  Division:  Bee — 

Romine.  Roy  T.     2.972.497. 

Romlne.  Roy  T.     2.983,084. 
Bell     James    F..    to    Marvalaud    Inc.      Dialysis    apparatus. 

2,982,416,  ,1-2-61,  CI.  210—321. 
Bell.  James  R.    Safety  recording  (JevJce.    2.976.371,  3-21-61, 

CI.  179—100.1. 
Bell.  Jerome,  L.  L.  Fltes.  and  A.  A.  Kelley,  to  The  Upjohn  Co. 
Panel   mounting  apparatus.     2,993,290,  7-25-61.  CI.  40— 

Bell,  John:  See —  ^^^.  _,„ 

Muirhead.  Francis  H..  Bell,  and  Foil.     2.991.748. 
Bell,    Keith   L.,    ^^    to   B.   H.   Purdy.      Thermostat-powered 

propulsion    unit    for    toy    vehicles.     2.984,974,    6-23-61, 

CI.  60—35.56. 
Bell,  Kenneth,  to  National  Dairy  Products  Corp.    Manufacture 

of  confection.    3,009.427.  11-21-61.  CI.  107—54. 
Bell,  Lawrence  J.     Bottle  lift  for  bottle  washing  machines. 

3,001,632,  9-26-61.  CI.  198 — 33. 

Bell.  Lewis  W.  :  See—  ^    „^  .„„ 

Eager.  William  A.,  and  Bell.    2.980,433. 

Bell.  Lewis  W.,  to  Star  Precision  Devices,  Inc.  Small  diame- 
ter stud  adapter.     2.973,520.  3-7-61.  CI.  1 — 47. 

Bell.  Louie  A..  Jr.  Automatic  dispensing  nozzle.  8,003,526, 
10-10-61,  CI.  141—208. 

Bell.  Norman,  to  Kaiser  Aluminum  k  Chemical  Corp.  >  Acti- 
vated bauxite  and  catalyst  containing  same.  3,011,980, 
12-5-61,  CI.  252 — 464. 

'Darland.  William  G..  Jr.,  Bennett,  Bell,  Dlrich,  and  Fox. 


Bell.  Persa  R.,  A.  Simon,  and  R.  J.  Mackln,  Jr.,  to  United 

States  of  America,  At  jmic  Energy  Commission.     Method  of 

producing     energetic     plasma     for     neutron     production. 

.      2.069.308,  1-24-61.  CI.  204— 154.2. 

Bell.  Persa  R..  R.  J.  Mackln.  Jr..  and  A.  Simon,  to  United 
States  of  America.  Atomic  Energy  Commission.  Method 
of  initiatlnt;  and  sustaining  an  energetic  plasma  for  neu- 
tron production.     2,997,431.  8-22-61.  CI.  204—154,2. 

Bell  Punch  Co.  Ltd. :  See—  „  n^o  .ior 

Marshall.  Sydney  Q..  Mllburn,  and  Hanson.     2.993,435. 

Bell.  Ramsay  M. :  See — 

Bass.    Miles   M.,   Boll,    Hammond,    Krueger. 

Chung.     2,388,857. 
Bass,   Miles   M.,   Bell,   Hammond,    Krueger, 
.         Chung.     2,988.858. 

Bass.     Miles     M..     Bell,     Hammond,     and 

Bell  Telephone  Laboratories.  Inc. 
Aamodt.  Thoralf.     2.989.7*4. 
Abbott.  George  V..  Jr.    2.996.248. 
Abbott.  George  F.,  Jr„  and  Sumner 
Abbott,  Henry  H.    2.975.237. 
Abbott,  Henry  H.    3.012.226. 
Abbott,    Henry    H.,    Rlppere, 

Anderson,  John  R. 
Anderson,  John  R. 

Bass,     Miles 

Bell.   Richard   W. 
E.   I.   du   Pont 

M.,    Bell,    Hammond,    and 

and   Robls- 
and   Robls- 



F.  McShane,  Jr..  to 

Stabilized  uncured 

2.999.840.  »-12-^l. 

1        I        ■    M 

E.  Csendes.  and  H. 
^.    *.    >-...    -  v."»  de   Nemours   and   Co. 
copolymers  of  butadiene  and  styrene. 
CI.  260 — 45.85. 
Bell,  Robert  C. :  See —  , 

Henley,  Ernest  J.,  and  Bell.    2,983,717.  ' 

Bell,  Robert  E. :  See — 

Williams,  Roger  B.,  Jr.,  and  Bell.    2,974,863. 
Bell   Robert  P..  Jr..  and  M.  L.  Bond.     Auxiliary  track  device 

for  automobile  lifts.     3.007.546.,  11-7-61.   CI.    187—8.67. 
Bell.  Robert  O.    Fishing  rod  holder.    2.995,856,  8-16-61,  CL 
rf  43— 21.2. 
Bell.-  Saul  A.,   to  Chesebruojth-Pond's.   Inc.     Two  phase  de- 

odorant-antlpersplrant     stick.       2,970,083.     1-31-61.     CI. 

Bell  Telephone  Co.  of  Canada,  The  :  See— 
Drysdale,  James  L.     3.006,589. 

Anderson,  John  R 
Anderson.     Orson 

Anderson.    Orson 

L.,     Andreatch, 


Schmidt,    and    WilliamB. 


and     Chrlstenson. 



Celentano,    and    PuUls. 


and  Votaw. 



L     and    Christensen.     3.006.007. 
Andrews,'  Ernest  Q.,  and  Vibbard.     2.977,048. 
Andrews,  Frederick  T.,  Jr.    2.y96.o"8. 
Andrews,  Frederick  T..  Jr.     3.013,252. 
Andrews,  Frederick  T.,  Jr..  and  Sumner.     2j,992.341. 
Andrews.  Howard  W..  and  Harklesn      *^„*]!nV  Vwot 
Armstrong.  James  M..  and  Goddard.     3,001.0J«. 
Ashkln,  Arthur.     3,009.078.  on.ooio 

Ashkin,  Arthur,  Gordon,  and  White.     3  013.218. 
AfcUla.  Martin  M..  and  La   Bate      i.973  466. 
Atwater,  Arthur  R.,  and  Jullch.    2,978,390. 
Bachelet,    Albert    E.,    Blbblns, 

Baird.  iack  A.    3.002,109.       ^ 
Baker,  Stanley  W.,  and  Schwab.    —  — ^ -^^a^-- 
Baldwin,  John  A..  Jr.,  and  Feiner      3,002,067. 
Ballman,  Albert  A..  Caporaso.  and  Laudlse.     2,979,41d. 
Bancprt,  John  T.     2.J»fi9.r»0f». 
Barney,  Harold  L.    2,978,672. 
Barrett,   Edward  B..   Kolensky, 
Bearer,  P.iul  J.,  and  Llowellyn. 
Becker,  Floyd  K.    2.982,885 
Becker,  Joseph  A.     3,011,058, 
l'.«eler,  Tlioodore  L.     .'^.008.088. 
Berber,  Uriah  S.     2,987,586. 
Berkery.  Eugene  A,,  and  Carlen. 
Berry.  Robert  W.    2,99.3  266. 
Beurrier,  Henij  R.    3,003,143. 
Blake,  Homer  A.    2.993,961. 
Blecher.  Franklin  H.    2,986.707. 
Blount.  Frank  E.     2,985.769. 
Bobeck.  Andrew  H.    2.971.098. 
Bobeck.  Andrew  H.     2.985.768.  „„„,,„ 
Boyle.  Willard  S..  and  Smith.    3,002.156. 
Bozorth.  Richard  M.     2.997^648. 
Bridces     Thomas    J.,    and   Kompfner.      2,97^.081. 
Brown,  Earl  F.    2,978,535 
Brown,  John  T.  L.     3.005.072. 
Broyer,  Alfred  P.    3,004,469. 
Bnice    Fdiiiond      2  97<).:nu. 

Bruce.  Bdmond.  Reenstra,  and  R'^cble.    2,976.367 
Brvant    Herbert   W..  Jordan,   nnd  Porter.     2,97J.o.ii. 
Budenbom.  Horace  T.     3,010,081. 
Budenbom,  Horace  T.     3,010.082. 
Buhrendorf.  Frederick  G.     2.981.936. 
Buhrendorf,  Frederick  G.    2,998,590. 
Rurcz.  Joseph  J.     3.007. «1 9. 
Burrus,  Charles  A.     3,002.069. 
Busch,  Alovshis  J.,  Cahlll.  and  Myers. 
Cadden,    w'illlam    J.,    and    Ostendorf. 
CaKle.  William  B.    2  982.869. 
Callaway.   William  B..   and   Deltuvla. 
Chapln,  Daryl  M.     2.991.741. 
Chase.  Albert  J..  Kalln.  nnd  Wise.    2,968.032. 
Chasek.  Norman  E.     2,984,791.     „^.„„„^ 
Christensen.  Howard,  and  Noll.     3.012,920. 
Chrunev.  Michael,   Ericsson,   and  McCarthy. 
Chynoweth.  Alan  G.     3.005.096. 
Clark.  Omer  P.     2  972.062. 
Coh#n.  Ezra.    2.976,487. 

Coleman.  Sidney  B..  and  Williams.    3.0fM.156. 
Collier,  Robert  J.,  and  Felnsteln.     2,988,669. 
Collins,  Russell  W.     3,009^)89 
Oourtney-Pratt.  Jeof  ry  S.    2.973.441. 
Courtney-Pratt.  Jeofry  S.    2.990.529.  ^  ^ 

Courtney-Pratt,  .Teofry  S..  and  Mason.   ^^;008,773 
Crowson,  Fred  B.,  Locke,  and  MacLaughlln.     2.978.534. 
-  -«-       .       -      2.976,635. 







W..  and  Schulz-Da 

C.  Jr.     2.968.771. 





Bois.     i.004.226. 

Cutler,  Casslus  C. 
Cutler,  Casslus  C. 
Cutler.  Casslus  C. 
Panlelsen.  Daniel. 
Darlington.  Sidney. 
Darwin,  Georc*^  T.  . 
Darwin,  George  P„  and  Prim. 

Davey.  James  R.     2.972,017  ,a«a«<..' 

Davey.  James  R.,  Ostendorf,  and  Pace.     3,009,014. 
Davis.  Claude  G.     3.010.029. 
De  Orasse,  Robert  W.     3.013.229. 
De  Grasse.  Robert 
De  Lanee,  Owen  B. 
De  Loach.  Bernard 
Dlckleson.  Alton  C. 
Dlckleson.  Alton  C. 
Dlckleson.  Alton  C. 

Dlckleson,  Alton  C.    -, 

Dickinson,  Frank  R.,  and  Upthegrove. 
Dillon,  Joseph  F.,  Jr.    2,974,568. 
Dlmond.  Thomas  L..  Pruden.  and  Vogt. 
Doherty.  William  H.     2,989.622. 
Doucette,  Edward  I.,  and  Specter.    2,989,650. 
Doyle.  Edmund  F.    3,001,755. 




INDES  of  patents,  1961 

Hee — Continued 
Tien.    3,012,2(M. 

Bell  Telephone  Laboratories.   Ine, 

Dransfeld.  Klaus.  Konipfner.  and 

DanUp.  Kermit  S.    l',y87,579. 

Dunlap,  Kerralt  S.     3.011,155 

Kbbe.  Grace  L..  and  Sperry.     3,010,087. 

Edwards.  Paul  H.    L'.y9i.l00. 

Egerton.  Lawson,  and  Flaschen.    2.976.246, 

Ellis,  William  C.  and  Grelner.     2,374,  n  8. 

Kllw.xxl.  Walt^-r   15.      S.OOT^.VV 

Eneelbrerht.  Rudolf  S      3,0<>7,16o 

Farrow.  Cedl  W.    2.979.662. 

Keder.  Herbert  S.     3.011.074. 

Felner,  Alexander.     2,992,306. 

Felner,  Alexander.     1',999,169. 

Felner   Alexander,  Lowell,  Lowry,  and  Ridinger. 

Ffelnsteln.  Joseph.    2.976.458. 
Feinateln,  Joaepb.     2,992,306. 
Feldman.  Carl  B.  H.    2.974,2»1 
Ferguson,  John  G.    2.9y6.«<>3.  ^^^,»^^ 

Flasch^n,  Steward  S..  and  Sauer.    2.9i  4.203. 
Fletcher.  Robert  C.^  ScovU,  and  Seldel.     3,001,141. 
nint^Erlon  W.    2.^91,450.     „  „^,  ^^, 
Fllnt^Erlon  \V,  and  Hague.    2.991.451. 
Fogarty,  Leonard  L.    2,989,647. 
Foulkes,  John  D.     2.ft«9.o.S5. 
Fox.  William  M.    3.005.257. 

Franks,  Lewis  B.,  Perlettl,  and  Slmone.    2,981,892. 
Franz.  Erwin  E.     2.969,300. 
Galbreath.  IU)b«-rt  K.    -'.«0«.fifi7.    ^^..-    ,. 
Gardner,  Leland  A.,  and  Hysko.     2AM5.717. 
Gardner.  .Mark  B.     3.010.417. 
Gaunt,  WUmer  B..  Jr.     3,010,027.       i 
Gpller.  Seymour.     3.00r,.x."»4.  | 

Geller.  Seymour.     .I.OOO.H.").'). 
Gent,  Edgar  W..  and  Wprring. 
Gey  ling,  Franz  T.     2.991.027. 
<  ;<•%•! inu'    Fr.inz  T.      3.007.122. 
Glanola,  Umberto  F.,  and  Sharp. 
Glass   .Myron  S.    2.00r,.r,42. 
♦;iass.  Mvron  S.     2.1«97.fi2.'.. 
Godfrey,"  James.     2.984.897. 
Goldey,  Jame.-i  M.     2.!»ho.H10.         , 
Goldey,  James  M..  and  Ross.    2.993.154 
Goldrlck,   Richard  J..  Kinsman,  and  Line. 




Bell  Telephone   Laboratories,  Inc. :  See— Continued^ 
Ketchledge,  Raymond  W..  and  Moore.     3,0,10,102. 
Klltz,  Richard  M.     2,988,672. 
Klnarlwala.  Bharat  K.     3,001,156.  x 

Klabn,  Richard.     3.012.240.  , 

Kluver,  Johan  W.    2,999.!>59. 
Koenle,  Walter,  Jr.    3,005.050. 
Kompfner.  Rudolf,  and  Quate.    2,972,702. 
Krom.  Myron  E.     3.002,054.  , 

Lawrence.  Watson  A.,  Jr.     2.999,172.  I 

I.«zo.  Nicholas.      3.009.992. 
Lee.  Bock  W.    2.991.449. 
Lee,  Bock  W.     3.009.069. 

Linares,  Robert  C^  Jr.,  and  Nielsen.     2.992,079. 
Looney,  Duncan  H.,  and  Meinken.    2,981,932. 
Low,  Frank  K.     3,004.106. 
Lowry,  Terrell  N.     2.977.420. 
Lowry.  Terrell  N.    2.979,374. 

-       "     2.991.425. 

E.     2.972,683. 


MacPherson.  Donald  H.    3.011,156. 

Mahony    John  P.,  Ostendorf,  Parker,  and  Vanderllppe. 

Mallery,  I'aul.    2.987.62.J. 
Mallery,  Paul.     2,988,733. 
Multhancr,  William  \.     2,987.677 
Mann.  Basil  B.,  and  Strubing.    2,998,034. 
.Marcatili.  Knri()iie  A.  J.     3  008,099. 


2,!)89,799.     • 


and  Thurston.     3.004,176. 






Ooodale.  Walter  D.,  Jr.,  and  Pferd.     2.977.419. 

Goodale,  Walter  D.,  Jr.,  and  Pferd.    3.004.105. 

Goodall.  William  M.     3.009.105, 

f;oordman,  Robert  V.     3.015.071. 

Graham.  Robert  E.   >«.009.016.' 

Grant.  Harence  T.    '5.990.525. 

Gray*  Preston  R.     2.976.368.     - 

Greiner.  Karl  S.    2.990.2r>l. 

(Jrenier.  Thoma.<i  J.    2.9;>.">.697. 

t;rptter.  Ralph  W.     2.996.231. 

Gretter.  Ralph  W.     S.OlO.e.-^l, 

Groth.  Wlllard  B..  and  Seckler.     2.992.410. 

Hagelbargtr.  David  W.,  and  Moore.     2,P77,575. 

Hall.  .Vrrhur  D.     2.900.4.">7. 

Haring,  Horace  E.     2,988,587. 

Harlni:.  Horncp  E.      3.00«.X21. 

Ilnrinc.  Horace  E.     3.007.993. 

Hawkins.  Walter  L..  Lanza,  and  WIilslow.     2.96«.845-.j0. 

Hazlett.  William  S. 

Hefele.  John  R..  and  .Mattke.    2.987.722. 

Hennlne.  Harlev  .\..  Jacoblttl.  and  Lewis     3,011.029. 

Hermance  Harold  W.     2.096.368. 

Herrlott,  Donald  R.     2.984.750. 

Harriott,  wnilnm       3.0O«;.-_>34. 

Hernhey.  Harold  J..'  Jordan,  and  Restall.     2.988,631. 

n»>rsbev.  John  H.     2.097.»;fi3. 

Hiehlevman.  Wilbur  H.     2.978.675. 

HlIslnL'er.  Harrv  A..  Jr.     3.001. l.'>9. 

HIneH.  Marion  fi..  and  Italsbeck.    2.997.519. 

H.>j.|..T.   Andrew  I,.      J.HiM  «•_»'» 

Houghton.  Edward  W.     3.002.167. 

Hnrlbnt.  Harold  D..  .Ir      2.972.064. 

Hns!«>v.  Luther  W      2.0S0.S63. 

Ilpenfrltz.  lister  M     3.011.8,'>3. 

Israel.  John  O.     2. 987. 680 

Jacob«on.  0.<jrar  D.     2.9ft7..'46. 

Jaeger.  Richard  J..  -Tr.     3.005.874. 

Jaeger,  Robert  P.  =  2,986,724.  I 

James.  Dennis  B.     2  !»?»4  832.  | 

JamlDon.  Hal  M.,  and  Wilson.     2,984.706. 

Joel.  Amos  E  .  Jr.     3.004.108. 

Jones.  Robert  C.    2.90.'). 101. 

Jones.  Robert  r. 

Jonen.  RotMTt  r.     2.906.029. 

Julesz.  Beln.     2.074.19.'. 

Kalnins.  Iln'ar«  L.     2.982.626.  '         v 

Kamin^kl.    William,    and    Schneider.      2.997,577. 

Kamps.  Paul  J.     2.985.733. 

Katz.  iHvld      2.0SO.m;)«> 

Ketrhledee.  Raymond  W.     2,978.577. 

Ketchledce,   Raymond  W^     2.985.808. 

Ketchledze.  Raymond  W.     2.!>90,50."i. 

Ketchledee.  Raymond  W.     3.003.065. 

Ketchledge,  Ravmond  W.     3,005.876. 

Ketchledee.  Ravmond  W.     3.010.654. 

Ketchiedge^R.-iymond  W.     3.010.655. 

Ketchledee.  Ravmond  W.     3.01 1.1.50. 

Ketrtledee.  R  .ynrnQd  W,     3.011,151. 

Ketchledge,  Raymon^^W..  and  Lovell.     3.002!tt)CC. 

Lundry,  Walter  R. 
Lunney,  Raymond 
MacNalr,  Donald. 

Marcuse,  Dietrich 
Mason,  Warren  P. 
Mason.  Warren  P. 
Mason,  Warren  P. 
Ma.xon.  Warren  !'. 
Mason.  Warren  P. 
Mason.  Warren  P.. 
Matthias.  Bernd  T. 
Mat^lhias,  Bernd  T. 
Matthias.  Bernd  T. 
Mattke.  Charles  F.       .... 
Maurushat.  Joseph,  Jr.     2,986,610 
May.  John  E..  Jr.     2.982.926. 
Mayo.  John  S.     2.977.576. 
McCuire.  Charles  H..  and  Peek.  Jr 
McKlm,  Burton.     2,986,604. 
.McLeo(l.  Bruce  A.     2.974.198. 
Meacham,  Larned  A.    2.986.603. 
Melhose,  Alfred  E.     2.975.398. 
Mendizza,  August.     3,004,903. 
Moszaros    Geortre  W.      2.080.807. 
Meyers,  Stanley  T.     2.992,339. 
Middaugh,  Jack  K.     2.981.806. 
Miller.  Lewis  E.     2.974.075. 
Miller.  Stewart  E.    2.991.431. 
Miller.  Stewart  E.    2.994,084. 
Miller.  Stewart  E.    3,003.020. 
Mlms,  William  B.    3.001.142. 
Minis.  William  B.     3,009.123. 
Minnlck.  Robert  C.     2.972,130. 
Mitchell.  Doren.     3.012,100. 



Montgomery.  Harold  C.     3.002,482. 

MontCoinerv.  Harold  C  .  and  Steinberg.     2.990.028. 

Moore.  Edward  F.     2.983.904. 

Mott.  Edward  E.     2.977.573. 

Mueller,  Gc()ru'e  E.    3,010.416. 

Mumford,  William  \\\     2,997,709. 

Murphy.  Orlando  J.     3.007.145. 

Murphy,  Paul  B.     2.998.596. 

Myers.  6scar.     2.968.700. 

Newhv.  NealD.     2.973.506.  „^i„.-„ 

Newhall.    Edmunde    E..    and    Perucca.     2.976.4.2. 

O'Brien.  Joseph  A.     2.984.789.  i 

Ohm.  Edward  A.     2,972,721. 

Ohm.  Edward  A.     2.972.722. 

Olasln.  Daniel.     2,994.055. 

<>»tendorf.  Bernard.  Jr.     2.998.486.        - 

O<nendorf.  Bernard.  Jr.,  and  Sellers.     3,014.982. 

Pearson.  Gerald  L.     2.983.8.54. 

Peek,  Robert  L.,  Jr.    2.978.670. 

Petrlch.  l»uis  G.     2.907.655. 

Pfann    William  O.     3.009.120. 

Phalr.  Robert  J.     2.971.876. 

Pollard.  Charles  E..  Jr.     ^  008  021 

Poole.  Kenneth  M..  and  Tien 

Pope.  Thomas  J.     2.977.572. 

Power.  Florence  S.     2,989.447. 

Powers.  Robert  E.     3,005.052. 

Prlebe.  Henry  F..  Jr.    2.983.878. 

auate.  Calvin  F.     2.974.252. 
aisbeck.  Gordon.     3.014,9So. 
Reck.  Frank.     2.994.941. 
R.venstra,  Willard  A.     2.976.520. 
Reynolds.  Frederick  W.     3.011,089. 
Rlesz.  Richard  P.    2,992.471. 
Riesz.  Roliert  R.     2.998.489. 
Rlesz.  Robert  R.     3.012.098. 
Robertson.   Donald  D.     3.013.222. 
Robertson.  Gordon  I.    2.973.586. 
Rogers.  John  L.     3.01 1.1 58. 
Ronci.  Victor  L..  and  Walsh.     3,011,084. 
Rose.  Charles  F.  P.     2.068,775. 
Ross.  Ian  M.     2,984.749. 
RuthrofT,  Clyde  L.     2.981.837. 
Kuthroff.   Clyde    L.      2  904,828. 




Bell  Telephone  Laboratories,  Inc. :  See — Continued 
Saari.  Veikko  R.    2,971.164. 
•  St.  John,  Grant  E.     2,985,789. 
SandberK.  Irwiii  W.     '.J.lXiy.TTa. 
Saner,  Harold  A.     2,985,497. 
Sauter,  Jack  F.     3,011,148. 
Schafer.  John  P.    2.972.122.  ^ 
Schmidt,  George  F.    3,005,053. 
Schnettler.  Frank  J.     3.004.918. 
Schulte,  Harry  J.,  Jr.    2,978,680. 
Schulz-l>u  iiois,  Erich  O..  and  Scovil 
Schwartz,  Newton.    2.981,647. 
Schwender,  George  E.,  and  Vandemppe 
Schwenzfeger.  Edward  K.     .S.008,003. 
Scovll,  Henry  E.  D.    2.981.894. 
Seidel,  Harold.     2.976.492. 
Seidel,  Harold.     3,010,084. 
Seidel,  Harold.     H,(»1(),(»h5. 
Seidel,  Harold.     3.010.086, 
Seidel,  Harold,  and  Weiss.    2,989,7(»9. 
Sellers,  Gabe  A..  Jr.    3.005.041. 
Senitzkv.    I'.enjaniin.     2.y!t4.811. 
Sharpe,  Duncan  T.    3.005.864. 
ShariJless,  William  M.     2.99."».475. 
Slmklns.  Quinton  W.     Re.  25,002. 
Siprt'ss,  Jack  -M.     2.998,580. 
.      Sipress.  Jack  M.     3.00i;i55. 

Sipress.  Jack  M.,  and  Witt.    3.001,157. 
Smith.  George  W..  Jr.    3.003,111. 
Smith.  Larrabee  M.    2.989,651. 
Smith.  liurrabee  M.     .i.oOT.O.'iS. 
Steinberg.  John-  C.     2.991.742. 
Steinberg,  John  C.     3.002.483. 
Straube,  Harol^l  M. 
Straube,  Harold  M.    2.994.044. 
Straube.  Harold  M.     3.010.079. 
Sullivan.  Miles  V.     2,y83,«55. 
Terry.  .Noah  S.     2.976.366. 
Terry.  Noah  S.,  and  Vroom.     2,984,704. 
Theuerer.  Henry  C.    3.002.320. 
Thomas.  George  H.,  Jr.  .  2,968.772. 
Tien.  IMng  K.     3.012.203. 
Trent.  Robert  K.     2.973.440. 
Treptow.  Arnold  W.    2.993,815. 
Tuk»v.  John  \V.     :UMtT  (.».'.. 
Turner.  Kdward  H.    2.979.675. 
Turner.  Edward  H.    2.981.906. 
riilir.  Arthur.  Jr.     3.008.089. 

Van  Tassel.  Earl  K.    2.978.677.       

Van  Tassel.  Earl  K..  and  Yaeger.     2.992,399. 
Van  Uitert.  liC  (Jrand  G.    2.981.903. 
Van  Uitert^  l^  Grand  G.    2.994.045. 
Van  Uitert;  Le  Grand  G.    3.002,929. 
Van  ntert,  Le  Grand  G.    3.003.112. 
Van  ntert.  Le  Grand  G.     3.003,966. 
Vaughan,  Henry  E.     2.971,060. 
Vogelsong,  James  H.    3.011,066. 
Walsh.  David  J.     2,969,296. 
Warner,  Raymond  M.,  Jr.    2,989,713. 
Wegel,  Ravmond  L..  and  Wick.    2.982.924. 
Weiss.  Jerald  A.     3,010.083. 
Weiss,  Max  T.    2.978,649.  ; 

Weiss.  Max  T.    2,993.180. 
Weller.  David  C.     3.000.004. 
Werner.  John  K.     3.004.332. 
Wernick.  Jack  H.     2.99."),fil3. 
Whitman,  Lawrence  H.     2.973,418. 
Whitney,  Wiley.     2,992,421. 
Wick.  Ronald  K.    2.979,006. 
Wiebusoli.  Charles  F.     3.003,449. 
Wier,  Joseph  M.    2.981.851. 
Wilder.  Leslie  N.     2,981,074. 
Williams,  George  H.,  Jr.    2,975,487. 
Wolrtechowski,  Bogumil  M.    2.990.084. 
Wolfe.  Robert  M.     2.984,754. 
Yaeger.  Robert  E.     2.991.422. 
Young.  William  R..  Jr.    2.976.365. 
Young.  William  R..  Jr.     3.008,004. 
Zarouni.  Alfred      3.014,652. 
Zuk.  Paul.     .3.008,.369. 
Bell    Thomas  A.     Portable  metal  Are  escape  ladder.     2.9 « 9,- 

154.  4-11-61.  CI.  182—73. 
Bell    Vincent  G..   Jr..   to  Safeguard  Corp.     Ventilator  con- 
struction.   2.991.843.  7-11-61.  CI.  183—51. 

'Maynard.  Richard  H.,  and  Bell.    2.973.527. 
Bell,  William  C.  H.  G.  Dunn.  E.  K.  Hajdon,  D.  J.  W.  PHnt. 
and  W.  W.   R.   Searle.  to  The  Hoovri5_Co.     Washing  ma- 
chines.    2.968.174,  1-17-61,  CI.  68—24. 

Bell.  William  E. :  f?ee—  „^ 

Bloom.  Arnold  L..  and  Bell.    2.975,330. 
Bell.  William  E..  to  Varian  Associates      Magnetoabsonjtjon 
flux  meter  and  gradiometer.    2,975,360,  3-14-61,  CT.  324— 

Bell.  William  M. :  See—  ^_^ 

Angllm.  Charles  E..  and  Bell.    2.979.179. 
Bell.  William  R..  Jr.     Foil  folder.     2.971.312.  2-14-61.  CI. 

.'i^ — 390. 
Bell,  William  W.     Reward  dispensing  apparatus.     3,011,476, 

12-5-61.  CI.  119—29. 
Bell   William  W..  Jr..  to  Carrier  Corp.    Cabinet  door  openers. 
::.no7.«95.  ii-7-»n,  n.  2ns-  72. 



Bell,  William  W.,  Jr..  to  Carrier  Corp.  Refrigerator  eabinet 
door  combination  handle  and  name  plate  support.  a,008,- 
253.  11-14-61.  a.  40^10.  «,,>.„i.    tn  Th« 

Bellamy,  Elizabeth  A.,  K.  J,  Hayes,  and  J.  p.  MlchelB.  to  The 
Norwich  Pharmacal  Co.  New  serl^  g'  N- (5-nltro-2-f ur- 
furylidene)-amino-heterocycle8.       3,001,992,     »-J6-«l.    ci. 

BeUam^f^John   B.,   Jr.      Carton   sealer   rollers.      3.000.163. 

Beu"am;!^Vohnl\;^o*^Cook  Electric  Co.  System,  method  and 
appjiratus  for  processing  data  or  information.     2,vaa,tv^, 

Corp.     Decade  counting  device.     3,00 1, 038.   ll-7-oi.   ci. 

BeTlamv.  Russell  J.    Electric  fence  lost.    2.976,346.  3-21-61. 

CI.  174—158. 
Bellantonl.  Juan  F. :  See—       ■ 

Abraham.  David,  and  Bellantonl.    2.991.37^q>  g-^    o  ,«_ 
Bellas    Robert  C.     Po8turizlng  figure  toy.     2,99., 810,  8-29- 

61,  CI.  46 — 158. 
Bellaschi,  Peter  L. :  See—  oniimo  ( 

Heagler,  Ellis  F.   and  Bellaschi.    3.011,012.  ' 

Bellato,  Frank  A.,  to  Rheem  Mfg.  C5o.    Method  and  apigja^* 

for    bulk    packaging    of    liqulform    products.      ^.984.057, 

c      1  ft      £{■%        C*}        f^O  3  i 

Bellatorre*   Renato.    to   William   Wallace   Co.     Method   and 
-  apparatus  for  providing  a  thread-like  coupling  bead  on  thln- 

walled  pipe.    :l,010.506.  11-28-61    CI.  155—9. 
Bellavance,  Harold  P..  to  United  Findings  Co.,  Inc. 

2,978.634.  3-7-61,  CI.  67—7.1. 
Belle  City  Mfg.  Co.  :  See— 

Skelton.  Robert  F.    2.970,532. 

^"G'isfon.'^AidrfvIlet,  and  Bellec.     3.00.5  856 
Bellek.  Frank  G..  t6  Beli  Electric  Co.     Junction  box. 

Beller.  ^^Vt^E.^atd  e:  A.  Ostrowskl.  to  Controls  Co^ 
America.     Pressure  switch.     2,975,251,  3-14-61.  CI.  200 — 

Belifour    GMsellschaft    fuer    Verfahrens-    und    Trocknong- 

stochnik  m.b.II. :  See —  „  „o^  ../vo 

Kronsbein,  Curt,  and  Bellmann.     2  985  502. 
Bellg,    Albert  J.      Garment  hanger.     2.998.904.   9-5-61.   CL 

B.>mer.  Anselme  M.  J.  System  for  filling  a  plurality  of  recep- 
tacles with  equal  weights  of  material.     .i.Ol  1,572,  1.J-&- 

n^        r^l       1  TT CQ  v^ 

Bellinger,  Carnot  B..  to  Phillips  P«*Sgle"m  Co.  Fractionat- 
ing    tower     control     system.     2,985,565,     5-23-61,     ci. 

Befun^r.Venneth  P..  to  Conversion  Chemical  Corp.  Aluml- 
num  brightening  solution  and  method.  3,009,849,  11-.J1-«X, 
pi    15(5 21 

Bellinger,  Robert  M..  and  N'.  F  McLeod.  to  Phillips  Petro- 
leum Co  Recovery  of  olefin  polymers  from  solution, 
o  969  347    1-24-61.  CI.  260 — 94.9. 

Bellinger.  Ronald,  to  Strachan  &  Henshaw  Ltd.  ApparatAis 
for  turning  and  radiusing  an  adjustable  chute.  2.980,221, 
4_1H-G1     n    103      30. 

Bellinger.  Ronald.  E.  J.  Hutchinson,  and  W.H.  Shipley,  to 
Strachan  &  Henshaw  Ltd.  Charging  and  discharging  ma- 
chines.    2.981.422,  4-25-61.  CI.  214—18. 

Belllngham  Chain  &  Forge  Co. :  See — 
Meloy.  Marshall.     3,003.613. 

Bellis  Paul,  to  The  Landmark  Corp.  Food  container  display 
device.    2.979.841.  4-18-61.  CI.  40—126. 

Bellman.  David  J.  :  /^rc;  „.,  ti^ii„„„      o  qh* 

Coddou.  Eugene  S..  Jr..  Johnston,  and  Bellman.     J.VOS.- 


Bellmann.  Emma  E.  :  .^ee —  „,v,w»rtoo  v. 

Isken,  Walter,  and  NMemer.    2.990,088.^       •^• 

Bellmann.  Frledhelm :  See—         -oannse   " 
Isken.  Walter,  and  Wlemer.    2.990.08S 
Kronsbein.  Curt,  and  Bellmann.     2,985,901. 

Bellmann.  Ruth  :  See — 

Isken,  Walter  and  W  iemer.    2,990.088. 

Bellmuth.  Helnrlch  :  See—         ^    „  „       ^.       „  ^o-  -— 
Hamprecht.    Guenther.    and    Bellmuth.     3  006.3.  i 

Bellocchlo,  Rene  E.   Comer  picture  frame  assembly.  2.991,577, 

7-11-61.  CI.  40—152.1. 
Bellomo.  Andrea.     Universal  joint.     3.002.364.  10-3-61,  CT. 


Bellon.  Ralph  J.:  See —  „  «„«  .„„ 

Handler.  Milton  E.,  and  Bellon.    2,982.423. 
Bellows.   Richard  W..   and  P.   A.   St-hmldt    to  The  Air  P^ 

heater  Corp.     Sealing  arrangement.     3.010,703.  11-28-61, 

CI.  257— 209. 
Bellringer.   Frederick  J..   C.   W.   Capp.  F.  C.  Newman    and 

K   H   W   Turck    to  The  Distillers  Co..  Ltd.     Production  of 

dlchlorbutenes.   '2.979.542.  4-11-61.  CI.  260—654. 
Bellringer.  Frederick  J.,  C.  W.  Capp.  and  HP.  Crocker,  to 

The    Distillers     Co.     Ltd.       Production     of    chloroprene. 

3,009.968,  11-21-61,  Q.  260—665. 
Belluomlnl.  Fred  V.    Leaf  and  trash  gatherer.     2,978,731.  4- 

11-61.  CI.  15— 2.J7.4. 
Belmont,    Emanuel,    to    The    Bendii    Corp.      Semiconductor 

device.    3.012,916.  12-12-61.  C\.  148—1.5. 



B«lock,   Harrr  D.i   and   J.   W.   Tdne,  to  pelock   Instrament 
Corp.    Method  and  macblne  lt>r  grinding  gears.    2,998,678, 
9-5-61,  CI.  51—52. 
Belock  Inatrument  Corp.  :  Ree — 

Bclock,  Harry  D..  and  Tone.    2,998,678.    '_  ' 
Beloit  Iron  Work*  :  See 

and    Qoodwillie.      2,971,580. 

Beacbler,  Edward  D. 
Beaehler,  Edward  D. 
Beacbler,  Edward  D. 
r.«"achler.  Edward  D. 
Beaehler.  Edward  D. 
BeacfaltT,    Edward   D., 

Homboatel,  Lloyd. 
UorntMatel.  Lloyd. 
Homboatel,  Lloyd. 
HornboHtel,  Lloyd. 

Daane.  Robert  A.,  and  JnstuB.    2,993,282 
Erbaeh,  Frederick  B.    2.970.938. 
HQmbofltel.  Ltoyd.     2,985,100. 
~  --      -      2.9'*9,262. 

Hornboatel,  Lloyd,  Beacbler,  and  Justos.     2,992,681. 
Jaatna,  Edgar  J.    2.981,328. 
'  ~"         "      2,981.329. 

and  Beaehler. 
and  Karr.    2,970,786. 

Brady,   and   Ottinger. 


2,992,629,  7-18 


Justus,  Edgar  J. 
Justus,  Edgar  J. 
JuMtiiH,  Edgar  J. 
Justufi.  EdKar  J., 
Justus,  Edgar  J., 
Moore.  Harry  C. 
Williams,   Russell  J., 
Toungcbild.  Casper  E. 
Belon;  Paul  L.  A. :  See — 

ProTot,  Emile,  Boalanger,  and  Belon. 
Beloparlovirh.  .Nick,  Jr.     Bulk  mall  opener. 

61.  CT.  120— .35. 
Belshaw,   Tbomas   E.     Doagb   forming  machine. 

10-10-61.  CI.  107—14. 
Belslnger,    Samuel    P.      Wardrobe.      2,974.779,    3-14-61,    CI. 

Belslnger.  Samuel  P.     Shipping  container.     2,980,239,  4-18- 

61.  CI.  206^—7. 
Beltex  Corp.  :  See — 

Pe  Woskin,  Irvin  S.    2,968.304.        ' 
Beltmann,   Philip  K.,  and  E.  J.  Robb.     Water  ski   tow  rope 

guide.     2,972,325,  2-21-01.  CT.  114 — 235. 
Beltone  Hearing  Aid  Co.  :  See — 

I'risen.  Sam.     3.014.994. 
Beltrami.   Aurelio.     Electronic  device.     2,985.872,   5-23-61. 
a.  340—345.  ' 

Beltz.  Charles  R.     Method  for  manufacture  of  an  encasement 

structure.     2.997,770,  8-29-61.  CI.  25 — 154. 
Beltz.  Klaus  :  See — 

Rodis,  Franz,  and  Beltz.    2.986.449. 
RodU.  Franz,  Krause,  and  Beltz.     2,9t7,317. 
Beltz.   Robert  C,   and  W.  G.    Wiley,  Jr.     Combined   sill  and 

threshold.     3,013,314.  12-1!>-61,  CI,  20—64     - 
Belvedere  Products,  Inc. :  See — 
Klefer.  Walter  J.     2.969.«4.".. 
Bemberg.  J.  P.,  Aktlengesellschaft :  See — 

I'irot.  Ernst.     3.009,208. 
Bemls  Bro.  Bag  Co. :  See — 

.Vshton,  C.eorge  H.     3.004.698. 

Conway.  Walter  P.,  Hoeppner.  and  Stageberg.    2.998,.^40 
DIckmann.  Edwin  A.     3.003,151. 
Helm,  Jack  D.     3,005,652. 
Hopkins.  Prank  L.,  and  Ayres.    2.978,852. 
*  Hopkins.  Frank  L.,  and  Helm.     •_'.973.740. 
>.    Hopkins.  Frank  L.,  and  Helm.    3.000,4.^)4 
^    Klndseth,  Harold  V..  Johnson,  and  Ludlow.     3,001.582. 
Klndseth.   Harold  V..   and   Ludlow.     2.971,863. 
Ottlncer,    An^iiBt    F.     2  f»»4  ♦;.■'.  1 
*    Ottinger,  August  F.     3,009.627.' 
Peiitrup,  Henry  F.     2.975.090. 

Suinn,  James  L.    2,980.313. 
Ugeberg.  Wilfred  E.     2.979,113. 
Wosermi.  Otto,  and  Anderson     3.011.296. 
Bemls.   Edwin  G..   to  California   Research  Corp.     Well  wash 

fluid.     2.978.026.  4-4-61,  CI.  166 — 14. 
Bemi.s.  Philo  8..  to  American  District  Telegraph  Co.    Electric 

protection  system.     2.985.871.  5-23-61.  CI.  840—286. 
BemiN.s    Robert  I'..  J.  G.  Herring,  and  R.  ('.  Stenger.  to  Binns 
Machine  Works.  Inc.     Folding  box  having  di.igonally  over- 
lapping closing  panels.     2,987,237,  6-.6-61.  C\.  229 — 40. 
Bpmmann.   Rudolf,  W.  Langenbeck.   H.   Drever,   and  D.  .Neh- 
Hng.    to    VKIl    Leuna-Werkp    "Walter    Ulbrichf.       .Mixed 

Co''«*?'^    ""''    P'o*"^"*    'or    their'   preparation.      3.014,880, 
12-26-61.  n.  252 — H3. 

Bemmels.  Cyrus  W..  and  D.  D.  GaellardI,  to  Jnhn.son  &  John- 
son. Pressure  sensitive  adhesive  composition  containing 
long  chain  phenol  aldehyde  curing  resin  and  tape  made 
therefr»»m.     2.987,420,  6-6-61.  CI.   117— -122. 

Ben,  Manuel  :  See — 

^"'qXqvJI*""^  M..  Bleil,   Hertzog,   L*  Boda,  and   Ben. 

Hep,  victor  R.,  to  E.  I.  du  Pont  de  Nemoarti  and  Co.  Sta- 
bilization of  polyamides  with  alkaryl  pbosphinates.  2.981.- 
715.  4-25-61.  a.  260 — 45.7. 

B«nade.  Walter.  G.  Dlttmar.  and  W.  .Scholl.  to  Parben- 
fabrtken  Bayer  AktieneesellScbaft.  Chromium-containlM; 
monoaso  dyestnffs.     2,978,445,  4-4-61,  CI.  260—147. 

^P^^-^ak  C.  to  Lighting  Specialties,  Inc.  Color  chang- 
ing illuminated  fountain.    3.008.646.  11-14-61,  CI.  239 — 20. 

Beimnder.  George  B..  to  General  Electric  Co.  Interchangeable 
wiring  devices.     2,969.418.   1-24-61,  CI.  174 — 53. 


Swimming  pool  cover.     2,990,556,  7-4-61, 
Portable  trailer-mounted  derrick.     2,993,- 

Benander,  George  B.,  and  G.  R.  Lawson,  to  General  Electric 

Co.      Detent    mechanism    for    alternating    current    switch. 

2,969.442    1-24-61,  C\.  200—67. 
Benander,    George   B.,   and   W.    C.    Schumacher,   to   General 

Electric  Co.     Push  button  A.C.  switch.     2,991,344,  7-=4-61, 

CI.  200—156. 
Benard,  Christian  L.  G.,  to  Anclens  Etablissements  Barbler- 

Benard   Sc    Turenne.      Lightning   device   embedded   in    the 

ground,   in   particular    for   airfields.      2,990,469,    6-27-61, 

CI.  240—1.2. 
Benaway.  Bernard  G..  to  Sterer  Engineering  and  Mfg. 

Pilot-operated    selector    valve.      3.003.478.    10-10-61. 


Benckiser,  Job.  A.,  0.m.b.H.  Chemlsche  Fabrlk :  See — 
Becke,  Margot.    3.002,807. 
Becke,  .Margot.  and  Fluck.  '3,014,788. 
Debo,  Arno.    2,995,596. 
Bencze.   William   L..   to   Ciba   Pharmaceutical   Products,   Inc. 

Tertiary  alcohols.     3.007.934.   11-7-61.  Cl.   260 — 296. 
Hencze.    William   L.,   to  Ciba   Pharmaceutical   Products.   Inc. 

Certain      pyridyl      (aminoalkvlene     o.xy) -phenyl      ketones.   ll-f-61.  n.  260 — 296. 
Bendall.  Wilfrid  H.     Rotary  compressors.     2,970,748,  2-7-61, 

Cl.  230—168. 
Bendar,  Arthur  Z.,  to  Star  Recorder  Corp.    Depth  and  opera- 
tion recorder  for  earth  bore  drilling  rigs.    2,974,523,  3-14- 

61,  Cl.  73 — 151.5. 
Bendell,   Sidney  L.,  to  Raidlo  Corp.  of  America.     Television 

camera  system.     2,971.110.  2-7-01,  Cl.  315 — 10. 
Bender,  Arthur  V.,  and  R.  W.  Bogseth,^  to  National  Lead  Co. 

Paint  colorant  dispenser.     2,98S,248,  6-13-61,  Cl.   222— 

Bender.  Bob  £..  and  W.  B.  Warren,  to  Hughes  Aircraft  Co. 

.Semiconductor    device   and   method   of    making   the    same. 

2,982,892,  5-2-61.  Cl.  317—234. 
Bender,  Edward  A.,  to  General  Motors  Corp.     Evaluation  of 

<iuenchinic  media.      3.013.427.  12-19-01.  Cl.  73-1.1. 
Bender,  Ekiward  J.,  and  H.  H.  Richardson,  to  The  Pqtent  and 

Licensing   Corp.      Device    for   accurately    placing   lanes   of 

granular  on  moving  web.     2,977,924,  4-4-61,  Cl.   118 — 8. 
Ilfiider,  Emil  A.     Derrick  structure.     ::,968,373,  1-17-61,  Cl. 

18{^— l.-S. 
Bender,  Emil  A. 

Cl.  4 — 172. 
Bender,  Emil  A. 

570,  7-2.>-61.  Cl.  189—11. 
Bender.  Frledrich  :  See — 

Meyding,  Lothar,  and  Bender.     3.005,361. 
Bender,  Frederick  M.,  to  Daystrom,  Inc.     Print  wheel  stop. 

2,981,178,  4-25-61,  Cl.  101—94. 
Bonder,   Frederick   M.,  C.   W.   Mooney,   and  D.  C.  Stably,  to 

Sun  Electric  Corp.    Vibration  pickup  having  a  unitary  posi- 
tioning  frame.      3.012.158.    12-5-61,   Cl.    310 — 30. 
Bender,  Harry  :  See — 

Pitt.  Harold  M.,  and  Bender.    2,979,541. 
Bender,    Lloyd   F.      Milk    line   cleansing   system.      2,987,065, 

6-6-61.  Cl.  134 — ."W. 
Bender,    Ludwlg,    to    Knapsack-Oriesheln    Aktrengesellschaft. 

Gastlght  shutofT  device  for  the  passage  of  dust-containing 

substances.    2.971..>34.  2-14-61,  Cl.  137—613. 

Bender,  Paul  P.,  to  Progressive  Metals  Products.  Cabinet 
with    self-closing  doors.      3,011,223,   12-5-61,   Cl.    20 — 19. 

Bender,  Philip  E. :  See — 

Sprouse,  Verner  E..  apd  Bender.    2,978,216. 

Bender,  Stanley  O.,  to  CTS  Corp.  (irounding  means  for 
electrical  controls  with  a  reciprocating  shaft.  2,999.991. 
9-12-61.  Cl.  338—162. 

Bender,  Werner  K.  :  See — 

Castedello,  William,  and  Bender.    3,001,444. 

Bender,  Werner  K.  Electric  ground  connector  plug.  2,984,808. 
5-16-61.  Cl.  3.39—14. 

Bender,  William  C,  Jr.  Three-prong  plug.  2,986,718,  5-30- 
61,  CI.  339—14. 

Benditt.  .\lbert :  See — 

Musser,  C.  Walton,  and  Benditt.    3,010,369. 

Benditt,  John  A.  Scoreboard.  2,986,330,  5-30-61,  Cl.  236 — 

Bendiz  Corp.,  The  :  See — 

Albright,  Franklin  C,  and  Chambers.     2,990,216. 

Alexander,  William  G.,  and  Harden.     3,013.263. 

Anastasia,  Harry  G.,  and  Watson.     2.968,964. 

Arnett,  Samuel  E.,  and  German.    2,997,843. 

Arnett,  Samuel  E.,  Roberts,  and  German.    3,014,676. 

Arnett,  Samuel  E.,  and  Starr.    3,002,349. 

Arnett.  Samuel  E..  and  Starr.     3,000.144. 

Austin.   Leonard  E.,  Ettinger,  and  Brown.     2,971,252. 

Bang,  Bemhard  A.,  DHL  and  Lee.     2,988,644. 

Barfod,  Frederik.    2,977.949.  -. 

Barfod,  Frederik.     3,006,326. 

Barfod.  Frederik.     3,009,688. 

Barfod.  Frederik.     3,009,794. 

Barnhart.  Harry  E.    2.968,020. 

Barnhart.  Harry  E..  and  Derr.    2,987,565. 

Bartz.  Melvin  C.     2.976.485. 

Beatty,  Eugene  F.    2,978,080. 

Be<k,    RobtTt   M.,   Fairchild.   Magnnson.   and    Palevsky. 

Beck.    Robert   M..   Fairchild.    Magnuson,   and   Palevsky. 

Beher,  John  T.    2,978,691. 
Belmont,  Emanoel.     3.012,916. 
Blair,  John  W.    2,989,974. 




Beudix  Corp.,  The  :~  See — Continued 
Bodemuller.  Rudolph.     2.971.338. 
Brockwuy,  Arthur  L..  Jr.     3,013.213. 
Brower.  George  H..  Hooten,  and  Cooper. 
Brown.  Gilbert  G.    2.967.381. 
Bulat.  Thomas  J.     3.007.814. 
Bunger,  Dennen  J.    3,003,313. 
Burnett,  Richard  T.     2,968,367. 
'  _.  .       .  ^      2.978,072. 
T.     2.994,410. 
T.     3,007,548. 
Sung,  and  Farron. 


Burnett,  Richard 
Burnett.  Uichard 
Burnett,  Richard 
Burt,  Farlow  B. 
Burt,  Farlow  B., 
Card,  Th«^(«loje  B 


Bendix  Corp.,  The  :  See— Continued 
Longstreet,  Charles  S.    3,002,350. 
Lon^street,  Charles  S.     3.011,310. 
Lovell,  Donald  J.     2,997,699. 
Ix.we.  Theodore  M      2,908.285. 
Lowrancc.  John  L.    2,971,332. 
Lowrance.  John  L.     2.972,090 
MacDuff,  Stanley  I.     2.1»98,025. 
XlacDuff.  Stanley  I.     3.002,765. 
Maitland,  Robert  T.    2.979,554 
Masel    Marvin,  and  Moreines.^ 
McWillianis,   Charles   W..  and  Noxon 





Caroian"  Raymond  J.     2,985,357. 
Chambers,  Warron  D.     2.977.609. 
Champion.  Carl  E.    2.978.693. 
Chapman.  James  R.,  Jr..  and  Byers. 
Clevenger,  Glenn  W.     2,971.161. 
Cole,  Judson  C.  and  Hall.,  3,0(M.237. 
Collins.  Cameron  C,  and  Kishlwugh 
Colt,  Butger  B..  and  Cerny.    3,005^215. 
Crane,  I^)be^t  U..  and  Kock.     ^{,01o,102. 
Crlpe.  Maxwell  L.    2,993.478. 
Cripe.  Maxwell  L.     3,013.536. 
Criswell.  Daryl  L.    2.972.107. 

Crlswell.  Daryl  L..  and  Horn.     3.00^65.). 
Damoth,  Donald  C,  Goodrich,  and  >Mley. 

Davenport.  Arthur  B.    2,968.74«. 

Davis.  William  E.,  Jr..  and  Crothers.     3,009,422. 

Dletz.  Robert  1'.     3.013,580. 
Dlgby.  James  J.     2,984,115.     : 
Du  Bois,  William  H.     2.986.252. 

Du  Bois,  William  H.     2,988,176.  ^ 

Dunlap,  William  C.  Jr.     2.979.668. 

Eastman.  James  M.    2.979.952. 

Emenaker.  Ijeo  J.,  and  Slera.     3,000,0(8. 

Feijoo,  James  A.,  and  Young,  Jr.    2,971,086. 

Ferguson.  John  H..  Jr.    2,987.296. 

Ferguson,  John  H..  Jr.    2.999.356. 

Ferguson.  John  H..  Jr..  and  Bunger.     3.003,745. 

Fisher,  Walter  W.     2,969.534. 

Frederick.  George  E.     2,994.442. 

Frederick.  George  E.     3^06,579. 

Frick,  Ravmond  C.  and  Rogers.    3.011,483. 

Friend.  Lindsay  C.     2.975,249. 

Friend.  Lindsay  C,  and  Shaub. 

Friend,  Lindsay  C.  and  Shaub. 

Garday,  Louis  J.     2,974,881. 

Gi.'i.   Gt'or^'.'   J.     2.994,857. 

Gleasman,  Hollis  K.     2,985,269. 

Gleasman.  Hollis  K.     2,993.389. 

Graham,  James  M.,  and  Segall.    2,989,660. 

Gregcire,   Stephen  E.,  and  Blackington.     2,969,420. 

Gregoire,    Stephen    E.,    Davies,    and    Schroeder.      J,982,- 

Gunkel.  William  F.     2.970.246. 

Haase.  Elmer  A.    3.002.348. 

Haase.  Elmer  A.     3.007.684. 

Haase,  Elmer  A.,  and  Werts.    2.979.895. 

Haase,  Wallace  H.    2.970,262. 

Hagar,  Norman  B.     2.984.911. 

Hagen   Glenn  E..  Williams.  Beek.  and  Russell.    3.00. ,639. 

Hankina.  Dale  L.     2.984.994. 
Harris.  Robert  C.    2.975.145.  ^ 

Hausen.  Glenn  L..  and  Wofford.    2.975.300. 
Hawkins.  Ronald  E.,  and  Pendl.     3.011.232. 
Heggen.  Henry  R.     3.005,941.  „np,j<,, 

Hennessey.  Walter  F..  Jr.,  and  Swanson.     2,984,^J11. 
Herrmann,  Fred.    2,986,433. 

-     ~  ■  ■  Johnson.     3,011,110. 


2,972.257.  ' 


2.989,879.  • 

2  993  575 

and  Gleasman.    2.972,908. 
2  977  812. 

Hsri"'ch"ih'ChlT  and  Brown.*    2,971.168. 

Hudgins.  John  I.    2.987.645.  | 

Hupp.  Edward  E.     2,997.850.         _     i^ 

Hurtle   James  E.,  Eastman,  and  Kiti^hen.     2.979.889. 

Janssen,  Herbert  K,     2  988,709. 

Johanson,  Carl  E.,  and  Lorenz.     Re.  25,093. 

Johanson.  Carl  E..  and  Ix)renz.^  2.972,028. 

Johnson,  Ewell  C,  and  Ho.    3.002.115. 

Johnson,  Ewell  C,  and  Ho.     3.000,5.50. 

Joalyn.  Carl  R.     3,013.239. 

Karp.  Harry  R.     2,979,596. 

Keller.  Herman.     2.967.288. 

Kjellman.   Thomas  K.     3.012,411.  | 

Klein.  Bruce  W.     3,007.549. 

Knudson.  Glltner  J.    2.987,293. 

Knudson.  Giltner  J.     2,992,642. 

KucmeroBky.  Theodore  L.     2.973.920. 

Kytta.  Oswald  O.     3,014,745.  „„,,„-, 

KuzmitB,  Frank  V..  Eastman,  and  Rose.     2,971,574. 

Lee.  Robert  M.     3.007. fi42. 

Lefflngwell.  Dwight  A..  Jr.    2,990,695. 

Lewis,  Richard  L.     2.971.522. 

Lewis,  Richard  L.    2.977,761. 

Logan,   James   J.     3,013.174. 

Logan,  James  R.    2,973,312. 

577037— P 6 

Ho.  Yu-Chl.  and 
Hocker,  Keith  B. 
Hood,  Edwin  E. 
Hood,  Edwin  E. 
Hood,  Edwin  B. 
Hood,  Edwin  K 
Hood,  Edwin  E., 
Hoof,  Robert  G. 


Mendeufiall.  Charles  A.,  and  StrozinskL 

Merel,  Wolfgang.     2,975,408. 

Mock.  Frank  C.    2.971.336. 

Mock.  Frank  C. 

Mock.  Frank  C. 

Molnar,  Robert 

Moretz,  Bynum 

Morris.  Vernon 


J.     2.977.546. 
B.,  Jr.,  O^den, 

and  Sobcl.     2.978,102. 






Morsewich.  Alex.     3,009,300. 

Moyer.  Edward  L.    2.998.282. 

Moyer.  Edward  L..  and  Osborne.    „,w.w— . 

Noion     Paul   A..    MacCallum,    and    Bennett.      2.909,50o. 

Noxon,  Paul  A.,  Taylor,  and  Jarvls.     3,002,713. 

Nordgren,  Arnold  W.    2.993,578. 

Palevsky,   Max.     2,994.477. 

Parker.  iLelaud  C.     2.994.792. 

Pavlick,  George  R.    2  972.858. 

Pendorf.  Harold.     2.981.982. 

Perkey.  Russell  C.    2,980.173. 

Perle.  Abe  J.     2.989.067 

Peters,  Norman  K.,  and  Reynlck.    2,971,326.         < 

Phelan.  George  A.     2.972.098. 

Piatt.  Walter  A.     2.974.908. 

I'olve.  William  R.     2.993,169.      „„,,„,,. 

Polve.  William  R..  and  Bevins.    2.971. 33o. 

Potter,  Frederick  M.     2.992.380. 

I'rapls,  Frank.    2.987.653. 

Prather.  Edwin  E.    2.973.844 

Prather,  Edwin  B.     2,989_,973. 

Pribble.  Noble  F.     2.967. 9o3. 

Prlbble.  Noble  F.    3.011.486. 

Price.  Earl  R.    2,979,907. 

Price,  Earl  R.     3,009,448. 

Price.  Earl  R.,  Blair,  and  Davis. 

Purdy,  Bolland  M.    3,004,121. 

Renter,  Paul  L.     2.969.910. 

Roberts.  George  I.    2,972.449. 

Roberts,  (Jeorge  I.     2.982  330 

Rogers.  Francis  R.    2.980.174. 

Rogers.  Francis  R.    2.993.495. 

Rogers.  Francis  R.,  and  Adams. 

Root.  Charles  W.     3.013.129. 

Rosback.  Richard  H.    2^80,455.         ~...^„ 
Rosenberg,  Andrew  M.,  Conway,  and  Schull^n. 
Ruck.  Herbert  C.     2.999,173. 
Rudisch,  Walter  E.    2,973,851. 

Ruet,  Jean.     2.968,370. 

Rupp,  William  E..  and  Moeller. 

RusB.  Daniel  G..  and  Eastman. 

Sabatinl,  John  J.    2,99r,.924 

Srhinrtel.  Arnold.     3,003.83.5 

Schnaible,  Albert  P.    2.988.885. 

Schultz.  Harold  B.     2.968,316. 

Schultz.  Harold  B.     2.998,243. 

Segall,  Louis  H.    2.978.611. 

Segall,  Louis  H.     3,ol4,151. 

Selfried.  Paul  E.,  and  Meyer. 

Sekella.  Youston.  Dlgby.  and 

Spencer.  Glenn  S.    2,979,961. 

Spencer.  Glenn  S.     2.999,70.5 

Statzell.  Robert  W.     2,985^06 

Steinhauser.  Hayes  B.     2;967,^6<J. 

Stout.  George  C.     3.0"  ■JJ"--. 

Stratman,  Urban  F.    2  967  536 

Sundberg,  Alfred  A.     2,978.901.      .  _     .^„„      •>  qro  Ofio 

Sutton  Robert  W..  Woodward,  and  Hartman.    2.980.090. 

Svec.  Victor.     2.989,642 

Volk   Emll  A..  Jr.     2>84  976. 

Yolk,  Emil  A.,  Jr.    2.986  879. 

Volk.  Emil  A.,  Jr.     2.994.194. 

Volk.  Emll  A..  Jr..  and  Tjoeger. 

Wail,  Norman.     2.985.012. 

Wail.  Norman.     2.987.634 

Waldow.  Sheldon  M.     2.989.270. 

Werts,  Wayne  E.    2.980.065. 

Werts,  Wayne  E.    2.986.126. 

Werts.  Wayne  E.    3.007.514. 

Wesstrom.  Alfred,  and  Falk.    2.972.935. 

Widen.  George  M.    2,979.891.     ^  „     _      o  ooo  b«« 

Widen.  George  M.,  Eastman,  and  Brown.     2,989,860. 

Williams.  Howard  J.    2.971,575. 

Williams,  Howard  J.    3.007,303. 

Williams.  Howard  J.,  and  Hurtle. 

Wilson.  Harold  S.     2.973.837. 

Winkler,  Albert  H.     2.984,466. 

Winkler.  Albert  H.     2,991.986. 
•     Winkler.  Albert  H.     3.006,621. 

Wlntrode.  Warner  C.    2.971.337. 
■  Wischhusen.  Egon  H.    2,978,550. 

Wisman,  Franklin  O.     S.014,472. 


Covert.     2.973.712. 





Type  mold. 

Brake  Co. :  See — 



Bendix  Corp..  The :   See — Continued 
Woodruff.  Frank.     2.989.160. 
Woodward.  Stepben  G.    2,981.246. 
Worley.  M  tlllam  K.    l'.982,497.      ^„,  ^,„ 
•  Ye««er.  WUlUun  E..  and  Wail.     2,985.013. 
Zel8loft.  Harry  C.    2,979.894. 
Bendix.  Eugene  E..  to  Langston  Industries.  Inc. 

3.(Hn>  ..«.{.   n-Ul-+Jl.   Cl.    199—91. 
Bendlx-WVstlnghouse  Automotive  Air 
Aagustln,  Darold  A.    2,9S6,1^3. 
Aujfustin.  Darold  A.      :{.(io«;  K.ljT. , 
Gates.  Charles -E.     2,985,490. 
Oresko.  Baymond  8.     2.989,978. 
Uresko,  Raymond  S.    3,002,767. 
Kemble.  Herbert  A.     3,003.825.     ' 
MorHe.  Robert  J.    3.002,520. 
Obrln.  Jtobert  P.     3,010,768. 
Ternent.  George  E.    2.997,227. 
Valentine,  Harry  M.     2.967,064. 
Valentine.  Harry  M.    2.979.069. 
Valentine.  Harry  M.     2.989.971. 
Valentine.  Harry  M.     2.989,983. 

Valentine.   Harry   .M..   and   Gates.     . 

Bendler.  Harry  >L.  C.  E.  Blell.  T.  W.  Hertzog.  M.  A.  La  Boda, 
and  .M.  Ben.  to  General  Motors  Corp.     Treatment  of  metal 
surfaces.     2.9«R,5.">,  1-17- 61,  Cl.  96— 38.    , 
Bendot.  Joseph  M..  to  National  Steel  Corp.    Article  handling 

apparatus.    2,993,623.  7-25-61,  Cl.  221—298. 
Bene    Cliarles.  '-j   to  A.  P.  De  Biro  k  Co.  Ltd.     Colouring  of 
wool,  silk  and  other  protein-base  fibrous  materials.    2.987.- 
368.  ft-0-61,  Cl.  8 — 1.^. 
Benedek,  Andrew  A. :  See —  ^  ^  ^ 

Shatlurk.  Ewart  H..  and  Benedek.     3.000,060. 
'Benedettl.   John  B.     Bottle  opener  and  carton  combination. 
2.990,972,  7-4-61.  Cl.  220 — 103.  i  i 

Benedict,  Bruce  C. :  «ee —  I 

Axe.  William  N..  and  Benedict.     3.013.960. 
Benedict.    Donald    B..    and    D.    Q.    White,    to    Union    Carbide 
Corp.     Coagulation   of  dispersed   polymeric  organic  mate- 
rial    with     poly(ethylene    oxide),    and     product     thereof. 
3.006.872.  10-31-61.  Cl.  260—3. 
Benedict.    Glen    E..   and    W.    L.    Lyon,    to 
America.  Atomic  Energy  Commission, 
nlum  and  plutonlum  oxides.     3.011.865 

Benedict.    T'llman   H..    to  James   I.,ee8   and    Sons  Co.   /  Auto- 
matic adhesive  applicator  for  large  Wrapping  paper  rolls. 
2.979,02.3^  4-11-61.  Cl.  118 — 43. 
Benedict.   Vera  B.      Particulate  material  container  and  dis- 
penser attachment  for  a  rolling  pin.     3,010,413.  11-28-61. 
Cl.  107—50. 
B^edict.    Walter   E..    to   Congoleum-Nalrn   Inc.      Method    of 
producing  decorative  surface  covering.     2,987.104.  6-6-61. 
Cl.  154 — 26. 
Benedict.  Walter  E.,  W.  C.  Welgle.  and  J.  F.  Dobry.  to  Con- 
goleum-Naim  Inc.     Surface  covering  product  and  process 
therefor.     2,986.197,  5-30-61,  Cl.  154 — 25. 
Benedltz.    Fred,    to   Owens-Illlnols   Glass  Co.      Drive   system 
Inrludinir    helper    motor.      2.996.876.    8-22-61,    Cl.    60 — 6. 
B«nekam.  William.     Floating  mushroom  root  trimming  ma- 
chine.   2.978,003,  4-4-61,  Cl.  146 — 81. 1 
Beneke  Corp.  :  Sit-^^ 

Beneke.  Henrv.  Jr.     2.966.686. 
Beneke.     Henrv.     Jr..     to     Beneke     Corp.      Molded     article. 

2.966.6R«.  l-.'?-61.  Cl.  4 — 234. 
Benesch.   Alfred.      Shoes  for  paralytic  patients.     2,977,692. 
4-4-61.  a.  36—8.5. 

Ben»^rh    Reinhold  and  R.  F...  to  Re.searrh  Corn.     Thiol.ntion 

-  -        -    -      -      —     f, 

United  States   of 

Separation  of  ura- 

.  12-5-61,  Cl.  23— 

of  carboh.vd rates.      3.007.918.   11-7-61,    Cl.   260—212, 
P.enesrh.  Ruth  K. :  f!fe — 

Ronesrh.  Reinhold  and  R.  K     3.007.918. 

B^n-Ezra.  Aaron,  and  W.  L.  Bostwick.  to  General  Aniline  & 

polystyrene  jfllmbase. 

;  See — 

and  Benjey.     3.012.574. 
F.      Educational    toy    frame. 



Film  Corp.     Subbing  of  polystyrene  .fllmbase.     2.972,534. 
'     2-21-61.  Cl.  96—84. 
Benford.  Harold  R. :  See — 

Marindin.  Robert,  and  Benford 

Benge.  Bill  L. :  See— 

Dllworth.  John  P..  Benge.  and  Jordan.     2,967.826. 

Benger  laboratories  Ltd. :  See —  i 

Fowler.  Frank.     2,992,645.  \ 

Bengston.   Phillip   S..    to  United    States   of  America.   Navy. 

Frequency    modulator    for    wide    variations.      2,984,793, 

5-16-61.  CT.  332—14. 
Bengtson,    Richard    H..   Jr..    to   United-Carr   Fastener   Corp. 

Plug  button  assembly.     3.010.743.  11-28-61,  Cl.  287—53. 
Bcntaam,   Harold   L.,   to  General   Motors  Corp.     Method   of 

welding  and  flax  therefor.     2,987,808,  6-13-61,  Cl.  29 — 

Ben-Hur  Mfg.  Co. :  See — 

Donnelly,  Daniel  W.     2,986,301. 
Benlca.   William   S..    to   Scherlng  Corp.     Novel   therapetitic 

salts    and    processes    for   tbelr    manufacture.      2,986.559, 

5-30-61,  CT.  260—239,5.  1 

Benlnger.  Robert  L..  and  P.  W.  Vacobae^.  to  H.  G.  Weber  and 

Co..  Inc.     Roll  stand,     2.973,914.  3-7r61,  a.  242—58. 
Benlnger.   Robert  L..   and   P.  W.  Jacobsen,   to  H.  G.   Wel)er 

and  Co.,  Inc.     Bearing  assembly.     2,997.346,  8-22-61.  Cl. 

308 — 6. 
Benink.  Christiaan  J.  M..  and  H.  Wenz.  to  G.  M.  Pfaff.  AG. 

Adjusfabit'   sniiding   cam   mechanism.     2,999,471,   9-12-61, 

Cl.  112—158. 

Benlsek,  Edward  J.,  to  Automatic  Electric  Laboratories,  Inc. 

Dust   cover    for   automatic    telephone   switch    mechanism. 

2,978,137,  4-4-61,  Cl.  220— -18.  ^         ,       a 

Benjamin,  Allie  C,  to  Salada-Shlrriff-Horsey.  Inc.    Cereal  and 

method  of  making  same.     2,991,181,  7-4-61,  Cl.  99—83. 
Benjamin.  David,  to  Benjamin  Reel  Products,  Inc.     Reel  for 

lawnmower  cord.     2,977427,  3-28-61.  Cl.  191—12.2. 
Benjamin,   Fred,   and   A.   D.    Schoenfeld,   to  American  Elec- 
tronics,   Inc.     Regulated   alternator.      3,003,101,    10-3-61, 
Cl.  322-^97. 
Benjamin.  Joel  M..  Jr. :  See —  „      .      .         „  ^^>  „,, 

Goodman,  Lawrence  B.,  and  Benjamin.     3,00o,351. 
Benjamin.  .Milton  L.,  to  Erickson  Tool  Co.     Spring  jaw  chuck. 

3.()0«».r,54.  ia-,3i-Gi.  Cl.  1:79—23. 
Benftimin,  Milton  L.,  and  F.  E.  Wlnnen,  to  Erickson  Tool  Co. 
Diaphragm  chuck.     2,974,964,  3-14-61.  Cl.  279 — 4.     _     , 
Benjiimln,    Milton   L.,   and    D.    D.    Walker,    to   Krickson  Tool 
Co.     Cfcuck  for  gears  and  the  like.     3,006,653.   10-31-01, 
Cl.   279 — 4. 
Benjamin  Reel  Products.  Inc. :  See — 

Benjamin.  David.     2.977.427.  ^„    „_    ..,„„, 

Benjetsky.  Louis.     Slnkable  toy  boats.     2,987,849,  6-13-Cl, 

Cl.  40 — 94. 
Benjey.  William  G. 
Baker.  John  J. 
Benkelman,    Glen 

10-17-61,  a.  46—25. 
Benkovich,  John  A. :  See — 

Rohde,  Robert  L.,  and  Benkovich.    2,979,815.      _ 
Benkovich,  John  A.,  J.  L.  Whittlngton,  and  R.   E.  Price,  to 
Gardner    Machine    Co.      Work    indexing    means    for    disc 
grinders.    2,990,659,  7-4-61,  Cl.  51—118. 
Benkovskv.  Francis  V.,  R.  W.  Siltamaki,  and  W.  G.  Morris,  to 
Aero  >ffg.  Co.    Control  cable  tensioning  device.    2,992,568, 
7-18-61,  n.  7-1 — 501.5. 
Benkowski.  Joseph  R..  to  Wendell  Mfg.  Co.     Color  applying 

tool.     2.982.252,  5-2-61.  Cl,  120 — 12.6. 
Beninore.  Stanley  H. :  See — 

Marsee.  Frederick  J.,  and  Benmore.     2.998,231. 
B^nmussa.  Henri,  and  A.  Mingaud,  to  International  Standard 
Electric    Cqrp.      IdenUfylng    system.      2.999.132,    9-5-Cl, 
•  n.  179 — 18.  ^  ,„ 

Benn.  Walter  R.,  to  G.  D.  Searle  k  Co.     3-oxygenated  16a- 
alkynlpregnen-i!0-ones.   3,009,926.  11-21-61.  Cl.  260—397.3. 
Benner-Nawman.  Inc. :  See — 
Dreyer.  John  A.    2,989,195. 
Nawman,  RoUle  B.     2.984,933. 
Nawman.  Rollie  B..  and  R.  L.    2.978.831. 
Bennetch,  Leonard  M..  to  C.  K.  WUliams  k  Co.     Red  oxide  of 
iron.    ^.009.821,  ll-21-<il,  Cl.  106—304.  „  „  „, 

Bennett,  Albert  D.,  Jr.     Beam  compass.     3.002,280,  10-3-61, 

Cl.  3.'?- 27. 
Bennett,  Albert  W.,  to  Courtaulda  Ltd.     Production  of  arti- 
2,975,024.  3-14-61.  Cl.  18—54. 
See — 
Noxon.  Paul  A.,  MacCallum,  and  Bennett.    2.969,505. 
Bennett.  Andrew  E..  to  Worthlngton  Corp.     Method  and  ap- 
paratus  for   controlling  wood   pulp  digesters.     2,993,82  <. 
7-25-61,  Cl.  162—61.  _ 

Bennett,  Arthur  F..  to  United  States  of  America,  Navy.    Tor- 
pedo control  system.     3,005,434,  10-24-61,  CT.  114^-20. 
Bennett,  Arthur  J.,  to  Pye  Ltd.     Phase  comparison  circuits. 

2,989,698,  6-20-61,  Cl.  324—83. 
Bennett,  Arthur  J.,  and  L.  T.  Thurlby,   %  to  Gravlner  Mfg. 
Co.  Ltd..  and   Vj   to  Wilkinson  Sword  Ltd.     Electrical  cir- 
cuits    for     use     with     temperature     responsive     devices. 
2.974.314,  3-7-61.  Cl.  340— 227.  ,      «  „„„  c«, 

Bennett,  Averlll  M.     Mechanical  walking  animal.     2.992,831. 

7_1R_6i.  Cl.  280— 1.177.  .     , 

Bennett.  Clarence,  to  Vlckers  Inc.    Power  transmissions  con- 
trolled by  saturable  reactors.    2,991,4P9,  7-4-61,  Cl.  323— 
Bennett.    Clarence,    and    L.    W.    Buechler.    to    Vlckers. Inc. 

Power  transmission.     2,994,027.  7-25-61.  Cl.  321—18. 
Bennett,    Clarence,    and    L.    W.    Buechler.    to   Vlckers.    Inc. 
Power  transmission.     3,004.210,  10-10-61,  Cl.  323—89. 

Bennett.  Clarence  W. :  See — 

Sellars.  Elmer  V.,  and  Bennett.    2,974,809. 
Kennett.  ClIfTord  B..  to  Southern  Saw  Service.  Inc.     Wrap- 
ping machines.      Re.  24,993.  5-30-61.  Cl.  53—13. 
Bennett.   David  F.     Boat  trailer.     3.003.655.   10-10-61.  Cl. 

214 — 506. 
Bennett.  Edmund  C. :  See —  '  „„„,,„, 

Newell.  William  H..  McKenny,  and  Bennett.     3,00«..5.';i. 

Bennett.  Fxlward  A. :  See —  ^ ^ 

Potter,  Louis  E.,  and  Bennett.     3.007.093. 

Bennett,  Edward  J.,  and  H.  M.  Parmelee,  to  E. 
de  Nemours  and  Co.  Azeotroplc  composition. 
9-12-61.  Cl.  252—171. 

Bennett.  Edward  O.,  to  Commercial  Solvents  Corp. 
liquid  petroleum  lubricant.     2,967,829.  1-10-<!1, 

Bennett,  Edward  O..  to  Commercial  Solvents  Corp.  Petro- 
leum lubricants  stabilized  with  nltroesters.  2,976,244,  3- 
21-61.  CT.  252 — B1.6. 

Bennett.  Edward  O..  to  Commercial  Solvents  Corp.  Stabiliza- 
tion of  petroleum  lubricants.  2,987,479.  6-6-61,  Cl.  252 — 

Bennett.  Edward  O..  to  Texaco  Inc.  Bacteria  inhibited  sol- 
uble oils  and  soluble  oil  emulsions.  3,013,973,  12-19-61, 
Cl.  252—33.3. 

flclal  threads. 
Bennett,  Aifre<i 

I.  du  Pont 

a.  252— 



Bennett.  Edward  O..  and  B.  B.  Hodge,  to  Commercial  Solvents 
Corp  ProceBB  for  the  control  of  bacteria  In  water  flood- 
ing operations.     2.976.236.  ^21-61.  CI.  252— a.85 

BennettrKdward  O..   and  E    B.   Hodge.  *<>  Commercial   bol 
vents  Corp.     Process  for  the  control  of  bacteria.     *,»7».- 

BeStt^Edwl^bf  a"^  f  B.  Hodge  to  Commercial  ^J- 
vents  Cor^  Process  for  the  control  of  bacteria.   2,87a.45e, 

Bet^e\^k6^irf^!n^B.  B  Hodije  to  Con.-e^c\^ 

Corp.    Process  for  the  control  of  bacteria  in  water  nooaing 


S  •  Process  fo'r  the  control  o^bacteria  In  water  flooding 


vent"' Corp:     Process  for  the  control  of  bacteria  in  water 
flooding  o^^ratlons.     3,001.936,  9-26-61.  CI.  252-8.55. 

Bennett.  Eusene  W. :  See—    „^^^..      o  otr  o^io 

Kniery.  Uurward  L.,  «P«1  "!""«"•  ^-',VnPP««u>n    to 

Bennett.  Harold  L..^B.  K.  Bohm    and  W    ^^fearwn    to 

Boeing   Airplane    Co       Clam    8h|l'A?Cl     6(^35.54 
noise    suDoressors.      2.976,681,    i>— •^o"^-ii_'-'-."VT?       tI... 

terior  cabinet      3.000,437,  9-19-61,  CI.  160 — 33. 
Bennett    llowlrd  M.     Tractor  blade  operating  arrangement. 

Bea?V^'^'c:?Vo''M£i7n'west  Mfg.  Co.  Torque-equal- 
izing op«atlng'  mechanism  for  awning  type  windows. 
2.981.538.  4-25-61.  CI.  268—23.  ;    , 

Bennett.  John  A. :  Sec—  oqb^iai  ' 

Minor.  Irene  C.  and  Bennett.     2,984,101. 

"^"°°^iWStel^-^EfvirC.,    Bennett.    Preston,    and    Sander. 

Rennet?' Le^nf  A.    Water  filter.    2.995,254.  8-8-61.  CI.  210- 

•    337. 

Bennett.  Leslie  H. :  see— -  j  »„„„»**     9  oo^  too 

Decker.  William  H.,  Rleck.  and  Bennett.    2  993,392. 

Morton.  Lawrence  L..  Decker,  and  »fnnett      ^^W-'ol'/,- 
Bennett    Lucius  L.     Motor  vehicle  throttle  lock.     2,9(J,oou, 

2-2X-61.  CI.   180—82. 
Bennett.  Marvin  D.  :Sfe—  o  oqt  aoo 

Bennett.  Richard  D.  and  M.  D.    2.997.029. 
Bennett.  Maxwell  <i. :  See —  ooao-01 

Podmore.   William   D..  and  Bennett      2,982,. 91 

States  Steel 
.  307—141.8. 

systems  and  apparatus.  2-28-61.  LI.  »»     iwi- 
^"""LindS^Rob^rf't^Deen.  Fling.  Shaw.  Davis.  Johnston, 

BennetrR«^m°u7B.,  '.''L.^'lVan,  and  R.  M.  Prels.  to  Curtlss- 

Wright  Corp.    Power  transmitting  device  with  spring  clutch 

means.     3.008.558,  11-14-61,  CI.  192^12. 
Bennett.  Richard  A.    to  Milton  Hoy  (V     Variable  str^e  ad- 

iustment  meohanism.      2.!»72,894,  2-28-61.  CI.  74—40 
Bennett.   Richard   A.,   to  Milton   Rov   Co.   .PumP.^ith   fluid 

transmission.     2,975,599.   3-21-61,   CI.   «0— 546 
Bennett.    Richard   C      Apparatus    for    sawing   wj.le   boards. 

2.973.020.  2-28-fil,  ri.  143— 47.  ^^  „        .       _^^ 

Bennett,    Richard    D.   and    M.   D..    to  Thomsen    SVP^'/vJ^a 

Fluid  powered  actuator.     2.997,029.  8-22-61.  CI.   121—48. 

^""ffilJiiTwilHam^ar^r..  Bennett.  Bell.  Ulrich,  and  Pox. 

o  QR^  702 
Bennett."    Samuel    L.      Shield    for    drive    shaft.      2.984.090. 

Bennett    Wlllard  II.     Mothod  of  producing  large  circular  cnr- 

rehts.'    2.970.273.  l-.-.l-fil.  CI.  32S^2:?7 
Bennett.  William  E.,  to  Telecomputing  Corp.    Rate  gyroscope. 

2  982.139.  .'v-2-61.  CI.  74     .'v.'».  „  ^  „ 

Bennett     William    E..    to    Telecomnutlne    Corp.      Cyroscope 

assembly.    2.082.140.  !i-2-fi1.  n.  74^-  r,.l? 
Bennett,    William    N.      Remote    control-   for    motor    boats. 

2.985,031,  5-23-61.  CT.  74—512. 
Benning.  Anton:  See —  o  «nc  ano 

Grosskinskv,  Otto,   Benning,  and   Glass,     3.006.95... 
Benhinc,  CalviA  J.,  to  Minn.sota  Mining  an«1  Mfg.  Co      Sul- 
fur-containing   derivatives    of    perh.ilooleflns.       2,968,bau, 

1_17_61.  CI.  260—327. 
Rennlnghoff.    William    L.      Automatic   taper   thread    fV»rmlng 
.and    chamfer    cutting    machine.      2,996.. 36.    8-J_-0i,    Li. 

10 — 87.  I 

Bennlon.  David  R. :  See —  J  „  .  «  aa*  oai 

Crane.  Hewitt  D..  Bennlon,  and  Ilelnzmann.     3,004, J40. 

Bennion.  David  R..  to  Burroughs  Corn.  Bidirectional  shift 
rf>gl..ter.     2.969.rj24,  1-24-61.  CI.  .340—1.4. 

Bennlon.  Davi.1  R.,  D.  C.  Engelbart.  and  E.  K.  Van  De  Rlet, 
to  Stanford  Research  Institute.  Flux-doubling  in  magnetic 
cores.  11-14-61.  CI.  340—174. 

Bennis.  Leslie  J. :  See —  ^  ^_„  „^_ 

Westall.  Thomas  E..  and  Bennis. 

Bcnoit.  Conrad  H. :  See —  ...      „  ««o  nnn 

Morser.  Calvin  S..  Maloney.  and  Benoit.     2.908.999 
Morser,   Calvin    S.,   Maloney,  and   Benoit.      3.00o.666. 

Benoit  George  J..  Jr..  to  California  Research  Corp.  Satti- 
rated   hydrocarbon-vinji   ether   reaction   products.     2,998.- 

Beilii^i^~ph'J^^stS^linn.    2,971.236,  2-14^1,  CI.  24- 

Benoliel.  Osmond  D.l  and  J.  Tobias.  Flickering  electric  can- 
dle.   2.976.450.  3-21-61,  CI.  313—151.  _  „  ^      ,..    .,, 

Bensch     Emi\.    to    Industriewerk    Schaeffler    o.H.G.     Needle 

.    bearings.     3,006,703,  10-31-61.  CI.  308—212. 

Bensema,  Eugene  E..  and  A.  ^;reeman.  to  United 
Corp.     Timing  device.     2,996.630.  8-l5-»>l.  C\ 

Bensen,  George  H. :  See — 

De  Flora,  Caesar  A.,  and  Bensen.    2,983,3o2.         rk„,„,„ 

Benslnger,  Wolf-Dieter,  and  H.-O.  Derndlnger,  to  Daimler- 
Benz  Aktlengesellschaft.  Valve  control  mechanlsrn  for  In- 
ternal  combustion  engines.  3,002,50.,  10-3-61,  CI.  lis — 

Benson.  Albln  N. :  See—  o  nnn  mo 

Heanev,  Joseph  \\ .,  and  Benson.    3.009.103.       ^    „     .     , 

Benson.  Alfred  D..  H.  Schlottmann,  and  R.  Hector,  to  Control 
Design  and  Fabricate  Inc.  Demand  actuated  conveyor 
svstem.     Re.  25.098.  12-19-61,  CI.  198—78.  „   kk  - 

Beiison.  Arthur  E.,  and  J.  M.  Lane,  to  United  States  Rubber 
Co.     Slotted  tire  tread.     3,012,599,  12-12-61,  CI.  152—209. 

Benson.  Bernard  S..  to  Benson-I^hner  Corp.  <.raph  trans- 
formation apparatus.     2.999.315,  9-12-61,   CI.  33—1. 

Benson,  Clark  K. :  See — 

Blesch,  Charles  A.,  and  Benson.    3,001.298.  ,    ,t- 

Benson,  Clark  K..  and  A.  A.  Carldls  to  Heat  and  Control  Inc. 
Heating  unit  and  method.    3.001,780.  9-26-61,  CI.  263 — 42. 

Benson,  Donald  O. :  *'<"«—;,    ,.         ,  „  oo-qaia 

Horner,   Herbert  F.,  Kroll.  and  Benson.     2,0,3,614. 
Benson,  Donald  ().,  to  Toro  -Mfff-  Corp.     Power  mower  with 
full  floating  cutting  unit.     2.972,21  S,  2-21-61.  CI.  56—26. 
Benson,  Elmer,  Jr. :  *;ee —  r.^^- ~.^n 

Smith,  Rudolph  ('.,  and  Benson.    2.1)6,  .20. 
Benson,   Harold   R..   to  XuArc  Co.,   Inc.     i^lm  dot  analjzer. 

2,999,419,  9-12-61,  C\.  88—14. 
Benson,  Jack  J. :   See —  nn^n^AA 

Williams.  Sam  B..  and  Benson.    2.969.644. 
Williams.  Sam  B.,  and  Benson.    3.011  311 
Benson     James   M.,   to  MoUenberg  Beta    Machine  Co.      Huid 

operated  chuck.     2,980.432.  4-18-61.  CI.  279—4. 
Benson,  John  A. :  See — -  . 

Pierce.  Lowell  J.,  Benson,  and  Jaramlllo.     2.9.-5,624. 
Benson-Lehner  Corp.  :  Bee—- 

Benson,  Bernard  S.    2,999,315. 
Benson  Mfg.  Co.,  The  :  See- 
Dean   George  A      2.990.886.  „     '  ^.  ,^       j, 
Benson.  Norman  E..  to  The  Acme  Wire  Co.     Wp  "oldered 
printed  circuit  sockets.     2.977.562,  3-28-61,  a.  339—17. 
BeSson.  Norman  E.,  to  The  Acme  Wire  Co.     Control   appa- 
ratus    including     condition     sensing     means.      3,007,080, 

Benson!  Robert  'b..   to'^AlliB-Chalmers   Mfg    Co.     Electrical 
apparatus  life  indicator.     2,972,2o3.  2-21-61.  CI.  ,3—350. 
Benson,  Robert  M.  :  See—- 

Slater  John  M..  Perkins.  Crowley.  Ilallman.  and 
Santogrossl.     2.00.''..0.37.  „  „«,.  ,., 

Benson,    Robert    M.     Digital   mass   flow   meter.      3,005,341, 

10_24-61.  CI.  73 — 194. 
Benson    Walter  L..  and  N.  C.  Dahl,  to  Conch  International 
Methane  Ltd.     Expansible-wall  container  for  low-tempera- 
ture fluids.     2.971.667.  2-14-61.  C\.  220-10. 
Benson.  William  L..  and  R.  J.  Ljiplerre.  to  Merck  &  Co.,  Inc. 
Xntlcaking  imwdered  pn-paratlon  and  method  of  preparing 
the  same      2.^7n.<».''.6.  1-31-61,  CI.  99—143. 

Benston.  Orlando  J.  :  See —  .  „       ^  «  en  mc, 

Hendernon,  Raymond  A.,  and  Benaton.     2,9,0.692. 
B..nt.    John    H..   ami    R.    H.    Olssoru    »"    «ardner^I>enver   Co. 
B.'am  mounteil  tractor.     2,974,609,  K-14-l.l.  CI.  10;>— 1.»3 

Bent.  William  II. :  See—  „  ^^^  „^„  ^ 

Mortimer.  Frank  R.,  and  Bent.     2,992,046. 

Ben  tele.  Max.  to  Cnrtiss-Wright  Corp.  Seal  vent  arrange- 
ment for  rotating  combustion  engines.  2.979.042.  4-H-oi, 
CI.  123 — 8. 

Bentele.  Max.  II.  D.  I>hne,  and  C.  W.  FolJ^.v  to  Ciirtiss- 
Wrlcht  Corp.  Direct  drive  torquemeter.  2.9, 4,. '•22,  3-i4-bl. 

Bentole  Max  C  Jones,  and  F.  P.  Sollinger.  to  Curtiss-\Vrlght 
Corp"  '  C.tolinu'  arranp.'mont  for  rotary  mechanisms. 
.-?  007.460.   11-7-01.  n.   123-   8. 

Benteler  Corp.  :   See — 

Bahmann.  Hans-Joachim.    2.970,950. 
Benteler.  Helmut,  to  Benteler-Werke  Aktleneesellsohaft  Werk 
.  Neuhaus!     Internally    and    externally    copper^oated    steel 
tubes    and    their    manufacture.      2,978,. 99,    4-ll-«l,    ci. 
Benteler-Werke  Aktlengesellschaft :  ^>«-— _ 
Korsch.  Alfred,  and  Schlicht.    2,9,3.15,. 
Benteler-Werke  Aktiengosellschaft  Werk  Neuhaus :  See — 

Benteler,  Helmut.    2.978.799. 
Bentham.  Frank  H.     Rasping  appliances  and  cutters.    2,975.- 

504.  3-21-61.  CI.  29—78. 
Bentham.  Frederick  P..  and  L.  W.  I^P^ett.  to  The  Strand 
Electric  and  Engineering  Co.  Ltd.     Control  of  hchting  for 
variable  effect.     3.004.193.  10-10-61,  CI.  315—29... 

^'°^!l"r^S!^'   F;eTrick^'''S:     Chadwick.  ,  and     Bentkowsky. 




Bentley,   Desmond   M.,   to   Anglo  American   Corp.   of   South 

Africa,    Ltd.      Lifting,    lowering   and   hauling.      3,014,699. 

12-26-61.  CI.  254—135. 
B«ntley  Engineering  Co.  Ltd..  The  :  See — 

Kent,  Alfred  W..  and  Bentley.     3.003,342. 
Walnwrlght,  Carlyte  H.     2.983.126. 
Bentlej.   George   P.,   and  O.   C.   McNabb.   to   Instrument  De- 

Telopinent     I^aboratorles,     Inc.       Ulgitallzers.       2,970,307, 

1-.'{1-6I.  CI.  .S40— :u7. 
Bentley,   Norwood,   and  J.  O.   Townley.     Mining  cutter  bit. 

3.010,709,  11-28-61,  CI.  262—33. 

Bentley,  Percival  A. :  See —  ^ 

Kent,  Alfred  W..  and  Bentley.     3.003.342.        „„,,„„ 
Bentley,  Raymond  B.   Fish  feeding  device.   2,966.885.  1-3-61, 

CI.  119— r.i. 
Bentley,  Robert  H..  to  The  Arrow-Hart  ft  Hegeman  Electric 

Co.     Switch  mechanism  for  alternately  energizing  branch 

circuit*.     2.9fi7.2-'2.  1-3-61.  CI.  200—156. 
Bentley,  Roy  :  See — 

Nock,  William,  Prentice,  and  Bentley.     2.985,305. 
Bentley,    Roy,    and    M.    N.    Thmston.    to    Imperial    Chemical 

Industries  Ltd.     Production  of  alkyl  nitrates.     2,977,384, 

3-28-61.  CI.  260 — 167. 
Bentley,  Roy,  and  K.  A.  Smith,  to  Imperial  Chemical  Indus- 
tries   Ltd.      Transport    of    liquid    explosive    nitric    esters. 

3.009.477,  11-21-61,  CI.  137—565. 
Bentley.    Wallace.     Toy    scubas.     2,975,439,    3-21-61,    CI. 

Bentman,' Henry.     Microphone  stand.     3,007,014,   10-31-61, 

CI.  179—148. 
Benton,  Bruce  M.,  to  Boeing  Airplane  Co.     Control  circuits. 

2.988.688,  6-13-61,  CI.  323—4.  ^ 

Benton,  Bruce  M..  to  Boeing  Airplane  Co.     Controllable  im- 
pedances.    3,002,144,  9-26-61,  CI.  323—16. 
Benton,   Charles   H.,    Jr.,   to   Eastman    Kodak   Co.      Complex 

of  vitamin  A  aldehyde.     3,013,080,  12-12-61,  CI.  260— .'92. 
Benton,   Francis  L.,   to  Armour  and   Co.     Nitration  of   «ir- 

boxyilc  acids  and   their  derivatives.     2,998.437,   8-29-61, 

n.  260 — 1(»4. 
Bentov,  Itshak,  to  W.  R.  Grace  &  Co.    Method  and  apparatus 

for  treating  paper.     2.979,131.  4-11-61,  CI.  162—361. 
BentHen.  Artliiir  It.,  to  (ieneral  Electric  Co.     Faceplate  design 

with  removable  inserts.     2.980.283.  4-18-61    CI.  220—24.2. 
Bentz,   Erwin  J.   H.,   to  Caterpillar  Tractor  Co.     Apparatus 

for  purging  air  from  engine  cooling  systems.     2,976,859, 

3-28-61.  CI.  123 — 41.54. 
Bentz,   Ll..y<l   O..  and   <..   K.    V.   Smith.  Jr.,  to  The   Firestone 

Tire  &   Kiibber  <'o.      Viilcanizable   rubber  composlMon   and 

method    of    vulcanizing    rubber.      •-',996,48.3.    A-1.^.-»M.    CI. 

•J»M^^79  .1. 
Benya.  Robert  J.,  and  P.  Cole,  to  Chrysler  Corp.     Method"  of 

making   brake   drums.      3.005,259,    10-24-61,   CI.    29—505. 
Benyak,   John   B.,   to   The   Osborn   Mfg.   Co.      Rotary   brush. 

2.979.749,  4-18-61,  CI.  15—179. 
Benz.  George  R.,  to  Phillips  Petroleum  Co.     Apparatus  and 

method    for    handling    liquefied    gas    mixtures.      2,993,343, 

7-2.5-Gl.  CI.  62 — 48. 
Benz.  <;eorce  W.  :  See — 

Pearson.  Richard  K.,  Benz.  and  Adams.     3,014,02.'». 
Benz.  William  A.  :   See — 

Wawrzonek.   WilMnm  J.,  and  Benz.     3,010.556. 
Benzel.  Howard  A.,  to  Scott  Aviation  Cofp.    Demand  regula- 
tor.    2,988.097,  6-13-61,  CI.  137 — 63. 
Benzing,  Walter  «'..  E.  C.  Schaarschmidt.  and  R.  E.  Crammer, 

to    Merck    k   Co..    Inc.      Pyrolysis    apparatus.      3,014,791, 

12-26-61.  a.  23—273. 
Renzinger,  Robert  P.,  to  General  Motors  Corp.     Venting  svs- 

teros  for  Internal  combustion  engine.s.     2,9»4.6.">2.  3-14-61. 

n.   12.'«— »1  8«. 
Iteran.    Robert   J..    J.    S.    Beruldsen,    and    D.    L.    Rlchter.    to 

Kalse*  .Aluminum  &  Chemical  Corp.     Trailer  construction; 

2.»93!!72H.  7-2.V-61.  CI.  206—28.     * 
Beran.    Rudolph    F.      .«?heafhed    tool   with 

2.980.996.   4-25-61,  CI.  .30 — 157. 
I'.er;inek.    I{nil<ilp)i    II       Self-service    anto 

12-5-61.   n.   134 — 102. 
Beranger,    Raymond,    to    North    .American    Philips    Co.,    Inc. 

Digit  indicator      2.970.761,  2-7-«l,  CI.   235 — 92. 
Berardinelll,  Frank  M.  :  See — 

Hndgin.  Donald   E.,  and  Berardinelll. 
HudKin,   Donald  E..  and   Berardinelll. 


Berchtold,  Max,  to  I-T-E  Circuit  Breaker  Co.     Wave  engine. 

2,970.745.  2-7-61,  CI.  230—69. 
Berchtold,   Max,   to   I-T-E   Circuit    Breaker  Co.     Adjustable 

statur  plate  for  variable  speed  aerodynamic  wave  machine. 

3.011,487,   12-5-61,  Cl.   123—119. 
Berchtold,  Max,  and  8.  H.  Abrams,  to  I-T-E  Circuit  Breaker 

Co.      Wide  spet^  range  pressure  exchanger  supercharger. 

3.012,708,  12-12-61,  CI.  230—69. 
Berdine.   Blake  W.,  and  D,  C.  Gochnour,  to  Gochnour,  Inc. 

Electronic  distributor.     2,984,695,  5-16-^1.  CI.  123—148. 
Beremand,   Donald  G.,   to  Thompson   Ramo  Wooldridge,  Inc. 

Shut-ofr  valve.     2^^70,609,   2-7-61,  CI.   137—540. 
Berens,  Alan  R.,  to  The  B.  F.  Goodrich  Co.     Novel  polymeric 

monomers  ana  polymers  thereof.     3,004,958,  10-17-61,  CI. 

260— 86.3.  I 

Berenschot.  Donald  J. :  See —  ' 

Dybalski,  Jack  N.,  Berenschot,  and  Riegler.    3,014,810. 
Berenson.  Henry  J.,  to  National  Paper  i'nn  &  Tube  Co.     Con- 
tinuous spool  assembly  machine.     2,967.465,   1-10-61.  CI. 

93 J 

Bereslk,"  Lawrence  S.,  to  Carrier  Corp.     Solution  distribution 
arrangements      for      absorption      refrigeration      systems. 
2,998,715.  9-5-61,  CI.  62—476. 
Bereskin.   Alexander  B.,   to  The  Baldwin   Piano  Co.     Power 

supplies.     3,001.120,  9-19-61.  Cl.  321—8. 
Beretvas    Helen  S.,  and  R.   S.  Barnes.  Jr.,  to  Standard  Oil 
Co.     -Method  of  sulfochlorinating  hydrocarbons.     3,007,911, 
11-7-61.  Cl.  260—139. 
Berezln.    Evelyn,    to    Curtlss- Wright    Corp.      Control    means 
with  record  sensing  for  an  electronic  calculator.     2,973,141, 
2-28-61,   Cl.   2,35— «1. 9. 
Bereznal,    Oszkar,    to   "Llcencia"    Tal&Im&nyokat   Ert^kesltS 
Villalat.     Track  Inspection   car.     2,978,904,   4-11-61,   Cl. 
Berg  Airlectro  Products  Co. :  Bee — 
Dobrikin,  Harold  L.     2.984,445. 
Dobrlkin,  Harold  L.     2,991.524. 
Dobrikin,  Harold  L.,  and  Mastis.     2,970,ri72. 
Berg,  Bengt,  to  AB  Svenska  Flaktfabrlken.     Regulating  elec- 
tric precipitators.    2,978,065,  4-t-61,  Cl.  183—7. 
Berg,  (,'arl  A. :  See — 

Johnston,  Samuel  A.,  and  Berg.     3.007,023. 
Berg,  Carl  J.,  and  S.  Smith,  to  Minnesota  Mining  and  Mfg. 
Co.      Poly-N-vinylbutanesultam.      8,002.957,    10-3-61,    Cl. 
260 — 79  3. 
Berg,  Daniel,  to  Westlnghouse  Electric  Corp.     Electrical  ap- 
paratus embodying  gaseous  Insulation.    2,d89,577,  6-20-61, 
Cl.  174—15. 
Bert',  Donald  I'.:  See — 

Ldhn,     Hans    P..    Wilson,     Stahl,    Berg,    and    Dustman. 
Berg,   Frank   R.     Vehicle  automatic  stop  light.     3,004,240, 

10-10-61.  Cl.  340—74. 
Berg.  Hans  :  See — 

Klemm,  Emat.     3,010,701. 
Berg.  Harold  L     Load  elevating  linkage.     2,992,748.7-18-01. 
CI.  214—78. 

Fish  holding  clamp.     2,974,357,  3-14-61.  Cl. 

detachable   blade, 
wash.      3.011,r)ni. 





2.989, .in.'). 

Berberlch.     otto     W. 

11-7-61.  n.  46—59 
B»Tcnw,   Winiani   R..  and 

h     Stationery     Corp. 

8-1-61,  Cl.  .'•.3—61. 
Bercaw.  William  R..  and 

*      Stationery      Corp. 

8-1-fll.  n.  53—159. 
Bercaw.   Willis  M.     Self 

draullc    control    system 


toy.        3,007,280. 

R.   L.  B.vlngton.  to  Western  Tablet 
Packaging     apparatus.      2.994,168, 

R.  L    Bylngton.  to  Western  Tablet 
Packaging     ap|>aratU8.      2,994,170, 

propelled  aerial  platform  and  hy- 
therefor.      2.970,667.    2-7-61,    Cl. 

Berg,  Harry. 

Berg,  Lloyd  J. 

Berg.   Martin, 

Cl.  89—1.7. 
Berg,   Morris 

Retainer  clamps  for  electric  plug  and  socket 
3.005,176.  10-17-61,  Cl.  339— 15. 
Jr.      Rocket   launcher.     2.988,961,    6-20-61, 

Hud  gin, 

Kra.v.    Raymond 
Berbel.   Daniel:   See--  , 

.Phillips.  Elmer  S.,  and  Berbel.,   3,002.744. 

Berberlan,    Edward.      Surface-fleanint'    and    rug-shampooing 
machines.     2,9<>9,2.'>8.  9-12-61.  Cl.  1.5 — 50. 

t{erb«rlob.  Otto  W.    Swimming  duck  toy.    2,978,832.  4-11-61, 
Cl.  46 — 107. 


See — 
Rhoads,  James  L.,  and  Berg.     3,006.069. 
Berg,  Quentln.     Electrical  disconnect.     2,992,404,  7-11-61, 

P]    339 256 

Berg!  Quentln.  '  Electrical  connector  assembly  and  element. 

3.010.093    11-21-61,  Cl.  339—256. 
Berg.  Ralph  W. :  See — 

Dav.  Ernest  J.,  and  Berg.    3,010.751. 
Berg,    liobert    B.      Transplanter.      3,014,441,    12-26-61,    Cl. 

Berg.  Robert  H. :  See —  _        , .   ,      „  „„,  „„^ 

Coulter,  Wallace  H.,  Berg,  and  Heuschkel.     2,985,830. 
Berg,  Rudolph  G.,  and  G.  D.  Laubach,  to  Chas.  Pfizer  &  Co.. 

Inc.     Fluorlnated  corticosteroids.     2,980,670.  4-18-61,  Cl. 

2Qo[ 239  55. 

Berg.   Rudolph  G.,  O.  D.   Laubach,  and  D.  P.  Cameron,  to 

Chas.  Pfizer  k  Co.,  Inc.     16-alkoxylated  steroid  compounds 

and  process.     3,008,959,  11-14-61.  Cl.  260—239.55. 
Bergandl,  Frank.    Wire  weaving  machines.    3,008,497,11-14- 

61,  Cl.  140 — 92.94. 
Berge,  Jacques  M.  A.  C,  to  Gervlas,  Ch.,  Soclete  Anonyme. 

Method     for    the    manufacturing    of    cheese.       2,974.045, 

3-7-61,  Cl.  99 — ^116. 
Berge,    Sven    E.     Traversing    means    for    weapon-carrying 

vehicles  of  the  endless  track  type.     2,966,828,  1-3-61,  Cl. 

89 — tl. 

Bergee,  Arthur  P. :  See — 

Rugland,  Gerhard  T.,  Tackel,  and  Bergee.     2,977,689. 

Bergen.  Charles  R.,  to  Continental  Oil  Co.  Heat-stable 
greases  and  method  of  preparation.  3,002,926,  10-3-61, 
Cl.  252—35. 

Bergen.  Charles  R.,  W.  P.  Scott,  R.  M.  Tillman,  and  W.  W. 
Woods,  to  Continental  Oil  Co.  Method  of  producing  heat- 
stable  greases.     2.977,300,   3-28-61,  Cl;   252—18. 

Bergen,  Charles  R.,  W.  P.  Scott.  R.  M.  Tillman,  and  W.  W. 
Woods,  to  Continental  Oil  Co.  Wide-temperature  range 
greases.    2.977,301,  3-28-61,  CT.  252—18. 

Bergen,  John  R.,  to  A.  A.  Laun  Furniture  Co.  Combination 
furniture  piece.     2,988,413,  6-13-61,  Cl,  312—195. 



Bee — 

Adjustable  mounting 

Bergen  Laboratories  Inc. :  See- — 
Hoberman,  Max.    3,005.156. 
Bergen  Machine  &  Tool  Co.,  Inc.  : 
Kovach,  John  K.     3,013.648. 
Kovach,  John  E.,  and  Brown. 
Bergen  Plpesnpport  Corp. :  See — 
Suoao,  Leonard  8.    2,979,297. 
Suozzo,  Leonard  8.    2.981,511. 
Suozro.  Leonard  S.     3,000,600. 
Bergpn,  Von  M.,  to  Felker  Mfg.   Co 

for  rotarv  saw.     2,972.344,  2-21-61.  CI.  125—13. 
Bergengren,  Orlssa  J.     Palette  holder.     2.984,443.  5-16-«l, 

CI.  248—124. 
Berger,  Arthur,  to  Baxter  Laboratories.   Inc.     Alkyl  substi- 
tuted    2-thiohydantoin8    as    anti-convulsants.       3.013,943, 
12-19-61.  n.  167—65. 
Berger  Bros.  Co.,  The  :  iSfee — 

Fischer,  WlUlam  H.    2,979,064. 
Berger,  Christian  D.    Sound-actuated  doll.    2,990.646,  7-4-61, 

CI.  46— 24.->. 
Berzer,  Donald  B.,  to  Phillips  Petroleum  Co.    Process  control 

system.     2,990,437,  6-27-61,   CI.  260—683.43. 
Berger,  Donald  E.,  to  Phillips  Petroleum  Co.     Process  con- 
trol system.    3,002,818,  10-3-61,  CI.  23— 25.S. 
Berger.  Donald  E.,  and  C.  W.  Mertz.  to  Phillips  Petroleum 
Co.     Gas  analysis  and   control.     2,984,988.  5-23-61.  Cl. 
Berger,  Edith  :  See — 

Hahn,  Werner,  Welse,  and  Berger.     3,005,390. 

and  F.  B.  Tuteur.  said  Berger  assor.  to 
Inc.    Radar  system.    3,008,138,  11-7-Cl, 

Bam    cleaning    apparatus.      2,992,724, 


Berger,  Frances  B., 
General  Precision. 
Cl.  343—17.1. 

Berger,    George    C. 

7-18-61.  CT.  198 — 164. 

Berger.  Harold  :  See — • 

Jacobs.  John  E.,  and  Berger. 

Berger,  Heinz  :  See — 

Gross,  Otto,  and  Berger.     2,975,144. 

Berger,  Helmut,  to  Slemens-Reiniger-Werke  Aktlengesell- 
schaft.  Cassette  changing  device  for  taking  X-ray  pho- 
tographs.    2,974,228,  3-7-61,  Cl.  2.V)— 66. 

Berger,  Herbert  R..  to  J.  F.  Jelenko  &  Co.,  Inc.  Centrifugal 
casting  machine.     2.992,463,  7-18-61.  Cl.  22 — 66.1. 

Berger,  James  P.  Lumber  elevator.  2,995,236.  8-8-61.  Cl. 

Berger,  Kornel.  Universal  electric  swivel  joint.  3,012,798, 
J2— 12— 61    Cl    285 264. 

Berger,  Leon,  to  Atlantic  Surgical  Co.,  Inc.  Surgical  drain- 
age device.    2  971,510,  2-14-61,  Q.  128—283. 

Berger,  Louis :  See— 

Brolda.  I>an.  and  Berger.    2.996,436. 

Berger.  Paul  :  See — 

Feinberg,  Albert  E.,  and  Berger.    2.971.124. 

Berger,  Richard  K..  H.  Soumeral,  and  A.  J.  Van  Newenhoven, 
to  Worthington  Corp.  Multiple  compressor  systems  for 
refrigeration  installation.  3,009.632.  11-21-61,  Cl.  230— 

Berger,  Uriah  S.,  to  Bell  Telephone  Laboratories.  Inc.  Cross- 
modulation  measuring  system.  2,987,586,  6-6-61,  Cl.  179 — 

Bergere,  l-hnrlc  W.  :  See — 

Bopan.  Gerald  F.     3.013.821. 

Bergeron,  Alfred  L.,  and  E.  T.  Walter,  to  Pneumatic  Scale 
Corp.,  Ltd.  Packaging  machine.  2,996,855,  8-22-61,  Cl. 

Bergerhoff,  Hugo.  Focal  plane  shutter  for  photographic 
cameras.     3,008,399,  11-14-61,  Cl.  95—53. 

Bergeron,  Charles  R.,  to  Ethyl  Corp.  Manufacture  of  1.  1- 
dichloroethane.     3.012,080,  12-5-61,  Cl.  2«50--658. 

Bergeron,  Harry  L.,  to  Slfo  Co.  Countersinking  tool.  3,001,- 
560,  9-26-61,  Cl.  145—123. 

Bergesen,  Howard  S.,  and  I.  O'Rourke.  Jr.,  to  Concrete  Con- 
duit Corp.  Mold  positioner  for  concrete-molding  plant. 
3.014,598,  12-26-61,  Cl.  214—1. 

Berggren,  Loring  J. :  See — 

Baker,    Willard    L.,    Berggren,    Mcllvln,    and    Spencer. 
Berggren,  Loring  J.,  to  United  Shoe  Machinery  Corp.     Porta- 
ble plastic  injection  de\ices.     2,995,159,  8-8--61,  Cl.  141 — 

Bergh.  Amdt  B. :  See — 

Rossing,  Thomas  D..  and  Bergh.     3,004.243. 

Bergh.  Arndt  B.,  and  G.  S.  Kan.  to  Howlett-Packard  Co. 
Current  meter  and  probe  therefor.  3,007,106,  10-31-61, 
Cl.  323—75. 

Berghaus,  Bemhard,  to  Elektrophysikalische  Anstalt  Bern- 
hard  Berfr-llaiis.  Method  and  Installation  for  carrving  out 
glow  disoharffp  procpsses.    2.969.475,  1-24-61.  Cl.  31.1 — 231. 

Berghaus,  Bernhard,  and  H.  Bucek,  to  Elektrophysikalische 
Anstalt  Bernhard  Berghaus.  Two  electrode  arrangement 
for  electric  glow  discharge  chamber.  2,994,007.  7-25-61. 
a.  313—146. 

Berghaus.  Bernhard,  and  H.  Bucek.  to  Elektrophysikalische 
Anstalt  Bernhard  Berghaus.  Electric  discharges  in  gases. 
3,003.061,  10-.3-61,  Cl.  250—49.5. 

Berghaus,  Bernhard,  and  H.  Bucek.  to  Elektrophysikalische 
Anstalt  Bernhard  Berghaus.  Process  for  starting  and  per- 
forming technical  processes  using  electrical  glow  discharge.  10-10-61,  CT.  219 — 50. 

r.erghaus,  Klaus  :  See —  , 

Bomm.  Heinz,  and  Berghaus.    3.011.208.  ' 

Bergherr,  William :  Se#— 

McLaughlin,   Thomas,  Merlin,   Beisbline,   and  Bergherr. 
2  977  177 
Bergier,  'Arnold  H.,  and  M.  Umanoff,  to  L.  Cole.    Changeable 

price  indicator.     2,994,147,  8-1-61,  Cl.  40 — 86. 
Bergin,    Gary   W.,   to   General   Motors   Corp.      Vehicle   door 

latch.    2,982,576.  5-2-61.  Cl.  292—280. 
Bergland,     Terry.        Sounding     attachment     for     bicycles. 

2,987,850,  6-13-^1.  Cl.  46—175. 
Berglund,  Arthur,  to  Si>erry  Rand  Corp.     Core  sleeving  ma- 
chine.    2,971,253,  2-14-61.  Cl.  29—^234. 
Berglund.  Ulf  E.  A.    Flexible  barge,     2,968,272.  1-17-61,  O. 

114 — 74. 
Berglund,  WUhelm  A.    Cable  connector  protector.    3,014,194, 

12-19-61,  Cl.  339—75. 
Bergman.  Donald  J.,  to  Universal  Oil  Products  Co.     Flare. 

2.976.922.  3-28-61,  Cl.  158 — 99. 
Bergman,  James  H.     Low  voltage  miniature  freesing  unit. 

2,988,903,  6-20-61,  Cl.  62—512. 
Bergman.  Lars  O.,  M.  H.  Malmstrdm.  and  B.  Ud£n,  to  Tvatt- 

bolaget  i.  Malmo  AB.     Apparatus  for  folding  bed  sheets 

and  like  articles.     3,006,630,  10-24-61,  Cl.  275--68. 
Bergman,   Leo  M.,    to   Stanley   Drug  Products,   Inc.      Sheep 

marking  composition.     3,011,899.  12-5-61.  CI.   106 — ^19. 
Bergman,  Richard  H.  :  See — 

Wilson.  Robert  E.,  Mertens,  and  Bergman.    2,967,910. 
Bergmann,  Herbert  B. :  See — 

Beese,  William  C.  A.,  and  Bergmann.    2,980.356. 
Bergmann,   Herbert,  and  H.   J.  Backhau.<i,  to  Firma   Losen- 

hausenwerk,    Dusseldorfer    Macbinenbau    A.G.      Balancing 

machine     with     electrical     Indicating    device.       2,972,890, 

2-28-61,  Cl.  73^62. 
Bergmann,  Oswald,  and  K.  Torkar,  to  Peter  Spence  &  Sons 

Ltd.,  and  Deutsche  Gold-  und  Silber-Scbeideanstalt  vormals 

Roestrier.     Production  of  hydrous  aluminas  and  aluminas. 

2,984,606.  5-1G-61.  Cl.  204 — 96. 
Bergmann.  Paul  F.,  to  Johnson  Products.  Inc.     Double  rocker 

arm  assembly.    2,982,273.  5-2-61,  (1.  123 — ^90. 
Bergmann,  Werner  J.,  to  Aluminum  Co.  of  America.   Skimmer 

apparatus    for   fluxing  light  metals.      2.968,847,    1-24-61, 

n.  22—83. 
Bergmann.  Wilfried  H.,  to  Westlnghouse  Electric  Corp.    Elec- 
tromagnetic timing  device.     3,006,936,  10-24-61,  Cl.  317 — 

Bergqulst,   Theodore   W.      Relief  valve.     2,995,147.   8-8-61, 

Cl.  137 — 17.1. 
Bergreen,  Weldon  O. :  See — 

Studhalter,  Walter  R.,  Miller,  and  Bergreen.     2,979.897 
Bergsma,  Rudolph,  to  King-Seeley  Thermos  Co.    Temperature 

sensing  unit.     2,988,717,  6-13-61,  Cl.  338—28 

Bergsma,  Rudolph,  to  King-Seeley  T^hermos  Co.    Timer  me<;h- 

anism.     3,009,081,  11-14-61,  Cl.  317 — 58. 
Bergsma,  Rudolph,  to  King-Seeley  Thermos  Co.     Speedometer. 

3.011,351.   12-,'i-Rl.  Cl.  73—519. 
Bergson,  Gustav  :  See — 

Jones,  William  R^  and  Bergson.    2,970,472. 
Bergson,    Gustav.       Condensing    filter.       2,970,669,    2-7-61, 

Bergson,  Gustav.  Vaporizing  valve.  2,981,278,  4-25-61,  Cl. 
137 — 340. 

Bergstedt,  Karl  A.,  to  Aktlebolaget  Penta.  Marine  Inboard 
motor  power  unit.     2,977,923,  4-4-61,  Cl.  115 — 34. 

Bergstedt,  Milton  A.,  and  R.  H.  Lamason,  to  Johnson  &  John- 
son. Method  for  the  manufacture  of  vlnvl  film,  the  result- 
ing film,  and  paper  spliced  therewith.  2,978,372.  4-4-61. 
Cl.  154 — 43. 

Bergsteln,  Frank  D.,  to  The  Bergsteln  Packaging  Trust. 
Closure  means  for  liquid  tight  cartons.  2,983,419,  JV-9-61, 
Cl.  229—7. 

Bergsteln,   Frank  D.,  and  L.  Back,  to  Bergsteln  Packaging 
Trust.    Apparatus  for  closing  and  sealing  lined  containers. 
2,979.995,  4-18-61,  Cl.  93—44. 
Bergsteln  Packaging  Trust :  See — 
llergstein,  Frank  D.    2.983.419. 
Bergsteln,  Frank  D..  and  Back.    2.979.995. 
Bergsteln.  Robert  M.    2,979,252. 
Bergsteln.  Robert  M.     2.983.429. 
Bergstein,  Robert  M..  to  Bergsteln  Packaging  Trust.     Cover 

lock  box.    2,979.252,  4-11-61.  Cl.  229 — 47. 
Bergsteln,  Robert  M.,  to  Bergstein  Packaging  Trust.     Two- 
pTece    self-locking    carrying   box,      2,983,429,    5-9-61,    Cl. 
229 — 45. 

Bergstrand.  Erik  O.,  and  K.  O.  R.  Sch51dstr5m,  to  Svenska 
AKtiebolaget  Gasaccumulator.  Arrangement  for  phase 
measurement  on  light  oscillations.  2.9il.l&6.  2-7-61.  Cl. 

Bergs  trom.  Axel  E. :  See — 

Westberg.    Johan    E.    H.,    Soderberg,    and'    Bergstrom. 
2,9 1 2,668. 
Bergstrom,  Carl  P.,  and  A.  Cederlund,  to  Crompton  k  Knowles 
Corp.     Pattern  reversing  mechanisms  for  dobbles.     3,002,- 
535,  10-3-61,  CT.  139—324. 
Bergstrom,  Eric  V..   to  Socony  Mobil  Oil  Co.,   Inc.     Recycle 
catalytic  conversion  of  liquid  reactants.     2,968,610,  1-17- 
61,  Cl.  208—100. 

Bergstrom.  Eric  V.,  to  .«?ocony  Mobil  Oil  Co.,  Inc.    Method  and 

apparatus   for   transferring   contact  material.     2,978,279. 

4-4-61.  Cl.  302—53. 
Bergstrom,  Eric  V.,  and  R.  D.  Drew,  to  Socony  Mobil  Oil  Co., 

Inc.     Catalyst  transfer  apparatus  In  moving  bed  system. 

3,005,772,  10-24-61,  Cl.  208 — 173. 



Bergstrom.  Frederick  S.  to  Wood  Conversion  Co.  Manufac- 
ture ef  tire  retardant  board.  3,001.907.  9-2ft-61.  CI.  162— 

Bcrntrom,  Harold  A.,  to  Continental  Can  Co.,  Inc.  Rein- 
forced drum  body.     2.989.218.  ft-20-61,  CI.  229—5.5. 

BerKvail.  iioval  C,  to  \>  e>tlnKtiouse  Electric  Corp.  Means 
for  pxolodine  bombs.     2  9«59.736.  l-.'Jl-Gl.  CI.  102—2. 

Bergirerksgeselliicbaft  Hibernia  Aktien^esellscbaft :  See — 
Dlgteldorf,  Josef.     •_M>72.614. 
<;r<>8.-i,  otto,  and  IVrj:«»r.     2.975,1441- 

Ber^werk.^verbanri  <;.in.b.H. :  See —  i 

Grosukinsky,  Otto.   Benning,  and  Gla8».     3,006,9.'53. 

Berbidl.  Mlhaly,  B.  Simon,  and  L.  Szendrey,  to  Egyesult 
Izzolampa  es  Villamottsagi  Reszvenytarsatiag.  Fluorescent 
lamp.     2.976,448,  3-21-61.  CI.  313—109. 

Beriger.  Krnst,  to  ('iba  Ltd.  Organic  plio:«phoru8  compounds. 
3.014.95,-..  12-26-61.  CI.  260 — 461. 

Berill.  Joseph  -M. :  See — 

Campbell.  RlchardO.,  and  Berill.    2.998,515. 

Berill.  Joseph  M.,  to  Westinghouse  Air  Brake  Co.  Cut  length 
detector.  '^,976.401,  3-21-61.  CI.  246—1.,  Ilenrv  .\.  Structures  and  universal  assembly  fittinj; 
therefor.     2.9S2,r»21.  5-2-61,  CI.  256 — 67. 

Berk.  .Vristid  D..  C.  K.  Nehj^rtTTand  L.  Klelnman,  tn  HiikIl-s 
Aircraft  C<>.  Kerrite  parametric  amplifier.  3.014, 1S4, 
12-19-<51.  CI.  3.'}0— 5. 

Ilerke.Kutrene  A..  an<l  K.  G.  Jahn,  to  The  Dow  rhemicnl  <'o. 
Preparation  of  coated  articles  using  gellable  aqueous 
cationir  po|ym«'r  coating  compositions'  and  printing  inks. 
2.97.;2S.-    2  2^   f.l.  ri.  117— 10«i. 

Berkebilf.  Donald  <'.  :  See — 

Muns.  Ceors*'  K..  Herkebile,  and  Dasher.     3.014,785. 

Berkelhammer.  Gerald,  to  .American  Cyanamid  Co.'  Sul- 
faniorlpbenvl  esters  of  organic  phosphates.  3.005,002, 
10-17-fll.  a.  260—461.  T 

Derkelh.iriuner.  Gerald,  to  American  Cyanamid  Co.  Snl- 
amoylphenyl  esters  of  oreanic  pho-SDhorothioates.  3.005,- 
004,  10-17-61,  a.  260 — 461.  I  1 

Berkeley  f'hemioal  Corp.  :  See —  |  ' 

Belnfest,    Sidney,   .\danis.   Halpem,  and    Weiss.     3.014,- 


Sidney.  Ad.amsi,  and  M.Trpliik      2.996,541. 
Slilnev.  and  llalfK^rn.     3.013.0frt. 
Sidney,  and  ITalr)ern.      3.013.065. 
Berkeley,  Frederick  D.,  Ill,  to  Graham  Mfe.  Co..  Inc.     Steam 
vacuum  refrigeration  unit.   2,078,880.  4-11-61,  CI.  62 — 268. 
Berkelhammer.   Gerald,  and  F.  A.  Wagner,  Jr.,   to  American 
Cyanamid     Co.     DialkyI     cyanobenzyl     phosphorothioates. 
2,992,158.  7-11-61,  CI.  167—30. 
BerkenbofT.    Ifeinz.    to    Steatit-.MagT>esla    Aktlengesellschaft. 
Film   and   sound   projection.     2.982,172.  5^2-61.   CI.   88 — 
Berkerv.  Enp'-ne  A.,  and  I.  K.  Carlen.  to  Bell  Telephone  Lab- 
oratories.  Inc.     Switching  apparatus.     2.093.145,  7-18-61, 
n    3)7—9. 
Berkey.  Morris  B. :  See — 

Moffltt.  William  R..  and  Berkey.     2.9lR7,S36. 
Berkev    Ppvnold  A.,  to  Dinmond  Alkali  Co.     Polyhalo-2.3-di- 
hvdrotbiophene-l,l-dlo.xides.       2,975.194,       3-14-61.       CI. 
2«n — .'>,32  1 
Berkley.  Karl  F.  :  See — 

.Tennintrs,  Edwin  J.,  Jr..  Reddlok 
Berkley.  Enrl  E..  and  J.  A.  Reddlck. 

1,53,  10-17-61.  Ch  S24 — 65.     .. 
Berklt-v  Machine  C(^.  :  Srr-  '.  |  ^ 

Gelpe.    Karl.   "2.986.077. 
Sii»>klpw.  Hermann.     :'..01 0.260. 
Winkler,  Richard,  and  Dnhnebler.     2.983.201. 
,   and   Diinnebler.      2.996. S.59. 
and  TMinnehitT.    ,".<>«»•■,. ;uvi. 
and  Dunnebler.    3.000,151. 
L.  R.  Rissler.  to  Westinchonse  Eleefric 
mochani!»m.     2.992.S18.  7-18-61,  CI. 

and  Berklev.     3.005.152. 
Moisture  tester.    3.005,- 

and  Mlstretta. 

Wlnkl«*r,   Rlrhard, 
Wlnlclor.  Rl'-hnrd. 
Winkler,  Rirhard. 
Berkovifz.  FTarry.  and 
Corp      Closure  eonfrol 
26'*      40 
Berkowit/.  Rern.Trd  D.  :  Srr — 

Walker.  Richard  M..  Berkowltz,  Blal.sdell 
2  '"io  ST:'. 
Berky.  Richard  K..  to  Sperrv  Rand  Corp.     Implement  mount- 
ing device.     2.981.343.  4-2.">-61,  CI.  172—274. 
Berl.  Lert.  to  Xntlonal  Distillers  and  Chemical  f'orp.     Process 
for    tho    sermratlon    of    /Irconinm    nnd    hafnium    values. 
.?oi'>  ^r,o.  12-12-61.  C1.  23 — 21. 
Berl.  Walter  G..  to  Tnited  States  of  America.  XaW.     Caf.n- 
Ivtic    leniter    for.  ram  jet    burner.      2.970,139.    2-7-61.    r\. 
r.O — 39  «2. 
Berl.  Walter  G..   and  D.   W.   Dembrow.   to  Fnlted   States  of 
America.  Navy.     Method  of  bonding  solid  oxidizer  particles 
toeetber    to    manufacture    propellant    charges.      2.993,767, 
52— ..'i.  J 

Sqiiare   shopping  cart.     2,967,060.    1-3-61. 

7-2.5-61.  CI. 
Berlin.    Daniel. 

n.  280—36. 
Ber'ln    Dant*>t. 

CI  280—36. 
Berllr    Daniel 

7-18-61.  n 

Berlin,  Fred  H. 

n    1."S5--1.9S 

Berlin.  Frederick  H.,  Jr.,  and  M.  W.  Bacon.  ^,  to  J.  W. 
Melville.  Apparatus  for  aufomatlnallv  determining  and 
recording  dlmenslonp  of  objects.  2.975.519,  3-21-61.  CI. 
33 — 3. 

Berlin.  Ludwlg  W. :  See — 

Ilevna    Johannes,   Berlin,  and   ScHlnzel.     2.994,611, 

Rquarp  shopping  cart.     2.969,988,   1-31-61, 

ChlM'n  chair  bracket  snji^ension.     2,992,854. 
297— 2.-.R  ^ 

Attachable  receptacle     2,982.344.  5-2-61, 

Berlin,  Milton  :  See — 

Rheingold,  Lawrence  M..  and  Berlin.     2,974.704. 
Berlin.  Milton,  and  L.  M.  Rheingold,  to  Templet  Industries, 

Inc.     Die,  and  method  of  making  same.     3.000^51.  9-19- 

tfi.  CI.  83—690. 
Berlincourt,  l)*in  .V.  :  See — 

Jaffe.  Hans,  and  Berlincourt.    2,969,512. 
Berliner,   Murray.     Portable  game.     3,008,718,  11-14-61.  01. 

273 — 120. 
Berliner,    Oliver.      Linear    drive    for    rotary    potentiometers. 

2,972.725.  2-21-Gl,  CI.  338 — 07. 
Ber lings.   Orests  B.      Film  cassette.     2,983.462,   5-0-61.   CI. 

242—71.2.  [ 

Berlow,    .Maurice.      Balloon    toys.      2,990,854,    8-22-61,    CI. 

46— 8M. 
Berlyn,    Martin    J.,    to    Dominion    Bngineering   Works    Ltd. 

Huid    supported    web-drying   device.      2,971,267.    2-14-61. 

CI.  34 — 156. 
Beruian,   Baruch.   to  ACF  Industries.   Inc.     Magnetic  ampli- 

fier c(mtrol  circuitrj-  for  gated  electronic  switches  and  aj 



plication    to    lighting    controls.      2.998.547.    8-29-61.    CI. 


Berman,  Elliot,  and  D.  B.  McQuain,  to  The  National  Cash 

Register   Co.      Derivatives    of    3'-methyl-8plro    (2H-l-beta- 

naphthopyran-2,2'-[2'IM'   benzopyranj).     2,978.462.  4-4- 

61,  CI.  260 — 345.2.  ' 

Berman,  Hans,  to  Conmar  Products  Cor^.     Method  of  anodiz- 
ing  slide   fasteners.     3,006.820,    10-31-61,   CI.   204 — 23, 
Berman,  Herbert  L..  and  J.   F.  Tribby.  to   United  States  of 

.Vmerica,   Air   Force.      Ferroelectric   materials.      3.013,977, 

12-19-61.  a.  252—62.9. 
Berman,  Nelson,  to  I'nlted  Aircraft  Corp.     Rotary  arm  con- 

tacUess  switch.     2.996.699,  8-15-61.  CI.  336—120 
Berman.    Nelson,    and    .S.    Glrsch.    to    United    Aircraft   Corp. 

IMilse  synchronous  system.     3,012.229.   12-5-61,  CI.  340 — 

Berman.    Robert    A.,    to   Medical    Plastics,    Inc.      Inflatable 

blood  pressure  cuff.     2,981,251,  4-25-61.  CI.  128 — ^2.05. 
Berman.    Walter.      Method    ami    machine    for    making   belts. 

2.970,372,  2-7-01.  CI.  29 — 107. 
Bermite  Powder  Co. :  See — 

Asplund.  Itobert  K.    2.995.088. 
Bernanl.  lieorge  G..  to  The  Pure  Oil  Co.     Method  of  Inhiblt- 

inir  soile  formation  by  non-hydrolyzing  organopolyslloxane. 

2.!t6.S.616,  1-17-61,  CM.  210 — 58. 
Bernard.  (Jeorge  G..  and  O.  C.  Holbrook,  to  Th^  Pure  Oil  Co. 

Process  for  determining  the  wettability  of  reservoir  rocks. 

2.9t)5.027.  8-8-61,  d.  7.3—38. 
Bernard.  John  S.     Combination  fuel  pump  and  fuel  Injector 

apparatus.    2.986.134,  5-30-61,  CI.  123 — 139. 
Bernard.  Richard  A.     Welding  apparatus.     2,995,647.8-8-01. 

a.  219—130. 
Bernard.    Samuel    D.,    to    Thompson    Ramo    Wooldrldge    Inc. 

Underwater     explosive     device.       2,998.770,     9-5-dl.     CI. 

Bernard,  Walter  J., -and  R.  P.  -Anty,  to  Sprague  Electric  Co. 

Non-aqueous  electrolyte.    3,003,089,  10-3-61,  CI.  317 — 230. 
Bernardi,    Dominic    J.,    to    Interchemical    Corp.      Method    of 

typographic  printing.     2,972,302,  2-21-61,  CI.  101 — 126. 
Bernardi.  Dominic  J.,  and  W.  B.  Westcott,  to  Interchemical 

Corp.     Control  of  souring  in  flexographic  inks.     2.991,184, 

7-4-61.  n.   106—30. 
Bernardi;  John  J.,  to  American  Cyanamid  Co.     Process  of 

preparing        purified        chlortetracycUne       hydrochloride. 

2.992.274,  7-11-61,  Cl.  260—559. 
I'itTii.ith.  .Michael,  to  Art  Woixlwork  Ltd.     Releasable  fasten- 
ing nienns   for  parts   for  an  article  of  furniture.     2,987,- 

362.  6-6-61.  n.  312 — 257      i 
Bernatt,  Joseph,  to  James  R.  Keamev  Corp.  of  Canada  Ltd. 

Arc-break  device.     2.988,610.  0-13-61,  a.  200 — 48. 
Bernnner.  A..  &  Co.  :  See 

Dilller,  Johann  A.     3,004,269. 
Bemdt,  Arthur  A.,  to  The  Superior  Switchboard  *  Devices 

Co.      Gripping    member    for    line    connectors.      2,988.727. 

6-13-61,  Cl.  339—273. 
Beriidt  Bach.  Inc.  :   St^r    - 

Bach.  Waiter  H.    3.012,105. 
Berndt.  Lvle  TI.,  and  O.  J.  Krett.  to  National  Dalrv  Products 

Corp.     Fatty   food  composition.     3,010,830,   11-28-61,  Cl. 


Berner.  Klaus  :   See— 

Ilevna.  Johannes.  Sommer,  Slebert,  and  Berner.     3,008,- 

Berner,  Sven  G.  V..  to  Ak-fleholnget  Punlpindustrl.  Mae- 
netlcally    driven   pump.      2,970,548,    2-7-01,   Cl.    103 — 87. 

Bernfeld.  Philip  A.  Indoor  antenna  for  television  reception. 
3.005.982.  10-24-61.  Cl.  343 — 724. 

Bcmhard,  Edvar  :  See — 

Yellon.  Donald  J.     2.989,804. 

Bernhard.  George  K..  A.  F.  Glaubke.  and  J.  H.  Todd,  to 
Western  Electric  Co.,  Inc.  Convevors  for  fabricating  instal- 
lation.    2.993.265,  7-25-61.  Cl.  29 — 200. 

Bernhard.  Holderled,  to  Durst  Soc.  P.A.,  Fabbrlca  Machine 
ed  Appareccbi  Fototecnlcl.     Relewse  device  for  film  revrlnd 
and  frame  counter  in  a  photographic  camera.     2.984.428. 
5-16-61,  Cl.  242—71.6. 
Bernhauer,   Konrad  :  See — 

Berber,  Elisabeth.  Bernhauer,  and  Wllharm.     2.976,220. 

Becher.  Elisabeth.  Bernhauer,  and  Wllharm.     2.976,221. 

Becher,  Elisabeth.  Bernhauer.  and  Wllharm.     2.976.222. 

Bernhauer.   Konrad,  and  H.  Dellweg,  to  Merck  &  Co..  Inc. 

New  vitamin  Bu  factor.     2.982.766,  5-2-61,  Cl.  260 — 234. 




Bernhauer.  Konrad.  and  S.  Spaude.  '<>  I|o?™'^°°-Ii?^?'**;!^® 
Inc.     Preparation  of  cobalamins.     3,007,916,  ll-«-Ol.  ci. 

Be?nhirm!^Loul8  L..  and  G.  M.  Harris.  PneumaUc  fruit 
picker.     2.9r»8.907.  1-24-61.  CI.  56— 332. 

Berni,  Louis  W..  to  Ace  ElectroiUcs  AasocUites^  Inc      Wire 
wound  resistor  terminal  cap.    2,999,996,  9-l^-ol,  LI.  Jd» 

Berni.'  Ralpli  J.,  and  T.  F.  Fagley.  to  United  States  of  Amer- 
ica Agriculture.  Process  for  Produrtion  «'  P^rf^o^Pf 
alkanoyl  esters  of  cellulose.  2,992,881,  i-l»-bl,  «-»• 

Bernier,  Carl  J. :  Sec—  j  o«_„.^,      ■jniii?'? 

Waymouth.  John  F..  Gungle,  and  Bernier.     3,013,17a. 

Bemler.  Raymond.  Movable  contactB  for  electromagnetic  re- 
K     2.988,015,  6-13-61.  O.  200— «7. 

Bernier.  liiynlond:  Mounting  for  the  fixed  contacts  andthe 
terminals  of  an  electromagnet!*  relay.    3.012,117,  l.d-o-oi, 

Bernier,  Vaughan  A.    Electro-mechanical  transducer.    3,013,- 

BeSgf  Alf  rfd^,'  fnd^E^"slhuster,^  to^ G  Rafflenbeul.  Film 
spool     2.977.060.  3-28-431,  CI.  242^71.8. 

Berning.  Robert :  See — 

Schweijrert.  John  O.    2,982.0.^7 

Bemitz,  Carl  C.  to  Maxlne  A.  Niebrugge.  Expansion  cou- 
pling.    2,977.777.  4-4-61,  CI.  64—23. 

Bernklau.  Kurt :  See—  ,  /wm  oq« 

Maler,  Walter,  and  Bernklau.    3,001.236. 

Bernot^is.  kalph  J.,  to  General  Motors  Corn.  Steerable  mate- 
rial handlinc  device.     2.9T4,4.'?0.  3-14-61.  CI.  37— 144 

Bernotas.  Ralph  J.,  to  General  Motors  Corp.  Cradle  loader, 
o  Q78  124    4—4-61    CI    214 — 140. 

Bernotas  Ralph  J., 'to  General  Motors  Corp.  Power  steering 
foHowV  control.     2,981.356.  4-25-61.  Cl.  180-79.2 

Bernotas.  Ralph  J.,  to  General  Motors  Corp.  Transmission 
clutch  control.    2.990.12.-.,  7-4-61   CI.  192— 4. 

Bernotas.  Ralph  J.,  to  General  Motors  Corp.  Fluid  lock 
differential.    2.991.664.  7-11-61.  CI.  74— 711. 

Bernrader.  Josef,  to  Alfred  GauthlerG.m.b.H.  Photographic 
camera  with  electric  exposure  regulator.    3,004.481,  lO-ii- 

Bernstein.  "^Abraham  L..  to  Westinjrhouse  Electric  Corp- 
I'arabolic  waveshape  generator.  2,9 1 » .o49,  J-_s-oi.  ci. 
221 112 

Bernstein,  "Alfred  M,  Lettering  camera.  3.008,393,  11-14- 
fil    CI   95 4  5 

Bernstein,  lAUen  L.  Fraction-abacus.  3,003,25G,  10-10-61, 
f^j    2t 33 

Bernstein.  Bernard,  to  Radio  Recentor  Co.,  Inc  R%c"^«'" 
assembly  or  the  like.     3,011,103.  11-28-01.  CI.  317—234 

Bernstein.  Bernard,  and  J.  Chervenak  Split  ring  electro- 
acoustic  transducer.     2.977,571,  3-28-61,  CI.   J4U-—H. 

Brrnstoin.  U.-rnard,  ami  C.  M.  Wheeler,  to  Nuclear  Corp  of 
\iinric.i  Inc.  MultipU'  lliiuid  cooling  jacket.    11-7-61.  CI.  313—24.  „^„„^„r= 

Bernstein.  Charles.  Balancing  means  for  rotatable  cylinders. 
2,974.801.  .S-14-61.  CI.   210—144  r.i«o«ino. 

Bernstein,  Charles  A.,  to  George  S.  Lelner  &  Co.  Cleaning 
iuipleniont  tornied  of  sponge  rubber  or  the  like.    ^,»78,-»04, 

Be?nstVin!'  iSViot^^ftise    link,    particularly    for    "qu'd-fi"^ 
capacitors,  and  method  of  manufacture.     3.009.040,  11-14- 
61.  CI.  200—135. 
Berrtstein.   Irving  :  See — 

Bothnia n,  Martin,  and  Bernstein.     2.975.0Co. 
Bernstein,  Jack-   See —  ooooim 

Lott.  William  A..   Bernstein,  and  ^f^arnj.      2,999  110 
Wlseloele.  Frederick  Y..  Yale,  and  Bernstein.     3^01,994.  Jack,  and  II.  L.  Yale,  to  OUnMathieson  Chemical 
Con>.     r.<'ii/othiadiazine  derivatives.     3.004.024.  10-10-61. 
CI.  260—243. 
Bernstein.  J'hilin :   Sre—  ^  t      i      i 

Broderick.  Edward.  Bernstein,  an^  Loshaek. 

Bernstein.  I{<>b«Tt  I. :  Srr —  »  „   „  „„„ 

Biokel.  Henry  J.,  and  Bernstein.     3,013.209. 

Bernstein.    Russell   W.,   to   Merit  Products.    Inc 

machine  \vith  reclprocative  rotary  nnishing  roll 

6-27-61,  CI.  51—33. 

Bernstein,  Rus.soll  W..  and  A.  Block,  to  Merit  Products,  Inc. 

Sectional  abrasive  drum.     Re.   25,025.   8-15-61.   CI.   51— 



Bernutz,  Johannes  :  See — 

Steinbach,  Ueinz.  and  Bernutz 
Bernz.  Otto,  Co..  Inc. :  See — 
Butler.  Gray  L.     2,969.922. 
/     Kachergis,  Henry  J.     2,9(. ■5.149. 

Webster.  Milo  B.    3.005,577.  .     t,   .»  ^   c*  .         , 

Beroza.  Morton,  and  B.  H.  Alexander,  to  United  States  of 

America,  Agriculture.     Derivatives  of  4-phenyl-2-butanone 

as  attractants  for  the  melon  fly.     2,974,086,  rf-J-ol.  *-!• 

Berquist,  Dwipht  H.,  to  Henningsen,  Inc.     Method  of  pro- 
ducing egg  albumen  solids  with  low  bacteria  count.    J,y»^.- 

663,  5-2-61.  CI.  99— 210.  ,       „«„, /.„,    ,    ,n  pi 

Berquist   Uarvey  D.     Control  stick  lock.     2,967,681,  1-10-01. 

CI.  244 — 83.  ^   ,    „    «      w 

Berquist,  Leonard  G.,  W.  A.  Millions,  and  J.  H.  NewhODae, 

to    Clark    Equipment    Co.      Industrial    truck    attachment. 

2,990.074,  6-27-61.  CI.  214— 620.  o  ooo  abb 

Berrett,    Richard.      Wall    stud   or    brace    finder.      2,992,488, 

7-18-61,  a.  33— 169.  „  ..  x.       ,  .  ,.     ^ 

Berridge.  Norman  J.,  to  National  Research  Development  Corp. 

Process   for  the   manufacture  of   cheese   curd.      2,99i,a9o, 

8-22-61.  CI.  99—116. 
Berry.  Albert  L. :  See — 

Berry  Theodore  M.    3.011.436.  ^         ^        „  ^^   ^     - 

Berry.  Charles  C.  to  James  Lees  and  Sons  Co.     Method^of 

impartipg  dual  twist  to  yarn.    2,986.867,  6-6-61,  CI.  57— 

Berry.'  Charles  E^  and  M.  T.  ClchelU.  to  E.  I.  du  Pont  de 

Nemours  and  Co.     Fluid  forming  of  plastics.     2,987,767, 

6-13-61,  CI.  18—14. 
Berry,  Charles  M. :  See —  ^       - 

iliUer,  Sidney  E.,  Berry,  and  Chang.     3,004,992. 
Berry.    Cliflford    E.,    to    Consolidated    Eli^ctrodynanilcs    Corp. 

Flutter  correcting;   circuit   for   magnetic  playback   system. 

2.975.240.  .S-14   01.  CI.   179— 100.2.  ^  ^  ,        ^  __ 

Berrv     ClifTord    i:.,    to    Consolidated    Electrodynamics    Corp. 

Electrolytic   cell.      2.993.853.  _7-25-61.    CI.   204—195. 
Berry.   David   A.:  See—  ^  ^  ^w  .  ^ 

Helnrtch,  Raymond  L.,  Berry,  and  Christian. 
Heinrich,  Raymond  L.,  Berry,  and  Christian 
Helnrlch,  Raymond  L.,  Berry,  and  Christian 
-  ■     "  '  L.    ~  -  ~    .  .. 


Berry,  and  Christian. 
Berrv,  and  Christian. 
Berry,  and  Dick.     2.9 
,  Berry,  and  Dick. 
Berry,  and  Dick. 
Berry,   and  Dick 







Bernstein,  Russell  W..  and  A.  Block,  to  Merit  Products, 


Abrasive  ^vheel  and  replaceable  abrasive  unit  therefor, 
25.026,  8-15-61,  CI.  51—193.5. 

Bernstein.  Samuel  M.  Portable  combination  electric  rotls- 
serie  and  charcoal  broiler.     2.n09.4.'>0.  1-24-61.  CI.  219-  .*?... 

Bernstein.  Sevmour,  and  G.  R.  Allen.  Jr..  to  American 
Cvanamid  Co.  ll-substitnted  16o.l7o-Rubstltuted  methyl- 
enedloxy  steroids.     2.990,401.  6-27-61,  CI.  260—239.55. 

Bernstein.  Soyfnour.  and  R.  H.  Lenhard,  to  American  Cyan- 
amid  Co.  9-8ubstItuted  A«-androstenes.  2,990,416.  6-27-61, 
CI.  260—397.45. 

Bernstein.  Seymour.  M.  D.  Heller,  and  S.  M.  Stolar.  to  Ameri- 
can Cyanamid  Co.  16?-hvdroxy-9.11-substituted-4-pregnpne 
and  •1.4-pregnadlene-3.20-dioneB  and  esters  thereof.  2.993,- 
042.  7-18-61.  CI.  260      2.'?9.55. 

Bernstein,  Sevmour,  J.  J.  Brown,  and  R.  H.  Lenhard,  to 
American  Cyanamid  Co.  BIsmethylenedloxy  steroids. 
3,002.968.  10-.V61.  CI.  260 — 239.55. 

Bernstein,  Stanley  :  See — 

Blgelow,  John  E..  Arrison,  and  Bernstein.     2,983,819. 

Heinrich,  Raymond 
Heinrich,  Raymond 
Heinrich,  Raymond 
Heinrich,  Raymond 
Heinrich,   Raymond 

Heinrich,    liaymond   _..    . 

Heinrich,   Raymond   L..   Berry,   and   Dick. 
Berry.  David  G. :  See —     '  _  „««„  o«_ 

Du  Hamel,  Raymond  H.,  and  Berry.     2,984,835. 
Du  Hamel,  Raymond  H.,  and  Berry.     2,989,749. 
I'.orry     ElnuT    H..    t".    Tfie    -New    I  lax  en    I '.'.aril    &    <';irton 

Holster  carton.     2.973,091.  2-28-Cl.  CI.  206—79. 
Berrv.  Ernest  V. :  Sec — 

'Harvey.  Lile  W.     2.997.882. 
Berrv.  Ernest  V.     Anode  structure.     3,001.925,  9-26-61,  CI. 

204 — 224. 
Berry.  Franklin  B. :  See — 

lllbbard,  Rowland  G.,  and  Berry.     2,985,208., 
Berrv,  Henrv  W..  to  United  States  of  America.  Navy.    Infra- 
red receiver.    2.987,622.  6-6-61.  CI.  250—83.3. 
Berrv.   Herbert  L.,  to  United  States  of  America.  Navy.     Cor- 
rugated   tube    and    braided    sleeve    system    for    improved 
niobilitv  in  a  flexible  pressure  .system.     3,014.217,   12-26- 

01.  CT. '2-2.1.  - 

Berrv.  Jean-Luc.     Solid  phase-flulffphase  contacting  appara- 

tu's.     .^.OIO.SOO.  11-28-ftl.  Cl.^3— 288. 
Berrv,   John   C,   and   G.  W.  Newton :  said  Newton  assor.  to 
W."  J.   Berry.      Stocking  packaging  machine   and   method. 
2.971.302,  2-14-r,1.  CI.  .^)3— 2fi. 
Berrv.  John  C.  and  W.  J.    Foot  covering  package.    2,985,297, 

5-23-61,  CI.  206 — 79. 
lierry.  John  M.,  to  Midliind  Chemical  Corp.     Aqueous  fiH"- 
sealer    wood    finishing   composition   of    urea-formaldehyde, 
sugar,  boric   acid  alum  and  solvent.     2.972.587,  2-21-61, 
CI.  260 — 17..".. 
Berry,   Kenneth   L..   to  E.   I.   du  Pont  de  Nemours   and   Co. 
Preparation  of  fibrous  titanium  dioxide.     2,980,510,  4-18- 
61.  CI.  23—202. 
P.erry,   Kenneth   L..   to  E.   I.  du  Pont*de  Nemours  and  Co. 
Flexible    feltable    fibers    of    titanium    nitride    and    their 
preparation.    3,012.8,'i6.  12-12-61.  CI.  23—191. 
Berry.  Laura  G.     Copyholding  device.     3,003,467,  10-10-61. 
CI.  120 — 32. 

Berrv.  Melville  D. :   See —  ^    „....,..  .. 

Tunnlcllffe.    Philip   R.,    Slddall,   Berry,   and   \>hlttaker. 

Berry  Richard  L.,  to  Western  Electric  Co.,  Inc.  Test  sets. 
2.982,913.  .=>-2-61.  CI.  324—73. 

Berrv,  Robert  M.  Machines  for  the  packing  of  bottles  or  like 
articles  Into  cases  or  the  like.  2,999,343,  9-12-61.  CI. 
53 — 166. 

Berry  Robert  W..  to  Bell  Telephone  Laboratories,  Inc.  Meth- 
od" of  making  a  capacitor  employing  film-forming  metal 
electrode.     2.993.206,  7-25-61.  CI.  29—25.42.  ^ 

Berry.  Robert  W..  Jr. :  See—  «„.,>.„ 

Bader.  William.   Berry,  and  Beyer.     2,974;451. 

Berrv  Theodore  L..  to  The  Dla-Log  Tubular  Survey  Co.  Free 
point  Indicator  for  determining  the  point  at  which  stuck 
pipe  Is  free  In  a  well.     3,004,427.  10-17-61,  Q.  73—151. 



BciTT,  Theodore  L..  to  The  Dla  Log  Tubular  Sarvey  Co      Tree 

point  Indicator  for  determining  the  point  at  which  stuck 

pipe  19  fre*  In  a  well.     3.006.186.  10-31-^61.  CI    73—151. 
Berry.  Theodore  M..  deceased,  by  A.  L.  Berry,  administrator, 

to  (ieneral  Klectrlc  Co.    Methods  o/  malting  printing  plates. 

3.oii,43<;.  i:i-r,-6i.  ci.  loi— 40i.i  k,     »  - 

Berry,   Thomas   H.      Liftpr  and   breaker  plate  assembly  for 

brush  cutting  machines.     2.t»68,.3r>4.  1-17-61.  Cl.  14  2—28. 
Berry.  William  J. :  See—  ' 

iJerry,  John  C.  and  Newton  ^2  97002. 
Berry.  John  C.  and  W.  J.     2.985,297. 
Berry.  William  L. :  See—  „  ^^- o^i 

Mosby.  William  L..  and  Berry.     2,96i.861. 
Berry    William  L..  and  W.  L.   Mosby,  to  American  Cyanamld 

Co."  Anthraquinone  l,2,4-triazine8.    2,967.862.  1-10-61,  Cl. 

Berry   William  I*,  and  W.  L.  Mosby.  to  American  Cyanamld 

Co      Anthraquinone  oxadlazlnes.     3,012.031.   12-5-61.   Cl. 

260 — 244. 

^"iieSi2y.*WiUiam*E7Berry.  and  Stock.     2,9784J23. 

Berryhlll.  Joseph  L.,  and  K.  O.  Snow,  to  The  Chronicle  Pub- 
lishing Co.  Sequential  program  switcher.  3.014.163. 
12-19-61.  Cl.  31.— 139.  ,  „    „   .^  . 

Berryman  Langdon  H.,  P.  L.  Goupilland,  and  K.  H.  waters, 
to  Continental  Oil  Co.  Method  and  apparatus  for  seismic 
trace  synthesis.     3,009,527.  11-21-61.  Cl.  181— .5. 

Berseth.  John  A.,  to  Pittsburgh  Plate  Glass  Co.  Glass  bend- 
ing lehrs  and  conveyors  therefor.  3,001,328,  9-26-61,  Cl. 
49 — 7. 

Bersln.  Richard  L..  and  J.  M.  Brinkerhoff.  to  Tracerlab,  Inc. 
Radiation  measuring  instrument.  2,968,726.  1-17-61,  Cl. 
250 — 83  1. 

Bersln.  Theodor,  and  A.  Mflller.  Coating  process.  2,979,422, 
4-11-61.  Cl.  117—106. 

Berst,  Neil :  See —  ^  _  ^  ^^„  ^„„ 

iWorkoTitz.  Vladimir,  Berst.  and  Krause.     2.968,733. 
Dvorkovitz,  Vladimir,  Berst,  and  Lelst.     2,982,739. 

Bert.  Paul  M. :   See — 

Swanson,   Walter  S..  nutchin.son,  and  Bert.     2,969,001. 

Bert.  Samuel.  Snow  making  machine  having  syrup  dispen- 
ser     3.000.189,  9-19-61.  Cl.  62—389. 

Berta'ux.  Walter  S..  H.  Bollenbacher.  and  M.  H.  Shackelford, 
to  General  Electric  Co.  Thn»t  augmenting  system. 
2,984,970,  5-23-61.  Cl.  60 — 35.6. 

Bertell,  Paul,  to  Standard  Mirror  Co..  Inc.  Rear  vision 
mirror.     2.989,896,  6-27-61.  Cl.  88 — 77. 

Bertell,  Paul,  and  L.  C.  Meade,  to  Standard  Mirror  Co..  Inc. 
Bear  vision  mirror  support.    2,989,897,  6-27-61,  Cl.  88 — 93. 

Bertell.  Paul,  and  W.  R.  Knowlton,  to  Standard  Mirror  Co.. 
Inc.     Rear  vision  mirror.     2,993,410,  7-25-61,  Cl.  88—98. 

Bertelson.  Adolph  B.,  Jr.  Water  ski  tow  rope  attachment. 
2.992.624,  7-18-61.  Cl.  114 — 235. 

Bf-nher.  <^au.  to  Inventa  A.G.  fur  Forschung  nnd  Patent- 
vertwertung.  Process  for^  the  production  of  caprolactani. 
3.007.921.  11-7-61.  Cl.  260—239.3. 

Berthet.  Francois,  and  J.  I>svaux.  Driving  and  extraction 
d»'vlces  for  piles,  tubing,  sheet  piling  and  the  like.  3,008,- 
528.  11-14-61,  Cl.  175—55. 

Berthold.  Ilarald  F.  A. :  See — 

Schlyter.Bertil  O.    2,993,686. 

Bertin.  I»aniel  :    See  — 

N'oTTiinp.  Oornrd.  nnd  Bprtln.     3.007.949. 

Bertin,  Emfle  M.  J. :  f!ee — 

Van  den  Blink.  Willem  P.,  and  Bertin.     2,985,744. 

B«»rtln.  Jean  II.  :   See^ 

Salmon,  lienjamln,  and  Bertin.     2.979.899. 
Salmon,  Benjamin  J.  M..  and  Bertin.     3.001.691. 

Bertin.  Jean  H..  to  Soclete  Rertln  et  Cle  (SoclPtP  a  Kespon- 
sabtllte  Limltee).  DiSrharce  nozzles  with  a  view  to  reduc- 
ing the  noise  of  the  Jpt.      2.973,825,   .3-7-61,  Cl.   181—43. 

Bertin.  H.,  an«l  II.  F.  Srhmitt.  to  Soclete  Bertin  &  Cle. 
Air  borno    vehicle.      3.012.738.    12-12-61.    Cl.    244 — 12. 

BertliuK.  Ronald  J.:  See  ~ 

Kraai^e,  Walter  W..  and  Bertllng.    2.909,224. 

Bertllng.  Ronald  J.,  to  McGraw-Kdison  Co.  Switch  operating 
means.     2.974  .'V40.  .3-14-61.  Cl.  74 »2.n. 

Rertolacinl.     Ralph     J.,     to     Stand.nrd     Oil-    Co.       Mercuric 

■    chlornnllate.     2.977,380.  .3-2S-fi1.  Cl.  260 — 134. 

Bertolaclnl.  Ralph  J.,  to  Standard  Gil  Co.  High -surface- area 
alumina  and  catalysts  containing  same.     2,983,690,  ,5-9-61, 


Bertolaclnl.  Ralj*  J.,  to  Standard  Oil  Co.     Alumina  catalyst 

of  Increa.sed  surface  area.     3.009.885.  11-21-61.  Cl.  252 — 

Bertolaclnl.  Ralph  J.,  and  H.  S.  Seellp.  to  Standard  Oil  To. 

Purification  of . alumina.     2.99.-..ni0.  8-8-61.  Cl.  208—1.39. 
Bertoldl.  AttiJio.     Control  and  protection  device  for  fulling 

machines.    .3.001.261.  9-26^61.  Cl.  26—24. 
Bertollnl.    William    A..    B.    G.^^Capufo.    and   C.   O.    Smith,    to 

Grumman    Aircraft   Engineering   Corp.      Cargo   container. 

3.004.682.  10-17-61.  Cl.  220— 15. 
Bertossa.   Rof)0"t  C.   to  Chicago  Bridge  Sk  Iron  Co.     Molyb- 
denum  clad    product   having   nn    intermedin te   motal    layer 

and    method   of   pro<luclng   the   same.      2.966.738.    1-3-61. 

Cf.  2!» — 196. 
Bertoya.  TTastlngs  C.  M. :  See — 

I^wls,     Ewart    G..     Eldrldge.     Bradfield.    and     Bertoya. 
2.971. .372. 
Bertram.  John  C..  to  Bertram  Wire  Products,  Inc.     Combined 

handle  and  hnsJjet.     3.00«..-,31.  10-31-61.  n.  229 — 52. 

Bertram,  Joseph  J.,  and  S.  Rosenfeld.  to  Bumdv  Corp.     Elec- 
trical connector  housing.     3.0O2.175,  9-26-61,  Cl.  3TO— 126. 

Mallett,     Bertram,     and     Daspit. 

Bertram,  Robert  H.  Toy  vehicle.  2,988,370,  6-13-61,  Cl. 
280 — 87.02. 

Bertram.  Sidney  :  See — 
Barlow,     Edward 

Bertram,  Sidney,  to  United  States  of  America,  Navy. 
Simulator  for  echo  ranging.  3,009,264.  11-21-61,  Cl.  35— 

Bertram  Wire  Products,  Inc. :  See — 
Bertram.  John  C.     3,006,531. 

Bertrams,  Hch.,  Aktlengesellschaft :  Bee —  ^ 

Baerfuss.  Achilles.     2,983,652.  j. 

Bertrams  Ltd. :  See — 

Ranee,  Herbert  F.,  Bagsallay,  and  Robinson.     2,990,013. 

Bertrand,  Eugene  A.  6.  Snoemaking  appliance  for  shapinc 
the  backs  of  shoe  uppers.    2,983,934,  5-16-61,  CI.  12—54.3. 

Bertrand,  Jacques  R.  R.,  to  Soclete  Anonyuie  des  Caves  et 
des  Producteurs  lieunis  de  Roquefort.  Machine  for  weld- 
ing the  wrappings  of  cheeses.  2,976,662,  3-28-61,  Cl. 

Bertrand,  Louis,  and  C.  M.  Olson,  to  E.  I.  du  Pont  de  Nemours 
and  Co.  Silicon  production.  3,012,862,  12-12-61,  Cl. 

Bertscb.  Josef  A.,  to  Dana  Corp.  Bearing  and  speed  reduc- 
tion   mechanism.      2,970,491,   2-7-61,    Cl.    74 — 206. 

Bertsch,  Joseph  F.,  to  General  Motors  Corp.  Cooling  and 
air  supply  system  for  internal  combustion  engines.  2,972.- 
340,  2-2l-<il,  Cl.  123 — 41.7. 

Bertsch,  Joseph  F.,  and  K.  H.  Hansen,  to  General  Motors 
Corp.       Dual      height     suspension     control     mechanism. 

.   2,978,256,  4-4-61,  CL  280—124. 

Bertsch,  Joseph  F..  and  K.  H.  Hansen,  to  General  Motors 
Corp.  Fluid  distribution  systems  and  apparatus  therefor. 
2.983,506,  5-9-61.  Cl.  267—65. 

Bertsch,  Marguerite.  Retractor  lens.  2,979,997,  4-18-61, 
Cl.  95—1. 

Bertsche,  Ralph  H.,  and  E.  E.  Gegenheimer,  to  General  Motors 
Corp.  Dynamoelectrlc  machine.  2,{>87,637,  6-6-61,  Cl. 
3ia— 54. 

Bertucci,  Anthony.     Toy.     3,004,365,  10-17-01,  Cl.  46—63. 

Itertiilli.  Krmete.      Strainer.     3.007.179.   11-7-61.  Cl.  4 — 287. 

Bertullo.  Victor  H.,  and  F.  P.  Hettich.  Protein  hydrolysis. 
3.000.789.  ^19-61.  Cl.  195—29. 

Beruldsen,  Jacob  S. :  See — 

Beran.  Robert  J.,  Beruldsen,  and  Ricbter.     2,993,728. 

Beryllium  Corp..  The :  See — 

Herman.  Albert  R.    3.008,204. 

Berzlnski,  Alphonse  L. :  See — 

Scarnato,  Thomas  J.,  and  Berzlnski.     3.014.328. 

Beshur,  Ralph  I.  Hand  washer.  3.008,317,  11-14-61.  Cl. 

Beslen,  Jack  :  See — •  , 

Suhen,  Morten.     2,968,328. 

Besly- Welles  Corp. :  See. — 

Welles,  Donald  P..  Jr.     2.974.965. 
Welles,  Donald  P..  Jr.     2,991,491. 

Besnah.  Gerald  A.     Protective  and  reflective  device.     2,981,- 
256,  4-25-61,  Cl.  128—372. 

Beson.  John  :  See — 

Rhodes.  Allen  F..  and  Beson.    3.011 .552. 
Sherman.  William  E..  and  Beson.    3,007,719. 

Beson,  John,  to  McEvoy  Co.  Multiple  pipe  support.  2,976.- 
929.  .3-28-61.  Cl.  166—7.'. 

Bess.  Henry  F.,  to  Weyerhaeuser  Co.  Carton.  2,983,428, 
5-9-61.  Cl.  22^—34. 

Bessay,  Auguste  M.  Machine  for  printing  labels,  tickets, 
placards  and  so  forth.     3,010,388,  11-28-61,  Cl.  101—103. 

Bessell.  Christine  J..  W.  K.  Anslow.  A.  M.  Mortimer,  D.  L. 
Fletcher,  and  A.  Rhodes,  to  Glaxo  I^aboratorles  Ltd.  Anti- 
biotic  production.      .3.013.947.   12-19-61.   Cl.   195 — 80. 

Besser.  Leo.  Folding  object  including  at  least  one  Inflatable 
hollow  body.    2.982,341,  .5-2-61.  Cl.  155—178. 

Besserdlch.  Orrin,  to  Food  Machinery  and  Chemical  Corp. 
Perforating  mechanism  having  pivoted  anvil  operable  upon 
wadding  of  work  to  prevent  damage  to  blades.  2,986,058, 
.5-30-61.  Cl.  8.3—348. 

Besserer.  Carl  W. :  See — 

Bell.  Alfred  J.,  and  Besserer.    3.000..597. 

Bessette.  Georges  II.  N.  Conveyor  chain  lifting  device. 
2.997.153.  8-22-61.  Cl    198—1. 

Besslere.  Pierre  E.  Self-regulating  reclprocnt4«g  action  fuel 
Injection  pump.     2.968.247.  1-17-61.  CI.  103—37. 

Bessiere,  Pierre  E.  Fuel  Injection  device  for  a  multicyllnder 
internal  combustion  engine.  2,974.657.  .3-14-61.  Cl. 
Bessiere.  Pierre  E.  Self-regulating  reciprocating  pumps,  and 
In  particular  In  Internal  combustion  engine  fuel  injection 
pumps.  2.975.71 2j  3-21-61.  Cl.  10.3 — 41. 
Bessiere.  Pierre  E.  Fuel  injection  pumps.  2,978,987. 
4-11-61,  Cl.  103 — 41. 

Bessiere.  Pierre  E..  to  Precision  Mecanlque  Labinal.     Devices 
for  driving,  especiallv  alternators,  at  substantially  constant 
speed    from    a    variable  speed   shaft.      2.998,5.39,   8-29-61. 
CI.  310—99. 
Bessiere.  Pierre  E.     Reciprocating  liquid  pumps,  and  In  par- 
ticular in  fuel  Injection  pumps.     3.003.421.   10--10-61.  Cl 
10.3 — 11. 
Bessiere.  Pierre  E.     Reciprocating  pumps  including  an  auxil- 
iary piston.  In  particular  for  the  injection  of  fuel  Into  Inter- 
nal combustion  engines.     3.003,422.  10-10-61.  Cl.  103 — 41. 
Bessiere,     Pierre     E.       Self-regulating    reciprocating    action 
pumps,     and     in     particular     in     fuel     injection     pumps. 
3.007.415,  11-7-61.  CI.  103—38. 




R^ciprocatlne  action  pumps  for  the  In- 
internal  combustion  engines.    3,011,489. 

.  Hohnecker, 

to  Bur- 

2,990,223.  6-27-61, 

mlt      be- 

Bessiere,  Pierre  E. 
Jectlon  of  fuel  Into 

12  5  61    CI    123 139 

Besso,  Michael  M..  A.  F.DIorlo.  and  W.  L.  Hwhner,  to  Na- 
tional Lead  Co.  Method  of  spinning  protein-detergent  flla- 
ment.    2.992,882. 7-18-61.  Cl.  18--%    ,    „    »,  *     v'„ 

Besso.  Michael  M.,  A.  F.  Dlorlo.  and  W.  L.Hochner.  to  Na- 
tional  Lead   Co.      Protein   fiber   and   method.     2,992,933, 
7_18_fll,  Cl.  10« — 154. 
Besson,  Rene  :  See — 

Bevner.  Andre,  and  Besson.    2,999,966.      ,  ^      .  . , 

Best,    Clarence   A.     Transparent   plug  with   Interchangeable 
fish  hooks.     2.994.983.  8-8-61.  Cl.  43—41.       ,_  _.,     ™ 
Best.    David   M.      Casing   scraper.      3,011.556.   12-5-61.   Cl. 

166—173.  .  ^    _ 

Best,  Donald  T.,  H.  A.  Druker,  and  0 

roughs  Corp.     Control  for  retractlble 

676.  10-24-61,  Cl.  346—74. 

Best,  Frank  E.    Tapered  roller  bearing. 

Cl.  308—207. 
Best,^  John  H.  &  Sons,  Inc. :  See — 

feest,  L«'on  H.    3.011,668. 
Best,  John  S. :  See —  ^„    ^     ««o«*,„ 

Sanson.  Alden  W.,  and  Best.    2,989,617. ,  „ 

Best     Iveon   H..    to   John    H.    Best   &   Sons.    Inc.     Transport 

dollies.     3.011.668.  12-5-61,  Cl.  214—370. 
Best  Plastics  Corp. :  See — 

Lattuca.  Sam  T.    2,979.844.  ,    „    „     ^  .,  ^    t 

Best.  Ronald  L.,  A.  Crossley.  S.  Paul,  H.  Pardun,  and  C.  J. 
SoetPrs,  to  Lever  Bros.  Co.  Cocoa  butter  substitutes  and 
products  containing  them.  2,975,060,  3-14-61,  Cl.  99—118. 
Best,  Ronald  L.,  C.  J.  Soeters,  A.  C.  Davles,  and  S  Paul, 
to  Lever  Brothers  Co.  Cocoa-butter  substitute.  3,012,891, 
11_14_61.  Cl.  135—4.  ^  ^     ^  „     .        ,      ^. 

Best,  Stanley  G..  to  United  Aircraft  Corp.     System  for  dis- 
tributing conditioned  air  in  aircraft.    2,991,706,  7-11-61, 
Cl.  98—1.6. 
Bestenrelner,  Friedrich  :  See —  „^,»  ao-, 

Bledermann,  Friedrich,  and  Bestenrelner.     3,013  481 
Bester,  Anthony  V.     Collapsible  portable  shelter.     3.008,477. 

12-12-61,  Cl.  99—118.  ,  .  ^  •     . 

Besterda       Louis.        Apparatus     for     practicing      bowling. 

2.994,969,  8-8-01.  Cl.  35—29. 
Bestinn.  Herbert :   See —  ^  ^^^  ^.^ 

Rehn.  Knrl.  .Tunghanns.  Sommer.  and  Bestian.     3.006.907. 
Bestlaii,  Herbert,  and  J.  Lange,  to  Farbwerke  Hoechst  Aktlen- 
gesellschaft    vormals    Melster    Lucius    &    Bruning.     Poly- 
ethylene waxes  and  process  for  preparing  them.     2,999,856, 
9-12-61.  Cl.  260—94.9.  .  „     ^  ,. 

Betelligungs-und      Patentverwaltungsgesellschaft 
schrankter  Haftung:  See —  ^^r,^^^. 

Bruderlein,  Ernst  J.,  and  Rohr.     2,980,254. 
Enneper,  Paul  E.    2.971,736. 
Pelzer,  Hans  K.     3.003,611. 

Schinke,  Hans-Werner.     2,990,093.  ,    ^     ^ 

Bethaiu.  Robert  R.     Adhesion  product  and  method  of  manu- 
facture.    3,013.018.   12-19-61.  Cl.   154—46.8 
Bethea,  Barron.    Dead  end  cable  clamp.    2,980,378.  4-18-61. 

Cl    248 63 

Bethel.   Robert  L.      Cable  spacer,     2.976.344.   3-21-61.   Cl. 

174 — 146. 
Bethlehem  Steel  Co. :  See — 

Eberhardt,  John  E.     3,005,701. 

Oathman,  David  W.,  and  Cox.    3,013.463. 

Horton,  James  B.,  and  Serfass.     2,975,029. 

Hottensteln.  Carl  C.     3.000.254. 

Kraner.  Ilobart  M.,  and  Limons.    3,003,864. 

M-icN-iupht,  Donald  F..  and  Jacobson.     2.J>9r>.032. 

MucNaught.   Donald  F.,  and  Jacobson.     2,997,011. 

Rerhtln.  Kberhardt  C.     2.969,648. 

Simpson,  Stanley  P.    2.977.648. 

Steele,  James  E..  Krepper,  and  Evans.     3,008,691. 

Steffensen,  Percy  L.    3,003,756.         

Worthen.  Eugene  P.,  and  Barbour.    3,003,931. 
Beton-Sprltz-Maschlnen  G.m.b.H. :   See — 

Stadtlaender.  Otto.     3,001,828. 
Betriebslaboratorium  Fur  Rundfunk  und  Pemsehen  :  See — 

Lindner.  Pafll.  and  Kosche.     2.986.599. 
Bettcher,  Bruce  H.,  to  The  Pam  Co.     Motor  braking  circuit. 

3.007.100.  10-31-61.  Cl.  318 — 373. 
Bettendorf  Bakery  Equipment  Co. :  See — 
Boitscha.  Herbert  E.     2.997.826. 
Vlsnaw,  Kenneth.     2,978,849. 
Ilottenilorf  Distributing  Co. :  See — 

iMnielsen.  .\lfre«l  J.,  Jr..  and  Sehneckloth.     2.073.022. 
Bettenhausen.  Melvin  E.,  deceased,  V.  E.  Bettenhausen,  execu- 
trix.    Weight  transfer  device  for  tractors.     3.004,770,  10- 
17-61.  Cl.  280—150. 
Bettenhausen,  Valerie  E. ;  See — 

Bettenhausen,  Melvin  E.     3,004,770. 
Better,   Bernard   R..  to  Scully-Jones  and  Co.     Tool   holder- 
axial  locking  type.     2,970,844.  2-7-61,  Cl.  279—75. 
Better,  Bernard  R..  to  Scully-Jones  and  Co.     Indirect  chuck- 
ing.    2.«72,486.  2-21-61,  Cl.  279—2. 
Better,  Bernard  R.,  to  Scully-Jones  and  Co. 

clutch.    2,978,082,  4-^-6i,  Cl.  192-56. 
Better.  Bernard  R..  to  Scully-Jones  and  Co. 

2.981.544.  4-2.'>-61.  Cl.  279—16. 
Better.  Bernard  R.,  and  J.  W.  Koslnski, 
Co.    Tool  holder — rotary  locking  type. 
Cl.  279—75. 
Better  Industries.  Inc. :  See — 

Corsentino,  Joseph.     2.992.453. 


code    drum 


Overload  release 
Floating  holders. 

to  Scully-Jones  and 
2,990,188,  6-27-61, 

Better  Packages.  Inc. :  See — 

Krueger,   Theodore  H.,   and   Sbarpe. 
Sharpe.  Everett  E.    2,990,991. 
Betterldge,  Reuben  :  See —  „  ««,  „oo 

Upton,  Edward  J.,  and  Betterldge.     3,006,233. 

Betterron,     Thomas    B.       Reminder    appliance.       2,968,2 1 6. 

1-17-61,  Cl.  110— 130.  ,  .       c      ...    J 

Bettolo,  Aroldo  R.,  to  S.p.A.  OfBclna  Meccanlca  Sant  Andrea 
Novara.  Resilient  top  roll  and  nippers  for  drawing  frames 
of  spinning  machines.     3,006,037.  10-31-61.  Cl.  19-142. 

Bettoni,  Eugene  C,  to  Holley  Carburetor  Co.  Combination 
distributor  and  selectively  operated  vacuum  or  like  pump. 
2,981,194,  4-25-61,  Cl.  103-23.  „  „        ^     ^       ^ 

Bettoni,  Eugene  C,  and  E.  B.  Larges,  to  Holley  Carburetor 
Co.  Full  pressure  ignition  distributor.  2,985,727.  5-23-61, 
Cl.  200 — Xl. 

Betts  and  Co.  Ltd. :  See — 

Menheneott.  Frank  M.     2,991.607. 

Betts,  Leonard  F.  :  Hee — 

Naidus,  Edward  S.,  and  Betts. 

Betts,  Peter,  and  J.  S.  Lord,  to 
Laboratories,  Inc.  Methods  of 
2,997^12,  8-22-61.  Cl.  154—2.28. 

Betts,  William  M.  Spring  mud  flap  holders.  2,970,849, 
2-7-61,  Cl.  280—154.5.  „  „,„  ^^. 

Bettys,  Albert  L.  Flexible  gripper  wrench.  3,013,45.>. 
12-19-61.  Cl.  81 — 69. 

Betz,  Adolf:  See — 

konrad,  Jakob,   Ramundt,  and  Betz.     2,993,487. 

Betz,  Howard  T.,  and  H.  L.  Sowers,  to  Da-Lite  Screen  Co.,  Inc. 
Projection  picture  screen.     2,983,190.  5-9-61,  Cl.  88—28.9. 

Betz  Laboratories,  Inc. :  See — 

Kahler.  Harry  L.,  and  George.     2.999.732. 

Betz,  Paul  L.,  to  Baltimore  Gas  and  Electric  Co.  Fast- 
acting  thermoelectric  generators.  2,992,288,  7-11-61,  Cl. 
136 — 4. 

lietzenhammer,  Bela  :   S^e — 

Runpe.  Wllhelm  T..  Betzenhammer,  and  Henze.   2,970,281. 

Beucher,  Charles,  to  Telecommunications  Radioelectrlques  et 
Telephonlques  T.R.T.  (Societe  Anonyme).  Single  side- 
band receiver  for  reception  of  single  sideband  signals  by 
means  of  a  carrier-wave  frequency.  2,979,610,  4-11-61, 
Cl.  250—20. 

Beuckman,  Frank  :  See — 

Burgert.  Harold  E.     2,967.428. 

Beukema,  Willem,  B.  H.  Bruljning,  and  J.  Vuurmans,  to 
North  American  Philips  Co.,  Inc.  Applying  leads  to  tubu- 
lar electrical  components.  2,999,302,  9-12-61,  Cl. 

Beukenkamp,  John,  to  Colgate  Palmolive  Co.  Copper  phos- 
phate salts.     3,004,824,  10-17-61,  Cl.  23—105. 

Beumel,  Oscar  F.,  Jr.  :  See — 

Kulvila,  Henry  G.,  and  Beumel.    2,997.485. 

Beurer,  Frederick  C.  to  United  Aircraft  Corp. »  Aircraft  con- 
trol linkage.    2,974,901.  .3-14-61.  Cl.  244—17.11. 

Beurer,  Frederick  C,  to  United  Aircraft  Corp.  Power  trans- 
mission system.     2,979.968,  4-18-61,  Cl.  74 — 665. 

Beurrler.  Henry  R..  to  Bell  Telephone  Laboratories,  Inc. 
Selecting  circuit.     3,003,143,   10-3-61,   Cl.   340—347. 

Beurtheret, -Charles  A.  E.,  taCompagnie  Francaise  Thomson- 
Houston.  Electric  discharge  device  cooling  systems. 
2.969,9."»7.  1-31-61,  Cl.  2.">7 — 2.50. 

Beuter,  Clyde  R.,  to  The  Nylok  Corp.  Threaded  member 
with  impaled  locking  Insert,  3,010,503,  11-28-61,  Cl. 
J5J y 

Beuther,  Harold,  R.  A.  Flinn.  and  J.  B.  McKinley,  to  Gulf 
Research  &  Development  Co.  Hydrogenatlon  of  aromatics 
with  a  tungsten  and  nickel  sulfide,  supported  on  alumina, 
catalyst  composite.    2,967.204,  1-3-61,  Cl.  260—667. 

Beuther,  Harold,  R.  E.  Kline,  and  R.  C.  Zabor.  to  Gulf  Re- 
search &  Development  Co.  Two-stage  hydrocarbon  reform- 
ing process.     2,968,606.  1-17-61.  Cl.  208—70. 

Beuther,  Harold,  A.  M.  Henke.  and  W.  C.  Offutt,  to  Gulf 
Research  &  Development  Co.  Process  for  decolorizing 
petroleum  ceresin.     2,998,377,  8-29-61,  Cl.  208—27. 

Beuther,  Harold,  R.  C.  Odioso.  B.  K.  Schmld,  and  R.  C. 
Zabor,  to  Gulf  Research  &  Development  Co.  Catalytic 
hydration  of  alcohols.     3,006,970,  10-31-61,  Cl.  260—641. 

Beutler,  Arthur  J..  Jr. :  See — 

Graves,  Donald  E.,  and  Beutler.    2,993,124. 

Beutler.  Carolee  C.,  to  General  Electric  Co.  Photosensitive 
semi-conducting  material  and  method  of  making  the  same. 
2,972,585,  2-21-61.  CV  252—501. 

Beutler,  Carolee  C.  to  General  Electric  Co.  Preparation  of 
photoconductive  material.   2,986,534,  5-30-61,  Cl.  252 — 501. 

Bevacqua,  Louis  A.,  to  Motorola.  Inc.  Tuner  diseiigagemmt 
mechanism.     2,967,431.  1-10-61.  Cl.  74—10.27. 

Bevans.  Jerrv  T..  to  Shell  Oil  Co.  Cold  junction  for  thermo- 
couple.    2.986.890,  6-6-61,  Cl.  62 — 3. 

Bevarly,  Henry  W.,  to  Chemetron  Corp.  Method  for  produc- 
ing and  molding  plastic  materials  having  a  gaseous  in- 
gredient.   2,980,539,  4-18-61,  Cl.  99—118. 

Beverlv.  Merritt  L.,  and  M.  Kahn.  to  Sprague  Electric  Co. 
Variable  resistor.     2,970,244,  1-31-61,  Cl.  317—101. 

Bevers.  Eugene  J.,  and  R.  J.  Wente.  to  General  Motors  Corp. 
Torque' llmiter.     2,982.096,  ,')-2-61,  O.  60— .39.28. 

Bevier.  Theodore  S.  Automatic  tape  dispenser.  2,988,944, 
6-20-61,  Cl.  8.3—233. 

Bevington.  Charles  E..  to  National  Knitting  Co.  Garment 
with  expansible  neck.     2.994.884,  8-S-61.  Cl.  2 — 78. 

Bevins.  James  E.  :  See — 

Anastasia,  Harry  G.,  and  Bevins.    2.998.810. 



B«weQ,  Edward 
CI.  18t>— 34 

M.     Side  wall  structure.     2,991,856,  7-11-61, 

Bewley,  Lawrence  L.,  and  J.  F.  Foster,  to  Burroughs  Corp. 
I>ata  conversion  system.  3,000,556,  9-iy-6l.  CI.  235 — 61.6. 
Bewley,  Richard  W. :  Hee — 

Doman,  (ilidden  S.,  Du  Pont,  and  Bewley.  2,978,038. 
Bexford  Ltd.  :  Utt  — 

Clachan.  Margaret  L.,  McPberson,  Tatcbell,  and  Abbott. 

Beydler.    Lee    W.    G.,   to  Xorthrop   Corp.      FrecisioH    optical 

tooling.     l'.'J8«,853,  6-6-«l,  CI.  ol — 105. 
Beyer.  Fred  K  :   .See — 

ItnVr.  Uilliain.  Berrv.  and  Beyer.     2,974,451. 
Bever,    John    11.,    to    United    States    Pipe    and    Foundry   Co. 

Centrifugal  mold  end  dosurei^ means.     3,001,253,  9-26-61, 

CI.  22— «5. 
Bever,    John    II.,    to   Cnlte<l    States    Pipn    and   Foundry    Co. 

Centrlfujfal  casting  process.     3,004,314^  10-17-61,  CI.  22 — 


Beyer  Peacock  &  Co.  Ltd. :  See — 
Hadfield,  James.     2,992,U50. 
Beyer-Olsen,   Arthur.      Polishing,  grinding  or  glazing  wheel. 

2.983.940,  5-l»;-<n,  CI.  15 — iSl. 
Beyer-«Jlsen.  .Vrthur.     Arrangement  in  grinding  or  i>olishing 

Uind.     2.983,941,  5-16-61.  CI.  15— 209. 
Beyhl,  Kdward  H.,   t<>  Fuller  Co.     Gyratory  crusher.     2,977,- 

0.'i7.  3-2S-»il.  CI.  241  — 21."J. 
Beyl.  Jean  J.  A.     Safety  ski  binder.     3.000,044,  9-19-61.  CI. 

280 — 11.35. 
IWl.    Jean   J.   A.      Ski  binder   safety  cable-adjuster.     3,012,- 

793.   12-12-01,  ri.  280—11.35.    > 
Beyler,  Roger  E.  :  See — 

Arth,  (Jlen  K.,  Beyler,  and  Sarett.    3,004,994. 
Beyner,  Andre  :  See — 

Hug.  Andre.  Beyner.  and  Guignaed.     3,006.139. 
Bevner,  Andr^.  to  Ebauches  .S..\.     Lever  escapement  for  time- 
pieces.    2.97 1 ,324.  2-14-6 1 .  Ol.  58—28. 
Beyner.  Andre,  and  R.  Besson,  to  Ebauches  S.A.     Timepioce 

comprising   an   electromagnetlcally   maintained   oscillating 

regulator.     2.999.966,  9-12-61,  CI.  318 — 132. 
Beyrard-Benchemoul.  Xorbert  R. :  See — 

Van  Oss,  Carel  J.,  and  Beyrard-BenchemouL  2,989,457. 
Bezark.    Ki<li;ir<l    S..    t<»    ."^Mi>er)Mr    I'.a.-i  i'>.    Im.      .Xuatuimcal 

device.      2.00."..>s.-',;5.   R-i.-,-*;i.   ci.   :'■'      t7. 
Bezark,   Richard  <S.,    to   Superior  Plastics   Inc.     Anatomical 

il.;vice.      :M»)>t.2*io.   11-21-61.  CI    3.'> — 17. 
Bezark,    Richard    S.,  to   Superior  Plastics,   Inc.     Anatomical 

d.-vice.     .•;.tK)l».267,  11-21-61 .  CI.  35    -17. 
Bezeiner.  .Arie.  Jind  K.  Sai:as.ser.  to  .\.V.  Onderzoeklnsrsinsti- 

tuut    Research.      Proces.**    for    manufacturing   polvalkyleuc 

terephthalate  threads.     2.987.373,  ♦i-6-61.  (T.   18 — 54.- 
Be'/.iiian.    Irviii:;   I.,    to   .Xriiistront   Cork    ("o.      Fusion    process 

for    pHMliKinj;  pure   organic  nitriles.      .■I,012.0.">9.    12-5-61, 

CI.   2r,(^I-ir,5.  i   ' 

Bezzerldes.   Paul   A.     Machine  for  applying  hot  caps  and  the 

like.     3.000.1.'59,  0-19-<;i,  CI.  47—1. 
Bhav'waf.  Mad  ha  v  R.  :  t<ee — 

Maude.   Aylmer   11.,    Bhagwat,    Lisraan,    and    Ro.senberg. ' 
:{.oo«.s.?n.  ^  t 

Biaid,  .Mvaro  D.,   to  International  Telephone  and  Telepraj* 

Corp.     Transmitter  spectrum  monitor.    2,979,609,  4-11-61, 

CI.  250—17. 
nialostok.   .Max.     Glove  knitting  apparatos.     2,990,703.  7-4- 

61.  CI.  6»;— S7. 
Bialy.  Karol  J.,  to  T'nlted  States  of  America,  Navy.      Missile 

laiinHuT.     2.W8.7.54.  9-.>-<!l.  CI.  89 — 1.7. 
P.lal.v.  .Miihael.  to  Polyfoam  Plastics  Corn.     Lamlnate<l  strap. 

.■:.oi3  9i!t.   i2-l!»-«;i.  n.  154     -,r,y,. 

Bianchi.  .\chllle.  Drier  wfTh  rirfular  stagex  and  oscillating 
flow  air  Inlet  nozzles.,  .■•..004.349.  10^17-61,  CI.  34 — 17.3. 

niairclii.  .Vnfonio.  to  F.I. •>.(".  Fahbric*  Italiaria  Occhiali 
«ihiana-P.ianchi.    «;eiiovo    & .  C.       S{>ec|a<l('    frame    having 

tein[>Ies   capahli 
•;i.  ri.  «.H     41. 

Bianchi.   Ijenato  :  f!pe  — 

Ruehleniann.    Herl)ert    E 

Tower.     2.97H,!)S1. 
nijl.   Albf-rt   S.,   Bianchi 

f  ela.^tic  divarication 

:.97«;,7i;t;.  3-2.S 

,    P.urke.    Bianchi,    Smith,    and 
and   Butler.     2.981.190. 

Bianchi,  Renato.  to  United  States  of  An»erlca,  Navv.  Mag- 
netically delayed  arming  device  for  a  fuse.  2",978,982, 
4-11-61.  CI.  102—79.  I 

Bianchi.  Kenato.  and  H.  E.  Ruehlemann.  to  Unite*!  States  of 
.\merica.  Navy.  Vibration  sensitive  diode.  2,999.179, 
9-.%  61.  n.  31.3—146.  I 

Bianchini.  I'ietrn,  to  f'rinos  Indnstrla  Farmaooblolosica 
.^^  p. A.  Heparlnnld  nnti-cholesterolemic  factor.  3,000,787, 
9-H>-6I.  (1.   167—74. 

Bianco    i;rn<>r  E   :  Str  f 

.\!hri::ht.  John  W..  and  Bian<'o.     2.994.845. 
BIbh.   John.T..    to  Tnk-Prodiicts  To.      Licht   fixture  for  sus 

penlcd  L'j^l  ceiling.     3.001.061,  9-19^61.  CI.   174 — 71. 
Bibb,  wmiahi  M.  :  See — 

Gray,    Cloyd    E.,    Sherman,    Fox.    Ferrari,    and    Bibb. 

Bibbinn.  George  S. :  See — 

Barh»-ler.    Albert    E.,    Bibbins,    Celentano,    and    PuUis. 
2.981.803..  I 

Bibbins.   Lance  L. :  Bee — - 

Fischer.  Laurin  G.,  and  Bibbins.     2l98l4472. 
Blbbv.  Robert  J.  :   See— 

Thompson.  Philip  M..  and  Blbby.    31013.724. 

Biber,  Albert,  and  B.  R.  Walsh,  to  Gulf  Research  &  E>eTelop- 
ment  Co.  Air  directing  apparatus.  3,001,576,  9-26-61. 
CI.  158 — 76. 

Biber,  Conrad  H.,  to  Keuffel  &  Esser  Co.  Photoelectric  level- 
ing device.     3,011,384,    I2-.5-61.  n.   SS      1. 

Bible,  Robert  E.,  M.  G.  Dreyfus,  J.  M.  Parker,  and  R.  R. 
Williamson,  to  General  Precision,  Inc.  Position  detector. 
2,999,939,  9-12-61,  CI.  250—203. 

Bible.  ICoy  II..  Jr.,  to  ^^..  U.  Searie  &  Co.  l,12-dimethvl-6- 
hydroxy-7-(^-carboxyalkenyI)  -  1,2,3,4,9,10,11, 12-octahydro- 
phenanthrene-l-carbocyclic  acid  esters  and  derivatives 
thereof.    2,971,008,  2-.-61,  CI.  260—343.2. 

Bible.  Rtiy  11..  Jr.,  to  G.  D.  Searie  &  Co.  Morpholides  and 
tblamorpbolides  of  l,4a-dlamethyl-l-carboxy-6-hydroxy-l,2, 
3,4,4a.y,10,10a-octahydrophenanthrene-7-C"arboxyllc  acids,  7- 
alkanoic  acids  and  7-alkanethionic  acids  and  their  ethers 
and  esters.     2.975,176.  3-14-61,  CI.  260 — 247.1. 

Bible,  Rc»y  U..  Jr..  to  G.  D.  Searie  &  Co.  3,6-dioxygenated 
1 7a  -  ( 2  -  carboxyethyl  i  androstane  -  5a,17i3  -  diol  lactones. 
3,012,029.   12-.>-f>l.  CI.   260 — 23«).57. 

Bice,  Charles  C,  to  Phillips  Petroleum  Co.  Composite  am- 
monium nitrate  propellants  containing  boron.  2,995,431, 
H-8-61.   CI.   52 — .5. 

Bice,  Charles  C,  and  W.  B.  Reynolds,  to  Phillips  Petroleum 
Co.      Solid   propellant   compositions.     .2,993,769.   7-25-61, 

CI.  52— ..>. 
I'.utler.  Roger  -M.,  and  Bichard.     2.984.619. 

Bicbard,  John  A. :  See — 

Bichl,  Sepp.  Shoe  heel,  particularly  for  ladies'  shoes. 
2,984,0:n.  5-16-61.  CI.  ^6— 34. 

Blcbsel.  Harry  J.  :  See  — 

.VdaiiKson,  Floyd  E..  and  P.lchsel.     3,013,144. 

Blcbsel,  Harry  J.,  and  A.  J.  Baeslack,  to  Westlnghouse  Elec- 
tric Corp.     Arc  welding.     3,005,903,  10-24-61,   CI.  219— 

Blckel.  Hans :  See-^ 

Wettsteln,  Albert,  Vlscher,  and  Blckel.     3,000,786. 
Bickel,  Henry  J.,  and  R.  I.  Bernstein.     Coherent  memory  fil- 
ter.    3.<H3.20l).   12-12-61.  CI.  324 — 77. 
Bickers    Arthur :  See — 

Grisdale.  Georgfi  L..  and  Bickers.     2,985,875. 
IMekert,   Ernst,   to  UofTmann-La  Roche  Inc.      Process  for  the 
production  of  amino  acids.     3,000,888,  9-19-61,  CI    260 — 
2  47.2. 
BIckford,  IIollls  L.     Overload  detector,     2,979,704,  4-11-61, 

CI.  340—177.  ,       .  . 

I'.ickford,  John  H.  :  See — 

Sargent.  Howard  H.,  Jr.,  BIckford.  and  Bliss.     3.014.657 
Bickford,    Walter    S.      Shower    head    adapter.       3,005,995, 

10-31-61.  CI.  4 — 145. 
Bickhain,  Abraham  S..  to  A.  O.  Smith  Corp.     Switch  mount- 
ing for  rotating  equipment.     2,991,340,  7-4-61,  CI.  200 — 80. 
Bicking.  John  B. :  .See — 

Skinner,  Glenn  S.,  and  Bicking.    3.004.970. 
Skinner.  Glenn  S.,  and  Bicking.    3,004.971. 
Spragiie.  James  M..  and  Bicking.    2,978,457. 
Blckman,  Felix  H. :  See— 

Kubesh.  Milo  F,    2,985,261. 
P.ickotT,  Emanuel  .M..  hnd  A.   .\.  Booth,  to  United  States  of 
.America.  .Agriculture.     Coumestrol  ethers  and  use  thereof. 
2.9.S7..39S.  r,-6-61.  Ul.  99—2. 
Biddiscombe.  Joseph  P.  :   See — 

Anderson,  James,  and  Biddiscombe.     2,985,845. 
Piddle.  William  C.  to  .National  Valvt   .md   N         <  o      Multiple 

valvo   Msvonibly.      3  007.189.    11-7-01.    <1     ':?-      .-..-.• 
P.ider.    flinnn).      Slivr   deliverv    unit    for    stationary    balling 

head.     2,979.276,  4-11-61.  CI.  242 — 54.4. 
Biderman.  Benjamin  B..  to  Collins  Radio  Co.     Even  harmonic 

phase  detector.     2,984,7«5,  5-10-4J1,  CI.  .324 — 87.,    Lee,    Jr.,    to    E.    I.    du    Pont    de    Nomoiirs    and    Co. 
Process  of  compressional  working  textile  fabrics.   2.972,177. 
2   21    <51.   n.    2<!-   1. 
Bidwell,  Joseph  B.,  to  General  Motors  Corp.     Vehicle  steer- 
in?  system  with  oscillation  damping.     2,979,148,  4-11-01, 

CI.  180—79.2. 

I'.idwi'll.  Joseph  B  .  to  Gcticral   Motors  Cor*".      -  o  ion  and 

s»r<rinu'  as«<'rMhly.      2  rt!i4.39*"<.    «   1-61.   c     1*^''      "9.2. 

Bieber.  Charles  E.,  to  Monroe  Calculating  Machine  Co  Dou- 
ble strip  tally  roll  feed.     2,998.905,  9-5-61,  CI.  226 — 187. 

ltielK«r,  Clarence  G.,  to  The  International  .Nickel  Co..  Inc. 
lleat-resi.sting  nickel  base  .illovs.  2.977,222,  .3-28-61.  CI. 

BIcIht.  Frederick  J.,  and  C.  I.  Steinback,  to  .\ci<.iiiet  '1  Prod- 
u<-ts.  Inc.  Winding  spool.  2,996.265,  8-15-01,  CI  242 — 

Bieber,  Herman.  W.  M.  Bnsch,  and  L.  Deuber.  to  Esso  Re- 
search and  Engineering  Co.  Process  for  reinovini:  metallic 
contaminants  from  oils.     2.971.905.  2-14-<!l.  <'I.  "OS — 2.'2. 

Bieber.  Herman,  and  T.  B.  Simpson,  to  Ess©  Research  and 
Engineering  Co.  I'rocess  for  demetalizing  hydrocarbon 
oils.    2,990.365,  6-27-61,  CI.  208—253. 

Bieber,  Herman.  I.  A.  Eldib,  and  M.  A.  Weiss,  to  Eeso  Re- 
search and  Engineering  Co.  Regeneration  of  spent  caustic 
by  foaming.     2.998,.382.  8-29-61.  CI.  208—235. 

Bieber.  Kasimir  M.  Ski-tow  grlppers.  2.977,895.  4-4-61," 
CI.   104 — 202. 

Bieber.  Raman  C.  and  P.  J.  Miller.  Jr..  to  E.  I.  dn  Pont 
de  Nemours  and  Co.  Spinning  apparatus.  2,988,777. 
6-20-61,  CI.  18 — 8. 

Bieberdorf,  Frederick  W.,  and  J.  W.  Rhoades.  to  American 
Hospital  Supply  Corp.  Liquid  packaging  and  dispensing 
means.     2,986,142.  5-30-61,  CI.  128 — 272. 



Bieda,  Thaddeua  J.  Baby  Jumper.  :».967.566.  1-10-61,  CI. 
155 — 17. 

Biedawski,  Jozef  :  .See — 

Mann,  Ralph  J.,  and  Biedawski.     2,974.0G^. 

Biedermann,  F^iedrich,  to  Agfa  Akticngesellschaft.  Pneu- 
matic exposure  regulating  device  for  photographic  cameras. 
2,981, 1«7.  4-25-61.  CI.  90—53.  _.         .    . 

Biederumnn,  Friedrich,  and  A.  Zinkl,  to  Agfa  Akticngesell- 
schaft. E.xposure  regulating  device  for  photographic  cam- 
eras.    2.981.168,  4-25-61.  CI.  95— 53.       .    ,      _. 

Biederraann,  Friedrich.  and  K.  Wick,  to  Agfa  Akticngesell- 
schaft Chromatic  photographic  reproduction  apparatus. 
;j,002.425,  10-3-61,  CI.  88— 24.   ,  ^  .  _^      . .    , 

Diederiiiann,  Friedrich,  and  f.  Btfstenreiner,  to  Agfa  Aktlen- 
gesellschaft.  Pneumatic  expciwuie  regulating  device  for 
photographic  oamera.s.     3.013.481.  12-19-01.  CI.  95—53. 

Biederraann,  Walter:  See —  „„„,„.» 

Schetty,  Guido.  Biederraann,  and  Beffa.     2,985,646. 

Biederraann  Wolfgang.  K.  Raichle,  and  H.  Schnell,  to  Farben- 
fabriken  Baver  Akticngesellschaft.  Process  for  the  manu- 
facture of  epoxy  compounds  containing  hydroxyl  groups. 
2.985,666.  5-23-61.  CI.  260 — 348. 

Biedt'ss.  Anthony  K..  to  (joodman  .Mfg.  Co.  Planetary  drive 
mechanisms  for  excavating  machines  or  the  like.  3,007,352, 
11-7-61.  CI.  74 — 785. 

Bledess.  Anthony  R.,  to  Goodman  Mfg.  Co.  Articulated  con- 
veyor.    3.008.566,  11-14-61,  CI.  198—208. 

Biedinger,  Henry  J.,  and  J.  C.  Kuckhoff.  to  The  Syracuse 
Stamping  Co.,  Inc.  Ribbon  spool.  2,968,878.  9-5-61,  CI. 

Biedinger,  Henry  J.,  and  C.  J.  Kuckhoff,  to  Syracuse  Stamp- 
ing  Co..   Inc.      Hinge.     3.008.175,    11-14-61.   CI.   16—128. 

Biefeld,  Lawrence  P.,  to  Owens-Corning  Fiberglas  Corp. 
Sized  glass  fiber  products.    2,991,196,  7-4-61.  CI.  117—126. 

Biefer,  (Tregory  J.,  and  F.  H.  Krenz,  to  Atomic  Kner;;y  oi 
Canada  Ltd.  Inhibition  of  corrosion  of  aluminum  alloys. 
2.977,260,  3-28-61.  CI.  148 — 6.27. 

Bleganski.  Wladvslaw  J. :  See — 

Gllckman,    Lester    M..    and   Bleganski.      2,983,881. 

Bi«'l.  Hans,  and  K.  PfaHlf.  Machine  for  manufacturing  pads 
hound  with  a  si.inl  wire.     2.973.199.  2-28-<U.  CI.  270—1. 

Blel.  Hans,  and  E.  Pfaffle,  to  H.  Slchlnger.  Lever  operated 
pin  guided  draw  cut  apparatus.  3,003,381,  10-14-61,  CI. 

Diol.  llaiis.  and  E.  Pfiiffle.  to  H.  Sickinger.  Interchangeablf 
inkint;  devices  to  be  used  alternatively  for  aniline  and 
rotoL'raviire    printing.      3:007,405.    11-7-61.    CI.    101 — 181. 

Blel,  John  H. :  See — 

Judd,  Claude  I..  Drukker,  and  Biel.     2,985,660. 

Blel,  John  H.,  to  Lakeside  Laboratories,  Inc.  3-nlporidyl 
benzhvrtryl   ethers.     2.974,146.   3-7-01,  CI.  260—294.7. 

Biel,  John  H..  to  Lakeside  Laboratories.  Inc.  Process  of 
producing  phenylalkylhydrazines.  2,978,461,  4-4-61,  CI. 
260— .S40.5.  ,  .  ,     . 

Blel.  John  H.  to  Lakeside  Laboratories.  Inc.  4-hydroxy- 
alkvlplperazlnoalkyl  glycolates.  2,993,900,  7-25-61,  CI. 

Biel.  John  II.,  to  Lakeside  I*nboratorloH.  Inc.  Piperldine 
derivatives  with  psychotogenic  activity.  2.995,492,  8-8-61, 
CI.   lt>7 — ••,.->. 

Biel,  John  H.,  to  Uikeslde  Laboratories.  Inc.  Substituted 
glVcolic  acid  esters  of  1 .4-bis-(hydroxyalkyl)-piperazines. 
2.99.-...")4.    S-S-61.   n.    260—268. 

Blel,   John    H.,    to   Lnkeslde   Laboratories.    Inc.     Acetates  of 

3-piperidinol.      2. 99. -...'•  00.  8-8-61.   CI.   260—204.3. 
Biel.  John  II..  to  Lakeside  Laboratories.  Inc.    Acetylenic  diols 
and  derivatives  thereof.     2.998.444.  8-29-61,  CI.  260 — 182. 

Biel.   John   H.,   to  Lakeside  Laboratories.   Inc.     Phenylalkyl- 
hvdrazines     and    use    as     psychotherapeutics.       3,000,903, 
9-19-61 ,  CI.  260—340.5. 
Bleler,    Walter   T.,    Vi    to    W.    C.    Wilson.      Vehicle   working 

means.     2.966.962.  1-3-61,  CI.  184 — 106. 
BielfeMt.  Ileinz  :   See — 

Diesfeld,  Franz,  and  Blelfeldt.    2.096.913. 

Biello.  St.'phpn  J.,  and  F.  J.  Wilson,  t<»  Soalol  Corp.  Clie.k 
viilve.     2  99  »..".40.  8-1-61,  CI.  137— 516.29. 

Blelskl.  Alex  J. :  See—  . 

KasjKir.  Josef,  and  P.ielski.     2.970,74(. 
P.lemillor.  Philip  E.  :   Sec- 
Van  Horn.  .John  A.,  and  Biemlller.    2.976.43!5. 
Van  Horn,  John  A.,  and  Biemlller.     3.010,037. 
P.lemiUer.  Philip  E..  and  J.  H.  Reese,  to  Hamilton  Watch  Co. 

Electric  wrist  watch.     2.972.745,  2-21-61,  CI.  .')8 — 28. 
Bletniller.  Philip  E..  and  K.  H.  Schoenrock,  to  Hamilton  Watch 
Co.     Indexing  mechanism.     2.977.7.''>0,  4-4-Gl,  Cl.  58 — 28. 

Bien.  Edward  :  See — 

Baumstein.  Lee,  and  Bien.     2,992.316. 

Bien,   Jack   M.'     Head  and  back   rest.     2,990^8.   6-27-61, 

01.  15.")— 177.  J 

Bien.  Paul  Robert.  Foundation  :  See—-- 
Bien.  Saul  M.     2v971,2.->S.  ' 

Bien.  Saul  M.,  to  Paul  Robert  Bien  FoundatloUj,  Orth 

appliance.     2,971,258,  2-14-61,  Cl.  32—14. 
Blenert.  BcrthoM  K.  :  Srr — 

Blenert,  Berthold,'  Brieg.  and  Oroll.     3.013,006. 
Bienert.  Berthold.  deceased  (by  H.  Blenert,  H.  D.  Prochnska 

and  B.  K.  Blenert.  heirs).  K.  Brieg.  and 

benfahriken     Ba.ver     Akticngesellschaft. 

azophtli.nlofvanlne  dvestuffs  and   process 

tlon.     3.013006,  12-12-61.  Cl.  260—147. 
Bienert.  HlMe'.'ard  :  See — 

Bienert.  Berthold,   Brelg,  and  Groll.     3,013,000. 

Bienstock,  Dan'el,  and  J.  H.  Field,  to  United  States  of  Amer- 
ica, Interior.  Process  for  the  removal  of  sulfur  oxides  from 
gases.    2,992,884.  7-18-61,  Cl.  23—2.  „,    „    , .      , 

Bier,  Alexander.    Anti-skid  brake  control.    2,997.135,  8-22-01, 

Cl.    ISH— 2. 

Bier,  Gerhard  :  -S'ec — 

Kirschner,  Hans  G..  Gumboldt,  and  Bier.     3.002.961. 
Bierer,  John  M.,  to  American  Biltrite  Rubber  Co.,  Inc.     Ma- 
chine for  continuously  curing  elastomeric  material  in  sheet 

form.    2,971,218,  2-14-61,  Cl.  18—6. 
Bierke,  Svante,  and  M.  Mautner,  to  Aktlebolaget  Separator. 

Method  for  hydrolysis  of  starch.     2,989,425,  6-20-61,  Cl. 

Bierman,  Clarence  R.,  and  L.  E.  Hoag,  to  American  Can  Co. 

Venting  container  and  method  of  making  same.    2,986,319, 

5-30-61,  Cl.  229 — 5.6. 
Bierman,  Harry  C. :  See — 

Barsky.  George,  and  Bierman.     3,000,759. 
Bierman,    Raymond    C,    to   Motorola,    Inc.      Drive    for   tape 

recorder.     2,978,198,  4-4-61,  Cl.  242—55.12. 
Bierniann,  David,  to  Hartzell  Propeller,  Inc.     Constant  speed 

1,  12-19-61,  Cl.  1*0— 

2,983,279.   5-0-61, 

and  feathering  propeller.     Re.  25,096, 
Blermann,   David.     Fluid  mixing  valve. 

Cl.  137—100. 
Biermann,    David,    to    Hartzell    Propeller,    Inc.      Adjustable 

pitch  propeller.     2,986,222,  5-30-61,   Cl.  170—160.2. 
Biermann,  David,  to  Ilertzell  Proi)eller,  Inc.    Adjustable  pitch 

propeller.    2,992,688,  7-18-61,  Cl.  170 — 160.32. 
Biermann,     David,     to    Hartzell    I'ropellcr,     Inc.       Propeller 
utilizing      fracture     bearing.        2,997.111.      8-22-61.     Cl. 
Biermeier,  Hans,  to  Agfa  Akticngesellschaft.     Closure  assem- 
bly for  viewfinders  of  reflex  cameras.     3,007,386,  11-7-61, 
Cl.  95 — 17. 
Bierwagen,  Otto  T. :  See — 

Scherer,  George  F.,  and  Blerwagen.    2,979,457. 
Blerwirth,  Henry  C.,  and  N.  L.  Rutgers,  to  Lennox  Industries. 
Inc.     Air  distribution  system  for  heating,  cooling  and  ven- 
tilating.    2.977.870.  4-^-61,  Cl.  98 — 40. 
Bierwlrth,  Henrv  C.  and  N.  L.  Rutgers,  to  Lennox  Industries, 
Inc.      Hammock    filter.      3.001,606.   9-26-r,l,    Cy    183-49. 
Bierwlrth.  Henry  C,  and  X.  L.  Rutgers,  to  Lennox  Industries, 
Inc.     Air  processing  unit  for  heating,  cooling  «^nd  ventilat- 
ing.    3,009.408,  11-21-61,  Cl. -98 — 38. 
Blerwirth.  llcnry  C.  and  X.  L.  Rutgers,  to  Lenn<ix  Industries, 
,  Inc.     Thermostat  find  control  circuit  for  hating,  air  con- 
ditioning  and    ventilati'ng    system.      3,014/704,    12-26-61, 
Cl.  257—287 

Biesecker,  Donald  L..  and  D.  C.  Haminan/ ♦*>  IHinols  Tool 
Works,  (".irrier  and  carrier  package.  2,994.426,  8-1-61, 
CI.   200—65 

Co.,  a  division  of  Seidel-/Iuber  Steel   Rolling 
See —  / 

Laverne  O.,  and  Dahlh/iuser.     2,983,218. 
PtTsintrer.  Laverne  ().  and  .M.  L.     ^•.•'.)fi..'')07. 
Bigelow.   Bertha  :  See —  / 

Bigclow,  Merle  E.     2.979.854.     / 
Bigelow.  Charles  G.,  A.  J.  Whitconib,  -and  A.  J.  Karsten.  to 
Koppers  Co.,  Inc.     Stove  system/for  blast  furnaces.     2,978.- 
219,  4-4-61,  CT.  251—81.  / 

Bigelow.  Charles  G..  and  J.  T.  Kennedy,  to  American  Machine 
&  Foundry  Co.     Slot  liner  for  dynamo  electric  machines. 
2.98.">,780.  5-23-61,  Cl.  310-^215. 
Bigelow,   Edward  J.  :   Scf —  / 

Antoniades,  Arthur  J.,  find  Bigelow.     2,976.066. 
Bigelow.    Ilarrv    K..    to    WV'st    Realty.    Inc.      .Vpparatus    for 
cleaning  brake  shoes  or  the  like.     3,007,285,   11-7-61,  Cl. 
Bigelow,   Herbert   L.,   to'  Baker  Oil    Tools,    Inc.     Retrievable 

plug.  2.999,545,  9-12-61.  Cl.  166—153. 
Bigflow.  John  K.,  tO/'(Jeneral  Electric  Co.  Duo-switch  gate 
clr<ult  onerable  with  positive  or  negative  3,001;- 
^.^9.  9-19-61.  C1/32S — 101. 
Bigelow.  John  E./R.  A.  Arrlson.  Jr..  and  S.  Bernstein,  to 
General  Electrit  Co.  Radiation  gauge.  2,983,819,5-9-61, 
Cl.  250 — 83.6/ 

Bigelow.   Merlf  E.,  docoasod,  hv  B.   Bigelow.  administratrix.  tra/is      2.979,854.  4-18-61.  Cl.  43—90. 

Bigelow- Sanford.  Inc. :  See — 

Jackson,  Robert  J.,  and  R.  J.  Carrlgan.     3,009,485. 
Mueller.  Helmut  C.     3,009,247. 
Tll^tt.  Mary  V.  and  G.  H.     2,984,540. 

Biggie/  Laurence   C,   to   General    Controls   Co.      Adjustment 
m^anism   for  valves.     2,987,.'?0n.' 6-6-61.  Cl.   267 — 1. 

C.    to    General    Controls    Co.      Gas-fueled 
3,002.554,    10-3-61,    Cl.   158— 

Big  Boy   Mfg. 
Mill  Corp.  : 

Biggie.    Laurence 
/thermo-electric  generator. 

Biggs.   Robert  W. 

Brake  block. 

M.  Groll.  to  ^ar- 
for  their  produc- 

to  The  S.  K.  Wellman  Co. 
2,970.675.  2-7-61,  Cl.  188—251. 

Biggs,  William  A..  Jr.,  and  J.  D.  Robertson,  to  Sonoco  Prod 
nets  Co.     Method  for  integratins  sodium  based  sulfite  and 
sulfate  pnlpinsr  processes.     2.974,081,  3-7-61,  Cl.  162—33. 

BIgland,  Bernard  K.,  and  R.  F.  Garner,  to  General  Engineer- 
ing Co.  (Radcllffe)  Ltd.  Automatic  colling  machines. 
2,979,275,  4-11-61.  Cl.  242—25. 

Bigler.  Russell  T.  :  See — 

Hay,  Frederick  W..  and  Bigler.     2.992,490. 

Blgnon.  Lucien  C.  A.  M.     Windscreen  wiper  arms. 
lO-.'i-Ol,  n.   1.1— 2.'>0  34. 

Bigot.  Bernard  :  See — 

Moyrand.  Jean,  and  Bigot.    2.978,313. 




lUDEX  OF  PATENTS,  1961 

Kik?y.  Jonepb  J..  I»^thier.  and  Bigowsky,     3.010,04 J. 
Blblnutier,  Oskar.  to  VolgtIaDder  A.G.    Photographic  camera. 

3,002.436.  10-3-61.  Q.  »5— 10. 
BliXoo.  Job&n  T>.:  See —  «  „o«  ^«, 

OTere«m.  Jan  C.  and  Bijloo.     2.936.493. 

''•"ta^JhoSr^.^jU^  ¥r¥lkofHky.  aiHl  Haim«>hn^   2.974  0<^^ 

Bllde  Tord  E.  D.,  to  Aktiebolaget  Elektrolux.  Apparatus  for 
waibing  clothes.     2.993,354.   7-26-61.  CI.  68—12. 

IJllger.  Xavier.  to  Compasnie  Francalse  des  Matieres  Color- 
antes.  Process  for  the  Pro<1u<:J»'>°?,^P.hoflPho™8  com- 
pounds and  their  use  In  fire-proofing.     3,01 -',908,  12-1  J-bi. 

Blllbok.  '  Deiso.       Adjustable     pattern     projecting    machine. 

2.5#73.6SS.  .t-7-61.  CI.  88—24 
BUI  Jack  Sdentlflc  Instrument  Co. :  See—' 

Helsig.  Henry  P..  and  Price.    2.980.914 

Mcnwraith,  Charles  O.,  Breazeale.  and  Dacus.     2,981.- 

BlU,  JohnC.  to  United  States  Rubber  Co.     Ester-Interchange 

catalysts.      3.012.049.   12-5-61.  r"!.  2r,a--410.9. 
BUlard    Alexandre,    to   Soclete  d'Exploltatlon   des    Materlels 
Hlapano-Suiza.    Methods  of  preparing  compressed  explosive 
charges.     3.009.386.  11-21-61,  CI.  86—20. 
Bllle.  Helm:  Sec—  j  om        im^ono 

Reppe.  Walter,  ron  Kutepow,  and  Bille.     3,014,9«2. 
Billeb.  Clyde  K. :  See —  ^      „„^   . 

Lasker.  Richard,  and  Billeb.     3.006.800. 
Blllen.  Peter:  iee--  »  c^a  ini 

Knbra.  Helmut.  Billen.  and  Arenz.     2.t>94.303. 
Robra.  Helmut.  Blllen.   and  Arenz.     3.010,432. 
Blllen.  Peter,  and   W.   Linnerz.   to  Schloemann   Aktieneesell- 
schaft.     Double-billet  extrusion  press.     J,969,873,  l-3l-oi, 
CI.  207 — t.  I  I 

Blller,  MlchaellB  &  Co. :  See— 

O'homa.  Matthias.     2.991.311.  ' 

Billet.  Edward  H..  to  Vari-Typer  Corp.  C-amera  apparatus 
and  methcKl  of  making  up  printed  copy.   2,968.992,  1-24-61, 

CI    88- -''4 
Billet    Edward  H..  and  B.  Raak.  to  Vari-Typer  Corp.     Auto- 
matic   camera    apparatus    for    making    up    printed    copy. 
2  9r,ft.23.'>.  1-24-61.  CI.  271 — »3. 
Billeter    Henry  R..  to  R.   R.   Donnelley  k   Sons  Co.  „Book 

handling  mwhanism.     2.984,330.  5-16-61,  CI.  198—20. 
Billeter    Henrv  R.,  and  G.   E.    Richards,   to   Liquid  Controls 
Con>      LiqJild-leVel  controlled  devices.  ,  2,977.972.  4-4-61, 
CT.  137—202. 
Billeter.  Jean-Rene:  See —  ' 

BeichstPln.  Tadeus.  AVettsteln.  Anner    Billeter,  Heusler, 
Xeher  Schmldlln,  Beberwasser.  and  VMeland.  2.986.!5b7. 
Relchstein.  Tadeiis.  ypttsteln,  Anner.  Billeter,  Heusler. 
NVlier,  Schmidlin,  JTeberrrasser.  and 
903  e 

Reichstein.  Tadens.  %ett»tein.  Anner,  

Xeher,  Schmldlin,  Uebcrwasser,  and  Wieland. 
WettiTein   Albert.  Anner.  Hensler,  Ueberwasser,  Wieland, 

S.»imi.llln.  iind  Billeter.     2.994.691. 
WettBtein   Albert.  Anner.  Heusler.  Ueberwasser,  wieland. 
Srhmldlin.  and  Billeter.     3.000.882. 
Billetter.  Halton  A.,  and  W.  W.  Stevens,  to  The  McKay  Ma- 
chine Co.     Coil  peeler.     2.980.360.  4-18-61,  CI.  242—78.8. 
Billi.  r.iorgio.   to  Singer  FidelltT.   Inc.     Double  feed  appara- 
tus for  circular  hoslerv  machln*  to  produce  plain  and  tuck 
stitches.     3.004.414,  10-17-61,  CI.  66—50. 

Billian.  Carroll  J.:  See— 

Bacon.  Prank  R..  and  Rllllan*»2. 

Billlanl.  Eugen.  to  Henfwerke  FuBsen-Immenstadt  Aktlenpe- 
sellschaft  Apparatus  for  the  mechanical  tying  of  twine, 
cord  and  the  like.     3.006,271,  10-31-61.  Cl.  100—29. 

Billlg  Lewis  S.,  and  B.  T.  Newman,  to  General  Electronic 
Laboratories.  Inc.  Signal  and  noise  level  determining  ap- 
paratus.    2,988.693,  6-13-Gl.  Cl.  324 — 57. 

Billlg.  Lewis  S..  K.  C.  Perkins,  and  J.  K.  Watson,  to  General 
Electronics  Laboratorie><.  Inc.  Frequency  shift  keyed  sig- 
nal converter.     .•{.011.n2.{,  11-28-61.  d.  178—88. 

Billing  Ilplnz,  and  W.  Hopmann.  to  Max-Planck-Opsellschaft 
zur  Wrdcning  der  Wjsscnschaften  e.V.  Arrangement  for 
controllinir  in  calculatlns:  machines,  office  machines  and  the 
llkp.      2.996,700.   8-1.'.-<;i.   (M.   340—174. 

BUlint;.  Henry  J.,  to  Metalastlk  Ltd.  Spring  assemblies. 
2.97:?.9.'>1.  ?.-7-61.  Cl.  207—30. 

Billinghurst.  Robert  J. :  See— 

Himtck.  Afton  A..  Billinghurst., and  Haddock.     2,967,391. 

Billinzs.  Charl.s  K. :  .See— 

Sisson.  Kenneth  O.,  and  Billings.     2.976,710. 

Btlllntr*.  Harrv  P.  Apparatus  for  forming  bundles  of  tobacco 
leaves.     3.014.487.  12-26-61.  n.  131— 149. 

Billings.  William  W..  to  Westinghouse  Electric  Corp.  Counter 
circtiit.     3,010.096.  11-21-61.  Cl.  340— 174. 

Bllllneslpv.  Leonard,  ."Oc,  to  Robert  L.  Waterson.  Boat  stir- 
rup     2'.9irt.^r,H,  :',-21-''.1.  Cl.  1^2  — IHO. 

BilMngsley,  Robert  W.     Body  coat  staijs. 

Boring   bar.      3,005.365.    10-24-61,    Cl. 

Wieland.     3,014.- 

Billeter.  Heusler, 
"      3,014.- 

Cl     223-71. 
Blllinrton.  Elmer  :  ."?ee — 

FWlster.   Richard,  and  Billington. 

2.967,647.  1-10-61, 

Billman,    Carl    A 

Billman,  Louis  S. :  See —  „  „  ^^,  „„„ 

King,  Charles  H..  Jr..  and  Billman.     2m^.?96 
BiUmeler,  Robert  A.,  and  J.  F.  McHale,  to  Socony  Mobil  Oil 

Co.,  Inc.    Chemical  cleaning  of  oil  heating  systems.    3,007,- 

781,  11-7-61,  a.  44 — 56.  ^.     .         .        I 

BlUner,    Karl   P.,   to   Vacuum   Concrete   Corp.    of   America. 

Molding  apparatus,    2.966,713,  1-3-61.  Cl.  25— 30. 
Billotti,  Paul.    Dual  metronome.    2.995,055.  8-8-61.  Cl.  84— 

Billotti,     Paul.       Electrical     dual     metronome.       2,995.056. 

8-8-61,  CT.   84 — 470.  ,  t.,     .  ,     ,, 

Billuris,  George,  and  B.  G.  Voorhees.  to  General  Electric  Co. 

Method  and  apparatus  for  determining  the  solute  content 

of  a  solution.     2,997,874.  8-29-61,  Cl.  73—61. 
Bilotti,  Anthony  G.     Method  of  promoting  release  of  active 

ingredients  from  slab  chewing  gum  and  product.    3,011,949, 

12-5-61,  Cl.   167—82. 
Bilton.  Sjiiiiu»*l  W.  :   See — 

Dickens.  Milton  L..  and  Bilton.     3,008.038. 
Blltwell  Accessories  Proprietary  Ltd. :  See — 

Pemberton.  Hector  M.     3.006.409. 
Bilv,  Peter  J.,  to  Chiksan  Co.     Fluid  conveying  apparatus. 

2.980.150.  4-18-61.  Cl.  141—387.  „     ^  ,^ 

BUz.  Wilhelm.  to  Slemens-Schuckertwerke  Aktlengesellschaft. 

Reproducing  device.     2,989.697,   6-20-61,  Cl.   324—83. 
Bilz,  Wilhelm,  to  Siementf-Schuckertwerke  Aktlengesellschaft. 

Dual-rate  instrument.     2,997,147,  8-22-61,  Cl.  192—9. 
Bimber,    Russell   M.,  to  Diamond  Alkali  Co.     Derivatives  of 

thiazolidinones     and     oxazolidinones     and     corresponding 

thiones     witlv    alpha-halo    oxo    compounds     and    process. 

2.!»73,36fi.  2-28-61.  Cl.  260—306.7.  ^    , 

Bimber.   Russell   M.,   to  Diamond   Alkali   Co.     Certain  halo- 

alkylolamino  pyridines.     2.97r>.18«,  .3-14-61.  Cl.  260--296. 
Bimber,  Russell  itf.,  to  Diamond  Alkali  Co.     Certain  alpha- 

haloaldehyde  addition   products   of  ethylenethioureas  and 

process.     2.981.739.   4-25-61,   Cl.  260—309.6. 
Bimber.  Russell  M.,  to  Diamond  Alkali  Co.    Aminopyrimldines 

as  fungicides.     2,994,637,  8-1-61,  a.  1&7— 33. 
Bimber    Russell  M.,  to  Diamond  Alkali  Co.     Chloral  deriva- 

tives'of  amino  nuinoline.    3.000.894.  9-19-61.  Cl.  260—288. 
Bimber.  Russell  M.,  to  Diamond  Alkali  Co.     Method  for  con- 
trolling pests.     3.001.860.  9-26-61,  Cl.  71—2.5. 
Binch.  H.  h  P..  Inc. :  See — 

Chapuis,  Ren«  L.     3.006,170. 
Binder  Corp.  of  America,  The  :  See — 

Smith.   Thomas   R.      3.009.465. 
Binder.  Raymond  C,  to  Purdue  Research  Foundation.    Appa- 
ratus   for    suppressing    galloping    conductors.      2,999,894. 

9-12-61,  CT.  17^-42.  .  ^       „        .w. 

Binder,  Richard,  to  Fichtol  &  Sachs  A.G.     Smonthlv  operat- 

inir  centrifucnl  clutch      2  967.597.  1-10-61.  PI.  192— lO.x 
Binder,   Richard,  to  Fichtel  k  Sachs  A.G.     Resilient  clutch 

construction.     2.985.273,  5-23-61,  Cl.  192 — 68. 
Binder.  Richard,  to  Fichter  k  Sachs  A.G.     Device  for  accel- 
erating the  engagement  of  clutches.     2,990,041,  6-27-61, 

CT.  192—3.5. 
Binder,  Richard,  to  Fichtel  k  Sachs  AG.     Centrifugal  clutch 

with     roller-type     flyweights.     3,006,449,     10-31-61,     Cl. 

Binder,    Richard,   to  Fichtel  k  Sachs   AG.     Apparatus  for 

operating  clutches.     3,010,554,  11-28-61,  Cl.  192— .077. 
Binder.  Richard,  to  Fichtel  k  Sachs  A.G.     Clutch-controlled 
.-automatic   gear  shifting  mechanism.      3,011,357.   12-5-61, 
CJ.   74—334. 

Binder,  Robert:  See —  ^ ^ 

Jaentschke,  Leopold,  and  Binder.     2,988,922. 

Binder,  William  O.,  and  C.  M.  Brown,  to  Union  Carbide  Corp. 
Hardenable  stainless  steel  alloys.  2,990,275,  6-27-61.  Cl. 
75—126.  / 

Bindler.  Jakob:   See—  „.x„„.,v,- 

Model.  Ernst.  Bindler,  and  Zinkernagel.     2.999.047. 

Binetti,  Giulio.  and  S.  Mangano.  to  Centre  Rlcherche  Metal- 
lurgiche.  Guard  rail  for  roads.  2,988,332,  6-13-61,  Cl. 

Bing.  Harold  A.  Automobile  utility  bag.  3,014,759,  12-26- 
61.  Cl.  297—191. 

BIngaman,  Lester  B.,  to  Bert  Fields.  Hydro-pneumatic  sus- 
pension strut.     3.007,694.  11-7-61.  C\.  267—64. 

Bingham.  David  W.  S.vruping  appnratus  for  use  in  the 
canning  of  fruit  and  vegetables.  2.974.691.  3-14-61.  Cl. 

Bingham.  David  W.  Can  filling  apparatus.  2,998.037.  8-29- 
61,  Cl.  141—143. 

Bingham.  George  H..  Jr.,  to  Cambridge  Rubber  Co  Plastic 
footwear  having  contrasting  color  effects.  2.982.03J,  o-^- 
61.  Cl.  .36—2.5. 

Bingham.  George  H..  Jr..  to  Cambridge  Rubber  C*o  Over- 
shoe having  bellows  tongue  and  slide  fastener.  2,986.824, 
♦VO-fil,  (1.  30—7.3. 

Bingham.  George  H.,  Jr.,  to  Cambridge  Rubber  Co.  Protector 
for  overshoe  heels.     2,997,795,  8-29-61,  Cl.  36—7.3. 

Bingham.'  George  H..  Jr..  to  Cambridge  Rubber  Co.  Ribbed 
outersole  of  moldable  material.  3.006,085,  10-31-61,  Cl. 
36 — 59. 

Bingham.  George  H..  Jr.,  and  O.  T.  Olsson.  to  Cambridge 
Rubber  Co.  Apparatus  for  use  in  making  footwear  having 
molded   outersoles.      3.009.204.    11-21-61.    Cl.    18—34. 









Recreational  rebound  net. 



truck    and    hanging    car. 
3,001,484,  9-26-61,  CI. 

Bingnam-Herbrand  Corp. :  See — 

Hlnsey,  Robert  S.     2,976,744 

Hlnsey,  Robert  S. 

Hlnsey,  Robert  S. 

Hinsey,  Robert  S. 

Hinsey,  Robert  S, 

Hlnsey.  Robert  S 

Hinsev,  Kohert  S. 
Bingham,  Hiram,  Jr. 

7-11-61.  01.  273—95.  _ 
Bingham,    Sidney    H.      Monorail 
2/J76,»18,  3-28-61,  CI.  104—93. 
Bingham,  Sidney  H.     Monorail  car. 

1 Ag 145 

Bingham,    Sidney    H.     Asymmetric    truck    for    over-running 

monorail  car.     3,002.467,  10-3-61.  CI    104—119. 
ninghnni,  Sidney  H.    Monorail  beam  and  truck  design.    3,01-.- 

BlnghamT  Wlniam  H.  Cable  duct  InstnUatlon  tool.  2,991,974, 
7-11-61,  CI.  254—29.       , 

Bingbaniton  Container  Co.,  Inc. :  See —  i 

Johnson.  Irving  B.     2.992.791.        ^  ,.     ,   .   ,  _,  ,  , 

Bingley.  Frank  J.,  to  Phllco  Corp.  Optical  in terferometrlc 
position  indication.  »>2.972.278.  2-21--61    CI.  88—14 

Bingley,  Frank  J.,  to  Phllco  Corp.  Method  of  manufacturing 
electrical    apparatus.      2,989,398,    ft-20-61,    CI.   96—35. 

Blnkley.  Charles  H.,  to  United  States  of  America.  Agriculture. 
Shrl'nkprooflng  wool  with  compositions  containing  a  poly- 
ester.   2.992,944,  7-18-61.  CI.  117—141. 

Blnkley  Landing  Gear  Sales  Co. :  See  - 
McKay,  Hurry  M.     2,977,094. 

Blnkley  Mfg.  Co. :  See- 
McKay.  Harry  M.     3,010,699. 

Binks  Mfg.  Co. :  See— 

Enssle.  Bruno  B.     2.9<16,881. 

Enssle.  Bruno  E.    3.013,445.  „        „  ..         ,      i 

Binning,  Robert  C.  to  Standard  Oil  Co.  Separation  of  mix- 
tures.   2.981.680,  4-25-61,  CI.  210—23^ 

Binning.  Robert  C..  to  Standard  Oil  Co.  Separating  di- 
methvl  butane  from  methyl  pentane.  3,007,851,  11-7-bl, 
CI    202 — 42 

Binning,  Robert  C,  to  Standard  Oil  Co.  Separation  of  di- 
methyl butane  from  methyl  pentane.  3,007,98o,  ll-<-61. 
CI.  260—683.65.  ,      ^    ,r.^     .       _,_ 

Binning,  Robert  C,  and  W.  F.  Johnston.  Jr.,  to  The  Ameriran 
Oil  Co.     Aromatic  separation  process.     2.970,106,1-31-61, 

Binning,  Robert  C.  and  C.  N.  Sechrist,  to  Standard  Oil  Co. 
Unleaded  motor  fuel.    2.985,522.  5-23-61.  CI.  44— 70. 

Binning,  Robert  C,  J.  F.  Jennings,  and  E.  C.  Martin,  to 
Standard  Oil  Co.  Separation  technique  through  a  permea- 
tion membrane.    2,985.588.  5-23-61.  CI.  210—23. 

Blnns.  John  E.  :  See —  „„„„,^r 

Horn,  Frederick  L..  and  Blnns.    2.983.145. 

Binns  Machine  Works.  Inc. :  Set — 

Bemiss.  Robert  P..  Hening.  and  Stenger      2  987.237. 

Blnns  Robert  A.,  to  Allied  Chemical  Corp.  Waste  segrega 
tlon  spool.     2.970.789.  2-7-61.  CI.  242—125.1. 

Bins,  Elmer  M. :  See —  ^ ,^„ 

Ericson.  John  A.,  and  Bins.     2.975.520. 

Blnstock,  Martin  H.,  to  North  American  Aviation,  Inc.  ^Uran- 
ium foil  nuclear  fuel  element.  3,004,906.  10-17-61.  CI. 
204 — 154  2. 

Binstock.  Martin  H.,  and  K.  E.  Horton,  to  North  American 
Aviation.  Inc.  Lead-uranium  oxide  nuclear  fuel  element 
2.985.571,  5-23-61,  CI.  204 — 154.2. 

Blnter.  Frederick  C.  and  E.  W.  Bridge.  Jr. ;  said  Bridge  assor. 
to  said  Blnter.  Dispenser  for  treatment  of  exhaust  gases 
from  Internal  combustion  engines.  2,997,282.  8-22-61,  CI. 

Biochemical  Processes.  Inc. :  l^ce — 
Ileden,  Carl  G.    2,995.497. 

Bioferm  Corp. :  See — 

Sudarsky.  Jerry  M..  and  Flslier. 

Biological  Research.  Inc.  :  See — 

Weirhselbaum.  Edwin  G.     3.005,564. 
Blondl.  Nunzlo  C,  15%  to  J.  Marino,  and  34%  to  M.  J.  Harte. 

Feeding  device  for  baby  bottles.     2,984,377,  5-lft-61.  CI. 



Manually  engage- 
3,003.608,  10-10- 

Birahen.  Henri  E.,  to  General  Motors  Corp. 

able  and  fluid  release  centrifugal  clutch. 

61,  CI.  192—88. 
Birch    Arthur  J.,  I.   S.   Nixon,  and  J.  F.  CJrove.  to  Imperial 

Cliemlcal  Industries  LW.     Process  of  producing  glbberellic 

acid.     2,977,285,  3-28-61,  Q.  19.5-36. 
Birch.  Herbert  M..  and  D.  H.  Gattone.     Self-contained  push 

button  applicator.     2,998,822,  9-5-61,  a.  132—116, 

Birch.  John  K. :  See —  „      _  ^„^ 

Kabrick.  Wallace  J.,  and  Birch.    2.99.».6.'?0. 
Birch.  William  R..  and  W.H,  Fanning,  ^io  part  to  Qadgetnof- 

The-Month  Club.  Inc.     Golf  club  construction.     2,993.695, 
7-25-61.  CI.  273—80.5. 
Birchard,  Bruce  L. :  See — 

Nordsieck,  Arnold  T.     3,003.356. 

Blrch-Iensen,  Ake  H.  O. :  See —  .    „.     . 

Wiklund,    Oiof.    Wramstedt,    Blrch-Iensen.    and    BJork. 

BIrchler.  Robert  O. :  See — 

Anderson,  Paul  E.,  and  Birchler.    3,010,577. 

Birckhead  Corp. :  Bee — 

Birckhead,  Lennox.  Jr.,  and  T.  A.     2.972,170. 

Birckhead,  Lennox,  Jr.,  and  T.  A.,  to  Birckhead  Corp  M^hyl 
metbacrylate  monomer  molding  process.  -.y7_.i«u. 
2-21-61.  CI.  18 — 58.  / 

Birckhead,  Taylor  A.:  See—  ' 

Birckhead.  Lennox,  Jr..  and  T.  A.    2,9. -.1«0. 

Bird.  Arnett  L. :  See —  „    „  j  «.  j      q  mi  oio 

Marshall.  Stephen  V.  T.,  and  Bird.     3,011,212. 

lUrd  Electronic  Corp.:  See —  _ 

r.ird.  James  U.,  and  Stevens.    2.973.4.9.  „ 

Calderhead.  Henry  J.,  and  Waterfield      3.01.k(M?6 

Bird,   Frank  E.,  Jr.     Shoe  guard.     3,006.086,   10-31-61,  CI. 

llinlTllmes  R.;  and  H.  E.  Stevens,  to  Bird  Electronl^  Corp. 
Branbiied    conductor    structure.    Z-Zi>-*il,    ci. 

Bl?d.^ohi  W.,  Jr..  to  Halbid  Xerox  Inc  Apparatus  for 
developing  electrostatic   images.      2,975.758.  ,l-Jl-t>i.   ci. 

Bird,  Lester  F.,  to  Engelhard  Hanovla,  Inc.  Operating  circuit 
for    high    pressure    arc    lamps.      2,v^o,Zi6,    d-i4-oi,    »-i. 

Bird,'  Lestef  F..  to  Engelhard  Hanovia.  Inc.  Starting  and 
operating  circuit  for  high  pressure  arc  lamps.     ^,»»0,.wo, 

Bird,"Le8ter  F.,  to  Engelhard  Hanevia,  Inc.  Automatic  volt- 
age regulating  circuit.     2.985,817,  5-23-61,  CI.  323—50. 

Bird  Machine  Co. :  See — ^   „  ,  n  n-rK  ana 

C\innon.  Madison  M.,  Dick,  and  Salomon.     2.975.899. 
Carvlll.  Richard  E.     3.001.296.  , 

Roos.  John  T.     2.997.008.  .  .1 

Smith,  Kiihniond  W.     2.9.2  <•)..  rr.K..i«t«™ 

Bird.  Raymond,  to  international  Computers  and  Tabulators 
Ltd.      Data    translating    apparatus.      2.9.0,4  05,    --<-oi. 

CI   235 155 

Bird".  Raymond,  to  International  Computers  and  Tabulators  ^ 
lAd      Electronic  digital  calculating  equipment.     3.001,707. 
9-26-61,  CI.  235 — 155.  .        ,    ^, 

Bird.  Raymond,  apd  P.  Wood,  to  International  Computers 
and  Tabulators  Ltd.  Electronic  divider,  3.000.^03.  9-19- 
61.  CL  235—167.  »  i 

Bird  &  Son.  Inc. :  See—„  „^,  ,.  . 
Crawford.  Earl  A.     3.007,404. 

SalUe.  Stanley  H.    3.014.812.  »,     ,   «  *„h 

Bird.   Walter   W..   to  Birdalr   Structures.  Inc.     A  r   inflated 

structure  and  control.     2,990,836.  7-4-01    CI    13o— 1. 
Bird,  William  H.,  to  Johnson  and  Johnson.    Bandages.    3,000,- 

454.  10-24-61,  CI.  128 — 171. 
Birdalr  Structures,  Inc. :  See — 

Bird.  Walter  W.    2,990,836.  ^  .  ,„     .  . 

Birdsall.  Charles  K.,  and  C.  C.  Johnson,  to  General  I:L>ectrU: 
Co  High  frequency  energy  interchange  device.  2,970,454, 
3-21-61,  CI.  315 — 3.5.  ^  ,  ,„     ^  . 

Birdsall,  dharles  K..  and  W.  A.  Harman,  to  General  Electric 
Co.  High-frequency  energy  interchange  device.  2,970,4o5, 
3-21-61,  CI.  31.'5 — 3.6.  ^  ,  t-,     » 

Birdsall,  dharles  K.,  and  C.  C.  Johnson,  to  General  ^J^}Pj: 
Co  High  frequency  energy  interchange  device.  2,9.0,4oO, 
3-21-61,  CI.  315—3.6.  „     ^        ..         ,^ 

Birdsall,  dharles  K.,  and  G.  R.  Brewer^  to  Hughes  Aircraft 
Co     Traveling-wave  tube,.  2.985,793,  5-23-61,  CI.  315—3.6. 
Birdsall.    Clarence    E.      Propelling   and    steering   device   lor 

watercraft.    2.979.018,  4-11-61,  CI.  115—29. 
Birdsboro  Corp. :  See—-         _,  „    .  „  qqi  inn 

Peterson.  Edward  C,  and  Updegrave.    2.981,300. 
Blrfleld  Engineering  Ltd. :  See — 

Bastow,  Donald,  and  Rabson.     3.008,310. 
Rabson.  Edward  J.    2.992,547.  Ji        »„„,,„„„ 

Birkbeck,    Guy.    and    I.    G.    O.    Brown,    to    >J6fth    American 
Philips    Co..    Inc.      Counterbalancing    means.      2.9<2..i<H. 
2-21-61,  Cl.  74—592. 
.Blrkel.  George,  Jr. :  Sec—  .  „,  .    ,      o  ooi  ^lo 

Williams,  La  Vergne  E.,  and  Blrkel.     2.991,339. 
Blrkenbach,  Eugene  J. :  See —  „  ^„„  „„, 

Johnson.  Robert  A.,  and  Blrkenbach.     2.990,021. 
Blrkenbach,  Eugene  J.,  and  J.  J.  Frellchowskt,  to  Interna- 
tional Harvester  Co.     Locking  device  for  adjusting  arm  of 
harrow   shock   absorbing  device.     2,979,139,   4-11-61,   Cl. 
172—635.  ,    ^         ^,        , 

Blrkenbach.   Eugene  J.,  and  J.  E.   Morgan,  to  International 
Harvester     Co.       Harrow    with     shock     absorber    device. 
2,998,855.  9-5-61,  Cl.  172—635. 
Blrkenes,  Bernhard,  to  Motorola,  Inc.    Radio  receiver  circuit. 
2,999,927,  9-12-61.  Cl.  250—20. 

Birkenmeyer,  RtJwrt  1)  :  See—  

'     Kagan,  Fred,  and  Birkenmeyer.    2.99i)..>.0.  •'«^ 

Birkenmeyer,  Robert  D.,  D.  Lednicer,  f-  Kagan.  and  B  J. 
Magerleln,  to  The  Upjohn  Co.  17-isonitrose-3;^inlnoether8 
of  the  androstane  series.  3,000.910.  9-19-61,  a.  260-397. 
Blrkhlmer,  Edwin  R.,  to  The  Atlantic  Reflning  Co. 
tlon  of  aqueous  colloidal  solutions  of  silica. 
4-4-61,  Cl.  252—313. 

Blrkholz.  Ulrich  :  See—  ^  „.  .  ^  ,       „  „_o  -,n 
Hanlei*.  Walter,  and  Blrkholz.     2,978.o70. 

Blrkigt.   Louis,   to   Brevets   Aero-Mecaniques   S.A. 
machine  frame.    2.993,331.  7-25-61.  Cl.  57—1. 

Blrkland,  Stellan,  to  American  Can  Co.     Can  testing 
2.968.178.  1-17-61.  a.  73 — 40. 

Blrkness,  Harald  A.,  to  Standard  Oil  Co.  Conductometrlc 
corrosion  test  probe  with  replaceable  test  specimen  compo- 
nents.   2.993,366.  7-25-61.    Cl.  73—86. 

BirleBon,  Stanley  R.,  H.  H.  Campbell,  and  H.  R.  Dobb,  to  The 
Kaydon  Engineering  Corp.  Control  system  for  grinding 
machines.    2,979,869.  4-1&--61,  Cl.  51—165. 






Co.     Turbo- 

Semnie!>.  and 
CI.  45 — 68.4. 

Birmaon.  Rudolph,  to  De  Laval  Steam  Turbine 
cbarKing     of     internal     combustion     engines. 
1-24-61,  n.  60-1.^. 
BlrminBhara  Snuill  Arms  Co.  Ltd.,  The:  See — 
>       Gordon,  Xorraan  W.,  and  White.     3.007.794. 
HarrlH.  Geoffrev  T..  and  Child.    2,985.529. 
Hodges,  Lewis  A.    3.002.272. 
Jor<flson.  Fred.     2.977.800. 
Blrmlnghain  Sound  Reproducers  Ltd. :  See — 
Guest,  Lawrence  V.     2,977.81.'). 
Guest.  Lawrence  V.     2.984,492.       1    .    « 
(;u^st.  I^wrence  V.     3.000.«;i7. 
Blmey,  Arthur  A.,  E.  B.  Prettynian,  Jr..  D.  H, 
D.  J.  Swartz.     Table  mat.    2.983,069;  5-9-61. 
Birnlirant.    Cecil    H..    to    liirnkrant    Frozen    Confection    Co. 
Mi'thod  of  manufacturing;  un  edible  food  container.     2,968,- 
.'J61.  1-17-61,  CI.  99-  HO 
Bimkrant  Frozen  Confection  Co.  :  See — | 

Kirnkrjinr.  C^K-il  H.     2,;i68..">G1. 
Biro,  Edward  W..  and  J.  L,  Petz.     Dial  Indicators,    2.977.685, 

4-4-61,-  CI.  3.3 — 172. 
Birr,  Rudolph  G.,  to  Stelner  American  Corp.    Paper  roll  slot- 
ting machine.     2,983.200,  5-9-61,  CI.  90 — 21. 
Birrell.    James    G.      Fishing   float.      2,975.541,   3-21-«l,    CI. 

43 — t3.1j.  I 

Birsten.  osrar  G.  :  See —  ' 

Bovl*'.  Richard  J..  Birsten.  and  Mof<by.     2.970,146. 
Rosin.  Jacob,  and  Birsten.     2.070.166. 
Blrt.    Stanley,    to   G'andv    Ltd.      Convejor>belts.      2,998.031, 

H-29-»;i.  CI.  13f»-"410. 
Birtch.  Fred  E..  and   B.  H.  Johnson,  to  Michigan  Tool  Co. 
.Apparatus  for  .grinding  double-enveloping  worm  elements. 
2.978.843,  4-11-61,  CI.  51—33. 
r.irt<"li»*r  Cor}»..  Tlie  :   Se*     - 

W.-ller.   Roljt-rt  A.      2.069.417. 
Birtwell,  Stanle.v.  W.  G.  M.  Jones,  and  R.  F.  Malsey.  to  Im- 
{>eriul   Chemical    Industries   Ltd.      Pyridine  ketone  deriva- 
tives of  certain  amino  guanidines  and  process.     2.978,456. 
♦-4-61,  CT.  260 — 296.  T 

Birum,  Gail  H.  :  See —  | 

never.  James  L.,  and  Bimm.    2.993.066. 
Grlsley.  Daniel  W..  Jr..  Blrum.  and  Helnlnger.    3.005,008. 
Heininper.  Samuel  A.,  and  Birum.     2.993.037. 
Ileinineer.  Samuel  A.,  and  Birum.     2,993,075'. 
Birum.    Gall    H.,    to  "Moneanto    Chemical    Co.      Nitrogenous 
organic   compounds   of   phosphorus.      3.014,910.   12-26-61, 
ri.   26<^»— 293. 
Birum.    <;ail    it.,    to    Monsanto    Chemicnl    Co.       Process    of 
prei>aring     organic     phosphorus     compounds.       3,014,944, 
12-2'l-61.  CI.  260 — 461.  ,  f 

Birum.   ♦^Jall   H.,    to   Monsanto  Chemical   Co.     Trlphosphlnyl 

phosphites.     3,014.94.''..    12-2fU61.  CI.   260 — 461. 

Birum.  (Jail  H..  to  Mon.santo  Chemical  Co.     Phosnhinyl  di- 

esters    of    aromatic    phosphites.      3.014.946.    12-26-61.   CI. 

260 — 161. 

Blrum.  G.Til  II.,  to  Monsanto  Chemical  Co.     Phosphlnyl  dl- 

esters  of  phosphonites.     3  014.947.  12-26-61.  CI.  260 — 461. 

Blrum.  Giill   II..  to  .Monsanto  Chemical  Co.     Cyclic  esters  of 

phosphorus    compounds.     >3.01 4.948.    12-26-61.    CI.    260 — 


II..    to   Monsanto   Chemicnl   Co.      Aromatic  dl- 
phosphorus    esters.      3,014.950.    12-26-61.    CI. 

Birum.  Gail 
2r,0 — 461. 

Birum.  Gail 

BInjm,  Gall 

IT.,  to  Monsanto  Chemical  Co.     Phosphite-phos- 

3.014.9.".!.    1 2-26-6 1„  CI.   2»iO 161. 

H..  to  Monsanto  Chemical  Co.     I'olyphosphorus 
esters  anil  method  of  preparing  same.     3.014.9.V4.  12-2(^-61, 

n.  26rv— 461. 

Birum  <JalI.  il.,  to  Monsanto  ChomiPa!  Co.  Pentavalent 
ph.isph'.rns   pstor-;       3O14  0."n.    12-'_*6'61.    CI.    ■'<',()     401. 

Blrum.  Gall  II.,  and  J,  L.  DevpT,  to  Monsanto  Chemical  Co. 
Carboxy  phosphates.    2,980.722.  4-18-61.  CI.  260 — 461. 

Binim.  Gall  II..  and  S.  A.  Ileininger.  to  Monsanto  Chemical 
Co.  Toxic  arylsulfinyl  alkenenitriles.  3,000.927.  9-19-61, 
CI.  260 — 165. 

Blrum.  Gail  11.,  and  J.  L    Dever, 

<t\it  phr.spliates.    phosphonntes 

949.    12-26-61.   CI.   260—461. 
Blrum.  G;ill  II..  ;ind  J.  L    Dever, 

to  Monsanto  Chemical  Co. 
and   phosphlnates.      3.014,- 

61.  CI. 
Gail    II, 



Mjonsnnto  Chemical  Co. 
phosphorus.      3,014,952. 

Organic  com[Miur(ls  of  boron 
060 — 461. 

and    .1.    L.    Dever.    to   Monsanto 


Co.      Mpfho4l    of   preptiring  phostfhorlis  esters. 
12-2r,-61.   n.   260 — 461. 

Birum.  Herbert  L..  Jr.  :   See — 

Ilammltt.  Andrew  B..  and  Birum.     3.008.368. 
Ilammitt,  Andrew  K..  and  Birum.     3,013.<'.42. 
Bisbeo.  Charles  I'. ,  to  Combustion  Enclneerinc.  Inc      Spacer 
and  ctiide  assembly  frff-  sup«>rheater  and  the  like     2.997,069. 
8-22-61.  CI     K'.H      111.  , 

Bisblne.  RolK-rt  H..  and  J.  K.  Barrv.  to  South  Chester  Corp. 

Moilule  board  fastener.     2.993.187.  7-18-61.  CI.  339 — 17. 
Bi.schofT.  Giintber.     Pnix-rmaker's  screen  with  a  wavy  longi- 

tu<lin:il    shape   ami   edires   longer   than   the   center  "portion 

tlMTPof      2.060..".S1.  1-31-61,  n.  28^78. 
BlschofT.  Kurt :  Srr —  ' 

Schweslg,  Heinz,  and  Bischoff.     2.999.970. 
Blschoir.  Leopold,  to  Fa.  Maschinenfabrlk  Zuckermann  Komm. 

C.ftt.     WIen.       Duplicating     milling     machine     for     wood. 

2,979.0HS,  4-11-61.  CI.  142— 7. 
Bischoff.  \VaId«>mar^..  to  American  Bopch  Arma  Corp      Fuel 

injection  pump.     2.988.099.  6-20-61,  CI.  103 2. 

Bischoff,  Waldemar  O.,  to  American  Bosch  Anna  Corp.  Fuel 
Injection  apparatus.     3,000.369^  9-19-61,  CI.  123 — 139. 

Bischoff,  Waldemar  O..  to  American  Bosch  Arma  Corp.  !•  uel 
injection  pump.     3.011.400.   12-5-61,   CI.   123 — 139. 

Biser.   David  :  See — 

Rizzo.  Samuel,  and  Biser.     2,981.929. 

Bishman  Mfg.  Co. :  See — 

Bishman.  Walter  A.     2.989.116. 

Bishman.  Walter  A.,  to  Bishman  Mfg.  Co.  Tire  changing 
tool.     2,989,116,  6-20-61,  CI.  157—1.24. 

Bishop.  Alfred  K.,  and  L.  J.  Novak,  to  The  Commonwealth 
Engineering  Co.  of  Ohio.  Process  for  preparing  dextran 
phosphates.     2.970,141.  1-31-61.  CT.  260—234. 

Bishop.  .Xrthur  E.  Variable  ratio  power  steering  gear. 
2,973.658.  3-7-61,  CI.  74 — 3><8. 

Bishop.   Arthur  E.     Double   roller  hourglass   steering  gear.  < 
2.975,652,  .3-21-61,  CI.  74 — 500.  '  I 

Bishop,  Arthur  E.    High  pressure  radial  piston  pump.    2,977,>  I 
K91.  4-4-61.  CT.  103-161. 

Bishop,  Basil  T.  G.,  to  D.  Napier  &  Son  Ltd.  Turbine  blade 
rings  and  methods  of  assembly.  3,000,612,  9-19-61,  CI. 
253—77.  .^ 

Bishop,  Carrie  E.  Window  draft  controller.  2.975,697, 
.3-21-61.  CI.  98— 99..5. 

Bishop,  Charles  F..  and  O.  P.  Cohen,  to  Monsanto  Chemical 
Co.  Paper  sized  with  nitreous  salt  of  maleic  anhydride- 
styrene  copolymer  and  epoxy  resin  mixture.  3,002,860, 
10-3-61,  CI,  117 — 155. 

Bishop.  Claude  R, :  See — 

Perkins.  Roger  A.,  and  Bishop.     2.992.917. 

Bishop  Co..  The  :  See — 

Itaer.  John  D.     2.997.9 17t 

Bishop,  Dudley  O.,  and  G.  S.  Brosan.  Transmission  mecha- 
nisms and  the  like.    2,979,630,  4-11-61,  CI.  310 — 102. 

Bishop,  Harold  A.  Method  and  machine  for  making  cellular 
structures.     2.992,673.  7-18-61.  O.  154 — 1.6. 

Bishop,  Harold  P.  Slotted  outlet  fixture  for  wall-Installed 
vacuum  cleaning  systems.     2,990,562.  7-4-61.  CI.  15 — 310. 

Bishop  Hazel  Inc. :  See — 
Doblin,  Jay.    3,002.611. 

Bishop,  John   R. :   Sec — 

McLane.  Stanley  R..  Bishop,  and  Raman.     3.014.063. 

Bishop,  Leonard  J.,  P.  Klamp,  and  R.  Krammer,  to  Mechani- 
cal Handling  Sysiems.  Inc.  Entrance  switch  mechanism 
for  overhead  conveyor.     2.982.227.  5-2-61.  CI.  104 — 96. 

Bishop.  Leonard  J.,  and  E.  S.  Gottschalk,  to  Mechanical  Han- 
dling Systems,  tni-.  Overhead  truck  pusher  and  dispatch 
s.vstems.     2,082.228.  .^2-61,  CI.  104 — 172. 

Bishop.  I^eonard  L.  :   See — 

Perkins.  Forrest  G.     3.002,061. 

Bishop.  Richard  B.,  and  J.  S.  Pavlln,  to  Foster  Grant  CoJ,  Inc. 
Method  of  blending  polystyrene  and  wax.  2,979,476, 
4-11-61,  CI.  260—28.5. 

Bishop.  Ronald  F.,  and  S.  Little,  to  Whessoe  Ltd.  Load  sup- 
porting means.     2,979,221.  4-11-61,  CI.  220—15. 

Bishop.  Rov  I..  Jr.  Built-in  butcher  block  for  kitchen  ••abi- 
net  counters  and  like  installations..  3.011.S49.  IJ  .".-61. 
CI.   31-      140.4  -^  , 

Bishop,  William  H..  and  H.  Golde.  Electrically  operated 
slldable  closure.    2.985,483,  5-23-61,  CI.  296 — ido. 

Bishop.  William  T..  to  Hercules  Powder  Co.  Ftoth  flotation 
process      2.987.183.  6-6-61.  CI.  200    -166. 

Blskup.  John,  S.  Johnson,  and  P.  C.  Wetterau.  to  Congoleum- 
Nalrn  Inc.  Process  for  producing  decorative  surface  cover- 
ing.,  .'»-9i61.  a.  117—15. 

Blssel  Carpet  Sweeper  Co. :   See — 

Sobie,  Bernard  E..  and  Yonkers.    2,986.755. 

Bissell  Inc. :  Sre^ 

Lathrop,  Henry  T.     3,003,170. 

LIddell.  Robert  E.,  Kuypers.  and  Yonkers.     2.975,449. 
Yonkers.  Robert  A.,  and  Lathrop.     2.975.462. 
Yonkers.  Robert  A.,  and  Lathrop.     2.976.112.  1 

Yonkers.  Robert  A.,  .nnd  Lathrop.     2.076.550.  ' 

.Blssinger.  William  E.,  and  J.  A.  Tursich.  to  Pittsburgh  Plate 
Glass  Co.  N-chlorlnated  dicarbamates  of  dihydric  alcohols. 
2.987,541.  6-6-<;i.  CI.  260* — 182. 

Blssonette.  Alfred  J.,  and  F.  J.  Kramer,  Jr..  to  The  Baldwin 
Piano  Co.  Electronic  musical  Instrument.  2,986,964,  6-6- 
61,  CI.  84—1.26. 

Bissot,   Thomas  C. :  See- 
Baker,  Melvin  C.  Bissot.  and  Rowbottom.    2.980.630. 

BIthell     SIdnev  R..  Jr..   to  Rockwell  Mfg.  Co.     Stuffing  box. 

2,997,877,  8-29-61,  CI.  7.3—272. 
Either.  Tom  A..   Jr..  to  E.  T.  du   Pont  de  Nemours  and  Co. 

Ternary   selenldes   and    tellurldes   of   silver   and   antimony 

and  their  preparation.     3,008,797,  11-14-61,  CI.  2.3—14. 
Bltner.  Forrest  G..  and  H.  Silk,  to  Ignited  States  of  America. 

Navy.     Seal.     2,074.593.  .3-14-61.  CI.  102—49. 

Bltonte.  Joseph  L. :  See — 

Montgomer>-,  Earle  T.,  Welch,  and  Bltonte.     2.991,191, 

Bittenfleld,  Morris.     Spotting  composition.     2,980.621,  4-18- 

61.  Cl.  2.'52— 97. 
Bitter,  Francis:  Sre-- 

Gungle,   Warren   C.   Waymouth,   and   Bitter.     3.013,169. 
Bitter,  Irwin  S.  :  See — 

Webber.  Thomas  J.,  and  Bitter.    2.986,749. 

BItterll.  Peter,  and  J.  Guenthard,  to  Sand(iz  Ltd.  Blue 
disperse-dvestuffs  of  the  anthraquinone  series.  2,967,753, 
1-10  61,  Cl.  8—25. 

BItterll.   Peter,   and  J.  Gilnthard.   to  Sandoz  .\.G.     Disperse 
dvestnffs  of  the  unthraniiinoiie  series.     2.967,754,  l-ln-61, 
C1.8— 26. 



Bitterlin,    Otto,    and    W.    Bosiard     to    J.    R.    Gelgy     A.^ 
Copper-containing  trlsazo  dyestuffs.    2,982,764,  5-,i-ol,  ci. 

Bittermau,'*Leo  L.,  and  J.  Rosznian ;  saW  Koszman  assor.  to 

said  Bltterman.     Side  loading  trailer.     2,974,996.  3-14-61, 

Q]   296 ''4 

Bittiue    Jesse"  L.     Dlflferentlal   pressure   cargo  and  luggage 

container.     3.000,418.  9-19-61.  CI.  150—52. 
Bitting,   Ilussell  D.,  K.  E.  JacJwon,  and  L.  J.  Nowacki,  to 

Eseo  Research  and  Engineering  Co.     Emulsifying  polymer 

oils.     2,«70,;i63,  3-21-61,  CI.  106—141. 

^"VpSc;!*Er;ifrand  Bittle.     3.011.993. 
Blttman.  Jess  C,  to  The  Vaughn  Machinery  Co.    Draw  block 
—  for    wife    drawing    and    packaging    machines.      ,i,0iJ.74i, 

Blttman,  Jess  C..*'tol"he"  Vaughn  Machinery  C?.     Wire  pack- 
aging machine  and  method.    3.013.742.  12-19-61,  Cl.  242— 

Bittner.  Burt  J.,  to  Gulton  Industries,  Inc.    Constnictlon  of 

paraboloid   surfaces.     3,010.153.   11-28-61.  Cl.   18—26. 
Bittner,  Franz.     Shuttering  system  for  cast  concrete  walls. 

Blttrolrf,  August  J.     Thfermostat  light.     3,009,051,  11-14-61, 

Cl.  240—2.1. 
liituiniiiouH  Coal  Research.  Inc.:  bee — 
Kock,  Paul  O.     3,005.446. 
Tieman,  John  W..  and  Garvey.     2,992,637. 
Yellott.  John  I.,  and  Broadley.    2,973,057. 
Yellott.  John  I.,  and  Broadley.    2,981,369.  1 

Bitzer.  Martin  :  See —  ^  ^„.  „^^ 

Olshel,  John  R.,  and  Bitzer.     2^988,890. 
Olshel,     John    R..     Horton,    Bitzer.     and    Cavanaugh. 

2  987  747. 
Rlester,' William  C,  and  Bitzer.    3,005,445. 
Bivens.  Lucienne  J.:  See—  „„»,  „„o 

Hlvens,  Maurice  E.,  and  Sinclair.     2.9.5,338.  .  ^     .  .    . 
Bivens,  Maurice  E.,  deceased  (L.  J.  Bivens,  administratrix). 
an<l    C.    Sinclair,   to   General   Electric   Ca      Cold   cath^e 
counting  tube  sequence  control  system.    2,vio,d6ii,  d-i-t-oi, 
Cl.  317—149. 
Bix  Co. :  See — 

Bixby,  Leon  C.     3,012,766.  „   ^.  ,      „   ,      ,     „.„„ 

Bixbv    Harold  \V.,  to  Northrop  Corp.    Radial  cell  decelerator. 

Bixby,  ■K'ennSth:R.  'window   cornice.      2,998.t)62,   8-29-61. 

f^*    1  fifi *JQ 

Bixby  Leo  A.,  and  C.  C.  Bartell ;  said  Bixby  asaor.  to 
Rockwell-Standard  Corp.  Suspension  for  tandem  axle 
assembly.     2,999,695.  9-12-61.  C1.280--104  5. 

Bixby.  Leon  C     S.reen.     2.9fi7.«2().  1-lO--r,l.  n    209— 39^ 

BlxbV;  Leon  C.  Heat  treating  basket.  2.979,323,  4-11-61. 
Cl.  263—47. 

Bixby,  Leon  C. 

Bixby,  Leon  ('.. 
12-12-61.  ri 


Black-Clawson  Co..  The 
Baxter,  Joseph,  Jr. 
Baxter,  Joseph,  Jr. 
Baxter,  Joseph,  Jr. 
Haxter.  Joseph.  Jr. 
Baxter,  Joseph,  Jr. 
Martindale,  James 
White.  William  A.. 
Phelps,  Richard  W. 

Shot  peenlng  basket    2,984,948.  5-23-61,  Cl. 
Heat  treating  basket.     3,012,766. 

to  Bix  Co 

20.3—47.  ^  ^ 

William  E..  to  Haloid  Xerox  Inc.     Xer|pgraphl«  plate 
a    process    of   copy-making.      2,9  <  0,906,   2-7-61,    ci. 

Bixby,  VN'iUiam  E..  to  Xerox  Corp.  Process  of  developing 
electrostatic  Images  and  composition  therefor.  iJ,ul.j,»yo. 
T*— 19-61    Cl    117 — 17.5. 

Bixby.  William  H..  to  International  Business  Machines  Corn. 
Current  supply  apparatus.     2,994,029   7-25h^1.  Cl.  323--9. 

Bixler  John  R..  and  R.  L.  Howell,  to  The  Black  and  Decker 
Mfg  Co  Cooling  means  for  portable  electric  tool.  3,003,- 
073,  10-3-61,  Cl.  310—^9.  ,,,     ,        ,      ,  .,       *   ♦ 

BJalme.  Beugt  G..  to  Reed  Mfg.  Co.  Work  grIMng  and  rota t- 
inu  chuck  with  work  support  means.     2.996,i3i.  8-2_-bl. 

Bjaliiio.  liengt  G..  to  Roe<l  Mfg.  Co.  Pipe  lifting  tool. 
2.997.327,  8-22-61,  Cl.  294— 92. 

BJalme.  Benet  G.,  to  Reed  Mfg.  Co.  Power  driven  pipe  ma- 
chine.   .T012.792.  12-12-61.  Cl.  279— 114.  ^  ^     , 

BJerine  Olav,  to  Owns-Illinols  Glass  Co.  Container  closing 
apparatus.     2,968.900.  1-24-61.  H.  53— 112 

Bjerlne  Olav  and  A.  F.  Trendel.  to  Owens-llllnois  Glass  Co. 
Bottle  holder.     2,987.313,  6-6-61,  O.  269—153. 

Bjerkan.  Arthur  J. :  Sec—  .  «      ^  o  nnK  Atr 

Sorensen,  Knud  B.,  Bjerkan,  and  Sanderson.     3,005,420. 

Bjoeraanesset.   Harald  :  See— 

Moklebust.  Olav,  and  Bjoeraanesset.    2.980,508. 

Bjoranesiset.  Harald  :  See — 

Moklebust.  Olav,  Olavesen,  and  BJoranesset 

Bjork.  Gerhard  :   See —  „.     ^  ,  .i    t>.     i 

Wlklund.    Olof,    Wramstedt,    Blrch-Iensen,    and    Bjork 

Bjorklund.  Gustaf  E. :  Sec— 

Eriksson,  Rolf,  and  Bjorklund 

Bjorklund.  Ivan  S..  to  Shell  Oil  Co. 
2,986,278.  5-30-61,  Cl.  209—144. 

BJorkman,  Carl  C.  :  See — 

Duba.  George  A.     2.976,7.11. 

Duba.  George  A.     2.976.752. 
BJorksten.  Johan.     Process  for  forming  a  perforated  thermo 
plastic  sheet.     2,994,108,  8-1-61,  Cl.  18 — 47.5. 

Bjorksten.  Johan  A. :  See —  , 

Fiedler.     Stuart    (>..     Bjorksten.    and    W.     S.     Fiedler 

Fiedler.     Stuart    O.^    Bjorksten.    and    W.     S.    Fiedler 


Centrifugal  separators 


rotary  type. 

to  Twin  Disc 
1-24-61,  Cl. 

Bjorksten  Research  Laboratories,  Inc. :  See — 

Cox,  Robert  P.     2,976,197. 

Cox,  Robert  P.     3,004,956.  „„„„-,o 

Cox.  Robert  P.,  and  Guenther.    2.983,719. 

Drummond.  Warren  W.    2,971.095. 

Lapala.  Risto  P..  and  RennaL     3.006  818. 

Marty.  Wilbert  H.,  and  Diehl.     2,985,222. 

Sinner.  Woodrow  E.     2,982,884. 
Bjorn.  Thomas  E. :  See —  ^   „   ^  -      o  om  -lan 

Allen,  Arthur  C,  Bjorn,  and  Sadoff.     2,991. 39o. 
Bjorncrantz,  Carl  G.,  to  Sears,  Roebuck  and  Co.     VersaUle 

structural    unit.      2,986,283.    5-30-61,    Ch    211—134. 
Blachly,  Donald  L..  to  John  Oster  Mfg.  Co.  ^Readily  separable 
torque  ^transmitting    coupling.       2,992, « 15,     7-1S-61,    Ci. 

Black.rA.  L.,  to  F.  J.  Perrotta.    Reinforced  shoes.    2,990,628, 

7   ii^    ft  1     f  I     Xfi TiS  ^ 

Black,    Clarence    D.,    to    Injection  folding   Co.   ^Sllk    screen 
printing  apparatus  Improvement.     2,Qtl,oJM,  --i4-oi,  ci. 


~"        See — 


2.97fi.924.  I    , 

H.     3,009.656. 
Jr.     2,!t7:{.U;;4. 
cueiuB,  mcuiuu  »».     2,981.224. 
Black.  Cllne.  to  Shell  Oil  Co.     Extractive  distillation  of  aro- 
matic compounds.     2.981.661,  4-25-61,  Cl.  202--39.5. 
Black.  Cline.  to  Shell  Oil  Co.    Extractive  distillation  of  aro- 
matic compounds.     2.981.662.  4-25-61.  Cl.  202—39.5. 
Black.  Cline.  to  Shell  Oil  Co.     Extractive  distillation  of  aro- 
matic compounds.     2,981,663,  4-25-61,  Cl.  202r-39.5. 
Black  and  l>ecker  Mfg.  Co..  The  :   Nrc — 

Atkinson,  George  E.     2,998,830.^ 

Bixler,  John  R.,  and  Howell.    3,003,073.  ^  [ 

Mccarty,  Cioorge  W.     2.996.089.  ^     „^        ' 

Uilev.  Robert  H.,  Jr..  and  Short.    2.995.960. 
Black,  Frank  D.,  Jr. :  See^ 

Moser,  Frank  T.    2,978,996. 
Black.  Herbert  II.  :   Set — 

Frank.  Donald  G.     3.008.445. 
Black,   James  A.      Screen  stencilling  machine. 

2,986,995,  6-6-61,  Cl.  101—123.  ^  ^   „^     , 
Black.  James  B..  R.  W.  Meyer,  and  W.  F.  Shurts. 
Clutch  Co.     Power  transmission.     2.969,131, 

Black.^James  B..  M.  W.  Dnndore.  and  W.  F.  Shurts,  to  Twin 
Disc  Clutch  Co.     Power  transmission.    3,00J,3o6,  10-.i-6i, 

Black.  James  B.,  and  C.  R-Hilpert   to  Twin  Disc  Clutch  Co. 

Power  transmission.     3,002,593,  10-3-61,  Cl.  192—3.2. 
Black.  Jnmes  F. :  See—       ^     „  „,«  .„_ 
Hill.  Max  W.,  and  Black.    2.976,422. 
Hollyday.  William  C.  Jr..  and  Black.     2^9.8.395. 
Black.    James    F..    to    Esso    Research    and    Kn^'lneering    Co. 
Radlo-sulfochlorlnation    of    paraffins.      2.9(4,094,    .l-«-oi. 

Black,"  James  F.  Fireproof  fire  block.  2,994,114,  8-1-61,  Cl. 
20 — 4.  ' 

Black.  James  G.,  Jr. :  See — 

Knutsen,  Wallace  N..  and  Black.    2^77,928  ,  ^     ,. 

Black  James  J.,  to  Trailmobile  Inc.  Reversible  semitrailer 
construction.    2.986.408.  ."5-30-61.  CT.  280—123. 

Black.  James  J.,  to  Trailmobile  Inc.  Air  spring  vehicle  sus- 
pension svstem.     3.00:i.781.  10-10-61,  Cl.  280— 104.D 

Black  James  J.,  to  Trailmobile  Inc.  Interlocking  post  con- 
struction for  rack  body.     3.010.755.  11-28-61    Cl.  296-28. 

Black,  Jan  to  Hughes  Aircraft  Co.  Signal  seeking  receiver. 
2  977  467.  3-28-^n.  Cl.  2.'>0 — 20. 

Bl.Vck  John  F.  Automobile  cooling  system  testing  device. 
3.0i4J?61.   12-26-61.  Cl.  73—40. 

Black.,  i^ohn  O.,  to  Hydro  Space  Technology  Inc.  Propul- 
sion  svstem.      3  011.312,   12-5-61.   Cl.    60    -.19.48^ 

Black.  John  W..  to  Pemco  Wheel  Co.  ^^"nj'f^'-  «pind1e  .nssem- 
blv  and  method  .of  forming  same.  2.976..')62.  3-28-61.  C\. 
ifi ">! 

Black,  "john  W..  to  Pemco  Wheel  Co.  Caster.  2,987,752, 
6-13-61.  Cl.  16 — 44.  ,  .       ^     ,  ^ 

Black  John  W..  to  Pemco  Wheel  Co.  Swivelled  wheelejl 
dollV  with  o^n  frame.    2.990,191,  6-27-61,  Cl.  280-79.1. 

Black.  Lloyd  V. :  See—  ^,     ,       „  ^^_  „.^ 

Jones.  Richard  W..  and  Black.     2.96,. 3. 8. 
Black.    Lloyd   V..   and   J.    B.    Moorhead.   to^PI"8»>urgh   Pme 
Glass    Co.      Tempering    curved    glass    sheets.      3,008.-7^ 
ll_14-r,1,  Cl.  49—89. 
Black."  Richard  G..  to  Westinghouse  Electric  Corp.     Electri- 
cal   components    comprising    resin    cast    inside    a    sneii. 
3,001.004,  9-19-61,  Cl.  174—137. 
Black    Sanford  R.,  to  General  Motors  Corp.     Balancing  ap- 
paratus.     2.980.992.    4-25-61.   Cl.    29—208. 
Black.  Sivalls  &  Hry.'son.  Inc. :   srr  - 
Coflfman.  Robert  S.     2,980.286. 
Erlckson,  Norrls  L..  and  Hansen. 
«:oland.  Martin.     J.OO.'i.O.V. 
Hansson    Alb«'rt  J.     2.984.260. 
Kindler.  Herbert  S.,  and  Halsell. 
Worlev.  Marvin  S.    2.996.142. 
Worlev.  Marvi.i  S.    3,001.6(M. 
Black.  William   A.,  and  J.  S.  Millard,  to  General  Tlme^CorP. 
Miniature  recording  device.    2,9<!7,715.  1-10-61.  Cl.  274—9. 






Black,  WlUiam  B.,  to  The  Chemstrand  Corp.  Solutions  of 
ayntbetlc  linear  poWuretbanes  In  dimetbylsulfoxlde  and 
process  of  making  same.     2,987.494.  &-«-«l,  CI.  260—30.8. 

Black.  William  B.,  to  The  Chemstrand  Corp.  Solution  of  poly- 
pyrrolidone  in  a  mixture  of  l.l.l-trichIoro-3-nltro-2-propa- 

fol  and   water  and   process  of  making  same.      3,003,984. 
0-10-61.  a.  260—29.2.  .      , 

Black.  William  B.,  to  The  Cbemstrand  Corp.  Solution  of  poly- 
pyrrolidone  in  a  mixture  of  chloral  hydrate  and  water,  and 
process  of  making  same.  3.003.985.  10-10-61,  a.  260— 
29.2.  t 

Black,  William  H.,  to  Gator  Lock.  Inc.  Timber  truss  ma- 
chine.    2.906.721.  8-22-Cl.  CI.  1—149. 

Black.  William  T. :  See- 
Bailey.  Donald  L.,  and  Black.    2,975,203. 

Black.  William  T.,  to  Union  Carbide  Corp.  Org.inosillcon 
carbamyl  compounds  ancl  process  for  producing  the  same. 
2.973,383,  2-28-«l.  CI.  200— 448.2. 

Blarkbum.  Alan  B..  to  General  Motors  Corp.  Air  driven 
turbine.     2.907,109.  8-22-(>l.  Cl.  17f)— 08. 

Blarkburn,  Alan  B.,  to  General  Motors  Corp.  Air  driven 
turbine.      ."..Ol.-J.eiS,    12-19-^n.   Cl.    170—68. 

Blackburn,  Andrew  P.,  and  A.  A.  Lukshln,  to  Appleton  Mills. 
Method  of  making;  uniform  papermaker's  felts  with  pre-dyed 
guid*  lines.     3.009.234,  11-21-61.  Cl.  28—75. 

Blackburn,  Andrew  K.,  and  R.  E.  Steele,  to  Ram  Inc.  Treat- 
ment of  permeable  plaster  articles  to  avoid  corrosion  there- 
of.    3,005,733.  10-24-61,  Cl.  134—22. 

Blackburn,  Andrew  R.,  and  B.  E.  Steele,  to  Ram  Inc.  Method 
of  molding  ceramic  ware.    3,010,176,  11-2H-61,  Cl.  25 — 156. 

Blackburn,  Donald  M..  to  John  Lang  &  Sons.  Ltd.  Indexing 
mechanism.     2.972,487.  2-21-61,  Cl.  27»-^5. 

Blackburn  Enjjines  Ltd. :  See —  ! 

Llttleford,  Frank.    3.011.S40. 

Blackburn  and  General  Aircraft  Ltd. :  See — 
Springbam,  John.     2,970,443. 

Blackoarn,  .Milton  K.  Method  and  apapratus  for  treating 
oil  In  oll-lmmer»ed  induction  apparatus*.  3,011.642, 
12-."U»}1,  n.   210 — 128. 

Blackburn.   Walter  L.      Opposed   piston   engine 
9-19-01.  Cl.  123 — 51. 

Blackburn.  Wayne  E.,  and  W.  J.  Wicbman.  to  General  Prp- 
cision.  Inc.  Color  discriminator.  2,982,408.  5-2-61.  Cl. 
209^—1 1 1 

Blackburn,  William  L..  to  Burroueh.^  C'nrp^  Machine  for 
winding  strand  material.     2.973,1.')4.  2-28-61,  Cl.  242 — 4. 

Blacker,  Latham  V.  S.  Reaction-propelled  aerial  and  other 
bodies.     3,007.410,  11-7-61.  Q.  102—49. 

Blackford.  Donald  E. :  See — 

Du   Perow.  Donald   E..  Blackford,  and   Carlson.     3,012,- 

Blaokhall,  James  M.,  to  Automatic  Electric  Laboratories.  Inc. 
Toll  ticketing  telephone  system.  3,007,007.  10-31-61.  Cl. 
17{>— 18. 

Blackhall.  James  M..  to  Automatic  Electric  Laboratories.  Inc. 
Automatic  toll  ticketing  telephone  system.  3.014,987, 
12-26-61.  Cl.   179 — 7.1.. 

Black  Hawk  Co.  :  See— 

Nelson.  Permll  .\.     2,975,518. 

Blackhawk  Mfg.  Co. :  See — 

Atherton.  Nell  h\    2,987.046. 

Ferguson.  Harry  C,  and  Brussock.    2,979,102. 

XeLson.  Permll  X.     2,983.931. 

Nelson.  IVrmll  N'      2.'tO.".  ."STl 

Vallee.  Wendell  L,     2.975.803.        I 

Black ington,  Paul  \.  :  See —  I 

r,rosr,\rf.  StPT>hen  E..  and  Blarkliigton.     2.969.420. 

Blftckman,  Calvin  C.  and  R.  J.  Beemer,  to  L.  Wilson.  -Appa- 
ratus for  supporting  and  handling  colls  of  strip  metal  or 
the  like.     2,988,349,  6-13-61,  Cl.  263 — 3. 

Blackman.  Calvin  C,  K.  J.  Beemer,  and  E  T.  Lorlg,  to 
L.  Wilson.  Strip  calling  apparatus.  3,008,663.  11-14-«1. 
Cl.  242—67.4. 

Blackman,  Charles  K.,  to  De  Kalh  AerlCultural  Association, 
Inc.      Grain  cla*lfler.     2,974.797.  3-14-61,  a.    209—307. 

Blackman.  Edward  L.  Automobiln  panel-opening  construc- 
tion.    2.973.2221.  2-2H-61,  Cl.  296 — 14. 

Blackman,  Moses  :  See — 

Thomson.   George  P..  and  Blackman.     2.993.851. 

Blackman.  Vernon  H.  :  Sre— 

Ducatl,  Adriano  C,  and  Blackman.     Re.  2.">,0S8. 

Blackmer,  Dwlght  W.,  to  Ekco  Products  Co.  Sliding  door 
hanger  assembly.     2,982.988.  5-9-61,  'Cl.  16 — 97. 

Bla(4(mer,  Richard  H..  to  General  Electric  Co.  Internal  com- 
bustion  engine.      2,973.751.   3-7-61,   Cl.    12.3 — 39. 

Blackmer.  Richard  H.,  to  <ieneral  Electric  *'o.  Kuel  cell 
system  with  means  for  prevention  of  damage  by  differen- 
tial gas  pressures.     3.014.976.  12-26-61.  Cl.  136—86. 

Blackmore,  Fred  N..  to  Plastlform  Co.     Planter.     3,009,291. 

11-21-61.  Cl.  47—37. 
Blackstone  Corp. :  See — 

Douglas.  Peyton  W.     2.a9.-..023. 
Blackstone.  Henry,  to  Servo  Corp.  of  America.     Stereo  strip 

camera.     2.969.005.  1-24-61.  Cl.  95 — 12.5. 
Blackstone,    Henry*   and    F.    G.    Willey.    to    Servo    Corp.    of 

America.    Optical  scanning  mechanism.    2.967.211.1-3-61. 

Cl.  178— 6.r: 

Blackstone.  Henry,  to  Servo  Corp.  of  America.  Scanning 
mechanism.     2,997.539.  8-22-61.  Cl.  178—7.6. 

Blackstone.  Inc. :  See — 

Neuman.  Herbert  H.     2,968.447. 

Chick,  and  B.  P.  Cane,  to  Bristol 
SUencers.     2,979,151,  4-11-61,  Cl. 

Ski  binding.    3,007,707,  11-7-61. 


Delivery  elevator 
3,008,710.  11-14- 

Blackwell,  BasU  D..  G.  C. 

Slddeley  Engines  Ltd. 

Blackwell,  ChurchUl  G.,  Jr. 

Cl    280     11 35. 

Blackwell.  George  T.,  Jr.     Adzing  apparatus  cutter  for  rail- 
road  crosstles.      3,005,479,    10-24-61,   Cl.    144 — 134. 
Blackwell,   Jennings  P.,   to  Phillips  Petroleum  Co.     Jet  pro- 
pelled spraying  device.     2,993,648,  7-25-61,  Cl.  239 — 1. 
Blackwell.  Jennings  P.,  to  Phillips  Petroleum  Co.     Sensitized 

ammonium  nitrate  explosive  and  method  of  manufacture. 

3,009,801,  11-21-61.  Cl.  52—19. 
Blackwood.  Robert  K.,  to  Chas.  Pfizer  &  Co..  Inc.     Tetracy- 
cline   derivative*    and    process    of    producing    the    same. 

2,976,318,  3-21-61.  Cl.  260 — 559. 
Blackwood,  Robert  K.,  H.  H.  Eennhard.  J.  J.  Beereboom,  and 

C.  B.  Stephens.  Jr.,  to  Chas.  Pfizer  &  Co.,  Inc.     6-deoxy-6- 

demethyl-6-methylene-5-oxytetracycllne8.     2,984,686,  5-16- 

61.  Cl.  2G0— 559. 
Blacquier.  Eugene  :  See — 

Fltamaurlce,  John  A.,  and  Blacquler.    2,974.254. 
Blafleld.  Roy.     Boiler  and  condenser  tube  tester.     3,012,433. 

12-12-61.  Cl.  73 — 40.5. 
Blaha,  Ell  \^. :  See— 

Sabol.  Albert  R.,  Blaha.  and  Karll. 
Sabol.  Albert  R.,  Blaha,  and  Karll. 
Blaha,  John  F.,  to  Harrls-Intertype  Corp. 

for  printing  press  and  control  therefor. 

61,  Cl.  271—88. 
Blales.  Herbert  O.,  Jr.,  to  General  Motors  Corp.     Shell  type 

molds   and   cores.      3,008,205.   11-14-61,  Cl.    22—193. 
Blain.  .\lbert.  to  Sperry  Rand  Corp.     Wrench  for  printed  cir- 
cuit card  llbrarv  rack.     2.976.510,  3-21-61,  Cl.  330 — 17. 
Blaln,  Albert,  to  Sperry  Rand  Corp.     Memory  plane  wiring 

techniques.    2,978,800,  4-11-61,  Cl.  29—203. 
Blain.  Albert,  to  General  Atronics  Corp.     Educational  device. 

3,009,263.  11-21-61.  Cl.  35—9. 
Blaln,  Willard  E.     Rudder  brake.     3.005,521,  10-24-61,  Cl. 

188 — 5. 
Blaln,  Willard  E.    Chain  column  hoist.    3,012,635.  12-12-61. 

Cl.  187—19. 
Blainev.  Alan,  and  H.  Lloyd,  to  United  States  of  America. 

Atomic  Energy   Commission.     Fuel  elements   for  nuclear 

reactors.     2^2.172,  7-11-61,  Cl.  204—154.2. 
Blair,  Darld  B.,  and  D.  P.  Hynes,  to  Chicago  Forging  and 

Mfg.    Co.      Pipe    coupling    having    sealing   and    anchoring 

means.     2,999,701.  9-12-61.  Cl.  285 — 340. 
Blair.  David  R.,  Jr.,  and  J.  R.  R.van.  to  Hercules  Powder  Co. 

Cartridge  shells  and  method  for  manufacture.     2,997,954. 

8-29-61,  Cl.  102 — 24. 
Blair,  Earl  D. :  See — 

Monthel.  Edward  O.,  and  Blair.    2,973,817. 
Blair,   Edgar  A.,  and  J.   J.   Melchlore,  to  Sun  Oil  Co.     Con- 
version of  acids  to  alcohols  having  one  less  carbon  atom 

and  esters   thereof.     3,013,038.   12-12-61.  Cl.   260 — 410.9. 
Blair.  Etcvl  H..  to  The  Dow  Chemical  Co.     O-aryl  O-lower 

alkyl  phosphorochlorldates.     2,971.974,  2-14-61,  Cl.  260— 

Blair,  Gerald  B..  to  Bausch  &  Lomb  Inc.     Phosphate  glass 

composition      for      dosimeter.      2.999.819,      9-12-61,      Cl 

252 408 

Bl;iir.   George   F.      Stringed  musical  Instrument.     3,014.395 

12-26-61.   Cl.    «4 — 312. 
Blair,  John  W. :  See — 

Price,  Earl  R..  Blair,  and  Davis.     2,991.762. 
Blair,   John  W..  to  The  Bendlx  Corp.     Valve  construction. 

2.989,974.  6-27-61.  Cl.  137—113. 
Blair.   Lloyd  S.,  and  G.  C.   Nonken,  to  General  Electric  Co. 

Method  and  apparatus  for  making  laminated  transformer 

cores.     3.005,737,  10-24-61,  Cl.  148 — 111. 
nialr  Mfg.  Co.,  Inc. :  See — 
Rvan,  Kelly  P.     2,994.388. 
Ryan,  Kelly  P.      3.007.443. 
Blair.  Otis  E.,  to  The  Staset  Co.,  Inc.     Diamond  dressing 

tool.     2,999.493.  9-12-61.  Cl.  125—39. 
Blair.  Robert,  to  Angelo  American  Corp.  of  South  Africa  Ltd. 

Lifting,    lowering    and    hauling.      2.969,854,    1-31-61.    C\. 

187- 7.T 
Blair    Roy  D..  to  The  B.  F.  Goodrich  Co.     Article  of  foot- 

wenr       2.994.972.    8-8-61.   Cl     36 — 2  5. 
Blair.  William  B.    Ski  clamp.    2.999,378.  9-12-61.  Cl.  70—58. 
Blair.  William  C. :  See — 

Worsham.  I.«ster  A.    2.993,704. 
Bin  is.  Maurice  E..  to  St.  Rf»gis  Paper  Co.     Packing  apparatus. 

2.960.629.  1-31-61,  Cl.  53 — 124. 
Blals    Patrick,  V-   to  T.  Lussler.     Saw  chain  opener  having 

,j>lvoted  arms.    2.986.870.  6-6-61,  Cl.  59 — 7. 
Blals.    Ralph   P..   to   Van    Vick   Paper  Box   Co.     Egg  carton 

binder.     3,009,569.  11-21-61.  Cl.  206 — 65. 
Blalsdell.  Arthur  A. :  See — 

Walker.  Richard  M.,  Berkowitz,  Blalsdell,  and  Mistretta. 

Blalsdell,  Edward  I. :  See — 

Crocker.  William  W„  and  Blalsdell.     3,005,489. 

Blaise.  Herman  T.    Drill  Jig.     2.996.9.36.  8-22-61.  <!.  77—^2^ 

Blake,  Charles  L.  Plastic  containing  composition  and  the 
process  of  making  the  same.  2.993,799.  7-25-61,  Cl.  10ft— 

Blake,  Charles  R. :  See — 

Rice,  Jessie  A.    2,970,456. 

Blake.  Edward  J.,  to  The  British  Petroleum  Co.  Ltd.  Prepa- 
ration of  suspension  of  water-soluble  solids  in  oleaginous 
media.     3,013,968,   12-19-61,  Cl.  252—18. 




Fastener    means. 

Blkke,    Praflcls   E.,    F.    H.    Henson.    and    R     P.    Bpyer.    Jr. 

Model    railroad    control    system.      2.974,268,    3-«-61,    CI. 

3J8 ,349 

lUake.  Frederick  H.     Warp  cord   tensing  means  for  looms. 

2.969.813.  1-31-61.  CI.  139—104.      ^       ,  _.        ,  .       . 

Blake.  Homer  A.,  to  Bell  Telephone  Laboratories.  Inc.    Loud- 
speaker system.     ^,998,961.  7-25-61;  CI.  179—115.5. 
Blake.  James  A. :  See — _     ^  .  „.   . 

Richeson.  William  E.,  Jr.,  and  Blake 
Blake,  John  D. :  Rce —  ,        „„„..«„^ 

Guth.  Fred  H..  and  Blake.    2,974,235. 
Blake.    John    T..    to    ScoviU    Mfg.    Co. 

2.969.574.  1-31-61.  CI.  24 — 219.  ^     „^  „       *         ^ 

Blake,    Leslie    R..    to    The    British    Thomson-Houston    Co. 

Dvnamo-Electric  machines.     2.987.001.  6-6-61.  CI.  103— 1. 
BlaJte,  Leslie  B..  to  The  British  Thomaon-Hourton  Co.  Ltd. 

Pumping  apparatus.     2,988,000.  6-13-61,  CI.  103—1. 
Blake,   Leslie   R.,  to  The  British  Thomson-Houston  Co.   Ltd. 

Dynamo-electric  machines.     3.007,413,  11-7-61.  CI.  103— 1. 
Blake,   Leslie  H.,   to  The  British  Thomson-Houston  Co.  Ltd. 

Dvnamo  electric  machines.    3,008,418, 11-14-61,  CI.  lOS-l. 
Blake,  Minden  V.     Grading  articles  by  weight.     2,979.201, 

Blake,  Nea'l  a!.  and  K.  N.  Fromm.  to  Inter°at»onft' Telephone 
and  Telegraph  Corp.  Flat-copy  scanner.  2,96 (,906.  1-10- 
61,  CI.  178—7.1. 

*  Irvldsonr  Harold  C,  Jr.,  and  Blake.     2,999,839. 

Blake.  Norman,  to  E.  I.  du  Pont  de  Nemours  and  Co  Con- 
ducting textryls.     2.993.816.  7-25-61,  C\.  117—226. 

Blake.  .Vorman.  and  H.  W.  rilll.  Jr..  to  E.  I.  du  l^ont  de 
Nemours  and  Co.     Polymeric  azo  dye.     2,994.693,  8-1-61. 

Blake.  Norman;  G.  Daendllker,  and  W.  H.  Holsteln,  Jr.,  to 
B  i  du  Pont  de  Nemours  and  Co.  Stabilization  of  dyes 
by  the  use  of  ultraviolet  light-absorbing  metal  chelates. 
3,008.858,  11-14-61,  CI.  164—2.77.  ^  ^     ^ 

Blake,  Richard  F.,  to  Specialties  Development  Corp.  System 
for  supplying  controlled  frequency  power..  2,967,25  J, 
1-3-61.  CI.  307 — 151.  .    „  ^    .        .         ,wT 

Blake.  Theodore  V.,  to  United  States  of  America.  Navy. 
Sound  inipedance  joint  for  torpedo.     2,977,919.  4-4-01,  CI. 

Ill  _    OQ 

Blake''^  Thomas  G..   to  Olln  Mathleson  Chemical  Corp.     Ex- 
plosive.    2.982,040.  5-2-61.  CI.  52— 0. 
Blake.  William  M.,  to  Moore  Oregon  Lumber  Co.     Automatic 

lumber     sorter     and     stacker.     3,006,468,     10-31-61.     CI. 

209—90.  ^     ,  -  . , 

Blakeley,  Richard  H.     Blind  fastener  having  an  expandable 

nut    drawn    into    endwise    abutment    with    work    surface. 

2,971,425,  2-14-61,  CI.  85—40.   „,  „  tt  .,     *» 

Blakely,  Robert  E.,  to  Symington  Wayne  Corp.     House  draft 

gear     with     Inbuilt     plunger.     2,986,286,     5-30-61,     CI. 

2 1 3 30 

Blakely.  Robert  T.,  to  International  Business  Machines  Corp. 

I'roiiortional  space  recording  devices.     3,006,259,  10-31-01, 

CI.  9.1 — 1.5. 
Blakeslee,  G.  S.,  &  Co. :  See — 
Cumming,  John.    2,981,401. 
Jackson.  Thomas  W.     2.978.229. 
Blalack,  Orville  A.     Shoe  shine  stand 

f^i    ^K 265 

Blan'chard     Andre,    to    Schlumberger   Well    Surveying   Corp. 

Borehole  testing  method  and  apparatus.     2,983,586,  5-9- 

Blan'chardTPloyd  W.   Remotely  controlled  toy  boat.   2,991.587, 

Blanchard,'  Melbourne' K.,  to  A.  O.  Smith  Corp.     Method  of 

making  a  thermopile.     2,983,031,  5-9-61,  CI.  29—155.5. 
Blanchard,  Robert  L.     Friction  device.     2,992,845.  7-18-61, 

Blanchard.  Roswell  W..  to  Worcester  Taper  Pin  Co      K^nP"" 

ratlng  i>07.7.1e  for  a  liquid  fuel  burning  torch.     2.974, <23. 

.3-14-61.  CI.  158—27.4.  „,^„,^„  .^^ 

I'.lanchard.  Vernon  W.,  to  E    I.  dn  Pont  de  Nemours  and  Co. 

Lippmann  emulsi